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(Updated: 2023/04/03)

About the journal


Basic information


The aim of the Rio Grande do Sul Dental Journal (RGO) is to disseminate and promote the exchange of information in the various areas of dental research, providing the national and international scientific communities with a formal channel of communication and thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

Created in 1953, the RGO is a quarterly publication. The quarterly volumes are issued in March, June, September and December.

The abbreviated title of the journal is RGO, Rev Gaúch. Odontol., a format which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographical captions.



Indexing sources

  • Brazilian Dentistry Bibliography (BBO)
  • Chemical Abstracts - CAS
  • Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • EMCare
  • Index to Dental Literature
  • Latindex
  • Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature - LILACS
  • CAPES Journal Portal (nb CAPES is the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education)
  • Ulrich’s Directory Periodicals


Intellectual property


All of the content of the journal, except where stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons License of the BY type of attribution.





The journal receives no funding.




Editorial Board





Assistant editors



Associate editors



Managing editor

  • Samanta Capeletto (Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic - SLM, Campinas, SP, Brasil)


Editorial board





Editorial Production 

Fomatting and Revision – Librarian

  • Samanta Capeletto (Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic - SLM, Campinas, SP, Brasil)

Admin support:

  • Karolina Araújo Oliveira (Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic - SLM, Campinas, SP, Brasil)



Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Journal's editorial policy

The RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (RGO) is a specialized journal that aims to publish scientific articles from all areas of dental research, providing scientific communities worldwide with a formal communication channel and thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

There is no fee for submission and evaluation of articles.


All articles must be submitted electronically on <> page.

Any other form of submission will not be accepted.

At the time of submission, please ensure that you have the following documents: (1) The article (complete file in Word format, including cover sheet, abstract, abstract, text, references and illustrations); (2) The illustrations (in an editable file, in the formats accepted by the magazine); (3) All documentation required by the journal (duly signed by all authors).

Manuscripts may be rejected without detailed comments after an initial analysis by at least two RGO editors if the articles are deemed to be inappropriate for the scope of the journal or to have insufficient scientific priority for publication.

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is mandatory for all authors.

Public access policy

RGO permits public access to all its contents - Open Access, which is safeguarded by the Creative Commons License (CC-BY).

The RGO, Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia, in compliance with open Science alignment, supports the use of preprint serves, such as SciELO preprints and accepts manuscripts which have been previoulsy shared in a reliable preprint server.

Social networks

The RGO, Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia, with a view to further dissemination of its contents, asks the authors to kindly make their manucripts available on social networks, such as those listed below, after publication on SciELO's website: -
Mendeley -
ResearchGate -
Google Scholar -

Ethical considerations

Conflict of interest

Authors: the authors must declare any potential conflict of interest, be it financial or non-financial, either direct or indirect, as well as and conflict of interest with ad hoc referees.

Ad hoc Reviewers: should there be a conflict of interest relating to referees, the Editorial Committee will forward the manuscript onto a different ad hoc referee.

Authors should indicate three possible reviewers for the manuscript with their e-mail addresses and the institutions to which they are affiliated. Optionally, they can indicate three reviewers whom they would rather their work was not sent to.

Studies in vivo

Research results or case reports description related to humans and animals must be accompanied by a copy of Research Ethics Committee opinion approval.

Reports from Clinical Trials

Articles reporting the results of clinical studies should include an identification number from one of the Clinical Trials Registers validated by the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), whose addresses are available from the ICMJE website. The identification should be recorded at the end of the abstract.


The Journal will check submitted articles for plagiarism, using a detection tool once the peer review process is complete.

Research data storage and information

The RGO, Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia encourages authors to share all data in the manuscript, whenever possible or even along with its submission.  Authors must make the underlying content available in a data repository or more than one in case of different files and content. Authors may choose to keep these files closed until the article has been approved and published. They may also request to keep them closed after publication for reasons that the journal may or may not accept.  

In order to ensure full data transparency the RGO, Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia, requires that the authors declare that, for data not available in public repositories, thse must be available upon request.



Manuscript assessment process


Any original papers failing to comply with the guidelines published herein, including formatting inconsistencies, will be returned even before they are evaluated as to the merit of the work and the suitability for publication. The response will itemize the reasons for returning the article.

Manuscripts will only move forward in the submission process if they comply with the Instructions to Authors. Otherwise, they will be returned to the authors for adjustments, addition of missing documents, etc.

Pre-analysis: the evaluation is performed by the Editors based on originality, scope, quality and relevance of the manuscript to the area of Dentistry.

Once approved at this stage, manuscripts will then be forwarded to ad hoc reviewers by the editorial. Each manuscript will be sent to three reviewers who are regarded as authorities in their subject. In the event of any disagreement, the original manuscript will be sent to a third referee. Manuscripts that are deemed unsuitable for publication in the RGO by the Editorial Board or the ad hoc reviewers will be returned to the authors definitively.

The peer review process is the blind single review, where authorship is known to reviewers, however, the authors do not to know the reviewers' names. Manuscript analysis does not suffer any influence once the authors' names are deliberately omitted. The same way the authors, although informed about the current method, do not know who is responsible for examining their work. If the reviewers find conflict of interest, the Editorial Board will forward the manuscript to another ad hoc reviewer.   The consultants' opinions include three possibilities: a) approval; b) recommendation for a new analysis; c) refusal. In any of three cases, the author will be notified.

The final decision on whether the manuscript should be published is the responsibility of the editors, who reserve the right to carry out any adjustments they feel appropriate. If a problem with the wording is detected, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for appropriate ammendments. The revised manuscript should be resubmitted by the specified deadline.

Accepted manuscripts: Accepted manuscripts may be returned to authors for approval of eventual changes, in the process of publishing and formatting, according to the style of the Journal.


PDF proofs will be sent to the authors for verification of the final artwork. The proofs must be returned to the Journal by the deadline (48 hours). Modifications of sentences or paragraphs will not be permitted.

Only minor corrections are allowed at this stage, such as minor spelling mistakes or numeric data adjustments in tables and chars.



Manuscript preparation


Article categories

The Journal only accepts articles written in English (American or British) in a conventional paper format, which consists of a title, abstract and keywords, which may also be published in their original language as well as in Portuguese, in addition the following categories. In order to ensure quality and uniformity of texts translated into English, translations must be carried out by certified experienced professionals.

a) Original article: contributions of an experimental, conceptual or empirical nature designed to publish the results of new research studies taking into consideration the relevance of the subject, the scope and the knowledge generated for the area of the study;

b) Review (by invitation): critical appraisal of the available knowledge on a particular subject, by means of analysis and interpretation of pertinent studies, including discussion topics on the limitations and scope of the methods reported, permitting an indication of perspectives for future studies in that line of research. Up to two such studies will be published in every issue;

c) Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

When synthesizing the findings from primary studies, be they qualitative and/or quantitative, this type of manuscript should answer a specific question, be limited to 30,000 characters including spaces, and follow the sequence proposed by PRISMA - Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes: The PRISMA Statement, PLoS Med 2009; 6: e1000097.doi: 10.1136 / bmj.b2535.). The manuscript should provide detail of how the original studies were searched and retrieved, the criteria for selecting the studies included in the review and a summary of the results obtained from the reviewed studies (with or without a meta-analysis). There is no limit to the amount of references and figures. Tables and figures, if included, should present the characteristics of the reviewed studies, the interventions that were compared and their results. The studies excluded from the review should be given a reason for exclusion. Further relevant tables and figures to the review should be presented as described previously. The abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words.

d) Communication: an account of novel information on relevant topics, supported by recent research, acting as an introduction to the topic or an update thereof;

e) Case reports: these are articles describing novel or rare data based on one or more cases, exploring a method or problem using examples. Case reports usually include demogaphic characteristics of the individual or animal under study, such as gender, socioeconomic level and age, amongst others, bearing in mind the new contribution that such report will bring to science and/or clinicians.

Manuscript presentation

The text should be typed in Arial font size 12 with a line space of 1.5 cm. The page set-up should be A4 with left and top margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm.

Articles should contain a maximum of 30 references, except in the case of review articles, which may contain up to 50. Whenever a reference contains the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number, this should be provided.

The elements of the text should be set out in the sequence described below:

Title page

a) Specialty or research area: This should allow the reader to immediately identify the specialist area associated to the manuscript.

b) full title in Portuguese, English; it should be concise and avoid excessive wording, such as “evaluation of...”, “considerations concerning...”, “exploratory study”, with no abbreviations, acronyms or location

c) Suggest a short title in English and Portuguese for the header with no more than 50 characters with spaces.

d) full name of all authors, Please do not abbreviate first name. The journal considers a maximum of 6 authors per manuscript. Nevertheless, additional authors may be accepted should there be reasonable justification, based on the complexity of the study.

e) current institutional affiliation, with no abbreviations or acronyms, including town, state and country of all authors with full mailing address. DO NOT INCLUDE the author's titles (DDS, MSc, PhD, etc.) or position (Professor, Graduate student, etc.).The institutions names and programs must be presented in full as well as in the institution's official language.

f) Indicate the full address of the institution of the corresponding author. Observation: this should be the only part of the text that identifies the authors.

g) please provide email addresses for all authors

h) Please inform the contribution made by each of the authors to the article. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions, such Project mangement, formal analysis, conceptualization, data curation, writing - such as the first writing, review and editing; research, methodology, fundraising resources, software, supervision, validation and visualization. The inclusion of authors whose contribution does not fit the above criteria is not justified and may, in this case, appear in the section Acknowledgments. Write the contribution in the language that the article will be published.

i) Please inform the authors ORCID®. Should any author have no ORCID, please register using the following link <>.


All articles should contain an abstract in Portuguese and in English with a minimum of 150 and maximum of 250 words.

It must not contain citations or abbreviations. Indexing terms: a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 keywords are mandatory, which should be based on the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) by the National Library of Medicine (NIH), the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) by BIREME (for abstracts in Portuguese)or Medical Subject Heading (MeSH).

For original articles, abstracts should be structured by highlighting the objectives, basic methods employed, information on the study’s location, population and sampling, results and the most significant conclusions, considering the objectives of the study. For abstracts from studies in categories other than original research, the abstract format should be narrative, following a similar structure; c)


Should be short and clearly define the problem situation onto which the study was based, summarizing the importance of the research performed and highlighting the gaps in the knowledge, which will be addressed in the article. It should contain an up-to-date review of the literature pertinent to the topic, adapted to the presentation of the problem, and which emphasizes its relevance.


Should be presented in sufficient detail to permit the observations to be corroborated, including the procedures employed, the population and sample; measurement tools and, where applicable, the validation and the statistical methods used.

As far as the statistical analysis is concerned, the authors must demonstrate that the procedures used were not only appropriate for testing the hypotheses of the study but also that they have been correctly interpreted. The levels of statistical significance (e.g. p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001) should be mentioned.

Accurately identify all medication and chemical substances used, including generic names, doses and routes of administration. Scientific terms should be typed in full rather than their corresponding short form symbols or abbreviations, e.g. names of chemical compounds and elements and the binary combinations of microbiological, zoological and botanical nomenclature. The generic names of products are preferable to their respective commercial brand names, always followed (in parentheses) by the name of their manufacturer, the city and country where they were manufactured, separated by commas.

State that the research study was approved by an accredited Ethics Committee in Reseach, providing ethics approval registration/protocol number.

When giving accounts of experiments using animals, please ensure that the policies of institutional or national research councils or any national laws relating to the care and use of laboratory animals were observed.


Should be presented objectively with the minimum possible discussion or personal interpretation, accompanied by tables and/or adequate illustrations, whenever necessary. Do not repeat in the text all the data already shown in the illustrations and tables. Statistical data should be submitted to appropriate analysis.


Any tables, figures, charts, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, plans, pictures, etc., are used as illustrations to enhance the presented data. It is imperative to provide information regarding the source and year of the cited studies from which the illustrations were obtained. Figures must not cotain the same data presented as tables or data already described in the text.

The total number of illustrations accepted per article is 6 (six), including all aforementioned types.

The illustrations should be inserted after the References and also sent separately in the program they were created, using the submission platform.

The illustrations must be editable and the following editing programs are supported: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7 and Word. If you choose to use another program, please use the standard Frutiger font, font size 7.

Images must be provided in high resolution (600 dpi or higher).

Graphs and drawings should be generated in vector drawing programs (Microsoft Excel, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, etc.), accompanied by their quantitative parameters in table format and with all variables described.

Graphs displayed with gridlines are not supported, and elements such as bars and circles must not contain 3-D features.

The authors are responsible for the quality of the illustrations, which should allow size reduction without loss of definition, respecting the following measurements:

Portrait format: one column (7.5cm); two columns (15cm). Landscape format: one column (22 x 7.5cm); two columns (22 x 15cm).

Each illustration should be given a brief and concise title, numbered consecutively and independently, with Arabic numerals, according to the order of mention in the text. The tables should have no side borders.

Charts must contain the title of all axes.

All tables columns must have headers.

The words Figure, Table and Annex, appearing in the text, must be written with the first capital letter and accompanied by the number to which they refer. Suggested places for insertion of figures and tables should be indicated in the text.

Include explanatory notes whenever necessary. If there is any specific acronym or highlight (such as the use of bold, asterisk, etc), this should described/explained as footnotes.

In case of illustrations published elsewhere, it is mandatory to include a document stating permission by the original authors for use, and those must be appropriately cited.

The use of color images is recommended and has no publication costs to the authors.


The discussion must properly and objectively explore the results under the light of other observations already published in the literature.


Present the relevant conclusions, considering the objectives of the work, and indicate ways to continue the study. Bibliographical citations will not be accepted in this section.


Should be objective and limited to mentioning individuals or oganizations that have made an important contribution to materializing the study, such as funding agencies, technicians, donations, etc. A short paragraph (approximately 3 lines long) is acceptable.


Should only be included when essential to an understanding of the text. It will be the responsibility of the editors to ultimately determine whether they are necessary.

Abbreviations and initials

Should be used in a standardized form, being limited to only those conventionally used or sanctioned by use, accompanied by their full meaning when first cited in the text. They should not be used in the title or the abstract.


Should be consecutively numbered observing the order in which they are mentioned for the first time in the text, the Vancouver referencing style. For references with up to six authors, all of them should be cited; for more than six authors, the first six should be cited, followed by the Latin expression et al.

The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the List of Journals Indexed inIndex Medicus and printed without the use of bold type, italics or underlines, the same presentation being used for all references.

At least 80% of the references must have been published within the last five years in indexed journals, and 20% within the last two years.

Citations or references to dissertations, theses and unpublished work (lecture notes, workshops, etc.) must be avoided. References to textbooks should be kept to a minimum as they reflect the opinion of the respective authors and/or editors. Only references to the most recent textbooks will be accepted. If unpublished work by one of the manuscript’s authors is cited (i.e. an article in press), it will be necessary to include the acceptance letter from the journal that is to publish the article referenced.

When the cited document has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, it must be informed, without the date of access to the content (see examples of electronic material). The prefix https: // / ... should be used

Bibliographical citations in the text

Bibliographical citations in the text: should be displayed in numerical order, in Arabic numerals, inside brackets (example: [1], [2], [3]) after quotation, and should appear in the list of references.. In case of two authors, both should be cited between the “and” symbol & (e.g. Jones & Carlsberg); should the reference include more than two authors, the first author is cited followed by the expression et al.

The accuracy and adequacy of the references to works which have been queried and mentioned in the text are the responsibility of the authors. All those authors whose works are cited in the text should be listed in the References section.



Ledonio CG, Burton DC, Crawford CH 3rd, Bess RS, Buchowski JM, Hu SS, et al. Current evidence regarding diagnostic imaging methods for pediatric lumbar spondylolysis: a report from the scoliosis Research Society Evidence-Based Medicine Committee. Spine Deform. 2017 Mar;5(2):97-101. doi: 10.1016/j.jspd.2016.10.006

Scott RA. Capital allowances for dentists. Br Dent J. 2012;212(5):254. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2012.218


Sapp P, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Patologia bucomaxilofacial contemporânea. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Santos; 2012.

Book chapter

Corrêa FNP, Alvarez JÁ, Bönecker MJS, Corrêa MSNP, Pinto ACG. Impacto psicossocial e funcional da reabilitação bucal. In: Bönecker MJS, Pinto ACG (Org.). Estética em odontopediatria: considerações clínicas. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2011. p. 29-34.

Text in electronic format

World Health Organization. Malaria elimination: a field manual for low and moderate endemic countries. Geneva, 2007. [cited 2007 Dec 21]. Available from: .

Legal Document

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria n. 2051/GM, de 08 novembro de 2001. Novos critérios da norma brasileira de comercialização de alimentos para lactentes e crianças de primeira infância, bicos, chupetas e mamadeiras. Diário Oficial da Republica Federativa do Brasil, Brasília (DF); 2001 nov 9; Seção 1:44.

For more examples, please refer to the norms by the Committee of Medical Journals Editors (Vancouver).



Manuscript submission


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically, according to the instructions available on <>.





At the time of submission, the authors must submit the following documentation together with the manuscript:

1) Cover Letter

2) Clinical Trial Registration Statement, validated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and inclusion of the registration number at the end of the summary (where applicable).

3) Copy of the Research Ethics Committee approval (where applicable).

4) Certificate of Translation.

5) Open Science Compliance form

All authors should sign the documents, which must be uploaded on the ScholarOne platform, Step 6 of the submission.

No photos of signatures will be accepted. Only scanned or electronic signatures are allowed to prevent fraudulent submissions. PDF is preferrable.




Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic R. José Rocha Junqueira, 13, 13045-755 Campinas/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil