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Supplementation strategies for ewes during gestation and lactation


Concentrated supplementation of ewes is a strategy to increase productivity. The objective was to evaluate the effects of supplementation in the diet of ewes before, during and in the final third of pregnancy and lactation on, the performance and production and composition of colostrum and milk. Forty animals were distributed in a completely randomized design, into the following treatments: CONT = control treatment with mineral salt supplementation only, SSREPRO = supplementation started 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol, SSPREG = suplementação a partir da confirmação da gestação (60 days after ES), and SEPREG = supplementation in the third end of pregnancy (90 days after ES). Supplementation adoption changed (P < 0.05) the intake of organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, the percentage of total digestible nutrients, and digestibility of dry matter, acid detergent fiber, non-fiber carbohydrates, and ether extract with their respective intake, in addition to colostrum and milk production and composition and animal performance. No difference (P > 0.05) was observed for organic matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber digestibility and total digestible nutrient intake. Thus, supplementation in the final third of pregnancy may result in heavier lambs at weaning, reduction in slaughter time.

Key words
production colostrum; production milk; production sheep; sheep performance; ruminant nutrition


Adequate supplementation for pregnant ewes is a nutritional strategy that impacts the sheep production system, such as obtaining healthy lambs (Silva et al. 2019SILVA NC, GASPAR RC, CHAVES AS, GERASEEV LC, ATHAYDE AL & CROCOMO LF. 2019. Morphometric measurements of sheep fed with increasing levels of sunflower meal. Acta Sci. Ani Sci 41: 2-7.). Nutritional techniques, such as flushing, are strategies used to increase fertility. Flushing consists of the increase in nutritional intake, mainly with energy feeds, before mating, aiming to increase the ovulation rate (Valentim et al. 2016VALENTIM R, RODRIGUES I, MONTENEGRO T, SACOTO S, AZEVEDO J & GOMES MJ. 2016. Reproductive management in sheep and goats. 6. Food Flus Agro 20: 12-15.).

In a study carried out by Brondani et al. (2020)BRONDANI WC, SILVEIRA FA, LEMES JS, EVANGELHO LA & FERREIRA OGL. 2020. Gestational supplementation in the production of sheep and lamb wool. Braz Arc of Vet Med Zoot 72: 977-984. ewes that received food supplementation throughout the gestational period had higher body weight, differing from the other experimental treatments. This result indicates that the nutritional supply promoted by supplementation met the physiological needs of the animals, which did not need to overload the body for its physiological maintenance.

Birth weight is the biggest influence on the survival of lambs in the first days of life, and low birth weight is associated with increased mortality and reduced postnatal growth (Oldham et al. 2011OLDHAM CM, THOMPSON AN, FERGUSON MB, GORDON DJ, KEARNEY GA & PAGANONI BL. 2011. The birthweight and survival of Merino lambs can be predicted from the profile of liveweight change of their mothers during pregnancy. An Prod Scie 51: 776-783.). Geraseev et al. (2006)GERASEEV LC, PEREZ JRO, CARVALHO PA, PEDREIRA BC & ALMEIDA TRV. 2006. Effects of pre and postnatal restrictions on the growth and performance of Santa Inês lambs from weaning to slaughter. Braz Zootec Maga 35: 237-244. evaluated the performance of lambs born to ewes undergoing energy restriction at the end of gestation and found negative results for the birth weight of lambs (males and females) when their mothers were submitted to a diet that met only 60% of energy requirements. The significant reduction observed in the birth weight of male (30.5%) and female (17.8%) lambs revealed the importance of adopting an adequate nutritional level for pregnant ewes, especially during the final third of gestation.

Colostrum is the main feed source for lambs. It is essential for establishing passive immunity and, therefore, is one of the most important recommendations within the set of herd health measures to be applied to newborns (C.B. Silva et al. 2018, unpublished data). Colostrum essentiality comes from the fact that it has high concentrations of antibodies and immunoglobulins, which provide immunological protection until the animal’s immune system becomes active (Hernández-Castellano et al. 2015HERNÁNDEZ-CASTELLANO LE, NUEZ AMD, MACÍAS DS, INDIAS IM, TORRES A, CAPOTE J & CASTRO N. 2015. The effect of colostrum source (goat vs. sheep) and timing of the first colostrum feeding (2h vs. 14h after birth) on body weight and immune status of artificially reared newborn lambs. Jour Dair Sci 98: 204-210.).

Campos et al. (2019)CAMPOS NRF, DIFANTE GS, RANGEL AHN, URBANO SA, NETO JVE, COSTA ABG, NETTO RTC, RIBEIRO PHC & BEZERRA JI. 2019. Supplementation strategies and their effects on ewes colostrum and milk compositions in the initial third lactation period. Seminar: Agri Sci 40: 1535-1542. evaluated colostrum and milk composition in the initial third of lactation of ewes kept on pasture receiving different types/levels of supplement and observed that the different types of supplementations did not change the colostrum composition of crossbred Santa Inês ewes but showed influence on milk composition.

Feeding is one of the most striking points among those that can influence milk production. Lactation is a phase of high nutritional requirement for the animal, demanding the supply of balanced diets to meet its requirements, as a diet with low levels of nutrients essential to life can lead to a decrease in productivity, with variations in the composition and quality of both colostrum and milk (Natel et al. 2013NATEL AS, SIQUEIRA ER, MEIRELES PR, MARTINS MB, ALMEIDA MT & FERNANDES S. 2013. Effect of inclusion of NDF in ration of Bergamasca ewes in lactation about the milk production and composition. IOSR Jour of Agri Vet Sci 2: 19-23.).

The sugarcane used as a forage resource for ruminants is one of the alternatives to minimize the inadequate nutrition of animals, especially in periods of drought. Sugarcane structural carbohydrates are a potential source of low-cost energy for feeding these animals. However, such potential is limited due to its low digestibility and degradation rate, with the consequent low voluntary intake (Wilkins et al. 1999WILKINS RJ, SYRJÃLÃ-QVIST L & BOLSEN KK. 1999. In: Pauly T (Ed), Silage production in relation to animal performance, animal health, meat and milk quality. In: XII Inter Sil Conf, Uppsala, Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, p. 23-40.).

Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementation in the diet of ewes before, during, and in the final third of gestation and lactation, on the animal performance and colostrum and milk production and composition.


The experimental procedures were approved by the Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CEUA) of the Universidade Federal de Brasília under protocol number 10/2019. The experiment was conducted between January and November 2019 at Fazenda Água Limpa of the Universidade de Brasília (FAL/UnB).

Animals, feed and management

Forty pregnant crossbred Santa Inês x Dorper ewes plus two reserves were used. The ewes were distributed in a randomized design, according to age, weight, and body score, with four treatments and 10 replications. The ewes were maintained on a pasture with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, in an area of five hectares divided into seven paddocks, where the animals grazed together to remove the effect of pasture. Supplements formulated according to NRC (2007)NRC - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 2007. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants. Nat Acad Pre, Washington, DC, 362 p. were provided daily at 4 pm in an amount equivalent to 1% of body weight (BW), being adjusted every 15 days, when the ewes were weighed. The animals were confined in stalls, where they received supplementation according to the treatment. After consumption, they were kept in the same pen with water ad libitum, where they spent the night. The supplements were not isoproteic, but the metabolizable energy requirements were different due to the stage of gestation (Table I).

Table I
Centesimal and nutritional composition of concentrate, pasture (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), and sugarcane in the natural matter (%) supplied to ewes during gestation and lactation.

The treatments consisted of CONT = control treatment with mineral salt supplementation only, SSREPRO = supplementation started 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol, SSPREG = suplementação a partir da confirmação da gestação (60 days after ES), and SEPREG = supplementation in the third end of pregnancy (90 days after ES). The ewes were identified with paint on the back according to their treatment aiming to generate less stress. The animals were synchronized with the presence of a Dorper ram, causing the effect of male with release pheromones to stimulate estrus at the beginning of the breeding season. Oil and powder paint were used in the breast region of the sire to control which sheep were covered. Natural mating was used at the proportion of one male for every 50 females. Gestation was diagnosed about 55 days after mating using an Aloka 500 ultrasound device (Aloka Co. Ltd., Japan) coupled to a 5 MHz linear transducer positioned in the rectal region.

After giving birth, the ewes were housed in farrowing stalls equipped with buckets for water and troughs for roughage, concentrates, or protein salt, according to the treatments. The experimental diets were based on sugarcane and a concentrate mixture with soybean meal, corn, urea, mineral mixture, and protein mineral salt (Table I), balanced according to the NRC (2007)NRC - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 2007. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants. Nat Acad Pre, Washington, DC, 362 p. recommendations for lactating sheep. The experimental period lasted 60 days, with 10 days for adaptation to the facilities and diets. The supplied diets allowed 15% leftovers. Diets and leftovers were weighed daily and sampled weekly to obtain a composite sample from each experimental diet for further analysis. Leftovers were sampled at the proportion of 35% of the total daily amount supplied to each animal. All samples were properly packaged and stored in a freezer (−20°C) for further bromatological analyses.

Weight variation and body score condition

Performance was evaluated by weighing all dams at the beginning of the experimental period to obtain the initial live weight and every 15 days to obtain the average daily weight gain (ADG, g/animal/day), which was calculated by the difference in animal weight between weighings divided by the number of days between each weighing. The total weight gain (TG, kg/animal) was obtained by the sum of all weight gains up to the weaning day.

The body condition score was determined by palpations of the spine after the last rib, above the kidney region, according to the methodology described by Osório & Osório (2005)OSÓRIO JCS & OSÓRIO MTM. 2005. Sheep meat production: In vivo and carcass evaluation techniques. Pelotas, p. 670-672.. Values from 1 to 5 were assigned, with 1 corresponding to animals excessively thin and 5 to excessively fat animals. Intermediate values in variations of 0.25 were also considered.

Nutrient intake and digestibility

DM intake was determined by the difference the amount of DM provided and the DM of leftovers. Nutrient intake was calculated based on its relationship with DM and its levels in feed and leftovers.

Nutrient digestibility (ND) was obtained by the following formula: ND = (DM intake x % Nutrient) − (excreted DM x % Nutrient) x 100] / (DM intake x % Nutrient).

The content of total digestible nutrients (TDN) was calculated considering the intake and fecal excretion of nutrients, using the equation: TDN (%) = DCP + DEE x 2.25 + DNDF + DNFC, where CPD is the digestible crude protein, DEE is the digestible ether extract, DNDF is the digestible neutral detergent fiber, and DNFC is the digestible non-fiber carbohydrate (NRC 2001NRC - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 2001. Nutrient of requirements of dairy cattle. 7. ed. Washington, D.C.: Nat Acad Pre, 362 p.).

Colostrum production and composition

Colostrum production was measured after parturition at the colostrum stage (0 to 12 h postpartum) and determined by the indirect method of double weighing. The lambs were weighed individually in the case of a on a digital scale before breastfeeding and immediately taken to breastfeeding until satiety when they were weighed again. The difference between the weight of the lambs before and after suckling corresponds to the amount of colostrum produced by the ewe (Fernandes et al. 2009FERNANDES MAM, MONTEIRO ALG, BARROS CS, FERNANDES SR, SILVA MGB & FERREIRA FS. 2009. Methods for evaluation of sheep milk production. Braz Agro Magaz 15: 17-22.).

Colostrum collections were performed two times, with a pool of jets from both teats not exceeding the volume of 50–60 mL per collection in each female, using collection cups with lids with a maximum volume of 80 mL. The first collection occurred immediately after parturition and the second one 12 hours later. The flasks were identified and stored in a freezer at −20°C for later analysis of the concentration of fat, protein, lactose, total and defatted dry extract, somatic cell count, urea, and casein. The centesimal composition was measured using the mid-infrared absorption spectrometry technique – MID. Somatic cell count (SCC) was measured by flow cytometry and urea by infrared absorption spectrometry.

Milk production and composition

Milk production was measured every fifteen days after the colostrum stage and determined by the indirect method of double weighing. The lambs were weighed individually in the case of a on a digital scale before breastfeeding and immediately taken to breastfeeding until satiety when they were weighed again. The difference between the weight of the lambs before and after suckling corresponds to the amount of milk produced by the ewe (Fernandes et al. 2009FERNANDES MAM, MONTEIRO ALG, BARROS CS, FERNANDES SR, SILVA MGB & FERREIRA FS. 2009. Methods for evaluation of sheep milk production. Braz Agro Magaz 15: 17-22.).

The procedures were carried out during the following eight weeks, and the lambs were maintained separated from the ewes eight hours before the first weighing and the eight-hour interval between weighings until the 24 hours of the day were completed. The amount of milk in kg was obtained by the sum of the daily production. Likewise, individual samples of 100 mL of milk were collected in the morning every two weeks and placed in containers with bronopol (preservative) to determine the contents of fat, lactose, protein, and total and defatted solids. Milk chemical composition was determined in Bentley 2000 equipment (Bentley Instruments Inc.) by infrared spectroscopy. The total solids (TS) concentration was estimated by the Fleischmann formula, in which TS = 1.2 * % Fat + 2.665 [(100 * Density − 100) / Density].

Bromatological analysis

Samples of the supplied diet, leftovers, and feces were pre-dried in a forced-air ventilation oven at 55°C and ground in a Willey mill with a 1-mm diameter opening sieve to determine the dry matter (DM; AOAC 2005AOAC - ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST INTERNATIONAL. 2005. Of meth of anal: of AOAC. Washington: Arlington, p. 6-76., method number 930.15), mineral matter (MM; AOAC - 2005, method number 942.05), crude protein (CP; AOAC 2005AOAC - ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST INTERNATIONAL. 2005. Of meth of anal: of AOAC. Washington: Arlington, p. 6-76., method number 984.13), and ether extract contents (EE; AOAC 2005AOAC - ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST INTERNATIONAL. 2005. Of meth of anal: of AOAC. Washington: Arlington, p. 6-76., method number 920.39). The fibrous fractions, i.e., neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), were determined using the methodology proposed by Van Soest et al. (1991)VAN SOEST PJ, ROBERTSON JB & LEWIS BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Jour Dair Sci 74: 3583-3597.. Neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN) and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) were determined following the recommendations by Licitra et al. (1996)LICITRA G, HERNANDEZ TM & VAN SOEST PJ. 1996. Standardization of procedures for nitrogen fractionation of ruminant feeds. An Feed Sci Tech [SI.] 57: 347-358.. The percentage of total carbohydrates (TC) was calculated by the equation proposed by Sniffen et al. (1992)SNIFFEN CJ, O’CONNOR, JD, VAN SOEST PJ, FOX DG & RUSSELL JB. 1992. A net carbohydrate and protein system for evaluation cattles diets: II Carbohydrate and protein availability. Jour An Sci 70: 3562-3577., while the non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) were determined using the equation recommended by Weiss (1993)WEISS WP. 1993. Predicting energy values of feeds. Jour Dair Sci 76: 1802-1811..

Statistical analysis

The data were subjected to analysis of variance, considering the diet and colostrum and milk production and composition as sources of variation. The comparison between the effects of the type of diet and gestation was carried out using Tukey’s test at 0.05 probability by the PROC GLM statistical procedures from SAS (2004)SAS – INSTITUTE. 2004. Statistical Analysis System (SAS) User’s Guide for Windows: Sta Ver 9.0. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA.. The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test was used for the variable body condition score. A significant interaction between factors was subsequently sliced.


The absence of concentrate significantly (P < 0.05) reduced DM and OM intakes, with means of 1,131 and 1,112 g/day, respectively (Table II). However, it increased for variables expressed in g/kg0.75 and %LW, with means of 46.05 and 3.45 g/kg0.75 and 45.20 and 3.39% LW.

Table II
Nutrient intake and digestibility in ewes fed sugarcane during lactation supplemented at different stages of gestation.

Unlike OM digestibility (P > 0.05), DM digestibility reduced (P < 0.05) for animals with no concentrate inclusion (Table II), reaching means of 66.86 and 70.43%, respectively.

There was an effect of treatments (P < 0.05) on CP intake in g/day, g/kg0.75, and %LW related to the inclusion of the supplementation strategy due to the presence of an effect on DM intake (Table II) and the hetero-nitrogenous profile of the offered diets (Table I), with lower intake for the control group but higher digestibility coefficient (97. 54%).

Moreover, an effect (P < 0.05) of the addition of concentrate was observed on the CP digestibility coefficient (Table II), with a mean of 89.77%.

The absence of concentrate affected (P < 0.05) the daily NDF and ADF intake, which resulted in an increasing behavior for variables expressed in g/day, g/kg0.75, and %LW.

NDF digestibility had no effect (P > 0.05) (Table II), with a mean of 40.47%, which is due to the sugarcane fiber and concentrate qualities.

The concentrate supplement decreases (P < 0.05) ADF digestibility (Table II), with a mean of 53.34%.

The absence of concentrate positively influenced (P < 0.05) non-fiber carbohydrates intake, expressed in g/day, g/kg0.75, and %LW, with means of 649.44, 26.38, and 1.97, respectively.

Animals that received supplementation 20 days before the estrus synchronization (SE) protocol had a reduction (P < 0.05) in the non-fiber carbohydrates digestibility.

An effect (P < 0.05) was observed on EE intake without concentrate in the diet in g/day (Table II), with no difference (P > 0.05) for variables expressed in g/kg0.75 and %LW.

Also, an effect (P < 0.05) of the inclusion of the supplementation strategy was observed in different stages of gestation and lactation on the EE digestibility coefficient (Table II), with a mean of 92.27%.

Total digestible nutrient intake (TDNI) showed no effect (P > 0.05) for the four treatments.

Supplementation affected (P < 0.05) the % TDN at the stage of lactation, with a mean of 67.43% between treatments, with a lower percentage for the control (59.97%).

Supplementation strategies showed an effect (P < 0.05) on colostrum production (Table III), in which animals supplemented from 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol had higher production, with a mean of 0.274 kg at 0 h. However, a higher production was observed at 12 h for supplemented groups from the confirmation of pregnancy (60 days after ES) and the final third of gestation (90 days after ES), with means of 0.214 and 0.227 kg, respectively.

Table III
Colostrum production and composition in supplemented ewes (n = 40) at different stages of gestation.

Animals that received concentrates at the different stages of gestation had higher fat contents in the colostrum (P < 0.05). However, dams supplemented from the confirmation of pregnancy (60 days after ES) had higher productions, with means of 12.61 and 14.66 g/100 g for 0 and 12 h, respectively.

Protein contents (Table III) reduced by 43.96% between 0 and 12 h (P < 0.05) but animals that received supplements 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol had higher volumes, with means of 15.97 and 9.23 g/100 g, respectively.

Lactose levels (Table III) increased by 12.5% between periods (P < 0.05). At 0 h, ewes supplemented 60 days after ES had higher lactose contents (3.61 %) but with no significance (P > 0.05) at 12 h.

The concentration of total dry extracts decreased between 0 and 12 h (P < 0.05; Table III), except for animals supplemented after confirmation of gestation at 12 h. Defatted dry extracts decreased (P < 0.05) between times, with a higher content in the group supplemented 20 days before the ES protocol.

There were increases and decreases (P < 0.05) in casein and urea levels between groups (Table III). At 0 h, higher concentrations were observed for ewes that received the supplement 20 days before ES, with means of 10.62 g/100 g and 39.54 mg/dL, respectively. In contrast, the group supplemented 90 days after ES had lower values at 12 h, with means of 3.54 g/100 g and 15.77 mg/dL, respectively.

Somatic cell counts increased and decreased (P < 0.05), with higher counts for ewes that received the supplement before the ES protocol, with values of 217.6 and 279.09 SC/mL at 0 and 12 h (Table III).

There was an effect (P < 0.05) on milk production, but no statistical difference (P > 0.05) was observed at 15 days (Table IV), with a mean of 295.5 g/day. However, a higher (P < 0.05) peak of milk production was observed at 30 days, standing out the group that received supplementation started 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol, with a mean of 484 g/day. A reduction in milk production (P < 0.05) was observed between treatments at 45 days but animals receiving concentrates (317.33 g/day) had higher production. A reduction and an increase (P < 0.05) in milk production was observed during the 60 days of production (Table IV), with animals without concentrate supplementation showing lower production, with a mean of 213 g/day.

Table IV
Milk production and composition in supplemented ewes (n = 40) at different stages of gestation and lactation.

Fat contents differed (P < 0.05) between treatments from 15 to 45 days, with an increasing effect, but without change at 60 days (Table IV). The absence of concentrate did not change this parameter when compared to the group that received it from 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol. Sheep milk is different from that of other mammals due to its high protein levels and especially fat, a characteristic that provides high yields in the dairy industry.

Protein levels (Table IV) differed (P < 0.05) between days of lactation, with variations in the groups supplemented with concentrate and increasing effect for those with no supplementation.

An alteration in lactose contents (P < 0.05) was observed during the 60 days of lactation, indicating that the concentrate exclusion leads to a decrease in the lactose levels (Table IV), but without a statistical difference (P > 0.05) at 15 days, with a mean of 5.14%.

Total dry extract contents differed (P < 0.05) between treatments (Table IV) up to 45 days of lactation but this parameter was maintained when the concentrate was not used compared to the group that received it from 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol, showing increasing effect, with its peak at 45 days and mean levels of 17%. However, no difference (P > 0.05) was observed from 46 to 60 days, with a mean of 15.75%.

Defatted dry extract levels differed only between the 15 days of lactation, with lower values for animals without concentrate, reaching a mean of 9.9% (P < 0.05; Table IV).

A reduction (P < 0.05) was observed in the initial and final live weight, the total weight gain, daily weight gain, and body condition score of animals (Table V) with supplementation strategies but with less effect in the supplemented groups from 20 days before the estrus synchronization protocol and in the final third of gestation, with means of 54.15, 49.04, −5.11, −85.11, and 2.5 expressed in kg, g/animal/day, and BCS, respectively.

Table V
Live weight gain and body condition score from postpartum to weaning of ewes using supplementation strategies.


The lowest DMI (1,131 g/day) for the control is lower than that indicated by NRC (2007)NRC - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 2007. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants. Nat Acad Pre, Washington, DC, 362 p., which is 1,700 g/day for lactating ewes. Rangel et al. (2015)RANGEL AHN, CAMPOS JMS, VALADARES FILHO SC, DIFANTE GS, LIMA JÚNIOR DM, NOVAES LP & COSTA MG. 2015. Nutrient consumption and digestibility of sugar cane diets supplemented with soybean meal or urea. Trop and Sub Agro 18: 87-94. observed that the digestion rate of sugarcane fiber is very slow in the rumen, causing it to remain in this compartment, which limits dry matter intake by activating the physical factors that regulate voluntary intake. Thus, this inferiority in dry matter intake and, consequently, OM (Table II), is mainly related to the NDF content, its slow degradation, and the low sugarcane passage rate through the rumen, which activated this lower intake effect.

Freitas et al. (2008)FREITAS AWP, ROCHA FC, ZONTA A, FAGUNDES JL, FONSECA R, ZONTA MCM & MACEDO FL. 2008. Nutrient intake and performance of sheep fed diets based on hydrolyzed sugar cane. Braz Agri Res 43: 1569-1574. evaluated nutrient intake and performance of sheep fed diets based on fresh or hydrolyzed sugarcane and found a mean dry matter intake of 3.9% LW. Mendes (2006, unpublished data) worked with similar diets, which had 50% of fresh sugarcane, and also observed dry matter intake values of 3.9% LW. These values are close to those found in the present study (3.45% LW).

The positive effect nce of non-fiber carbohydrates intake is due It reflects the higher DM intake in g/kg0.75 and %LW (Table II) and the increase in this fraction in the sugarcane-only diet (Table I).

We can infer that sugarcane increased the non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) content in the diets (Table I). In fact, NFC are rapidly fermented and, therefore, provide higher energy input for microbial growth, which results in higher carbohydrate digestibility (Cardoso et al. 2006CARDOSO AR, PIRES CC & CARVALHO D. 2006. Nutrient intake and performance of lambs fed diets containing different levels of neutral detergent fiber. Rur Sci 36: 215-221.).

The effect on EE consumption and digestibility is due to the absence of similarity in the EE contents of the diets (Table I) and changes in CEE (Table II).

Considering the difference in DMI for the different supplementation strategies at the different stages of gestation and lactation, this behavior for NDFI and ADFI is due to an increase in the concentration of fiber content, as only sugarcane was used in the diet (Table I).

The average TDN intake (0.911 kg) found in this research is within the range recommended by NRC (1985)NRC - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 1985. Ruminant nitrogen usage Washington, D.C.: Nat Acad of Sci, 99 p., that is, 0.750 and 1 kg. However, Murta et al. (2011)MURTA RM, CHAVES MA, PIRES AJV, VELOSO CM, SILVA FF, NETO ALR, FILHO AE & SANTOS PEFS. 2011. Performance and apparent digestibility of nutrients in sheep fed diets containing sugarcane bagasse treated with calcium oxide. Braz An Sci 40: 1325-1332. observed a lower average, with a value of TDNI of 569.2 g/day when evaluating the effects of the addition of 0, 0.75, 1.5, and 2.25% of calcium oxide in the sugarcane bagasse (based on natural matter) on the performance, nutrient intake, and apparent digestibility of diets for crossbred Santa Inês sheep and native breeds. The authors justified the results according to the quality of roughage (bagasse) and dry matter intake, which possibly influenced TDN intake.

The lower (P < 0.05) digestibility in % TDN (Table II) for the control treatment is due to the lower synchronization between energy and protein sources, used simultaneously by ruminal microorganisms for their growth, consequently increasing nutrient digestibility. Alves et al. (2015)ALVES AC, JUNQUEIRA FB, COUTINHO AS, LIMA RR, PÉREZ JRO, PAULA SO, GARCIA IF & ABREU LR. 2015. Colostrum composition of Santa Inês sheep and passive transfer of immunity to lambs. Jour Dair Sci 98: 3706-3716. also reported this behavior in a study with sheep fed low digestibility roughage.

Hashemi et al. (2008)HASHEMI M, ZAMIRI MJ & SAFDARIAN M. 2008. Effects of nutritional level during late pregnancy on colostral production and blood immunoglobulin levels of Karakul ewes and their lambs. Smal Rumi Res 75: 204-209. researched changes in colostrum production and composition in Karakul ewes fed at different nutritional levels and found a reduction in production. The authors stated that different supplementation levels, especially energy, tend to affect the amount of colostrum. Thus, the lowest amount of colostrum observed for animals without concentrate from 0 to 12 h is due to a lack of energy, resulting from the unavailability of corn as a source of starch for energy intake (Table I).

Campos et al. (2019)CAMPOS NRF, DIFANTE GS, RANGEL AHN, URBANO SA, NETO JVE, COSTA ABG, NETTO RTC, RIBEIRO PHC & BEZERRA JI. 2019. Supplementation strategies and their effects on ewes colostrum and milk compositions in the initial third lactation period. Seminar: Agri Sci 40: 1535-1542. evaluated the colostrum composition of ewes maintained on pasture receiving different types/levels of supplementation (0.4 or 0.8% body weight), but no changes were observed in composition contents, with a fat content of 10.05% on day 0. It is a level close to that found in this study, with a mean of 12.22%.

Alves et al. (2015)ALVES AC, JUNQUEIRA FB, COUTINHO AS, LIMA RR, PÉREZ JRO, PAULA SO, GARCIA IF & ABREU LR. 2015. Colostrum composition of Santa Inês sheep and passive transfer of immunity to lambs. Jour Dair Sci 98: 3706-3716. observed a more pronounced reduction in protein levels when analyzing the chemical composition and IgG concentration of colostrum from Santa Inês ewes and the transfer of passive immunity to lambs with a decrease in levels (62.52%) within the first 36 hours after birth. According to Godden (2008)GODDEN S. 2008. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Vet Clin of Nor Am: Food An Prac 24: 19-39., colostrum has a high content of nutrients and IgG and there is a progressive drop in these levels over the next 6 h after the first milking.

According to Lima et al. (2016)LIMA EHF, MENDONÇA CL, CAJUEIRO JFP, CARVALHO CCD, SOARES PC, SOUTO RJC & AFONSO JAB. 2016. Effect of sodium monensin on the metabolic profile of ewes before and after parturition. Braz Ani Sci 17: 105-118., a higher concentrate level in the diet increases propionic acid levels in the rumen, resulting in higher energy availability in the form of glucose, a precursor of lactose. This particularity of energy metabolism in ruminants may explain the higher lactose levels observed in the colostrum of ewes that received concentrate after confirmation of pregnancy at 0 h.

According to Campos et al. (2019)CAMPOS NRF, DIFANTE GS, RANGEL AHN, URBANO SA, NETO JVE, COSTA ABG, NETTO RTC, RIBEIRO PHC & BEZERRA JI. 2019. Supplementation strategies and their effects on ewes colostrum and milk compositions in the initial third lactation period. Seminar: Agri Sci 40: 1535-1542., the variables TDE and DDE result from the sum of milk constituents. Therefore, lower percentages verified for these variables in colostrum are due to a reduction in protein and fat levels (Table III). Alves et al. (2015)ALVES AC, JUNQUEIRA FB, COUTINHO AS, LIMA RR, PÉREZ JRO, PAULA SO, GARCIA IF & ABREU LR. 2015. Colostrum composition of Santa Inês sheep and passive transfer of immunity to lambs. Jour Dair Sci 98: 3706-3716. observed a reduction of total solids by 36.58% between 0, 12, 24, and 36 h postpartum.

According to Urbano et al. (2017)URBANO SA, FERREIRA MA, RANGEL AHN, LIMA JÚNIOR DM, ANDRADE RDPX & NOVAES LP. 2017. Feeding strategies for lambs during the pre-weaning period in intensive meat production systems. Trop Subt Agro 20: 49-63., colostrum has a large amount of protein, especially in the postpartum period. Thus, the highest casein and urea concentrations in the first hours are directly correlated to the protein levels and metabolism of the animal at 0 h.

According to Souza et al. (2009)SOUZA GN, BRITO JRF, MOREIRA EC, BRITO MAVP & SILVA MAVP. 2009. Variation of somatic cell count in dairy cows according to mastitis pathogens. Braz Arch Vet Med An Sci 61: 1015-1020., the prepartum leads to an increase in the mammary gland volume, which can lead to the rupture of vessels and an increase in SCC, but this number decreases in healthy cows as the amount of colostrum decreases in the milk. Thus, the higher SCC at 0 and 12 h for ewes supplemented from 20 days before the estrus synchronization (ES) protocol and 12 h for the group supplemented in the final third of gestation (90 days after ES) is due to the higher colostrum production, which can lead to rupture of vessels and an increase in SCC.

The behavior observed in milk production was inverse to the concentration of fiber in the diet. Thus, the increase in NDF levels in the diet had a negative effect on milk production. Possibly, the energy content of the diet, associated with DM and OM intake, which seems to have been restricted by the reticulo-rumen, limited the production of animals that ingested diets containing high fiber levels. The amount of milk produced by ewes is influenced by diet (Zeppenfeld et al. 2005ZEPPENFELD CC, PIRES CC, MÜLLER L, VOLLENHAUPET LS, CUNHA MA & MEDEIROS SLP. 2005. Effect of different levels of concentrate on the performance of lactating ewes and their ewes. Mag Nor 4: 1-7.).

Natel et al. (2013)NATEL AS, SIQUEIRA ER, MEIRELES PR, MARTINS MB, ALMEIDA MT & FERNANDES S. 2013. Effect of inclusion of NDF in ration of Bergamasca ewes in lactation about the milk production and composition. IOSR Jour of Agri Vet Sci 2: 19-23. studied the effect of including neutral detergent fiber (NDF) on dry matter intake, feed efficiency, milk production, and milk composition of Bergamasca ewes and found that feed efficiency, expressed in kg milk/kg DMI, also showed a negative linear effect, with an increase of NDF levels in the diet. It may be related to the higher energy intake in diets with higher amounts of starch-rich concentrate, allowing higher yields with lower intakes compared to animals receiving high-fiber diets.

The difference in protein levels between lactation days is related to the lack of similarity in CP content in the diet (Table I), reflecting intake and digestibility (Table II). According to the literature, the values observed for protein (4.68%) in this experiment (Table IV) are consistent with previously published values for Bergamacia sheep, with 4.71% protein in milk, receiving a diet with 56% NDF (Queiroz et al. 2014QUEIROZ EO, SIQUEIRA ER, BOUCINHAS CC, NATEL AS, OLIVEIRA DP & VIEIRA JÚNIOR LC. 2014. Milk centesimal composition and incidence of mastitis in Bergamacia ewes kept in pasture or confinement. Vet An Sci: 6: 135.).

In this study, fat levels averaged 4.95%, which is higher than those reported by Fernandes et al. (2013)FERNANDES S, SIQUEIRA ER, DOMINGUES PF & PILAN GJG. 2013. Effects of nutrition, age at weaning and mastitis on colostrum and ewe milk quality. Vet An Sci 20: 615-623. (4.05%). However, it remained close to the levels found in the literature for sheep milk (5.5–7.0%). It may be related to the fact that small ruminants can accumulate 75% of the fat in the alveolar portion of the mammary gland, which is only extracted more efficiently with the administration of oxytocin (Ribeiro et al. 2007RIBEIRO LC, PÉREZ JRO, CARVALHO PHA, SILVA FF, MUNIZ JA, OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR GM & SOUZA NV. 2007. Production, composition and yield of milk cheese from Santa Inês ewes treated with oxytocin. Braz Jour of Zoot 36: 438-444.), but it was not used in this study and hence could explain the lower fat content in the analyzed milk.

Bianchi et al. (2018)BIANCHI AE, MACEDO VP, SILVA AS, SILVEIRA ALF, HILL JAG, ZORTÉA T, ROSSI RM & BATISTA R. 2018. Effect of the addition of protected fat from palm oil to the diet of dairy sheep. Braz Zoot Maga 47: 1-8. reported that the main precursor of glucose in animals, resulting in lactose in milk, is propionic acid, produced mainly by the fermentation of non-fibrous carbohydrates in the rumen. Thus, the inclusion of concentrate affects propionate production, interfering with the synthesis of glucose by the liver and, subsequently, lactose by the mammary gland. As observed in this study, the inclusion of concentrate in the diet increases the intake of ground corn (starch), promoting an increase in the production of propionic acid, a precursor of glucose, and, consequently, higher lactose contents in the milk. The results found in this study for this constituent (4.87%) are similar to those presented by Blagitz et al. (2013)BLAGITZ MG, BATISTA CF, GOMES V, SOUZA FN & LIBERA DAMM. 2013. Physical-chemical characteristics and cellularity of milk from Santa Inês ewes at different stages of lactation. Braz Ani Sci 14: 454-461., who found 4.51% for lactose.

The total dry extract content (fat, protein, lactose, and minerals) in the milk presented significant differences between groups, mainly in the fat content, which was higher at 45 days for those with no supplements. Thus, the production of the total solids changed between groups and a possible reason is the effects of their composition during the lactation period.

The DDE content observed in this study (10.6%) is close to that found by Campos et al. (2019)CAMPOS NRF, DIFANTE GS, RANGEL AHN, URBANO SA, NETO JVE, COSTA ABG, NETTO RTC, RIBEIRO PHC & BEZERRA JI. 2019. Supplementation strategies and their effects on ewes colostrum and milk compositions in the initial third lactation period. Seminar: Agri Sci 40: 1535-1542. for ewes supplemented on pasture with 0.4 to 0.8% LW, with a decreasing linear effect for DDE between 7 and 28 days of lactation, with a mean of 11.38%. However, it is within the range found by Ribeiro et al. (2007)RIBEIRO LC, PÉREZ JRO, CARVALHO PHA, SILVA FF, MUNIZ JA, OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR GM & SOUZA NV. 2007. Production, composition and yield of milk cheese from Santa Inês ewes treated with oxytocin. Braz Jour of Zoot 36: 438-444. and Ochoa-Cordero et al. (2002)OCHOA-CORDERO MA, HERNÁNDEZ GT, ALFARO AEO, ROQUE LV & MANDEVILLE PB. 2002. Milk yield and composition of Rambouillet ewes under intensive management. Smal Rumi Res 43: 269-274., who observed values between 10.33 and 12.68% for this variable, with a negative correlation between milk production and the amount of proteins and total solids, characterized by the dilution effect. Therefore, the results found for these constituents are consistent with milk production towards the peak of lactation, which occurs around 30 days postpartum (Table IV).

According to Mertens (1994)MERTENS D. 1994. Regulation of forage intake. In: Fahey Junior GC (Ed), Forage quality, evaluation and utilization. Winsconsin: Am Soc of Agro, p. 450-493., 60 to 90% of the differences in animal performance occur as a result of intake, and 10 to 40% as a result of digestibility. Usually, the highest weight gain in feedlots can be obtained as a result of higher nutrient and dry matter intake (Barroso et al. 2006BARROSO DD, ARAÚJO GGL, SILVA DS, GONZAGA NETO S & MEDINA FT. 2006. Performance of sheep finished in confinement with dehydrated residue from wine producers associated with different energy sources. Rur Sci 36: 1553-1557.). The inclusion of concentrate changed dry matter intake and digestibility (Table II), reducing the daily and total weight gains (Table V), which justifies the difference in the animal’s final live weight and BCS.

Therefore, the likely impact that the adopted feeding strategies will have on performance, immune response, and production and quality of colostrum and milk must be considered when the objective is productivity. According to Geraseev et al. (2006)GERASEEV LC, PEREZ JRO, CARVALHO PA, PEDREIRA BC & ALMEIDA TRV. 2006. Effects of pre and postnatal restrictions on the growth and performance of Santa Inês lambs from weaning to slaughter. Braz Zootec Maga 35: 237-244., studies in this area are important, as pre-and postnatal growth is the main product of beef sheep production.


Supplementation strategies during the stages of gestation and lactation influenced nutrient intake and digestibility, as well as the performance and production and composition of colostrum and milk of the animals. However, supplementation can result in the production of heavier lambs at weaning when fed to dams in the final third of gestation, thus leading to a reduction in the time until their slaughter.


The authors would like to thank the Sheep Management Center (CMO) at Fazenda Água Limpa – UnB for the partnership in the development of this experiment.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 June 2023
  • Accepted
    31 May 2024
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