Descreve-se o caso de paciente com síndrome parkinsoniana à direita, associada a disfunções cognitivas e síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana. A tomografia de crânio e o estudo angiográfico de vasos intracranianos demonstraram a presença de volumoso processo expansivo fronto-temporal esquerdo. A eletromiografia revelou tremor de repouso com frequência de 4 a 6 ciclos por segundo. A paciente foi submetida a ressecção cirúrgica da massa tumoral, cujo exame histológico revelou tratar-se de meningioma. A evolução pós-operatória foi excelente e após dois meses todas as anormalidades neurológicas haviam desaparecido. Um ano após a remoção do tumor a paciente permanecia assintomática sem uso de qualquer medicação. São discutidos aspectos fisiopatológicos do parkinsonismo por processo expansivo e as particularidades do presente caso são analisadas em confronto a dados da literatura.
We are presenting an uncommon case of cerebral tumor whose major manifestation was parkinsonism. The patient was a 50-year-old woman presented with a 5-month history of tremor of the right hand, particularly at rest, and headache. On neurological examination of March, 1987 there were: slight right-sided hemiparesis with symmetrical hiperreflexia; discrete bradykinesia in combination with cogwheel rigidity also on the right-side; resting tremor of the right hand; and bilateral papilledema. The neuropsycho-logycal examination disclosed: nominative aphasia, impaired recent memory and right-left disorientation. The computed tomography showed a large, left frontotemporal tumor. Angiograms of the left internal and external carotid arteries revealed a tumor blush in the left frontotemporal region supplied by a enlarged middle meningeal artery. An electromyogram revealed a 4-6 HZ tremor on right hand. A course of treatment with dexametasone 16mg/day and levodopa plus benzerazine (500mg/day) was unsuccessful. A left fronto-temporo-parietal craniotomy was performed and an attached sphenoid wing tumor was mtacroseopically completely removed. Microscopy indicated that the tumor was a meningioma. Postoperativelly, the patient made an uneventful recovery. After two weeks, her right-sided palsy and parkinsonism had disappeared, and neuropsyehologyeal deficits improved. Two months later there was no abnormalities on neurological and neuropsyehologycal examination. It was concluded that the parkinsonism was caused by mechanical pressure on the basal ganglia.
Egberto R. BarbosaI; Manoel J. TeixeiraI; Claudia J. ChavesII; Milberto ScaffIII
IMédico Assistente - Trabalho do Grupo de Estudos de Afecções Extrapiramidais da Divisão de Clínica Neurológica do Hospital das Clínicas (HC) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP)
IIMédica Preceptora - Trabalho do Grupo de Estudos de Afecções Extrapiramidais da Divisão de Clínica Neurológica do Hospital das Clínicas (HC) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP)
IIIProfessor Titular - Trabalho do Grupo de Estudos de Afecções Extrapiramidais da Divisão de Clínica Neurológica do Hospital das Clínicas (HC) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP)
Descreve-se o caso de paciente com síndrome parkinsoniana à direita, associada a disfunções cognitivas e síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana. A tomografia de crânio e o estudo angiográfico de vasos intracranianos demonstraram a presença de volumoso processo expansivo fronto-temporal esquerdo. A eletromiografia revelou tremor de repouso com frequência de 4 a 6 ciclos por segundo. A paciente foi submetida a ressecção cirúrgica da massa tumoral, cujo exame histológico revelou tratar-se de meningioma. A evolução pós-operatória foi excelente e após dois meses todas as anormalidades neurológicas haviam desaparecido. Um ano após a remoção do tumor a paciente permanecia assintomática sem uso de qualquer medicação. São discutidos aspectos fisiopatológicos do parkinsonismo por processo expansivo e as particularidades do presente caso são analisadas em confronto a dados da literatura.
We are presenting an uncommon case of cerebral tumor whose major manifestation was parkinsonism. The patient was a 50-year-old woman presented with a 5-month history of tremor of the right hand, particularly at rest, and headache. On neurological examination of March, 1987 there were: slight right-sided hemiparesis with symmetrical hiperreflexia; discrete bradykinesia in combination with cogwheel rigidity also on the right-side; resting tremor of the right hand; and bilateral papilledema. The neuropsycho-logycal examination disclosed: nominative aphasia, impaired recent memory and right-left disorientation. The computed tomography showed a large, left frontotemporal tumor. Angiograms of the left internal and external carotid arteries revealed a tumor blush in the left frontotemporal region supplied by a enlarged middle meningeal artery. An electromyogram revealed a 4-6 HZ tremor on right hand. A course of treatment with dexametasone 16mg/day and levodopa plus benzerazine (500mg/day) was unsuccessful. A left fronto-temporo-parietal craniotomy was performed and an attached sphenoid wing tumor was mtacroseopically completely removed. Microscopy indicated that the tumor was a meningioma. Postoperativelly, the patient made an uneventful recovery. After two weeks, her right-sided palsy and parkinsonism had disappeared, and neuropsyehologyeal deficits improved. Two months later there was no abnormalities on neurological and neuropsyehologycal examination. It was concluded that the parkinsonism was caused by mechanical pressure on the basal ganglia.
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Full text available only in PDF format.
Dr. Egberto Reis Barbosa - Clínica Neurológica, Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP - Caixa Postal 3461 - 01060 São Paulo SP - Brasil.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
22 Fev 2011 -
Data do Fascículo
Set 1991