Incidência de gomose numa coleção de ananas e pseudo-ananás1
Occurence of gummosis in a collection of ananas and pseudananas
Eloys Jacskmolley Giacomelli; Carlos Roessing; Joaquim Teófilo Sobrinho
A collection of plants belonging in the genera Ananas and Pseudoananas growing at Limeira Experiment Station of the Instituto Agronômico, State of São Paulo, near commercial pineapple cultures heavily infected by gummosis, was examined for determination of incidence of the disease on fruits.
The results showed that in addition to three commonly pineapple cultivated varieties in this State, Amarelo Comum (or Boituva), Branco-de-pernambuco (or Pérola) and Cayenne, other commercial varieties, wild pineapple plants A. ananassoides (Baker) L. B. Smith, var. typicus L. B. Smith ("ananas-do-campo"), A. bracteatus (Lindl.) Schultes ("ananas-do-mato") and the botanic varieties of are susceptible to the agent of the disease, the fungus Fusarium moniliforme Sheld, var. subglutinans Wr. & Rg..
No symptoms of the disease were observed on: (a) Branco, Comum-de-uaupes, Fernando Costa, Inerme-do-peru, Manaus, Roxo-de-tefé, S. Bento, Semi-selvagem and Verde-de-guaratinguetá, horticultural varieties of A. comosus; (b) eight hibrids obtained from crosses between some horticultural varieties of A. comosus; (c) A. ananassoides (Baker) L. B. Smith, var. nanus L. B. Smith (ananaí-da-amazônia); (d) A. lueidus Miller (A. erectifolus L. B. Smith) (curauá-da-amazônia) and (e) two unknown species of Ananas.
The writers express their views that these varieties, hibrids and species of Ananas and Pseudoananas might represent disease resistant materials.
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Recebido para publicação em 12 de dezembro de 1968.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
24 Mar 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
Jan 1969