Relação entre os nutrientes dosados nas folhas de cafeeiro
Relationship among mineral contents of coffee leaves
Violeta Nagai; Toshio Igue; Rúter Hiroce; Eduardo Abramides; José Romano Gallo*
The relationship among the elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn contents of coffee (Coffea arabica cv. "Mundo Novo") leaves, was studied. The plants were grown on the three soil types of the State of São Paulo: "Terra Roxa", Podzolized soils of Lins and Marília and Ortho-Red Yellow Podzol. The samples were taken in the Spring (September-October, when blossoming occurs), in Autumn (April-May, during fruit ripennig) and in the Summer (January-February, when the coffee fruit is developing). The leaf contents of each element were compared with the contents of the others by multiple linear regression analysis, using the mathematical model: Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 +...+ bnxn.
Positive correlations were found between N and P, P and K and P and Mg contents of the leaves, and negative correlations between K and Mg, K and Ca and N and B.
For the microelement contents of the leaves, only a few correlations were observed.
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Recebida para publicação em 15 de agosto de 1974.
Datas de Publicação
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10 Mar 2009 -
Data do Fascículo