Tentativa para induzir mutação na cor do feloderma das raízes de mandioca pela irradiação de sementes
Attempt to induce phelloderm color mutation of cassava roots by seed irradiation
Araken S. PereiraI; Akihiko AndoII; Edgard S. NormanhaIII, *; Jairo R. SilvaIV; José Osmar LorenziV, **; Domingos Antonio MonteiroV
ISeção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituto Agronômico, IAC
IIDepartamento de Genética, E.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", USP, IAC
IIIEx-Chefe da Seção de Raízes e Tubérculos, IAC
IVEx-Pesquisador da Seção de Raízes e Tubérculos, IAC
VSeção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituto Agronômico, IAC
Selfed cassava seeds of the cultivars IAC Mantiqueira that has a purple phelloderm were treated with gama radiation from a cobalt 60 radiation source at the Centro de Energia Nuclear, Piracicaba, Brasil.
Germination was initially relatively low, but slightly better for the irradiated seeds when compared with the control. The untreated control seeds and the samples irradiated with 20 KR and 30 KR (roentgen units) gave origin respectively to 8%, 13% and 21,6% of seedlings with white phelloderm roots.
The cassava seedlings with a white phelloderm that resulted from the untreated seeds are considered as genetic recombinants of a selfed heterozygous parent. The excess in the number of seedlings with white phelloderm among the population that resulted from the treated seeds, suggest that it was due to the mutagenic effect of the radiation.
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Recebida para publicação a 10 de maio de 1979.