Increasing orchard density is an alternative approach for enhancing productivity of the fig tree. In addition to promoting better utilization of productive areas, increased density allows for the optimization of plant management. In some situations, it may be necessary to alter the pruning system. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the practices of reducing spacing and lopping shoots enhance green fig production for industrial purposes. The research was conducted in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil (21°14’S and 45°00’W, 918 m in height) in an area with a tropical highland climate. A 3 × 2 factorial scheme was adopted, with three different plant spacings (0.50, 0.75, or 1 m, totaling plant densities of 8,000, 5,333, and 4,000 fig trees per hectare, respectively), and plants were managed with and without the lopping of productive shoots. The spacing between planting rows was standardized to 2.5 m. Two productive shoots were retained on all trees. In the lopping treatment, after the emergence of the 16th leaf, the shoot was topped (i.e., the apical bud was removed), and two new shoots were selected per productive shoot. Additional loppings were performed later, always after the emergence of the sixth leaf, totaling three loppings. Data were collected from each plot, which consisted of three useful plants, during two production cycles. It was concluded that smaller spacings decreased production per plant, but they increased green fig productivity. Lopping productive shoots increased fruit weight, the number of fruits per plant, and fig production.
Key words Ficus carica ; Roxo de Valinhos; densification; pruning management
The fig tree Ficus carica L. is cultivated in several countries, with the greatest global production areas concentrated in Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, Syria, and the United States of America (Khemira and Mars 2017). Despite being considered a temperate climate species, fig trees do not require very low temperatures during the dormant phase. Therefore, the main fig-producing areas are located in subtropical climate regions (Pio et al. 2018, Usai et al. 2020).
Brazil is considered one of the largest fig producers in the Americas, with a cultivated area of approximately 2,130 hectares. The total production is 18,227 tons, with an average yield of 8.55 tons per hectare of figs (IBGE 2024). These plants have two main destinations: the fresh fruit market, with ripe figs being harvested for domestic and (primarily) export markets, and processing industries, with immature fruits (green figs) being harvested to produce preserves, crystallized figs, and jams (Dalastra et al. 2009).
Figs are typically pruned using a severe pruning system (i.e., production pruning) during the plants dormant period. In this operation, the shoots that were vegetated and produced in the previous cycle (productive shoots) are removed (Dalastra et al. 2011). Due to the adoption of this severe pruning system in Brazil, plants are allocated reduced areas, ranging from 2.5 m × 1.5 m to 3 m × 2 m, with planting densities varying from 1,666 to 2,666 plants per hectare (Souza et al. 2021). In the Northern Hemisphere, plants are managed at wider spacings, ranging from 6 m × 4 m for fresh fruit production to 10 m × 10 m for dry fig production, resulting in lower population densities per hectare (Mirheidari et al. 2020, Turco et al. 2020).
The only commercially exploited cultivar in Brazil is ‘Roxo de Valinhos.’ This cultivar was introduced in the Campinas region of São Paulo state, Brazil. It is globally known as Brown-Turkey, Corbo, Nero, Black-wide, Portugal-black, and Nigra, among other names (Ferraz et al. 2020). This cultivar exhibits high vigor and fig production with good market acceptance for fresh fruit and especially for industrial processing (Almeida et al. 2022).
The production of green ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ figs is considered low in Brazil. Among fig trees cultivated in the northern region of Minas Gerais state, a productivity of only 3.80 tons per hectare was observed (Gonçalves et al. 2006). In the western region of Paraná state, for plants managed with 12 productive shoots, 3.68 tons per hectare of green figs were obtained (Dalastra et al. 2011).
To increase productivity in fig orchards, an alternative pruning system called lopping has been developed (summer pruning). This system involves lopping productive shoots when they reach the 16th leaf in plants managed with six productive shoots, after which two shoots are managed at the end of the branch. New lopping of these two shoots is performed after the emergence of the sixth leaf. This lopping process and the management of two new shoots are repeated two or three times, totaling three or four loppings, until the end of the productive period (mid-March to April). This system has the advantage of extending the productive period and increasing production since the fruits originate from vegetative shoots. The conventional management system involves managing productive shoots without any intervention other than lateral shoot removal and does not use lopping. In a study by Campagnolo et al. (2010), the lopping of productive shoots increased fig tree productivity, reaching a yield of 5.07 tons per hectare of green figs.
Increasing orchard density coupled with modifications in plant management systems, with pruning, may provide an alternative for increasing productivity (Souza et al. 2019). This approach could support industrial green fig production in Brazil, promoting higher yields of figs in smaller cultivation areas.
In this context, the objective of the present study was to investigate whether reducing spacing and lopping productive shoots enhance green fig production to support industrialization.
The experiment was conducted in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais state, Brazil, and the experimental site is located at 21°14’S, 45°00’W, and 918-m height. According to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification, the local climate is Cwb and characterized by tropical highland (mesothermal) conditions, with dry winters and rainy seasons between October and March, with more rainfall occurring between December and February (Pio et al. 2023).
Seedlings of the ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ fig cultivar were propagated using stem segments (branches) that were collected during pruning (Bisi et al. 2016). Stem cuttings from the apical portion of the branches followed the methodology reported by Ohland et al. (2009). The experimental area was established in October 2017 when the seedlings were four months old.
The soil at the study site is classified as Haplic Cambisol (Guimarães et al. 2021). To prepare the experimental area, 2 t·ha-1 of dolomitic limestone was applied. For basal fertilization, 15 L of organic matter from compost along with mineral sources of phosphorus (300 g of superphosphate) and potassium (150 g of potassium chloride) were applied per planting location. Soil analysis was performed on samples from the 0–20-cm layer.
The fig trees were distributed into four blocks. A standard spacing of 2.5 m between rows was used, but three different spacings were used between plants in each row: 0.50; 0.75; and 1 m. This allowed for population densities of 8,000; 5,333; and 4,000 plants per hectare, respectively. Following planting, the seedlings were topped and reduced to a height of 40 cm above the ground. After 30 days, shoot thinning was performed, and only two shoots were retained per plant, and these shoots were allowed to grow freely. In June 2018, these two shoots were reduced to 15 cm in height, forming two primary lateral branches. After 45 days, shoot thinning was conducted again, and one shoot was retained per primary lateral branch. These shoots grew freely until June 2019, when pruning was performed, and the shoots were shortened to 10 cm, forming secondary lateral branches. At this point, the plants in the experimental area had formed their canopy structure with two secondary lateral branches. The plants were kept in the experimental area for three years before the experiment started, allowing the secondary lateral branches to develop greater diameters.
The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design with four blocks. The adopted factorial scheme was 3 × 2, involving three different plant spacings (0.50; 0.75; or 1 m) and plants managed with and without the lopping of shoots (summer pruning). All the plants were managed with two productive shoots. In the lopping system, after the emergence of the 16th leaf, the shoot was topped (the apical bud was removed), and two new shoots per productive shoot were selected (Campagnolo et al. 2010). Subsequent loppings were performed after the emergence of the sixth leaf on each shoot, totaling three loppings per evaluation cycle. Five plants were used per experimental unit, but only three central plants (useful plants); thus, out of the 120 total plants, 72 were useful.
During the experiment, copper sulfate fungicide was sprayed at the concentration of 2% every 15 days, and insecticides were applied when necessary, with periodic removal of weeds. Organic matter (10 L per plant) was distributed at the time of pruning. For plant maintenance, 300 g of ammonium sulfate was applied, divided into two applications (one in October and one in January), along with 200 g of single superphosphate and 200 g of potassium chloride applied in September (Pio et al. 2023). Climatic data for the experimental period are presented in Fig. 1.
The average maximum and minimum temperatures and cumulative monthly average precipitation between May 2022 and May 2024.
In both evaluation cycles (2022/23 and 2023/24), biweekly harvests were conducted between November and April. Only green fruits with a red and swollen ostiole were harvested, consistent with the requirements for industrial sale. The total number of fruits and the total harvest weight per plant were quantified. The fruits were weighed using a digital scale.
At the end of the cumulative harvests, the total number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight (g), average production per plant (kg·plant-1), and estimated yield (t·ha-1) were calculated for each evaluation cycle. This was achieved by multiplying the average production per plant by the population density of the fig trees and dividing by 1,000.
A sample of 20 fruits per plant was collected during the December harvest in each evaluation cycle. The average length and diameter of the fruits (cm) were measured using a digital caliper.
The average length of the productive shoots (cm) at the time of pruning in the beginning of June was calculated for each evaluation cycle. Using graduated tape measure, the length from the apex to the insertion point of the shoot was measured for all the productive shoots per plant, and, subsequently, the average length of the productive shoots for each plot was calculated. Similarly, the fresh weight of the productive shoots (g) was quantified using a digital scale.
The data were subjected to the Tukey’s test mean comparison test (5% probability of error). The analyses were performed using the Sisvar Analysis of Variance Program, version 5.6 (Ferreira 2019).
The statistical analysis revealed that there was no interaction effect between the plant spacings and the lopping of the stems; differences were detected only between isolated factor.
The average length of the untopped stems was greater than that of the topped stems, with an average difference of 43 cm (Table 1). However, the opposite results were obtained for the fresh mass of the stems, with topped stems having a greater fresh mass. Since the growth of untopped stems is continuous, it was expected that they would reach greater lengths. On the other hand, as lopping was performed, two new shoots were selected; the stems branched out, and the vegetation coverage increased, enhancing the photosynthetic capacity by increasing the number of leaves and consequently the mass of the stems (Campagnolo et al. 2010).
Stem length (cm), stem fresh mass (g), fruit fresh mass (g), and number of fruits ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ fig tree grown for industrial green fig cultivation at different spacings with and without lopping of the stems, in two evaluation cycles (2022/23 and 2023/24).
The main benefit of summer pruning is to delay leaf fall, in subtropical regions (Araújo et al. 2008). Leaves perform vital functions in plants because photosynthesis occurs in these plant organs. Furthermore, Tadeu et al. (2019) highlight the contribution of leaves in the process of floral induction, as well as in the production of substances that stimulate production.
This explains why the number of fruits per plant is greater for plants with topped stems than for those with untopped stems (Table 1). According to Souza et al. (2021), the length of productive stems is of great importance in fig trees because longer stems have greater numbers of leaves and, consequently, greater numbers of fruits per plant, as fruits emerge at the axil of each peduncle. Lopping stimulates stem branching, which explains the increase in the number of fruits per plant.
The average mass of the fruits was greater for the plants whose stems were topped (Table 1). There was no difference in the length of the fruits; however, the diameter of the fruits from the topped stems was greater than the diameter of the fruits from the untopped stems (Table 2). According to Campagnolo et al. (2010), when lopping fig tree stems, the average diameter of the fruits increases due to greater fruit growth below the topped apex. These productivity gains are reflected in the productive performance of the plants. Table 2 shows that the production and estimated productivity of plants with topped stems were greater than those of plants with untopped stems. Compared with that in untopped stems, lopping promotes productivity gains by stimulating increased vegetation growth in the form of new productive stems (Campagnolo et al. 2010).
Production per plant (kg), estimated productivity (t•ha-1), and average length and diameter of fruits (cm) of the ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ fig tree grown for industrial green fig cultivation at different spacings with and without lopping of the stems, in two evaluation cycles (2022/23 and 2023/24).
The lopping system standardizes the size of the fruits below the topped region, thereby standardizing the harvest, enabling harvest planning, and reducing the use of copper products (Gonçalves et al. 2006). When all the fruits are harvested at the same time, fewer applications of copper products are needed to combat rust [Cerotelium fici (Cast.) Arth.], the main foliar disease of this fruit tree in summer (Silva et al. 2020), resulting in savings.
Regarding the spacing between plants, there was a tendency for the length and fresh mass of the stems to be greater for plants arranged with wider spacings (Table 1). This was reflected in the number of fruits per plant because, as previously mentioned, longer stems are associated with an increased number of figs. This was reflected in the level of production per plant (Table 2), which revealed higher production in plants allocated in wider spacings. On the other hand, the estimated productivity was greater for plants allocated smaller spacings.
In a study conducted in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais, on ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ fig trees with 12 productive stems grown at a spacing of 2.5 m × 1.5 m (2,666 plants per hectare), an average of 2.79 kg of green figs was obtained per plant among plants pruned during the same period as in the present study, resulting in a productivity of 6.2 t·ha-1 (Norberto et al. 2001). In the present study, among the plants allocated the least space, the second evaluation cycle yielded 0.9 kg of green figs, with a productivity of 7.2 t·ha-1, resulting in a productivity gain of 1 t·ha-1 compared to that in the cited study (Table 2). The results for the ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ cultivar are superior to those found by Gonçalves et al. (2006), who obtained a result of 3.8 t·ha-1 in the northern region of Minas Gerais, and Dalastra et al. (2011), who recorded 3.68 t·ha-1 of green figs in the western region of Paraná.
Planting density generally increases with decreasing distance between plants (Pasa et al. 2015). Studies evaluating productive performance have shown that increased planting density, which is achieved by reducing the spacing between plants, reduces individual production, but increases productivity per area, especially for perennial fruit trees (Azevedo et al. 2015). According to Espindula et al. (2021), overall productivity increases linearly with increasing planting density. One of the most pertinent criteria for orchard densification is maximizing area productivity, allowing the use of the greatest number of plants per unit area (Pramanick et al. 2012).
There was no difference in the fresh mass of the fruits (Table 1) or in the dimensions of the fruits (Table 2) among plants arranged at different spacings. According to Pio et al. (2023), when fig trees are arranged at narrower spacings and even with different levels of stem productivity, the dimensions of the fruits do not change. This is because the standards used to determine when figs are ready for harvesting are fruit swelling and the presence of red ostioles (Campagnolo et al. 2010, Dalastra et al. 2011, Pio et al. 2023). However, there was an increase in the fresh mass of the fruits of topped plants compared to that of untopped plants due to the increase in the diameter of the fruits (Table 1).
Reduced spacings decrease production per plant, but they increase the productivity of green figs. Lopping of productive stems stimulates an increase in fruit mass, the number of fruits per plant, and fig production.
Not applicable.
How to cite: Oliveira, J. M., Ribeiro, C. H. M., Silva, A. D., Geraldo, M. J. L., Peche, P. M. and Pio, R. (2024). Reducing spacing and using lopping to enhance green fig production for industrialization. Bragantia, 83, e20240119. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-4499.20240119
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorFinance Code 001Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisGrant No. APQ-03781-22
All dataset were generated and analyzed in the current study
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Edited by
Section Editor: Gabriel Constantino Blain https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8832-7734
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
02 Sept 2024 -
Date of issue
01 June 2024 -
15 July 2024