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Th17 Cells and Cytokines in Leprosy: Understanding the Immune Response and Polarization


While there are conflicting data concerning interleukin (IL)-17 levels in the serum of patients with leprosy compared with those in healthy controls, higher levels have been more evident in the tuberculoid clinical form of leprosy and type 1 reactions. This review aimed to highlight the role of Th17 cells and their cytokines in leprosy. Cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-23 induce Th17, while transforming growth factor beta and IL-10 inhibit Th17, indicating that the balance between Th17 and regulatory T cells is crucial for leprosy polarization. However, more comprehensive paired studies are required to better elucidate the role of Th17 cells in leprosy.

Immune response; Interleukin-17; Leprosy; Leprosy reaction


Leprosy is a transmissible, chronic disease that affects the skin and nerves. It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis) infection, and can lead to physical disability and deformities11. World Health Organization (WHO). Global Leprosy Strategy 2021-2030: Towards zero leprosy. New Delhi: WHO; 2021.. Individual susceptibility depends on environmental, genetic, and immunological factors22. World Health Organization (WHO). Global leprosy (Hansen disease) update, 2019: Time to step-up prevention initiatives. Wkly epidemiol rec. 2020;95(36):417-40..

The clinical forms of leprosy can be classified into two categories: tuberculoid-tuberculoid (TT), with a predominantly cellular immune response, and lepromatous leprosy (LL), with a predominant humoral response. Other clinical forms of leprosy, such as borderline tuberculoid (BT) leprosy, borderline-borderline (BB) leprosy, and borderline leprosy (BL), show more unstable immunological characteristics ranging across both polar forms33. Fonseca AB, Simon MD, Cazzaniga RA, de Moura TR, de Almeida RP, Duthie MS, et al. The influence of innate and adaptative immune responses on the differential clinical outcomes of leprosy. Infect Dis Poverty. 2017;6(1):5.

4. Mendonça VA, Costa RD, Melo GEBA, Antunes CM, Teireira AL. Imunologia da hanseníase. An Bras Dermatol. 2008;83(40):343-50.

5. Ridley DS, Jopling WH. Classification of leprosy according to immunity. A five-group system. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 1966;34(3):255-73.

6. Scollard DM, Adams LB, Gillis TP, Krahenbuhl JL, Truman RW, Williams DL. The continuing challenges of leprosy. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2006;19(2):338-81.
-77. Sieling PA, Modlin RL. Cytokine patterns at the site of mycobacterial infection. Immunobiology. 1994;191(4-5):378-87.. Additionally, patients may experience acute immunological reactions before, during, or after pharmacological treatment, known as type 1 reactions (RT1), resulting from a sudden increase in cellular immunity, or type 2 reactions (RT2), which usually occur in clinical form with a high bacillary load owing to the deposition of immune complexes with Bacillus antigens88. Fischer M. Leprosy - an overview of clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2017;15(8):801-27..

The immune response varies depending on the clinical form of the disease. Conditions that exhibit an intense cellular response with type 1 helper T cells (Th1) and cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) can be identified that culminate in bacillary load control. For example, this can be observed in some patients with the clinical form of TT. However, other patients may exhibit an intense humoral response with Th2 cells and cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), leading to inhibition of macrophage microbicidal activity and bacillary proliferation. Patients with the LL form present with this latter response.

Other T lymphocyte populations have been implicated in the immunopathology of leprosy, such as Th17. Similar to Th1 cells, Th17 cells produce proinflammatory cytokines, mainly IL-17, IL-21, and IL-23. Higher levels of IL-17 have been observed in patients with the TT clinical form, contributing to maintenance of the cellular immune response, increasing the number of Th1 effector cells, recruiting neutrophils99. Chaves AT, Ribeiro-Junior AF, Lyon S, Medeiros NI, Cassirer-Costa F, Paula KS, et al. Regulatory T cells: Friends or foe in human Mycobacterium leprae infection? Immunobiology. 2018;223(4-5):397-404.

10. de Almeida-Neto FB, Assis Costa VM, Oliveira-Filho AF, de Souza Franco E, Tavares Julião de Lima EV, Barros de Lorena VM, et al. TH17 cells, interleukin-17 and interferon-γ in patients and households contacts of leprosy with multibacillary and paucibacillary forms before and after the start of chemotherapy treatment. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(7):1354-61.

11. Quaresma JA, Aarão TL, Sousa JR, Botelho BS, Barros LF, Araujo RS, et al. T-helper 17 cytokines expression in leprosy skin lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173(2):565-7.

12. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.

13. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.
-1414. Santos MB, de Oliveira DT, Cazzaniga RA, Varjão CS, Dos Santos PL, Santos MLB, et al. Distinct Roles of Th17 and Th1 Cells in Inflammatory Responses Associated with the Presentation of Paucibacillary Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions. Scand J Immunol. 2017;86(1):40-9., and promoting tissue inflammation in skin lesions1111. Quaresma JA, Aarão TL, Sousa JR, Botelho BS, Barros LF, Araujo RS, et al. T-helper 17 cytokines expression in leprosy skin lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173(2):565-7.,1515. Saini C, Siddiqui A, Ramesh V, Nath I. Leprosy reactions show increased Th17 cell activity and reduced FoxP3+ Tregs with concomitant decrease in TGF-β and increase in IL-6. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2016;10(4):e0004592.. In addition, some studies have reported the involvement of IL-17 in the pathogenesis of RT11212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.,1616. Attia EA, Abdallah M, El-Khateeb E, Saad AA, Lotfi RA, Abdallah M, et al. Serum Th17 cytokines in leprosy: correlation with circulating CD4(+) CD25 (high)FoxP3 (+) T-regs cells, as well as down regulatory cytokines. Arch Dermatol Res. 2014;306(9):793-801.

17. Chaitanya S, Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri SR, Sengupta U. Increased serum circulatory levels of interleukin 17F in type 1 reactions of leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2012;32(6):1415-20.
-1818. Saini C, Srivastava RK, Kumar P, Ramesh V, Sharma A. A distinct double positive IL-17A+/F+ T helper 17 cells induced inflammation leads to IL17 producing neutrophils in Type 1 reaction of leprosy patients. Cytokine. 2020;126:154873. and RT21919. Martiniuk F, Giovinazzo J, Tan AU, Shahidullah R, Haslett P, Kaplan G, et al. Lessons of leprosy: the emergence of TH17 cytokines during type II reactions (ENL) is teaching us about T-cell plasticity. J Drugs Dermatol. 2012;11(5):626-30..

Th17 cells have IL-6 and TGF-β as differentiation factors, along with transcription factors STAT3, RORγt, and RORα2020. Torchinsky MB, Blander JM. T helper 17 cells: discovery, function, and physiological trigger. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010;67(9):1407-21., and produce inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which acts in M. leprae destruction in phagosomes2121. de Sousa JR, Sotto MN, Simões Quaresma JA. Leprosy As a Complex Infection: Breakdown of the Th1 and Th2 Immune Paradigm in the Immunopathogenesis of the disease. Front Immunol. 2017;8:1635..

Moreover, the upregulation of cytokines associated with Th17 cells leads to suppression of T regulatory cells (Tregs), which play a crucial role in maintaining peripheral tolerance. A heightened abundance of Tregs has been linked to immunosuppression and enhanced proliferation of bacilli in patients with LB and LL1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.. The equilibrium between Th17 and Treg populations has previously been described. A decline in Tregs is concomitant with heightened Th17 activity, decreased TGF-β levels, and elevated IL-6 and IL-21 levels1515. Saini C, Siddiqui A, Ramesh V, Nath I. Leprosy reactions show increased Th17 cell activity and reduced FoxP3+ Tregs with concomitant decrease in TGF-β and increase in IL-6. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2016;10(4):e0004592.. Additionally, IL-10 and TGF-β inhibition in patients with LL leads to the restoration of Th17 cell presence, underscoring the potential manipulation of the cytokine milieu to benefit the patient's condition.

As leprosy presents as a complex immunoregulatory scenario, this review aimed to advance knowledge concerning Th17 cells and their cytokines, and highlight their participation in the immune response to leprosy.

Research strategy and selection criteria

Relevant studies were retrieved from the CAPES Journal Portal in March 2023 using the following descriptors: “leprosy” and “Th17,” with the Boolean operator “AND.” Full articles addressing the pathophysiology of leprosy related to the Th17 immune response profile in the clinical form and reactional state were included ( Supplementary Table 1). Studies involving leprosy and other autoimmune and immunosuppressive diseases, as well as reports, abstracts, reviews, and duplicate records were excluded (Figure 1).

Flowchart of included studies.

Th17 levels in the clinical forms of leprosy

In BL, Th17 cells play a protective role in the immune response1313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.,2222. Shi C, Ma S, Bai J, Liu Y, Ma Y, Lu X, et al. Elevated IL-23 in skin promotes IL-23 derived Th17 responses in leprosy patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2022;49(9):1002-9. secreting IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-51313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.. Conflicting data concerning IL-17 levels have been reported, suggesting decreased levels in the serum of patients with leprosy2323. Abdallah M, Emam H, Attia E, Hussein J, Mohamed N. Estimation of serum level of interleukin-17 and interleukin-4 in leprosy, towards more understanding of leprosy immunopathogenesis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2013;79(6):772-6.,2424. da Motta-Passos I, Malheiro A, Gomes Naveca F, de Souza Passos LF, Ribeiro De Barros Cardoso C, da Graça Souza Cunha M, et al. Decreased RNA expression of interleukin 17A in skin of leprosy. Eur J Dermatol. 2012;22(4):488-94., whereas other studies1313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.,1414. Santos MB, de Oliveira DT, Cazzaniga RA, Varjão CS, Dos Santos PL, Santos MLB, et al. Distinct Roles of Th17 and Th1 Cells in Inflammatory Responses Associated with the Presentation of Paucibacillary Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions. Scand J Immunol. 2017;86(1):40-9.,1717. Chaitanya S, Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri SR, Sengupta U. Increased serum circulatory levels of interleukin 17F in type 1 reactions of leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2012;32(6):1415-20.,2525. Farag AGA, Labeeb AZ, Gerges ANA, Elshaib ME. Interleukin-17A in Egyptian leprosy patients: a clinical, genetic, and biochemical study. An Bras Dermatol . 2022;97(6):735-41. have reported higher levels in the TT/BT polar forms than in the LL form1111. Quaresma JA, Aarão TL, Sousa JR, Botelho BS, Barros LF, Araujo RS, et al. T-helper 17 cytokines expression in leprosy skin lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173(2):565-7.

12. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.

13. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.
-1414. Santos MB, de Oliveira DT, Cazzaniga RA, Varjão CS, Dos Santos PL, Santos MLB, et al. Distinct Roles of Th17 and Th1 Cells in Inflammatory Responses Associated with the Presentation of Paucibacillary Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions. Scand J Immunol. 2017;86(1):40-9.,2525. Farag AGA, Labeeb AZ, Gerges ANA, Elshaib ME. Interleukin-17A in Egyptian leprosy patients: a clinical, genetic, and biochemical study. An Bras Dermatol . 2022;97(6):735-41.,2626. Azevedo MCS, Marques H, Binelli LS, Malange MSV, Devides AC, Silva EA, et al. Simultaneous analysis of multiple T helper subsets in leprosy reveals distinct patterns of Th1, Th2, Th17 and Tregs markers expression in clinical forms and reactional events. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2017;206(6):429-39.. Furthermore, one study concerning IL-17F identified higher levels in non-reactional patients than in healthy controls, suggesting the greater the bacillary load, the greater the secretion of IL-17F1717. Chaitanya S, Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri SR, Sengupta U. Increased serum circulatory levels of interleukin 17F in type 1 reactions of leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2012;32(6):1415-20..

One study compared the differences between peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the immune response at the site of skin injury and reported generally higher levels of IL-17, IL-21, IL-22, IL-23, MMP13, CCL20, and CCL22 and lower levels of IL-1β and RORC transcription factor in patients with TT compared with patients with LL1313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.. Notably, no difference in skin lesions was observed in relation to differences between IL-23 and IL-6 levels1313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.. Azevedo et al.2626. Azevedo MCS, Marques H, Binelli LS, Malange MSV, Devides AC, Silva EA, et al. Simultaneous analysis of multiple T helper subsets in leprosy reveals distinct patterns of Th1, Th2, Th17 and Tregs markers expression in clinical forms and reactional events. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2017;206(6):429-39. obtained similar data regarding IL-17A and IL-21 levels, but differences were observed in IL-22 and IL-23 levels. Furthermore, Wang et al.2727. Wang J, Zhang G, Yao Q, Shen H, Yu X, Chen Q, et al. The expression of Th17/Treg cells in skin lesions during leprosy, and its clinical significance. Lep Rev. 2018;89(4):387-94. reported that the IL-17 levels in leprosy skin lesions were similar to those in healthy controls. Another report showed no difference in serum IL-22 levels among the clinical forms of leprosy1616. Attia EA, Abdallah M, El-Khateeb E, Saad AA, Lotfi RA, Abdallah M, et al. Serum Th17 cytokines in leprosy: correlation with circulating CD4(+) CD25 (high)FoxP3 (+) T-regs cells, as well as down regulatory cytokines. Arch Dermatol Res. 2014;306(9):793-801.. These study findings highlight the challenges in determining Th17 predominance in these patients.

Involvement of IL-23 in Th17 cell differentiation

The cytokine IL-23 is secreted by keratinocytes, epithelial cells, and macrophages, and has been found in higher levels in patients with TT compared with those with LL, but at lower levels than those in healthy controls1313. Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. CD4+ Th17 cells discriminate clinical types and constitute a third subset of non Th1, Non Th2 T cells in human leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2013;7(7):e2338.,2222. Shi C, Ma S, Bai J, Liu Y, Ma Y, Lu X, et al. Elevated IL-23 in skin promotes IL-23 derived Th17 responses in leprosy patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2022;49(9):1002-9.. Blocking the signaling of rIL-23 in vitro in CD4+ T cells has been reported to decrease IL-17A production, increase TGF-β levels, and have minimal effect on IFN-γ and FoxP3 levels2222. Shi C, Ma S, Bai J, Liu Y, Ma Y, Lu X, et al. Elevated IL-23 in skin promotes IL-23 derived Th17 responses in leprosy patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2022;49(9):1002-9..

Cells stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and BCG taken from patients with paucibacillary (PB) leprosy had higher levels of TCD4+ IL-17+ and TCD4+ IFN-γ+ compared with patients with multibacillary (MB) leprosy1010. de Almeida-Neto FB, Assis Costa VM, Oliveira-Filho AF, de Souza Franco E, Tavares Julião de Lima EV, Barros de Lorena VM, et al. TH17 cells, interleukin-17 and interferon-γ in patients and households contacts of leprosy with multibacillary and paucibacillary forms before and after the start of chemotherapy treatment. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(7):1354-61. . The inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and IL-17 exhibited a positive correlation in these patients, suggesting that they act synergistically in controlling the infection. Unlike in patients with PB-type leprosy, those with MB-type leprosy showed changes in their immune response profile after multidrug therapy (MDT), showing an increase in TCD4+ IL-17+1010. de Almeida-Neto FB, Assis Costa VM, Oliveira-Filho AF, de Souza Franco E, Tavares Julião de Lima EV, Barros de Lorena VM, et al. TH17 cells, interleukin-17 and interferon-γ in patients and households contacts of leprosy with multibacillary and paucibacillary forms before and after the start of chemotherapy treatment. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(7):1354-61..

Concerning IL-17A gene polymorphism, genetic factors influence the type of host immune response against the bacillus. Farag et al.2525. Farag AGA, Labeeb AZ, Gerges ANA, Elshaib ME. Interleukin-17A in Egyptian leprosy patients: a clinical, genetic, and biochemical study. An Bras Dermatol . 2022;97(6):735-41. showed that, while IL-17A gene polymorphisms were not significantly associated with genetic susceptibility to leprosy, the GG genotype and G allele of IL-17A were associated with progression to the LL form.

IL-26 is another cytokine secreted by Th17 cells that contributes to defense against bacilli within the cells. When added to macrophages in vitro, IL-26 enters cells infected with M. leprae, decreasing their viability, inducing autophagy, and promoting the fusion of phagosomes containing bacilli with lysosomal compartments. IL-26 is more highly expressed in BT lesions, granulomas, and near lymphoid cells, and is diffusely expressed in mononuclear myeloid cells2828. Dang AT, Teles RM, Weiss DI, Parvatiyar K, Sarno EN, Ochoa MT, et al. IL-26 contributes to host defense against intracellular bacteria. J Clin Invest. 2019;129(5):1926-39..

Th17 in leprosy reactions

When comparing two reactive states, Yuniati et al.2929. Yuniati R, Riawan W, Widasmara D, Darmaputra IGN, Arifin S. Distribution of CD4+ RORg-T Th17 and CD25+ FoxP3+ Treg in leprosy patient with reversal reaction. J Pak Assoc Dermatol. 2018;28(2):123-8. identified higher levels of CD4+ RORg-Th17 and IL17 in an RT1 group compared with an RT2 group. Another study showed that IL-17 levels were higher in patients in an RT1 group and that Th17 cells were positive for both IL-17A and IL-17F1818. Saini C, Srivastava RK, Kumar P, Ramesh V, Sharma A. A distinct double positive IL-17A+/F+ T helper 17 cells induced inflammation leads to IL17 producing neutrophils in Type 1 reaction of leprosy patients. Cytokine. 2020;126:154873.. Chaitanya et al.1717. Chaitanya S, Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri SR, Sengupta U. Increased serum circulatory levels of interleukin 17F in type 1 reactions of leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2012;32(6):1415-20. identified higher IL-17F levels in the blood of patients with RT1 compared with levels in non-reactive and healthy controls and in patients with RT2s compared with controls, suggesting that IL-17 plays a role in the regulation of leprosy reactions.

Vilani-Moreno et al.3030. Vilani-Moreno FR, Brito-de-Souza VN, Silva SMUR, Barbosa ASAA, Sartori BGC, Campanelli AP, et al. Increased serum levels of interleukin-6 in erythema nodosum leprosum suggest its use as a biomarker. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol . 2021;87(2):190-8. evaluated RT2 leprosy at the beginning of the reactional state and one month after treatment. No differences in IL-17, IL10, IL-4, IL-2 or IFN-γ levels were observed. However, higher levels of nitric oxide, TNF-α, and IL-6 were observed at the onset of the reaction. IL-6 levels decreased after treatment, suggesting that IL-6 may be a potential biomarker. Another study compared patients with RT2 and patients with LL and reported reduced levels of TCD4+ cells, FoxP3, and IL-10 levels in the RT2 group, but higher levels of IL-4, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-17A3131. Negera E, Walker SL, Bobosha K, Howe R, Aseffa A, Dockrell HM, et al. T-cell regulation in Erythema Nodosum Leprosum. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2017;11(10):e0006001.,3232. Negera E, Walker SL, Bobosha K, Bekele Y, Endale B, Tarekegn A, et al. The Effects of Prednisolone Treatment on Cytokine Expression in Patients with Erythema Nodosum Leprosum Reactions. Front Immunol . 2018;9:189..

Other cytokines may also be involved in the cell differentiation pathways of Th17 cells in the reactive state. Higher IL-17A/F, IL-21, IL-22, and IL-23 levels, and higher chemokine CCL20 and CCL22 levels have been reported in reactive cells compared with their non-reactive counterparts1515. Saini C, Siddiqui A, Ramesh V, Nath I. Leprosy reactions show increased Th17 cell activity and reduced FoxP3+ Tregs with concomitant decrease in TGF-β and increase in IL-6. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2016;10(4):e0004592.. Supporting these data, another study identified high IL-21 levels in both peripheral blood and skin lesions in patients with RT1 compared with non-reactive patients. Furthermore, IL-21 gene expression in multilocus sequence analysis-stimulated PBMCs showed a significant correlation with IL-17A/F and RORC, but not with IFN-γ, TGF-β, and FoxP3, suggesting that elevated IL-21 participates in the pathogenesis of RT1 through inducing differentiation and increased function of Th17 cells3333. Saini C, Sapra L, Bhardwaj A, Tarique M, Sharma A, Khanna N, et al. IL-21 plays an important role in modulating "Th17-Treg" cell axis in leprosy Type 1 reactions. Cytokine. 2022;152:155821.. Higher serum IL-22 levels have been reported in patients with TR2 compared with healthy controls1616. Attia EA, Abdallah M, El-Khateeb E, Saad AA, Lotfi RA, Abdallah M, et al. Serum Th17 cytokines in leprosy: correlation with circulating CD4(+) CD25 (high)FoxP3 (+) T-regs cells, as well as down regulatory cytokines. Arch Dermatol Res. 2014;306(9):793-801..

Saini et al.3434. Saini C, Srivastava RK, Tarique M, Kurra S, Khanna N, Ramesh V, et al. Elevated IL-6R on CD4+ T cells promotes IL-6 driven Th17 cell responses in patients with T1R leprosy reactions. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):15143. reported elevated IL-17A, IL-23, IL-6, and rIL-6 levels in patients with RT1. Through blocking rIL-6 and rIL-23, IL-17A expression decreased and TGF-β expression increased, confirming the roles of these cytokines in leprosy. Castro et al.3535. Gomes de Castro KK, Lopes da Silva PH, Nahar dos Santos L, Leal JMP, de Pinho Pereira MM, Alvim IMP, et al. Downmodulation of regulatory T cells producing TGF-β participates in pathogenesis of leprosy reactions. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:865330. suggested that the upregulation of IL-17 and IL-6 influences the development of RT2. Additionally, Azevedo et al.2626. Azevedo MCS, Marques H, Binelli LS, Malange MSV, Devides AC, Silva EA, et al. Simultaneous analysis of multiple T helper subsets in leprosy reveals distinct patterns of Th1, Th2, Th17 and Tregs markers expression in clinical forms and reactional events. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2017;206(6):429-39. reported higher expression of IL-17F, IL-8, CCL20, and CCL29 in patients with RT2 and lower expression of IL-22, IL-23, TGF-β, and FoxP3.

Studies involving reactive patients have identified an increase in TGF-β, INF-γ, and IL-17 levels in patients with RT2 compared with those with RT1 and non-reactive patients3636. Costa MB, Hungria EM, Freitas AA, Sousa ALOM, Jampietro J, Soares FA, et al. In situ T regulatory cells and Th17 cytokines in paired samples of leprosy type 1 and type 2 reactions. PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0196853.. These data differ from those reported by Gomes de Castro et al.­3535. Gomes de Castro KK, Lopes da Silva PH, Nahar dos Santos L, Leal JMP, de Pinho Pereira MM, Alvim IMP, et al. Downmodulation of regulatory T cells producing TGF-β participates in pathogenesis of leprosy reactions. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:865330. who found lower levels of these cytokines in patients with RT2 than in those with RT1 and LL, suggesting their role in maintaining a hyporesponsive state in the LL polar type, which may lead to the genesis of leprosy reactions. However, these divergent data emphasize the importance of further investigations with regard to TGF-β along with other cytokines responsible for the differentiation of Th17 cells, such as IL-6, IL-21, and IL-1β.

Santos et al.1414. Santos MB, de Oliveira DT, Cazzaniga RA, Varjão CS, Dos Santos PL, Santos MLB, et al. Distinct Roles of Th17 and Th1 Cells in Inflammatory Responses Associated with the Presentation of Paucibacillary Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions. Scand J Immunol. 2017;86(1):40-9. reported that patients with MB-type leprosy had lower IL-17A and IL-1β levels than those with PB-type leprosy; however, those who evolved to reactional states had higher serum concentrations of IFN-γ, indicating an association of Th1 cells both in patients with the PB type and with leprosy reactions. In contrast, Th17 cells have been associated with a more effective inflammatory response in patients with PB-type leprosy but not as predictors of reactions in patients with MB-type leprosy.

In a cohort of patients with RT2 who were treated with thalidomide for 21 days, a reduction in IL-20 and an increase in IL-21 and FoxP3 were observed, while IL-17 was observed before and after treatment, confirming that these cells are involved in RT2 and are regulated by thalidomide, suppressing inflammatory components and enhancing cellular immunity mediated by this profile3737. Kurizky PS, Motta JOCD, Bezerra NVF, Sousa MCDS, Corazza D, Borges TKDS, et al. Dramatic secukinumab-mediated improvements in refractory leprosy-related neuritis via the modulation of T helper 1 (Th1) and T helper 17 (Th17) immune pathways. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2021;54:e03362021..

The relationship between Th17 and Tregs in the immune response to leprosy

Several studies have investigated the cytokines involved in Treg and Th17 cells in leprosy, indicating that the balance between these cells appears to be involved in the development of vigorous responses to M. leprae1111. Quaresma JA, Aarão TL, Sousa JR, Botelho BS, Barros LF, Araujo RS, et al. T-helper 17 cytokines expression in leprosy skin lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173(2):565-7.,1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.,1414. Santos MB, de Oliveira DT, Cazzaniga RA, Varjão CS, Dos Santos PL, Santos MLB, et al. Distinct Roles of Th17 and Th1 Cells in Inflammatory Responses Associated with the Presentation of Paucibacillary Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions. Scand J Immunol. 2017;86(1):40-9.,3838. Tarique M, Saini C, Naqvi RA, Khanna N, Sharma A, Rao DN. IL-12 and IL-23 modulate plasticity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human Leprosy. Mol Immunol. 2017;83:72-81.. Decreased Treg suppression is associated with increased Th17 activity. However, elevated Th17 profile cytokines contribute to inflammation in the affected area, resulting in tissue and nerve injury1515. Saini C, Siddiqui A, Ramesh V, Nath I. Leprosy reactions show increased Th17 cell activity and reduced FoxP3+ Tregs with concomitant decrease in TGF-β and increase in IL-6. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2016;10(4):e0004592.,2626. Azevedo MCS, Marques H, Binelli LS, Malange MSV, Devides AC, Silva EA, et al. Simultaneous analysis of multiple T helper subsets in leprosy reveals distinct patterns of Th1, Th2, Th17 and Tregs markers expression in clinical forms and reactional events. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2017;206(6):429-39.,2929. Yuniati R, Riawan W, Widasmara D, Darmaputra IGN, Arifin S. Distribution of CD4+ RORg-T Th17 and CD25+ FoxP3+ Treg in leprosy patient with reversal reaction. J Pak Assoc Dermatol. 2018;28(2):123-8.,3636. Costa MB, Hungria EM, Freitas AA, Sousa ALOM, Jampietro J, Soares FA, et al. In situ T regulatory cells and Th17 cytokines in paired samples of leprosy type 1 and type 2 reactions. PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0196853.. Furthermore, Th17/Tregs were mainly distributed within and around the granulomas in BT/TT. In contrast, they were observed around macrophages in BL/LL, suggesting an interaction with histiocytes2727. Wang J, Zhang G, Yao Q, Shen H, Yu X, Chen Q, et al. The expression of Th17/Treg cells in skin lesions during leprosy, and its clinical significance. Lep Rev. 2018;89(4):387-94..

TGF-β participates in the differentiation of Treg FoxP3 and inhibits Th17, as reported by Saini et al.1515. Saini C, Siddiqui A, Ramesh V, Nath I. Leprosy reactions show increased Th17 cell activity and reduced FoxP3+ Tregs with concomitant decrease in TGF-β and increase in IL-6. PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2016;10(4):e0004592. In cutaneous lesions, using immunohistochemistry, Wang et al.2727. Wang J, Zhang G, Yao Q, Shen H, Yu X, Chen Q, et al. The expression of Th17/Treg cells in skin lesions during leprosy, and its clinical significance. Lep Rev. 2018;89(4):387-94. found that FoxP3 expression was higher than that in healthy controls. Quaresma et al.1111. Quaresma JA, Aarão TL, Sousa JR, Botelho BS, Barros LF, Araujo RS, et al. T-helper 17 cytokines expression in leprosy skin lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173(2):565-7. identified a higher TGF-β expression in patients with LL and Sadhu et al.1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338. reported higher IL-10 levels in patients with BL/LL compared with those with the TT form. De Castro et al.3535. Gomes de Castro KK, Lopes da Silva PH, Nahar dos Santos L, Leal JMP, de Pinho Pereira MM, Alvim IMP, et al. Downmodulation of regulatory T cells producing TGF-β participates in pathogenesis of leprosy reactions. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:865330. also showed higher IL-10 levels in BL than in LL. These findings are in accordance with those reported by Attia et al., who showed higher levels of TGF-β in patients compared with controls, although no differences were observed across the leprosy spectrum1616. Attia EA, Abdallah M, El-Khateeb E, Saad AA, Lotfi RA, Abdallah M, et al. Serum Th17 cytokines in leprosy: correlation with circulating CD4(+) CD25 (high)FoxP3 (+) T-regs cells, as well as down regulatory cytokines. Arch Dermatol Res. 2014;306(9):793-801.. Increased IL-10 production is linked to reduced IL-17 production, which contributes to the progression of MB-type leprosy.

In addition, Sadhu et al.1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338., in their study in India with patients using flow cytometry on peripheral blood stimulated with M. leprae, observed a five-fold higher frequency of Tregs producing IL-10 in the BL/LL types, whereas Th17 cells had higher levels in the BT/TT types, showing an inverse correlation between the presence of IL-10 and IL-17 in these polar forms. Blocking IL-10 and TGF-β resulted in the re-establishment of IL-17+ T cells in BL/LL. Moreover, the action of inducing cytokines TGF-β, IL-6, and IL-23, or the secretory cytokine IL-17 by Th17 cells decreased the numbers of FoxP3 + Tregs and increased those of CD4+ IL17+1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.. One study showed that the plasticity of FoxP3 + Tregs can be manipulated according to the environment, using cultured cells stimulated with M. leprae and/or IL-12, IL-23, rIL-2, and anti-CD3/CD28, where rIL-12 and rIL-23 significantly reduced the production of TGF-β and IL-10 by Tregs, and IL-12 converted FoxP3+ Tregs into Th1-like cells, increasing pStat4 levels in Tregs and IFN-γ production, while IL-23 converted Tregs into Th17-like cells, increasing pStat3+ and IL-17A+3838. Tarique M, Saini C, Naqvi RA, Khanna N, Sharma A, Rao DN. IL-12 and IL-23 modulate plasticity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human Leprosy. Mol Immunol. 2017;83:72-81..

These findings indicate that the balance between Treg and Th17 cells is important for host immunity, and that manipulation of the cytokine environment can promote cellular responses, potentially being useful as a therapeutic approach for patients with the LL polar form to achieve parasite control without inducing immunopathology1212. Sadhu S, Khaitan BK, Joshi B, Sengupta U, Nautiyal AK, Mitra DK. Reciprocity between regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells: relevance to polarized immunity in leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(1):e0004338.,3838. Tarique M, Saini C, Naqvi RA, Khanna N, Sharma A, Rao DN. IL-12 and IL-23 modulate plasticity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human Leprosy. Mol Immunol. 2017;83:72-81..

Figure 2 summarizes the importance of these immune cells and their cytokines in leprosy.

Immunological characteristics of the Th17 profile presented in the clinical forms of leprosy.


The role of Th17 cells in the immune response to M. leprae and M. lepromatosis infection in leprosy requires further elucidation. Higher IL-17 levels appear to occur in leprosy, predominantly in relation to the TT polar form and TR1. Additionally, obtaining a balance between opposing Th17 and Tregs is essential for both leprosy polarization and the development of reactional states.

However, more comprehensive paired studies using skin lesions and blood samples that compare between healthy controls and patients with and without reactions are needed to better elucidate the effects of Th17 cells and their secretion and inducing of cytokines.


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    Tarique M, Saini C, Naqvi RA, Khanna N, Sharma A, Rao DN. IL-12 and IL-23 modulate plasticity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human Leprosy. Mol Immunol. 2017;83:72-81.
  • Financial Support: A.S.D. received financial support from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq Process number 307492/2020-6).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 June 2023
  • Accepted
    04 Oct 2023
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