Ocorrência do semi-parasita Struthanthus sp. em Codiaeum sp. no parque da luiz de queiroz*
Occurrence of the semi-parasitic Struthanthus sp. on Codiaeum sp. in the "Luiz de Queiroz" park
Walter Radamés Accorsi; Luiz Antonio Rochelle; Myrtes A.A. de Barros
Departamento de Botânica, E.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", USP
The occurrence of a semi-parasitic Struthanthus sp., Loranthaceae, growing normally on the host (Codiaeum sp.), Euphorbiaceae, was studied. This is of no common occurrence. The adaptation of the haustoria within the host tissues, will be investigated later.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
10 Maio 2012 -
Data do Fascículo