Open-access Estimulação da espermiação em curimbatá Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner) através de aplicaçoes de HCG (Ostheichthyes, Characiformes, Prochilodontidae)

Stimulation of spermiation with hormonal injections in the curimbatá Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner) (Ostheichthyes, Characiformes, Prochilodontidae)


Sperm of 180 three year old males of curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner, 1881), was collected to verify the possibility of utilization of these males more than one time, and to know how long after the hormonal induction would occur the highest production of milt. This experiment was carried out in 1991 and 1992. After sperm was collected, each male was stimulated by the first injection of five IU/g of hCG. Then, milt was collected at 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours before and after the first dose and at 16 hours before and after the second one. Mean volume values were, before hormonal injection, 0.22ml and after two doses of hCG, 106ml. Maximal production occurred between 16 and 24 hours after induction. Mean values of sperm concentration and total number of sperm were, before hormonal induction, 31.16xl0(6)/mm³ and 6.79x10(9) and after two doses, 21.46x10(6)/mm³ and 22.15x10(9), respectively. There were no statistical differences between males receiving two or one doses of hCG concerning fertilization. Results indicated that males of Prochilodus scrofa may be induced a second time 14 days apart, what increases their reproduetive efficiency.

Prochilodus scrofa; curimbatá; spermiation; hormonal induction

Prochilodus scrofa; curimbatá; spermiation; hormonal induction

Estimulação da espermiação em curimbatá Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner) através de aplicaçoes de HCG (Ostheichthyes, Characiformes, Prochilodontidae)

Stimulation of spermiation with hormonal injections in the curimbatá Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner) (Ostheichthyes, Characiformes, Prochilodontidae)

Emico T. KavamotoI; Eduardo de M. FerrazI; Elaine F. de Andrade TalmelliI; Cleide S.R. Mainardes-PintoI; Elizabeth RomagosaI; Massuka Y. NaraharaI; Valquiria H. BarnabeII; Benedicto do E.S. de CamposIII

IDivisão de Pesca Interior, Instituto de Pesca, CPA/SAA. Avenida Francisco Matarazzo 455, 05031-900 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

IIFaculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Reprodução Animal, Universidade de São Paulo. Avenida Corifeu de Azevedo Marques 2720, 05340-900, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

IIIInstituto de Zootecnia, CPA/SAA. Rua Heitor Penteado 56, Caixa Postal 60, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brasil


Sperm of 180 three year old males of curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa (Steindachner, 1881), was collected to verify the possibility of utilization of these males more than one time, and to know how long after the hormonal induction would occur the highest production of milt. This experiment was carried out in 1991 and 1992. After sperm was collected, each male was stimulated by the first injection of five IU/g of hCG. Then, milt was collected at 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours before and after the first dose and at 16 hours before and after the second one. Mean volume values were, before hormonal injection, 0.22ml and after two doses of hCG, 106ml. Maximal production occurred between 16 and 24 hours after induction. Mean values of sperm concentration and total number of sperm were, before hormonal induction, 31.16xl06/mm3 and 6.79x109 and after two doses, 21.46x106/mm3 and 22.15x109, respectively. There were no statistical differences between males receiving two or one doses of hCG concerning fertilization. Results indicated that males of Prochilodus scrofa may be induced a second time 14 days apart, what increases their reproduetive efficiency.

Key words:Prochilodus scrofa, curimbatá, spermiation, hormonal induction

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AGRADECIMENTOS. Os autores agradecem a valiosa colaboração dos funcionários de apoio à pesquisa da Estação Experimental de Piscicultura e Ranicultura de Pindamonhangaba, ao Técnico José Plaza e ao Agente Job Carvalho Bezerra, pelo auxílio nas coletas, à Desenhista Olga Maria Marcelino pela confecção das figuras e à Márcia Cipolli, pela revisão deste artigo.

Recebido em 25.IV.1995; aceito em 01.VI.1996.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    16 Jul 2009
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Aceito
    01 Jun 1996
  • Recebido
    25 Abr 1995
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