Open-access Orthopedics and Traumatology Skill Matrix for Musculoskeletal System Approach by Medical Graduates


Objective  This study aimed to build a matrix of orthopedics and traumatology skills focusing on the musculoskeletal system for graduates of a medical course in Brazil.

Methods  The study used the e-Delphi methodology to retrieve opinions anonymously. The first proposal included 42 items determined at a bibliographical review and their epidemiological relevance. This proposal was available via Google Forms, and we sent it using the instant messaging application WhatsApp. We grouped the panel of 26 specialists into three categories: Orthopedics and Traumatology professors, Primary Care doctors, and Emergency Physicians. We reached a consensus after three rounds, with at least 75% agreement between the items initially presented. We also considered the following four indicators: prerequisite, essential, desirable, and advanced skills.

Results  We created a matrix with 34 musculoskeletal system-related skills, including diagnostic and management actions for all age groups.

Conclusion  We devised a skill matrix in Orthopedics and Traumatology for medical graduation for complete or partial use according to the institutional curriculum.

Keywords education, medical; orthopedics; traumatology


Objetivo  Construir uma matriz de competências em ortopedia e traumatologia, com enfoque no sistema musculoesquelético, necessárias ao egresso do curso de medicina no Brasil.

Método  Utilizou-se a metodologia e-Delphi, visando captar a opinião de participantes de forma anônima. A primeira proposta contou com 42 itens, frutos de revisão bibliográfica e relevância epidemiológica, disponibilizados para os painelistas pelo Google Forms e enviados através do aplicativo de mensagens instantâneas Whatsapp. Constituiu-se um painel de 26 especialistas agrupados em três categorias: docentes de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, médicos da Atenção Primária e Emergencistas. O consenso foi obtido após a realização de 3 rodadas, com pelo menos 75% de concordância entre os itens inicialmente apresentados. Foram também considerados quatro indicadores: competências pré-requisito, essenciais, desejáveis e avançadas.

Resultados  obteve-se uma matriz com 34 competências relativas à abordagem do sistema musculoesquelético, que contempla ações de diagnóstico e conduta de todas as faixas etárias.

Conclusão  Foi construída uma matriz de competências em Ortopedia e Traumatologia para graduação médica com possibilidades de ser utilizada na sua íntegra ou de forma parcial, de acordo com o perfil do currículo institucional.

Palavras-chave educação médica; ortopedia; traumatologia


Orthopedics and traumatology are the medical specialties studying, diagnosing, and treating traumatic and non-traumatic conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system (MMS). However, up to 25% of general practice consultations are MMS-related. For the World Health Organization, 2000-2010 was the “Bone and Connective Tissue Decade” to indicate the significance of musculoskeletal conditions for global health care.1,2,3

The Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines for the graduation course in Medicine4 encourage the generalist training of physicians and expose the need for the general practitioner to address the most common problems of the daily medical practice, using resources, knowledge, skills, and attitudes under different conditions to promote a quality medicine, especially for the Brazilian Unified Health System users.4

Many regions of Brazil do not have a specialized service to meet MMS-related demands, relying on general practitioners to manage these cases with few resources. The first care, recognition of its urgency/emergency, and the correct management of these cases determine the outcome for the patient.5,6

As such, basic MMS knowledge are critical for all medical professionals.7 In Brazil, no proposal has been published to establish a minimum curriculum based on skills for teaching orthopedics in medical school.

Within this scope, a consensus on the skills for orthopedics and traumatology teaching during medical graduation can contribute to a better understanding of MMS conditions for future general practitioners. In addition, it also contributes to the training of professionals with knowledge and confidence in decision-making, resulting in improved quality of care for the population.3,8

The Delphi technique may define this consensus. This technique generates agreement between geographicallyseparated experts, the so-called panelists, who answer successive question rounds. It was developed in the 1950s and named after the Oracle of the Island of Delphos.9 It is based on the premise that the collective construction of knowledge is more fruitful than its contribution.9,10

The method has the following fundamental characteristics: anonymity, allowing individuals to express their opinions with no embarrassment risk, feedback for sharing their views, and the possibility of changing positions throughout the process.11 The popularization of the internet led to the e-Delphi, increasing the scope of the study and allowing the sending of online questionnaires.12,13

Therefore, this study aimed to build an orthopedics and traumatology skill matrix, focusing on the musculoskeletal system, required for Brazilian medical graduates, using the e-Delphi methodology.

Materials and Methods

This primary study uses a qualitative approach based on the e-Delphi method to establish a consensus on the researched topic and define the panelists, the number of rounds, the level of agreement, and question formatting. WhatsApp was the resource for communication with panelists.

Most articles in the literature define consensus as an agreement of approximately 75% on a given subject in each round. Therefore, we set this value for this study.7,11,13

In addition, it is recommended that the panel should have experts from different areas debating the same subject. The sample size can range from 10 to 30 participants. A larger number may cause difficulties in managing and providing feedback on responses. A smaller number may give a limited perspective on the subject. Furthermore, it is common to have a low response rate in certain rounds and to lose some panelists during the process7,11

Sample selection was non-probabilistic, per convenience, through indications from personal contacts. We invited 30 panelists working in Brazil, including ⅓ of orthopedists, ⅓ of Family and Community Medicine (FCM) practitioners, and ⅓ of emergency doctors.12,13

Inclusion criteria were orthopedists teaching undergraduate medicine or medical residency, doctors from the Family Health Strategy (FHS), and Emergency Medicine physicians. All participants have a specialist title from the Brazilian Educational and Cultural Department (MEC, for its acronym in Portuguese) or specialty society. We excluded physicians who abandoned the study in any of its rounds.

The data collection instrument used for this study was structured using the Google Forms platform, and we sent response links to participants through WhatsApp messages.

We organized the questionnaire into four parts: a) Informed consent form (ICF), b) sociodemographic data, c) 41 pre-defined statements about traumatology and orthopedics contents related to the medical graduation curriculum, classified into agreement levels by the six-point Likert Scale (in which 1 means strongly disagree, 2, partially disagree, 3, disagree, 4, agree, 5, partially agree, and 6, strongly agree, to record the opinion on each statement); d) space for free comments on the question-answer round, suggesting changes in the leveling, and adding not addressed skills. After reading and compiling the answers, feedback allowed sharing opinions anonymously among the participants.13

The statements constructed were based on crossing the data from the leading causes of hospitalizations in orthopedics and traumatologyat the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, for its acronym in Portuguese) in 2020, causes of absence from work per the Brazilian Social Security System within the same year, and articles on orthopedics retrieved from integrative review literature at the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and PUBMED bases. ►Table 1 shows the skill leveling.8,14,15,16,17,18,19

Table 1
Skill leveling

From the second round onwards, questionnaire structuration used the themes selected from the previous responses. Starting at this stage, participants could not add skills, but they could modify the text and level based on the highest percentage of opinions.

The Likert scale determined positioning convergence. As in the first round, we checked responses and feedback anonymously sent by the participants, with random designation.9,13

The same process occurred in the third round. Data analysis included observation of recurrences and percentages of statements in each round. Proposition inclusion occurred when response convergence in numbers 5 and 6 was equal to or greater than 75%. Proposition exclusion occurred when response convergence was equal to or greater than 75% in numbers 1 and 2. Statements that did not meet the inclusion or exclusion criteria were reworked by the first researcher and validated by another researcher considering the experts’ comments and responses regarding skill presentation and leveling to reach a 75% approval rate.9,11


Respondents from all Brazilian regions participated in our study, with higher orthopedics distribution and predominance in the Southeast of the country (►Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
Frequency distribution of the gender variable by specialty of research participants (n = 26).

The representation of specialties was equivalent, with a slight predominance of orthopedics and FHS (34.6%) compared with emergency doctors (30.8%) (►Fig. 2 and 3).

Fig. 2
Frequency distribution of the gender variable by specialty among research participants (n = 26). FHS, Family Health Strategy.

Fig. 3
Frequency distribution of the specialty variable (n = 26). FHS, Family Health Strategy.

The first round of the questionnaire had the participation of 26 panelists (86.6%): one orthopedist, one FHS physician, and two emergency physicians did not respond.

We reached a consensus in 20 statements (48.7%). The concordance rate was higher in skills deemed prerequisite and essential. Among these statements, three reached 100% convergence (►Table 2). There was no exclusion, as the percentage of positioning 1 and 2 was insufficient.

Table 2
Result of the first Delphi round: consensual statements

The second round of the survey had feedback from 25 panelists (96%): one FHS physician chose to leave the study. There were 28 statements, with fragmentation and return of one previouslyapproved and the addition of five suggestions (►Table 3).

Table 3
Result of the second Delphi round: consensual statements

Thirteen skills (46%) reached a consensus and were added with the proposed modifications. The leveling changes for desirable and advanced skills did not favor convergence. There was no 100% agreement, and no skill was excluded (►Table 3).

The third round had 24 participants since one orthopedist chose not to respond. Thus, the sample was balanced, with eight experts from each area. However, the study was interrupted due to the perceived persistence of responses about certain propositions. The minimum convergence of 75% occurred only for two statements.

Fifteen statements were evaluated, and only two (1 and 13) reached a consensus, with a suggestion to change statement 13 to a “desirable” level (►Table 4).

Table 4
Result of the third Delphi round: consensual statements

At the end of three rounds of questionnaires, we compiled a matrix of 34 skills in Orthopedics and Traumatology to be addressed during medical graduation (►Tables 2, 3 and 4). ►Table 5 shows skills with no consensus.

Table 5
Skills with no consensus


Research structuring to converge opinions from panelists from three different areas on the same topic reached the proposed objective. The compiled Orthopedics and Traumatology skill matrix for medical graduation is structured and comprehensive. The tendency to identify with the specialty led each panelist to issue an opinion limited to their expertise, and the points in common constituted the consensus.11,12

Thesample loss rateinthefirst round was below literature reports, which estimate a loss of approximately 20% in this stage.

Martins et al.3 applied a test to assess musculoskeletal skills in students from the first to the fifth year of an undergraduate medical course. Third-year students had the best results in basic anatomy questions, with a decreased performance in the following classes.

Another study by Fialho et al.20 to assess the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in an emergency unit and the frequency of description of the musculoskeletal physical examination in these cases pointed out that musculoskeletal complaints are frequent inthe evaluated emergencyunit, but their symptom assessment is insufficient. The authors point out that this result may be related to a lack of medical training; as such, medical schools must emphasize training so that young doctors are better prepared to deal with these common diseases.

Still on MSS assessment and knowledge by medical students, Bockbrader et al.21 highlighted that besides the physical examinations, professionals in the area must have the experience to assess musculoskeletal ultrasound findings. However, a study from these same authors revealed the lack of familiarity of these professionals for this assessment.

Skills leveled as “prerequisites” constitute the group in which orthopedic studies should begin, as they open space for students to recover knowledge of the basic cycle and application in medical practice.3,7

In thissense, the general practitioner shouldhave ahigher index of diagnostic suspicion of these traumas based on the recognition of characteristic patterns in a simplified way. Their inclusion occurred because they are among the most frequent in the global burden of musculoskeletal diseases. There is an additional because, based on this assumption, even excluded skills referring to fracture patterns can be developed during the medical career. This leads to a question: Mustall these items necessarily bepresent?The answer is yes, because they are leveled as “desirable and advanced” skills, and, therefore, theyare not priorities. However, if there is enough time for training, they can substantially improve health service provision.1,3,14,22,23

The 13 skills that did not reach consensus were “advanced” skills, mostly related to non-traumatic conditions. The panelists may have understood that these skills were more specific topics within orthopedics and its subspecialties (►Table 5).24

Content volume is a limitation of this study since it requires more time for the panelists to evaluate. This fact can translate into adversity for the matrix implementation. Despite referring to the rational use of time, it does not indicate the moment for degree application.

New studies could address the practical applicability of this matrix and its effectiveness, as well as describe the experienceof professors and students duringthe process and the outcomes from its implementation.


We built an Orthopedics and Traumatology skill matrix for potential total or partial use per the medical curriculum.

  • Ethics Committee
    This study does not require an approval by the ethics committee since it does not involve human beings.
  • Financial Support
    This research received no specific funding from public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector agencies.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    05 May 2023
  • Published
    08 Dec 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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