Open-access Estudo do ciclo de vida do peixe-espada Trichiurus lepturus


Eggs and larvae of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, were collected during the survey cruises of the project FINEP to determinate spawning areas and season. Six cruises were made from 1975 to 1977 in southern Brazil (23º S -29º S). Spawning occurred throughout the year, but intensively in the cruise, May 1976 (autumn). The heavy spawning area was offshore region of Ilha Grande and of Ilha de Sta. Catarina. Mean temperature of the spawning area was 24.09 ºC, ranging from 21.15 to 26.29 ºC and mean salinity was 35.31 ‰, ranging from 35.04 to 35.52 ‰. Catch data of cutlassfish fishery showed a gradual increase last several years in the two states: São Paulo and Santa Catarina.


Estudo do ciclo de vida do peixe-espada Trichiurus lepturus*

Keshiyu Nakatani; Yasunobu Matsuura; Gosuke Sato

Instituto Oecanográfico Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


Eggs and larvae of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, were collected during the survey cruises of the project FINEP to determinate spawning areas and season. Six cruises were made from 1975 to 1977 in southern Brazil (23º S -29º S). Spawning occurred throughout the year, but intensively in the cruise, May 1976 (autumn). The heavy spawning area was offshore region of Ilha Grande and of Ilha de Sta. Catarina. Mean temperature of the spawning area was 24.09 ºC, ranging from 21.15 to 26.29 ºC and mean salinity was 35.31 ‰, ranging from 35.04 to 35.52 ‰. Catch data of cutlassfish fishery showed a gradual increase last several years in the two states: São Paulo and Santa Catarina.

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MATSUURA, Y. 1971. Relatório preliminar sobre a distribuição de ovos e larvas de peixes nas águas da plataforma continental do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Contrções In st. oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Oceanogr. biol, (25):23-30.

______ 1977. O ciclo de vida da sardinha-verdadeira (Introdução à oceanografia pesqueira). Publção esp. Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, (4):1-146.

PDP/SUDEPE. 1968-1977. Boletim do mercado pesqueiro.

PHONLOR, G. 1973. Estudo preliminar do ictioplâncton. Programa Rio Grande do Sul-II. Publção esp. Inst. oceanogr. S Paulo, (3,pt.l) :427-464.

TANAKA, S. 1973. Stock assessment by means of ichthyoplan

TSUKAHARA, H. 1961. Biology of the cutlassfish.

TANAKA, S. 197 3. Stock assessment by means of ichthyoplankton surveys. FAO Fish. tech. Pap., (122):33-5 1.

TSUKAHARA, H. 1961. Biology of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus. Part 1. Early life history. Contr. Dep. Fish. Fishery Res. Lab. Kyushu Univ.. (7); Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, spec. nº, (5): 117-121.

______ 1962. Biology of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus. Part. 2. Age and growth. Contr. Dep. Fish. Fishery Res. Lab. Kvushu Univ., (8); Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, spec. nº, (6):57-64.

WEISS, G.; SOUZA, J. A. F. & SANTOS, A. 1976. Contribuição ao conhecimento do ictioplâncton marinho da plataforma sul do Brasil. Atlântica, Rio Grande, 1(1/2):7-78.

Referências bibliográficas

  • MATSUURA, Y. 1971. Relatório preliminar sobre a distribuição de ovos e larvas de peixes nas águas da plataforma continental do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Contrções In st. oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Oceanogr. biol, (25):23-30.
  • ______ 1977. O ciclo de vida da sardinha-verdadeira (Introdução à oceanografia pesqueira). Publção esp. Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, (4):1-146.
  • PDP/SUDEPE. 1968-1977. Boletim do mercado pesqueiro.
  • PHONLOR, G. 1973. Estudo preliminar do ictioplâncton. Programa Rio Grande do Sul-II. Publção esp. Inst. oceanogr. S Paulo, (3,pt.l) :427-464.
  • TANAKA, S. 1973. Stock assessment by means of ichthyoplan
  • TSUKAHARA, H. 1961. Biology of the cutlassfish.
  • TANAKA, S. 197 3. Stock assessment by means of ichthyoplankton surveys. FAO Fish. tech. Pap., (122):33-5 1.
  • TSUKAHARA, H. 1961. Biology of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus. Part 1. Early life history. Contr. Dep. Fish. Fishery Res. Lab. Kyushu Univ.. (7);
  • Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, spec. nş, (5): 117-121.
  • ______ 1962. Biology of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus. Part. 2. Age and growth. Contr. Dep. Fish. Fishery Res. Lab. Kvushu Univ., (8);
  • Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, spec. nş, (6):57-64.
  • WEISS, G.; SOUZA, J. A. F. & SANTOS, A. 1976. Contribuição ao conhecimento do ictioplâncton marinho da plataforma sul do Brasil. Atlântica, Rio Grande, 1(1/2):7-78.
  • *
    Projeto Financiado pela Finep. PubL 09479 do Inst. oceanogr. da USP.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      06 Jun 2012
    • Data do Fascículo
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