In this study, the surface of ZL104 was ultrasonically rolled (USRP) to provide better overall mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. USRP experiments were conducted on the surface by setting different parameters to improve the performance of ZL104 after strengthening. The results of the gradient residual stress test showed that the specimen with parameter 350N, 4-pass had 95.5% increase in residual stress and better fatigue resistance. The corrosion resistance of the specimen with a parameter of 500N, 3-pass was superior to that of the original specimen, with an increase of about 50%. The surface roughness test results showed that the surface roughness was reduced by about 38%-50% after USRP treatment. Meanwhile, the microstructure (OM, SEM) results showed that the surface grains were refined and the hardness increased from 105.45HV to 197.61 HV after USRP processing, and the properties were optimized.
Keywords: USRP; gradient residual stress; fatigue performance; microstructure characterization; performance optimization
1. Introduction
At present, in the automobile as well as large-scale mines and other major industrial industries, more and more attention is paid to lightweight and practicality1,2. ZL104 is widely used in various industries due to its excellent mechanical properties and extreme lightweight3,4. Currently, a surface strengthening process, ultrasonic rolling, is proposed because the technology is mature but the mechanical properties of the material need to be improved5. Ultrasonic rolling is a static force applied by the ultrasonic generator head to the surface of the material reciprocating rolling to achieve the effect of surface strengthening, in the test often need to carry out a number of parameter adjustments, so that the optimal parameters for the experimental material can be found as well as fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and strength of the highest experimental results6,7. Li et al.8 investigated the fatigue life enhancement of in-situ composites after applying ultrasonic rolling process to them as a substrate. It was found that after surface strengthening, the axial residual stress reached 400 MPa, the fatigue life was increased by about 15 times, and the safe zone for fatigue was shown to be enlarged by 14.6% in the microscopic image. Meanwhile, Yu et al.9 carried out ultrasonic tumbling experiments with a nickel-based high temperature alloy as the substrate, and also characterized the microstructure. They performed one and four ultrasonic tumbling processes, respectively, and found that ultrasonic tumbling not only reduced the surface roughness, but also led to the refinement of the internal grains of the material, while increasing the density of small-angle grain boundaries. The final results show that ultrasonic tumbling experiments have significantly improved the fatigue life of the material. Zheng et al.10 used 7075 aluminum alloy as a substrate, by analyzing the model of residual stress, based on various theories to get the results of the distribution of residual stresses in the surface layer of 7075, with the increase of static loading force and other parameters from the surface to the gradient along the depth of the change in the residual stress shows an increasing trend, the experimental results with the experimental results are in high agreement with the numerical simulation results. Lan et al.11 investigated the strengthening effect of ultrasonic tumbling on the fatigue resistance and residual stresses of gear roots, and found that the fatigue strength was improved and the fatigue life was increased by about 15 times or so, while the residual stresses were significantly enhanced in the direction of the depth of the gradient. Meanwhile, Zhao et al.12 also studied the gradient residual stress of AISI 1045 steel after ultrasonic tumbling, and they found that the biggest reason for improving the fatigue life of this material is the residual stress in the subsurface microstructure exceeding 400 MPa. fatigue life and residual stress are the essential characterization of ultrasonic tumbling experiments13, and the corrosion resistance is characterized according to the demand of use14, accompanied by other important characterizations such as surface roughness, friction and wear properties15, and tensile and compressive properties16-18. Li et al.19 carried out ultrasonic tumbling experiments on zirconium alloys under high temperature water conditions and investigated the characteristics of their corrosion resistance behavior, and they found that, because zirconium metal is very easy to oxidize, the thickness of the oxides on the surface after ultrasonic tumbling was reduced, the density was increased, and a layer of dense nano-structure was formed. There are various oxides of zirconium in this layer structure, and the zirconium metal is encapsulated in it after tumbling to prevent the occurrence of electro-hydraulic corrosion, thus achieving high corrosion resistance. Li et al.20 characterized the roughness, OM, and corrosion resistance of the grain refinement layer on the surface of CuCr8 alloy after ultrasonic tumbling by means of XRD, SEM, and TEM characterization techniques, and it was found that the various properties of the surface reached the optimum at the depth of 0.15 mm after tumbling, the hardness was increased to 120 HV, and the corrosion resistance was significantly improved due to the denser grain refinement layer. Combining the research results of the above researchers, this study used ZL104 as the substrate for ultrasonic tumbling experiments, gradient residual stress experiments, electrochemical experiments on the experimental samples, and then characterized them by OM, surface roughness, SEM, corrosion resistance and so on. The aim is to improve the fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, hardness and strength of the material. In this study, a new processing technology was used to process the surface of the material, and a gradient residual stress detection method was used to detect the residual stress in the processing depth range. The tensile stress in the hardened layer of the processed material was converted into compressive stress, which enhanced the connectivity between the tissues, and at the same time led to an increase in the corrosion resistance of the material and an increase in its hardness.
2. Experimental
2.1. Experimental materials
In this study, ZL104, which was subjected to T4 aging treatment, was used as the base material, and pre-rolling treatment was carried out to reduce the grain gap and elongate the grains, and Figure 1 shows the microstructure of the material after it was subjected to USRP. In order to ensure the accuracy of the ultrasonic rolling experiment, the material was made into 30mm×30mm×20mm square specimens, and the raw material was processed to a surface roughness of about 0.8μm before ultrasonic rolling, and then ultrasonically cleaned with anhydrous ethanol for 20 minutes until the surface was smooth. The details of the chemical composition of ZL104 are shown in Table 1.
ZL104 performance parameters are shown in Table 2 below.
2.2. USRP experiment
Ultrasonic tumbling experiments are more advanced as a processing method for material surface property enhancement21-23, the principle is shown in Figure 2. The ultrasonic rolling experiment in this study was conducted as a one-factor experiment by controlling the variables. The adjusted parameters include static load force, number of rolling passes, amplitude and step spacing, and through a series of complex parameter adjustments and subsequent experimental studies, the optimal ultrasonic rolling parameters based on the experimental substrate ZL104 can be researched, which will enable the material to achieve the optimal mechanical properties and fatigue resistance after ultrasonic tumbling-assisted processing.
The ultrasonic rolling equipment used in this study comes from Shandong Huayun Mechatronics Technology Co., Ltd. haoknen machining center, through the ultrasonic rolling equipment shown in Figure 3, ZL104 aluminum alloy substrate for single-factor experiments, in order to ensure the accuracy of the experiments are used to test the parameters obtained (as shown in Table 3). By applying ultrasonic vibration to the rolling head and rolling the head back and forth along the x-axis direction until the entire process is completed, an excellent finished product with low surface roughness and good fatigue resistance can be obtained.
2.3. Gradient residual stress experiment
There are many methods for residual stress detection, including ultrasonic measurement method24, cyclic loading method25 and so on. In this study, since there is no need to ensure the integrity of the specimen, the method used is the perforated cyclic loading method, and the experimental equipment used is the fully automated gradient stress detection and analysis system SCGS20 manufactured by Shandong Huayun Mechatronics Science and Technology Co Ltd. By drilling holes on the surface after ultrasonic rolling in the direction of rolling depth with a 2mm diameter alloy drill bit, the depth of each time is 0.05mm, the total number of holes is 20 times, the total depth of the holes is 1mm. each time the holes are drilled, the stress data are recorded for each time, and the 20 times of the stress data are fitted as the base point for the residual stress curves of the material after the ultrasonic rolling experiments.
2.4. Hardness test
Hardness is used as an important evaluation criterion in this study26, by testing and comparing the hardness of experimental samples with different parameters can be effective in deriving the better parameters. In this study, the hardness of different 14 groups of single factor experimental samples were tested using UNIQUE HV-1000 hardness tester. A load of 0.5N was applied with a holding time of 15 seconds. 10 hardness values were tested on a horizontal line using a horizontal limit caliper and the average value was taken as the hardness of each experimental sample.
2.5. Surface roughness test
In the ultrasonic rolling experiment, the main purpose is to reduce the roughness by reducing the difference between the peaks and valleys of the processed surface, and the effect is made more obvious by rolling the head back and forth and applying a certain amount of ultrasonic vibration to the rolling head, and the processed surface of the experimental samples achieved a mirror effect27-29. The sample surface was scanned by a laser spectral confocal KC-X1000 series microscope with a scanning area of 3000 μm×3000 μm, a scanning spacing of 12 μm, a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz, and a scanning speed of 6000 μm/s. The scanning was completed with line roughness and surface roughness analyses.
2.6. OM and SEM experiments
The phase organization of the material can be completely demonstrated under an optical microscope30. The size of the experimental samples for observing the metallographic organization in this study was 15×10×3 mm. The observation surface of the experimental samples was roughly ground using 400#, 600# and 800# SiC metallographic sandpaper, respectively, and the observation surface of the experimental samples was finely ground using 1000#, 1200# and 1500# SiC metallographic sandpaper until there were no visible scratches on the surface, and then it was polished for 20 minutes using a silk polishing cloth until there were no visible scratches under an optical microscope. The polished surface was etched using Keller's reagent by erosion for 90s, and then the finely polished materials were characterized by micromorphology (SEM) using SUPRA 55 scanning electron microscope for microstructure morphology study and analysis.
2.7. Electrochemical experiments
In this study, the corrosion resistance of materials is mainly characterized by electrochemical experiments, where the corrosion resistance of experimental samples is tested by setting variable conditions29,31. In this study, the experimental samples without ultrasonic tumbling and after ultrasonic tumbling tests were electrochemically tested using a Shanghai CHI650E electrochemical workstation, and the corrosion performance of the samples was evaluated by measuring the polarization curves. The working cell was a three-electrode cell, with the sample as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (R0232-1) as the reference electrode and a platinum sheet (PT210) as the counter electrode, and the whole process was carried out in 3.5% NaCl solution.
3. Experimental Results and Discussion
3.1. Microhardness results
In this study, the hardness of 14 sets of ultrasonic tumbling test samples with one-factor variables were examined, and the hardness of the ultrasonically tumbled specimen samples (A1-A14) was significantly improved compared to the experimental samples without ultrasonic tumbling (A0) as seen in Figure 4a. This is due to the ultrasonic rolling after the metal surface by the rolling head compression makes the tissue gap reduced, making the hardness increase, which makes the hardness tester probe is difficult to press into the metal interior, the characterization of the value increases, and at the same time, due to the surface grains are refined to form a work-hardening layer is also the main reason for the increase in hardness.
Microhardness. (a) shows the microhardness comparison of 14 groups of one-factor experiments; (b) shows the microhardness comparison of specimen microhardness change in the number of rolling passes when the static pressure is 350N; (c) shows the microhardness comparison of specimen microhardness change in the static pressure at 1-pass.
In Figure 4b, at a static pressure of 350N, the microhardness shows an increasing trend with the increase of rolling passes, but the most significant increase in hardness is in the experimental samples with a parameter of 350N and 1-Pass. The hardness of the experimental samples processed by 1-Pass, 2-Pass, 3-Pass, 4-Pass, and 5-Pass increased by 44.7%, 59.9%, 63.2%, 70.2%, and 75.4%, respectively.
From Figure 4c it can be seen that as the static pressure applied by the rolling head to the experimental samples increases, the hardness of the experimental samples increases incrementally and the same hardness increases drastically for the experimental samples with parameters of 1-Pass, 200N. The hardness of the experimental samples with static pressure of 200N, 350N, 500N and 650N increased by 33.8%, 44.7%, 61% and 86.9%, respectively. From Figure 4a, it can be seen that since the increase in hardness by step (A12, A13, A14) and amplitude (A5, A6, A7) is not significant compared to static pressure and rolling passes, but still numerically enhanced.
3.2. Experimental results of gradient residual stresses
The gradient residual stress test can analyze the change of residual stress from the surface of the material to the test depth, while the ultrasonic tumbling test can introduce beneficial residual compressive stresses on the surface of the material, which makes the surface hardening layer of the intergranular bonding more tightly, and at the same time the intergranular force has been greatly improved, so the fatigue resistance of the material is strengthened, which in turn increases its service life. Combined with the results of hardness testing in this study, the residual stresses of the samples with static pressure and tumbling passes were mainly tested for the variation of residual stresses along the depth of the samples.
By comparing with the experimental samples without ultrasonic tumbling (A0), respectively, it was found that in terms of static pressure, the experimental samples with the parameters of 500N, 1-Pass, 0.05mm, and 0.05mm (A3) had greater stress values at the same depth than the experimental samples with the remaining static pressure parameters, which was due to the axial slip of intergranularity in the surface layer of the specimen after the USRP process, and the simultaneous decrease in the intergranular gap, resulting in the release of stresses. This is due to the axial slip in the specimen surface layer after USRP processing and the decrease in the grain boundary gap, which leads to the release of stress and the increase of intergranular forces. In this study σ1 and σ2 represent the residual stresses in the horizontal and vertical directions with respect to the machining direction, respectively. The stress is 190.8 MPa at about 0.05 mm from the surface of the specimen and gradually reaches 335.1 MPa (σ2) at about 0.15 mm from the surface. Thereafter, the residual stress decreases gradually with the increase of depth, and then gradually changes to be tensile residual stress, as shown in Figure 5b. The distribution of the residual stresses extends to a depth of about 0.7 mm, so that the machining of the sample will be completed with relatively small losses and the optimum performance will be achieved.
Experimental results of gradient residual stresses. (a) shows the experimental results of gradient residual stress for specimen A0; (b) shows the experimental results of gradient residual stress for specimen A3; (c) shows the experimental results of gradient residual stress for specimen A11.
And in terms of rolling passes multiple passes will inevitably lead to work hardening, so in this study, as can be seen from the data, the experimental samples with parameters of 350N,5-Pass,0.05mm,0.05mm (A11) have significant stress enhancement compared to the unprocessed samples and reach the maximum value earlier, but this sample has a stress of 149.3Mpa at 0.05mm. However, the stress in this sample was 149.3 MPa at 0.05 mm, and gradually reached 320.5 MPa at 0.18 mm (σ2) with the increase of depth. Thereafter, the residual stress decreases with the increase of depth and then gradually becomes tensile residual stress, as shown in Figure 5c. The distribution of the residual stress extends to a depth of about 0.68 mm. Meanwhile, the maximum stress value of the experimental sample without ultrasonic tumbling process is 14.8 MPa, and it can be concluded from the curve that the stress in the surface layer of the A0 specimen is the maximum value, which can be attributed to the dense oxidized layer on the surface, and with the increase of the depth, the value of the stress shows unstable changes, so that the residual stress of the sample can be guaranteed by conducting the USRP experiments. Therefore, the USRP experiment can ensure that the residual stress of the sample changes stably with the increase of depth, which enhances the stability as well as the fatigue resistance.
3.3. Roughness test results
Roughness characterization was carried out by machining a selected area of 3×3 mm in the experimental samples, and it was found that USRP has a great reduction effect on the face roughness, with an average reduction interval of 38%-50%. As shown in Figure 6a, the face roughness decreases gradually with the increase in the number of rolling passes, and the lowest value is the roughness value at 4-Pass. However, when the number of rolling passes continues to increase, for example, at 5-Pass, the surface grain refinement has reached the limiting value, so that after the continued application of USRP, fine defects appeared on the surface due to the excessive number of rolling passes to the extent that the roughness value increased.
Comparison of roughness. (a) shows the surface roughness of specimens after USRP treatment with different passes; (b) shows the surface roughness of specimens after USRP treatment with different static pressures; (c) shows the surface roughness of specimens after USRP treatment with different synchronization distances; and (d) the surface roughness of specimens after USRP treatment with different amplitudes.
Figure 7a shows the roughness profile of A0 specimen, which shows that the surface roughness value varies in a large range due to the absence of USRP processing, and Figure 7b shows the corresponding light intensity map, which shows that its reflection and absorption of light are relatively poor. Figure 7b shows the roughness morphology of A3 specimen, after the ultrasonic rolling head processing, its surface roughness value is in a more or less low state, and at the same time, its reflection and absorption of light are also improved in the light intensity diagram shown in Figure 7e. Figure 7c for the roughness of the A14 specimen morphology, can be seen in this step, due to the organization of the material itself, the roughness can be reduced to a minimum, while Figure 7f of the light intensity diagram can be seen in the absorption and reflection of light for the strongest of the three groups.
Experimental results of surface roughness. (a), (b), (c) shows the 3D images of the surface roughness of A0, A3, and A14 specimens, respectively, and (d) (e) (f) shows the corresponding light intensity maps.
By comparing with the specimens without USRP, the reduction effect of the static pressure on the surface roughness is less than that of the rolling passes, but it still has an excellent performance. As shown in Figure 6b, as the static pressure of the rolling head increases, the roughness of the machined surface decreases significantly, and the value of the roughness reaches its lowest at an applied static pressure of 500 N, indicating that the surface properties of the experimental samples in this study are optimized under this parameter. It can also be seen from Figure 6b that at a static pressure of 650N, the roughness increased, again due to the excessive pressure on the surface was crushed by the appearance of obvious defects, so this parameter is not suitable for use in practical machining. Again, as shown in Figure 6c, a relatively large step size is more favorable to reduce the roughness of the surface and the machining time is relatively reduced. Under the same static pressure (350N), the roughness of the machined surface is significantly reduced with a step size of 0.06mm, while the reduction is not obvious with a relatively small step size. For the amplitude in Figure 6d, the critical value is 0.05 mm, and this study needs to adjust the same range of hydrostatic pressure to ensure that the roughness of the machined surfaces is within the range of use at an amplitude of 0.05 m height.
3.4. Electrochemical test results
The electrochemical corrosion impedance as well as potentiodynamic polarization curves for one-factor static pressure and one-factor tumbling passes are shown in Figure 8. In Figure 8a, after one ultrasonic tumbling pass, the impedance of the specimen increased proportionally. In comparison with the original specimen, it is found that the difference in impedance between the specimen without ultrasonic tumbling and the USRP specimen with 650 N applied on the tumbling head is nearly 2.5 times, so the effect of static pressure is obvious. In the potentiodynamic polarization curves of Figure 8b, the passivation zone intervals of 350N, 1-Pass are larger, so after the oxide layer is corroded out by the electrolyte, the surface hardened layer processed by USRP has higher corrosion resistance due to the grain refinement, the α-Al, and the eutectic silica precipitated phases are more less susceptible to corrosion by the electrolyte. Compared with the sample without USRP, the passivation zone increases by about 50% at the same current density, resulting in an increase in corrosion resistance by about 50%.
Graphs of electrochemical test results. (a), (b) shows the impedance comparison and polarization curves of different static pressure USRP processed specimens; (c), (d) shows the impedance comparison and polarization curves of different passes USRP processed specimens, respectively.
In Figure 8c, the 1-Pass and 2-Pass experimental samples present superior corrosion performance, but the impedances of the remaining parameters are smaller than those of the original specimens, which is attributed to the disruption of the surface grains during the processing, which allows the oxide layer to be destroyed thereby accelerating the corrosion of the free fraction of Al3+ ions inside by the NaCl solution. More importantly, as a result of the USRP processing, the refined grains contain α-Al, eutectic silicon, and other intergranular compounds, and they can still slow down the corrosion of free Al3+ by Cl-. The same self-corrosion voltage is also demonstrated in Figure 8d, for both curves during the corrosion process, 350N, 4-Pass corrodes more slowly, and therefore the current will be smaller. In summary, under the same conditions, the adjustment of the parameters can greatly affect the corrosion performance of the material, and even appear to reduce the corrosion performance. However, the corrosion resistance of the experimental samples subjected to ultrasonic tumbling increased due to the refinement of the grains on the surface and the increase in the density of the oxide layer.
3.5. SEM test results
Scanning electron microscope images of the lateral surface layer after USRP machining are shown in Figure 9. In Figure 9a, a clear machining preferential orientation is visible, and along the machining direction, the surface grain refinement appears to be clearly oriented. After the surface grain refinement, the primary and secondary deformation zones are more tightly organized, the hardness of the surface layer increases significantly, and the intergranular compounds are shattered by ultrasonic impact to form a dense work-hardening layer. Combined with Figure 8b, d, it can be seen that the passivation zone is significantly enlarged after USRP processing, and the protective effect of the deformation zone on the internal tissues is greatly improved, and its corrosion resistance is greatly improved compared with that of the material subjected to USRP. In Figure 9b, the internal coarse grains show two color patterns, Al and Si phases, respectively, and the grain size in the internal layer is larger than that in the surface layer after USRP processing, regardless of the organization. Figure 9c and 9d show the morphology of the surface layer under high hydrostatic pressure, and due to the large force acting on the surface layer, the tissue of the surface layer is spalled, but as seen in Figure 8a, it does not affect the corrosion resistance, and even improves its corrosion resistance. However, the large static pressure slightly increases the roughness of the surface, which is due to the fact that the organization is crushed by the large static pressure, and the internal can’t withstand the greater stress, resulting in an increase in roughness. As a result, the residual stresses are released, from the post-processing compressive stresses to a portion of the tensile stresses, which are expressed as smaller residual stresses.
4. Conclusions
Ultrasonic tumbling process as a new surface strengthening process can significantly enhance the properties of specimens after they are surface strengthened using this method.
The USRP process significantly reduces the surface roughness of the samples and the surface achieves a mirror effect under suitable parameters, which is attributed to the homogenization of the peaks and valleys of the sample surface by the ultrasonic impact, and the hardness is maximally increased to nearly 197.61 HV from 105.45 HV due to the refinement of the surface grains.
The gradient residual stresses introduced in this study can significantly improve the fatigue resistance of the material, while the USRP machining process can eliminate the tensile stresses on the surface of the material and significantly increase the compressive stresses on the surface, which is a beneficial method, and the homogenization of the elevated residual stresses in the surface layer is about 95.5%. It can be seen that the fatigue strength is also improved in a wide range with it.
Due to the high-strength corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys, USRP also allows for the refinement of surface grains and the formation of ultra-corrosion-resistant passivation zones. The corrosion resistance of the aluminum alloy in this study was significantly improved. The impedance and polarization curves show that after USRP processing, the small number of passes and the small static pressure had a huge improvement in the corrosion resistance of the materials used in this study. The corrosion resistance of the samples rolled with multiple passes and high static pressure is not significant due to the presence of minor defects on the surface, but it is still an enhancement.
5. Acknowledgments
This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2021ME182), State Key Laboratory of Material Forming and Mould Technology Open Fund Project(P12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (52001187), the Science and Technology Enterprise Innovation Program of Shandong Province, China (2023TSGC085, 2023TSGC0119, 2023TSGC0759 and 2023TSGC0961) and Shandong Province Development and Reform Commission Special Needs Talents Project: R&D and Application of Intelligent Manufacturing Key Technology for High Performance Railway Wheel Unit Production Line.
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
11 Nov 2024 -
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03 June 2024 -
26 Aug 2024 -
10 Oct 2024