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Standardization of A Sample-Processing Methodology for Stable Isotope Studies in Poultry


The objective of this study was to determine if lipid extraction processes alter the isotopic value of δ13C and δ15N of tissues (pectoral muscle, thigh and liver) and eggs and if the use of anticoagulants interferes with blood and plasma δ13C and δ15N isotopic values. Samples were acquired from the same flock of birds. The 32 egg samples were randomly divided into four treatments (liquid, dehydrated, and fat-extracted with ether or chloroform + methanol) with eight replicates each. The 24 samples of pectoral muscle, thigh muscle and liver of broilers were randomly divided into three treatments (dehydrated, fat-extracted with ether and chloroform + methanol) with eight replicates each. Blood samples were divided into a 3x3 factorial arrangement with three physical forms (liquid, oven-dried or freeze-dried) and three collection methods (with no anticoagulant, with EDTA or heparin). Plasma samples were distributed in a 3x2 factorial arrangement, with three physical forms (liquid, oven-dried, or freeze-dried) and two anticoagulants (EDTA or heparin). The obtained isotopic results were submitted to the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate (ANOVA, complemented by Tukey’ test), using the GLM procedure of the statistical program SAS (1996) or Minitab 16. The results show that it is possible to use the evaluated methods of fat extraction, drying and anticoagulants in the isotopic analyses of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 in chicken tissues.

Carbon-13; broilers; nitrogen-15; laying hens


The future application of methodologies involving the natural variation of stable isotope abundance in animal nutrition and physiology studies should be stimulated for health, environmental and economic reasons, as well as due to the possibility of developing new models that include details of acquisition rates, synthesis, degradation and destination of nutrients in the various animal tissues.

According to Ducatti (2007Ducatti C. Aplicação dos isótopos estáveis em aqüicultura. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2007;36(supl):1-10.), for the progress of this line of research, studies that contribute to the knowledge on carbon isotopic assimilation in different poultry tissues during production phases are needed, in addition of the development of methods that aid sample processing in order to allow faster results.

Considering that the lipid content of the muscular tissues of the animal species, in general, is highly variable, and it is influenced by factors such as size, sex, sexual maturity condition and sampling time, lipid extraction is commonly used to remove depleted carbons from lipids. In addition, it and allows standardization when evaluating and comparing lipid muscle content among different species (Hussey et al., 2008Hussey NE, McCarthy ID, Dudley SFJ, Fisk AT. The rest of the world: lipid extraction and stable isotopes. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies; 2008 Aug 25-29; Honolulu, Hawai; 2008.).

The yolk is composed of more than 50% lipids in most species of birds (Carey et al., 1980Carey C, Rahn H, Parisi P. Calories, water, lipid, and yolk in avian eggs. Condor 1980;82:335-343.; Sotherland & Rahn, 1987Sotherland PR, Rahn H. On the composition of bird eggs. Condor 1987;89:48-65.; Burley & Vadehra, 1989Burley RW, Vadehra DV. The avian egg: chemistry and biology. New York: Wiley; 1989.), and lipids are depleted in 13-carbon isotope compared with proteins and carbohydrates (DeNiro & Epstein, 1978DeNiro MJ, Epstein S. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta 1978;42:495-506.). Therefore, differences in the lipid content of samples may confound the interpretation of stable carbon isotopes (Post et al., 2007Post DM, Layman CA, Arrington DA, Takimoto G, Quattrochi J, Montaña CG. Getting to the fat of the matter:Models, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotope analyses. Oecologia 2007;152:179-189.), and many ecological studies chemically remove lipids from tissues or apply an arithmetic correction to explain the greater abundance of isotopes (Larsen et al., 2006).

Anticoagulants are typically used to prevent the coagulation cascade, allowing subsequent centrifugation. Heparin interacts with antithrombin, forming a ternary complex that inactivates several clotting enzymes, such as clotting factors (II, IX and X) and significantly more thrombin (Shuman & Majerus, 1976Shuman MA, Majerus PW. The measurement of thrombin in clotting blood by radioammunoassay. Journal of Clinical Investigation 1976;58:1249-1258.). EDTA acts as a strong calcium-chelating agent (Rand et al., 1996Rand MD, Lock JB, Van't Veer C, Gaffney DP, Mann KG. Blood clotting in minimally altered whole blood, Blood 1996;88:3432-3445.), and when complexed with magnesium, prevents the coagulation cascade.

In a study evaluating different storage and sample collection methods of elasmobranchs (Kim & Koch, 2012Kim SL, Koch PL. Methods to collect, preserve, and prepare elasmobranch tissues for stable isotope analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 2012;95:53-63.), no statistical differences were found in the isotopic ratio of blood components collected in tubes coated with heparin or with no additives. In that study, muscle lipids and urea were also removed with petroleum ether and deionized water, respectively. Although untreated and treated muscles had similar amino acid compositions, the treated muscle lost 14N and had a higher C: N ratio, indicating that urea affects isotope ratios and that water treatment removes urea without altering muscle composition.

Blood tissue is often used in stable isotope studies, as it is a relatively non-invasive sampling procedure, and serves as a benchmark for muscle tissue (Wallace et al., 2006Wallace BP, Seminoff JA, Kilham SS, Spotila JR, Dutton PH. Leatherback turtles as oceanographic indicators:stable isotope analysis reveal a trophic dichotomy between ocean basins. Marine Biology 2006;149:953-960.; Caut et al., 2008Caut S, Guirlet E, Angulo E, Das K, Girondot M .Stable isotope analysis reveals foraging area dichotomy for Atlantic leatherback turtles. PloS One 2008;3(3):e1845.; Dodge et al., 2011Dodge KL, Logan JM, Lutcavage ME. Foraging ecology of leatherback sea turtles in the Western North Atlantic determined through multi-tissue stable isotope analyses. Marine Biology 2011;158:2813-2824.).

In order to advance the application of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the field of animal science, a deeper understanding of complicating factors, such as tissue lipid content, the effects of the lipid extraction process on the species in question, and the use of anticoagulants for the collection of blood and plasma samples and their effects on the isotopic signal of the samples is required.

Therefore, in order to standardize sample preparation methods in isotopic studies, the objectives of this study were to determine if the lipid extraction processes alter the isotopic ratio (δ13C and δ15N) of selected tissues (breast muscle, thigh muscle, and liver) and eggs and determine if the use of anticoagulants interferes with the isotopic ratio (δ13C and δ15N) of blood and plasma.


The experiment was conducted at the Department of Breeding and Animal Nutrition, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of the State of São Paulo (UNESP), Botucatu campus, Brazil.

Egg samples were obtained from a layer flock fed the same diet, with δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios of -17.28 ± 0.06 ‰ and 2.24 ± 0.08 ‰, respectively. Thirty-two eggs were randomly divided into four treatments with eight replicates of one egg each. The treatments consisted of liquid eggs, dehydrated eggs (oven-dried, or freeze-dried), and eggs submitted to lipid extraction by ether or and chloroform + methanol.

Samples of the pectoral muscle, thigh and liver were obtained from a flock of broilers fed a diet with isotopic ratios of -17.78 ± 0.38 ‰ δ13C and 1.03 ± 0.40 ‰ δ15N. Twenty-four samples of each tissue were randomly divided into three treatments with eight replicates each. The treatments consisted of dehydrated tissues and tissues submitted to lipid extraction by ether or chloroform + methanol.

Blood samples were collected from layerflock fed the same diet, with δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios of -17.28 ± 0.06 ‰ and 2.23 ± 0.07 ‰, respectively. Blood samples were distributed according to a randomized experimental design in a 3x3 factorial arrangement, consisting of three blood physical forms (liquid, oven-dried, or freeze-dried), and blood collection with no anticoagulant, with EDTA or with heparin. Plasma results were analyzed according to a 3x2 in a factorial arrangement, consisting of three blood physical forms (liquid, oven-dried, or freeze-dried), and from blood collected with EDTA or heparin.

All samples were stored in a freezer at -20 ° C for up to 2 months until analyses. The dehydrated samples were obtained by drying the samples in a forced-ventilation oven (Marconi, model MA 035, SP, Brazil) at 56ºC for 48 hours or freeze-drying in a lyophilizer (model L108, Liobras®, SP, Brazil). The duration of the lyophilization process was 48 hours and the samples were dried under vacuum at -55°C and pressure around 50 μHg, and then cryogenically ground (Spex-6750 freezer-mill, Metuchen, USA) at -196ºC (Carrijo et al., 2000Carrijo AS, Pezzato AC, Ducatti C. Avaliação do metabolismo nutricional em poedeiras pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (13C / 12C). Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2000;2:209-218.; Denadai et al., 2008Denadai JC, Ducatti C, Sartori JR, Pezzato AC, Móri C, Gottmann R, et al. The traceability of animal meals in layer diets as detected by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of eggs. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2008;10:147-152.).

Fat was extracted from the dehydrated and cryogenically-ground samples in a Soxhlet apparatus in the ether treatment (Carrijo et al., 2000Carrijo AS, Pezzato AC, Ducatti C. Avaliação do metabolismo nutricional em poedeiras pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (13C / 12C). Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2000;2:209-218.; Denadai et al., 2008Denadai JC, Ducatti C, Sartori JR, Pezzato AC, Móri C, Gottmann R, et al. The traceability of animal meals in layer diets as detected by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of eggs. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2008;10:147-152.) and according to the method of Folch et al. (1957Folch J, Lees M, Sloaney GH. A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1957;226:497-509.) in the chloroform + methanol treatment.

Isotopic analysis

The isotopic analyses were carried out at the Center for Stable Isotopes of the Institute of Biosciences of UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil.

Liquid samples were thawed and immediately pipetted into tin capsules (0.2 μL for carbon-13 and 2 μL for nitrogen-15 analyses).

Samples weighing approximately 50-120 μg and 500-600 μg were used to measure 13C/12C, 15N/14N, respectively, whose CO2 and N2 gases were obtained by combustion and measured in a mass spectrometer, which determines the obtained δ13C and δ15N enrichment values relative to their respective international standards.

The isotopic composition values were obtained relative to the international standard V-PDB (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) for δ13C and atmospheric air N2 for δ15N, with analysis error of 0.2 ‰ and calculated by equation 1:

δ X ( s a m p l e , s t a n d a r d ) = [ ( R s a m p l e / R s t a n d a r d ) 1 ] x 10 3 (1)


δX represents the isotope enrichment of the chemical element X (13C or 15N) of the sample relative to the respective international standard, and R represents the ratio between the least abundant and the most abundant isotope.

Isotopic fractionation was calculated according to Hobson & Clark (1992Hobson KA, Clark RG. Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes. II: factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation. The Condor 1992;94:189-197.) as the difference between the d in the tissue and in the diet (equation 2), both for δ13C and for δ15N:

Δ = δ t i s s u e δ d i e t (2)

Negative uppercase delta (∆) values indicate that the tissue is depleted in carbon-13 relative to diet (Hobson & Clark, 1992Hobson KA, Clark RG. Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes. II: factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation. The Condor 1992;94:189-197.).

Statistical analysis

The obtained isotopic results were submitted to the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate (ANOVA, complemented by Tukey’s test) using the GLM procedure of the statistical program SAS (1996) or Minitab 16.


Egg samples

The mean δ13C and δ15N values of eggs were statistically analyzed (MANOVA) and generated regions with 95% confidence (Figure 1). MANOVA showed a statistical difference among the evaluated treatments studied (p<0.01). However, the ANOVA of the δ13C and δ15N values, separately, complemented by Tukey’s test, detected statistical differences only for carbon-13 (Table 1). The results in Table 1 show no statistical differences (p>0.05)carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 between dehydrated and liquid eggs or between eggs submitted to fat extraction either by ether or by chloroform + methanol; however, fat-extracted eggs presented higher carbon-13 isotopic values than liquid and dehydrated eggs (p<0.01).

Figure 1
Confidence region determined by the difference between isotopic δ13C and δ15N values of eggs in each treatment compared to the liquid treatment (n = 8).

Table 1
Isotopic δ13C and δ15N values (mean ± SD) of liquid, dehydrated and lipid-extracted (ether or chloroform and methanol) eggs.

Lipids are depleted in 13-carbon compared with proteins and carbohydrates (DeNiro & Epstein, 1978DeNiro MJ, Epstein S. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta 1978;42:495-506.). However, the lipid-extracted eggs were enriched in approximately 0.52 ‰ of carbon-13 and depleted in 0.06 ‰, on average, ofnitrogen-15 (Table 2). These results conflict with those of Oppel et al. (2010Oppel S, Federer RN, O'Brien DM, Powell AN, Hollmén TE. Effects of lipid extraction on stable isotope ratios in avian egg yolk: is arithmetic correction a reliable alternative? The Auk 2010;127(1):72-78.), who examined the effects of the chemical extraction of avian egg yolk lipids on δ 13C, δ 15N and δ 34S and found that lipid extraction by chemicals led to an increase of 3.3 ‰ in δ13C, 1.1 ‰ in δ15N, and 2.3 ‰ in δ34S.

Table 2
Isotopic fractionation factor (Δtissue - diet) of liquid, dehydrated and lipid-extracted (ether or chloroform and methanol) eggs.

The isotopic fractionation determined dietary δ13C and δ15N isotopic values of -17.28 ± 0.06 ‰ and 2.24 ± 0.08 ‰, respectively. The calculation of isotopic fractionation (Table 2) showed a decrease of 0.51 ‰ in carbon-13 and of 0.07 ‰ in nitrogen-15 as a result of lipid extraction. These values are much lower than those found by Hobson (1995Hobson KA. Reconstructing avian diets using stable-carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of egg components: patterns of isotopic fractionation and turnover. The Condor 1995;97:752-762.), who studied the effects of lipid extraction in wild duck, quail, and falcon eggs.

According to Denadai et al. (2008Denadai JC, Ducatti C, Sartori JR, Pezzato AC, Móri C, Gottmann R, et al. The traceability of animal meals in layer diets as detected by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of eggs. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2008;10:147-152.), the determination of the isotopic fractionation (Δ tissue - diet) aims at reconstructing the diet, that is, finding the isotopic signature of the feed to which the animal submitted, and thus trying to predict the probable components of this diet. Considering the results of isotopic fractionation obtained in the present study (low variation among treatments), it is suggested that the feed and egg samples should be collected from the same batch in order to provide greater certainty of the birds’ feeding history (Kennedy & Krouse, 1990Kennedy BV, Krouse HR. Isotope fractionation by plants and animals:implications for nutrition research. Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 1990;68:960-972.).

Muscle and liver samples

The carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopic compositions of the individual tissues analyzed were influenced by lipid extraction. When tissues were not submitted to lipid extraction (dehydrated tissues), carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 values ranged from -19.87 ‰ to -19.79 ‰ and 1.76 ‰ to 3.19 ‰, respectively between tissues (Table 3). After fat extraction by ether, 13C and 15N components ranged between -19.52 ‰ and -19.37 ‰ and between 1.75 ‰ to 2.97 ‰, respectively (Table 3), and after fat extraction by chloroform + methanol, 13C and 15N varied between -20.06 and -19.66 ‰ and 1.92 ‰ and 3.33 ‰, respectively (Table 3).

Table 3
Isotopic δ13C and δ15N values (mean ± SD) of broiler tissues submitted to dehydration and lipid extraction by ether or chloroform and methanol.

The multivariate statistical analysis (Figure 2) showed that the isotopic ratios of the isotopic torque of the dehydrated pectoral muscle were statistically different (p<0.05) from that defatted by ether. Isotopic ratios of defatted thigh muscles were statistically different (p<0.05) from the dehydrated ones. The isotopic liver particle defatted with ether was statistically different (p<0.05) from that of defatted with chloroform + methanol.

Figure 2
Principal component analysis carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 in broiler tissues submitted to dehydration and lipid extraction using ether or chloroform + methanol, as determined by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).

Hussey et al. (2008Hussey NE, McCarthy ID, Dudley SFJ, Fisk AT. The rest of the world: lipid extraction and stable isotopes. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies; 2008 Aug 25-29; Honolulu, Hawai; 2008.) did not find any significant difference in d 13C between fat and fat-free muscle tissues of two shark species, as observed in the thigh muscle in the present study. Despite the statistical d 13C difference in the pectoral muscle and liver between fat removal methods, the numerical difference was small (Δdehydrated-ether (pectoral m.) = 0.35 ‰ and Δdehydrated-ether (liver) = 0.48 ‰) between dehydrated and ether treatments, and there was no significant difference between dehydrated and chloroform + methanol samples. These results differ from those reported in several ecological studies, where the carbon-13 isotopic ratio differences of up to3 ‰ due to lipid extraction were found (Kiljunen et al., 2006Kiljunen M, Grey J, SinisaloT, Harrod C, Immonen H, Jones RI. A revised model for lipid-normalizing d13C values from aquatic organisms, with implications for isotope mixing models. Journal of Applied Ecology 2006;43:1213-1222., Sweeting et al., 2006Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Jennings S. Effects of chemical lipid extraction and arithmetic lipid correction on stable isotope ratios of fish tissues. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2006;20:595-601., Post et al., 2007Post DM, Layman CA, Arrington DA, Takimoto G, Quattrochi J, Montaña CG. Getting to the fat of the matter:Models, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotope analyses. Oecologia 2007;152:179-189.; Mintenbeck et al., 2008Mintenbeck K, Brey T, Jacob U, Knust R, Struck U. How to account for the lipid effect on carbon stable-isotope ratio (d13C):Sample treatment effects and model bias. Journal of Fish Biology 2008;72:815-830.).

Relative to δ15N (Table 3), no significant differences (p> 0.05) the pectoral muscle among treatments were detected; however, in the thigh muscle, significantly higher δ15N (p<0.05) was detected in samples defatted with chloroform+methanol compared with ether-defatted and dehydrated samples, which were not different from each other (p> 0.05) and contained higher fat concentrations. Lower arithmetic difference in nitrogen-15 isotopic ratio between defatted and dehydrated samples (Δdehydrated-defatted (average) = 0.12 ‰) was determined compared with carbon-13 ratio (f Δ dehydrated-defatted (average) = 0.27 ‰). In ecological studies, lipid extraction generally enriched the samples in +0.25 to +1.60 ‰ nitrogen-15 values, which are higher than those found in the present study (Pinnegar & Polunin, 1999Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Differential fractionation of d13C and d15N among ?sh tissues: implications for the study of trophic interactions. Functional Ecology 1999;13:225-231.; Murry et al., 2006Murry BA, Farrell JM, Teece MA, Smyntek PM. Effect of lipid extraction on the interpretation of ?sh community trophic relations determined by stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006;63(10):2167-2172.; Post et al., 2007Post DM, Layman CA, Arrington DA, Takimoto G, Quattrochi J, Montaña CG. Getting to the fat of the matter:Models, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotope analyses. Oecologia 2007;152:179-189.; Logan et al., 2008Logan JM, Jardine TD, Miller TJ, Bunn SE, Cunjak RA, Lutcavage ME. Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses:Comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods. Journal of Animal Ecology 2008;77:838-846.).

The calculation of the isotopic fractionation of broiler tissues aimed at determining the dietary isotopes incorporated into the tissue and whether the lipid extraction method would cause greater differences between the tissues and the diets. The isotopic fractionation data (Table 4) show that, in general, the lipid extraction methods changed the diet-tissue fractionation (Δ TISSUE - DIET). In tissues that have a high fat content (thigh muscle and liver), the process of fat extraction by ether caused a decrease in the isotopic fractionation of carbon-13. However, the isotopic fractionation of nitrogen-15 in the thigh muscle increased and did not change in the liver.

Table 4
Isotopic fractionation factor (Δtissue - diet) of broiler tissues submitted to dehydration and lipid extraction by ether or chloroform and methanol.

Ecological studies typically evaluatecarbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopic ratios in bird tissues and fluids in order to predict their diet composition (Kennedy & Krouse, 1990Kennedy BV, Krouse HR. Isotope fractionation by plants and animals:implications for nutrition research. Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 1990;68:960-972.). The advantage of working with poultry for animal science purposes is that it is possible to determine the actual isotopic fractionation of the tissues in relation to the diet, and not only to estimate this fractionation, with advantages of applying these data in several studies hereafter.

A number of authors have reported that lipid extraction is performed to normalize the ratio of stable carbon isotopes, which, however, has also been shown to affect the stable nitrogen isotope ratio in fish and invertebrate tissues (Pinnegar & Polunin, 1999Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Differential fractionation of d13C and d15N among ?sh tissues: implications for the study of trophic interactions. Functional Ecology 1999;13:225-231.; Murry et al., 2006Murry BA, Farrell JM, Teece MA, Smyntek PM. Effect of lipid extraction on the interpretation of ?sh community trophic relations determined by stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006;63(10):2167-2172.; Post et al., 2007Post DM, Layman CA, Arrington DA, Takimoto G, Quattrochi J, Montaña CG. Getting to the fat of the matter:Models, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotope analyses. Oecologia 2007;152:179-189.; Logan et al., 2008Logan JM, Jardine TD, Miller TJ, Bunn SE, Cunjak RA, Lutcavage ME. Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses:Comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods. Journal of Animal Ecology 2008;77:838-846.). Considering the results of the present study, the possibility of not performing lipid extraction needs to be considered, since lower isotopic variation was found in eggs and broiler tissues in the present study when compared with that reported in other species. This isotopic difference from ecological studies may be caused by a number of factors, such as diet diversity, diet heterogeinity during the day, and lipid deposition, which in wild birds may have different purposes compared with poultry, such as temperature control, energy storage for migratory flight, etc. (Kennedy & Krouse, 1990Kennedy BV, Krouse HR. Isotope fractionation by plants and animals:implications for nutrition research. Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 1990;68:960-972.; Hobson & Clark, 1992Hobson KA, Clark RG. Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes. II: factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation. The Condor 1992;94:189-197.), leading led to greater isotopic fractionation for the production of the body lipids of migratory birds compared to laying hens and broilers.

Blood samples

The mean δ13C and δ15N values of blood samples submitted to different drying methods and anticoagulants are shown in Table 5, and the δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios of the plasma are compiled in Table 6. No interaction between drying methods and anticoagulants were detected in either fraction (blood and plasma) for both elements (δ13C and δ15N), with P values of 0.473 and 0.690 for δ13C and δ15N in the blood, respectively, and of 0.983 for δ13C and 0.802 for δ15N in the plasma.

Table 5
Isotopic values of δ13C and δ15N (‰) (mean ± SD) of blood samples submitted to different drying methods and collected or not with anticoagulants*.
Table 6
Isotopic values of δ13C and δ15N (‰) (mean ± SD) of plasma samples submitted to different drying methods and collected or not with anticoagulants*.

Blood δ13C isotopic values (Table 5) were not affected either by the drying methods or by the use of anticoagulants (p>0.05); however, the drying process influenced δ15N values (p<0.05), which were lower in lyophilized than in liquid blood.

Plasma δ15N isotopic ratio was not influenced (p>0.05) by drying processes or anticoagulants (Table 6). EDTA-containing plasma presented 0.2 ‰ higher δ13C ratio (p<0.05) compared with heparin-containing plasma.

The objective of calculating the isotopic fractionation (Δ tissue - diet) (Tables 7 and 8) of the blood fractions submitted to the experimental treatments was to determine how the dietary isotopes were incorporated into the tissues and if the drying and the fat removal methods would cause greater differences between the tissues and diets. Both lyophilization and EDTA resulted in higher carbon-13 tissue (blood and plasma) to diet ratios. Among blood collection methods, the blood and plasma of laying hens containing the anticoagulant EDTA promoted the highest nitrogen-15 tissue to diet ratio whereas lyophilization resulted in the lowest ratio among blood processing methods.

Table 7
Isotopic fractionation factor (Δtissue - diet) of blood samples submitted to different drying methods and collected or not with anticoagulants.

Table 8
Isotopic fractionation factor (Δtissue - diet) of plasma samples submitted to different drying methods and collected or not with anticoagulants.

Lemons et al. (2012Lemons GE, Eguchi T, Lyon BN, LeRoux R, Seminoff JA. Effects of blood anticoagulants on stable isotope values of sea turtle blood tissue. Aquatic Biology 2012;14:201-206.) studied the effect of the use of anticoagulants for collection of blood samples and its fractions in turtles on δ13C δ15N isotopic values, and observed 15N depletion in plasma containing EDTA and15N enrichment in heparin-collected blood, which was not found in the present study.

The comparison of the fractionation factors among eggs, broiler tissues and layer blood and plasma suggests that, when it is not possible to frequently sacrifice animals for isotopic studies, blood plasma and blood can be used to determine tissue to diet carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopic ratios, respectively, due to their low isotopic fractionation value. According to Hobson & Clark (1992Hobson KA, Clark RG. Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes. II: factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation. The Condor 1992;94:189-197.), blood can be used as a substitute for tissues without the need of sacrificing animals in dietary studies.


The fat extraction methods applied to layer eggs and broiler tissues did not affect the δ13C or the δ15N isotopic values of the studied samples.

The drying processes of the egg and blood samples from laying hens and broilers did not result in δ13C δ15N isotopic differences in any of the processes studied.

The tested anticoagulants did not interfere with the δ13C or δ15N isotopic ratios of the blood and plasma of the laying hens.

Therefore, it is possible to use the evaluated methods of fat extraction, drying and anticoagulants for the isotopic analyses of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15.


  • Burley RW, Vadehra DV. The avian egg: chemistry and biology. New York: Wiley; 1989.
  • Carey C, Rahn H, Parisi P. Calories, water, lipid, and yolk in avian eggs. Condor 1980;82:335-343.
  • Carrijo AS, Pezzato AC, Ducatti C. Avaliação do metabolismo nutricional em poedeiras pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (13C / 12C). Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2000;2:209-218.
  • Caut S, Guirlet E, Angulo E, Das K, Girondot M .Stable isotope analysis reveals foraging area dichotomy for Atlantic leatherback turtles. PloS One 2008;3(3):e1845.
  • Denadai JC, Ducatti C, Sartori JR, Pezzato AC, Móri C, Gottmann R, et al. The traceability of animal meals in layer diets as detected by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of eggs. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2008;10:147-152.
  • DeNiro MJ, Epstein S. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta 1978;42:495-506.
  • Dodge KL, Logan JM, Lutcavage ME. Foraging ecology of leatherback sea turtles in the Western North Atlantic determined through multi-tissue stable isotope analyses. Marine Biology 2011;158:2813-2824.
  • Ducatti C. Aplicação dos isótopos estáveis em aqüicultura. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2007;36(supl):1-10.
  • Folch J, Lees M, Sloaney GH. A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1957;226:497-509.
  • Hobson KA, Clark RG. Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes. II: factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation. The Condor 1992;94:189-197.
  • Hobson KA. Reconstructing avian diets using stable-carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of egg components: patterns of isotopic fractionation and turnover. The Condor 1995;97:752-762.
  • Hussey NE, McCarthy ID, Dudley SFJ, Fisk AT. The rest of the world: lipid extraction and stable isotopes. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies; 2008 Aug 25-29; Honolulu, Hawai; 2008.
  • Kennedy BV, Krouse HR. Isotope fractionation by plants and animals:implications for nutrition research. Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 1990;68:960-972.
  • Kiljunen M, Grey J, SinisaloT, Harrod C, Immonen H, Jones RI. A revised model for lipid-normalizing d13C values from aquatic organisms, with implications for isotope mixing models. Journal of Applied Ecology 2006;43:1213-1222.
  • Kim SL, Koch PL. Methods to collect, preserve, and prepare elasmobranch tissues for stable isotope analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 2012;95:53-63.
  • Lemons GE, Eguchi T, Lyon BN, LeRoux R, Seminoff JA. Effects of blood anticoagulants on stable isotope values of sea turtle blood tissue. Aquatic Biology 2012;14:201-206.
  • Logan JM, Jardine TD, Miller TJ, Bunn SE, Cunjak RA, Lutcavage ME. Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses:Comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods. Journal of Animal Ecology 2008;77:838-846.
  • Mintenbeck K, Brey T, Jacob U, Knust R, Struck U. How to account for the lipid effect on carbon stable-isotope ratio (d13C):Sample treatment effects and model bias. Journal of Fish Biology 2008;72:815-830.
  • Murry BA, Farrell JM, Teece MA, Smyntek PM. Effect of lipid extraction on the interpretation of ?sh community trophic relations determined by stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006;63(10):2167-2172.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    21 Nov 2017
  • Accepted
    03 Apr 2018
Fundação de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia Avicolas Rua Barão de Paranapanema, 146 - Sala 72, Bloco A, Bosque., CEP: 13026-010. , Tel.: +55 (19) 3255-8500 - Campinas - SP - Brazil