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Growth Performance, Serum Chemistry, Cellular Immunity, and Carcass Traits of American Pekin Ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos) Reared Under Different Production Systems


The selection of an appropriate production system plays a crucial role in ensuring the health, welfare, and productivity of American Pekin ducks. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of various rearing production systems on the performance of American Pekin Ducks. A total of 180 straight run ducklings (10 days old) were randomly allocated into three experimental groups: intensive production system (IPS), free-range production system (FRPS), and pool with yard production system (PYPS). The distribution was carried out following a completely randomized design. We investigated the morphological parameters, growth performance, serum chemistry, meat cholesterol and triacylglycerol, cellular immunity, intestinal morphology, and carcass traits of Pekin ducks. The results indicate that PYPS birds exhibited significantly better morphometric parameters compared to IPS and FRPS ones. Ducks raised in PYPS had the highest growth rate till the 75th day as compared to those reared in IPS and FRPS. Triacylglycerol, total lipids, blood and meat fat and triacylglycerol were higher in IPS; whereas albumin, AG ratio, total proteins, glucose, and globulin were higher in PYPS. Similarly, cellular immunity (phagocytic activity, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes) was increased in PYPS. Intestinal morphology and overall carcass traits were better in birds reared under PYPS than in those of IPS and FRPS. American Pekin ducks raised in PYPS showed improved growth, serum chemistry, cellular immunity, and carcass traits. These results suggest that the PYPS could be a promising production system for raising ducks in sub-tropical regions.

Rearing system; Pekin ducks; kitchen waste; growth rate; serum chemistry; meat cholesterol; carcass trait; cellular immunity


In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the meat quality and animal welfare, as well as an increased demand for reared animals (Chen et al., 2021Chen XL, Zeng YB, Liu LX, et al., Effects of dietary chromium propionate on laying performance, egg quality, serum biochemical parameters and antioxidant status of laying ducks under heat stress. Animal 2021;15(2):100081.
). In the human diet, waterfowl can be used to solve (animal) protein deficiencies. Duck meat is the third most commonly produced meat globally, following the production of turkey and chicken. (Ahmed & Garnett 2011Ahmed N, Garnett ST. Integrated rice-fish farming in Bangladesh: meeting the challenges of food security. Food Security 2011;3:81-92.
). They are different from other breeds in a few aspects: they grow rapidly, especially in early life, with excellent feed conversion efficiency. In addition, they do not require a high amount of protein in their diet, similarly to chicken. Under different climate conditions, ducks live happily and are free of common poultry diseases (e.g., infectious bronchitis, leucosis, Marek’s disease, and other problems related to the respiratory system) (Erisir et al., 2009Erisir Z, Poyraz O, Onbasilar EE, et al., Effect of different housing systems on growth and welfare of Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(2):235-9.
; Farghly et al., 2018Farghly MF, Abd El-Hack ME, Alagawany M, et al., Wet feed and cold water as heat stress modulators in growing Muscovy ducklings. Poultry Science 2018;97(5):1588-94.

The architectural design of a poultry house significantly impacts the indoor environmental conditions that influence the health and growth performance of avian stock, including ducks and chickens. Optimal environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, and air quality, which are crucial factors contributing to the overall well-being and productivity of poultry. Therefore, careful consideration of the poultry house design, including its layout, insulation, and materials, is vital to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment that promotes the growth and development of the birds. Scientific research has demonstrated that appropriate poultry house design can enhance bird welfare, reduce the incidence of diseases, and increase the overall productivity and profitability of poultry farming. Therefore, the housing used in different rearing systems has an impact on the environmental conditions. In tropical countries, the open yard housing system is seen as a beneficial housing system, because of its low cost of management, ease of construction, and simplicity in the management of heat; while in temperate regions, the controlled house is perfect for bird health and growth performance (Oloyo, 2018Oloyo A. The use of housing system in the management of heat stress in poultry production in hot and humid climate: a review. Poultry Science Journal 2018;6(1):1-9.
). In Pakistan, the poultry industry has an important role to fulfil in meeting the demand for protein. Commercial poultry farming in the country started in the 1960s, and has shown rapid growth over the decades. The poultry sector has grown rapidly due to the government’s persistent attempts to increase flocks of chickens and its successful advertising campaigns (Hussain et al., 2015Hussain J, Rabbani I, Aslam S, et al., An overview of poultry industry in Pakistan. World's Poultry Science Journal 2015;71(4):689-700.

The Anas platyrhynchos domestica, commonly referred to as the American Pekin duck, has gained worldwide recognition for its remarkable ability to grow quickly and produce meat of excellent quality (Zheng et al., 2014Zheng A, Chang W, Hou S, et al., Unraveling molecular mechanistic differences in liver metabolism between lean and fat lines of Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica): a proteomic study. Journal of Proteomics 2014;98:271-88.
). The meat of American Pekin ducks contains high fat contents, which improves meat flavor (Zhu et al., 2015Zhu F, Yuan JM, Zhang ZH, et al., De novo transcriptome assembly and identification of genes associated with feed conversion ratio and breast muscle yield in domestic ducks. Animal Genetics 2015;46(6):636-45.
). They also have good potential regarding many productive aspects, such as growth performance (Krysiak et al., 2021Krysiak K, Konkol D, Korczynski M. Overview of the use of probiotics in poultry production. Animals 2021;11(6):1620.
), carcass yield (Kwon et al., 2014Kwon H, Choo Y, Choi Y, et al., Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Korean native ducks and commercial meat-type ducks raised under same feeding and rearing conditions. AsianAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2014;27:1638.
; Huo et al., 2021Huo W, Weng K, Gu T, et al., Effect of muscle fiber characteristics on meat quality in fast-and slow-growing ducks. Poultry Science 2021;100(8):101264.
), and fat contents (Liu & Churchil, 2022Liu MH, Churchil RR. Duck genetics and breeding. In: Jalaludeen A, Churchil RR, Baéza E, editors. Duck production and management strategies. Singapore: Springer; 2022. ISBN 978-981-16-6099-3). Numerous studies have suggested that rearing techniques are one of the non-genomic factors that significantly affect the quality of meat and carcass characteristics. To produce high-quality duck meat, the birds need to be grown under ecological and controlled environmental conditions that confirm the quality of care (Onbaşilar & Yalcin, 2018). Moreover, the well-being of the ducks is strongly influenced by the environment and the rearing program. (Abd El-Hack et al., 2022Abd El-Hack ME, Hurtado CB, Toro DM, et al., Impact of environmental and incubation factors on hatchability of duck eggs. Biological Rhythm Research 2022;53(1):79-88.
) reported that water access provided for ducks enhanced their health status, showing benefits in terms of feather and eye hygiene, as well as pad conditions. Another researcher has reported increases in duck meat production for birds that were allowed access to a free-range environment and water (Abo Ghanima et al., 2020).

In closed housing systems, controlling the indoor environment can be challenging, and appropriate ventilation is necessary to regulate the temperature and other management parameters. Therefore, more research is needed to assess the production of ducks under different housing systems. Marginal and small-scale farmers face difficulties in enhancing farm productivity due to the limited resources available for farm management. In such circumstances, the use of the PYPS (Pool with yard production system) farming system can play a crucial role in increasing productivity with fewer investments. This approach involves the efficient utilization of available resources and waste recycling. Therefore, an experiment is proposed to evaluate the effects of different rearing systems on the growth and biochemical parameters of American Pekin ducks. The study aims to provide scientific evidence to support the use of appropriate housing systems and the PYPS approach to improve the productivity of duck farming.


Location and period

The study was conducted to investigate the production of Pekin ducks under different rearing (housing) systems at the Integrated Aquaculture Research Unit (IARU), Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore, Pakistan. The town of Pattoki is situated in Punjab, Pakistan, and experiences a typical subtropical monsoon climate. The altitude is 199 meters above sea level, and summers in the town are characterized by high humidity, warm temperatures, and clear skies; while winters are dry, short, and clear. The annual average precipitation in the area is 500 mm. Throughout the year, temperatures in Pattoki range from 280.372 K to 313.15K, with rare instances of temperatures below 278.15K or exceeding 317.03K. The duration of the experimental study was 3 months.

Statement of animal rights

In this experimental study, all the procedures performed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, and approval was granted by the Animal Ethical Review Committee.

Experimental design

A total of 180, straight-run American Pekin ducklings (10-day-old) with an average weight of 147.2 ± 4.5 (gm) were purchased from a native market, in Lahore, Pakistan. These birds were reared under three different rearing systems: Intensive production system (IPS), free-range production system (FRPS), and pool with yard production system (PYPS). They were divided into three experimental units, each consisting of three replicates, with each replicate comprising 20 birds. The research design employed for this study was a completely randomized design with factorial arrangements. Till six weeks of age, in intensive production, the stocking density was of 0.060 m2 per bird and a nipple drinking system was used to provide water. Over time, the stocking density for the birds was progressively increased to a maximum of 0.1393 m2 per bird. In the context of free-range production, the guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture were implemented. This entailed the utilization of a stationary indoor house for shelter and an outdoor area with a concrete floor, to facilitate the birds’ movement. A pen measuring 3.66 × 3.05 m in the indoor area and 3.66 × 3.05 m for outside entrance was provided to 20 birds, with 0.929 m2/bird. In the indoor area, a drinking system was provided for the birds, and supplementary drinkers and feeders were also provided in the outdoor area, with 15 birds per drinker and 10 birds per feeder. The experiment was conducted in the period between August and October, during which the rearing environment provided favorable conditions for the ducks. The temperatures ranged between 267.594 to 305.15K, creating an optimal environment for rearing. It is worth noting that the rearing environment was carefully controlled to minimize air drafts, ensuring the well-being and comfort of the ducks throughout the study. IPS, FRPS and PYPS experimental animals were respectively fed 100 % commercial feed, 50 % kitchen waste (KW) + 50% commercial feed, and 100 % kitchen waste (KW). The experimental birds were in good health at the time of purchase, and remained healthy throughout the duration of the study, with no signs of disease or health issues observed at the end of the experiment. The proximate composition of kitchen waste and feed ingredients is shown in (Table 1).

Table 1
Proximate profile of kitchen waste and calculated composition of ingredients and nutrients of the experimental feed ration.

Morphometric assessment

Body length (BL), keel length (KL), wing span (WS), drumstick circumference (DC), drumstick length (DL), shank circumference (SC), shank length (SL), and wing spread (WS) were calculated. From each experimental unit, 5 birds were tagged and morphometric measurements were recorded on fortnightly basis. The measurements were carried out in accordance with the procedure established by (Kokoszyński et al., 2019).

Growth Performance

Growth parameters included WG (weight gain), WG% (weight gain), and SGR (specific growth rate). On a fortnightly basis, the body weight for each bird was recorded using an electronic weighing balance (Axis BD15S, Axis, Gdansk, Poland).

The following formulas were used to calculate WG, WG %, and SGR:

W e i g h t g a i n = F i n a l w e i g h t ( g ) - I n i t i a l w e i g h t ( g )

W e i g h t g a i n ( % ) = 100 × ( F i n a l W e i g h t - I n i t i a l w e i g h t ) / I n i t i a l w e i g h t

S G R = I n ( F i n a l B W ) I n ( I n i t i a l B W ) N u m b e r o f d a y s × 100

Serum chemistry

A total of 27 samples (3 from each replicate) were collected from the wing vein from all treatment groups at the end of the experiment. After the collection of blood, the tubes were left in an inclined position until the serum samples were isolated by centrifugation for 15 minutes at 3000 rpm. Until the time of analysis, collected samples were preserved at -20°C in a deep freezer. Samples were then sent to CLC (Central Laboratory Complex), A block, UVAS, for evaluation of blood biochemistry parameters. Based on the glucose oxidase method, the level of glucose blood was evaluated by a ACCU-CHEK Glucometer (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Nannheim, Germany) (D’Orazio et al., 2005D'Orazio P, Burnett RW, Fogh-Andersen N, et al., Approved IFCC recommendation on reporting results for blood glucose (abreviated). Clinical Chemistry 2005;51(9):1573-6.
), Albumin was evaluated by the bromocresol green method (Doumas et al., 1971Doumas BT, Watson WA, Biggs HG. Albumin standards and the measurement of serum albumin with bromcresol green. Clinica Chimica Acta 1971;31(1):87-96.
; Doumas & Peters Jr 1997), serum proteins were examined by the direct method of Biuret, cholesterol serum was evaluated by the method of enzymatic colorimetry (Allain et al., 1974Allain CC, Poon LS, Chan CS, et al., Enzymatic determination of total serum cholesterol. Clinical Chemistry 1974:20, 470-475.
), serum globulin was measured by the difference between total serum albumin and protein value (Agina et al., 2017Agina OA, Ezema WS, Iwuoha EM. The haematology and serum biochemistry profile of adult Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2017;9(1):67-72.
), and serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was measured by the phenolphthalein monophosphate method (Babson et al., 1966Babson AL, Greeley SJ, Coleman CM, et al., Phenolphthalein monophosphate as a substrate for serum alkaline phosphatase. Clinical Chemistry 1966;12(8):482-90.

Cellular Immunity

A total of 27 blood samples (3 from each replicate) were collected from all treatment groups. The collected blood samples sent to the Central Laboratory complex (CLC) for analysis of phagocytic activity. Staining and microscopic examination techniques were used to assess multiple parameters, including monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, basophils, and heterophiles, as well as the phagocytic index and phagocytic activity (Abo Ghanima et al., 2020).

Carcass Traits

Before the birds were slaughtered, a standardized 8-hour fasting period was observed, during which the birds from each treatment group, comprising 10 birds per group, were deprived of food. Subsequently, their weights were measured and recorded. The slaughter process involved manual methods, in adherence with halal regulations, followed by the removal of internal organs and feathers through a process of degutting and de-feathering. The body parts were cut into different parts according to usual methods described by (Sarica et al., 2011Sarica M, Ocak N, Turhan S, et al., Evaluation of meat quality from 3 turkey genotypes reared with or without outdoor access. Poultry Science 2011;90(6):1313-23.
). Carcass parts were weighed and their percentage with their whole carcasses was calculated. The giblets (liver, gizzard, and heart) and carcasses were placed in a refrigerator for 24 hours at 4°C until further analysis.

Statistical analysis

The current research was conducted following a completely randomized design, with the experiments carried out in triplicates. Data analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess the impact of different rearing systems on various treatments and their interaction. The results were presented as means ± standard deviation (SD). Statistical significance between different treatments was determined at a significance level of p≤0.05. To further determine the differences among the studied treatments, Duncan’s Multiple Range test (DMR) was applied using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software, version 9.1.


Morphometric traits

Ducks reared under PYPS had the maximum body length (44.3 vs 40.19, 42.05cm), shank length (5.73 vs 4.94, 5.71cm), shank circumference (4.69 vs 3.91, 4.47cm), drumstick length (9.89 vs 8.10, 9.48 cm), drumstick circumference (5.69 vs 4.71 5.65 cm), beak length (5.04 vs 4.66, 4.92cm) and wing spread (29.21 vs 19.39, 27.99 cm) compared to IPS and FRPS. However, the results showed that the cloaca temperature did not exhibit significant differences among the various treatment groups (Table 2).

Table 2
Morphological parameters of American Pekin ducks reared among different production systems.

Growth Performance

Ducks reared under PYPS exhibited better weight gain, weight gain, % and SGR followed by the birds reared under FRPS and IPS. PYPS birds had significantly higher weight gain on day 75 (P=0.0003), while lower weight gain was noted in birds under the intensive system (IPS). The weight gain % in PYPS was the highest among all treatments: until 30 days the percent value increased by about 96.8 (PYPS), which gradually decreased until 90 days. However, in the intensive rearing system, the weight gain % was higher at day 45 and declined further till day 90. In the FRPS, the weight gain % was comparatively higher than in the IPS (Table 3).

Table 3
Growth Performance of American Pekin ducks reared under different production systems.

Serum chemistry

Total lipids (585.95 vs 533.2, 482.8 mg/DI), triacylglycerol (133.3 vs 118.60, 115.5 mg/DI), cholesterol (154.30 vs 130.60, 133.45 mg/DI), meat cholesterol (143.60 vs 142.7, 131.7 mg/DI) and meat triacylglycerol (133.35 vs 123.85, 122.75 mg/DI) were higher in birds reared under IPS as compared to PYPS and FRPS. Albumin (2.65 vs 1.75, 2.5 mg/dl), AG ratio (1.75 vs 1.16, 1.30 mg/dl), total proteins (5.75 vs 2.60, 4.50 mg/dl), glucose (244.5 vs 225, 242.85 mg/dl) and globulin (5.10 vs 1.29, 2.93 mg/dl) were higher in birds reared under PYPS, followed by IPS and FRPS (Table 4).

Table 4
Serum chemistry, and meat cholesterol and triacylglycerol of American Pekin ducks reared under different production systems.

Cellular immunity

The birds reared under the PYPS system exhibited higher levels of phagocytic activity, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes when compared to birds raised under the IPS and FRPS systems. However, no significant differences in the phagocytic index, lymphocytes, and heterophiles were observed among the treatment groups (Table 5).

Table 5
Cellular immunity of Pekin ducks reared under different production systems.

Intestinal morphology

In comparison to other treatment groups, birds reared under the PYPS system had significantly higher values for the colon (11.95, p=0.0079), jejunum (75.05, p=0.0013), ileum (75.55, p=0.0233), duodenum (35.70, p=0.0066), caeca (34.67, p=0.0011), and total intestine (229.10, p=0.0003) (Table 6).

Table 6
Intestinal morphology parameters of Pekin duck’s reared under different production systems.

Carcass traits

The slaughtering traits of Pekin ducks were measured and are presented in (Table 7). The results showed that there were no significant differences in carcass traits among the treatment groups. However, PYPS-reared birds had the numerically highest values in all parameters of carcass traits.

Table 7
Slaughter traits of Pekin ducks reared under different production systems.


As waterfowl, ducks have a different physiological structure than other poultry birds, given their high quantity of red fiber content in muscles. The rearing system or housing system is the most significant factor that can affect the different growth parameters. For assessing poultry production, growth-related parameters are the most direct indexes (Chen et al., 2015Chen Y, Aorigele C, Yan F, et al., Effect of production system on welfare traits, growth performance and meat quality of ducks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2015;45(2):173-9.
). Our study examined the effect of different rearing or housing systems on various growth parameters in ducks. The results indicate that the highest weight gain was recorded in ducks reared under the PYPS (Pool with yard production system) as compared to the FRPS (Free-range production system) and IPS (Indoor production system). These results can be attributed to the natural behavior of ducks as waterfowl and the availability of a pool, which has been shown to enhance growth parameters. Furthermore, the eco-friendly environment provided by allowing ducks to access an appropriate backyard, and the minimization of energy loss due to confinement in the FRPS could be significant factors contributing to the efficient improvements in growth characteristics observed in the PYPS group. These outcomes are consistent with (Erisir et al., 2009Erisir Z, Poyraz O, Onbasilar EE, et al., Effect of different housing systems on growth and welfare of Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(2):235-9.
), who reported that a swimming pool efficiently improved the weight and efficiency of feed, while also enhancing the final weights of Pekin ducks. Abo Ghanima et al. (2020) concluded that the intensive system (closed house) showed the lowest growth parameter as compared to other housing systems. The results showed that, given the behavior of ducks as waterfowl, permitting access to the open yard and water increased their welfare and fattening performance. El-Edel et al. (2015El-Edel MA, El-kholya SZ, Abou-Ismail UA. The effects of housing systems on behaviour, productive performance and immune response to avian influenza vaccine in three breeds of ducks. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 2015;3:1496-505.
) concluded that during week 4, weight gain was found to be higher in closed housing as compared to outdoor housing of ducks. Moreover, a few authors concluded that animals raised in closed houses showed the lowest growth rate as compared to open houses (Damaziak et al., 2014Damaziak K, Michalczuk M, Adamek D, et al., Influence of housing system on the growth and histological structure of duck muscles. South African Journal of Animal Science 2014;44(2):97-109.

Our study revealed significant differences in morphometric parameters among the different production systems, with PYPS showing higher values compared to FRPS and IPS. Similar to our findings, Henrik et al. (2018Henrik H, Purwantini D, Ismoyowati I. Morphometrics and genetic diversity of Tegal, Magelang and their crossbred ducks based on Cytochrome b gene. Journal of Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture. 2018;43(1):9-18.
) reported that the morphometric measurements in PYPS were increased more than in other treatments. They found that body weight, shank circumference, and length, body length, drumstick length and circumference, wing spread, and beak length were significantly higher in PYPS as compared to FRPS and IPS. According to Yakubu et al. (2011Yakubu A, Kaankuka FG, Ugbo SB. Morphometric traits of Muscovy ducks from two agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. Tropicultura 2011;29(2):121-4.), morphometric traits like body weight, body length, leg length, and thigh circumference differed significantly among different housing systems, supporting the evidence found in this study. Altogether, previous studies showed that PYPS had positive effects on the morphometric parameters of American Pekin ducks.

Blood biochemical profiles are widely used as indicators of the metabolic and physiological status of birds, and can be affected by various factors, including rearing or housing systems (Wang et al., 2015Wang Y, Ru YJ, Liu GH, et al., Effects of different rearing systems on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, digestive organ weight, carcass traits, and energy utilization in male broiler chickens. Livestock Science 2015;176:135-40.
). At the end of our study, we measured the blood biochemical profile and found significant differences among the treatments. Our results are in line with the findings of previous studies, such as Qiao et al. (2017Qiao L, Tang X, Dong J. A feasibility quantification study of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content in duck meat for freshness evaluation. Food Chemistry 2017;237:1179-85.
), who reported that rearing in a confined house can reduce cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels. Erisir et al. (2009Erisir Z, Poyraz O, Onbasilar EE, et al., Effect of different housing systems on growth and welfare of Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(2):235-9.
) observed that raising birds in open and closed yards can lead to a reduction in the level of triacylglycerol and cholesterol due to the increased physical activity. We also found significant differences in cellular immunity among the treatments, with PYPS-reared birds exhibiting higher values for phagocytic activity, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. These results are consistent with the findings of Abo Ghanima et al. (2020).

Providing ducks with access to the yard, especially with free access to the pool, can improve their immunity. This approach can enhance the ducks’ environment and encourage their natural behavior as waterfowl, which may promote efficient growth and development. However, as per El-Edel et al. (2015El-Edel MA, El-kholya SZ, Abou-Ismail UA. The effects of housing systems on behaviour, productive performance and immune response to avian influenza vaccine in three breeds of ducks. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 2015;3:1496-505.
), phagocytic activity and index in intensive housing were lower than in outdoor housing, possibly due to the limited space. The morphology and health of the intestinal tract of birds are certainly affected by the conditions of the environment (Camp et al., 2009Camp JG, Kanther M, Semova I, et al., Patterns and scales in gastrointestinal microbial ecology. Gastroenterology 2009;136(6):1989-2002.
). The length and diameter of the intestine varied significantly among the different treatments. PYPS had the highest value as compared to the other treatment groups. The results indicated that ducks in PYPS have better health and biochemical factors than those of the intensive and semi-intensive systems. In a previous study by Wasilewski et al. (2015Wasilewski R, Kokoszynski D, Mieczkowska A, et al., Structure of the digestive system of ducks depending on sex and genetic background. Acta Veterinaria Brno 2015;84(2):153-8.
), shorter ileum and duodenum were observed along with slightly bigger intestinal diameters, whereas Gabriel et al. (2008Gabriel I, Mallet S, Leconte M, et al., Effects of whole wheat feeding on the development of the digestive tract of broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2008;142(1-2):144-62.
) observed that in the diet of chicken, dietary feed (whole wheat) in amounts up to 20g/kg to 40g/kg showed no impact on the comparative length of the intestine.

Our study revealed significant differences in carcass traits among the different rearing systems, with PYPS birds showing higher values in overall parameters. These results are consistent with the findings that Abo ghanima et al. (2020Abo ghanima MM, El-Edel MA, Ashour EA, et al., The influences of various housing systems on growth, carcass traits, meat quality, immunity and oxidative stress of meat-type ducks. Animals 2020;10(3):410.
), who reported that a free-range rearing system reduced some carcass traits, as well as the percentage of dressing. Yard and swimming pool integration in duck-rearing enhances carcass traits, encouraging natural behavior, varied diets, muscle development, and cleaner birds with healthier feathers. It also aligns with ethical practices, and appeals to quality-conscious consumers. Additionally, there are improvements in the fiber muscle diameter of ducks raised in free-range systems with access to a pool, which may be attributed to increased physical activity and natural growth patterns observed in these birds after hatching.


It can be concluded that production systems significantly affect the growth, immune response, serum chemistry, and carcass traits of American Pekin ducks. The ducks raised in the pool with yard production system (PYPS) fed up to 100% kitchen waste had greater growth performance, morphometric parameters, serum chemistry profile, cellular immunity, and carcass traits compared to those raised in the intensive and free-range production systems. The PYPS not only increased the overall growth-related parameters, but also minimized the ecological cost and increased the farmer’s income through proper utilization of natural resources.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB) for providing financial support for the development of PYPS Aquaculture Research Unit (IARU) at the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Ravi Campus, Pattoki, Pakistan.


  • Abd El-Hack ME, Hurtado CB, Toro DM, et al., Impact of environmental and incubation factors on hatchability of duck eggs. Biological Rhythm Research 2022;53(1):79-88.
  • Abo ghanima MM, El-Edel MA, Ashour EA, et al., The influences of various housing systems on growth, carcass traits, meat quality, immunity and oxidative stress of meat-type ducks. Animals 2020;10(3):410.
  • Agina OA, Ezema WS, Iwuoha EM. The haematology and serum biochemistry profile of adult Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2017;9(1):67-72.
  • Ahmed N, Garnett ST. Integrated rice-fish farming in Bangladesh: meeting the challenges of food security. Food Security 2011;3:81-92.
  • Allain CC, Poon LS, Chan CS, et al., Enzymatic determination of total serum cholesterol. Clinical Chemistry 1974:20, 470-475.
  • Babson AL, Greeley SJ, Coleman CM, et al., Phenolphthalein monophosphate as a substrate for serum alkaline phosphatase. Clinical Chemistry 1966;12(8):482-90.
  • Camp JG, Kanther M, Semova I, et al., Patterns and scales in gastrointestinal microbial ecology. Gastroenterology 2009;136(6):1989-2002.
  • Chen XL, Zeng YB, Liu LX, et al., Effects of dietary chromium propionate on laying performance, egg quality, serum biochemical parameters and antioxidant status of laying ducks under heat stress. Animal 2021;15(2):100081.
  • Chen Y, Aorigele C, Yan F, et al., Effect of production system on welfare traits, growth performance and meat quality of ducks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2015;45(2):173-9.
  • D'Orazio P, Burnett RW, Fogh-Andersen N, et al., Approved IFCC recommendation on reporting results for blood glucose (abreviated). Clinical Chemistry 2005;51(9):1573-6.
  • Damaziak K, Michalczuk M, Adamek D, et al., Influence of housing system on the growth and histological structure of duck muscles. South African Journal of Animal Science 2014;44(2):97-109.
  • Doumas BT, Peters Jr T. Serum and urine albumin: a progress report on their measurement and clinical significance. Clinica Chimica Acta 1997;258(1):3-20. rights and content
  • Doumas BT, Watson WA, Biggs HG. Albumin standards and the measurement of serum albumin with bromcresol green. Clinica Chimica Acta 1971;31(1):87-96.
  • Duncan, DB. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics 1955;11:1-42.
  • El-Edel MA, El-kholya SZ, Abou-Ismail UA. The effects of housing systems on behaviour, productive performance and immune response to avian influenza vaccine in three breeds of ducks. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 2015;3:1496-505.
  • Erisir Z, Poyraz O, Onbasilar EE, et al., Effect of different housing systems on growth and welfare of Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(2):235-9.
  • Farghly MF, Abd El-Hack ME, Alagawany M, et al., Wet feed and cold water as heat stress modulators in growing Muscovy ducklings. Poultry Science 2018;97(5):1588-94.
  • Gabriel I, Mallet S, Leconte M, et al., Effects of whole wheat feeding on the development of the digestive tract of broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2008;142(1-2):144-62.
  • Henrik H, Purwantini D, Ismoyowati I. Morphometrics and genetic diversity of Tegal, Magelang and their crossbred ducks based on Cytochrome b gene. Journal of Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture. 2018;43(1):9-18.
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    This manuscript is part of project sponsored by Punjab Agriculture Research Board PARB under grant No.674.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    26 July 2023
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