The aim of the study was to analyze the graduate’s profile of the PhD course in Postgraduate Program in Physical Education (PPPE), Federal University of Santa Catarina. Information from the 92 PhD graduates from 2006 to 2018 was collected from secondary sources of public domain sites. Three independent evaluators filtered the information through double typing. The data revealed that more than 50% of the graduates were male, 58.7% had a scholarship, and 27.8% had a sandwich doctorate in foreign institutions. Only 17.4% of graduates completed postdoctoral training. The highest proportion has employment as effective teachers (73.3%), mainly in public higher education institutions. The concentration themes in the area of Physical Activity and Health (PAH) predominate in the titles of the conclusion work. During the formative trajectory, 48.9% of the graduates changed, at least, once in the concentration area, 44.6% remained in the same area and 6.5% investigated the three distinct concentration areas during undergraduate, masters and doctoral studies. The majority develop PAH (50.0%), followed by Pedagogical (25.5%) and Biodynamics and Human Performance (17.8%). Thus, the doctors training in PPPE seems to design a profile according to the idealized by the course, with professional possibilities of insertion in higher education and engagement in scientific investigations.
Key words Graduates; Higher education; Professional qualification; Physical education
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o perfil dos egressos do curso de doutorado do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Física (PPGEF), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. As informações dos 92 egressos do doutorado no período de 2006 a 2018 foram levantadas em fontes secundárias de sites de domínio público. Três avaliadores independentes filtraram as informações por meio de dupla digitação. Os resultados revelaram que mais de 50,0% dos egressos eram do sexo masculino, 58,7% tiveram bolsa de estudos e 27,8% realizaram estágio de doutorado sanduíche em instituições estrangeiras. Apenas 17,4% dos egressos concluíram estágio de pós-doutorado. A maioria tem vínculo empregatício como professor efetivo (73,3%), principalmente em instituições públicas do magistério superior. As temáticas da área de concentração em Atividade Física e Saúde (AFS) predominam nos títulos dos trabalhos de conclusão. Ao longo da trajetória formativa, 48,9% (n=45) dos egressos mudaram pelo menos uma vez de área de concentração, 44,6% (n=41) mantiveram-se na mesma área de concentração e 6,5% (n=6) investigaram as três distintas áreas de concentração durante a graduação, mestrado e doutorado. A maioria dos egressos desenvolve pesquisas na área de AFS (50,0%), seguido da Pedagógica (25,5%) e Biodinâmica do Desempenho Humano (17,8%). Assim, a formação de doutores no PPGEF parece desenhar um perfil de acordo com o idealizado pelo curso, com chances profissionais de inserção no ensino superior e com engajamento em investigações científicas.
Palavras-chave Educação física; Ensino superior; Egressos; Formação profissional
The postgraduate course in Brazil, implemented since 1965, has been consolidated in the university scope by offering master’s and doctoral courses1. The National Postgraduate System covers several areas in different branches of knowledge, qualifying young scientists, researchers and teachers as a means to contribute to the country’s technological and scientific plan1,2. The National Postgraduate System is governed by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES in the Portuguese acronym), which is responsible for the evaluation of new courses and also for monitoring the programs1-3.
To optimize the management of the activities assigned to CAPES, the knowledge areas are grouped into Colleges (first level) and Large Areas (second level). Thus, composing the College of Life Sciences, in the Great Area of Health Sciences, is the Area 21 (or Physical Education Area), composed in sub-areas of academic and professional performance of Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, besides Physical Education4. The subarea of Physical Education has the highest number of courses compared to the others in Area 21, consisting of 35 academic masters, three professional masters, 22 academic doctorates and a professional doctorate. These courses comprise 38 post-graduate programs, distributed in 29 public universities, two of which have two or more programs, and five of the private education network4,5.
The developments in the scientific community are evident, both in the evaluation of the programs and the research resulting from these programs6. One of the issues that make up the program evaluation system is the graduates, whose evaluation is important to analyze and monitor them insertion in the labor market (public or private), scientific and academic production5.
Some evidences reveal that graduates of physical education programs perceive their education with evidence in research, followed by preparation for teaching in higher education7. In this way, studies show the interest of the programs in the systematic follow-up of graduates, in order to establish curricular reorganization, future work strategies, their satisfaction with programs, among other factors that are relevant to education8-10.
One aspect to highlight is the professional trajectory importance after the doctorate course, since this is the highest degree of academic qualification and last stage of formation that precedes the transition to university teaching career11,12. The geographical centralization of the Physical Education Programs in the South and Southeast regions, which bring together 26 of the 38 existing programs13 also are referred. Considering that Brazilian production of scientific knowledge is closely linked to the stricto sensu postgraduation in the country14, nucleation - that is, insertion of new doctors in postgraduate courses or groups of active research are distinct from those who formed them. This plays an important role in the success of Brazilian higher education, highlighting the graduates of PhD courses as important agents of dissemination and production of knowledge.
Physical education trained doctors (n=184) in programs at the southern region of the country, about 22.3% are enrolled in public educational institutions, acting as teachers and coordinators of research projects11. However, is clear a fragility of studies that have evaluated the profile of these graduates, mainly in areas of the conclusion work, academic exchange during training, access to scholarships, as well in the formative trajectory to research areas of physical education. In this context, the aim of the present study was analyzing the graduates’ profile in the doctoral program at Postgraduate Program in Physical Education of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
The study has a qualitative-quantitative approach to data, as descriptive with a case study-like design. The Federal University of Santa Catarina, specifically of the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education was selected to analyze the graduates’ profile in the doctoral program, which began in the year of 1996 with the implementation of the master’s degree and in 2006 with the first doctorate group.
From 1996 to 2016, 373 students joined in the master’s course and 92 in the doctoral program. In the 2013-2016 quadrennial evaluation, this program was evaluated with note 6 by CAPES, which denotes a scenario of stability, maturity and quality, in the training of doctor-masters, strengthening the production of knowledge and innovation in the areas of health, sport5.
The collection of information used secondary data sources available on public domain websites. On the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education website, the list of new entrants to the doctoral program since 2006 was obtained, as well as those who defended their thesis until the year 2018 (third quarter). This list contained in detail the name of the postdoc, guidance counselor, assessment bank, thesis title and defense date (http://ppgef.ufsc.br/noticias/). Next, the entry year and completion of the course was consulted on the website of the Federal University of Santa Catarina Egress Monitoring System (https://egressos.sistemas.ufsc.br/listaEgressos.xhtml). All the above information was compiled in a Microsoft Excel® worksheet to compose the database.
Another data source used was the Lattes platform (http://lattes.cnpq.br/) to verify the academic graduates’ curricula in the PhD. The information was previously established and, from the consultation to the curriculum, data were collected referring to sex, concentration area, scholarship, year of completion of the courses (undergraduate, masters, doctorate and postdoctoral) year of engagement, functional framework (effective or substitute teacher, administrative technician, autonomous and/or collaborator), topics of the titles of the conclusion papers (monographs, dissertation and thesis), research projects in progress and the form of participation (coordinator, and/or member). The information was collected in October and November of 2018 by three independent evaluators. The conference of the information was operationalized by means of double typing. The data were transferred and analyzed by the statistical software IBM SPSS® version 21, by means of absolute and relative frequency.
The study included 92 graduates in the PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education of the Federal University of Santa Catarina who had joined in the period from 2006 to 2018. Of these, more than 60% of the graduates finished their undergraduate courses between 2000 and 2010, while 29.4% finished the course of master’s degrees between 2010 and 2014. The average time of completion of the course was 45.7 months (±9.1), more than 50% were male and approximately six out of 10 took the PhD course with a scholarship. During the course, 30.4% completed a PhD exchange in foreign institutions (Table 1). Regarding the origin of foreign institutions, 38.5% of the graduates went to Portugal, 11.5% to the United States, 11.5% to Canada, 11.5% to Italy, 11.5% to England, 7.7% for Spain, 3.8% for France and 3.8% for New Zealand. It should be noted that 17.4% (n=15) joined in postdoctoral programs and, for the most part, with scholarship (n=13, 86.7%).
Characteristics of the PhD graduates. Post-graduation Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2018.
Most of the PhD graduates have an effective teaching job in teaching institutions (73.3%, n= 66). Of these, more than 80% work in the public higher education teaching profession (Table 2). Still, 13 (24.5%) of the effective teachers are also collaborators as researchers in other institutions.
Employee relationship and functional framework of the graduates of the PhD. Program of the Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2018 (n = 92).
The PhD graduates, 47.1% obtained an employment contract before ending the doctorate, 37.9% after ending the doctorate and 15% in the same year of completion of the course (Table 3). Regardless of the periods of employment, public IHE (n= 68), followed by private IHE (n= 9) were the ones that absorved the graduates.
Period of the employment relationship of the PhD graduates. Program of the Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, (n= 92).
Throughout the researched graduates formative trajectory, the doctoral thesis titles (n= 41) and master’s degrees (n= 40) were higher in Physical Activity and Health. In graduation, the conclusion work was more frequent in Biodynamic of Human Performance area (n= 24) (Figure 1). In addition, 48.9% (n= 45) of the graduates changed at least once from studie area, 44.6% (n= 41) remained in the same area and 6.5 % (n= 6) investigated in different areas during undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses.
Concentration areas of thesis, dissertations and monographs PhD graduate. Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina (n = 92).
In the graduate’s curriculum, 157 studies were identified, being more than 50% in the Physical Activity and Health area, followed by Theory and Pedagogical Practice (25.5%) and Biodynamics and Human Performance (17.8%). Researches in which graduates were coordinators are also in greater numbers in the Physical Activity and Health area (Table 4).
Areas of concentration of the researches of the graduates of the PhD. Program of the Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, (n= 92).
It was analyzed that more than half of the doctorates in the period from 2006 to 2018 obtained scholarship from the development agencies. Approximately one-third of the graduates held doctorate exchange in foreign institutions and less than 20% joined in postdoctoral. Mostly, the PhD graduates engaged in teaching career at higher education, including before the doctorate end. The insertion in the public IHE showed a greater amount of links before the doctorate conclusion, in the same year of the course termination and after the doctorate conclusion.
The postgraduate scenario in physical education showed that continuing education in postdoctoral stages has been a demand for a reduced number of graduates, as evidenced in other programs in Brazil15. However, most of them engage in teaching career before they finish the course, which may facilitate their subsequent insertion in the job market due the opportunities presented to the students during the course period12.
The possibility of entering in higher education is a constant goal, so expanding vocational training and the entry of qualified professionals at this level of education can contribute to the quality indices of education16,17. Milan et al.15 reinforce that the teaching performance valorization makes this a competitive area, bringing to the postgraduate scenario the constant search for best qualification. Nevertheless, the search for short-term experiences encourages graduates to take a course immediately one after the other, and this is clearly a market perspective15.
The career insertion in higher education occurs together with the research context in detriment to teaching18,19. In this way, some studies point to research as one of the areas with the greatest tendency, and this market positioning may cause the postgraduate teaching learning itself to be placed in the background12,20. Although the present study did not focus on the analysis of the hours distribution in the teaching activities, research, extension and administration of doctoral professors in public universities, it was observed that approximately half of the investigated graduates are engaged in research in their research units, teaching (as coordinators or members), especially in the Physical Activity and Health and Theory and Pedagogical Practice.
Regarding scholarships granted and the period of exchange doctoral training carried out by graduates of the from 2006 to 2018, one third were in foreign institutions, and less than 20% did postdoctoral studies. The graduates engaged in the teaching career of Higher Education, even before the end of the course. After completing the course, the highest admission was in public institutions, as observed in the Physical Education program of University of São Paulo (USP), with 65% of graduates enrolled in public IHE15. Fact was similarly evidenced by Milan et al.12 when analyzing the antecedent and current scenarios of professional intervention of graduates of the master’s and doctoral courses in Physical Education of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the period of 2006 to 2013. Few are those that act autonomously, without links which seems to reflect in the programs recommended in the National Postgraduate Plan 2011-2020 as a goal for the labor market2,3.
As for the areas of concentration in the formative trajectory of PhD graduates, Physical Activity and Health was more frequent in the titles of thesis dissertations and monographs, followed by Theory and Pedagogical Practice and Biodynamics and Human Performance. When investigating the professional insertion and continuing education of graduates in the Physical Education course, Salles, Farias and Nascimento21 identified that most of the bachelor’s degree, 43% of the investigated, showed interest in area of Physical Activity and Health. Manoel and Carvalho22 in analyzed the criteria adopted in granting aid and resources research in the Physical Education graduate programs, and they verified that, the greater obtaining of resources and the control in the admission of people that integrate specific groups showed the hegemony of certain lines of research. This fact in function of the needs and governmental investments, justifying the predominance of the area of Physical Activity and Health in the national context22.
The formative trajectory of the graduates of the PhD was have different areas of concentration, indicates that the specialization in a certain area does not seem to be an exclusivity in the formation. In addition, the growth of research and methods can support ‘thematic exchanges’, favoring interdisciplinary in different areas. Consequently, this academic scope can promote different institutional partnerships, as well as qualification in research methods in the areas of knowledge. In fact, there is a reinforcement of the belief that the postgraduate research practice provides the dialogue of knowledge produced and shared, aiding the formation process in the search for one’s own conscience, identity and professional independence.
A similar situation was observed in the research projects, in which PhD graduates are linked. The area of concentration in Physical Activity and Health had a greater number of registered projects and a greater proportion of coordinators. The incentive and actions aimed at research in postgraduate programs at universities in the South of the country may be a factor that influences these academic arrangements7,12. This investment may be a positive scenario for scientific research in Brazil, since graduates have contributed to the promotion of academic areas, as evidenced in the literature12,15,23. In Brazil, postgraduate programs are one of those responsible for disseminating science and new technologies2,12,23. In addition, research has been seen as a professional activity that permeates part of the actions of the graduates in the scope of teaching7,23.
The evidence found contributes to a scenario of expectation, regarding the insertion of PhD graduates in the IHE. This allows to analyze, from the context of a University of the South of Brazil, the future investments in the different research areas, and the knowledge about the professionals/teachers who are in front of the researches. However, some limitations such as the classification of the areas of concentration based on the readings of the titles of the works; the linkage profile, time and functional framework were derived from the curriculum of the graduates available on the lattes platform, which are sometimes outdated which may have influenced the data found. Some failures were observed in the completion of the curriculum, with absence of information about the title of the works, the scholarships granted by the development agencies, the nature of the undergraduate course (licentiate or bachelor’s degree) and information of research projects. Thus, regarding the qualification and professional insertion of the PHD graduates’ course in Physical Education of the Federal University Santa Catarina, these are mostly inserted as effective teachers in public and private IHEs. Despite the importance of continuing education in the professional success in the job market, highly dynamic and competitive, the study demonstrates that this post-doctoral experience is still performed by a small number the graduates, which may be associated with the number of vacancies and scholarships available in the different programs in the country. In the formative trajectory it was observed a higher frequency of graduates who changed their areas of concentration, at least once in the undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees. The Physical Activity and Health was prevalent in this research, and most of the PhD graduates acted as coordinators. It is concluded that PhD formation in Physical Education seems to draw a professional profile with chances of insertion in higher education and with engagement in scientific investigations.
How to cite this article
Manta SW, Sandreschi PF, Cardoso AA, Benedetti TRB, Farias GO, Resende R, Nascimento JV. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2020, 22:e66261. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-0037.2020v22e66261
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