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Oral and cutaneous manifestations of covid-19 in pediatric patients

Manifestações bucais e cutâneas da covid-19 em pacientes pediátricos


COVID-19 began in December 2019 in Wuhan City, China, and on March 11, 2020 it was classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic. It is an asymptomatic infection that can progress to severe respiratory conditions. In adults, it is more prevalent, but is also observed in children, with the occurrence of extra respiratory symptoms, such as oral and cutaneous manifestations. This literature review aims to report the oral and cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19 in pediatric patients. The bibliographic search strategy was carried out in the PubMed, SciELO and Bireme databases on August 1, 2020, using MeSH Terms “COVID-19”; “Child”; “Oral Manifestations”; “Skin Manifestations”; “Ageusia”; “Dysgeusia” and corresponding Decs, and also manual search, without language restriction. The stages of search, screening, selection, evaluation of studies and data extraction were performed by four independent reviewers. Nine studies that met the eligibility criteria were identified. The most cited oral and cutaneous manifestations were, respectively, taste dysfunction in adolescents and erythematous eruption in extremities and trunk. Health professionals should be aware of these manifestations, however, this is a recent theme in the literature, and more careful studies with greater strength of evidence still need to be performed.

Indexing terms
Coronavirus Infections; Child; Oral manifestations


A COVID-19 iniciou em dezembro de 2019, na cidade de Wuhan na China e em 11 de março de 2020 foi classificada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como pandemia. Trata-se de uma infecção assintomática que pode evoluir para quadros respiratórios graves. Em adultos é mais prevalente, mas também é observada em crianças, com ocorrência de sintomatologias extra respiratórias, como as manifestações bucais e cutâneas. Esta revisão de literatura objetiva relatar as manifestações bucais e cutâneas da COVID-19 em pacientes pediátricos. A estratégia de busca bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e Bireme em 01/Agosto/2020, utilizando MeSH Terms “COVID-19”; “Child”; “Oral Manifestations”; “Skin Manifestations”; “Ageusia”; “Dysgeusia” e Decs correspondentes, e ainda busca manual, sem restrição de idiomas. As etapas de busca, triagem, seleção, avaliação dos estudos e extração dos dados foram realizadas por quatro revisores independentes. Foram identificados nove estudos que atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. As manifestações bucais e cutâneas mais citadas foram, respectivamente, a disfunção gustativa em adolescentes e a erupção eritematosa em extremidades e tronco. Os profissionais de saúde devem ficar atentos às referidas manifestações, entretanto, trata-se de um tema recente na literatura, estudos mais criteriosos, com maior força de evidência ainda precisam ser realizados.

Termos de indexação
Infecções por coronavirus; Criança; Manifestações bucais


In the city of Wuhan in China, in December 2019, the spread of the disease began, which would become a pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, a pleomorphic RNA virus with a microscopic crown shape. The disease that was named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as COVID-19 spread rapidly around the world [11 Madabhavi I, Sarkar M, Kadakol N. COVID-19: a review. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2020;90(2).
], reaching 187 countries from December 2019 to July 2020 [22 World Healt Organization [homepage na internet]. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) [cited 2020 Jul 24]. Available from: <>.
]. In Brazil, until August 3, 2020, the number of confirmed cases was 2,733,677 and deaths from the disease, 94,104 [33 Ministério da Saúde [homepage na internet]. Painel Coronavírus. Brasil, 2020 [citado 8 ago 2020]. Disponível em: <>.

The clinical picture can manifest itself with symptoms ranging from an asymptomatic infection to severe respiratory implications, and may have extra-respiratory manifestations, affecting the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, hepatobiliary system, endocrinological, dermatological and nervous system, eyes and conjunctiva [44 Gupta A, Madhavan MV, Sehgal K, Nair N, Mahajanet S, Sehrawat TS, et al. Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19. Nat Med. 2020; 26(7):1017-1032.
,55 Lai CC, Ko WC, Lee PI, Jean SS, Hsueh PR. Extra-respiratory manifestations of COVID-19. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020;56(2):106024.
]. Initially, COVID-19 was more prevalent in adults with non-specific symptoms such as fever, cough, myalgia, dyspnea and diarrhea [66 Kannan S, Shaik Syed Ali P, Sheeza A, Hemalatha K. COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus 2019) - recent trends. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020;24(4):2006-2011.
,77 She J, Liu L, Liu W. COVID-19 epidemic: Disease characteristics in children. J Med Virol. 2020;92(7):747-754.
]. However, it can also be observed in children, being evident the severity of the disease in term or preterm babies [88 Huang X, Wei F, Hu L, Wen L, Chen K. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of covid-19. Arch Iran Med. 2020;23(4):268-271.
]. Among the extra-respiratory manifestations that have been described as important symptoms of COVID-19 are the possible cutaneous and oral manifestations, among them the decrease or loss of taste (ageusia) [55 Lai CC, Ko WC, Lee PI, Jean SS, Hsueh PR. Extra-respiratory manifestations of COVID-19. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020;56(2):106024.
]. These signs and symptoms represent a challenging differential diagnosis.

Thus, knowing what the literature reports, identifying what can assist dentist in understanding the symptoms of the disease, becomes relevant so that everyone can be attentive during their clinical practice regarding coping with COVID-19. This study aims to carry out a review of the literature on oral and skin manifestations in pediatric patients diagnosed with COVID-19.


The literature review was carried out based on the formulation of the following guiding question: Can oral and skin manifestations be observed in children and adolescents diagnosed with COVID-19?

The bibliographic search was conducted on August 1, 2020 in the databases National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (PubMed), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Virtual Health Library) Bireme. The search, screening, selection, study evaluation and data extraction steps were performed by 4 reviewers, independently, using controlled keywords from the Medical Subject Headings - MeSH Database (“COVID-19”; “Child”; “Oral Manifestations”; “Skin Manifestations”; “Ageusia”; “Dysgeusia”) and corresponding descriptors from Bireme. In addition, additional search in the references of the included articles was also considered in the research.

Inclusion criteria: randomized clinical trials, observational studies and literature reviews published as of December 2019; without language restriction; studies that respected the acronym PECO (P=patients under 18 years old; E=exposure to the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus; C= not applicable; O=oral manifestations, dysgeusia, ageusia and skin manifestations). Exclusion criteria: letters to the editor, abstracts, articles whose full access was not possible, absence of researched outcomes. Four independent reviewers performed the steps of searching, screening, selecting articles, evaluating the complete texts included and extracting the data.


Identification and selection of studies

After the searches were completed, 29 publications were identified in the databases, as described in table 1.

Table 1
Sources of information and search strategy.

On PubMed, three articles [99 Oba J, Carvalho WB, Silva CA, Delgado AF. Gastrointestinal manifestations and nutritional therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: a practical guide for pediatricians. Einstein. 2020;18:eRW5774.

10 Tan X, Huang J, Zhao F, Zhou Y, Li JQ, Wang XY, et al. features of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 13 cases from Changsha. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2020;22(4):294-298.
-1111 Lyu J, Miao T, Dong J, Cao R, Li Y, Chen Q. Reflection on lower rates of COVID-19 in children: Does childhood immunizations offer unexpected protection? Med Hypotheses. 2020;143:109842.
] were retrieved for the combination of MeSH terms “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Oral Manifestations”; eleven articles for the combination “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Skin Manifestations” [1212 Galván CC, Català A, Carretero HG, Rodríguez-Jiménez P, Fernández-Nieto D, Rodríguez-Villa LA, et al. Classification of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: a rapid prospective nationwide consensus study in Spain with 375 cases. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(1):71-77.

13 Kaya G, Kaya A, Saurat JH. Clinical and histopathological features and potential pathological mechanisms of skin lesions in covid-19: review of the literature. Dermatopathology. 2020;7(1):3-16.

14 Gianotti R, Recalcati S, Fantini F, Riva C, Milani M, Dainese D, et al. Histopathological study of a broad spectrum of skin dermatoses in patients affected or highly suspected of infection by covid-19 in the northern part of italy: analysis of the many faces of the viral-induced skin diseases in previous and new reported cases. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;42(8):564-570.

15 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.

16 Olisova OY, Anpilogova EM, Shnakhova LM. Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a skin rash in a child. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(6):e13712.

17 Andina D, Noguera-Morel L, Bascuas-Arribas M, Gaitero-Tristán J, Alonso-Cadenas JA, Escalada-Pellitero S, et al. Chilblains in children in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):406-411.

18 Khalifa M, Zakaria F, Ragab Y, Saad A, Bamaga A, Emad Y, et al. Guillain-barre syndrome associated with sars-cov-2 detection and a covid-19 infection in a child. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 9(4):510-513.

19 Mastrolonardo M, Romita P, Bonifazi E, Giuffrida R, Lotti T, Foti C, et al. The management of the outbreak of acral skin manifestations in asymptomatic children during COVID-19 era. Dermatol Ther. 2020 Jul;33(4):e13617. doi: 10.1111/dth.13617

20 Pavord S, Thachil J, Hunt BJ, Murphy M, Lowe G, Laffan M, et al. Practical guidance for the management of adults with immune thrombocytopenia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Haematol. 2020;189(6):1038-1043.
-2121 Caselli D, Chironna M, Loconsole D, Nigri L, Mazzotta F, Bonamonte D, et al. No evidence of SARS-Cov-2 infection by PCR or serology in children with pseudochilblain. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(4):784-785. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19349
], among which [1414 Gianotti R, Recalcati S, Fantini F, Riva C, Milani M, Dainese D, et al. Histopathological study of a broad spectrum of skin dermatoses in patients affected or highly suspected of infection by covid-19 in the northern part of italy: analysis of the many faces of the viral-induced skin diseases in previous and new reported cases. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;42(8):564-570.
] was a duplicate; three articles for the combination “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Dysgeusia”, [2222 Qiu C, Cui C, Hautefort C, Haehner A, Zhao J, Yao Q, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction as an early identifier of covid-19 in adults and children: an international multicenter study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(4):714-721.

23 Kaye R, Chang CWD, Kazahaya K, Brereton J, Denneny JC. 3rd COVID-19 anosmia reporting tool: initial findings. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(1):132-134.
-2424 Magnavita N, Tripepi G, Di Prinzio RR. Symptoms in health care workers during the covid-19 epidemic. a cross-sectional survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):E5218.
] and three articles for the combination “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Ageusia” [2525 Mak PQ, Chung KS, Wong JS, Shek CC, Kwan MY. Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of covid-19 infection in children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):e199-e200.

26 Ellul MA, Benjamin L, Singh B, Lant S, Michael BD, Easton A, et al. Neurological associations of COVID-19. Lancet Neurol. 2020;S1474-4422(20)30221-0.
-2727 Novi G, Rossi T, Pedemonte E, Saitta L, Rolla C, Roccatagliata L, et al. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020;7(5):e797.

From the Bireme data platform, using the combination of Health Descriptors “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Oral Manifestations”, two articles were retrieved [99 Oba J, Carvalho WB, Silva CA, Delgado AF. Gastrointestinal manifestations and nutritional therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: a practical guide for pediatricians. Einstein. 2020;18:eRW5774.
,1010 Tan X, Huang J, Zhao F, Zhou Y, Li JQ, Wang XY, et al. features of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 13 cases from Changsha. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2020;22(4):294-298.
]; with the terms “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Skin Manifestations”, six articles [1212 Galván CC, Català A, Carretero HG, Rodríguez-Jiménez P, Fernández-Nieto D, Rodríguez-Villa LA, et al. Classification of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: a rapid prospective nationwide consensus study in Spain with 375 cases. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(1):71-77.
,1515 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.

16 Olisova OY, Anpilogova EM, Shnakhova LM. Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a skin rash in a child. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(6):e13712.

17 Andina D, Noguera-Morel L, Bascuas-Arribas M, Gaitero-Tristán J, Alonso-Cadenas JA, Escalada-Pellitero S, et al. Chilblains in children in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):406-411.
-1818 Khalifa M, Zakaria F, Ragab Y, Saad A, Bamaga A, Emad Y, et al. Guillain-barre syndrome associated with sars-cov-2 detection and a covid-19 infection in a child. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 9(4):510-513.
,2828 Morey-Olivé M, Espiau M, Mercadal-Hally M, Lera-Carballo E, García-Patos V. Manifestaciones cutáneas en contexto del brote actual de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 [Cutaneous manifestations in the current pandemic of coronavirus infection disease (COVID 2019)]. An Pediatr. 2020; 92(6):374-375.
]. Regarding the terms “COVID-19”, “Dysgeusia”, “Child” and “COVID-19” “Child”, “Ageusia” no articles were found.

On SciELO the combination “COVID-19”, “Child”, “Oral Manifestations” retrieved one article [99 Oba J, Carvalho WB, Silva CA, Delgado AF. Gastrointestinal manifestations and nutritional therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: a practical guide for pediatricians. Einstein. 2020;18:eRW5774.
]. With the other keyword combinations, no articles were found. In the additional manual search, five articles were found [2929 Tang K, Wang Y, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Fang R, Sun Q. Cutaneous manifestations of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A brief review. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(4):e13528.

30 Ortiz MS, Peñalver PR, Romero GR, Serrano MML. Lesiones cutáneas en paciente con infección por SARS-COV-2 [Skin lesions in a patient with SARS-COV-2 infection]. An Pediatr. 2020;93(2):144-145.

31 Papa A, Salzano AM, Di Dato MT, Varrassi G. Images in practice: painful cutaneous vasculitis in a sars-cov-2 igg-positive child. Pain Ther. 2020;9(2):805-807.

32 Genovese G, Colonna C, Marzano AV. Varicella-like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year-old girl: A diagnostic clue?. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):435-436.
-3333 Marzano AV, Cassano N, Genovese G, Moltrasio C, Vena GA. Cutaneous manifestations in patients with COVID-19: a preliminary review of an emerging issue. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Sep;183(3):431-442.

After identification, the following were excluded: nine duplicate studies, one of which, twice [99 Oba J, Carvalho WB, Silva CA, Delgado AF. Gastrointestinal manifestations and nutritional therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: a practical guide for pediatricians. Einstein. 2020;18:eRW5774.
,1010 Tan X, Huang J, Zhao F, Zhou Y, Li JQ, Wang XY, et al. features of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 13 cases from Changsha. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2020;22(4):294-298.
,1212 Galván CC, Català A, Carretero HG, Rodríguez-Jiménez P, Fernández-Nieto D, Rodríguez-Villa LA, et al. Classification of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: a rapid prospective nationwide consensus study in Spain with 375 cases. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(1):71-77.
,1414 Gianotti R, Recalcati S, Fantini F, Riva C, Milani M, Dainese D, et al. Histopathological study of a broad spectrum of skin dermatoses in patients affected or highly suspected of infection by covid-19 in the northern part of italy: analysis of the many faces of the viral-induced skin diseases in previous and new reported cases. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;42(8):564-570.

15 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.

16 Olisova OY, Anpilogova EM, Shnakhova LM. Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a skin rash in a child. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(6):e13712.

17 Andina D, Noguera-Morel L, Bascuas-Arribas M, Gaitero-Tristán J, Alonso-Cadenas JA, Escalada-Pellitero S, et al. Chilblains in children in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):406-411.
-1818 Khalifa M, Zakaria F, Ragab Y, Saad A, Bamaga A, Emad Y, et al. Guillain-barre syndrome associated with sars-cov-2 detection and a covid-19 infection in a child. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 9(4):510-513.
]; thirteen publications that did not answer the question PECO [99 Oba J, Carvalho WB, Silva CA, Delgado AF. Gastrointestinal manifestations and nutritional therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: a practical guide for pediatricians. Einstein. 2020;18:eRW5774.

10 Tan X, Huang J, Zhao F, Zhou Y, Li JQ, Wang XY, et al. features of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 13 cases from Changsha. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2020;22(4):294-298.

11 Lyu J, Miao T, Dong J, Cao R, Li Y, Chen Q. Reflection on lower rates of COVID-19 in children: Does childhood immunizations offer unexpected protection? Med Hypotheses. 2020;143:109842.
-1212 Galván CC, Català A, Carretero HG, Rodríguez-Jiménez P, Fernández-Nieto D, Rodríguez-Villa LA, et al. Classification of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: a rapid prospective nationwide consensus study in Spain with 375 cases. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(1):71-77.
,1414 Gianotti R, Recalcati S, Fantini F, Riva C, Milani M, Dainese D, et al. Histopathological study of a broad spectrum of skin dermatoses in patients affected or highly suspected of infection by covid-19 in the northern part of italy: analysis of the many faces of the viral-induced skin diseases in previous and new reported cases. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;42(8):564-570.
,1717 Andina D, Noguera-Morel L, Bascuas-Arribas M, Gaitero-Tristán J, Alonso-Cadenas JA, Escalada-Pellitero S, et al. Chilblains in children in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):406-411.

18 Khalifa M, Zakaria F, Ragab Y, Saad A, Bamaga A, Emad Y, et al. Guillain-barre syndrome associated with sars-cov-2 detection and a covid-19 infection in a child. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 9(4):510-513.

19 Mastrolonardo M, Romita P, Bonifazi E, Giuffrida R, Lotti T, Foti C, et al. The management of the outbreak of acral skin manifestations in asymptomatic children during COVID-19 era. Dermatol Ther. 2020 Jul;33(4):e13617. doi: 10.1111/dth.13617
-2020 Pavord S, Thachil J, Hunt BJ, Murphy M, Lowe G, Laffan M, et al. Practical guidance for the management of adults with immune thrombocytopenia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Haematol. 2020;189(6):1038-1043.
,2323 Kaye R, Chang CWD, Kazahaya K, Brereton J, Denneny JC. 3rd COVID-19 anosmia reporting tool: initial findings. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(1):132-134.
,2424 Magnavita N, Tripepi G, Di Prinzio RR. Symptoms in health care workers during the covid-19 epidemic. a cross-sectional survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):E5218.
,2626 Ellul MA, Benjamin L, Singh B, Lant S, Michael BD, Easton A, et al. Neurological associations of COVID-19. Lancet Neurol. 2020;S1474-4422(20)30221-0.
,2727 Novi G, Rossi T, Pedemonte E, Saitta L, Rolla C, Roccatagliata L, et al. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020;7(5):e797.
] and three letters to the editor [1616 Olisova OY, Anpilogova EM, Shnakhova LM. Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a skin rash in a child. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(6):e13712.
,2121 Caselli D, Chironna M, Loconsole D, Nigri L, Mazzotta F, Bonamonte D, et al. No evidence of SARS-Cov-2 infection by PCR or serology in children with pseudochilblain. Br J Dermatol. 2020;183(4):784-785. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19349
,2828 Morey-Olivé M, Espiau M, Mercadal-Hally M, Lera-Carballo E, García-Patos V. Manifestaciones cutáneas en contexto del brote actual de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 [Cutaneous manifestations in the current pandemic of coronavirus infection disease (COVID 2019)]. An Pediatr. 2020; 92(6):374-375.
], totaling the exclusion of twenty-five publications.

Among the studies analyzed, nine met the eligibility criteria. For the synthesis of the articles, data extraction was performed considering the following category variables: author/year, study design, population (sample/age), objectives/methods, oral manifestations, skin manifestations, conclusions (table 2).

Table 2
Descriptive summary of the included studies and evaluated characteristics: most common oral and skin manifestations associated with pediatric patients with Covid-19.


The Sars-CoV-2 virus has infected more and more people around the world. Knowledge of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 is important for the early diagnosis of the disease since the virus can be transmitted even without significant symptoms [3232 Genovese G, Colonna C, Marzano AV. Varicella-like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year-old girl: A diagnostic clue?. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):435-436.
]. In children, the virus manifests more mildly, and extra-respiratory signs suggestive of association with manifestations of the virus can be observed [1313 Kaya G, Kaya A, Saurat JH. Clinical and histopathological features and potential pathological mechanisms of skin lesions in covid-19: review of the literature. Dermatopathology. 2020;7(1):3-16.
,1515 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.
,2222 Qiu C, Cui C, Hautefort C, Haehner A, Zhao J, Yao Q, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction as an early identifier of covid-19 in adults and children: an international multicenter study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(4):714-721.,2525 Mak PQ, Chung KS, Wong JS, Shek CC, Kwan MY. Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of covid-19 infection in children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):e199-e200.
,2929 Tang K, Wang Y, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Fang R, Sun Q. Cutaneous manifestations of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A brief review. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(4):e13528.

30 Ortiz MS, Peñalver PR, Romero GR, Serrano MML. Lesiones cutáneas en paciente con infección por SARS-COV-2 [Skin lesions in a patient with SARS-COV-2 infection]. An Pediatr. 2020;93(2):144-145.

31 Papa A, Salzano AM, Di Dato MT, Varrassi G. Images in practice: painful cutaneous vasculitis in a sars-cov-2 igg-positive child. Pain Ther. 2020;9(2):805-807.
-3232 Genovese G, Colonna C, Marzano AV. Varicella-like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year-old girl: A diagnostic clue?. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):435-436.
]. For this association to be proven, factors such as drug use reactions, blood disorders and manifestations of other viral diseases, for example, dengue, rubella and measles must be ruled out [2929 Tang K, Wang Y, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Fang R, Sun Q. Cutaneous manifestations of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A brief review. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(4):e13528.

In this review, cutaneous manifestations and taste disorders were found, whose authors associated to COVID-19. Among the articles researched, most of them are case reports [1515 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.
,2222 Qiu C, Cui C, Hautefort C, Haehner A, Zhao J, Yao Q, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction as an early identifier of covid-19 in adults and children: an international multicenter study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(4):714-721.,2525 Mak PQ, Chung KS, Wong JS, Shek CC, Kwan MY. Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of covid-19 infection in children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):e199-e200.
], [3030 Ortiz MS, Peñalver PR, Romero GR, Serrano MML. Lesiones cutáneas en paciente con infección por SARS-COV-2 [Skin lesions in a patient with SARS-COV-2 infection]. An Pediatr. 2020;93(2):144-145.

31 Papa A, Salzano AM, Di Dato MT, Varrassi G. Images in practice: painful cutaneous vasculitis in a sars-cov-2 igg-positive child. Pain Ther. 2020;9(2):805-807.
-3232 Genovese G, Colonna C, Marzano AV. Varicella-like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year-old girl: A diagnostic clue?. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):435-436.
], with this, the CARE checklist was applied (available at: to assess the methodological quality of the reports, where it was possible to identify the lack of conformity with some criteria that characterize a case report, thus highlighting limitations in the studies and a possible increase in the risk of methodological bias. In many cases, for example, there are reports of patients who have not been tested, or with a negative result for Covid-19, different tests and at different times of presenting symptoms, make it more difficult and/ or impossible to make more assertive conclusions about the manifestations. Even so, these studies point out the importance of the theme.

By considering the cutaneous clinical aspects manifested with COVID-19, the heterogeneity of the characteristics is perceived. However, the pathogenic mechanisms are still unknown, although it is believed that hyperactivity of the immune response and microvascular lesion are involved [3333 Marzano AV, Cassano N, Genovese G, Moltrasio C, Vena GA. Cutaneous manifestations in patients with COVID-19: a preliminary review of an emerging issue. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Sep;183(3):431-442.
]. The main symptoms described in the studies were: erythematous lesions and urticaria [1313 Kaya G, Kaya A, Saurat JH. Clinical and histopathological features and potential pathological mechanisms of skin lesions in covid-19: review of the literature. Dermatopathology. 2020;7(1):3-16.
,1515 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.
,2929 Tang K, Wang Y, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Fang R, Sun Q. Cutaneous manifestations of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A brief review. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(4):e13528.

30 Ortiz MS, Peñalver PR, Romero GR, Serrano MML. Lesiones cutáneas en paciente con infección por SARS-COV-2 [Skin lesions in a patient with SARS-COV-2 infection]. An Pediatr. 2020;93(2):144-145.
-3131 Papa A, Salzano AM, Di Dato MT, Varrassi G. Images in practice: painful cutaneous vasculitis in a sars-cov-2 igg-positive child. Pain Ther. 2020;9(2):805-807.
,3333 Marzano AV, Cassano N, Genovese G, Moltrasio C, Vena GA. Cutaneous manifestations in patients with COVID-19: a preliminary review of an emerging issue. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Sep;183(3):431-442.
], and the main locations of these lesions were on the limb ends and torso [1313 Kaya G, Kaya A, Saurat JH. Clinical and histopathological features and potential pathological mechanisms of skin lesions in covid-19: review of the literature. Dermatopathology. 2020;7(1):3-16.
,1515 Klimach A, Evans J, Stevens J, Creasey N. Rash as a presenting complaint in a child with COVID-19. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(5):966-967.
,3030 Ortiz MS, Peñalver PR, Romero GR, Serrano MML. Lesiones cutáneas en paciente con infección por SARS-COV-2 [Skin lesions in a patient with SARS-COV-2 infection]. An Pediatr. 2020;93(2):144-145.

31 Papa A, Salzano AM, Di Dato MT, Varrassi G. Images in practice: painful cutaneous vasculitis in a sars-cov-2 igg-positive child. Pain Ther. 2020;9(2):805-807.
-3232 Genovese G, Colonna C, Marzano AV. Varicella-like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year-old girl: A diagnostic clue?. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):435-436.
], and [3333 Marzano AV, Cassano N, Genovese G, Moltrasio C, Vena GA. Cutaneous manifestations in patients with COVID-19: a preliminary review of an emerging issue. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Sep;183(3):431-442.
]. However, it is necessary to observe other signs and symptoms, even less frequently, in order to promote early diagnosis and avoid complications during the course of the disease. One cannot forget the need for diagnosis that differs from other systemic infections and their manifestations.

With regard to oral manifestations, gustatory dysfunction was found in two reports, both with adolescents aged 15 to 17 years old [2222 Qiu C, Cui C, Hautefort C, Haehner A, Zhao J, Yao Q, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction as an early identifier of covid-19 in adults and children: an international multicenter study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(4):714-721.,2525 Mak PQ, Chung KS, Wong JS, Shek CC, Kwan MY. Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of covid-19 infection in children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):e199-e200.
]. The mechanism is still poorly understood, there are indications that it is related to the inflammation of the chemoreceptors, and that there is interference from phenotypic factors, but there are still few studies on the subject. It is worth mentioning that patients may have gustatory dysfunction as the first symptom of COVID-19 [2525 Mak PQ, Chung KS, Wong JS, Shek CC, Kwan MY. Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of covid-19 infection in children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):e199-e200.
]. In Brazil [3434 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Saúde passa a testar 100 dos casos leves de covid-19 [acesso 1 Ago 2020]. Disponível em:
], this manifestation associated with influenza syndrome is a criterion for performing the COVID-19 test. This is important information for the observation and management of cases in which loss of taste (ageusia) or decreased taste (dysgeusia) is reported, making it necessary to carry out a careful evaluation by the health professional regarding the extra respiratory manifestations that may occur, especially in children and adolescents, in order to early identify the presence of infection with the new coronavirus.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome has been observed in children, with similar symptoms and which overlap with Kawasaki disease (KD). A systematic review of the manifestations of COVID-19 with children identified that among 17 patients (out of 114), 12 (70.6%) had symptoms of KD [3535 Yasuhara J, Kuno T, Takagi H, Sumitomo N. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in children: A systematic review. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020;55(10): 2565-2575.
], which is a systemic vasculitis, common in children under 5 years old, but rare after the age of eight, with unknown etiology. Its cutaneous manifestation is the polymorphic rash, and it presents, in addition to other symptoms, oral manifestations, such as erythema and edema on the tongue, lips, oral mucosa, lingual papillae, and cleft lip. KD has been identified simultaneously or shortly after confirmation of Covid-19 [3636 Castro PA, Urbano LMF, Costa IMC. Doença de Kawasaki. An Bras Dermatol. 2009;84(4):317-329.

37 Aquino CC, Villanueva-Zúñiga L. Síndrome de Kawasaki en población pediátrica durante la pandemia por la COVID-19: realidad o mito. Rev Cub Pediatric. 2020 [accedido en 13 marzo 2021];92:e1169. Disponible en <>.
-3838 Sandhaus H, Crosby D, Sharma A, Gregory SR. Association Between COVID-19 and Kawasaki disease: vigilance required from otolaryngologists. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;163(2):316-317.

Despite the paucity of consistent and more easily comparable data, and due to such a diagnostic challenge, existing publications can serve as an alert for health professionals, until new studies can effectively demonstrate or not the cause and effect relationship.

The importance of the oral health professional is emphasized, especially the pediatric dentists involved in the screening process, so that they contribute by guiding patients in case they identify any changes.


This review addressed studies available in the literature regarding oral and skin manifestations of COVID-19 in pediatric patients, with erythematous rashes on the limb ends and torso being the most common. Regarding the manifestation in the oral cavity, the gustatory dysfunction reported by adolescents stands out. However, the scarcity of studies is still present, with several issues to be clarified. More careful studies must be carried out, as it is still a recent topic in the literature, whose cause and effect relationship is not well established. In addition, the information presented may change due to the dynamics of the disease course caused by the new coronavirus and the performance of new studies.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Mar 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Aug 2020
  • Reviewed
    25 Sept 2020
  • Accepted
    05 Oct 2020
Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil