This paper bears a number of freshly gathered data on some Brazilian legumes, a few of them poorly known to botanists. Four varieties of the very polymorphic Mimosa pteridifolia Benth. were described as new to science. It is important to note that specimens of the recently described Itaobimia magalhaesii Rizz. were found in full blossoming; the flowers when seen alive are white at opening but immediately after anthesis turn to dark brown. The genus Itaobimia differs from Riedeliella Harms mainly by having stamens monadelphous up to the middle of the filaments, thus forming a tube inside which the ovary remains concealed. Cassia planaltoana Harms was redescribed.
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- BENTHAM, G., 1862-76 - Leguminosae. Mart. Fl. Bras., 15, partes 1 e 2.
- HARMS, H., 1903 - In I. Urban, Plantae novae Americanae imprimis Glaziovianae. Bot. Jahrb., 35, Beibl. 72: 25.
- MOHLENBROCK, R. H., 1962 - The leguminous genus Riedeliella Harms. Webbia, 16 (2): 643-648.
- RIZZINI, C. T., 1977 - Leguminosae novae Brasiliensis. Rodriguesia, 43: 147-159.
- RIZZINI, C. T., 1979 - Novos dados sobre Itaobimia magalhaesii (Leguminosae-Lothoideae). Rev. Brasil. Biol., 39 (4): 861-870.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
Oct-Dec 1980