Epidendrum purpureocaulis is a recently described species, belonging to the group Epidendrum nocturnum, and was previously known only from French Guiana. Epidendrum ancipitinocturnum was described from the Brazilian State of Amazonas, and was later recognized as conspecific with E. purpureocaulis by several orchidologists, a position with which we agree. However, the occurence of E. purpureocaulis in Brazil is not included in the main global botanical databases since E. ancipitinocturnum has been treated as an autonomous species or even as a synonym of Epidendrum carpophorum in these databases. Our objective is to confirmate the occurrence of E. purpureocaulis in Brazil and report the expansion of its geographic distribution to the State of Pará. We found a small population of E. purpureocaulis in a transition area between campinarana and terra firma forest vegetacional types in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, Marajó Island, in the Brazilian Amazon. The collected specimen represents the easternmost distribution record of E. pupureocaulis, being approximately 650 kilometers away from its nearest location. Field efforts have been intensified in Cachoeira do Arari in order to identify new populations and better understand the ecological requirements of E. purpureocaulis.
Keywords: Amazon; Epidendroideae; Marajó; Island; new record; orchids
Epidendrum purpureocaulis é uma espécie recém-descrita, pertencente ao grupo Epidendrum nocturnum e, anteriormente, conhecida apenas da Guiana Francesa. Epidendrum ancipitinocturnum foi descrito a partir de espécimes procedentes do Estado brasileiro do Amazonas, e, posteriormente, foi reconhecido como coespecífico de E. purpureocaulis por vários orquidólogos, posicionamento com o qual concordamos. Entretanto, a ocorrência de E. purpureocaulis no Brasil não consta nas principais bases de dados botânicos globais, uma vez que E. ancipitinocturnum tem sido tratada como uma espécie autônoma ou ainda como um sinônimo de Epidendrum carpophorum nestas bases de dados. Nosso objetivo é confirmar a ocorrência de E. purpureocaulis no Brasil e relatar a expansão de sua distribuição geográfica para o Estado do Pará. Encontramos uma pequena população de E. purpureocaulis em uma área de transição entre os tipos vegetacionais campinarana e terra firme, no município de Cachoeira do Arari, Ilha de Marajó, na Amazônia brasileira. O espécime coletado representa o registro de distribuição mais oriental de E. purpureocaulis, estando a aproximadamente 650 quilômetros de distância de seu local mais próximo. Os esforços de campo têm sido intensificados em Cachoeira do Arari, com o objetivo de identificar novas populações e compreender melhor as exigências ecológicas de E. purpureocaulis..
Palavras-chave: Amazônia; Epidendroideae; Ilha do Marajó; novo registro; orquídeas
Epidendrum L. is a neotropical genus and one of the largest in Orchidaceae, encompassing around 1,850 species (POWO 2024), and these numbers are growing, with dozens of species being described annually (Barberena et al. 2016). Epidendrum species usually present the following set of characteristics: sympodial plants, with distic leaves distributed along the stem or at its apex, apical inflorescence, petals narrower than the sepals, column fully adnated to the lip, rostellum parallel to the axis of the column, and a cunniculus in the ovary (Hágsater & Soto-Arenas 2005). The infrageneric classification still needs further improvement (Klein et al. 2019), however the most widely used has been that of Hágsater (1985), who established informal morphological groups, and has been continually updated (e.g., Hágsater & Sánchez-Saldaña 2008, Hágsater & Sánchez-Saldaña 2010, Hágsater & Santiago 2020, Hágsater & Santiago 2021).
During field collections at the Marajó Island in the State of Pará, Brazil, we found a small population of Epidendrum purpureocaulis Essers & Sambin, a recently described species belonging to the E. nocturnum group and, until now, restricted to French Guiana (Sambin & Essers 2018) and the State of Amazonas in Brazil (Hágsater & Santiago 2020). Therefore, we confirm the occurrence of E. purpureocaulis in Brazil and report the expansion of its geographic distribution to the State of Pará.
Material and Methods
We present a morphological description of E. purpureocaulis based on the analysis of a specimen collected by us in June 2023 in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, Pará, Brazil and deposited in the MG herbarium, following the usual techniques in taxonomy (Fidalgo & Bononi 1984). The municipality has an area of 3,100.261 km2 and is located on the east coast of Marajó Island (IBGE 2022), where the climate is tropical humid (type Am according to the Köppen classification), with average temperature of around 27ºC and average annual rainfall of 2,500 mm (Lima 2005). The predominant vegetation in the region is composed by terra firma forests, flooded fields, campinaranas and Amazonian savannas (Brasil 1999, Alves 2010). Eight field expeditions were carried out in the municipality from June 2023 to September 2023, and the area within a radius of 300 meters from the collection site was thoroughly searched.
We analyzed the protologue of E. purpureocaulis and the main bibliographical references for Epidendrum, notably the Icones Orchidacearum series (e.g., Hágsater & Santiago 2020). Digital images of herborized specimens of E. purpureocaulis deposited in the CAY, COL and INPA herbaria, and color photographs of living plants from the HJBG herbarium (acronyms according to Thiers 2024, continuously updated) were also analyzed, aiming to confirm the identification of the specimen from the State of Pará. The REFLORA Virtual Herbarium (REFLORA 2023) and Environmental Information Reference Center (CRIA 2023) databases were consulted in search of additional specimens of E. purpureocaulis. We also provide photographic plates of the species and its habitat, geographic distribution data and ecological information about the taxon. Epidendrum purpureocaulis was photographed in situ with a Motorola Edge 20 Pro cell phone (Motorola Mobility LLC, Chicago, USA). The morphological terminology is in accordance with Radford et al. (1974) and Dressler (1981). A map of the species’ distribution in Brazil (also including the nearest location to the new record, in French Guiana) was prepared using QGIS software, version 3.32.1.
Epidendrum purpureocaulis Essers & Sambin, Richardiana 87(2): 144-151. 2018.
Epidendrum purpureocaulis Essers & Sambin. a. Habit, highlighting the stem and leaves on the adaxial side. b. Habitat, highlighting the stem and leaves on the abaxial side. c. Leaves and inflorescence. d. Dissected flower. e. Lip details. f. Pedicellate ovary and column. Plate and photographs by D.F. Silva based on D.S. Ferreira & E.G. Nascimento 147 (MG).
TYPE: FRENCH GUIANA. Sinnamary, Petit-Saut, PK 16, 02-VII-2017 (fl.), D. Essers & A. Sambin 1083 (holotype: CAY; isotype: HJBG-H photos!).
= Epidendrum ancipitinocturnum Hágsater & J.M.P. Cordeiro, Icon. Orchid. 18(1): 30, pl. 1803. 2020.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Amazonas: Novo Airão, passando Manacapuru, ramal do Mineiro, km 33, 93 m, 26-II-2017 (fl. cult. 22-X-2020), E. Hágsater et al. 15079 (barcode INPA0289111, digital image).
Epiphytic herb, ca. 17 cm long; rizome inconspicuous, stems 2-7 × ca. 0.3-0.7 cm, not thickened in pseudobulbs, subcylindrical, ancipitate, covered with sheaths; leaves 6-10 × 2.1-3 cm, adaxial face purplish-green, abaxial face purplish, sessile, apical, 2-3, coriaceous, elliptical to oblong, margin entire, apex acute to rounded; inflorescence ca. 15 cm long, racemose, apical, 1-flowered; flower resupinate; pedicellate ovary ca. 8.5 cm long; sepals ca. 7 × 0.6 cm, pinkish-purple, linear, margin entire to revolute, apex acuminate, petals 6.5-6.6 × ca. 0.4 cm, greenish-yellow, linear, margin entire, apex acuminate; lip ca. 5.5 × 3 cm, white to yellowish-white, trilobed, lateral lobes triangular ca. 3.5 × 0.6 cm, oblique, margin entire to slightly wavy, apex acuminate, central lobe ca. 4.5 × 0.15 cm, linear, narrower towards the apex, slightly convex, margin wavy, apex acuminate, 2 calli ca. 0.4 × 0.2 cm, yellowish-white, oblong; column ca. 2.3 cm long, white to yellowish-white, clavate, slightly arched; anther cap ca. 0.25 × 0.2 cm, creamy-white, ovoid; 4 pollinia ca. 0.15 x 0.8 cm, yellow, waxy, obovoid, laterally flattened; fruits not seen.
Examined material: BRAZIL. PARá. Cachoeira do Arari, Vila Caracará, 01º06’28’’S, 48º47’11’’S, 30-VI-2023 (fl.), D.S. Ferreira & E.G. Nascimento 147 (MG).
Additional material: BRAZIL. JAPURUá. [Ilha do] Inambú. 17.XI.1952 (fl.), R. Romero-Castañeda 3590 (paratype, barcorde COL [not COAH] 000365417, digital image). FRENCH GUIANA. Bassin du Sinnamary, barrage de Petit-Saut, 3 m, 5º3’N, 53º3’W, 30.XI.1994 (fr.), J.J. Granville et al. 12671 (paratype, barcode CAY166516, digital image). Monts Bakra, 1,5 Km à l’ouest du Pic Coudreau, 550 m, 3º18’N, 52°57’W, 18-VI-2002 (fl.), J.J. Granville et al. 14844 (paratype, barcode CAY 038183, digital image).
Epidendrum purpureocaulis is characterized by the stem and abaxial surface of the leaves strongly tinged with purple, ancipitate stems, and lip with slightly oblique lateral lobes, semi-oval to triangular and with acuminate apex (Sambin & Essers 2018; fig. 1). Epidendrum ancipitinocturnum Hágsater & J.M.P. Cordeiro (2020) is conspecific with E. purpureocaulis as highlighted by several orchidologists (Hágsater & Santiago 2021, Sambin & Aucord 2021, Krahl et al. 2022), a position with which we agree. However, the occurence of E. purpureocaulis in Brazil is not included in the main global botanical databases since E. ancipitinocturnum has been treated as an autonomous species (POWO 2024) or even as a synonym of widely distributed Epidendrum carpophorum Barb.Rodr. (Pessoa 2024 in Flora e Funga do Brasil, Tropicos 2024) in these databases. Epidendrum pupureocaulis and E. carpophorum belong to the Epidendrum nocturnum group, being characterized by short, racemose or pluri-racemose inflorescences, without spathaceous bracts, with usually large, star-shaped flowers, and morphologically similar sepals and petals. These two species are also part of the subgroup nocturnum, which has cane-like stems, non-thickened towards the middle, and usually successive flowers (Hágsater & Sánchez-Saldaña 2008, Sambin & Essers 2018).
In our view, E. purpureocaulis is easily distinguished from E. carpophorum by the narrower leaves, longer and acuminate lateral lobes (vs. acute), and distinctly longer column (Sambin & Essers 2018), in addition to the purple abaxial surface of the leaves (vs. green, rarely purplish), fewer leaves (2-3 vs. 4-10) that are inserted distally on the stem (vs. distributed throughout the stem), and median lobe of the lip with wavy margin (vs. entire). Among the species that occur in the Brazilian Amazon, E. pupureocaulis could also be confused with E. nocturnum, but is distinguished primarily by its vegetative morphology - ancipitate stems (vs. cylindrical) and color (purple vs. green) and number of leaves (2-3 vs. 4 or more).
Epidendrum purpureocaulis was previously known only from French Guiana, where it had been recorded in different sites, at altitudes of 30-550 m (Sambin & Essers, 2018), and from two localities in the State of Amazonas, in Brazil, one near the capital Manaus (municipality of Novo Airão), where it was found in campinarana (white sand vegetation) at about 100 meters elevation, and another near the border with Colombia (municipality of Japurá) (Sambin & Essers, 2018; Hágsater & Santiago 2020).
We found seven individuals in a transition area between the campinarana and terra firma forest vegetation in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, Marajó Island, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon (fig. 2). Four individuals of E. purpureocaulis were collected: three sterile ones, which are in ex situ cultivation in Cachoeira do Arari, under the care of the first author (DFS), and another, which was fertile and was herborized (D.S. Ferreira & E.G. Nascimento 147). This specimen had a partially open flower, in line with what was reported by Sambin & Essers (2018), who mentioned that the species generally present cleistogamous flowers. The specimen was collected with flowers in June, differing slightly from the flowering period in French Guiana, which is concentrated from July to September (Sambin & Essers 2018).
Epidendrum purpureocaulis Essers & Sambin. a-b. Habitat. c. Details of two individuals on phorophyte. Plate and photographs by D.F. Silva.
This record of E. purpureocaulis increases to 31 the number of Epidendrum species reported to the Pará State (Pessoa 2024). The present record also represents the easternmost distribution locality of E. pupureocaulis and is approximately 650 kilometers away from the nearest location of the species has been recorded (Saül, French Guiana; fig. 3). In Brazil, the species occurs mostly in campinaranas, and it is important to notice that this vegetation has been suffering with the intensification of land transformation (sand extraction) and deforestation in Cachoeira do Arari, including in the locality where E. purpureocaulis was collected. Field efforts have been intensified in the locality, in order to locate new populations and better understand the ecological requirements of E. purpureocaulis aiming at proposing conservation measures to enable the preservation of the species genetic pool.
Map showing the distribution of Epidendrum purpureocaulis Essers & Sambin in Brazil, including the new record in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, in the State of Pará, Brazil, and the nearest location to this record, situated in Saül, in French Guiana. Map prepared by David Ferreira da Silva.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Finance Code 001. David Ferreira da Silva thanks the CAPES, for the Masters scholarship awarded (88887.680214/2022-00). Daniela Cristina Zappi is a holder of a Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Productivity grant (04178/2021-7).
Literature cited
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Edited by
Associate Editor:
Juliana de Paula Souza
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
16 Dec 2024 -
Date of issue
29 Nov 2023 -
03 July 2024