Open-access Calcareous nannofossils, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography of the Aptian/Albian Romualdo Formation in the Araripe Basin, North-Eastern Brazil


The objectives of this study were the biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic interpretations of the calcareous nannofossil records of the Romualdo Formation (Aptian-Albian) in the south-central portion of the Araripe Basin. The methods used to process the samples were decanting, smear slide, centrifugation, and ultra-thin section confection. The taxonomic and biostratigraphic interpretations were carried out through qualitative and quantitative investigations. A total of 11 genera and 17 species of calcareous nannofossils, namely, Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Braarudosphaera africana, Braarudosphaera sp., Calculites sp., Discorhabdus ignotus, Hayesites albiensis, Hayesites sp., Nannoconus bucheri, Nannoconus sp., Retecapsa surirella, Rhagodiscus sp., Thoracosphaera sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, Watznaueria sp., Zeughrabdotus erectus, and Zeughrabdotus noeliae were identified. The integrated analysis of three outcrops suggests two distinct marine phases: the first in the Aptian, recognized in two outcrops, and during the Albian age. The genera Hayesites and Nannoconus suggest a strong Tethyan affinity. Differently, other calcareous nannofossils such as Watznaueria, Thoracosphaera, and Braarudosphaera recorded here are considered more resistant, cosmopolitan, and/or opportunistic species. Biscutum and Zeughrabdotus are sensitive calcareous nannofossils because they are more susceptible to dissolution and cannot be surely used to define this paleobiogeography and biostratigraphic range.

KEYWORDS: nanoplankton; lower cretaceous; paleoenvironment; marine ingressions; facies analysis


The Araripe Basin and the Romualdo Formation have been the focus of many taxonomic, biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and paleogeographic studies that have aimed to understand the composition of the fossil communities and marine incursions in the interior of northeastern Brazil during the Early Cretaceous (Arai et al. 1994, Arai 2014, 2016; Araripe et al. 2021, Araripe et al. 2022, Assine et al. 2014, Assine et al. 2016, Barreto et al. 2022, Beurlen 1963, 1966, Mabesoone et al. 1999, Prado et al. 2015, Valença et al. 2003).

The age of the Romualdo Formation has been attributed to the Aptian-Albian (Arai et al. 1997, Arai and Assine 2020, Araripe et al. 2022, Coimbra et al. 2002, Custódio et al. 2017, Melo et al. 2020, Neumann et al. 2002). In this formation, there is evidence of connections to the surrounding basins and the Tethys Sea, and although the influence of marine waters is clear, there are divergences regarding the seaway route (Arai 2014, Assine 1994, Beurlen 1963, 1966, 1971, Braun 1966, Fürsich et al. 2019, Kroth et al. 2021, Mabesoone and Tinoco 1973, Pereira et al. 2015, Pereira et al. 2016, Pereira et al. 2018, Prado et al. 2018).

Many microfossil groups from the Romualdo Formation have been well studied, as well as those from other nearby units (Antonietto et al. 2012, Arai 2014, 2016, Araripe et al. 2021, Coimbra et al. 2002, Melo et al. 2020, Rios-Netto et al. 2012). However, the first record of calcareous nannofossils from this formation and from the Araripe Basin was reported by Araripe et al. (2022). Our study details and records new species of this fossil group recovered in the PE-01-SA section (Araripe et al. 2022) and in two more distinct outcrops (PE-02-CD and PE-03-ZG), all located in the south-central region of the basin in the municipality of Exu, Pernambuco (Fig. 1). The occurrence and detailed analysis of calcareous nannofossils provide valuable taxonomic, biostratigraphic, and paleogeographic information that sheds new light on the paleoenvironments of the Lower Cretaceous Romualdo Formation. The recent discovery of calcareous nannofossils in the Romualdo Formation has stimulated new discussions and studies with an emphasis on microfossils and shows that this formation lacks index fossils for high-resolution biostratigraphic dating.

Figure 1
Map of the Araripe Basin, highlighting the location of the studied outcrops PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG in the Romualdo Formation.


The evolution of the interior basins in northeastern Brazil is directly related to the fragmentation process of the Gondwana Supercontinent during the Mesozoic, which culminated in the installation of the South Atlantic Ocean (Matos 1992). Records of the sequences that precede and follow this rupture phase have been observed in the Araripe Basin, located between the states of Pernambuco, Piauí, and Ceará (Fig. 1). The Romualdo Formation is the uppermost unit of the Santana Group, recognized in the Post-Rift I phase (Assine 2007) of the stratigraphic basin sequence (Fig. 1).

For a long time, the deposition of the Santana Group was related to lacustrine and fluvial paleoenvironments, with the exception of the Romualdo Formation, where marine incursions are marked by the occurrence of typical marine fossils (Arai et al. 1994, Arai, 2014, 2016, Araripe et al. 2022, Assine 1992, 1994, Assine et al. 2016). This suggests a shallow marine storm-dominated environment (Custódio et al. 2017). However, new paleoenvironmental interpretations have been proposed for the Araripe Basin. Arai (2014) recorded microforaminifers in the Crato Formation. Also, Goldberg et al. (2019) found marine palynomorphs and microforaminifers, and Fauth et al. (2022) observed microfossils and ichnofossils, both studies interpreted as related to marine ingressions in the Crato and Barbalha formations, respectively. Sedimentological interpretations suggest that the deposition of conglomerates and sandstones occurred in coastal environments, while the dark shales are interpreted because of marine ingressions (Custódio et al. 2017).

The Romualdo Formation is characterized by marls and calcareous fossiliferous carbonate concretions, interspersed with shales, and often bearing gastropods, bivalves, and shrimps. Gastropod shell beds are very common at some points in the basin. The top of the Romualdo Formation is marked by bioclast concentrations, fine to coarse sandstone with trough crossbedding, ripples, and conglomerates (Chagas 2006, Custódio et al. 2017, Rodrigues et al. 2020, 2022) (Fig. 2). This formation overlies the evaporitic sequence of the Ipubi Formation and is unconformably overlain by alluvial sequences of the Araripina and Exu formations (Assine 2007, Assine et al. 2014, Martill 2007).

Figure 2
Lithostratigraphic chart of the Araripe Basin.

During the deposition of the Romualdo Formation, estimated to have occurred from Late Aptian to Early Albian, undisputed marine strata were deposited in the interior basins in northeastern Brazil, mainly indicated by its fossiliferous content (Arai and Assine 2020, Araripe et al. 2022, Barreto et al. 2022).


Sample processing and analysis of calcareous nannofossils were performed in the Laboratório de Paleontologia (PaleoLab) at the Geology Department of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). A total of 22 samples were collected from the PE-01-SA section, 30 from PE-02-CD, and 25 from PE-03-ZG.

Five distinct methodologies were used to prepare each sample. These included decanting (Antunes 1997), decanting (mod.) (Antunes 1997), smear (Smear Slide, Bown 1998), centrifugation, performed at 1,000 r.p.m. for 15 s (short centrifuging, Brown and Young 1997), and ultra-thin section preparation (Bottini 2010). After processing, the fossil content of each slide was investigated using a polarized ZEISS Axion Vision Imager A.2 light microscope (100× objective) with an AxioCam MRc attached; the photomicrographs were produced using ZEN 3.4 Blue edition. Scanning electronic microscope (SEM) images were taken at the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências dos Materiais (PGMTR - UFPE) using Tescan Mira3. A total of 110 slides were prepared for the PE-01-SA section, 150 for PE-02-CD, and 125 for PE-03-ZG. All the analyzed slides were deposited in the Scientific Collection of Microfossils of the Geology Department, Technology and Geosciences Center at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (DGEO-CTG-UFPE). Due to the absence of calcareous nannofossil records in the Romualdo Formation before Araripe et al. (2022), sample preparation was performed in a more detailed manner, using five distinct methodologies with the aim of identifying and excluding any possible loss and/or non-identification of species in the studied material.

For qualitative calcareous nannofossil analysis, we observed the slides prepared using the five described methods, and taxa identification was based on the taxonomy from Perch-Nielsen (1985), Bown et al. (1988), Burnett (1998), and Nannotax3 (Young et al. 2017). The quantitative analysis was only performed on the decanted (mod.) slides (Antunes 1997). For this quantification, the following criteria were adopted: abundance, classified as common (C) if one or more specimens were observed in each field of view of each slide; few (F) if, on average, a specimen could not be observed in 10 fields of each slide; and rare (R) if a specimen could be seen less than 10 times in all the slides. Preservation (P) was a subjective category that considered the state of the calcareous nannofossils registered in each sample. In general, preservation was classified as Poor (P) – broken specimens, without primary morphological characteristics; Moderate (M) – whole and broken specimens with alterations in primary morphological characteristics; and Good (G) – all specimens whole, with primary morphological characteristics and easy identification. Total species richness (TSR) was related to the total number of taxa registered in each sample (minimum value = 1; maximum value = 14). TSR should not be confused with diversity. The former only aims to estimate the total number of registered species, while the latter also considers the percentage that each taxon occupies in a sample.

In this study, we applied the most widely used biostratigraphic frameworks. Several calcareous nannofossil biozones have been previously proposed for the Cretaceous, such as Sissingh's (1977; CC zones) biozones. These biozones are based on cosmopolitan data including European and North African sections. In addition, the Roth's (1978; NC zones) biozone was established in the low-latitude region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean (Burnett 1998).

Furthermore, faciological analyses were made from the three studied outcrops and correlated with the sedimentary facies described by Custódio et al. (2017) due to lithological similarities and macrofossils.


Faciological association and correlation

The PE-01-SA section (7°30′06″S, 39°32′36″W) records the upper part of the Romualdo Formation and is situated approximately 10 km from the other outcrops. The PE-01-SA section is characterized by the presence of shales with calcareous concretions containing fossil fish Vinctifer comptoni (Agassiz 1841), Calamopleurus sp., Tharrias araripis (Jordan and Branner 1908), Branerion sp., and Rhacolepsis buccalis (Agassiz 1841) interspersed with siltstones and fine sandstones with invertebrates, as well as bioclastic limestones (Araripe et al. 2022, Duque and Barreto 2017, Rodrigues et al. 2020, 2022). The sedimentary facies of this section are interpreted as tidal-dominated coastal (FA-2) and inner shelf (FA-3) facies (Fig. 3).

Figure 3
Lithostratigraphic and faciological correlation of the studied profiles. Tide-dominated coastal (FA-2); Inner shelf (FA-3); Inner to outer shelf faces (FA-4); and Storm-dominated (FA-5). Red stars correspond to the calcareous nannofossils occurrences. The profiles are in meters.

The PE-03-ZG section (39°34′18″W, 7°31′16″S) is characterized by shales interspersed with fine sandstone containing invertebrates and microfossils and interpreted as an inner shelf facies (FA-3). The presence of bioclastic limestones at the upper part of the section is equivalent to storm-dominated marine facies (FA-5). The PE-02-CD section (39°35′32″W, 7°29′35″S) presents fine sandstone interspersed with siltstone and shale, with invertebrate fossils and microfossils related to tidal flat (FA-2) and platform (FA-3) facies. The top of the section also shows the bioclastic limestones (shell beds) of the storm-dominated marine facies (FA-5) (Fig. 3).

In the PE-01-SA section, the more favorable levels for the recovery of calcareous nannofossils occur in the inner shelf facies (FA-3) at the upper part of the section, in particular in the limestone levels, which present a greater abundance and richness of this group. The shale and siltstone levels are less fossiliferous. For section PE-02-CD, calcareous nannofossils were recovered from the limestone and shell bed (FA-5), but the levels composed of shale and siltstone present a higher richness and abundance. In the PE-03-ZG section, samples of calcareous nannofossils are only recorded at the top of the section, in limestone and shell beds from the storm-dominated facies (FA-5). The three more fossiliferous levels of this outcrop present an increase in abundance and diversity at the top of the section (Table 1).

Table 1
Facies, lithology, and calcareous nannofossils correlation presented in the PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG.

In this study, the lithostratigraphy and facies correlation suggest that the marine ingressions evidenced in the sections PE-02-CD and PE-03-ZG are contemporary (FA-5), whereas the marine ingression recorded in the PE-01-SA section is more recent (FA-3).

Calcareous nannofossils

The first record of calcareous nannofossils from the Romualdo Formation was described for the PE-01-SA outcrop by Araripe et al. (2022). However, in this study, new species are described from the outcrop PE-01-SA (Braarudosphaera ex. gr. B. africana, Braarudosphaera sp., Calculites sp., Discorhabdus ignotus, and Zeughrabdotus erectus), and additional calcareous nannofossils are also recovered from two new outcrops nearby the Exu area. The associations are not as rich as those recorded for PE-01-SA. However, there is a well-preserved association with less diverse and more abundant species richness. Among the slide analyses and descriptions, better results were obtained using only three methodologies (smear, decanting, and modified decanting).

In the PE-01-SA outcrop, the occurrence of calcareous nannofossils is recorded at four levels: 6.30, 5.55, 5.35, and 5.25 m. The observed species are Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Braarudosphaera ex. gr. B. africana, Braarudosphaera sp., Calculites sp., Discorhabdus ignotus, Hayesites albiensis, Hayesites sp., Retecapsa surirella, Rhagodiscus sp., Thoracosphaera sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, Watznaueria sp., Zeughrabdotus erectus, and Zeughrabdotus noeliae (Fig. 4). In PE-02-CD, the occurrence of calcareous nannofossils is recorded at five levels: 22, 19, 18, 17.9, and 17.5 m. The identified species are Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Hayesites sp., Nannoconus sp., and Thoracosphaera sp. In the PE-03-ZG section, Nannoconus bucheri, Nannoconus sp., Thoracosphaera sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, and Watznaueria sp. are present at the top of the section.

Figure 4
Calcareous nannofossils from the sections PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG. Petrographic microscope: 01–15 (scale: 5 μm). Images in cross-polarized light: 1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4a-b, 5a-b, 6, 7a-b, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14a-b, 15; cross-polarized light with addition of gypsum plate (1 λ): 3c, 4b; plane polarized light: 3a. Braarudosphaera ex. gr. B. africana (3a, 3b, 3c), Braarudosphaera sp. (4a, 4b), Calculites sp. (5a, 5b), Discorhabdus ignotus (6), Zeughrabdotus erectus (14a, 14b) are recorded for the first time in PE-01-SA (Araripe basin). SEM: 16–21 (scale: 3 μm).

The assemblage is moderately preserved and has low richness (1–14) and few to rare abundance. PE-01-SA and PE-03-ZG are most promising in terms of diversity and abundance. The PE-02-CD section was the poorest regarding the qualitative and quantitative analyses (Fig. 5).

Figure 5
Species distribution, preservation, richness, and abundance from section PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG. Abundance: Few (F) and Rare (R). Preservation: Poor (P), Moderate (M), and Good (G). Biostratigraphic table of calcareous nannofossils from section PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG.


The base of the CC8 biozone is defined by the first occurrence (FO) of Prediscosphaera columnata, while the top is marked by the FO of Eiffelithus turriseiffelli and indicates the base of the Albian (Sissingh 1977). The FO of Hayesites albiensis defines the beginning of the NC8b biozone (Bralower and Mutterlose 1995, Roth 1978), which corresponds to the base of the CC8 biozone (Sissingh 1977). Therefore, the presence of H. albiensis after P. columnata is also recognized as a marker of the Albian age.

Kennedy et al. (2017) described a Hayesites albiensis/irregularis association in the CC7 biozone, in the Vocontian Basin (France), since they had difficulty in distinguishing these two species in the studied sections. However, Bruno et al. (2020) recorded both species individually in the Kwanza Basin (Angola), and Silva Jr. et al. (2020) recorded Hayesites albiensis specimens in the CC8 biozone in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The occurrence of Hayesites albiensis in the 5.55 m sample from the PE-01-SA section suggests the beginning of the Albian (CC8/NC8b biozone) (Araripe et al. 2022).

In the PE-01-SA section, the most fossiliferous sample was obtained at a level of 5.55 m. Fragments of Thoracosphaera sp. were identified in the samples from 5.25 to 5.35 m; Biscutum constans and fragments of Thoracosphaera sp. were identified in the sample from 6.30 m. The level of 5.55 m hosts Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Braarudosphaera ex. gr. B. africana, Braarudosphaera sp., Calculites sp., Discorhabdus ignotus, Hayesites albiensis, Hayesites sp., Rhagodiscus sp., Retecapsa surirella, Thoracosphaera sp., Zeughrabdotus erectus, Zeughrabdotus noeliae, Watznaueria barnesiae, and Watznaueria sp. Therefore, it was possible to attribute the sample at 5.55 m to the Albian age (equivalent to the CC8/NC8b biozone) (Araripe et al. 2022) (Fig. 5).

In the PE-02-CD section, the described association was composed of Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Hayesites sp., Nannoconus sp., and Thoracosphaera sp., which can be observed at the highest levels of the section, at depths of 17.5, 17.9, 18, 19, and 22 m (Fig. 5). Specimens of the genus Nannoconus were observed both from a lateral and basal view, preventing a secure identification at species level. The presence of the genus Hayesites within this association suggests an Aptian to Albian age, where the FO and last occurrence (LO) of this genus occur.

In the PE-03-ZG, the species Nannoconus bucheri, Nannoconus sp., Thoracosphaera sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, and Watznaueria sp. were recorded at the top of the section. Due to the absence of short temporal amplitude biostratigraphic markers, the presence of Nannoconus bucheri within the nannofossiliferous assemblage described suggests an Aptian age for the top of the outcrop (CC7 biozone, Fig. 5).

Paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographic interpretations

Previously, Araripe et al. (2022) studied the PE-01-SA section and used biostratigraphic markers (FO Hayesites albiensis and LO of the foraminifera Hedbergella aptiana) to indicate the Aptian/Albian boundary in the section and concluded that this outcrop may represent the upper portion of the Romualdo Formation. Barreto et al. (2022) studied the same section, and the absolute dating of U/Pb in fish teeth (110.5±7.4 Ma) showed the Albian age, which may be extended to the Upper Aptian.

Considering the lithostratigraphy and facies correlation, it can be defined that the marine ingressions occurred in the sections PE-02-CD and PE-03-ZG are contemporary, whereas the marine ingression recorded in the PE-01-SA section is more recent.

Calcareous nannofossil species are typically widespread across a range of marine photic zone environments, but in some cases, more specific paleoecologies can be determined. These ecological preferences are usually determined using paleobiogeographic distribution analysis and by comparison with other paleontological and geochemical environmental proxies. The increase in diversity and abundance of calcareous nannofossils suggests a distal marine environment (Wise 1983, 1988, Bown 1998, Street and Bown 2000, Kanungo 2005, McAnena et al. 2013).

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Mesozoic age have been widely used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic conditions. The diverse assemblages of the low latitudes are dominated by Watznaueria spp., Rhagodiscus spp., Nannoconus spp., Micrantholithus spp., and Conusphaera spp., followed by r-strategists like B. constans and Zeugrhabdotus spp. These warm water thermophile taxa (Rhagodiscus spp., Zeugrhabdotus spp., and Hayesites spp.) indicate relatively warm surface water temperatures at the tropics and subtropics, often rich in nutrients (Erba 1987, Mutterlose 1989, 1991, Erba et al. 1992, Mutterlose and Kessels 2000, Street and Bown 2000, Herrle et al. 2003, Mutterlose et al. 2005, Thierstein 1976, Street and Bown 2000).

Braarudosphaera spp. are opportunistic algae adapted to survive in different conditions; Watznaueria barnesiae and Thoracosphaera sp. were recognized as cosmopolitan taxa, resistant to dissolution, covering a large range of temperatures, and common at both low and high altitudes throughout much of the Mesozoic (Fischer and Arthur 1977, Hardas and Mutterlose 2007, Herrle 2003, Kelly et al. 2003, Lees 2002, Mutterlose 1992, 1996, Premoli Silva et al. 1989, Roth and Krumbach 1986, Svábenická 1999, Thierstein and Berger 1978, Williams and Bralower 1995). Whereas Tranolithus spp. and Retecapsa spp. are likely indicators of shallow water environments, associated with the set of transgressive events (Pianka 1970, Tantawy 2008).

Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus spp., Discorhabdus ignotus, and Nannoconus spp. are considered proxies of high fertility conditions, while Watznaueria barnesiae, a generalist taxon, is an indicator of low fertility (Roth and Bowdler 1981, Roth and Krumbach 1986, Premoli Silva et al. 1989, Thomsen 1989, Watkins 1989, Erba et al. 1992, Erba 1994, Herrle et al. 2003, Mutterlose and Kessels 2000, Street and Bown 2000, Mutterlose et al. 2005, Bottini et al. 2015, Bottini and Erba 2018).

Marine ingression: Aptian

The marine ingression is evidenced in PE-02-CD and PE-03-ZG and is correlated with the FA-5 facies (storm-dominated marine), and it has been interpreted as a shallow marine environment characterized by warm surface water temperatures (Hayesites sp., Nannoconus bucheri, Nannoconus sp., and Watznaueria barnesiae) and a fertility index ranging from high (Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp.) to low (Watznaueria barnesiae).

Marine ingression: Albian

This marine ingression is evidenced in the PE-01-SA outcrop, and it is correlated with the FA-3 facies (inner-shelf). It has been interpreted as a shallow marine environment characterized by warm surface water temperatures (Hayesites albiensis, Rhagodiscus sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, Zeughrabdotus erectus, and Zeughrabdotus noeliae) and a fertility index ranging from high (Discorhabdus ignotus, Biscutum constans, and Zeugrhabdotus erectus) to low (Watznaueria barnesiae).

The Albian marine ingression is marked by a higher diversity and abundance of calcareous nannofossils, suggesting a more distal marine environment than the Aptian marine ingression.


Paleogeographic studies showed different paths regarding marine ingressions of the Aptian-Albian age in the northeastern Brazilian basins, mainly in the Araripe Basin (Arai 2014, Assine 1994, Custódio et al. 2017, Koutsoukos 1989).

The record of calcareous nannofossil taxa in this study shows a strong Tethyan affinity (genera Hayesites, Nannoconus, and Rhagodiscus) (Mutterlose 1992) (Fig. 6). The associations dominated by Watznaueria spp., Rhagodiscus spp., and Nannoconus spp. indicate average and low latitudes (Erba 1987, Erba et al. 1992, Herrle et al. 2003, Mutterlose 1987, 1991, 1992, 1996, Roth and Krumbach 1986, Street and Bown 2000). Hayesites albiensis seems to be mainly restricted to northern Africa (Bralower 1992) and southern England, which may be a possible reflection of the Tethyan provincialism demonstrated by this species (Jeremiah 2001). Pedrosa et al. (2019) and Silva Jr. et al. (2020) also observed a Tethyan affinity in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin based on the occurrence of H. albiensis and Nannoconus spp. Araripe et al. (2022) endorsed the Tethyan influence with the occurrence of Hayesites spp. and Nannoconus spp.

Figure 6
Paleogeographic reconstruction for Lower Cretaceous, highlights (blue) the Tethys Sea and its influence on the Araripe Basin. Modified from the map shown in Street and Bown map (2000).

In this study, the presence of calcareous nannofossils in the outcrops PE-01-SA, PE-02-CD, and PE-03-ZG suggests the record of marine incursions in the Araripe Basin, and the presence of Hayesites, Nannoconus, and Rhagodiscus indicates a strong influence of Tethyan origin in the Central-West portion of the Araripe Basin (Fig. 6).


The calcareous nannofossil association is characterized by 11 distinct genera and 17 species. This taxon's richness varies from 45 to 3 individuals; preservation is moderate; and abundance varies from rare to few. The calcareous nannofossils were recognized in the inner shelf facies, limestone, and shell bed levels.

  • Five new occurrences (Braarudosphaera ex. gr. B. africana, Braarudosphaera sp., Calculites sp., Discorhabdus ignotus, and Zeughrabdotus erectus) were recognized for the first time in the PE-01-SA outcrop;

  • The species Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Hayesites sp., Nannoconus sp., and Thoracosphaera sp. In the PE-03-ZG section, Nannoconus bucheri, Nannoconus sp., Thoracosphaera sp., Watznaueria barnesiae, and Watznaueria sp. were recognized in the PE-02-CD;

  • The species Biscutum constans, Biscutum sp., Hayesites sp., Nannoconus sp., and Thoracosphaera sp. were recognized in the PE-03-ZG;

  • The occurrence of calcareous nannofossils in the Romualdo Formation corroborates the possible marine ingressions proposed up until now. The correlation between the three analyzed sections suggests an Aptian marine ingression (PE-02-CD and PE-03-ZG) and another more recent marine ingression from the Albian age (PE-01-SA);

  • The recorded assemblage in the PE-01-SA section indicates an Albian age at the top of the section (H. albiensis). Whereas PE-02-CD (based on lithostratigraphy and facies analysis) and PE-03-ZG were correlated to an Aptian age;

  • The Romualdo Formation is characterized by marine ingressions in the Aptian and Albian, as highlighted in this study by the calcareous nannofossils and sedimentary facies;

  • The recorded assemblage in the studied outcrops has a strong Tethyan affinity, with the genera Hayesites and Nannoconus standing out. But the calcareous nannofossil assemblage also includes more resistant, cosmopolitan, and/or opportunistic species (Watznaueria, Thoracosphaera, and Braarudosphaera).

List of species

  • Biscutum constans (Górka, 1957) Black in Black and Barnes, 1959

  • Biscutum sp.

  • Braarudosphaera africana Stradner, 1961

  • Braarudosphaera sp.

  • Calculites sp.

  • Discorhabdus ignotus (Górka, 1957) Perch-Nielsen, 1968

  • Hayesites albiensis (Manivit 1971)

  • Hayesites sp.

  • Nannoconus bucheri Brönnimann, 1955

  • Nannoconus sp.

  • Retecapsa surirella (Deflandre & Fert, 1954) Grün in Grün and Allemann, 1975

  • Rhagodiscus sp.

  • Thoracosphaera sp.

  • Watznaueria barnesiae (Black in Black & Barnes, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968

  • Watznaueria sp.

  • Zeughrabdotus erectus (Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert, 1954) Reinhardt, 1965

  • Zeughrabdotus noeliae Rood et al. 1971


We gratefully thank Petrobras for funding this research [Grant No. 2018/00305-0 Projeto Araripe Análise Paleoecológica e Bioestratigráfica do Albiano-Aptiano da Bacia do Araripe baseado em microfósseis carbonáticos e palinomorfos], and Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [Grant No. 01326694/2022].


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    01 Sept 2023
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