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A catalog of Pipunculidae of Chile (Diptera)


An updated catalog of the Pipunculidae from Chile is provided. We present all valid names and synonyms for the 21 species belonging to six genera and three subfamilies distributed in the country. Information is given on name, author, year of publication, page number, type species, type depository, type locality, Chilean localities, and references. Tomosvaryella Aczél and Eudorylas Aczél are the richest genera in Chile, with eight species each, followed by Protonephrocerus Collin with two species, and Chalarus Walker, Neocephalosphaera De Meyer and Elmohardyia Rafael with one species each. The geographical distribution of the species was compiled from the literature and the retrieval of distributional data from collections.

Andean Region; Chilean species list; Distribution; Taxonomy


Pipunculidae (big-headed flies) includes 1,491 valid species (Evenhuis & Pape, 2023Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (Eds.). 2023. Systema Dipterorum, Version 4.1. Access: 22/03/2023.
). The family occurs in all terrestrial ecosystems of the world except Antarctica (Rafael & Skevington, 2010Rafael, J.A. & Skevington, J.H. 2010. Pipunculidae. In: Brown, B.V.; Borkent, A.; Cumming, J.M.; Wood, D.M.; Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.). Manual of Central American Diptera, Volume 2. Ottawa, NRC Research Press. p. 793-803.). Presently, the species are distributed in 21 extant genera and 11 recognized subgenera (Motamedinia et al., 2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
). Adults are small to medium-sized flies (body length 2.0-11.5 mm) with head semiglobose or globose, with the compound eyes occupying most of the head; wings without spurious vein and cell r₅ open; female terminalia modified into piercing ovipositor. They have a potential value for biological pest control, as most species are endoparasitoids of mainly Cicadelloidea and Fulgoroidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) (Virla & Rafael, 1996Virla, E.G. & Rafael, J.A. 1996. Datos bionómicos preliminares y descripción de la hembra de Cephalops penepauculus (Hardy) (Diptera: Pipunculidae) un parasitoide de Delphacidae (Homoptera: Auchenorryncha) en Argentina. CIRPON, Revista de Investigación, 10(1-4): 33-36, 1994-1996.).

The Chilean species of Pipunculidae were cataloged previously by Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.), Hardy (1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.), Aczél (1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.) with four species, Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.) with 19 species, and Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.
) with 20 species. The latter does not consider Tomosvaryella santiagoensisDe Meyer & Skevington, 2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11. as the new name for Tomosvaryella pruinosaAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187., preoccupied Kozánek (1992Kozánek, M. 1992. Contribution to the pipunculid fauna of Mongolia (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Akitu (Kyoto Entomological Society), New Series, 131: 116.).

Recent phylogenetic hypotheses recovered Pipunculidae as a sister group to Schizophora (Wiegmann et al., 2011Wiegmann, B.M.; Trautwein, M.D.; Winkler, I.S.; Barr, N.B.; Kim, J.W.; Lambkin, C.; Bertone, M.A.; Cassel, B.K.; Bayless, K.M.; Heimberg, A.M.; Wheeler, B.M.; Peterson, K.J.; Pape, T.; Sinclair, B.J.; Skevington, J.H.; Blagoderov, V.; Caravas, J.; Kutty, S.N.; Schmidt-Ott, U.; Kampmeier, G.E. & Yeates, D.K. 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(14): 5690-5695.
; Tachi, 2014Tachi, T. 2014. Homology of the metapleuron of Cyclorrhapha, with discussion of the paraphyly of Syrphoidea (Diptera: Aschiza). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 45: 1-20.
; Pauli et al., 2018Pauli, T.; Burt, T.O.; Meusemann, K.; Bayless, K.; Donath, A.; Podsiadlowski, L.; Mayer, C.; Kozlov, A.; Vasilikopoulos, A.; Liu, S.; Zhou, X.; Yeates, D.; Misof, B.; Peters, R.S. & Mengual, X. 2018. New data, same story: phylogenomics does not support Syrphoidea (Diptera: Syrphidae, Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology, 43(3): 447-459.
). According to Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
), they are divided into four subfamilies: Nephrocerinae, Protonephrocerinae, Chalarinae, and Pipunculinae. The last three subfamilies occur in Chile.

This study is part of a series on Chilean dipteran families aiming to catalog the whole order. Here we provide an updated catalog of the Pipunculidae of Chile with references and additional information for each species and genus considering the current classification proposed by Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.


We provided references that mention each of the Chilean species, synonyms, and subsequent combinations in chronological order. Selected references are given for the genus and species. Chilean distribution by region (from north to south), province, and locality are given based on the literature and collections.

Six Chilean species loaned by Luis E. Peña (LEP) were described by JAR (5 species) and RAR (one species), and the primary type specimens were returned to him (LEP particular collection). His collection was sold to the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH), and only two type specimens were confirmed to be there. The remained type specimens were not found, neither in LEP nor in FMNH.

Acronyms are used for the location of primary types following Evenhuis (2020Evenhuis, N.L. 2020. The insect and spider collections of the world website. Available: Available: . Access: 11/10/2022.
): CAS: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA; CMNH: Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, USA; FMNH: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA; LEP: Luis E. Peña collection, Chile; MCZ: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Massachusetts, USA; MNNC: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile; NHMUK: The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom.

The abbreviations used are: cat. = catalog, distr. = distribution, fig/s. = figure/s, mon. = monotypy, NP. = National Park, orig. des. = original designation, preocc. = preoccupied, subs. des. = subsequent designation, syn. = synonym.


Six genera and twenty-one species of Pipunculidae have been recorded from Chile (Table 1). Eudorylas Aczél and Tomosvaryella Aczél are the most species-rich genera in Chile with eight species each.

Table 1
Pipunculidae, subfamily/tribe, genus, and species recorded from Chile.

Family Pipunculidae Walker, 1834Walker, F. 1834. Observations on the British species of Pipunculidae. The Entomological Magazine, 2: 262-270.

Type-genus:Pipunculus Latreille, 1802.

Subfamily Protonephrocerinae Genus Protonephrocerus Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.

ProtonephrocerusCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 52. Type-species: P. chiloensisCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61. (orig. des.).

References: (Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.).

Protonephrocerus chiloensis Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.

Protonephrocerus chiloensisCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 52-54, figs. 15a-b.

Holotype: Female (NHMUK), Chile: Chiloé Island, Ancud.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Los Lagos: Llanquihue Province: Carelmapu, Llanquihue; Chiloé Province: Ancud (Chiloé Island).

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Rafael (1988bRafael, J.A. 1988b. Considerações sobre a filogenia de Nephrocerinae e descrição do macho de Protonephocerus chiloensis Collin, 1931 (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 32(3/4): 465-470.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.
); Skevington et al. (2021Skevington, J.H.; Marques, D.W.A.; Burt, T.O.; Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2021. Revision of Protonephrocerus Collin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 80(3): 21-30.

Protonephrocerus flavipilus Skevington, Marques & Rafael, 2021Skevington, J.H.; Marques, D.W.A.; Burt, T.O.; Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2021. Revision of Protonephrocerus Collin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 80(3): 21-30.

Protonephrocerus flavipilusSkevington, Marques & Rafael, 2021Skevington, J.H.; Marques, D.W.A.; Burt, T.O.; Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2021. Revision of Protonephrocerus Collin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 80(3): 21-30.
: 25, figs. 1, 4, 5, 7. In:Skevington et al. (2021Skevington, J.H.; Marques, D.W.A.; Burt, T.O.; Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2021. Revision of Protonephrocerus Collin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 80(3): 21-30.

= Protonephrocerus chiloensis sensuRafael, 1988bRafael, J.A. 1988b. Considerações sobre a filogenia de Nephrocerinae e descrição do macho de Protonephocerus chiloensis Collin, 1931 (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 32(3/4): 465-470.: 465, figs. 3-9.

Holotype: Female (MNNC), Chile, Osorno, Parq. Nacional Puyehue, Antillanca.

Distribution: Argentina: Bariloche, Río Negro; Chubut, Alerces National Park; Neuquén, Chapelco; Rio Negro, Rio Manso, Nahuel Huapi National Park. Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada de Maipú. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: East of Potrero Grande, El Relevo. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas, Shangrila. Región del Biobío: Biobío Province: Caledonia, Mulchén. Región de La Araucanía: Malleco Province: Cabrería, NP Nahuelbuta Curacautín, Las Raíces, NP Nahuelbuta, Pichinahuel, Río Blanco. Región de Los Ríos: La Unión Province: NP Alerce Costero. Región de Los Lagos: Osorno Province: Antillanca, NP Puyehue.

References:Rafael (1988bRafael, J.A. 1988b. Considerações sobre a filogenia de Nephrocerinae e descrição do macho de Protonephocerus chiloensis Collin, 1931 (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 32(3/4): 465-470., partim); Kehlmaier et al. (2014Kehlmaier, C.; Dierick, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2014. Micro-CT studies of amber inclusions reveal internal genitalic features of big-headed flies, enabling a systematic placement of Metanephrocerus Aczél, 1948 (Insecta: Diptera: Pipunculidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 72(1): 23-36.); Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
); Skevington et al. (2021Skevington, J.H.; Marques, D.W.A.; Burt, T.O.; Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2021. Revision of Protonephrocerus Collin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 80(3): 21-30.

Remarks:Protonephrocerus flavipilus is the most common species of Protonephrocerus and appears throughout the literature as P. chiloensis (Rafael, 1988bRafael, J.A. 1988b. Considerações sobre a filogenia de Nephrocerinae e descrição do macho de Protonephocerus chiloensis Collin, 1931 (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 32(3/4): 465-470.: 468, figs. 3-9, and male description on page 469; Kehlmaier et al., 2014Kehlmaier, C.; Dierick, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2014. Micro-CT studies of amber inclusions reveal internal genitalic features of big-headed flies, enabling a systematic placement of Metanephrocerus Aczél, 1948 (Insecta: Diptera: Pipunculidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 72(1): 23-36., fig. 32, page 33).

Subfamily Chalarinae Genus Chalarus Walker, 1834Walker, F. 1834. Observations on the British species of Pipunculidae. The Entomological Magazine, 2: 262-270.

ChalarusWalker, 1834Walker, F. 1834. Observations on the British species of Pipunculidae. The Entomological Magazine, 2: 262-270.: 269. Type-species: Cephalops spurius Fallén, 1816 (subs. des. Westwood, 1840Westwood, J.O. 1840. Synopsis of the genera of British insects. In: An introduction to the modern classification of insects. London, Longman. v. 2, p. 125-154.).

AtelenevraMacquart, 1834Macquart, P.-J.-M. 1834. Insectes Diptères du Nord de la France. Athéricères: créophiles, oestrides, myopaires, conopasaires, cénopiniens, céphalopsides. Memoires de la Société (Royale) des Sciences, de l’agriculture et des arts à Lille, 1833: 137-368.: 356 (nec Ateleneura Bezzi). Type-species: Pipunculus holosericeus Meigen, 1824 (mon.).

Ateleneura authors; variant spelling.

Chalarus chilensis Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.

Chalarus spurius chilensisCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 52, fig. 14.

Chalarus chilensis;Rafael, 1988aRafael, J.A. 1988a. Pipunculidae (Diptera) da região neotropical. I. Redescrição de Chalarus chilensis Collin, comb. n. e descrição de duas espécies novas da Amazônia. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 5(1): 1-9..

Holotype: Male (NHMUK), Argentina, Bariloche, Río Negro.

Distribution: Argentina: Río Negro (Bariloche); La Rioja, Santa Cruz; Tucumán (Villa Padre Monti, La Cavera. Brazil: São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina. Chile: Región de Coquimbo: Elqui Province: La Serena; Limarí Province: NP Fray Jorge; Choapa Province: Los Vilos. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Santiago Province: La Platina, Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada, Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo, Las Vizcachas. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas.

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60., 1965aHardy, D.E. 1965a. The Pipunculidae of Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana , 19: 187-241., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Rafael (1988aRafael, J.A. 1988a. Pipunculidae (Diptera) da região neotropical. I. Redescrição de Chalarus chilensis Collin, comb. n. e descrição de duas espécies novas da Amazônia. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 5(1): 1-9., 1990aRafael, J.A. 1990a. Revisão das espécies neotropicais do gênero Chalarus Walker (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 70: 45-53.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.
); Rodríguez et al. (2012Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. 2012. Pipunculidae (Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: a catalog of species with notes on biology and pipunculid-host associations. Lambert Academic Publishing. 48p.).

Remarks: Despite the specific name (C. chilensis) this species was described based on specimens from Argentina, Río Negro (Bariloche), and was recorded from Chile by Rafael (1990aRafael, J.A. 1990a. Revisão das espécies neotropicais do gênero Chalarus Walker (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 70: 45-53.).

Subfamily Pipunculinae

Remarks: Within Pipunculinae, two tribes were synonymized. Cephalopsini with Pipunculini and Eudorylini with Tomosvaryellini leaving Pipunculinae with three tribes: Microcephalopsini, Pipunculini, and Tomosvaryellini (Motamedinia et al., 2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
), only the last two tribes with records in Chile.

Tribe Pipunculini

This tribe was redefined by Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
) to include eight genera. Only NeocephalosphaeraDe Meyer, 1994De Meyer, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bullettin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 130: 7-18. has one species occurring in Chile.

Genus Neocephalosphaera De Meyer, 1994De Meyer, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bullettin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 130: 7-18.

Cephalosphaera (Neocephalosphaera)De Meyer, 1994De Meyer, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bullettin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 130: 7-18.: 9. Type-species: Pipunculus brevisCresson, 1911Cresson, E.T. 1911. Studies in North American Dipterology: Pipunculidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 36: 267-329. (orig. des.).

Neocephalosphaera;Motamedinia et al., 2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
: 14.

References:De Meyer (1994De Meyer, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bullettin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 130: 7-18., 1996); Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
); Souza & Ale-Rocha (2009Souza, B.B. & Ale-Rocha, R. 2009. Descrição de uma espécie nova de Cephahardlosphaera Enderlein, 1936 da Amazônia (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Acta Amazonica , 39(4): 987-996.); Rafael & Skevington (2010Rafael, J.A. & Skevington, J.H. 2010. Pipunculidae. In: Brown, B.V.; Borkent, A.; Cumming, J.M.; Wood, D.M.; Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.). Manual of Central American Diptera, Volume 2. Ottawa, NRC Research Press. p. 793-803.).

Neocephalosphaera santiagoensis ( Rafael, 1992Rafael, J.A. 1992. Chapter 42. A review of the neotropical species of big-headed flies genus Cephalosphaera (Diptera, Pipunculidae). ln: Quintero, D. & Aiello, A. (Eds.). Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected studies. Oxford University Press. p. 631-646. )

Cephalosphaera santiagoensisRafael, 1992Rafael, J.A. 1992. Chapter 42. A review of the neotropical species of big-headed flies genus Cephalosphaera (Diptera, Pipunculidae). ln: Quintero, D. & Aiello, A. (Eds.). Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected studies. Oxford University Press. p. 631-646.: 645, figs. 12, 25, 45, 46, 60, 71, 72.

Cephalosphaera (Neocephalosphaera) santiagoensis;De Meyer, 1994De Meyer, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bullettin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 130: 7-18.: 9.

Neocephaloscphaera santiagoensis;Ramos-Pastrana et al., 2022Ramos-Pastrana, Y.; Marques, D.W.A. & Rafael, J.A. 2022. CephIalosphaera Enderlein and Neocephalosphaera De Meyer (Diptera: Pipunculidae) of Colombia, with description of nine new species and an updated key to their Neotropical species. Zootaxa, 5178(4): 301-333..

Holotype: Male (CAS number 15774), Chile, Santiago, Quebrada de la Plata, near Maipú.

Distribution: Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada, Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo.

References:Rafael (1992Rafael, J.A. 1992. Chapter 42. A review of the neotropical species of big-headed flies genus Cephalosphaera (Diptera, Pipunculidae). ln: Quintero, D. & Aiello, A. (Eds.). Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected studies. Oxford University Press. p. 631-646.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Souza & Ale-Rocha (2009Souza, B.B. & Ale-Rocha, R. 2009. Descrição de uma espécie nova de Cephahardlosphaera Enderlein, 1936 da Amazônia (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Acta Amazonica , 39(4): 987-996.); Ramos-Pastrana et al. (2022Ramos-Pastrana, Y.; Marques, D.W.A. & Rafael, J.A. 2022. CephIalosphaera Enderlein and Neocephalosphaera De Meyer (Diptera: Pipunculidae) of Colombia, with description of nine new species and an updated key to their Neotropical species. Zootaxa, 5178(4): 301-333.).

Tribe Tomosvaryellini

Remarks:Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
) synonymized Eudorylini with Tomosvaryellini. They redefined this large tribe to include 11 genera, three of which occur in Chile, ElmohardyiaRafael, 1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., EudorylasAczél, 1940Aczél, M. 1940. Vorarbeiten zu Einer Monographie der Dorylaiden (Dipt.). Dorylaiden-Studien V. Zoologischer Anzeiger , 132(78): 140-169. and TomosvaryellaAczél, 1939Aczél, M. 1939. Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden Studien 1. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125: 15-23., with records in Chile.

Genus Elmohardyia Rafael, 1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39.

ElmohardyiaRafael, 1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39.: 37. Type-species: Pipunculus doelloi Shannon, 1927 (orig. des.).

References:Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., 1988cRafael, J.A. 1988c. Pipunculidae (Diptera) neotropicais do gênero Elmohardyia Rafael. Acta Amazonica, 18(1-2): 223-264.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.

Elmohardyia denigrata Rafael, 1988cRafael, J.A. 1988c. Pipunculidae (Diptera) neotropicais do gênero Elmohardyia Rafael. Acta Amazonica, 18(1-2): 223-264.

Elmohardyia denigrataRafael, 1988cRafael, J.A. 1988c. Pipunculidae (Diptera) neotropicais do gênero Elmohardyia Rafael. Acta Amazonica, 18(1-2): 223-264.: 234, figs. 6, 21, 36, 68, 69, 117, 145, 163.

Holotype: Male (originally at LEP; presently at FMNH), Chile, Ñuble, Las Trancas.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Valparaíso: Valparaíso Province: Estero Marga-Marga, Los Perales. Región del Maule: Cauquenes Province: Curanipe. Región del Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas. Región de La Araucanía: Malleco Province: Cabreria, Cordillera Nahuelbuta.

References:Rafael (1988cRafael, J.A. 1988c. Pipunculidae (Diptera) neotropicais do gênero Elmohardyia Rafael. Acta Amazonica, 18(1-2): 223-264., 1990bRafael, J.A. 1990b. Revisão das espécies neotropicais do gênero Elmohardyia Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia , 70: 45-53.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.).

Genus Eudorylas Aczél, 1940Aczél, M. 1940. Vorarbeiten zu Einer Monographie der Dorylaiden (Dipt.). Dorylaiden-Studien V. Zoologischer Anzeiger , 132(78): 140-169.

EudorylasAczél, 1940Aczél, M. 1940. Vorarbeiten zu Einer Monographie der Dorylaiden (Dipt.). Dorylaiden-Studien V. Zoologischer Anzeiger , 132(78): 140-169.: 151. Type-species: Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 (subs. des.; ruling of the ICZN, 2002International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 2002. Opinion 2000 (Case 3132) Eudorylas Aczél, 1940 and Microcephalops De Meyer, 1989 (Insecta, Diptera): conserved by the designation of Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 as the type species of Eudorylas. Bulletin of the Zoological Nomenclature , 59(2): 143-144.: 143, Opinion 2000, Case 3132).

MetadorylasRafael, 1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39.: 35, figs. 1-8. Type-species: Pipunculus schreiteri Shannon, 1927 (orig. des.). Syn.: Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
) in the sense of P. fuscipes, not Cephalops opacus.

NeodorylasKuznetzov, 1995Kuznetzov, S.Y. 1995 Neodorylas gen. n., with a key to the world genera, new synonymy and notes on the higher classification of the Pipunculidae (Diptera). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 6: 321-333.: 326. Junior objective synonym (ICZN, 2002International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 2002. Opinion 2000 (Case 3132) Eudorylas Aczél, 1940 and Microcephalops De Meyer, 1989 (Insecta, Diptera): conserved by the designation of Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 as the type species of Eudorylas. Bulletin of the Zoological Nomenclature , 59(2): 143-144.). Type-species: Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 (orig. des.). Syn.: De Meyer (2001De Meyer, M. 2001. Case 3132. Eudorylas Aczél, 1940 (Insecta, Diptera): proposed conservation of usage by the designation of Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 58(1): 19-23.).

Remarks:Eudorylas is a highly heterogeneous genus, and it appeared as paraphyletic in the analysis by Motamedinia et al. (2021Motamedinia, B.; Skevington, J.H.; Kelso, S. & Kelmahier, C. 2021. The first comprehensive, multigene molecular phylogeny for big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(4): 1200-1218.
) and requires redefinition. As defined presently, it has a cosmopolitan distribution and a wide distribution in the New World, ranging from Canada to Chile. The typical Neotropical Eudorylas was revised by Rafael (1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.) under Metadorylas, presently synonymous with Eudorylas, and the reminder heterogeneous “Eudorylas” species were revised by Rafael (1993Rafael, J.A. 1993. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) do México e América Central. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 37(4): 751-762.) treating Mexican and Central American species and Rafael (1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.) treating the South American species.

References:Aczél (1940Aczél, M. 1940. Vorarbeiten zu Einer Monographie der Dorylaiden (Dipt.). Dorylaiden-Studien V. Zoologischer Anzeiger , 132(78): 140-169.); Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., as Metadorylas); Rafael (1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164., 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.); Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.

Eudorylas chilensis (Rafael, 1990)

Metadorylas chilensisRafael, 1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.: 136, figs. 19-26, 100.

Eudorylas chilensis;Skevington & Yeates, 2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
: 439.

Holotype: Male (LEP, type specimen not located), Chile, Ñuble, Chillán, Las Trancas.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Coquimbo: Limarí Province: NP Fray Jorge. Región de Valparaíso: Valparaíso Province: Marga Marga, Los Perales. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada, Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: Fundo La Montana, Estero La Palma at Rio Teno, Los Queñes. Región del Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Chillán, Las Trancas. Región del Biobío: Concepción Province: Hualpén Botanical Park; Biobío Province: Caledonia, Mulchén. Región de Los Lagos: Osorno Province: Pucatrihue; Llanquihue Province: Petrohue; Chiloé Province: Tepuhueico.

References:Rafael (1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas flavitibia (Rafael, 1990)

Metadorylas flavitibiaRafael, 1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.: 143, figs. 40-43, 104.

Eudorylas flavitibia;Skevington & Yeates, 2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
: 439.

Holotype: Male (LEP, type specimen not located), Chile, Ñuble, Las Trancas.

Distribution: Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Cordillera Province: Cordillera Las Vizcachas. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas.

References:Rafael (1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas fuscitibia (Rafael, 1990)

Eudorylas fuscitibiaRafael, 1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.: 145, figs. 46-48, 105.

Eudorylas fuscitibia;Skevington & Yeates, 2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
: 439.

Holotype: Male (LEP, type specimen not located). Chile, Ñuble, Las Trancas.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Valparaíso: Valparaíso Province: Río Marga-Marga, Los Perales. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas. Región del Biobío: Biobío Province: La Polcura.

References:Rafael (1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Skevington & Yeates (2001Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. 2001. Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology , 26(4): 421-452.
); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas macrocercus Rafael, 1997

Eudorylas macrocercus Rafael, 1997: 33, figs. 1-7. In:Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.).

Holotype: Male (CMNH), Chile, Chiloé, Isla Chiloé, Ahoni Alto.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Los Lagos: Chiloé Province: Ahoni Alto.

References:Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas penai Rafael, 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.

Eudorylas penaiRafael, 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.: 820, figs. 128-132, 212.

Holotype: Male (originally at LEP; presently at FMNH), Chile, Ñuble, Chillán, Shangrila.

Distribution: Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: Estero la Palma at Río Teno, Fundo la Montaña. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Chillán, Las Trancas, Shangrila. Región de Los Lagos: Osorno Province: Purranque; Llanquihue Province: N Correntoso Horno Huinco; Chiloé Province: Dalcahue, Tepuhueico.

References:Rafael (1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas posticus ( Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61. )

Pipunculus posticusCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 59-60, figs. 17c, 18a.

Dorilas ? posticus;Aczél, 1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168.: 25.

Dorilas posticus;Aczél, 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.: 241.

Pipunculus (Pipunculus) posticus;Hardy, 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.: 7.

Eudorylas posticus;Rafael, 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.: 822.

Holotype: Female (NHMUK), Chile [Aconcagua], Los Andes.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Valparaíso: Valparaíso Province: Marga Marga, Los Perales, Los Andes Province: Los Andes. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: Estero la Palma at Río Teno, Fundo la Montaña, Los Queñes. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Chillán, Las Trancas. Región de La Araucanía: Cautín Province: Temuco. Región de Los Lagos: Llanquihue Province: Correntoso, Horno Huinco; Chiloé Province: Tepuhueico.

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60., 1965aHardy, D.E. 1965a. The Pipunculidae of Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana , 19: 187-241., 1965bHardy, D.E. 1965b. Neotropical Pipunculidae (Diptera) Studies, Part IV. Further studies of Brazilian species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 14: 1-68., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas scotinus ( Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61. )

Pipunculus scotinusCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 60-61, figs. 16b, 18c.

Dorilas ? scotinus;Aczél, 1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168.: 25.

Dorilas scotinus;Aczél, 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.: 242.

Dorilas (Eudorylas) scotinus;Hardy, 1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60.: 42 (part.).

Pipunculus (Eudorylas) scotinus ?;Hardy, 1965bHardy, D.E. 1965b. Neotropical Pipunculidae (Diptera) Studies, Part IV. Further studies of Brazilian species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 14: 1-68.: 51 (error); 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.: 6.

Eudorylas scotinus;Rafael, 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838..

Holotype: Male (NHMUK), Argentina, Misiones, Bompland.

Distribution: Argentina: Misiones (Bompland), Chubut (Cusmen). Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada, Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: Estero La Palma at Rio Teno, Fundo la Montaña, Los Queñes. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas. Región de La Araucanía: Malleco Province: Cabrería, Cordillera Nahuelbuta. Región de Los Lagos: Llanquihue Province: N. Correntoso, Horno Huinco; Chiloé Province: Tepuhueico.

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60., 1965aHardy, D.E. 1965a. The Pipunculidae of Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana , 19: 187-241., 1965bHardy, D.E. 1965b. Neotropical Pipunculidae (Diptera) Studies, Part IV. Further studies of Brazilian species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 14: 1-68., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., 1995Rafael, J.A. 1995. Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 39(4): 793-838.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Eudorylas simulator ( Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61. )

Pipunculus simulatorCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 56-58, fig. 17b.

Eudorylas simulator;Aczél, 1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168.: 25 (distr.); 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.: (cat.).

Pipunculus (Eudorylas) simulator;Hardy, 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.: 5 (as syn. of E. schreiteri).

Metadorylas simulator;Rafael, 1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39.: 37.

Holotype: Female (NHMUK), Chile, Chiloé Island, Ancud.

Distribution: ?Bolivia (Tarija). Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Cordillera Province: Cordillera, Las Vizcachas, El Canelo. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Chillán, Las Trancas. Región del Biobío: Biobío Province: El Abanico, Mulchén. Región de Los Lagos: Osorno Province: Pucatrihue, Volcán Osorno; Chiloé Province: Ancud.

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61., 1931bCollin, J.E. 1931b. Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26. Diptera. (Fortsetzung) XXIX. Pipunculidae. Konowia, 10(3): 171-176.); Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.); Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39., 1990cRafael, J.A. 1990c. As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia , 6(2): 127-164.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Remarks: This species was treated as a synonym of E. schreiteri (Shannon) by Hardy (1954Hardy, D.E. 1954. Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional, nova série, Zoologia, 123: 1-60., 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15.). It was revalidated by Rafael (1987Rafael, J.A. 1987. Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas, gen. n., and Elmohardyia, gen. n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 31(1): 35-39.).

Genus Tomosvaryella Aczél, 1939Aczél, M. 1939. Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden Studien 1. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125: 15-23.

AlloneuraRondani, 1856Rondani, C. 1856. Dipterologiae italicae prodromus. 1. Genera italica ordinis dipterorum ordinatim disposita et distincta et in familias et stirpes aggregata. A. Parmae, Stoschi. 226p.: 140. Type-species: Pipunculus flavipes Meigen, 1824 (mon.). Suppressed by ICZN, 1961International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 1961. Opinion 597. Prothechus Rondani, 1856, and Alloneura Rondani, 1856 (Insecta, Diptera); suppressed under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of the Zoological Nomenclature, 18: 230-235.: 230 (opinion 597).

TomosvaryellaAczél, 1939Aczél, M. 1939. Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden Studien 1. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125: 15-23.: 22. Type-species: Pipunculus sylvaticus Meigen, 1824 (orig. des.).

References:Aczél (1939Aczél, M. 1939. Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden Studien 1. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125: 15-23., 1944Aczél, M. 1944. Die Gattung Tomosvaryella Acz. (Dipt.). Dorylaiden-Studien VIII. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 37: 75-130., 1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23., 1965aHardy, D.E. 1965a. The Pipunculidae of Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana , 19: 187-241., 1965bHardy, D.E. 1965b. Neotropical Pipunculidae (Diptera) Studies, Part IV. Further studies of Brazilian species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 14: 1-68., 1965cHardy, D.E. 1965c. A Catalogue of the Diptera of America North of Mexico. Washington, D.C., United States Department of Agriculture, 1696p. (Agriculture Handbook n. 276), 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15., 1975Hardy, D.E. 1975. Pipunculidae. In: Delfinado, M.D. & Hardy, D.E. (Eds.). A catalogue of Diptera of the Oriental region II. Honolulu, University of Hawaii. p. 296-360., 1980Hardy, D.E. 1980. 37. Family Pipunculidae. In: Crosskey, R.W. (Ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. London, British Museum (Natural History). p. 483-487., 1989Hardy, D.E. 1989. Family Pipunculidae. In: Evenhuis, N. (Ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of Australasia and Oceania. Honolulu, Bishop Museum. p. 433-436.); Stuardo (1946Stuardo, C. 1946. Catálogo de los dípteros de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria. 250p.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.).

Tomosvaryella amazonenses De Meyer & Skevington, 2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.

Tomosvaryella pulchraAle-Rocha, 1992Ale-Rocha, R. 1992. Descrição de Tomosvaryella pulchra sp. nov. (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia, 8(2): 315-318.: 347, figs. 1-10 (preocc. Kozánek, 1992Kozánek, M. 1992. Contribution to the pipunculid fauna of Mongolia (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Akitu (Kyoto Entomological Society), New Series, 131: 116.: 10).

Tomosvaryella amazonensisDe Meyer & Skevington, 2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11..

Holotype: Male (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus.

Distribution: Argentina: Santiago del Estero, Salta, Catamarca, Tucumán; Brazil: Amazonas, Mato Grosso; Chile: Región de Coquimbo: Elqui Province: Baños Pangue; Choapa Province: El Naranjo, Tilama; Limarí Province: NP Fray Jorge. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: La Platina, Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada de Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas. Región del Biobío: La Polcura; Paraguay: San Pedro.

References:Ale-Rocha (1992Ale-Rocha, R. 1992. Descrição de Tomosvaryella pulchra sp. nov. (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Zoologia, 8(2): 315-318.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Ale-Rocha & Souza (2011Ale-Rocha, R. & Souza, B.B. 2011. Espécies novas de Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da Argentina e chave para as espécies sul-americanas. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 55(3): 287-298.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella bissulca Ale-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.

Tomosvaryella bissulcaAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.: 167, figs. 9-15.

Holotype: Male (CAS), Chile, Santiago (La Rinconada Maipú).

Distribution: Argentina: Salta, Catamarca. Chile: Región de Coquimbo: Elqui Province: Baños Pangue; Choapa Province: El Naranjo. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: La Rinconada Maipú, Quebrada de la Plata.

References:Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Ale-Rocha & Souza (2011Ale-Rocha, R. & Souza, B.B. 2011. Espécies novas de Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da Argentina e chave para as espécies sul-americanas. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 55(3): 287-298.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella chilensis Ale-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.

Tomosvaryella chilensisAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.: 167-169, figs. 16-24.

Holotype: Male (LEP, type specimen not located), Chile, Biobío (Mulchén, Caledonia).

Distribution: Chile: Región de Valparaíso: Marga Marga Province: Los Perales, Estero Marga Marga. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco Province: Til-Til; Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata, Rinconada de Maipú; Cordillera Province: Las Vizcachas; Maipo Province: Altos de Cantillana, Rincón El Árbol. Región de O’Higgins: Cachapoal Province: Las Cabras. Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas, Shangrila. Región del Biobío: Biobío Province: Mulchén, Caledonia; Concepción Province: Parque Botánico Hualpén, Talcahuano. Región de La Araucanía: Malleco Province: Cabrería, NP Nahuelbuta, Victoria, Monte Mila. Región de Los Ríos: Valdivia Province: Valdivia. Región de Los Lagos: Osorno Province: Anticura, NP Puyehue; Llanquihue Province: Correntoso, Horno Huinco; Chiloé Province: Tepuhueico.

References:Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella curta Ale-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.

Tomosvaryella curtaAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.: 170, figs. 33-40.

Holotype: Male (CAS), Chile, Santiago, El Canelo.

Distribution: Argentina: Buenos Aires. Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Cordillera Province: El Canelo. Región del Maule: Curicó Province: Fundo La Montaña, Estero La Palma at Río Teno, Los Queñes.

References:Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Ale-Rocha & Souza (2011Ale-Rocha, R. & Souza, B.B. 2011. Espécies novas de Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da Argentina e chave para as espécies sul-americanas. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 55(3): 287-298.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella mediocris ( Collin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61. )

Pipunculus mediocrisCollin, 1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.: 54-56, figs. 16a, 17a, 18b.

Tomosvaryella mediocris;Aczél, 1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168.: 25.

Holotype: Male (BMNH), Chile, Llanquihue, Casa Pangue.

Distribution: Argentina: Tierra del Fuego. Chile: Región de Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas, Shangrila. Región del Biobío: Biobío Province: La Polcura. Región de La Araucanía: Malleco Province: Cabrería, NP Nahuelbuta, Cordillera Las Raices. Región de Los Lagos: Llanquihue Province: Casa Pangue; Chiloé Province: San Pedro, Tepuhueico. Región de Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena: Tierra del Fuego Province: Estancia Camerón.

References:Collin (1931aCollin, J.E. 1931a. Platypezidae, Pipunculidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, Printed by Oder of the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History). v. 6, pt. 2, p. 49-61.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella pectinalis Ale-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.

Tomosvaryella pectinalisAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.: 177-179, figs. 100-107.

Holotype: Male (CSA), Chile, Santiago (La Rinconada).

Distribution: Argentina: Catamarca, Chubut. Chile: Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Rinconada de Maipú; Cordillera Province: El Canelo. Región del Ñuble: Diguillín Province: Las Trancas. Región de Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena: Última Esperanza Province: Laguna Amarga.

References:Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Ale-Rocha & Souza (2011Ale-Rocha, R. & Souza, B.B. 2011. Espécies novas de Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) da Argentina e chave para as espécies sul-americanas. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia , 55(3): 287-298.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella santiagoensis De Meyer & Skevington, 2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.

Tomosvaryella pruinosaAle-Rocha, 1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.: 181, figs. 130-136 (preocc. Kozánek, 1992Kozánek, M. 1992. Contribution to the pipunculid fauna of Mongolia (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Akitu (Kyoto Entomological Society), New Series, 131: 116.: 8).

Tomosvaryella santiagoensisDe Meyer & Skevington, 2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.: 8.

Holotype: Male (CAS), Chile, Santiago, Quebrada de la Plata.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Coquimbo: Choapa Province: Hacienda Illapel. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Province: Quebrada de la Plata.

References:Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); De Meyer & Skevington (2000De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. 2000. First addition to the World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Bulletin de L’institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70: 5-11.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.

Tomosvaryella subvirescens ( Loew, 1872Loew, E. 1872. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria Decima. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 16(1): 49-124. )

Pipunculus subvirescensLoew, 1872Loew, E. 1872. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria Decima. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 16(1): 49-124.: 87.

Pipunculus aridusWilliston, 1893Williston, S.W. 1893. List of Diptera of the Death Valley Expedition. In: The Death Valley Expedition, a biological survey of parts of California, Novada, Arizona and Utah. Washington, Government Print Office. p. 253-256. (North American Fauna, 7).
: 255. Syn.: Hough (1901Hough, G. de N. 1901. Studies in Diptera Cyclorrhapha. 1. The Pipunculidae of the United States. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 29: 77-86.).

Pipunculus glabrumAdams, 1905Adams, C.F. 1905. Diptera Africana. I. Kansas University Science Bulletin, 2: 21-47.: 165. Syn.: Hardy (1949Hardy, D.E. 1949. The African Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae-Diptera). Mémoires de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 36: 1-80.).

Pipunculus insularisCresson, 1911Cresson, E.T. 1911. Studies in North American Dipterology: Pipunculidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 36: 267-329.: 317. Syn.: Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23.).

Pipunculus metallescensMalloch, 1913Malloch, J.R. 1913. New American dipterous insects of the Family Pipunculidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 43: 291-299.: 298. Syn.: Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23.).

Pipunculus similansBecker, 1924Becker, T. 1924. H. Sauters Formosa-Ausbeute: Pipunculidae (Dorylaidae: Diptera). Entomologische Mitteilungen, 13: 14-18.: 15. Syn.: Hardy (1968Hardy, D.E. 1968. Bibionidae and Pipunculidae of the Philippines and Bismarck Islands (Diptera). Entomologiske Meddelelser, 36(5): 417-507.).

Pipunculus knowltoniHardy, 1939Hardy, D.E. 1939. New Nearctic Pipunculidae (Diptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 12: 16-25.: 20. Syn.: Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23.).

Tomosvaryella subvirescens;Hardy, 1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23.: 178, plate 17, figs. 101a-e.

Holotype: Male (MCZ, number 456), USA, Texas, Belfrage.

Distribution: Chile: Región de Taparacá: El Tamarugal Province: Pica. Widespread in the Palaearctic, Oriental, Australian, Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Neotropical: Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominica, Cuba, Porto Rico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile.

References:Loew (1872Loew, E. 1872. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria Decima. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 16(1): 49-124.); Hardy (1943Hardy, D.E. 1943. A revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). Kansas University Science Bulletin , 29: 3-23., 1961, 1966Hardy, D.E. 1966. 45. Family Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). In: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. São Paulo. p. 1-15., 1975Hardy, D.E. 1975. Pipunculidae. In: Delfinado, M.D. & Hardy, D.E. (Eds.). A catalogue of Diptera of the Oriental region II. Honolulu, University of Hawaii. p. 296-360., 1980Hardy, D.E. 1980. 37. Family Pipunculidae. In: Crosskey, R.W. (Ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. London, British Museum (Natural History). p. 483-487., 1989Hardy, D.E. 1989. Family Pipunculidae. In: Evenhuis, N. (Ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of Australasia and Oceania. Honolulu, Bishop Museum. p. 433-436.); Aczél (1948Aczél, M. 1948. Grundlagen einer Monographie der Dorilaiden. (Diptera). Dorilaiden Studien VI. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 6: 5-168., 1952Aczél, M. 1952. Catálogo de la familia Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) de la Región Neotropical. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 15(4): 237-251.); Ale-Rocha (1996Ale-Rocha, R. 1996. Revisão das espécies de Tomosvaryella Aczél da América do Sul (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40(2): 165-187.); De Meyer (1996De Meyer, M. 1996. World catalogue of Pipunculidae. l´Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique Documents de travail de, 86: 1-127.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha (1997Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. 1997. Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of the species. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 24: 31-36.); Rodríguez & Rafael (2012Rodríguez, H.C.; Rafael, J.A. & Virla, E.G. 2012. Argentinean species of Chalarus Walker (Diptera: Pipunculidae): new records and description of Chalarus tani n. sp. Neotropical Entomology, 41(2): 121-123.


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Edited by:

Carlos José Einicker Lamas

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 July 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    20 Apr 2023
  • Published
    21 June 2023
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, 04263-000 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-8133 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil