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Early-Onset Respiratory Muscle Paralysis in Crotalic Envenomation: A Case Study


Crotalic envenomation is responsible for approximately 8%-13% of ophidism cases in Brazil, yet it is associated with the highest mortality among snakes. We describe the case of a patient bitten by a rattlesnake who developed ventilatory muscle paralysis within hours after envenomation. While diaphragmatic paralysis is a rare late neurotoxic event following crotalic envenomation, in this case, paralysis occurred early but was rapidly reversed after antivenom administration. This report discusses potential contributing factors based on a comprehensive literature review.

Crotalus; Respiratory failure; Antivenom


Crotalus spp., commonly known as rattlesnakes, are among the primary causative agents of ophidic envenomation, especially in North America11. Santos HLR, Sousa JDB, Alcântara JA, Sachett AGJ, Villas Boas TS, Saraiva I, Bernarde PS, et al. Rattlesnakes bites in the Brazilian Amazon: Clinical epidemiology, spatial distribution and ecological determinants. Acta Trop. 2019 Mar; 191:69-76.. Crotalus durissus, the predominant species in Latin America, belongs to the Viperidae family and is distributed across Brazil, primarily in dry and semiarid regions11. Santos HLR, Sousa JDB, Alcântara JA, Sachett AGJ, Villas Boas TS, Saraiva I, Bernarde PS, et al. Rattlesnakes bites in the Brazilian Amazon: Clinical epidemiology, spatial distribution and ecological determinants. Acta Trop. 2019 Mar; 191:69-76.,22. Albuquerque PL, Jacinto CN, Silva Junior GB, Lima JB, Veras Mdo S, Daher EF. Acute kidney injury caused by Crotalus and Bothrops snake venom: a review of epidemiology, clinical manifestations and treatment. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2013 Sep-Oct;55(5):295-301..

Crotalic envenomations account for 8%-13% of all ophidism cases in Brazil, with 10%-14% being considered severe cases associated with high morbidity and mortality22. Albuquerque PL, Jacinto CN, Silva Junior GB, Lima JB, Veras Mdo S, Daher EF. Acute kidney injury caused by Crotalus and Bothrops snake venom: a review of epidemiology, clinical manifestations and treatment. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2013 Sep-Oct;55(5):295-301.. In 2020, Brazil reported 2,813 crotalic bites and 22 deaths through the National System for Notification of Diseases (SINAN), with 657 (23%) occurring in the state of Minas Gerais, resulting in a mortality rate of 0.78%33. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. SINAN. Animais peçonhentos - Notificações Registradas: banco de dados. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 17 de março de 2023.

The snakes' venom contains four toxins: crotoxin, crotamine, convulsin, and Gyrotoxin44. Vital Brazil O. - Neurotoxins from the South American rattlesnake venom. J Form Med Ass. 1972, 71:394-400.. Crotoxin, accounting for 50% of the molecular weight, consists of two non-identical subunits, Crotoxin A and Crotoxin B55. Choumet V, Bouchier C, Délot E, Faure G, Saliou B, Bon C. Structure and function relationship of crotoxin, a heterodimeric neurotoxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of a South-American rattlesnake. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996, 391:197-202.

6. Frare BT, Silva Resende YK, Dornelas BC, Jorge MT, Souza Ricarte VA, Alves LM, et al. Clinical, Laboratory, and Therapeutic Aspects of Crotalus durissus (South American Rattlesnake) Victims: A Literature Review. Biomed Res Int. 2019 Aug 5;2019:p1-7.
-77. Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p.. The synergistic action of these fractions induces neurotoxicity by inhibiting presynaptic acetylcholine release, potentially affecting skeletal muscles. Crotamine, a polypeptide composed of 42 amino acids, causes muscle fiber depolarization, leading to muscle contraction and paralysis. Convulxins, C-type lectins, induce cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders, while Giroxin, a serine protease, contributes to haemotoxicity affecting fibrinogen and fibrin formation55. Choumet V, Bouchier C, Délot E, Faure G, Saliou B, Bon C. Structure and function relationship of crotoxin, a heterodimeric neurotoxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of a South-American rattlesnake. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996, 391:197-202.

6. Frare BT, Silva Resende YK, Dornelas BC, Jorge MT, Souza Ricarte VA, Alves LM, et al. Clinical, Laboratory, and Therapeutic Aspects of Crotalus durissus (South American Rattlesnake) Victims: A Literature Review. Biomed Res Int. 2019 Aug 5;2019:p1-7.
-77. Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p.. Crotoxins and crotamine are primarily responsible for the myotoxic effects of the venom, leading to severe rhabdomyolysis, which can result in kidney damage and subsequent failure, a major cause of envenomation-related deaths77. Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p..

Specific antivenom serum is available to treat clinical manifestations associated with the neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, myotoxic, and coagulant effects of the venom, and it should be administered as promptly as possible88. Holstege CP, Miller MB, Wermuth M, Furbee B, Curry SC. Crotalid snake envenomation. Crit Care Clin. 1997, Oct;13(4):889-921.. Currently, in Brazil, antivenom is exclusively produced and distributed for healthcare use by the Butantan Institute, the largest producer of vaccines and antivenoms in Latin America. Antivenom is distributed to healthcare institutions nationwide, following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

This report describes the case of a patient bitten by a rattlesnake who rapidly developed signs of respiratory muscle paralysis, necessitating ventilatory support. This is the first case report of early respiratory failure and rapid recovery following the administration of antivenom for rattlesnake envenomation in Brazil. Our search and literature review utilized data sources from the Cochrane Library, LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central). This study received approval from the institutional ethics committee.


A 53-year-old male patient without comorbidities, was bitten by a Crotalus durissus terrificus serpent (Figure 1) on his left thumb at home (Figure 2). He sought emergency care in his town 30 minutes after the bite, presenting with local pain, myalgia, blurred vision, malaise, and dyspnea. He received 1000 ml of 0.9% saline solution for hydration, analgesia, and a delayed urinary catheter for diuresis quantification. A Reference Center for animal envenomation was consulted, and the case was classified as severe. Immediate administration of 20 vials of crotalid antivenom was recommended, but it was unavailable, necessitating the patient's transfer to the Reference Center. Initial laboratory examinations in the originating unit revealed an uncoagulable blood and no abnormalities in renal function, CPK, or hemogram (Table 1).

The Crotalus durissus terrificus specimen was offered by the patient. Credits: Felipe Carvalhaes.

(a) Appearance of the urine on admission; (b) Ptosis present at the time of discharge (c) Location of the bite; (d) Patient's condition on admission.

Patients laboratory evolution during hospitalization.

Upon arrival at the reference hospital four hours after the snakebite, the transportation team reported that the patient complained of worsening dyspnea, which progressed concurrently with the deterioration of the respiratory pattern during transportation between healthcare units. The patient was admitted to the emergency room with a non-rebreather mask at 5 L/min, complaining of dyspnea and pain at the sting site (Figure 2). In the initial evaluation, the patient presented with sweating and tachydyspnea, along with significant bilateral palpebral ptosis. There were no pulmonary or cardiac auscultation abnormalities, and the urine color was slightly reddish (Figure 2). Blood pressure was 182/120 mmHg, heart rate was 117 beats/min, respiratory rate was 36 beats/min, oxygen saturation was 99%, and capillary glycemia was 128 mg/dL.

Immediate administration of 20 vials of crotalid antivenom produced by the Butantan Institute was performed without complications. As the patient exhibited paradoxical breathing, characterized by the absence of diaphragmatic movement, use of abdominal musculature, and minimal accessory musculature movement, orotracheal intubation was performed due to the high risk of muscle fatigue four hours after envenomation. Gasometry indicated respiratory acidosis.

Intubation was accomplished with fentanyl, etomidate, and rocuronium via direct laryngoscopy. The patient received volume-controlled mechanical ventilation using minimal parameters.

The patient developed significant rhabdomyolysis (creatinine kinase peaked at 65,566 UI/l on the second day after envenomation), incoagulable blood, and a creatinine peak of 1.25 mg/dL. Progressive laboratory improvement was observed following antivenom administration. The patient remained under sedation until muscular strength improved and the respiratory pattern normalized. Extubation was performed without complications approximately 16 hours after endotracheal intubation.

The patient was discharged from the hospital in good clinical condition on the sixth day after the bite (Figure 2). Palpebral ptosis persisted for 15 days after envenomationn. Following discharge, he received outpatient follow-up in his hometown until complete recovery from neurotoxicity.


Crotalic envenomation in Brazil is associated with a high mortality rate, primarily due to acute renal failure resulting from direct nephrotoxicity and myoglobinuria, a consequence of severe rhabdomyolysis77. Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p.,88. Holstege CP, Miller MB, Wermuth M, Furbee B, Curry SC. Crotalid snake envenomation. Crit Care Clin. 1997, Oct;13(4):889-921.. Crotoxin, a potent presynaptic beta-neurotoxin, and phospholipase A2 inhibit acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction55. Choumet V, Bouchier C, Délot E, Faure G, Saliou B, Bon C. Structure and function relationship of crotoxin, a heterodimeric neurotoxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of a South-American rattlesnake. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996, 391:197-202.,1010. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.. Neurotoxicity in crotalic envenomation typically manifests early, causing paralysis of the palpebral and oculomotor musculature1010. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.. The severe and early progression observed in this case is seldom reported in the literature. Several factors may contribute to this pathophysiology, such as a substantial venom dose, a high concentration of Crotoxin in the venom, or immediate intravascular inoculation99. Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5.

10. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.

11 de Roodt AR, Boyer LV, Lanari LC, Irazu L, Laskowicz RD, Sabattini PL, et al. Venom yield and it rela-tionship with body size and fang separation of pit vipers from Argentina. Toxicon , 2016, 121:22-9.
-1212. Amaral CF, Campolina D, Dias MB, Bueno CM, Chavez-Olortegui C, Penaforte CL, et al. Time factor in the detection of circulating whole venom and crotoxin and efficacy of antivenom therapy in patients envenomed by Crotalus durissus. Toxicon 1997, 35:699-704..

A study by Vital Brazil in 1966 administered crotoxin and non-purified venom to animals intravenously (IV), intramuscularly (IM), and subcutaneously (SC) to establish a toxic dose44. Vital Brazil O. - Neurotoxins from the South American rattlesnake venom. J Form Med Ass. 1972, 71:394-400.. SC injection required a dose four times higher than IV injection to induce muscle paralysis, while IV injection had effects similar to curare-like substances. Major paralysis was observed only when large volumes of venom were injected, with diaphragmatic paralysis occurring relatively late. In dogs and cats, extensive muscle paralysis manifested 48-72 hours after administration55. Choumet V, Bouchier C, Délot E, Faure G, Saliou B, Bon C. Structure and function relationship of crotoxin, a heterodimeric neurotoxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of a South-American rattlesnake. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996, 391:197-202..

According to Amaral et al.99. Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5., crotoxin concentrations in the plasma of envenomated patients rapidly decrease after envenomation, suggesting rapid distribution to deep tissue compartments, such as muscles and neuroreceptors. Early progression to respiratory failure is rarely documented in the literature. De Root et al.1111 de Roodt AR, Boyer LV, Lanari LC, Irazu L, Laskowicz RD, Sabattini PL, et al. Venom yield and it rela-tionship with body size and fang separation of pit vipers from Argentina. Toxicon , 2016, 121:22-9. explored this subject and concluded that the amount of venom a snake can inject correlates with its body size, estimated from the distance between the fang punctures. Furthermore, as the distance between puncture marks provides an estimate of the snake's size, it allows for an estimation of its size and the potential amount of venom injected1111 de Roodt AR, Boyer LV, Lanari LC, Irazu L, Laskowicz RD, Sabattini PL, et al. Venom yield and it rela-tionship with body size and fang separation of pit vipers from Argentina. Toxicon , 2016, 121:22-9..

The favorable outcome in this case, with extubation occurring slightly over 12 hours after intubation, may be attributed to the efficacy of the Butantan Institute-produced antivenom serum. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of specific antivenoms against Crotalus durissus77. Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p.,99. Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5.,1212. Amaral CF, Campolina D, Dias MB, Bueno CM, Chavez-Olortegui C, Penaforte CL, et al. Time factor in the detection of circulating whole venom and crotoxin and efficacy of antivenom therapy in patients envenomed by Crotalus durissus. Toxicon 1997, 35:699-704.. In a study by Amaral et al.1212. Amaral CF, Campolina D, Dias MB, Bueno CM, Chavez-Olortegui C, Penaforte CL, et al. Time factor in the detection of circulating whole venom and crotoxin and efficacy of antivenom therapy in patients envenomed by Crotalus durissus. Toxicon 1997, 35:699-704., plasma levels of total venom, crotoxin, and antivenom measured over time revealed the efficacy of antivenom treatment. Circulating venom and crotoxin were no longer detectable one hour after antivenom therapy, and high antivenom levels persisted for at least 24 hours post-treatment.

In this case, despite the severity of envenomation, the patient received specific serum therapy for an adequate duration, contributing to a favorable outcome with the resolution of respiratory failure in fewer than 24 hours.


Although rarely documented in the literature, respiratory muscle paralysis can occur and is a serious manifestation requiring prompt identification and treatment99. Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5.,1010. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.. Adequate treatment with a specific antivenom typically reverses the symptoms without sequelae1010. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.. Severely poisoned patients without timely access to intubation and mechanical ventilation are at risk of asphyxia due to poison-induced peripheral respiratory paralysis99. Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5.

10. Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.
-1111 de Roodt AR, Boyer LV, Lanari LC, Irazu L, Laskowicz RD, Sabattini PL, et al. Venom yield and it rela-tionship with body size and fang separation of pit vipers from Argentina. Toxicon , 2016, 121:22-9..

In vitro investigations of venom properties and their effects on the body may aid in understanding this type of progression1212. Amaral CF, Campolina D, Dias MB, Bueno CM, Chavez-Olortegui C, Penaforte CL, et al. Time factor in the detection of circulating whole venom and crotoxin and efficacy of antivenom therapy in patients envenomed by Crotalus durissus. Toxicon 1997, 35:699-704..


To the assistance and administrative teams of the hospital, who accompanied and contributed to this study.


  • 1
    Santos HLR, Sousa JDB, Alcântara JA, Sachett AGJ, Villas Boas TS, Saraiva I, Bernarde PS, et al. Rattlesnakes bites in the Brazilian Amazon: Clinical epidemiology, spatial distribution and ecological determinants. Acta Trop. 2019 Mar; 191:69-76.
  • 2
    Albuquerque PL, Jacinto CN, Silva Junior GB, Lima JB, Veras Mdo S, Daher EF. Acute kidney injury caused by Crotalus and Bothrops snake venom: a review of epidemiology, clinical manifestations and treatment. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2013 Sep-Oct;55(5):295-301.
  • 3
    Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. SINAN. Animais peçonhentos - Notificações Registradas: banco de dados. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 17 de março de 2023.
  • 4
    Vital Brazil O. - Neurotoxins from the South American rattlesnake venom. J Form Med Ass. 1972, 71:394-400.
  • 5
    Choumet V, Bouchier C, Délot E, Faure G, Saliou B, Bon C. Structure and function relationship of crotoxin, a heterodimeric neurotoxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of a South-American rattlesnake. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996, 391:197-202.
  • 6
    Frare BT, Silva Resende YK, Dornelas BC, Jorge MT, Souza Ricarte VA, Alves LM, et al. Clinical, Laboratory, and Therapeutic Aspects of Crotalus durissus (South American Rattlesnake) Victims: A Literature Review. Biomed Res Int. 2019 Aug 5;2019:p1-7.
  • 7
    Costa Cardoso JL. Animais Peçonhentos no Brasil Biologia, clínica e terapêutica dos acidentes. São Paulo: Sarvier. 2009. 468p.
  • 8
    Holstege CP, Miller MB, Wermuth M, Furbee B, Curry SC. Crotalid snake envenomation. Crit Care Clin. 1997, Oct;13(4):889-921.
  • 9
    Amaral CF, Magalhães RA, de Rezende NA. Comprometimento respiratório secundário a acidente ofídico crotálico (Crotalus durissus) [Respiratory involvement secondary to crotalid ophidian bite (Crotalus durissus)]. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo . 1991 Jul-Aug;33(4):251-5.
  • 10
    Baum RA, Bronner J, Akpunonu PDS, Plott J, Bailey AM, Keyler DE. Crotalus durissus terrificus (viperidae; crotalinae) envenomation: Respiratory failure and treatment with antivipmyn TRI®antivenom. Toxicon. 2019 May; 163:32-5.
  • 11
    de Roodt AR, Boyer LV, Lanari LC, Irazu L, Laskowicz RD, Sabattini PL, et al. Venom yield and it rela-tionship with body size and fang separation of pit vipers from Argentina. Toxicon , 2016, 121:22-9.
  • 12
    Amaral CF, Campolina D, Dias MB, Bueno CM, Chavez-Olortegui C, Penaforte CL, et al. Time factor in the detection of circulating whole venom and crotoxin and efficacy of antivenom therapy in patients envenomed by Crotalus durissus. Toxicon 1997, 35:699-704.
  • Financial supports: No targeted funding reported.

Data availability

Data citations

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. SINAN. Animais peçonhentos - Notificações Registradas: banco de dados. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 17 de março de 2023.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 Nov 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Aug 2023
  • Accepted
    18 Oct 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil