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This paper describes a plan to develop a prioritization model of efficiency indicators to evaluate the services provided by seaports to ships in terms ofeconomicity, quality, and reliability. The methodology adopted is applied research, using a case study carried out in a Brazilian seaport. The approach used as an intervention tool in the elaboration of the model is the Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy Process. The results suggest the prioritization of economicity over the other two criteria of reliability and quality.

Maritime ports; efficiency; fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process


In recent decades, port activities have held a prominent position in the world economic scenario. Responsible for the largest share of export and import outflows, ports are today some of the possibilities of indicators of a country’s economy, according to the works of Sleeper (201255 SLEEPER DM. 2012. Port Significance: contributions to competiveness in Latin America and Asia. Journal for global business and comuntity, 3(1): 22-28.) and Dwarakish and Salim (201523 DWARAKISH GS & SALIM AM. 2015. Review on the Role of Ports in the Development of a Nation. Aquatic Procedia., 4: 295-301.).

Eurostat data (2017)27 EUROSAT. 2017. Available at:
indicate that cargo movement in European countries is increasing. The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Portugal, and Greece achieved a growth rate of more than 12% in cargo handling between 2010 and 2016. In Asia, freight handling volumes for Taiwan’s seven largest ports; Keelung, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Hualien, Taipei, Suao, and Anping, increased by 5.85% between 2012 and 2016 Taiwan International Ports Corporation [TIPC] (2017)60 TIPC - TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL PORTS CORPORATION. 2017. Annual Statistical Report. Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Statistics Section of Accounting Department. Available at: Available at: . Accessed: 18 oct 2017.
. In 2014, the Port of Vancouver, in Canada, was responsible for handling 140 million tons of cargo, valued at 187 billion dollars, according Dworakowska (201624 DWORAKOWSKA K. 2016. The largest ports of Canada. Blog - Sea Freight, Air Transport. Available at: Available at: . Accessed: 18 oct 2017.

According to a report developed by the Ministry of Transport, Ports and Civil Aviation (2017)41 MINISTÉRIO DOS TRANSPORTES PEAC. 2017. Portos e Aviação Civil. Anuário estatístico de transportes 2010-2016. Available at: Available at:\%C3\%A1rio\_Executivo\_AET\_2010\_-\_2016.pdf . Accessed: 23 mar 17.
of Brazil, during the same period, Brazil also registered a gradual increase of 19.1% in cargo movement through seaports.

One of the ways to efficiently manage operations in a port is through the identification, organization, and measurement of criteria to evaluate the quality, economicity, and reliability of these operations. According to Ensslin et al. (201726 ENSSLIN L, DEZEM V, DUTRA A, ENSSLIN SR & SOMENSI K. 2017. Seaport performance tools: an analysis of the international literature. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 19: 1-16.), performance indicators are one of the most used measures to analyze port performance, second only to data analysis.

According to Ha et al (201730 HA MH, YANG Z, NOTTEBOOM T, NG AK & HEO MW. 2017. Revisiting port performance measurement: A hybrid multistakeholder framework for the modelling of port performance indicators. Transportation Research Part E, 103: 1-16.), due to the complexity of port activities and operations, decision makers require an essential understanding of the interdependence between port performance indicators and develop appropriate solutions to improve port performance. Over the past few years, the use of Fuzzy Logic methodologies coupled with the Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP) has been shown to be efficient for integrating various data on port performance as well as addressing the inherent uncertainties regarding the strategies adopted in port operations. Their use becomes important because they are easy-to-handle tools with extensive bibliography available, especially under conditions of uncertainty (Pereira et al., 201546 PEREIRA JR JG, EKEL PY, PALHARES R & PARREIRAS RO. 2015. On multicriteria decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Information Sciences, 324: 44-59.; Ramalho et al., 201948 RAMALHO FD, YA P, WITOLD PEDRYCZ EJGP & SOARES GL. 2019. Multicriteria decision making under conditions of uncertainty in application to multiobjective allocation of resources. Inform. Fusion, 49: 249-261.). Indicators are a mathematical relationship that numerically measure attributes of a process or its outcomes, with the aim of comparing this measure with pre-established numerical goals. According to ANTAQ (2003)1 ANTAQ. 2003. Indicadores de Desempenho Portuário - Cartilha de Orientação., port managers use the analysis of performance indicators to organize their goals and to establish new port strategies, that is, the study of indicators is directly linked to efficiency and competitiveness in the port environment.

In Brazil, with the adoption of the indicators proposed by the National Water Transport Agency [ANTAQ] (2003)1 ANTAQ. 2003. Indicadores de Desempenho Portuário - Cartilha de Orientação., the study of port performance initially started with the work of Madeira et al (201238 MADEIRA AG, CARDOSO MM, BELDERRAIN MCN, CORREIA AK & SCHWANZ SH. 2012. Multicriteria and multivariate analysis for port performance evaluation. International Journal of Production Economics, pp. 450-456.), who propose the use of an approach based on multi-criteria mathematical modeling. The use of this type of approach (multicriteria) in scenarios of complex realities makes the process of modeling and measuring indicators more robust. Among the several possibilities, the multi-criteria Fuzzy AHP methodology allows the evaluation of indicators using the opinion of specialists as a reference in their analysis.

In this context, the present study proposes a prioritization model of efficiency indicators for the services provided by a seaport located in the southern region of Brazil, which is the New Port of Rio Grande, which is the fourth largest port in Brazil and the only one multimodal region of southern Brazil and which is responsible for the movement of various types of cargo.

The intervention instrument used was the AHP Fuzzy model. Through this instrument, the researchers developed a prioritization model of efficiency indicators for the services provided by the seaport, considering the criteria of economicity, quality, and reliability.

This article is divided into four sections. After the introduction in the first section, the second section presents the theoretical framework that lays the basis for the Fuzzy-AHP methodology within the multi-criteria approaches to operational research. The third, the results obtained by using the defuzzification process of AHP with the port indicators identified in the data are presented. Lastly, section four discusses the final considerations, scope for further study, and limitations.


Multi-criteria methods are a set of techniques capable of facilitating the decision process, since their main objective is to reduce the complexity of a problem by including criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives.

Multicriteria decision making and analysis methods are applied when there is a need to select, sort, classify or describe the present alternatives in a complex decision-making process with multiple criteria and conflicting objectives.Complex environment; conflicting criteria, uncertainties and inaccurate information characterize many decision problems present in the real world. The Multi-criteria decision analysis contributes to make the decision process more rational and efficient (.Kulakowski, 201834 KULAKOWSKI K. 2018. Inconsistency in the ordinal pairwise comparisons method with and without ties. European Journal of Operational Research, 270: 314-327.) (Fernández et al, 201828 FERNÁNDEZ E, FIGUEIRA JR & NAVARRO J. 2018. An interval extension of the out-ranking approach and its application to multiple-criteria ordinal classification. Omega 000, 2018: 1-10.). The decision analysis process usually considers a variety of alternatives, which must be carefully evaluated so that the “best” decision can be chosen (Cardoso et al, 200912 CARDOSO RS, XAVIER LH, GOMES CFS & ADISSI PJ. 2009. Uso De Sad No Apoio À Decisão Na Destinação De Resíduos Plásticos E Gestão De Materiais. Pesquisa Operacional., 29(1): 67-95.).

In addition, they include the judgment and evaluation of specialists in the decision-making process.

Real-world decision problems are rarely mono-criterion based. They generally incorporate a variety of criteria, often contradictory. Regarding decisors’ profile; the DM ranks alternatives (Ai) described by criteria (Cj), with a weight criterion (W) and grades (classification) that are given for each alternative, in each criterion (Silva et al, 201854 SILVA M, GOMES C & DA COSTA JUNIOR C. 2018. Hybrid Multicriteria Methodology Topsis-Macbeth-2n Applied In The Ordering Of Technology Transfer Offices. Pesquisa Operacional, 38(3): 413-439.)(Petrovic´ et al, 201847 PETROVIC´ M, BOJKOVIC´ N, STAMENKOVIC´ M & ANIC´ I. 2018. Supporting performance appraisal in ELECTRE based stepwise benchmarking model. Omega, 78: 237-251.).

Mardani et al. (201540 MARDANI A, JUSOH K, NOR Z, ZAKWAN N & VALIPOUR A. 2015. Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their applications - a review of the literature from 200 to 2014. Economic research, 28(1): 516-571.) state in their study that the judgment of the aforementioned criteria can assume cardinal or ordinal values, that is, this information can be determined in an exact or a diffuse way, using fuzzy logic. In Accordance, Bouyssou et al (20068 BOUYSSOU D, MARCHANT T, PIRLOT M, TSOUKIAS A & VINCKE P. 2006. Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria stepping stones for the analyst (Springer Science and Business Media INC, Boston. M, .) say that there are a variety of multi-criteria methods; however, one should consider the purpose of the study and identify the most convenient method.

According to Mardani et al. (201540 MARDANI A, JUSOH K, NOR Z, ZAKWAN N & VALIPOUR A. 2015. Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their applications - a review of the literature from 200 to 2014. Economic research, 28(1): 516-571.), among the main multi-criteria methods, the Analytical Hierarchy Process [AHP] is the most popular in solving problems involving decision making. Hence, the present work will use the AHP method in addition to fuzzy logic, in order to refine the results achieved. Per Emrouznejad and Marra (201725 EMROUZNEJAD A & MARRA M. 2017. The state of the art development of AHP (1979-2017): a literature review with a social network analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 55(22): 6653-6675. Available at: 00207543.2017.1334976.
) 8441 published pieces on AHP published between 1979 and 2017.

In a brief review of the literature, recent studies that use Fuzzy AHP to evaluate criteria and performance were found. Calabrese et al (2013)11 CALABRESE COSTA R & MENICHINI T. 2013. Using Fuzzy AHP to manage intellectual capital assets: an application to the ICT services industry. Expert Systems with applications., 40: 3747-3755. apply the Fuzzy AHP methodology to analyze the components of Italian information and communication technology. Taylan et al (201659 TAYLAN O, KAYA D & DEMIRBAS A. 2016. An integrated multi attribute decision model for energy efficiency process in petrochemical industry applying fuzzy set theory. Energy conversion and management, 17: 501-512.), use the method to support the decision of specialists in choosing the best compressor to be used by the petrochemical industry.

The methodology is also applied to several sectors. For example, Mandic et al (201439 MANDIC K, DELIBASIC B, KNEZEVIC S & BENKOVIC S. 2014. Analysis of the financial parameters of Serbian banks through the application of the Fuzzy AHP and Topsis methods. Economic Modelling., 43: 30-37.) have used it to evaluate the performance of the banking sector in Serbia, Shawet al (201252 SHAW K, SHANKAR R, YADAV S & THAKUR L. 2012. Supplier selection using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy Multi objective linear programming for developing low carbon supply chain. Expert systems with applications, 39: 8182-8192.) have used it to choose the supplier that best suits the Indian clothing industry, and Cebeci and Ruan (200713 CEBECI U & RUAN D. 2007. A multi-attribute comparison of Turkish quality consultants by Fuzzy AHP. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 6(1): 191-207.) have used it to verify which Turkish consulting firm achieves the highest customer satisfaction.

Thomas L. Saaty (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.) developed the AHP in the 1970s to facilitate the decision-making process through hierarchical structuring, which enables the visualization of the problem as a whole, and of its components. However, since the method is used in complex decision making, it seems inaccurate and ambiguous due to its reliance on human perception, because the method bases its analysis on the specialist opinions. In this sense, Tang and Lin (201158 TANG YC & LIN TW. 2011. Application of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to lead-free equipment selection decision. Int. J. Business and systems research,, 5: 1.) claim that the existence of such problems in decisions weakens the effectiveness of AHP.

Penget al (201145 PENG Y, KOU G, WANG G, WU W & SHI Y. 2011. Yong. Ensemble of software defect predictors: an AHP- based evaluation method, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 10(1): 187-206.) and De Souza et al (2018)18 DE SOUZA LP, GOMES CFS & DE BARROS AP. 2018. Implementation of new Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS-2N method in sorting and prioritizing of an it capex project portfolio. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making., state that the AHP method, besides having been extensively studied in recent years, has also seen variations in its methodology. The Fuzzy AHP methodology is one such variation.

According to Barroset al (20173 BARROS LC, BASSANEZI RC & LODWICK W A A. 2017. A first course in fuzzy logic, fuzzy dynamical systems, and biomathematics, theory and applications. Springer.), Professor Lotfi Asker Zadeh (1970) introduced the fuzzy theory in 1965. Professor Zadeh’s main objective was to offer a mathematical treatment for specific subjective linguistic terms, that is, to make them more suitable for defining and measuring uncertainty, through the use of fuzzy numbers.

Saxena et al (201051 SAXENA V, JAIN M, SINGH P & SAXENA PK. 2010. Fuzzy Delphi hierarchy process and its applications to improve Indian telemedical services. Available at: Available at: . Accessed: 23 mar 17.
) and Morote and Vila (201142 MOROTE AN & VILA FR. 2011. A Fuzzy AHP multi-criteria decision-making approach applied to combined cooling, heating and power production systems. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 10(3): 497-517.) state that the combination of fuzzy logic and the AHP method is robust, since it considers reality and admits that judgments are not precise, and the variables are relevant to the decision-making environment. Therefore, these variants are minimized with the inclusion of linguistic variables and, consequently, fuzzy logic.

Buckley (19859 BUCKLEY JJ. 1985. Fuzzy hierarchical analysis fuzzy sets and systems, 17(3): 233-247.) argues that the methodology proposed by Saaty (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.) is maintained, but the operations with fuzzy numbers are adapted, which can be seen in the work of Bellman et al. (19704 BELLMAN RE & ZADEH LA. 1970. Decision making fuzzy environment. Management science, 17: 4.).

The FAHP methodology can be described by 7 steps. The first consists in the decomposition of the problem into a hierarchy that is, composed of objective, criteria, subcriteria and alternatives. In the second step, the hierarchy of the problem in question is created, subdividing it into levels. Figure 1 illustrates the structuring of a problem, exemplified by the case of two criteria, four sub-criteria and two alternatives.

Figure 1
- Hierarchical structure.

The third step is responsible for collecting the judgments alongside the specialists. Experts will make peer-to-peer comparisons of both criteria-based alternatives and sub-criteria against criteria. This comparison is made from the linguistic variables, which are presented in table 1, which presents the expert judgments that were obtained through questionnaires and converted into quantitative indexes. In addition, according to Wang et al (2018), in this step the type of fuzzy number to be used in the analysis is reported. In order to incorporate uncertainties in the data (multiples and relative importance), we relied on fuzzy mathematics (Duarte Junior, 201822 DUARTE JÚNIOR AM. 2018. Applying The TODIM Fuzzy Method To The Valuation Of Brazilian Banks. Pesqui. Oper., 38(1): 153-171.).

Table 1
- Fuzzy values.

Table 1, adopts the triangular fuzzy number according to the authors Laarhoven and Pedrycz’s (198336 LAARHOVEN PJMV & PEDRYCZ WA. 1983. Fuzzy extension of Saaty’s priority theory fuzzy sets and systems, 11: 229-241.). The construction of table 1 was determined by m value, which represents the central value of the triangular fuzzy numbers, that is, the one with the greatest relevance. The rules for the definition of the triangular fuzzy number have four variations for the construction:

  • m = 1, the fuzzy number is given by: 11-δ, 1, 1+δ

  • m = 2, 3, . . ., 8 and the comparison is from i to j, we have: (mδ, m, m+δ )

  • m = 2, 3, . . ., 8 and the comparison is from j to i, we have: 1m+δ, 1m, 1m-δ

  • m = 9 the fuzzy number is given by: (9δ, 9, 9)

Where m is the value found in the table of Saaty (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.), which defines the qualitative classifications.

In the fourth step, the decision matrices are constructed, which should be: square, reciprocal and positive. The insertion of the elements of the matrices occurs in two ways, the first is when the criterion of column j is greater than that of row i, implies that the element in the matrix will be the inverse of it, as exposed in formalism (1) (2). Another form of insertion is when the criterion is compared with itself, so the matrix will receive the value 1, according to the expression below (3).

a j i = 1 / a i j (1)

a i i = 1 , i (2)

Therefore the matrix will be as follows.

C 1 C 2 C n ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) ( l 1 n , m 1 n , u 1 n ) ( l 21 , m 21 , u 21 ) ( l 2 n , m 2 n , u 2 n ) ( l n 1 , m n 1 , u n 1 ) ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) (3)

The fifth step, the defuzzification occurs, that is, the transformation of the fuzzy number into crisp. The most used methods for this process are: Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science., Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.) and centroid, discussed in the paper by Bortolan and Degani (19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.). In the sixth step, after the defuzzification, the consistency of the matrices is verified as in the AHP method, that is, the maximum eigenvalue obtained in the matrix of the previous step, together with the consistency index (CI) and the consistency ratio (RC), for more details see in Saaty (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.). Thus, if the result obtained is RC<10% the matrix is consistent; otherwise the matrix should be adjusted.

Finally, for the seventh step it is necessary to use the matrix of step 4, which according to Shiu et al.(201653 SHIU JY, LU ST, CHANG DS & WU KW. 2016. Fuzzy multicriteria decision-making tools for selecting a professional property management company. Internacional Transactions in Operational Research, .) will serve as the basis for the calculation of the synthetic fuzzy measures (S), which are responsible by the hierarchy of the elements of the decision matrix. Given from the calculation V(S1S2), which represents the degree of possibility of S1 being greater than or equal to S2, given by (4) and (5):

V ( S 1 S 2 ) = 1 , i f m 1 m 2 l 1 - u 2 m 2 - u 2 - m 1 - l 1 , o t h e r w i s e (4)

Conforme, Chang (199614 CHANG DY. 1996. Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European Journal of Operation Research.).

Priorities are derived from the overall comparison of synthetic measures, which are calculated as follows:

d ( C i ) = m i n ( V ( S i S 2 ) , . . . , V ( S i S n ) ) (5)

Thus, the weight vector is obtained through the normalized d(Ci) values.

The table 2 presents a bibliographical review of articles related to the port sector.

The Fuzzy AHP methodology is used in many ways in the port area. Thus, the proposed work contributes, along with the work of the authors mentioned above, to the following aspects:

  • in their work, Ding et al. (201220 DING J & TSENG W. 2012. Applying fuzzy AHP approach to evaluate key operational safety elements for exclusive container terminals of Kaohsiung port in Taiwan. Wseas transactions on mathematics, 11(10): 855-865.) and Chou et al. (201317 CHOU CC & YU KW. 2013. Application of a new hybrid fuzzy AHP model to the location choice. Mathematical problems in engineering.) use the triangular fuzzy number associated with the Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.) method for defuzzification;

  • Chiu et al. (201416 CHIU RH, LIN LH & TING SC. 2014. Evaluation of green port factors and performance: a fuzzy AHP analysis. Mathematical problems in engineering.) and Beşikçi et al. (2016)5 BESIKCI EB, KECECI T, ARSLAN O & TURAN O. 2016. An application of fuzzy AHP to ship operational energy efficiency measures. Ocean Engineering, 121: 392-402. apply the triangular fuzzy number. However, they do not comment on the defuzzification method applied;

  • Palacio et al. (201544 PALACIO BAD & LOZANO S. 2015. A decision-making model to design a sustainable container depot logistic network: the case of the port of Valencia. Transport., pp. 1-12.) apply the method proposed by Kwong et al. (200335 KWONG CK & BAI H. 2003. Determining the importance weights for the customer requirements in QFD using fuzzy AHP with an extent analysis approach. IIE Transactions, 35(7): 619-626.) for the defuzzification method associated with the triangular number,

  • Hsu et al. (201531 HSU WKK, YU HF & HUANG SHS. 2015. the service requirements of dedicated container terminals: a revised IPA model with fuzzy AHP. Maritime policy & management, 42(8): 789-805.) apply the Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. method for the defuzzification of the triangular fuzzy number.

Table 2
- Review of the AHP Fuzzy Method.

Therefore, the present paper, which contributes to the work referenced above, chooses the Wilcoxon test (194562 WILCOXON F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics Bulletin, 1(6): 80-83.), as the best defuzzification method, associated to the triangular Fuzzy number, since this step is linked to the verification of the consistency of the data, if after this transformation the characteristics of the judgment of the decision maker not to maintain, will imply in a disposal of the decision matrix, besides that it can lose the basic properties of a consistent matrix. The integration of the best defuzzification method and the Fuzzy AHP, applied to the Porto Novo of Rio Grande, in relation to the performance indicators to the services to the ships, makes the present work relevant for the port area.


The Port of Rio Grande is located in the south of Brazil, more precisely in the south of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Its infrastructure allows access for multimodal freight transport, that is, through waterways, highways, or railroads.

According to Labtrans (2012)37 LABTRANS. 2012. Plano Mestre - Porto do Rio Grande., the Rio Grande port complex is fragmented into three zones:

  • The old port for tourism;

  • The new port, reserved for movements of fertilizers, cellulose, vehicles, project cargo, and live cargo,

  • And the super port, where the private terminals are located.

The present study is applicable to the New Port, since it is the public dock where a wide movement of ships is concentrated.

According to SUPRG (2019)57 SUPRG. 2019. Estatísticas. Available at: Available at: . Accessed: 22 may 2019.
, the Port of Rio Grande handled about 43 million tons in 2018. Until April 2019, it had handled approximately 932 vessels in a total of 10.676.482 tons. Therefore, it is important to note that the aforementioned port is of great importance and, for this reason, there is need to make it more organized and efficient, in order to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian ports.

According to Labtrans (2012)37 LABTRANS. 2012. Plano Mestre - Porto do Rio Grande., the port moves several cargoes, such as general cargo, fertilizers, containers, frozen items, wood, cellulose, and vehicles. In addition, the New Port serves as a base for the construction of modules for oil prospecting platforms. The wharf of the New Port is also being renovated, to make the port more competitive, by allowing the mooring of ships with a larger volume of cargo.

Due to the great relevance of the New Port of Rio Grande, this study uses the data collected from specialists about the port’s performance indicators, with a focus on the services offered to the ships in the New Port of Rio Grande. Based on the organization chart of the port authority and like Biju et al (20156 BIJU PL, SHALIJ PR & PRABHUSHANKAR GV. 2015. Evaluation of customer requirements and sustainability requirements through the application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108: 808-817.), the selection of specialists was based on their general knowledge of ship service indicators, the following specialists were chosen:

  • Superintendent Officer;

  • Inspector of port operation;

  • Head of warehouse division;

  • Head of the statistics section;

  • Head of the quality, control and contracts division;

  • Head of operation division;

  • Engineer.

The interaction with the port authorities was through a questionnaire and meetings and debates to explain and assist them in case of doubt.The importance of port indicators, as pointed out by the specialists, was compared peer-to-peer. The proposed scale by Saaty (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.), adapted to Fuzzy logic, is shown in table 1.

The indicators chosen for the present study are the ones used by ANTAQ (2003)1 ANTAQ. 2003. Indicadores de Desempenho Portuário - Cartilha de Orientação., which is responsible for assessing Brazilian ports by monitoring prices and performance with the use of the Port Performance System. In addition, reliability indicators, which according to ANTAQ (2003)1 ANTAQ. 2003. Indicadores de Desempenho Portuário - Cartilha de Orientação., this indicator can be applied to the analysis of compliance with scales, the incidence of faults and breakdowns as well as the safety of people and the defense and preservation of the environment, focused on the prevention of major environmental impacts were added, since impact of the New Port on environment is of concern.

These indicators were divided according to their definition, as shown in the table 3.

Table 3
- Identified Indicators.

The indicators are presented in a hierarchical order, as depicted in figure 2.

Figure 2
- Hierarchical matrix of port efficiency indicators.

As mentioned earlier, the AHP Fuzzy methodology relies on the consistency of the decision matrix, derived from the opinion of specialists. To verify this consistency, the defuzzification process was carried out, using the methods proposed by Kaufmann et al. (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science., Bortolan et al. (19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.) and Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.), as follows.

The centroid method (Bortolan et al., 19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.) transforms a Fuzzy number into a rational number, according to this formula (6):

F = l + m + u 3 (6)


l: Lower limit; m: Modal value, resulting from the Saaty scale (198050 SAATY TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York.) and u: Upper limit. For more details see in Bortolan et al., (19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.).

The method of Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science., it is represented by the following formula (7):

F = l + 2 m + u 4 (7)

For more details see in Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science..

The defuzzification method of Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.) uses the criterion of divergence, or the difference between the limits of the Fuzzy number, this method uses the following formula (8):

F = u - l l + m + u 6 (8)

For more details see in m Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.).

When the Centroid (Bortolan et al., 19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.) and Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. defuzzification methods were compared, the sample size criterion for the hypothesis t test was not fulfilled, because the sample size was less than 20. Thus, following Gehan (196529 GEHAN EA. 1965. A generalized Wilcoxon test for comparing arbitrarily singly-censored samples. Biometrika., 52: 203-224.), the Wilcoxon hypothesis test (194562 WILCOXON F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics Bulletin, 1(6): 80-83.) was used as the non-parametric alternative to the paired-sample test t, to test the hypothesis that the data medians would be the same against the alternative that they would be different.

For the choice of the defuzzification method that best fits the data of the present study, matrices of order 3 and 6 were used, measured in a single scale, consistent and inconsistent, obtained by the opinion of a specialist. In addition, the three methods described above were applied to these matrices. It should be noted that the data do not have normality, directly implying the choice of the Wilcoxon test (194562 WILCOXON F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics Bulletin, 1(6): 80-83.).

For the Wilcoxon test (194562 WILCOXON F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics Bulletin, 1(6): 80-83.), a significance level of 5% was adopted, yielding a p value of 0.094 for the consistent matrices and a p value of 0.17 for the inconsistent matrices. The result indicates that there is no significant difference between the medians of the two samples for both the consistent and the inconsistent matrices.

By comparing the method of Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. with that of Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.), through the application of the non-parametric test, we find p equals 0.0087 for the consistent matrices and 0.0088 for the inconsistent matrices. Therefore, these results indicate that there is statistical evidence of significant difference in the medians of the paired samples between the methods under discussion.

To check for the robustness of the results obtained in the first test, the Wilcoxon test (194562 WILCOXON F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics Bulletin, 1(6): 80-83.) was applied to Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.) and Centroid’s (Bortolan et al, 19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.) methods. The same values were obtained, that is, Kaufmann and Grupta’s (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. result was consistent with that of Chang (1981). Thus, the robustness of both Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. and for Centroid’s (Bortolan et al, 1985) methods was supported.

It should be noted that for statistical inference in this study, software R was used for the defuzzification of the values of the matrices adopted. R is free software, created in 1993 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, with the purpose of manipulating, analyzing and graphically visualizing the processed results. This work used a spreadsheet developed by the authors.

After choosing the appropriate defuzzification method, the Fuzzy AHP methodology was applied, and the following global decision matrices were found, starting with the matrix listing the indicators of economicity (table 4), followed by quality in terms of service (table 5) and, lastly, quality in terms of reliability (table 6).

Table 4
- Matrix of economicity indicators.

Table 5
- Matrix of service indicators.

Table 6
- Matrix of reliability indicators.

Tables 4, 5 and 6 were obtained from the individual decision matrices, these are grouped by calculating the geometric mean in a global decision matrix. This was performed after the defuzzification process. Later the fuzzification process was applied through the rules for m, exposed in the previous sections, i.e., turning the crisp into a triangular fuzzy number again. For this transformation, the formalism of Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. was applied, which was previously verified to be the one that best fits the data of the present study.

Following the analysis, the following weights, depicted in descending order, were obtained for each indicator category, according to table 7.

Table 7
- Priorities regarding economicity.

For economicity, the experts determined which of the indicators are most important for port performance. Therefore, it should be noted that between the indicator of average labor costs and that of port taxes on ships, there is no significant difference concerning their importance, implying that these indicators should be prioritized at the time of decision making or even in the analysis of potential improvements for this category.

Table 8 show the importance of the average waiting time of ships as an indicator of port performance efficiency. This was followed by the average level of waiting occupation and average occupancy rate of the cradle.

Table 8
- Priorities regarding service.

For reliability pode ser observado na tabela 9, it can be noted that the use of equipment and products with low energy consumption and responsible practices for the consumption of natural resources have a relatively high importance, followed by the prevention and control of environmental impacts.

Table 9
- Priorities regarding reliability.


This study was conducted from the perspective of three defuzzification methods: Centroid (Bortolan et al, 19857 BORTOLAN G & DEGANI R. 1985. A review of some methods for ranking fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 15: 1-19.), Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science., and Chang (198115 CHANG W. 1981. Ranking of fuzzy utilities with triangular membership functions. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems. pp. 263-272.). According to Oyeda et al (201243 OYEDA ICA & EBUH GU. 2012. Modified Wilcoxon signed rank test. Open Journal of Statistics, 2: 172-176.), the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, which is applied to paired observations, is based on the difference between these observations. It was verified that there is significant statistical evidence of difference between the methods of Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. and Chang (1981), and between Centroid (Bortolan et al, 1985) and Chang (1981). There is no statistical evidence of a difference between the Centroid (Bortolan et al, 1985) and Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science. methods. It was verified that regardless of the consistency of the matrix, any of the methods could be used in the defuzzification process of the Fuzzy AHP methodology.

The defuzzification methods, in particular that of Kaufmann and Grupta (1988)32 KAUFMANN GUPTA M. 1988. Fuzzy mathematical models in engineering and management Science., which was chosen to transform the fuzzy number into crisp, is directly linked to the results obtained, as mentioned in the previous sections, the values obtained are determined by FAHP and verified consistency through this process.

The FAHP method uses subjectivity, which is measured by fuzzy logic with fuzzy numbers, allied to mathematical formalism. This mechanism takes the opinion of decision makers and converts, through fuzzy logic, into hierarchical powers for both criteria and alternatives. Thus, this is the main difference between FAHP and AHP, thus leading to a relevant advantage of using the methodology.

In addition to analyzing the method for defuzzification, computational tests were performed to compare the results obtained by FAHP and AHP without adjustment. According to Bulut and Duru (201710 BULUT E & DURU O. 2017. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in maritime logistics: theory, application and fuzzy set integration. Springer.) AHP is very functional and popular in academia and professional life, but AHP methodology has several underlying assumptions, and each assumption needs to be investigated and demonstrated through specific decision-making problems. Eventually inconsistencies imply invalidation of the results obtained. Dong et al (201521 DONG M, LI S & ZHANG H. 2015. Approaches to group decision making with incomplete information based on power geometric operators and triangular fuzzy AHP. Journal Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 42(21): 7846-7857.) adds by stating that eventually inconsistencies imply invalidation of the results obtained and that consistency is critical for decision problems.

By comparing the methods, it was found that the change in the hierarchy of results was obtained only with respect to the economic indicator. Thus, from the indicators can detect possible deficiencies and dysfunctions, making it possible to align management actions of diagnosis and correction.

The study on the indicators is not exhaustive and is delimited by the particular scenario generated around the Rio Grande Port. The percentages presented by FAHP are closer to the preferences of managers of Porto Novo do Rio Grande not excluding judgments that cause inconsistency.

It was also verified that specialists are concerned with the management of port operations from the perspective of economicity, since according to them, the most prominent indicator is the average price of labor, as labor costs are linked to the cost of qualification through courses, in addition to the high specificity in the execution of tasks. Three of the six criteria presented were related to greater operational vulnerability, implying that they would have an impact on the operational cost.

For the service quality indicators, the results obtained indicate that the professionals are concerned about the waiting time for the ship to dock at the terminal, as this delay compromises overall port management and the port’s efficiency and effectiveness.In addition, the waiting time of the ship is directly affected by the problems of logistics, infrastructure and bureaucracy, since like other Brazilian ports, the Porto Novo of Rio Grande is in adaptation to the paperless port project, which is destined to reduce the bureaucracy and the computerization of it.

Finally, the indicators linked to reliability reflected the importance assigned to the environment, because among the indicators presented, the most prominent were responsible practices for the use of equipment and products with low energy consumption, in addition to practices such as environmental training for personnel whose activities would affect the environment.The highlighted indicator exposes the concerns of port management in the conscious consumption, in the mitigation of the environmental impact, in order that it becomes a conscious port.

It is important to note that the contribution of this article in Operational Research is to apply a FUZZY-AHP mathematical model to measure performance indicators, which will contribute to the assessment of port efficiency without the need for complicated equations and difficult to determine their variables.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    2 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Dec 2019


  • Received
    28 Nov 2018
  • Accepted
    11 Sept 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional Rua Mayrink Veiga, 32 - sala 601 - Centro, 20090-050 , Tel.: +55 21 2263-0499 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil