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Meanings of Retirement: A Scoping Review

Significados da Aposentadoria: Uma Revisão de Escopo

Significados de la Jubilación: Una Revisión del Alcance


Retirement is a central phenomenon in our society, and it is essential to know its current meanings. This article mapped and analyzed the studies about the meanings of retirement through a scoping review based on the PRISMA guidelines. Considering the eligibility criteria and search strategies, 3,904 results were analyzed, with 39 empirical scientific articles being selected. Analyses of publication data and their results demonstrated a wide variety of investigated concepts and some methodological trends, generally with a qualitative approach. Although most studies address the construct in two dimensions (positive and negative), more complex approaches are discussed. A model of meanings with five dimensions was presented (exploring new horizons, absence and search for meaning, contributing on your own way, time to relax, and acquisition of rights), which must be analyzed considering five other groups of influences (individual differences and resources, contextual, job, and situational factors). The study advances theoretically, although future improvements are required.

Retirement; Meanings; Life Experiences; Revision


A aposentadoria é um fenômeno central em nossa sociedade, sendo primordial conhecer os seus significados atuais. Este trabalho levantou e analisou os estudos referentes ao assunto, por meio de uma revisão de escopo de estudos empíricos com base nas diretrizes do PRISMA. A partir dos critérios de elegibilidade e das estratégias de busca, 3.904 resultados foram analisados, sendo selecionados 39 artigos científicos empíricos. As análises dos dados das publicações e seus resultados demonstraram uma ampla variedade de conceitos investigados e algumas tendências metodológicas, em geral com a abordagem qualitativa. Embora a maior parte dos estudos abordem o construto em duas dimensões (positiva e negativa), discute-se abordagens mais complexas, sendo apresentado um modelo de contendo cinco dimensões (Explorar novos horizontes, Ausência e busca de significado, Contribuir à sua maneira, Tempo para relaxar e Aquisição de direitos), que devem ser analisados considerando cinco grupos de influências (diferenças e recursos individuais e fatores contextuais, trabalhistas e situacionais). O estudo avança teoricamente, sendo necessários aprimoramentos futuros.

Aposentadoria; significados; experiências de vida; revisão


La jubilación es un fenómeno central en nuestra sociedad, y es fundamental conocer sus significados actuales. Este trabajo planteó y analizó los estudios relacionados con el tema, a través de una revisión de alcance basada en los lineamientos PRISMA. Con base en los criterios de elegibilidad y estrategias de búsqueda, se analizaron 3.904 resultados, seleccionándose 39 artículos científicos empíricos. Los análisis de datos de publicación y sus resultados demostraron una amplia variedad de conceptos investigados y algunas tendencias metodológicas, generalmente con un enfoque cualitativo. Si bien la mayoría de los estudios abordan el constructo en dos dimensiones (positivas y negativas), se discuten enfoques más complejos, y se presenta un modelo de significados que contiene cinco dimensiones (exploración de nuevos horizontes, ausencia y búsqueda de sentido, contribución propia, tiempo para relajarse y adquisición de derechos), que deben ser analizados considerando cinco grupos de influencias (diferencias y recursos individuales y factores contextuales, laborales y situacionales). El estudio avanza teóricamente, requiriendo futuras mejoras.

Palabras clave:
Jubilación; Significados; Experiencias vitales; Revisión


Man’s relationships with work over time have been diverse, starting from conceptions of punishment until reaching current notions of vocation and personal achievement. Consistent with contemporary values, work has been seen as a central category to the formation of the individual, and has also been perceived by Psychology as one of the main social facts, influencing the construction of identity and socialization (Schweitzer et al., 2016Schweitzer, L., Gonçalves, J., Tolfo, S., & Silva, N. (2016). Bases epistemológicas sobre sentidos e significados do trabalho em estudos nacionais [Epistemological bases for senses and meanings of work in brazilian studies]. Revista Psicologia, Organizações e Trabalho, 16(1), 103-116. http://scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-66572016000100009
). The appreciation of work by the current society means that retirement is seen as one of the biggest changes in adult life (Henkens et al., 2017).

In psychological terms, retirement can be considered as process in which phases such as planning, decision, transition, and adaptation occur dynamically (Beer & Bowling, 2013Beer, T. A., & Bowling, N. A. (2013). Variations on a retirement theme: Conceptual and operational definitions of retirement. In Wang, M. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Retirement (pp. 42-55). Oxford University Press.; Wang & Shi, 2014). On the contrary to what stereotypes often posit, the literature does not present a consensus on retirement’s definition, trajectory, or consequences (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
; Beer & Bowling, 2013Beer, T. A., & Bowling, N. A. (2013). Variations on a retirement theme: Conceptual and operational definitions of retirement. In Wang, M. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Retirement (pp. 42-55). Oxford University Press.), with a wide possibility of individual experiences.

Similarly to the diversity of meanings attributed to work, (Salanova et al., 1996Salanova, M., Gracia, F. J., & Peiró, J. M. (1996). Significado del trabajo y valores laborales [Meaning of work and work values]. In Peiró, J. M., & Prieto, F. (Ed.), Tratado de Psicología del Trabajo: Aspectos Psicosociales del Trabajo (pp. 35-62). Sintesis Psicología. ), there are several ways of understanding retirement. From a theoretical point of view, many studies have addressed the meanings of retirement by associating them with positive aspects, such as achievement, rest, and freedom, or with negative aspects, such as devaluation, marginalization, unproductivity, and social or financial losses (Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Antunes et al., 2018Antunes, M. H., Soares, D. H. P., & Moré, C. L. O. O. (2018). O processo de desligamento laboral: vivências narradas por casais aposentados [The process of retiring: experiences narrated by retired couples]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 8(3), 793-811.
; Árraga et al., 2014Árraga, M., Sánchez, M., Pirela, L. (2014). Significado de la jubilación en jubilados venezolanos, según género, edad y tipo de jubilación [The Meaning of Retirement for Venezuelan Retirees According to Gender, Age and Type of Retirement]. Espacio Abierto, 23(3), 535-554.
; Grossin, 1986Grossin, W. (1986). The relationship between work time and free time and the meaning of retirement. Leisure Studies, 5(1), 91-101.
; Gvozd et al., 2015Gvozd, R., Sakai, A. M., & Haddad, M. C. L. (2015). Feelings and Perspectives of Civil Servants From a Public University Facing Retirement. REME: Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, 19(1), 79-83.
; Macêdo et al., 2017Macêdo, L. S. S., Bendassolli, P. F., & Torres, T. L. (2017). Representações sociais da aposentadoria e intenção de continuar trabalhando [Social representation of retirement and intention of continue working]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 29, 1-11.
; Marotz Baden et al., 1995Marotz Baden, R., Keating, N. C., & Munro, B. (1995). Generational Differences in the Meaning of Retirement from Farming. In Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journa, 24(1), 29-46.
; Martins et al., 2014Martins, J., Bobroff, M. C. C., Ribeiro, R., Gaspar, S. de G., Basani, A. B., & Stanganelli, N. C. (2014). Aposentadoria: significados para profissionais de enfermagem [Retirement: meanings for nursing professionals]. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 8(5), 1323-1330.
; Moraes et al., 2019Moraes, J., Oliveira, F. B., Cezário, P. F., Batista, J. P., & Pinheiro, L. (2019). Docentes Universitários: Expectativas acerca da Aposentadoria [Teachers College: Expectations about Retirement]. ID on Line Revista de Psicologia, 13(47), 624-637.
; Padova & Lucas, 2017Padova, F., & Lucas, M. G. (2017). O bem-estar na aposentadoria [The well-being in retirement]. Unoesc & Ciência - ACSA, 141-148.
; Piscoya & Washed, 2014Piscoya, P., & Lavado, S. (2014). El significado de la jubilación: reflexiones desde la mirada del adulto mayor jubilado [The meaning of retirement: reflections from the perspective of the retired older adult]. Paraninfo Digital, VIII(20), 9.
; Price, 2000Price, C. (2000). Women and retirement: Relinquishing professional identity. Journal of Aging Studies , 14(1), 81-101.
; Silva et al., 2015Silva, A., Caraballo, G., Jucá, R., & Machado, L. (2015). Concepções e expectativas da aposentadoria em trabalhadores da educação pública do Rio Grande do Norte [Conceptions and expectations of retirement in workers of the public education of Rio Grande do Norte]. Aletheia, 47-48, 106-121. http://scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-03942015000200009

Beyond these conceptualizations, other studies represented important contributions over time. In the 1980s, Hornstein and Wapner (1985Hornstein, G. A., & Wapner, S. (1985). Modes of experiencing and adapting to retirement. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 21(4), 291-315.
) cited the existence of four general ways of experiencing retirement, represented by continuity (without major changes in lifestyle); by the transition to old age (with a quiet lifestyle); as a new beginning (with time to carry out new activities); and by an imposed rupture (associated with losses and without other activities that replace work).

More recently, in a study with Canadian retirees, Sargent et al. (2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
) presented four possible meanings of retirement. The meanings are (a) the exploration of new possibilities, involving engagement in new activities, self-discovery, and self-development; (b) the search for meaning, as retirement is perceived as a loss of value for society while work is seen as a guide to identity; (c) contribution in your own way, involving the maintenance of some type of professional activity; and (d) time to relax, which considers retirement an opportunity to regain control, autonomy, and freedom.

Complementing these contributions, Sargent et al. (2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.
) indicated that centrally industrialized countries are currently experiencing two facets of the meanings of retirement. The first one concerns the freedom provided to those who have had access to the right to retire. For those who have not fully benefited from these plans, in the second one, the moment came to mean even more difficult circumstances. For these and other authors, it is possible to cite a kind of reinvention of the current meaning of retirement, understood by some people as a period of life for rest and leisure after the end of their career, and rejected by others as it is not attractive or compatible with their reality (Caradec, 2017Caradec, V. (2017). The “trial” of retirement: Societal changes and individual experiences. Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie, 23(1).
; Contzen et al., 2017Contzen, S., Zbinden, K., Neuenschwander, C., & Métrailler, M. (2017). Retirement as a Discrete Life-Stage of Farming Men and Women’s Biography? Sociologia Ruralis, 57, 730-751.
; Grødem & Kitterød, 2021Grødem, A. S., & Kitterød, R. H. (2021). Retirement anticipation - gendered patterns in a gender-equal society? a study of senior workers in Norway. Journal of Women and Aging, 00(00), 1-22.
; Ramos et al., 2021Ramos, S., Cipolli, G., & Lopes, A. (2021). Significados de aposentadoria e perfil socioeconômico: Características de aposentados associados ao sindicato nacional dos aposentados, pensionistas e idosos da força sindical [Meanings of retirement and socioeconomic profile in Brazil: characteristics of retirees associated with National Union of Retirees, Pensioners and Older Adults of Union Force]. Trabalho (En)Cena , 4(1), 1-23.
; Sargent et al., 2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.

Despite the significant contributions, the subject has not yet reached theoretical maturity. Studies were identified from literature reviews or meta-analyses that investigated retirement and well-being (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
), social support (Antunes & Moré, 2017Antunes, M. H., &, Moré, C. L. O. O. (2017). Revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre aposentadoria e redes sociais [A systematic review of worldwide literature on social networks and retirement]. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional, 18(1), 57-68.
), financial planning (Schuabb & França, 2020Schuabb, T., & França, L. (2020). Planejamento Financeiro para a Aposentadoria: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura Nacional sob o Viés da Psicologia [Financial Planning for Retirement: A Systematic Review of National Literature]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia , 20(1), 73-98.
), adjustment (Barbosa et al., 2016Barbosa, L. M., Monteiro, B., & Murta, S. G. (2016). Retirement adjustment predictors - A systematic review. Work, Aging and Retirement , 2(2), 262-280.
; Rue et al., 2022Rue, C., Haslam, C., & Steffens, N.(2022). A meta-analysis of retirement adjustment predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
), planning and decision-making (Topa et al., 2008) and early retirement (Topa et al., 2018Topa, G., Depolo, M., & Alcover, C. M. (2018). Early retirement: a meta-analysis of its antecedent and subsequent correlates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2157.
). However, studies with similar methodological designs regarding the meanings of retirement were not found. Thus, a gap related to the topic was identified, which would present a discussion in a non-biased way, through a structured and replicable method. Therefore, a scope review is recommended (Steil et al., 2022Steil, A., Dias, N., Lopes, F., Silva, M., Bousfield, A., & Luca, G. C (2022). Reporting characteristics of systematic reviews in Psychology: A scoping review. Journal of Health Psychology.

As a recent systematization approach, a scoping review is indicated when the goal is to define the scope of a set of studies, clarify concepts, and verify research methods (Munn et al., 2018Munn, Z., Peters, M., Stern, C. et al. (2018). Systematic review or scoping review? Guidance for authors when choosing between a systematic or scoping review approach. BMC Med Res Methodol 18(143).
). Using this type of analysis, it is possible to understand the phenomenon more broadly, compare changes over time, explore its construction, verify possible related variables, and, as a result, advance theoretically on the topic (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
). Considering the lack of consolidation of theoretical references regarding the meanings of retirement, the analysis of empirical studies can facilitate the summary of evidence, contributing to the identification of key concepts and to systematization of theories.

The questions of this study are: What is theoretically known about the meanings of retirement so far? What are the characteristics of the studies already developed, their main findings, and the needs for future research? Understanding the meanings of retirement is interesting and important in itself because the analysis of a major social fact allows progress in understanding the meaning of life, lifestyles, adopted visions, project development, work relationships and career needs, and ambitions for the future, among other aspects (Sargent et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
; 2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.
). This knowledge is applicable in different contexts and activities, and it is essential for Human Resources actions in organizations, career counselors, clinical psychologists, and other professionals, guiding appropriate and realistic interventions, which make the retirement process more cohesive and healthy (Henkens et al., 2017; Sargent et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.

This type of study becomes urgent when we consider global socio-demographic changes, given the accelerated aging process in several countries (Nagarajan et al., 2021Nagarajan, N. R., Teixeira, A., & Silva, S. T. (2021). Ageing Population: Identifying the Determinants of Ageing in the Least Developed Countries. Population Research and Policy Review 40, 187-210.
), which has a large impact on the number of older workers and retirees, as well as the policies that serve this population. In this context, understanding the contemporary meanings of retirement is one of the biggest questions to be answered by the Psychology field (Henkens et al., 2017). Thus, this study aimed to map and analyze empirical studies relating to the meanings of retirement, through a scoping review.


This review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Extension of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA ScR) guidelines by the Tricco et al. checklist (2018Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., et al. (2018). PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMAScR): Checklist and explanation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169, 467-473.
). The review protocol was developed by the research team, composed of a doctor in psychology, a master in occupational studies and a psychology student.

Eligibility criteria

In order to guide the research, the eligibility criteria were outlined. Were included in this study scientific empirical articles, written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, without distinction of year, and that have been developed with the adult and elderly population. Besides that, the articles also included the meaning or significance of retirement as a dependent or independent variable, phenomenon, or result of the study. Conversely, dissertations, theses, book chapters, and books were excluded, as well as studies in languages other than English, Portuguese, or Spanish, studies without an abstract available, theoretical studies, studies with children or adolescents. Studies that addressed retirement exclusively under the economic criterion or that were associated with old age and constructs such as social representations, perceptions, feelings or experiences in retirement, without reference to meaning, were also excluded.

Search strategies

As a search strategy, descriptors in English, Portuguese, and Spanish were used, without temporal limitations. Specific descriptors were used with all following words in the title (“Aposentadoria AND sentido OR significado”, “Retirement AND mean OR meaning” e “jubilacion AND sentido OR significado”) and the exact following terms anywhere in the article (“sentido da aposentadoria”, “significado da aposentadoria”, “retirement meaning”, “meaning of retirement”, “sentido de la jubilación”, “significado de la jubilación”). The search was conducted electronically, using Scielo, PsycInfo, BVS, PubMed, IngentaConnect, Elsevier, and Google Scholar portals. For Google Scholar, the first 200 results were considered for each descriptor and exact term, as recommended by Haddaway et al. (2015Haddaway, N., Collins, A., Coughlin, D., & Kirk, S. (2015). The role of Google Scholar in evidence reviews and its applicability to grey literature searching. PloS one, 10(9), e0138237.

Data collect

Based on the eligibility criteria and search strategies, data collection was conducted. To expand the search and avoid bias, this step occurred in two phases. In the first phase, the three reviewers searched for articles, and each portal was reviewed by two reviewers.

From the search for descriptors, 3,904 results were identified. 245 were from Scielo, 628 from PsycInfo, 639 from BVS, 53 from PubMed, 727 from IngentaConnect, 179 from Elsevier and 1,433 from Google Scholar. After reading the title and abstract, it was identified that 883 of the results were not scientific articles (criterion 1), 23 were not in English, Portuguese or Spanish (criterion 2), 50 did not have an abstract available (criterion 3), six were not empirical studies (criterion 4), 1356 did not investigate retirement (criterion 5), and another 1357 did not consider the meaning of retirement as a variable (criterion 6). Furthermore, 150 articles were excluded due to repetition, leaving 79 articles to be used for the study.

In the second phase, the 79 pre-selected articles by the reviewers were compiled. Of the total number of articles, 25 were convergent between at least two reviewers, and 54 were divergent. After fully reading the 54 divergent works and discussion among the team, 40 articles were excluded based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the end, 39 articles were selected for the review. The identification and selection flow in the form of a diagram adapted from PRISMA (Moher et al., 2009) is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1.
Identification and selection diagram, adapted from PRISMA


Publication data

Regarding the year of publication, one study was published in the 1970s (2.6%), one in the 1980s (2.6%), four studies in the 1990s (10.2%), three studies in the 2000s (7.7%), 25 studies between 2011 and 2020 (64.1%), and five studies from 2021 onwards (12.8%). As to the country in which the study was developed, 22 studies were developed in Latin America (56.4%), 10 studies in the USA and Canada (25.6%), five studies in Europe (12.8%), and two studies in Australia (5.2%).

Concerning the investigated topic, most studies delved into the meaning of retirement, cultural meaning, and social representations, totaling 21 studies (53.8%). A percentage of 30.8% (12 studies) investigated beliefs, images, expectations, perceptions and preparation for retirement, and a group of six studies (15.4%) investigated variables related to well-being, satisfaction, experiences, adaptation, and retirement in general.

Methodological data

Regarding the type of study, the majority were qualitative (29 studies, 74.3%), followed by seven quantitative studies (17.9%) and three qualitative-quantitative studies (7.8%). When talking about designs, the vast majority were exploratory or descriptive studies (32 studies, 82%). Three studies were cross-sectional (8.0%), and one was experimental-intervention (2.5%), instrument construction (2.5%), longitudinal (2.5%) and case study (2.5%). As to data collection, the majority used interviews (23 studies, 60%), followed by questionnaires (nine studies, 23%), and studies with questionnaires and interviews together (four studies, 10.5%). One study used free association (2.5%), a focus group (2.5%), and another used secondary data from newspapers (2.5%).

Concerning the investigated sample, 13 studies (33.4%) collected data from active workers and adults, couples, public servants, women in the job market, young adults, nursing workers, and rural producers. Another portion of studies collected data from retirees and elderly people, whether retired in general, or specific groups such as public servants, couples, teachers, and retired executives, totaling 12 studies (30.8%). A third portion, consisting of nine studies (23%), developed studies with samples of older workers, and a fourth portion with groups of workers and retirees together (five studies, 12.8%).

Results related to the meanings of retirement

Regarding the results found by the studies, the findings were concentrated in four groups: i) positive and negative meanings; ii) meaning as a multidimensional phenomenon; iii) meaning as a right; and iv) influences on meaning. These categories will be presented in detail below.

The first group, represented by the largest number of studies, consisted of understanding retirement as a positive moment, highlighting aspects related to freedom, deservingness, family, and social coexistence, but also as a negative moment, alluding to inactivity, disability, financial and social losses. (Antloga et al., 2017Antloga, C. S., Medeiros, S. N., Moreira, R., & Maia, M. (2017). O significado da aposentadoria para pessoas aposentadas de um órgão público [The meaning of retirement for retired people from a public body]. Trabalho (En)Cena, 2(1), 26-39.
; Antunes et al., 2018Antunes, M. H., Soares, D. H. P., & Moré, C. L. O. O. (2018). O processo de desligamento laboral: vivências narradas por casais aposentados [The process of retiring: experiences narrated by retired couples]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 8(3), 793-811.
; August, 2011August, R. A. (2011). Women’s retirement meanings: Context, changes, and organizational lessons. Gender in Management, 26(5), 351-366.
; Boehs & Silva, 2017Boehs, S. T. M., & Silva, N. (2017). Role of work, career, life satisfaction and adjustment in retirement. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional , 18(2), 141-153.
; Bressan et al., 2013Bressan, M. A. L., Mafra, S. C. T., França, L. H., Melo, M. S., & Loretto, M. D. S. (2013). Bem-estar na aposentadoria: o que isto significa para os servidores públicos federais? [Retirement well-being: what does this mean to federal civil servants?]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 16(2), 259-272.
; Carvalho et al., 2021Carvalho, L., Rodrigues, M., Oliveira, A., & Heleno, M. (2021). Aposentadoria na perspectiva de trabalhadores do setor privado [Retirement from the perspective of private sector workers]. Mudanças - Psicologia Da Saúde, 29(1), 21-31.
; Gettings & Anderson, 2021Gettings, P. E., & Anderson, L. B. (2021). An Organizational Socialization Perspective on Young Adults’ Ideas About Retirement: Examining Sources of Retirement Information, Meanings of Retirement, and Source-Meaning Associations. Work, Aging and Retirement , 7(2), 90-106.
; Gvozd et al., 2015Gvozd, R., Sakai, A. M., & Haddad, M. C. L. (2015). Feelings and Perspectives of Civil Servants From a Public University Facing Retirement. REME: Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, 19(1), 79-83.
; Loureiro et al., 2015Loureiro, H., et al. (2015). A perceção da transição para a aposentadoria na perspetiva dos participantes do Reativa [The perception of the retirement transitions on the Reativa participants perspective]. Revista Kairós: Gerontologia, 18, 65-79.
; Moraes et al., 2019Moraes, J., Oliveira, F. B., Cezário, P. F., Batista, J. P., & Pinheiro, L. (2019). Docentes Universitários: Expectativas acerca da Aposentadoria [Teachers College: Expectations about Retirement]. ID on Line Revista de Psicologia, 13(47), 624-637.
; Moreira, 2011Moreira, J. O. (2011). Imaginários sobre aposentadoria, trabalho, velhice: Estudo de caso com professores universitários [Work, retirement, old age: a case study with university professors]. Psicologia Em Estudo, 16(4), 541-550.
; Ramos et al., 2021Ramos, S., Cipolli, G., & Lopes, A. (2021). Significados de aposentadoria e perfil socioeconômico: Características de aposentados associados ao sindicato nacional dos aposentados, pensionistas e idosos da força sindical [Meanings of retirement and socioeconomic profile in Brazil: characteristics of retirees associated with National Union of Retirees, Pensioners and Older Adults of Union Force]. Trabalho (En)Cena , 4(1), 1-23.
; Vianna & Melo-Silva, 2009Vianna-Duarte, L., & Melo-Silva, C. (2009). Expectativas diante da aposentadoria: Um estudo de acompanhamento em momento de transição [Views about retirement: A follow-up study]. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional , 10(1), 45-54. http://scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1679-33902009000100007
). Some studies found mostly positive meanings (Árraga et al., 2014Árraga, M., Sánchez, M., Pirela, L. (2014). Significado de la jubilación en jubilados venezolanos, según género, edad y tipo de jubilación [The Meaning of Retirement for Venezuelan Retirees According to Gender, Age and Type of Retirement]. Espacio Abierto, 23(3), 535-554.
; Atchley, 1974Atchley, R. C. (1974). The Meaning of Retirement. Journal of Communication, 24(4), 97-100.
; Fudge, 1998Fudge, E. (1998). Recently retired non-professional men and their perceptions of retirement. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 17(2), 90-94.
; Machado & Lucas, 2017Machado, C., & Lucas, M. (2017). Aposentadoria: como professores vivenciam este momento? [Retirement: How do teachers experience this moment?]. Recape: Revista de Carreiras Pessoas, 1.
; Padova & Lucas, 2017Padova, F., & Lucas, M. G. (2017). O bem-estar na aposentadoria [The well-being in retirement]. Unoesc & Ciência - ACSA, 141-148.
), while in others, negative meanings were predominant among participants (Nascimento & Polia, 2019Nascimento, P. D. M., & Polia, A. A. (2019). Planos para o futuro: uma análise da perspectiva ocupacional de professores universitários para o período da aposentadoria [Plans for the future: an analysis of the occupational perspective of professors for the retirement period]. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 27(2), 390-402.
; Silva et al., 2015Silva, A., Caraballo, G., Jucá, R., & Machado, L. (2015). Concepções e expectativas da aposentadoria em trabalhadores da educação pública do Rio Grande do Norte [Conceptions and expectations of retirement in workers of the public education of Rio Grande do Norte]. Aletheia, 47-48, 106-121. http://scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-03942015000200009
; Smith & Dougherty, 2017).

The second group concentrated on studies that considered meanings as a multidimensional concept. These dimensions referred to: general retirement expectations, mental health and self-care, regulation and self-efficacy and social insertion and recognition (Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
); worker’s rights, deserved rest, idleness, new stage of life, and time to enjoy (Macêdo et al., 2017Macêdo, L. S. S., Bendassolli, P. F., & Torres, T. L. (2017). Representações sociais da aposentadoria e intenção de continuar trabalhando [Social representation of retirement and intention of continue working]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 29, 1-11.
); initial feelings about retirement, the opportunity to do what you like, feelings of uselessness, desire to return to the world of work, lack of friends, feeling of duty accomplished, lack of preparation for retirement, quality of life for retirees (Martins et al., 2014Martins, J., Bobroff, M. C. C., Ribeiro, R., Gaspar, S. de G., Basani, A. B., & Stanganelli, N. C. (2014). Aposentadoria: significados para profissionais de enfermagem [Retirement: meanings for nursing professionals]. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 8(5), 1323-1330.
); and exploring new horizons, searching for meaning, contributing in your own way, and time to relax (Sargent et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.

The third group of results consisted of studies that highlighted retirement as a right. Addressing the acquisition of rights, these studies showed that many retirees continued to work due to the financial loss associated with retirement, negative perceptions of the process, the bureaucracy involved in acquiring the right, or the impossibility of transferring work responsibilities (Contzen et al., 2017Contzen, S., Zbinden, K., Neuenschwander, C., & Métrailler, M. (2017). Retirement as a Discrete Life-Stage of Farming Men and Women’s Biography? Sociologia Ruralis, 57, 730-751.
; Costa, 2022Costa, R. M. (2022). Representações sociais sobre aposentadoria em produtores rurais idosos de Diamantino-MT [Social representations about retirement in elderly rural producers from Diamantino - MT] . Recima21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 1-17.
; Marotz Baden et al., 1995Marotz Baden, R., Keating, N. C., & Munro, B. (1995). Generational Differences in the Meaning of Retirement from Farming. In Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journa, 24(1), 29-46.
; Silva & Helal, 2017Silva, A., & Helal, D. (2017). Compreendendo a aposentadoria: Um estudo de caso em uma instituição pública do Estado de Pernambuco [Understanding of retirement: A case study at a public institution of the State of Pernambuco]. REGE - Revista de Gestão, 24(4), 316-324.

Finally, a fourth group of results highlighted influences on meaning, which can differ according to individual, family, social, contextual, and work factors and situations such as involuntary retirement and participation in interventions (Aguilera-Velasco et al., 2020Aguilera-Velasco, M. D. A., Acosta-Fernandez, M., & Garcia-Franco, J. H. (2020). Efecto del cine en el significado cultural del concepto jubilación en un grupo de jubilados agremiados [Effect of cinema on the cultural significance of the concept retirement in a group of joined retirees]. Revista Colombiana de Salud Ocupacional, 10(1), 6434-6434.
; Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Árraga et al., 2014Árraga, M., Sánchez, M., Pirela, L. (2014). Significado de la jubilación en jubilados venezolanos, según género, edad y tipo de jubilación [The Meaning of Retirement for Venezuelan Retirees According to Gender, Age and Type of Retirement]. Espacio Abierto, 23(3), 535-554.
; August, 2011August, R. A. (2011). Women’s retirement meanings: Context, changes, and organizational lessons. Gender in Management, 26(5), 351-366.
; Karp, 1989Karp, D. A. (1989). The Social Construction of Retirement Among Professionals 50’60 Years Old. Gerontologist ,29(6),750-760.
; Kojola & Moen, 2016Kojola, E., & Moen, P. (2016). No more lock-step retirement: Boomers’ shifting meanings of work and retirement. Journal of Aging Studies, 36, 59-70.
). It is important to highlight that a considerable number of studies highlighted gender issues in their results, relating female retirement to domestic work and family care, and male retirement to issues of income, hobbies, and interests (Gibson et al., 2002Gibson, H., Ashton-Shaeffer, C., Green, J., & Corbin, J. (2002). Leisure and retirement: Women’s stories. Loisir et Societe, 25(2), 257-284.
; Grødem & Kitterød, 2021Grødem, A. S., & Kitterød, R. H. (2021). Retirement anticipation - gendered patterns in a gender-equal society? a study of senior workers in Norway. Journal of Women and Aging, 00(00), 1-22.
; Hermida et al., 2016Hermida, P. D., Tartaglini, M. F., & Stefani, D. (2016). Actitudes y significados acerca de la jubilación: un estudio comparativo de acuerdo al género en adultos mayores [Attitudes and meanings regarding retirement: a comparative study according to gender in older adults]. Liberabit: Revista Peruana de Psicología, 22(1), 57-66.
; Loretto & Vickerstaff, 2013Loretto, W., & Vickerstaff, S.(2013). The domestic and gendered context for retirement. Human Relations, 66(1), 65-86.
; Onyx & Benton, 1996Onyx, J., & Benton, P. (1996). Retirement: A problematic concept for older women. Journal of Women and Aging , 8(2), 19-34.
; Price, 2000Price, C. (2000). Women and retirement: Relinquishing professional identity. Journal of Aging Studies , 14(1), 81-101.
). All results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Compilation of data from selected studies


With the aim of mapping and analyzing studies relating to the meanings of retirement, this scoping review examined 39 empirical studies, their characteristics, methods, and results. The data demonstrated a publication trend from 2011 onwards, possibly associated with discussions about population aging and its impacts (Henkens et al., 2017; Nagarajan et al., 2021Nagarajan, N. R., Teixeira, A., & Silva, S. T. (2021). Ageing Population: Identifying the Determinants of Ageing in the Least Developed Countries. Population Research and Policy Review 40, 187-210.
), and a concentration in America, Europe, and Oceania, in comparison to Asian and African regions, as already highlighted by previous reviews (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
; Barbosa et al., 2016Barbosa, L. M., Monteiro, B., & Murta, S. G. (2016). Retirement adjustment predictors - A systematic review. Work, Aging and Retirement , 2(2), 262-280.

The analyzed samples demonstrated the extension of the subject, being an object of interest for retirees, workers, and general or specific groups (Henkens et al., 2017; Sargent et al., 2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.
). Added to this findings is the fact that the meaning was not only individually investigated, but also associated with previous moments - such as expectations, perceptions, and preparation of individuals, and after retirement factors - like their adaptation, experiences, and well-being, which corroborates with findings from studies on other subjects in the area (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
; Barbosa et al., 2016Barbosa, L. M., Monteiro, B., & Murta, S. G. (2016). Retirement adjustment predictors - A systematic review. Work, Aging and Retirement , 2(2), 262-280.
; Rue et al., 2022Rue, C., Haslam, C., & Steffens, N.(2022). A meta-analysis of retirement adjustment predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
). Although this was not the main objective of the study, this finding highlights the transversality of the retirement theme as a concept that must be addressed throughout life. Despite its breadth, the participants’ proximity to retirement facilitates studies related to reflections on experiences and adaptation (Amabile, 2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
), while a greater distance to retirement contributes to the analysis of phenomena such as expectations and representations.

The methodological data indicated the predominance of the qualitative approach. This method is, in fact, recommended for obtaining deep and particular knowledge (Amabile, 2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
; Tittoni & Jacques, 2013), justifying the authors’ choice. Despite this, the studies focus on exploratory and descriptive designs, collected by interviews, so that it is possible to emphasize the need for studies with more diversified methods, for this and other topics (Amabile, 2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
). Among the methodological innovations, some studies stand out for their use of free associations (Aguileira-Velasco et al., 2020Aguilera-Velasco, M. D. A., Acosta-Fernandez, M., & Garcia-Franco, J. H. (2020). Efecto del cine en el significado cultural del concepto jubilación en un grupo de jubilados agremiados [Effect of cinema on the cultural significance of the concept retirement in a group of joined retirees]. Revista Colombiana de Salud Ocupacional, 10(1), 6434-6434.
), focus groups (Loureiro et al., 2015Loureiro, H., et al. (2015). A perceção da transição para a aposentadoria na perspetiva dos participantes do Reativa [The perception of the retirement transitions on the Reativa participants perspective]. Revista Kairós: Gerontologia, 18, 65-79.
), and qualitative longitudinal methods (August, 2011August, R. A. (2011). Women’s retirement meanings: Context, changes, and organizational lessons. Gender in Management, 26(5), 351-366.

The results regarding retirement meanings demonstrated consistency with existing theoretical references. The predominant view is that retirement is associated with both positive and negative meanings, aligned with the perception of gains or losses arising from the process (Bressan et al., 2012; França & Vaughan, 2008França, L., & Vaughan, G. (2008). Ganhos e perdas: Atitudes dos executivos brasileiros e neozelandeses frente à aposentadoria [Gains and losses: attitudes of Brazilian and New Zealand executives towards retirement]. Psicologia em Estudo, 13(2), 207-216.
; Macedo et al., 2017Macêdo, L. S. S., Bendassolli, P. F., & Torres, T. L. (2017). Representações sociais da aposentadoria e intenção de continuar trabalhando [Social representation of retirement and intention of continue working]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 29, 1-11.
). Despite the consolidation of this view, it may be a simplistic way of approaching the concept.

Among the most complete theoretical possibilities is the analysis by categories, which demonstrates the complexity of retirement, constantly reiterated by several authors (Topa et al., 2018Topa, G., Depolo, M., & Alcover, C. M. (2018). Early retirement: a meta-analysis of its antecedent and subsequent correlates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2157.
; Wang & Shi, 2013Wang, M. & Shi, J. (2013). Psychological Research on Retirement. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 209-233.
). The conceptualization of Sargent et al. (2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
), which considers four broad categories (exploration of new horizons, search for meaning, contributing in your own way, and time to relax), is able to contemplate the positive and negative aspects, as well as the models proposed by other authors.

In an analysis of this conceptualization, it is observed that the categories “exploring new horizons” and “time to relax” incorporate the main positive aspects of retirement such as new goals, freedom, and rest. Meanwhile, the “search for meaning” category incorporates negative aspects such as loss of identity, resources, and productive capacity, highlighted by studies that considered both dimensions (Antloga et al., 2017Antloga, C. S., Medeiros, S. N., Moreira, R., & Maia, M. (2017). O significado da aposentadoria para pessoas aposentadas de um órgão público [The meaning of retirement for retired people from a public body]. Trabalho (En)Cena, 2(1), 26-39.
; Antunes et al., 2018Antunes, M. H., Soares, D. H. P., & Moré, C. L. O. O. (2018). O processo de desligamento laboral: vivências narradas por casais aposentados [The process of retiring: experiences narrated by retired couples]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 8(3), 793-811.
; Boehs & Silva, 2017Boehs, S. T. M., & Silva, N. (2017). Role of work, career, life satisfaction and adjustment in retirement. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional , 18(2), 141-153.
; Carvalho et al., 2021Carvalho, L., Rodrigues, M., Oliveira, A., & Heleno, M. (2021). Aposentadoria na perspectiva de trabalhadores do setor privado [Retirement from the perspective of private sector workers]. Mudanças - Psicologia Da Saúde, 29(1), 21-31.
; Gettings & Anderson, 2021Gettings, P. E., & Anderson, L. B. (2021). An Organizational Socialization Perspective on Young Adults’ Ideas About Retirement: Examining Sources of Retirement Information, Meanings of Retirement, and Source-Meaning Associations. Work, Aging and Retirement , 7(2), 90-106.
; Moraes et al., 2019Moraes, J., Oliveira, F. B., Cezário, P. F., Batista, J. P., & Pinheiro, L. (2019). Docentes Universitários: Expectativas acerca da Aposentadoria [Teachers College: Expectations about Retirement]. ID on Line Revista de Psicologia, 13(47), 624-637.
; Ramos et al., 2021Ramos, S., Cipolli, G., & Lopes, A. (2021). Significados de aposentadoria e perfil socioeconômico: Características de aposentados associados ao sindicato nacional dos aposentados, pensionistas e idosos da força sindical [Meanings of retirement and socioeconomic profile in Brazil: characteristics of retirees associated with National Union of Retirees, Pensioners and Older Adults of Union Force]. Trabalho (En)Cena , 4(1), 1-23.
). The category “contributing in your own way”, in turn, refers to engaging in productive activities without necessarily a financial return and corroborates dimensions highlighted in the work of Macêdo et al., (2017Macêdo, L. S. S., Bendassolli, P. F., & Torres, T. L. (2017). Representações sociais da aposentadoria e intenção de continuar trabalhando [Social representation of retirement and intention of continue working]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 29, 1-11.
) and Martins et al., (2014Martins, J., Bobroff, M. C. C., Ribeiro, R., Gaspar, S. de G., Basani, A. B., & Stanganelli, N. C. (2014). Aposentadoria: significados para profissionais de enfermagem [Retirement: meanings for nursing professionals]. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 8(5), 1323-1330.

In addition to the mentioned groups, a set of studies relating to retirement as a right is included. Although seeing retirement in this manner represents an innovative meaning compared to the dimensions proposed by Sargent et al. (2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
), this viewpoint was later cited in a study that emphasizes the lack of this benefit as the absence of freedom during a time of difficulties in resource access (Sargent et al., 2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.
). Such meanings seem to particularly represent countries with peripheral industrialization, in which many labor and social rights are not consolidated, with retirement being experienced in parallel with continuing work (Costa, 2022Costa, R. M. (2022). Representações sociais sobre aposentadoria em produtores rurais idosos de Diamantino-MT [Social representations about retirement in elderly rural producers from Diamantino - MT] . Recima21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 1-17.
; Selig & Valore, 2010Selig, G., & Valore, L. (2010). Imagens da aposentadoria no discurso de pré- aposentados: subsídios para a orientação profissional [Images of retirement in the discourse of workers about to retire: some aids for vocational guidance]. Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho, 13(1).
; Silva & Helal, 2017Silva, A., & Helal, D. (2017). Compreendendo a aposentadoria: Um estudo de caso em uma instituição pública do Estado de Pernambuco [Understanding of retirement: A case study at a public institution of the State of Pernambuco]. REGE - Revista de Gestão, 24(4), 316-324.
). They could also include the population for whom retirement did not represent a voluntary decision but was imposed for health, accident, or even family reasons.

Finally, the emergence of influences on meaning is discussed. This result is not a meaning, but an aspect of the concept of retirement that understands it from a multilevel view, as a phenomenon in which different levels directly influence each other (Szinovacz, 2013, Wang & Shi, 2013Wang, M. & Shi, J. (2013). Psychological Research on Retirement. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 209-233.
). This consideration has been highlighted in several studies and is supported by theories such as the life course perspective, which emphasizes the need to investigate the micro context (such as personality, health, financial situation, social support) to the macro context (such as government policies) to determine meanings (França & Soares, 2009; Kim & Moen, 2002). In relation to the micro context, the notion of resources stands out as individual factors from different sources, which can explain fluctuations in retirement experiences depending on their acquisition and maintenance (Wang & Shi, 2013Wang, M. & Shi, J. (2013). Psychological Research on Retirement. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 209-233.

Based on the analysis of the groups found in this scoping review and the theoretical references discussed, it was possible to outline a model for the meanings of retirement, presented in Figure 2. The model was based on the factors proposed by Sargent et al. (2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
), which were enriched with the contents of the categories suggested by other studies (Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Macêdo et al., 2017Macêdo, L. S. S., Bendassolli, P. F., & Torres, T. L. (2017). Representações sociais da aposentadoria e intenção de continuar trabalhando [Social representation of retirement and intention of continue working]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 29, 1-11.
; Martins et al., 2014Martins, J., Bobroff, M. C. C., Ribeiro, R., Gaspar, S. de G., Basani, A. B., & Stanganelli, N. C. (2014). Aposentadoria: significados para profissionais de enfermagem [Retirement: meanings for nursing professionals]. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 8(5), 1323-1330.
). Furthermore, the meaning of retirement as the acquisition of rights was added, a category that had not yet been included in the previous propositions.

Figure 2
Model of meanings of retirement

Externally to the meanings of retirement, the model presents five other groups of influences. These are individual differences and resources, as well as contextual, labor, and situational factors, that do not directly constitute the meanings, but represent variables that can shape these interpretations. These five groups were defined based on the results found in this review, especially the fourth group of results, related to the meanings of retirement (Aguilera-Velasco et al., 2020Aguilera-Velasco, M. D. A., Acosta-Fernandez, M., & Garcia-Franco, J. H. (2020). Efecto del cine en el significado cultural del concepto jubilación en un grupo de jubilados agremiados [Effect of cinema on the cultural significance of the concept retirement in a group of joined retirees]. Revista Colombiana de Salud Ocupacional, 10(1), 6434-6434.
; Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Grødem & Kitterød, 2021Grødem, A. S., & Kitterød, R. H. (2021). Retirement anticipation - gendered patterns in a gender-equal society? a study of senior workers in Norway. Journal of Women and Aging, 00(00), 1-22.
) and based on demonstrated evidences by previous reviews (Amorim & França, 2019Amorim, S. M., & França, L. H. F. P. (2019). Retirement Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Trends in Psychology, 27(1), 155-172.
; Barbosa et al., 2016Barbosa, L. M., Monteiro, B., & Murta, S. G. (2016). Retirement adjustment predictors - A systematic review. Work, Aging and Retirement , 2(2), 262-280.
; Rue et al., 2022Rue, C., Haslam, C., & Steffens, N.(2022). A meta-analysis of retirement adjustment predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
; Topa et al., 2018Topa, G., Depolo, M., & Alcover, C. M. (2018). Early retirement: a meta-analysis of its antecedent and subsequent correlates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2157.
). The inclusion of influences in the model contributes to the construction of a robust theoretical model, which takes into account the complexity of the phenomenon and facilitates the verification of similarities and differences between the different concepts of the field.

According to these discussions, we believe that the study has fulfilled its proposed objective, answering questions regarding theoretical knowledge and characteristics of studies on the meanings of retirement. In theoretical terms, this synthesis recognized and advanced a model of the meanings of retirement, which until then had been developed for a very specific group of retirees (Sargent, et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
). This review includes results from countries with different characteristics, which guarantees an expansion of the discussion in a more generalist, representative, and complex way. Additionally, the need to identify these meanings and consider their dynamicity based on several factors is reinforced (Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Caradec, 2017Caradec, V. (2017). The “trial” of retirement: Societal changes and individual experiences. Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie, 23(1).
; França & Vaughan, 2008França, L., & Vaughan, G. (2008). Ganhos e perdas: Atitudes dos executivos brasileiros e neozelandeses frente à aposentadoria [Gains and losses: attitudes of Brazilian and New Zealand executives towards retirement]. Psicologia em Estudo, 13(2), 207-216.
; Karp, 1989Karp, D. A. (1989). The Social Construction of Retirement Among Professionals 50’60 Years Old. Gerontologist ,29(6),750-760.
; Ramos et al., 2021Ramos, S., Cipolli, G., & Lopes, A. (2021). Significados de aposentadoria e perfil socioeconômico: Características de aposentados associados ao sindicato nacional dos aposentados, pensionistas e idosos da força sindical [Meanings of retirement and socioeconomic profile in Brazil: characteristics of retirees associated with National Union of Retirees, Pensioners and Older Adults of Union Force]. Trabalho (En)Cena , 4(1), 1-23.
). In the end of our study, we present to the scientific community an initial theoretical model that must be tested empirically.

The results impact psychological practices in clinical, organizational or social contexts. Regardless of the context, retirement is a crucial moment of active reflection (Sargent et al., 2013Sargent, L., Lee, M., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013). Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations , 66(1), 3-21.
), which generates in people the search for understanding their history, evaluations of meanings, revisions of narratives, and the influence on interpretation processes, as well as reframing life events and circumstances, and reviewing priorities and goals (Amabile, 2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
). To be more specific, this data should be used by Human Resources and career guidance professionals, in order to intervene in organizational environments, which present themselves as environments full of experiences of stress and exhaustion, especially for older workers (Sargent et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.

We emphasize that the design of our study does not allow us to generalize the results or finalize discussions on the subject. Among the limitations, the difficulty in selecting articles stands out, considering the use of different terms to define the construct, which reiterates the complexity of the field (Henkens et al., 2017; Wang & Shi, 2014). Furthermore, selecting only articles from specific languages certainly excluded important contributions on the topic. Finally, we highlight that the fact that the searches resulted numerous articles from South America, especially from Brazil, may indicate a trend in the results, possibly caused by the use of specific descriptors and databases. Such limitations indicate the need for further reviews and analysis to confirm the validity of the results.

Finally, we emphasize the need for continued studies in this area. Methodologically, qualitative studies with varied data collection and analysis techniques, along with alignment between participants and analysis phenomenon, would be appropriate. As postulated by Amabile (2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
), the field currently consists of a lot of knowledge about determinants and outcomes of the retirement experience, but deeper questions are still full of gaps. Theoretically, few investigations have considered the dimensions of meanings and their contextual factors, through robust designs with relationships between variables, preferably longitudinal.

To advance the knowledge developed by this review, it would also be important to create measures for the categories of meanings presented. Future studies could be dedicated to this construction, to comparisons based on factors external to the meanings, and to the verification of meanings over time, considering the procedural nature of retirement, which presupposes different experiences throughout life (Sargent et al., 2011Sargent, L., Bataille, C., Vough, H., & Lee, M.(2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 79(2), 315-324.
). In addition to advancing the model of meanings, relationships with other subjects are necessary, such as decisions (Andrade & Torres, 2020Andrade, L., & Torres, C. (2020). Aposentadoria e Atribuição de Significado: Um Estudo com Trabalhadores Ativos no Brasil [Retirement and Meaning Attribution: A study with Active Workers in Brazil]. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 36, e3652-e3652.
; Topa et al. 2018Topa, G., Depolo, M., & Alcover, C. M. (2018). Early retirement: a meta-analysis of its antecedent and subsequent correlates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2157.
), interpersonal relationships (Antunes & Moré, 2017Antunes, M. H., &, Moré, C. L. O. O. (2017). Revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre aposentadoria e redes sociais [A systematic review of worldwide literature on social networks and retirement]. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional, 18(1), 57-68.
), planning (Gettings & Anderson, 2021Gettings, P. E., & Anderson, L. B. (2021). An Organizational Socialization Perspective on Young Adults’ Ideas About Retirement: Examining Sources of Retirement Information, Meanings of Retirement, and Source-Meaning Associations. Work, Aging and Retirement , 7(2), 90-106.
), changes in identity throughout the career (Amabile, 2019Amabile, T. M. (2019). Understanding Retirement Requires Getting Inside People’s Stories: A Call for More Qualitative Research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(3), 207-211.
), post-retirement perspectives (Boehs & Silva, 2017Boehs, S. T. M., & Silva, N. (2017). Role of work, career, life satisfaction and adjustment in retirement. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional , 18(2), 141-153.
), adopted career patterns (Boehs & Silva, 2017Boehs, S. T. M., & Silva, N. (2017). Role of work, career, life satisfaction and adjustment in retirement. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional , 18(2), 141-153.
), continuity in work (Selig & Valore, 2010Selig, G., & Valore, L. (2010). Imagens da aposentadoria no discurso de pré- aposentados: subsídios para a orientação profissional [Images of retirement in the discourse of workers about to retire: some aids for vocational guidance]. Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho, 13(1).
), among others. Hence, it is expected to contribute to the understanding of this significant moment, anchoring policies and interventions aimed at the well-being of the lives of adults and elderly people, especially in countries like Brazil.


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Edited by


Evandro Morais Peixoto

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Dec 2022
  • Reviewed
    03 Aug 2023
  • Accepted
    23 Nov 2023
Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), Campinas - São Paulo, CEP 13045-510, Telefone: (19)3779-3771 - Campinas - SP - Brazil