Under different environmental conditions, crop yields differ primarily due to G and E interactions. The Global Rice Array (GRA-IV) is IRRI's fourth flagship project to identify climate-resilient rice genotypes. Use of Several univariate and multivariate methods can differentiate genotypes based on their behaviour under different environmental conditions. Since genotypes were ranked differently across models, ASR and Yield Stability Index (YSI) were combined in this study. It included 15 rice genotypes (from a collection of global rice arrays IV called the "Antenna Panel"). Experimentation done in five diverse environments in the Northern Tarai region of India. Grain yield over five diverse environments was significantly influenced by genotypes, G (24.51%), environments, E (40.79%), and genotype and environment effects combined (34.69%). G2, G5, G8, G15 and G10 exhibited lowest ASR values. G2 is the most stable high-yielder, concluded on the basis of new stability index calculated by combining the ASR's and YSI values; these superior genotypes can benefit breeding programs in the future. A stable-high yielder can be more accurately predicted with the new stability index.
AMMI, Rice-yield; Multi-environment evaluation; Stability; Non-Parametric; Parametric
"Antenna Panels" characterize the changing climate dynamics through the crop’s eye.
New stability index can decipher stability more accurately.
A majority of Asia's staple food requirements are met by rice, which feeds more than three billion mouths worldwide [11 FAOSTAT, D. 2021. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Statistical database.,22 Khush GS. What it will take to feed 5.0 billion rice consumers in 2030. Plant Mol. Biol. 2005; 59: 1-6.]. The massive increase in population over the next few decades will necessitate a 50% increase in rice production [33 Ashikari M, Sakakibara H, Lin S, Yamamoto T, Takashi T. Cytokinin oxidase regulates rice grain production. Sci. 2005; 309: 741-5.,44 Srividya A, Vemireddy LR, Hariprasad AS, Jayaprada M, Sridhar S. Identification and mapping of landrace derived QTL associated with yield and its components in rice under different nitrogen levels and environments. Int. J. Plant Breed. Genet. 2010; 4: 210-27.]. A majority of Indians rely on rice directly or indirectly to meet their calorie needs [55 Pathak H, Nayak AK, Maiti D, Kumar GAK, Reddy JN, Rath PC, et al. (Eds.). National Rice Research Institute: Activities, Achievements and Aspirations. ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha,2019, p264 + viii, ISBN: 81-88409- 08-1.]. On a global scale, China is ranked first producing 148.99 million metric tons and India is ranked second among all countries producing 129.47 million metric tons of rice [11 FAOSTAT, D. 2021. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Statistical database.]. Recent years have seen the Indian subcontinent's rice production face several challenges, mainly due to degrading crop-environments and changing climate conditions [66 Wassmann R, Jagadish SVK, Heuer S, Ismail A, Redona E, Serraj R, et al. Climate Change Affecting Rice Production: The Physiological and Agronomic Basis for Possible Adaptation Strategies. Adv. Agron. 2009, 101:59-122.,77 Wassmann R, Jagadish SVK, Sumleth K, Pathak H, Howell G, Ismail A, et al. Regional vulnerability of climate change impacts on Asian rice production and scope for adaptation. Adv. Agron. 2009,102:91-133.]. Most Indian varieties has already reached a yield-plateau, leading to a decline in factor productivity as well as a stagnation in yields [88 Akter A, Jamil Hassan M, Umma Kulsum M, Islam MR, Hossain K. AMMI Biplot Analysis for Stability of Grain Yield in Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Rice Res. 2014,2:126. doi: 10.4172/jrr.1000126
]. Globally, climate variability accounts for 1/3rd of rice yield fluctuations [99 Ray DK. Climate variation explains a third of global crop yield variability. Nat. Commun. 20156:5989 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6989.
]. A diverse panel of heterogeneous genotypes containing beneficial genes called “Antenna Panel” - is developed by the Global Rice Array-IV (GRA-IV), has been launched by IRRI. It enables researchers to better understand G ˟ E interactions and stay ahead of climate change. GRA-IV aims to accelerate genetic gain by identifying environmental factors that influence adaptive traits. An enormous project such as this can help accelerate the development of better adapted varieties of rice across the globe. Genetic interactions play significant role in the variation of varieties' stability across various environments. It has been shown that the majority of polygenic traits in rice, such as grain yield, are highly affected by various sorts of environmental conditions [1010 Vaezi B, Aboughadareh AP, Mohammadi R, Mehraban A, Hossein-Pour T, Koohkan E, et al. Integrating different stability models to investigate genotype x environment interactions and identify stable and high-yielding barley genotypes. Euphytica. 2019, 215: 63.]. There is also evidence to suggest that grain yields in crops are not always determined by the same set of genetic systems across diverse environmental conditions [1111 El-Soda M, Malosetti M, Zwaan BJ, Koornneef M, Aarts MG. Genotype×environment interaction QTL mapping in plants: lessons from Arabidopsis. Trends Plant Sci. 2014 Jun;19(6):390-8. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2014.01.001. Epub 2014 Jan 31. PMID: 24491827.
]. The development of genotypes tailored to a particular environment complex is therefore often desirable [1212 Samonte SOP, Wilson LT, McClung AM, Medley JC. Targeting cultivars onto rice growing environments using AMMI and SREG GGE biplot analyses. Crop Sci. 2005, 45(6):2414-24.]. In multi-location trials (MLTs), genotypes were found to differ either due to a change in rank or by their exact differences without any changes in ranks [1313 Crossa J. From genotype x environment interaction to gen x environment interaction. Curr. Genomics. 2012, 13(3): 225-44.]. Selection of superior stable genotypes well suited to Himalayan foothills (tarai) and Indo-gangetic plains, from this global collection of genotypes can help break yield plateau. Spatially and temporally spread trials can identify stable and superior varieties [1414 Rakshit S, Ganapathy KN, Gomashe SS. GGE biplot analysis to evaluate genotype, environment and their interactions in sorghum multi-location data. Euphytica. 2012, 185, 465-79. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-012-0648-6
]. Yield stability analysis models, both parametric and non-parametric, have their own advantages and disadvantages. These models are used to assess the stability of crop yields over different environments and years. Parametric models suffer from issues like assumption sensitivity, limited flexibility, requires a large amount of data to reliably estimate parameters, and obtaining such datasets can be challenging, susceptibility to outliers whereas non-parametric models, often require large amounts of data for training, which may be a limitation in agricultural contexts where data collection can be resource-intensive. So, combining multiple methods of stability analysis is highly recommended [1515 Kang MS. Simultaneous selection for yield and stability in crop performance trials: Consequences for growers. Agro. J. 1993, 85: 754-57.
16 Kang MS. A rank-sum method for selecting high-yielding, stable corn genotypes. Cereal Res. Commun. 1988, 16(1/2): 113-5.
17 Gaur AK, Verma SK, Panwar RK, Arora A. Integration of Various Stability Models to Identify High Yielding and Stable Genotypes of Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Legume Res. 2021, Doi: 10.18805/LR-4520.
-1818 Mohammadi R, Amri A. Comparison of parametric and non-parametric methods for selecting stable and adapted durum wheat genotypes in variable environments. Euphytica. 2008, 159(3): 419-32.]. The average sum of Ranks is based on ranks other than raw values making it less sensitive to outliers. Moreover, ASR provides a more reliable measure of central tendency when the data distribution is not normal but skewed. Such assessment of median performance is important for stability analysis. Combination of ASR with YSI provides more holistic evaluation and comprehensive analysis of G x E as it includes yield of genotypes across environments along with stability ranks. This combination provides a nuanced understanding of stability by striking a balance between high yield and stability and henceforth increasing the accountability of selection of genotypes. Using Yield Stability Index (YSI) and Average of Stability Rankings (ASR) together identified the highest yielding and stable rice genotypes for Himalayan foothills (tarai) and Indo-gangetic plains. Based on the performance and stability of these exotic genotypes over five different testing environments, the findings of this study will help rice improvement programs start off on the right foot. This will also help identify/predict stable-high yielders more precisely using a combinatorial Index involving Univariate and Multivariate Methods for yield stability analysis over Multi-location.
Plant materials and field evaluation
This study involved field experimentation during July to October of 2021 at the university farm of Pantnagar (E I), Rudrapur (E II), Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kashipur (E III), Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dhanauri Haridwar (E IV) and Agriculture Research Centre Majehra (E V), Uttarakhand, India. Five locations were considered for the current study. Pantnagar (E I) and Rudrapur (E II), generally experience a subtropical climate. Summers are warm, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 40 degrees Celsius. Monsoon season typically occurs from June to September, bringing rainfall to the region with an average of 250 mm to 308.8 mm per month. Maximum rainfall was observed during the month of August. The growing location at Kashipur (E III) and Haridwar (E IV) witnessed maximum rainfall during September and the temperature fell to 20 degrees Celsius towards the end of the growing season, that is November. Growing location Majhera (E V) is situated in the hills of Uttarakhand, India and thus the growing conditions were cooler than other sites with temperatures ranging from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius and witnessed erratic rainfall ranging from 30 mm during November to 461.7 mm during October. The genetic materials for this experiment were part of the Global Rice Array (GRA-IV's antenna panel) (Table 1). At all growing sites, 15 genotypes were transplanted on 22nd July and harvested between as per maturity. Every plot was transplanted with four rows of 2 m length, and the experiment was replicated thrice. In all five locations, standard agronomic practices were followed. We recorded and reported grain yields for each plot in kilograms per hectare.
Statistical analysis and procedures
With an online software program PBSTAT-GE 2.3 (www.pbstat.com) [1919 PBSTAT. PBSTAT-GE SOFTWARE. (Version 2.3). Pantnagar: [Accessed in Feb 2023]. Retrieved from www.pbstat.com.
], parametric and non-parametric methods of stability analysis like, “Huehn” (1990), “Nassar and Huehn” (1987) (S(i)) and “Thennarasu” (1995) (NP(i)), “Wricke's (1962) ecovalence” (W2i), “Francis and Kannenberg's (1978) coefficient of variance” (CVi), regression coefficient (bi) and deviation from regression (S2di) were were calculated. In order to analyze the AMMI model and to construct biplots, we used GEA-R (2017) Version 4.1 software available at www.cimmyt.org [2020 CIMMYT. GEA-R SOFTWARE. (Version 4.1). Pantnagar: [Accessed in Feb 2023]. Retrieved from www.cimmyt.org.
]. According to Purchase and coauthors (2000) and Bajpai and Prabhakaran (2000), AMMI stability values (ASV) and Yield Stability Index (YSI) were estimated [2121 Purchase JL, Hatting H, Van deventer CS. Genotype x environment interaction of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in South Africa II: Stability analysis of yield performance. S. Afr, J. Plant Soil. 2000, 17: 101-07., 2222 Bajpai PK, Prabhakaran VT. A new procedure of simultaneous selection for highyielding and stable crop genotypes. Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed. 2000, 60(2): 141-46.].
Analysis of Variance across different locations
The perusals of Table 1 indicated that grain yield ranged from 1985.56 kg/ha (G 5) to 4378.50 kg/ha (G 4) with grand mean of 3074.00 kg/ha over studied environments. The observations on grain yield recorded from the investigated environments were analyzed separately to check the genotypic significance. The ANOVA of five studied environments showed that significant genotypic differences were present and hence all of them were included for pooled analysis (Table 2). At the 1% level of significance, the pooled analysis showed highly significant mean sums of squares for all sources of variations (Table 3); this indicates the possibility of relevant crossover and non-crossover effects. Amongst tested genotypes Persistent performance in terms of yield was due to non-crossover interactions while a shifting of ranking over different growing conditions was due to crossover. It is evident that genotypes perform differentially across environments thus requiring to be tested over different seasons and across diverse locations to decipher interactive G × E effects precisely and to identify stable genotypes for future. The significant genotypic differences for grain yield indicated the preponderance of sufficient genetic variability among the genotypes. There were significant differences in conditions in the studied environments, and the prevailing climatic conditions heavily influenced grain yields. Under different environments, genotypic performance differed significantly due to the significant interactions between G and E. A number of researchers [2323 Huang X, Jang S, Kim B, Piao Z, Redona E, Koh HJ. Evaluating Genotype × Environment Interactions of Yield Traits and Adaptability in Rice Cultivars Grown under Temperate, Subtropical and Tropical Environments. Agriculture. 2021,11, 558. Available from: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11060558
, 2424 Hashim N, Rafii MY, Oladosu Y, Ismail MR, Ramli A, Arolu F, et al. Integrating Multivariate and Univariate Statistical Models to Investigate Genotype-Environment Interaction of Advanced Fragrant Rice Genotypes under Rainfed Condition. Sustainability. 2021,13, 4555. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13084555
] have previously reported the importance of genotype (G), environment (E) and interactions between genotype and environment for rice grain yield. Due to the significant interaction between G and E in the present study, the analysis was extended to decipher various stability parameters using available models.
Stability estimation by using Non-parametric models
Crop performance including rice is mainly governed by the interaction of both the crop genetic makeups (G) as well as prevailing environmental conditions (E). Thus making the need of understanding the G×E interactions, indispensable. Simple ANOVA (Analysis of variance) is insufficient to decipher interactive G × E effects and calls for subsequent use of supplementary statistics like non-parametric and parametric methods for understanding the interactive effects in a better way. Sensitivity of non-parametric methods are less to measurements of error [2626 Huehn M. Nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Part 1: theory. Euphytica. 1990, 47(3): 189-94., 2727 Huehn M. Non-parametric analysis of genotype x environment interactions by ranks. In: Genotype by Environment Interaction, [Kang, M.S., Gauch, H.G. (eds)] CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996, pp 213-28.]. Non-parametric procedures are advantageous because of the reduction of biases, simpler calculations and greater interpretability of the results. As well as, results obtained from the non-parametric methods are indifferent to the inclusion or exclusion of one or more genotypes in the study [2626 Huehn M. Nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Part 1: theory. Euphytica. 1990, 47(3): 189-94., 2727 Huehn M. Non-parametric analysis of genotype x environment interactions by ranks. In: Genotype by Environment Interaction, [Kang, M.S., Gauch, H.G. (eds)] CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996, pp 213-28.]. As evident from the results above, the five growing seasons were significantly diverse due to weather fluctuations. Largely differing growing environments thus resulted in significant yield deviations among the experimental rice genotypes. As for example, in our study from a close insight of table 1 it was seen that mean grain yield ranged from 754.16 kg/h for G 5 in E III to 6913.00 kg/h for G 13 in E II. Interactive G × E effects thus can be witnessed to reduce yield performance of genotypes by minimizing their effectiveness. Thus in order to increase the reliability and heritability of such traits and to better decipher the interactive G × E effects yield stability need to be assessed with high precision [1515 Kang MS. Simultaneous selection for yield and stability in crop performance trials: Consequences for growers. Agro. J. 1993, 85: 754-57.]. Henceforth non-parametric models were used in this study to accomplish the desired objectives. Huehn (1990) and Nassar and Huehn (1987) developed four parameters for stability analysis i.e. S(1), S(2), S(3) and S(6). For each of these four statistics, the lowest value corresponds to high stability [2626 Huehn M. Nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Part 1: theory. Euphytica. 1990, 47(3): 189-94., 2727 Huehn M. Non-parametric analysis of genotype x environment interactions by ranks. In: Genotype by Environment Interaction, [Kang, M.S., Gauch, H.G. (eds)] CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996, pp 213-28., 2828 Nassar R, Huehn M. Studies on estimation of phenotypic stability: Tests of significance for nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Biometrics. 1987; 43:45-53.]. The parameter S(1) considers the mean of differential absolute genotypic ranks over all test environments and it indicated that genotype G 2 [S(1) = 2.4 , rank= 1], G 15 (S(1) = 2.8 , rank= 2), G 5 (S(1) =3.8 , rank=3) were found desirable across test locations (Table 4).The parameter S(2) is based upon the rank variances over all environments in which the experiments were conducted and it indicated the genotype- G 2 (S (2) = 3.7, rank=1) as most stable genotype followed by G 15 (S (2) =5.3, rank=2), G 5 (S (2) =10.3, rank=3), G 8 (S (2)= 14.8, rank=4) and G 11 (S(2) =15.3, rank=5).
The parameter S(3) sums the absolute genotypic deviations from the mean of ranks and it indicated that the most stable genotype was G 5 (S (3) =0.77, rank=1) followed by G 2 (S(3)=0.8293, rank=2), G 8 (S(3)=1.40 , rank=3), G 11 (S (3) =1.56 , rank=4) and G 10 (S (3) =1.59 , rank=5). In case of stability parameters S(6) , the summation of squared genotypic ranks from the mean of ranks is considered, and it revealed that the most stable genotype was G 5 (S (6) = 0.45, rank=1), followed by G 2 (S (6) = 0.63, rank=2), G 8 (S (6) = 0.68, rank=3), G 10 (S (6) = 0.77, rank=4) and G 15 (S(6) = 0.88, rank 5). S (1-6) models showed that genotype G 2 was far more stable according to S (1) and S (2), while G 5 was most stable according to S (3) and S (6).
Thennarasu (1995) [2929 Thennarasu K. On certain non-parametric procedures for studying genotype-environment interactions and yield stability. PhD thesis, PJ School, IARI, New Delhi, India. 1995;54.] developed stability statistics i.e. NP (1-4), based on the adjusted genotypic mean ranks over all test environments. The lower parametric values correspond to high stability. The stability parameter NP (1) revealed G 2 (NP (1) = 1.4, rank=1), G 15 (NP (1) = 1.6, rank=2), G 5 (NP (1) = 2.00, rank=3), G 7 (NP (1) = 2.8, rank=4) and G 8 (NP (1) rank=5) as most stable genotypes. However, the stability parameter NP (2) revealed G5 (NP (2) = 0.15, rank=1), G 2 (NP (2) = 0.17, rank=2), G 15 (NP (2) = 0.2, rank=3), G 10 (NP (2) = 0.26, rank=4) and G 7 (NP (2) = 0.28, rank=5) as most stable genotypes. The stability parameter NP (3) revealed G 2 (NP (3) = 0.20, rank=1), G 5 (NP (3) = 0.22, rank=2), G 15 (NP (3) = 0.23, rank=3), G 10 (NP (3) = 0.34, rank=4) and G 8 (NP (3) = 0.36, rank=5) as most stable genotypes while the stability parameter NP (4) revealed genotype G 2 (NP (4) = 0.2927, rank=1), G 5 (NP (4) = 0.2992, rank=2), G 15 (NP (4) = 0.32, rank=3), G 10 (NP (4) = 0.47, rank=4) and G 8 (NP (4) = 0.51, rank=5) as most stable. NP (1), NP (3) and NP (4) parameters revealed G 2 as the most stable genotype whereas NP (2) stability parameter found out G 5 as the most stable genotype. Thus, it is evident from the use of above non-parametric methods that results are difficult to validate. Genotype G 2 was most stable genotype according to S (1), S (2), NP (1), NP (3) and NP (4) parameters, over all the five growing environments while G 5 was most stable genotype according to S (3), S (6) and NP (2). Non-parametric methods resulted in differential rankings, making it difficult for breeders to conclude. The differences in genotype rankings across yield stability analysis models can be attributed to a combination of model assumptions, data characteristics, and the specific features that each model emphasizes or handles differently. As evident in this study, the shift in genotypic rankings across methods suggests the need to combine these parameters with others. [3030 Kang MS, Pham HN. Simultaneous selection for high yielding and stable crop genotypes. Agron J. 1991, 83:161-5.].
Stability analysis by using parametric models
Amongst parametric models used in this study, Wricke’s ecovalence method and Francis and Kannenberg’s method are based upon variances whereas Eberhart-Russell’s method was based upon regression. The magnitude of interaction of different genotypes over several environments is indicated by the varying range of different variables, where those with least variances interacts less with the environment and those having greater variances are highly affected by environments [3131 Becker HC, Leon J. Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breed. 1988,101(1):1-23]. On these lines, the ecovalence (W2i) of each genotype is estimated. This method judges performance of genotypes by considering its contribution towards interaction sum of squares. The genotypes having a low value of W2i possess low stability variance and hence are considered as stable [3232 Wricke G. Evaluation method for recording ecological differences in field trials. Z. Pflanzenzücht. 1962, 47: 92-6.]. The W 2i indicated that genotype G 2 (W 2i = 366993.9, rank=1) was most stable followed by genotype G 5 (W 2i= 462102.4, rank=2), G 15 (W 2i = 642282, rank=3), G 8 (W 2i = 889486.9, rank=4) and G 7 (W 2i = 1031212, rank=5) (Table 5).
The coefficient of variation (CVi) identifies the desirable genotypes on basis of low CVi and high mean yield [3333 Francis TR, Kannenberg LW. Yield stability studies in short season maize: I. A descriptive method for grouping genotypes. Can. J. Plant Sci. 1978, 58(4): 1029-34.]. A close perusal of Table 5 indicated that genotype G 1 (CVi= 26.97, rank=1) followed by G 2 (CVi= 27.96, rank=2), G 8 (CVi= 32.9, rank=3), G 11 (CVi= 35.66, rank=4) and G 4 (CVi= 37.74, rank=5) were most stable genotypes. The rank of the genotypes by parameter CVi is different as compared to the W2i stability parameters. The limitation of the CVi model lies in the fact that when attempting to compare genotypes all over varying yielding environments, if standard deviation and mean do not fluctuate parallely then biases occur. [3434 Bowman DT, Watson CE. Measures of validity in cultivar performance trials. Agron. J. 1997,89(6):860-6.]
A popular and widely used method given by Eberhart and Russell (1966), identifies stable genotypes on the basis of unity of regression coefficient (bi=1) and mean square deviations from regression (s2di=0) non-significantly differing from zero [3535 Eberhart ST, Russell WA. Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 1966, 6: 36-40.]. The bi values are subjected to t-test whereas s2di to F-test respectively. When bi value is more than unity then the genotype is found to be sensitive to varying growing conditions and thus can exhibit better adaptation to that specific growing environment. Association of bi with low mean indicates towards the genotypes being poor performer across all test environments. These results indicated that only one genotype, i.e. G 5 (bi=1.00, rank=1; s2di =77617.46), performed better across all studied environments. Several other researchers also obtained the same kinds of results using the Eberhart and Russell (1966) model [3636 Umadevi M, Veerabadhiran P, Manonmani S. Stability Analysis for Grain Yield and its Component Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Rice Res. 2011,3,1:10-2,3737 Júnior AC, Carneiro VQ, Santos IG, Costa WG, Silva GN, Cruz CD, et al. Methods of adaptability and stability applied to the improvement of flooded rice. Genet. Mol. Res. 2020, 19(3): GMR18434. https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18434.
]. So, above parametric models or univariate models even after using linear and non-linear component values of G × E for assessing yield-stability showed up differential ranking of genotypes. Wricke’s ecovalence showed G 2 to be most stable, Francis and Kannenberg’s method showed G 1 as stable whereas Eberhart and Russell’s method found G 5 to be stable across all the tested environments. Shifting of ranking across methods was thus observed. A multivariate PCA was also incorporated into the study. Also, a single selection criterion needs to be developed by amalgamating various stability methods and considering genotype yield performance [1515 Kang MS. Simultaneous selection for yield and stability in crop performance trials: Consequences for growers. Agro. J. 1993, 85: 754-57.,3030 Kang MS, Pham HN. Simultaneous selection for high yielding and stable crop genotypes. Agron J. 1991, 83:161-5.]. Major limitation in using the parametric models is that upon violation of its prior assumptions (normality, homoscedasticity and linearity/additivity), reliable results cannot be ensured [2626 Huehn M. Nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Part 1: theory. Euphytica. 1990, 47(3): 189-94.].
AMMI biplots, ASV and YSI based analysis of Stability
AMMI based stability calculations involves the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and principle component analysis (PCA) multiplicative model to separate the additive portion of the G×E interaction and then analyzing the interactive G×E effects from the additive-ANOVA model [3838 Crossa J. Statistical analyses of multilocation trials. Adv. Agron. 1990, 44: 55-85.]. The AMMI-biplot can provide insight into interactive G×E effects [3939 Gauch HG, Zobel RW. AMMI analysis of yield trials. In: Genotype by Environment Ineraction. [Kang MS, Gauch HG (eds)], 1996, CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL, USA.]. In deciphering the interactive G×E effects, the AMMI model outshines other models. In addition to identifying the most-suited genotype for a given environment, AMMI stability analyses assist in determining the most-suited environment for a given genotype [4040 Yan W, Hunt LA, Sheng Q, Szlavnics Z. Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on the GGE biplot. Crop Sci. 2000, 40: 597-605.]. Furthermore, it provides additional information such as comparing between different genotypes based on their performance, and identifying mega-environments or favorable/unfavorable environments for different genotypes based on their performance. AMMI-based stability models are not sensitive to most critical parts of the crossover network effects and do not provide any advantage for genotypic and site evaluation when analyzing multi-location trials [4141 Yan W, Kang MS. GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists and Agronomists. 1st Edn., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9781420040371, 2003;288].
Stability was also analyzed using the AMMI model. As for grain yield, ANOVA of AMMI model revealed significant mean sums of squares (MSS) for all sources of variations. G × E Interaction effect being significant, suggests that the genotypes under study performed differently in different test environments. Within the G-E interaction, environmental main effects can also be observed. Although environment effects were small compared to genotype (main effect) and genotype × environment (interaction effect), they were still significant, indicating that the environment is variable. Due to genotype-environment interplay, genes respond differently to surroundings (Table 1). Researchers previously reported similar results, according to Katsenios and coauthors, their results of AMMI-ANOVA revealed that the G × E interaction effect (80.36%) explained majority of the variation. They employed AMMI model to finally identify three genotypes that were the most suitable genotypes for the three growing environments under study. Hilmarsson and coauthors, evaluated the yield and 1000-kernel weight of 32 genotypes of barley in seven different environments. They applied the AMMI model, a factorial model, and a linear mixed model methods to analyze G x E. Similarly, Nhantumbo and coauthors, conducted an experiment with maize genotypes in different environments to assess yield stability using AMMI and they found suitable genotypes for non-water limiting conditions in Mozambique. In another study conducted in Lithuania, Tarakanovas and coauthors, also used AMMI for assessing grain yield of wheat varieties. [4242 Katsenios N, Sparangis P, Leonidakis D, Katsaros G, Kakabouki I, Vlachakis D, et al. Effect of Genotype × Environment Interaction on Yield of Maize Hybrids in Greece Using AMMI Analysis. Agronomy, 2021;11,479. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11030479
43 Hilmarsson HS, Rio S, Sánchez JIy. Genotype by Environment Interaction Analysis of Agronomic Spring Barley Traits in Iceland Using AMMI, Factorial Regression Model and Linear Mixed Model. Agronomy,2021,11,499. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11030499
44 Nhantumbo A, Famba S, Fandika I, Cambule A, Phiri E. Yield Assessment of Maize Varieties under Varied Water Application in Semi-Arid Conditions of Southern Mozambique. Agronomy, 2021,11,2541.https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11122541
-4545 Tarakanovas P, Ruzgus V. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction analysis of grain yield of wheat varieties in Lithuania. Agro. Res. 2006,4,91-8.]. It has been demonstrated successfully in many previous studies that AMMI analysis can be used to identify superior and stable genotypes for a variety of growing environments [4646 Misra RC, Das S, Patnaik MC. AMMI model analysis of stability and adaptability of late duration finger millet (Eleusinecoracana) genotypes. World Appl. Sci. J. 2009, 6, 1650-4.
47 Das S, Misra RC, Patnaik MC, Das SR. Genotype x environment interaction, adaptability and yield stability of mid-Early rice genotypes. Indian J. Agric. Res. 2010, 44, 104-11.-4848 Khan AA, Alam MA, Kabir MR. AMMI analysis for stability and environmental effects on grain yield of eight spring wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) in Bangladesh. Bull. Inst. Trop Agri. Kyushu Univ. 2014,37,93-103.]. An insight of Table 6 indicated that 34.69 % of total sum of square (TSS) was attributable to G × E effects, 24.51 % to genotypic effects and 40.9 % to environment effect. The significance of G × E effects was further weighted using F-statistics after partitioning them into principal components. AMMI's two principal components, IPCA I and IPCA II, accounted for 58.77% and 26.26% of genotype × environment interaction, respectively
Over 80 percent of the interaction between G × E is due to these two components. The AMMI with two principal components axis was found to be the best predictive model in the present study. It was considered that genotypes with IPCA 1 scores close to zero were the most stable [4949 Gabriel KR. The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principle component analysis. Biometrika. 1971, 58(3): 453-67.]. Biplots generated from AMMI are visually inspected by plotting the first multiplicative component with the trait of interest [5050 Vargas M, Crossa J. The AMMI analysis and graphing the biplot. Biometrics and Statistics Unit, 2000, CIMMYT.]. As shown in Figure 1, AMMI I biplots plot genotype and environment IPCA I scores against mean grain yields. The genotypes that deviate further from the ordinate on the right hand side are high-yielders, while those that deviate from the ordinate on the left are low-yielders. As can be seen from table 7, G5 yields the lowest and G4 yields the highest. IPCA1 and IPCA2 scores from genotypes and environments were plotted against each other in AMMI biplot II. A genotype close to its origin is considered to be more stable, while a genotype far from its origin is considered to be less stable. AMMI stability value (ASV) can be calculated based on IPCA I and IPCA II component scores [3131 Becker HC, Leon J. Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breed. 1988,101(1):1-23]. The AMMI biplot I and II, ASV (AMMI Stability Value), revealed that genotype G 8 (IPCA I, -0.05377; ASV rank=1) was the most stable genotype. (Table 7 and Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Stability alone does not guarantee high crop yield, so it should not be used to pick good varieties. That is stable genotypes which are poor yielders are undesirable from producers point of view. This issue is further addressed using the YSI. YSI combines both mean performance and stability into one index, and can be used to select stable and high-yielding genotypes at the same time [1515 Kang MS. Simultaneous selection for yield and stability in crop performance trials: Consequences for growers. Agro. J. 1993, 85: 754-57.,1616 Kang MS. A rank-sum method for selecting high-yielding, stable corn genotypes. Cereal Res. Commun. 1988, 16(1/2): 113-5.]. An AMMI stability value (Rasv) is combined with mean grain yield (Ry) of genotypes across environments to calculate YSI. Across study environments, the genotype G 11 (YSI=7, rank=1) was the most stable and high yielding genotype. Thus, this new Index ensures Improved Decision-Making in Plant Breeding Programs using both average sum of ranks (ASR) and Yield Stability Index (YSI) , plant breeding programs can make more informed decisions about which genotypes are likely to perform well in a variety of real-world conditions. This can contribute to the development of more robust and adaptable crop varieties.
In a nutshell, the results obtained through the whole study, revealed that separate application of parametric and non-parametric models results in differential ranking of genotypes which creates an ambiguity in selection of stable genotype. In case of non-parametric model the genotype G 2 was found as most stable (S (1), S (2), NP (1), NP (3) and NP (4)) however the parameter S(3) and S (6) gave it 2nd rank. W2 i suggested that genotype G 2 was the most stable genotype however CVi gives it 2nd rank. The results of Eberhart and Russell (1966) indicated G 5 as most stable genotype. As it was difficult to identify stable genotypes on basis of a single stability parameter, hence the use of ASR (average of sum of ranks of all methods used) was recommended to select stable genotypes. The stable genotypes exhibited low ASR values. The perusal of Table 7 indicated that the genotypes G 2, G 5, G 8, G 15 and G 10 were most stable genotypes as they had lowest ASR value of 1.8, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3 and 6.5 respectively. On basis of Yield Stability Index (YSI) scores, the genotype, G 11 (YSI=7, rank=1) followed by G 2 (YSI=10, rank=2), G 8 (YSI=11, rank=3), G 4 (YSI=12, rank=4) and G 1 (YSI=12, rank=5) were identified as most stable and high yielding rice genotypes for grain yield across studied environments (Table 7 and Figure 1 and 2). The ASR method in combination with YSI revealed that G2 is the most stable genotype along with a good yield.
AMMI-I biplot for Grain Yield. Numbers plotted in the biplots indicates the genotypes namely, MINGHUI 63 (1), ZHENSHAN 97 B (2), IR 64 (3), IRBB 66 (4), IRRI 147 (5), SANHUANGZHAN NO 12 (6), IR771286-122-2-2-3 (7), IR772398-14-1-2-10 (8), SAMBHA MAHSURI + SUB 1 (9), SUPA (10), IRRI 104 (11), N 22::IRGC 19379-1 (12), MTU1010 (13), NANHI (14) and JASMINE 85 (15).
AMMI-II biplot for Grain Yield. Numbers plotted in the biplots indicates the genotypes namely, MINGHUI 63 (1), ZHENSHAN 97 B (2), IR 64 (3), IRBB 66 (4), IRRI 147 (5), SANHUANGZHAN NO 12 (6), IR771286-122-2-2-3 (7), IR772398-14-1-2-10 (8), SAMBHA MAHSURI + SUB 1 (9), SUPA (10), IRRI 104 (11), N 22::IRGC 19379-1 (12), MTU1010 (13), NANHI (14) and JASMINE 85 (15). This AMMI biplot revealed that genotype G 8 was the most stable genotype.
First author acknowledges International Rice Research Institute, Phillipines for providing the Global Rice Array genotypes for conducting the field trials. Support from Joint Director NEBCRC, Pantnagar, Resource persons of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Resource persons of Kashipur, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhanauri, Haridwar and Resource persons of Agriculture Research Centre Majehra, Uttarakhand, India is duly acknowledged by all authors. The author also acknowledges Ms. Babita Kohli, Assistant Manager, NABARD, for her assistance in drawing his attention to a number of sources. The opinions of a number of unnamed reviewers, scientists, and other departmental teachers are also greatly valued.
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