Open-access Checklist of dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of the Amazonas state, Brazil

Checklist das libélulas (Insecta: Odonata) do estado do Amazonas, Brasil


Here we provide a checklist of the odonates from Amazonas state, Brazil. We registered 324 species and 101 genera, making Amazonas the Brazilian state with the most Odonata species recorded. The families with the highest number of species were Coenagrionidae with 32 genera and 101 species, followed by Libellulidae with 28 genera and 100 species and Gomphidae with 12 genera and 45 species. Some regions of Amazonas state remain poorly explored, such as the southern area, and large municipalities, such as São Gabriel da Cachoeira. This work underlines the importance of the biological diversity from Amazonas state and the Amazonian Biome for Odonata species richness in Brazil and shows that many areas in the world’s largest tropical forest have not yet been sampled.

Keywords: Aquatic insects; List of species; Anisoptera; Zygoptera; Amazon; Neotropical region


Aqui nós apresentamos a lista de espécies de libélulas presentes no estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Nós registramos 324 espécies e 101 gêneros, tornando o estado com o maior número de espécies de libélulas registradas no país. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Coenagrionidae, com 32 gêneros e 101 espécies, seguido por Libellulidae, com 28 gêneros e 100 espécies e Gomphidae com 12 gêneros e 45 espécies. Regiões do estado do Amazonas permanecem pouco exploradas, como a parte sul e os municípios com grande extensão territorial, como São Gabriel da Cachoeira. Este trabalho reconhece a importância da diversidade biológica do estado do Amazonas e do bioma Amazônico para a riqueza de espécies de Odonata no Brasil e mostra que ainda existem muitas áreas não amostradas na maior floresta tropical do mundo.

Palavras-chave: Insetos aquáticos; lista de espécies; Anisoptera; Zygoptera; Amazônia; região Neotropical


Considered one of the most diverse regions for Odonata, the Neotropical region has more than 1,700 species, and in Brazil 749 species are registered (Olaya 2019). Dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) constitute an important group of aquatic insects characterized by their extensive predation, with larvae being important links for fish and other aquatic vertebrates in food webs. Besides their ecological importance, odonates have great artistic appeal, and have been used in environmental quality assessments using several environmental quality metrics (Abbott 2015).

Even with such importance, the taxonomic knowledge about Odonata in Brazil is still heterogeneous. As evidenced by Dalzochio et al. (2018), Brazilian studies concerning Odonata fauna are mainly concentrated in the south-center of Brazil, with species lists registered for the states of São Paulo (Costa et al. 2000), Rio de Janeiro (Costa & Santos 2000), Mato Grosso do Sul (Koroiva et al. 2017; Rodrigues et al. 2018), Rio Grande do Sul (Dalzochio et al. 2018; Pires et al. 2019), Espírito Santo (Costa & Oldrini 2005), Goiás and the Federal District (Nóbrega & De Marco 2011). Despite the increasing number of new species descriptions, the lack of species lists in other regions and states make the analysis of current sampling distributions and knowledge about Odonata species distribution inviable, which directly affects large-scale conservation assessments (Silveira et al. 2010).

The Amazonas state located in the northern region of Brazil, presents the largest territorial extension and stands out (IBGE 2019) as it encompasses Amazonian and Cerrado biomes (Parédio 2012). In recent years, political issues and increased deforestation rates in both biomes have raised concerns for the maintenance of their forested areas and associated fauna (Rochedo et al. 2018, Fearnside 2019). Regarding Odonata, several studies have been dedicated to increasing knowledge about its fauna in Amazonas state in the last 120 years, however, almost all of them are restricted to taxonomic descriptions and ecological analysis and do not provide information about the total number of species. In the most recent estimate, Neiss & Hamada (2014) indicated about 262 Odonata species in Amazonas, representing 35% of the known species from Brazil. Considering this information gap in Amazonas, the main objective of this work was to present the diversity of Odonata species in this state, as well as their known locations in the municipalities.

Materials and Methods

1. Study area

The state of Amazonas has an area of 1,559,168 km2 (IBGE 2019) and stands out due to the predominant presence of the Amazonian Biome. The state shares borders with Pará, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Acre and Roraima states and with the countries of Venezuela, Peru and Colombia (Figure 1). The geographical relief of Amazonas state is constituted by depressions (Western Amazon Depression, Northern Amazonian Depression and Southern Amazon Depression), plains, and plateaus (North-Amazonian Residual Plateau and Plateau of the Eastern Amazon). Its hydrology is formed mainly by the eastern basin of the Amazon River and is composed of most of the rivers from this hydrographic basin, whose tributaries are the rivers Negro, Japurá, Solimões, Juruá, Purus and Madeira. The northern and eastern regions of the state are located in the northern Amazonian plateau, which contain the highest altitudes (above 2,950 m) in Brazil: “Pico da Neblina” and “31 de Março” mountains (Parédio 2012). The vegetation types vary from Ombrophylous Forest to “Campinarana” and Savana in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes. According to Köppen’s climatic classification, the predominant climate is Af type, tropical without dry season, except in the southern part of the state, which is considered Am, tropical monsoon. The average annual precipitation varies between 1,900 mm in the extreme southwest and above 3,000 mm in other areas and average temperatures are above 23° C (Alvares et al. 2013).

Figure 1
Left, Map of South America highlighting the geopolitical division of Brazil and Amazonas State (grey) (Datum: WGS 84); Right, Municipalities with Odonata recorded in Amazonas State. For code numbers see Table 1.

2. Elaboration of the list

To prepare the list, we gathered information from the Invertebrates Collection at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Brazil. Additional data were collected from 102 publications, published between 1897 and 2019, the sites SpeciesLink ( and “Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil” ( ; “Brazilian Fauna Taxonomic Catalog” in English; Pinto 2019) (see Table 1). We also gathered information about the municipalities where the species were collected (Table 1). For systematic classification, we followed Dijkstra et al. (2014, 2013) and Fleck (2018).

Table 1
Numbers and codes for municipalities and references used in the list of Odonata species from Amazonas state, Brazil. Where the municipality is unknown, only the state is provided.


The total number of Odonata species recorded in Amazonas is 324 (Table 2). Some species recorded in this study are shown in Figure 2. The total number of genera recorded for the state is 101, distributed in 16 families; this number include one genus from the Calopterygoidea “Incertae sedis group 3” and one genus from the Libelluloidea “incertae sedis”. Coenagrionidae is the family with the highest number of records, with 32 genera and 101 species, followed by Libellulidae with 28 genera and 100 species, Gomphidae with 12 genera and 45 species, and Aeshnidae with eight genera and 27 species. The other families are: Calopterygidae (two genera, 12 species), Corduliidae (two genera, four species), Dicteriadidae (two genera, two species), Heteragrionidae (two genera, seven species), Lestidae (one genus, one species), Megapodagrionidae (one genus, one species), Perilestidae (two genera, seven species), Philogeniidae (one genus, two species), Platystictidae (one genus, one species), Polythoridae (three genera, 10 species), Rimanellidae (one genus, one species) and Oxygastridae sensuFleck (2018) (one genus, one species). Calopterygoidea “incertae sedis group 3” was represented by one genus and one species and Libelluloidea incertae sedis was also represented by one genus and one species.

Table 2
Odonata species recorded for Amazonas State, Brazil. For references and municipalities codes, please check Table 1.

Figure 2
Some Odonata species recorded in Amazonas State, Brazil. A, Chalcopteryx rutilans (Rambur 1842); B, Chalcopteryx scintillans McLachlan, 1870; C, Chalcopteryx seabrai Santos & Machado, 1961; D, Polythore vittata (Selys, 1869); E, Rimanella arcana (Needham, 1933); F, Mecistogaster linearis (Fabricius, 1777); G, Dimeragrion percubitale Calvert, 1913; H, Aeschnosoma hamadae Fleck & Neiss, 2012; I, Elga leptostyla Ris, 1911; J, Erythrodiplax anatoidea Borror, 1942; K, Zenithoptera lanei Santos, 1941.

Considering the territorial divisions of the state, Manaus (code number 1) municipality has the most species registered, 163 species, followed by Presidente Figueiredo (code number 2), 100 species, and Barcelos (code number 4), 71 species. In addition, only 33 of the 62 municipalities in Amazonas have published Odonata records.


The 324 species listed from Amazonas state represent about 43% of the known species in Brazil (749 species). This number increases the species records for the state by 23% (Neiss & Hamada 2014). With the results presented in this study, Amazonas state is the Brazilian state with the highest number of Odonata species recorded, followed by Rio de Janeiro, 280 species (Costa & Santos 2000), Minas Gerais, 269 species (Vilela et al. 2020), São Paulo, 251 species (Costa et al. 2000), Mato Grosso do Sul, 209 species (Koroiva et al. 2017; Rodrigues et al. 2018), Rio Grande do Sul, 183 species (Pires et al. 2019), Espírito Santo, 180 species (Costa & Oldrini 2005), and Goiás and the Federal District, 152 species (Nóbrega & De Marco 2011).

We highlight that five species were not included in the results due to imprecise information. Despite being cited for Amazonas state in Heckman (2008), in the original description of Planiplax machadoiSantos, 1949, Santos (1949) states that the species is present in “Amazonas”, but in the text the author explains that specimens came from Pará state. Similar problem occurs with Erythrodiplax julianaRis, 1911 and Erythrodiplax latimaculata Ris, 1911. Borror (1942) states that these species are present in Amazonas state; however, the specimens were collected in Monte Roraima and Uraricoera, respectively, which currently belong to Roraima state. Finally, Diastatops intensaMontgomery, 1940 and Diastatops dimidiata Montgomery, 1940 were registered for the floodplains of the Solimões-Amazonas rivers by Nessimian et al. (2008). Although most of their sampled sites were in the Amazonas state, there are some sites in Pará state as well, and authors do not present a detailed list of where each species was found.

Despite the significant increase in the number of species known from Amazonas, some regions remain poorly explored, such as municipalities in the southwest region of the state. Besides Guajará (code number 10) and Eirunepé (code number 12), there are no published species records from municipalities located on the border with Acre state. In addition, large municipalities also appear to be under-sampled. For example, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, the third largest municipality in Brazil (109,181 km2; IBGE 2019) with an area larger than Portugal, only has 20 recorded species. In this way, we suggest that new field expeditions should focus on such large municipalities and the 29 municipalities that presented no specimen records in our survey.

In general, knowledge about the Odonata order in Amazonas state has improved, especially in the last two decades. However, limitations on sampling still underestimate the number of odonates species, both for new species and new records. Therefore, this work recognizes the importance of the biological diversity in Amazonas state and the Amazonian Biome for species richness of Brazil and shows that we still do not entirely know the odonatofauna in the world’s largest tropical forest.


We are thankful to FAPEAM (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas) for a post-doctoral fellowship (FIXAM-I/FAPEAM; Proc.062.01503/2018) to RK. NH is a CNPq research fellow (Proc. 307849/ 2014-7). INPA/ MCTI and PRONEX-CNPq-FAPEAM provided partial financial support for this research.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Jan 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Aug 2019
  • Reviewed
    05 Dec 2019
  • Accepted
    09 Dec 2019
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