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Business cycles and dividend payments: A study in the Brazilian market

Ciclos econômicos e pagamentos de dividendos: Um estudo no mercado brasileiro



To analyze the behavior of the dividend distribution of publicly traded Brazilian companies according to the effects of the business cycles, comparing the stages of recovery, expansion, recession, and contraction (Schumpeter, 1935) with the stages of expansion and recession according to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).


According to Schumpeter (1935), classifying the stages of the business cycle presents greater details to the NBER method because the four stages show different characteristics that are not observed when only the two stages of the NBER model are used.


Information was collected from 243 publicly traded companies listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange between 1997 and 2021 to achieve the research objective. Data were obtained from the Refinitiv database, using panel data regression models with random effects to analyze two hypotheses defined in this study. The hypotheses state that the behavior of the relationship between the payment of dividends and the stages of the NBER’s bearish (high) business cycles is different from the recession and contraction stages (recovery and expansion), according to Schumpeter.


The results indicated the non-rejection of the hypotheses, reinforcing the importance of the analysis of the four stages of the business cycles and complementary form by investors, analysts, managers, and other users when analyzing the payment of dividends by publicly held companies at the different levels of economic activity in the country.

dividends; payout; economic crises; business cycles; GDP variation



Analisar o comportamento da distribuição de dividendos das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto de acordo com os efeitos dos ciclos econômicos, comparando as fases de recuperação, expansão, recessão e contração (Schumpeter, 1935) com as fases de expansão e recessão conforme o National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).


O método de classificação das fases dos ciclos econômicos de acordo com Schumpeter (1935) apresenta maiores detalhes em relação ao método NBER. As quatro fases apresentam características diferentes e não são observadas quando usadas apenas as duas fases do modelo do NBER.


Para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, foram coletadas informações de 243 empresas de capital aberto listadas na Bolsa de Valores Brasileira entre os anos 1997 e 2021. Os dados foram obtidos na base de dados da Refinitiv, e utilizaram-se os modelos de regressão de dados em painel com efeitos aleatórios para analisar duas hipóteses definidas neste estudo. As hipóteses afirmam que o comportamento da relação entre o pagamento de dividendos e as fases dos ciclos econômicos de baixa (alta) do NBER é diferente em relação às fases de recessão e contração (recuperação e expansão) conforme Schumpeter.


Os resultados indicaram não rejeição das hipóteses, reforçando a importância da análise das quatro fases dos ciclos econômicos e de forma complementar por investidores, analistas, gestores e demais usuários ao analisar o pagamento de dividendos por companhias abertas nos diferentes níveis de atividade econômica do país.

dividendos; payout; crises econômicas; ciclos econômicos; variação do PIB


In recent decades, several studies have dealt with dividend policy, such as the studies by Lintner (1956)Lintner, J. (1956). Distribution of incomes of corporations among dividends, retained earnings, and taxes. The American Economic Review, 46(2), 97–113.
, Gordon (1963)Gordon, M. J. (1963). Optimal investment and financing policy. The Journal of finance, 18(2), 264–272.
, and Miller and Modigliani (1961)Miller, M. H., & Modigliani, F. (1961). Dividend policy, growth, and the valuation of shares. The Journal of Business, 34(4), 411–433. on the relevance and irrelevance of dividend payments to the company (Ambrozini, 2011Ambrozini, M. A. (2011). Políticas de dividendos no Brasil: Um modelo de apoio à decisão [PhD dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo].
). According to Bhattacharya (1979)Bhattacharya, S. (1979). Imperfect information, dividend policy, and “the bird in the hand” fallacy. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 259–270.
, the distribution of dividends plays an essential role in the market, being used by managers as a positive or negative signal of the company’s cash flow (Novis & Saito, 2003Novis, J. A., Neto, & Saito, R. (2003). Pagamentos de dividendos e persistencia de retornos anormais das ações: Evidencia do mercado brasileiro. Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo, 38(2).
; Vancin & Procianoy, 2016aVancin, D. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2016a). Índices contábeis e a decisão do pagamento de dividendos. Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, 13(28), 57–80.
; Santos & Galvão, 2015Santos, J. F., & Galvão, K. G. (2015). Política de dividendos e seus fatores determinantes: Evidenciando a ausencia de consenso teórico-empírico. Revista da FAE, 18(1), 52–69.

Moreiras et al. (2012)Moreiras, L. M. F., Tambosi, E., Filho, & Garcia, F. G. (2012). Dividendos e informação assimétrica: Análise do novo mercado. Revista de Administração, 47(4), 671–682.
present dividends to reduce informational asymmetry and avoid agency conflict between managers and shareholders since the dividend policy decreases the cash flow available by the entity and transmits private information to shareholders. The dividend policy, according to Loss and Sarlo Neto (2006)Loss, L., & Sarlo Neto, A. (2006). O inter-relacionamento entre políticas de dividendos e de investimentos: Estudo aplicado às companhias brasileiras negociadas na Bovespa. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 17, 52–66.
, can be understood as an instrument of the legal protection of the capital market, acting at the level of confidence of investors, defining whether they will want their return in dividends or as a reinvestment for the entity, generating a future capital gain.

Economic aspects can also impact corporate finances and, consequently, dividends paid. According to Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
, crises are elements, or regular, if not necessary, components of a wave-like movement that alternates between stages of prosperity and depression, which have permeated economic life since the beginning of the capitalist era. These economic stages can be modified by external factors that cause crises and the process of innovation in the economic market: wars, revolutions, natural catastrophes, institutional changes (such as changes in trade, policies, banking, and monetary legislation), crop variations as well as weather conditions or diseases, changes in gold production, for example. Therefore, the periods of crisis arise during the stages of recession and contraction, preceding the stages of prosperity and expansion, causing changes in the economic environment, thus generating changes in the cash flow of the entities and, consequently, in the distribution of their dividends.

The classification of the business cycle into two stages, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), segregates a cycle into two periods: recession and expansion (Knoop, 2010Knoop, T. A. (2010). Recessions and depressions: Understanding business cycles. ABC-CLIO.). In comparison, Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
classifies business cycles into four stages: recovery, expansion, recession, and depression, thus allowing a more detailed analysis of the period of economic growth by segregating this stage into recovery and expansion and the stage of decline of economic activity into recession and contraction.

In studies conducted in the Brazilian stock market, Decourt and Procianoy (2012)Decourt, R. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2012). O processo decisório sobre a distribuição de lucros das empresas listadas na BM & FBOVESPA: Survey com CFOs. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 10(4), 461–498.
identified that companies, despite periods of crisis, continue increasing dividend payments, meaning that these payments constitute a protection to shareholders because, even if stock prices fall, investors continue to earn good dividends. In a similar analysis, Leite et al. (2020)Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.
separately studied the period of prosperity (2010–2013) and crisis (2014–2016) concerning the payment of dividends. They found that companies paid more dividends, on average, in periods of crisis, even suffering a loss of performance during this period (Leite et al., 2020Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.
). In a study with companies listed in Brazil, Bolsa, and Balcão (B3) on the behavior of dividends in periods of recession and expansion in the period from 1995 to 2016, Martucheli et al. (2021)Martucheli, C. T., Ribeiro, J. E., Silva, E. A., de Souza, A. A., & Pinheiro, J. L. (2021). Política de dividendos e períodos de recessão: Evidencias no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 24(1), 37–54.⁢=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=19843925&p=IFME&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eabb5f21d
identified higher levels of dividend payment in the recession stage than in the expansion period.

In international markets, this scenario is also controversial. For example, Bliss et al. (2015)Bliss, B. A., Cheng, Y., & Denis, D. J. (2015). Corporate payout, cash retention, and the supply of credit: Evidence from the 2008–2009 credit crisis. Journal of Financial Economics, 115(3), 521–540.
identified that companies decrease dividend payments during crises to build cash reserves and preserve their investments, considering the period of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The studies mentioned above analyzed the distribution of dividends using specific periods or the classification of two stages according to the NBER. However, the analysis of the four stages of the cycles, according to Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
, may bring new implications on the subject, so the following research problem arises: What is the dividend payment behavior of publicly traded Brazilian companies during the stages of economic cycles as measured by Schumpeter and the NBER?

To answer the problem of the study, we defined the following objective: to analyze the dividend distribution behavior of publicly traded Brazilian companies according to the effects of the business cycles, comparing the stages defined by Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
to the NBER model.

The study of business cycles is critical because, due to the competitive market and recessionary economic cycles, entities have started to place in their financial analyses the figure of economic crises, as they can influence the change of business strategies, thus contributing to the market (investors) who will have more information about the dividend’s behavior in different stages of business cycles (Leite et al., 2020Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.

The present study seeks to contribute to the literature by comparing the four stages of the business cycles proposed by Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
to the one proposed by the NBER. This last model is considered insufficient to investigate dividend payments, as it does not identify minor oscillations such as recovery and contraction (Paulo & Mota, 2019Paulo, E., & Mota, R. H. G. (2019). Ciclos econômicos e estratégias de ge renciamento de resultados contábeis: Um estudo nas companhias abertas brasileiras. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 30, 216–233.

This research uses a sample of publicly held companies from 1997 to 2021. This broader temporal space stands out from previous studies. In this period, Brazil experienced recessions of which the following stand out: the global financial crisis of 2007–2008, the crisis of 2014 caused by the economic policy of Dilma Rousseff’s government and the devaluation of commodities, and the crisis of 2020 with the coronavirus pandemic (Comite de Datação de Ciclos Econômicos [Codace], 2023Comite de Datação de Ciclos Econômicos. (2023). Comunicado de Datação de Ciclos Mensais Brasileiros.
). Despite all this period of crises, studies that relate stages of cycles and dividends remain scarce in the literature.

The payment of dividends is a form of protection to shareholders, acting as a sign of the expected cash flows of companies in an environment of imperfect information. Therefore, dividends can control the performance of management, preventing investments in projects with low returns, thus justifying the importance of this study by launching new knowledge about the dividend payment behavior according to the stages of the business cycles (Bhattacharya, 1979Bhattacharya, S. (1979). Imperfect information, dividend policy, and “the bird in the hand” fallacy. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 259–270.
; Jensen, 1986Jensen, M. C. (1986). Agency costs of free cash flow, corporate finance, and takeovers. The American Economic Review, 76(2), 323–329.
; La Porta et al., 2000La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. W. (2000). Agency problems and dividend policies around the world. The Journal of Finance, 55(1), 1–33.
; Fonteles et al., 2012Fonteles, I. V., Júnior, C. A. P., de Vasconcelos, A. C., & De Luca, M. M. M. (2012). Política de dividendos das empresas participantes do índice dividendos da BM&FBOVESPA. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, 23(3), 173–204.
; Martins et al., 2021Martins, O. S., Sousa, R. A. M. D., & Girão, L. F. D. A. P. (2021). Persistencia dos dividendos e gerenciamento de resultados em mercados emergentes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 33, 130–149.


Dividend policy

Academic discussions about dividend theory began in the last century, with Lintner (1956)Lintner, J. (1956). Distribution of incomes of corporations among dividends, retained earnings, and taxes. The American Economic Review, 46(2), 97–113.
explaining the reluctance of managers to change dividend policies for fear of having to reverse this decision in the future. The study found that the change in dividends does not follow the same proportion as the change in profits. Managers prefer to keep dividends constant (Dividend Persistence Theory) even if they do not follow proportionally the increase in profits (Ambrozini, 2011Ambrozini, M. A. (2011). Políticas de dividendos no Brasil: Um modelo de apoio à decisão [PhD dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo].

Years later, Miller and Modigliani (1961)Miller, M. H., & Modigliani, F. (1961). Dividend policy, growth, and the valuation of shares. The Journal of Business, 34(4), 411–433. presented a theory contrary to that of Lintner (1956)Lintner, J. (1956). Distribution of incomes of corporations among dividends, retained earnings, and taxes. The American Economic Review, 46(2), 97–113.
, stating that dividends are irrelevant to the value creation of an entity since distributing dividends or reinvesting profits in the company would have the same effect because by reinvesting the gains in the entity, it will consequently generate an appreciation of its shares in the future, and thus increase the gain of investors (Martins et al., 2021Martins, O. S., Sousa, R. A. M. D., & Girão, L. F. D. A. P. (2021). Persistencia dos dividendos e gerenciamento de resultados em mercados emergentes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 33, 130–149.

In 1963, Myron Gordon demonstrated his contrary view to the Dividends Irrelevance Theory, in which he treated shareholders as individuals who make not-so-rational decisions since, in a situation of uncertainty, they prefer to receive dividends than to expect a particular appreciation of the entity’s capital by having the profit reinvested in it (Ambrozini, 2011Ambrozini, M. A. (2011). Políticas de dividendos no Brasil: Um modelo de apoio à decisão [PhD dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo].

Another critical aspect of dividends is related to informational asymmetry. It is more common for managers to know more than external investors about the actual state of the company’s current earnings (Miller & Rock, 1985Miller, M. H., & Rock, K. (1985). Dividend policy under asymmetric information. The Journal of Finance, 40(4), 1031–1051.
), so there will be a conflict of interest explained by the Agency Theory, in which the payment of dividends assumes an important reducing role, decreasing resources under the control of managers so that the portion of the profit obtained by the company is distributed to its owners (Miller & Rock, 1985Miller, M. H., & Rock, K. (1985). Dividend policy under asymmetric information. The Journal of Finance, 40(4), 1031–1051.
; Martins et al., 2021Martins, O. S., Sousa, R. A. M. D., & Girão, L. F. D. A. P. (2021). Persistencia dos dividendos e gerenciamento de resultados em mercados emergentes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 33, 130–149.
). It is possible to highlight that economic fluctuations will also imply in the results of the firms, therefore, in the payment of dividends by the managers, thus changing the volume of resources under their control.

Free cash flow as a dividend return causes the entity to be “well regarded” by the capital market, valuing the share price and satisfying shareholders (Bhattacharya, 1979Bhattacharya, S. (1979). Imperfect information, dividend policy, and “the bird in the hand” fallacy. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 259–270.
; Jensen, 1986Jensen, M. C. (1986). Agency costs of free cash flow, corporate finance, and takeovers. The American Economic Review, 76(2), 323–329.
). In this scenario, a model arises in which the payment of dividends acts as a signal of the expected cash flows of companies in an environment of imperfect information (Bhattacharya, 1979Bhattacharya, S. (1979). Imperfect information, dividend policy, and “the bird in the hand” fallacy. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 259–270.
). Signaling theory is used here to explain the behavior of managers who maintain the level of dividend payment even in periods of crisis, signaling to the market their financial capacity to support the reduction of economic activity.

In addition to economic factors, legislative and tax rules influence the distribution of profits to shareholders. In Brazil, there are two forms: the distribution of dividends, which is not taxed, and the Interest on Equity Capital (Juros Sobre Capital Próprio [JSCP]), which generates taxation to the shareholder and tax benefit to the entity (Decourt & Procianoy, 2012Decourt, R. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2012). O processo decisório sobre a distribuição de lucros das empresas listadas na BM & FBOVESPA: Survey com CFOs. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 10(4), 461–498.

In addition, Brazil has weak legal protection for minority shareholders, forcing companies to pay dividends, being regulated by Law no. 6,404/1976Law no. 6,404 of December 15, 1976. (1976). Dispõe sobre as sociedades por ações.
, which deals with the joint-stock company (sociedades por ações), establishing the figure of mandatory dividends (La Porta et al., 2000La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. W. (2000). Agency problems and dividend policies around the world. The Journal of Finance, 55(1), 1–33.
; Vancin & Procianoy, 2016bVancin, D. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2016b). Os fatores determinantes do pagamento de dividendos: O efeito do obrigatório mínimo legal e contratual nas empresas brasileiras. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 14(1), 89–123.
). In Brazil, Law no. 6,404/1976Law no. 6,404 of December 15, 1976. (1976). Dispõe sobre as sociedades por ações.
determines the distribution of half of the adjusted net income when there is an omission in The Bylaws and at least 25% when there is a subsequent change on this issue. In the case of publicly held companies after the enactment of Law no. 6,404/ 1976Law no. 6,404 of December 15, 1976. (1976). Dispõe sobre as sociedades por ações.
, the fixing of the mandatory minimum dividend is free.

Business cycles

NBER economists classify business cycles into two periods: recession and expansion, with recession defined as two or more consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth, while expansion implies two or more successive quarters of positive GDP growth. During this cycle, the peak of an expansion dates to the beginning of a recession, in which the economic peak occurs when the level of GDP reaches its maximum before it begins to decline, and the trough of a recession is the moment when GDP falls to its lowest level before it starts to rise again (Knoop, 2010Knoop, T. A. (2010). Recessions and depressions: Understanding business cycles. ABC-CLIO.).

Periods of economic growth are closely associated with financial crises. In such a way that prosperity causes depression, and depression causes prosperity, new ventures arise in times of crisis. Consequently, according to this theory, during periods of crisis, entrepreneurs have a greater capacity for initiative, with the support of the discoveries of scientists and inventors, creating opportunities capable of generating investments, growth, and employment, thus causing the “rebalancing” of the economy, since this impulse creates new waves of growth (Schumpeter, 1997Schumpeter, J. A. (1997). Uma investigação sobre lucros, capital, crédito, juro e o ciclo económico. Nova Cultural.).

Regarding the payment of dividends in times of crisis, Bliss et al. (2015)Bliss, B. A., Cheng, Y., & Denis, D. J. (2015). Corporate payout, cash retention, and the supply of credit: Evidence from the 2008–2009 credit crisis. Journal of Financial Economics, 115(3), 521–540.
state that during the recession stage, the entities need to recover and thus be able to grow again; therefore, they carry out spending restraints, preserving a more significant portion of their cash flow, reducing the distribution of dividends. However, Decourt and Procianoy (2012)Decourt, R. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2012). O processo decisório sobre a distribuição de lucros das empresas listadas na BM & FBOVESPA: Survey com CFOs. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 10(4), 461–498.
identified that even in periods of crisis, dividend distributions continue to grow, and a possible explanation for this event is the high levels of payout (dividend payments) of companies, which are considered a form of protection by shareholders during periods of economic instability. However, a high payout can impact the entity’s growth, as it distributes its resources by paying dividends, reducing the options available for investment (Decourt & Procianoy, 2012Decourt, R. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2012). O processo decisório sobre a distribuição de lucros das empresas listadas na BM & FBOVESPA: Survey com CFOs. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 10(4), 461–498.

Lindén et al. (2023)Lindén, A., Lehner, O. M., Losbichler, H., & Martikainen, M. (2023), Dividend payout decisions under uncertainty: The ownership influence in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 24(2), 299–317.
examined whether the ownership structure of Finland’s public firms influenced dividend payments during the COVID crisis. The results indicate a significant relationship between shareholder concentration and higher dividend pay changes. In addition, the study showed that managers are reluctant to reduce dividends even in times of crisis.

Analyzing the firms of the G7, Ntantamis and Zhou (2022)Ntantamis, C., & Zhou, J. (2022). Corporate payout, cash holdings, and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the G-7 countries. Finance Research Letters, 50.
found different results among the countries of the Group. For example, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy broadly reduced dividends, while companies in the United States and Canada made more share buybacks to reduce cash payments.

Leite et al. (2020)Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.
observed in a sample of 64 Brazilian companies between 2010 and 2016 the determining factors of the payment of dividends during the stages of prosperity and crisis. The study found that entities in periods of economic turbulence experience a performance loss. However, they do not decrease the levels of dividend payments during recessionary periods (Leite et al., 2020Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.

Martucheli et al. (2021)Martucheli, C. T., Ribeiro, J. E., Silva, E. A., de Souza, A. A., & Pinheiro, J. L. (2021). Política de dividendos e períodos de recessão: Evidencias no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 24(1), 37–54.⁢=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=19843925&p=IFME&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eabb5f21d
identified the dividend distribution behavior of Brazilian companies listed on the B3 stock market during periods of recession and expansion of the Brazilian economy, using a sample of 987 companies over 22 years (1996-2016). As a result, it has been observed that entities pay more dividends in periods of recession than in periods of economic expansion, signaling to the market that it is doing well financially.

Previous studies on the subject were based on segregating cycles into two stages. However, according to Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
, cycles are a wave movement composed of the stages of expansion, recession, depression, and recovery, in which economic growth occurs in the first two stages, while decline occurs in the last two stages. According to Kuznets (1940)Kuznets, S. (1940). Schumpeter’s Business Cycles. The American Economic Review, 30(2) 257–271.
, one of Schumpeter’s followers, innovation causes an imbalance in the economy, causing each stage to present different characteristics: 1. the expansion stage is characterized by an increase in economic activity (GDP), with a fall in unemployment and rising prices, companies are constantly growing their production and investing in new opportunities; after the expansion stage; 2. in recession, there is a decline in economic activity, the unemployment rate rises again, and the prices of goods and services fall; when economic activity continues to decline; 3. the contraction stage sets in, characterized by increasingly worse indicators for GDP, employment, consumption, investment, production, personal income, and profits; and 4. the recovery stage, marks the end of these cycles of reduced economic activity, GDP grows again, increasing the number of hires, increasing production and prices begin to rise more moderately until they enter equilibrium again.

As seen earlier, the classification of the four stages of the business cycle produces more information regarding the period of prosperity and decline of economic activity than the classification of the NBER, and the characteristics of these stages are distinct. In this context, the recession stage, according to the NBER, unifies the characteristics of contraction and recession explained by Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
, and the decline of the economy in this last stage cited is much more substantial than the previous one, leading to this study establishing the following hypothesis:

  • H1: The dividend payment in the recession stage measured according to the NBER metric differs from the recession and contraction stages measured according to Schumpeter.

In line with the previous discussion, the expansion stage measured according to the NBER comprises the expansion and recovery stages according to Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
. Therefore, it has different characteristics, and the expansion is marked by a more substantial growth than that observed in the recovery. Thus, the following hypothesis is presented:

  • H2: The dividend payment in the expansion stage measured according to the NBER metric differs from the expansion and recovery stages measured according to Schumpeter.


Data description

The research sample comprises companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange from 1997 to 2021. This period covers the publication of Decree no. 2,673 of July 16, 1998Decree no. 2,673 of July 16, 1998. (1998). Dispõe sobre o pagamento, pelas empresas estatais federais, de dividendos ou de juros sobre o capital próprio, e dá outras providências.
, which deals with the payment of dividends or JSCP by federal state-owned companies, in addition to understanding the main crises of the Brazilian market: the effect of the devaluation of the Real (1999), the real estate crisis (2008), the great Brazilian recession (2014-2016) and the crisis caused by the pandemic (2019-2020). The data used in this study were obtained through the Refinitiv platform. The initial sample of the research is composed of 6,576 observations, excluding duplicate values (61), companies with negative revenue (6), zero value (166), and missing data (4,337), totaling a final sample of 2,006 observations. Table 1 describes the sample distributed by the companies’ operating sectors.

Table 1
Description of the sample by sector

The firms were classified by sector according to the global industry classification standard (gics). the companies are distributed among 11 sectors, of which durable consumer goods (59), industry (44), and public services (32) have the largest number of companies/observations in the sample. The sectors with the lowest participation are financial (8), communication services (8), and energy (5), the latter being composed of companies producing oil, gas, and biofuels.

The sample includes companies that historically pay more dividends, such as the Financial and Electric Power sectors (included in Public Services) and companies in the Real Estate and Consumer Goods sectors, which usually pay less than average (Galvão et al., 2018Galvão, K. S., Santos, J. F., & de Araújo, J. M. (2018). Dividendos, juros sobre capital próprio e níveis de payout: Um estudo investigativo sobre a política de distribuição de dividendos adotada pelas empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa. Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, 15(36), 3–30.

Classification of business cycles

This study aims to verify the behavior of dividends in Brazilian companies using the classification methodology of cycles according to NBER and Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
, called only Schumpeter below.

Model NBER

The stages of the business cycles of the NBER model were classified considering the actual variation of GDP to the same period of the previous year, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Stages of a business cycle acccording to the NBER

The peaks and troughs of the business cycles were defined according to Claessens et al. (2012)Claessens, S., Kose, M. A., & Terrones, M. E. (2012). How do business and financial cycles interact? Journal of International Economics, 87, 178–190.
, in which a complete economic cycle is composed of two stages: the recession stage (from the peak to the valley) and the expansion stage (from the valley to the next peak). Specifically, a peak in a quarterly series occurs at time t if:

(1) y t = [ ( y t y t-2 ) > 0 , ( y t y t-1 ) > 0 ] and [ ( y t+2 y t ) < 0 , ( y t+1 y t ) < 0 ]

Similarly, the trough of a quarterly series occurs at time t if:

(2) y t = [ ( y t y t-2 ) < 0 , ( y t y t-1 ) < 0 ] and [ ( y t+2 y t ) > 0 , ( y t+1 y t ) > 0 ]

Schumpeter’s model

We used the quarterly variations of real GDP over the sample period to calculate the economic fluctuations according to Schumpeter. Its average was considered the equilibrium trend that Schumpeter mentioned (1935), segregating the stages of expansion and recession from the stages of contraction and recovery, thus having the model of business cycles with four stages (Paulo & Mota, 2019Paulo, E., & Mota, R. H. G. (2019). Ciclos econômicos e estratégias de ge renciamento de resultados contábeis: Um estudo nas companhias abertas brasileiras. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 30, 216–233.
). Figure 2 demonstrates this classification of cycles.

Figure 2
Stages of a business cycle–Schumpeter model

The financial data of the companies were collected annually, using the stages of the last quarters of each fiscal year to represent the level of economic activity of that period, according to Paulo and Mota (2019)Paulo, E., & Mota, R. H. G. (2019). Ciclos econômicos e estratégias de ge renciamento de resultados contábeis: Um estudo nas companhias abertas brasileiras. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 30, 216–233.

Econometric models

To observe the behavior of dividend payments according to the two models of business cycles (NBER and Schumpeter), we used panel data regression models, which, according to Fávero and Belfiore (2017)Fávero, L. P., & Belfiore, P. (2017). Manual de análise de dados: Estatística e modelagem multivariada com Excel, SPSS e Stata. Elsevier Brasil., are helpful to study the behavior of a phenomenon (dependent variable) in the presence of grouped data, with repeated measures, based on the studies of Forti et al. (2015)Forti, C. A. B., Peixoto, F. M., & Alves, D. L. (2015). Fatores determinantes do pagamento de dividendos no Brasil. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 26, 167–180.
and Vancin and Procianoy (2016b)Vancin, D. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2016b). Os fatores determinantes do pagamento de dividendos: O efeito do obrigatório mínimo legal e contratual nas empresas brasileiras. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 14(1), 89–123.

To compare the models of the NBER and Schumpeter business cycles, we estimated regressions as described in equations 3,4,5 used to test H1 and equations 6,7,8 for H2.

(3) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E _ l o w _ N B E R t + β 2 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

(4) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E _ l o w _ S t + β 2 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

(5) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E S _ l o w _ S t + + β 2 i t S T A G E _ H i g h _ S t + β 3 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

(6) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E _ H i g h _ N B E R t + β 2 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

(7) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E S _ H i g h _ S t + β 2 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

(8) P a y o u t i t = β 0 i t + β 1 i t S T A G E S _ H i g h _ S t + β 2 i t S T A G E _ L o w _ S t + β 3 i t C o n t r o l i t + ε i t

To test the differences between the stages of low GDP, in this case, the recession stage by the NBER as the stages of recession and contraction according to Schumpeter, about dividend payments, we analyzed the data that relate payout with dummies variables representing the business cycles measured according to the NBER and Schumpeter. Initially, the variables were tested individually with the control variables (Equation 3). Right after, the two variables of the bearish cycle, recession and contraction, are included in the model, according to Schumpeter (Equation 4). Finally, one of the high cycles is because there is no reference to choose which stage should be omitted or not in the case of analyzing the effects of all stages in the same regression (Equation 5). The equations are described below:

To analyze the relationship between payout and the stages of the GDP high cycles, a strategy like that described for the low stages was used, according to the equations below:

According to Schumpeter, in the models described above, STAGES_High_S represents the variables of the recovery and expansion stages, and STAGES_low_St represents the recession and contraction stages. The description of the variables is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Description of the regression variables

Regarding the control variables, Al-Gharaibeh et al. (2013)Al-Gharaibeh, M., Zurigat, Z., & Al-Harahsheh, K. (2013). The effect of ownership structure on dividends policy in Jordanian companies. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(9), 769–796.
and Martucheli et al. (2021)Martucheli, C. T., Ribeiro, J. E., Silva, E. A., de Souza, A. A., & Pinheiro, J. L. (2021). Política de dividendos e períodos de recessão: Evidencias no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 24(1), 37–54.⁢=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=19843925&p=IFME&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eabb5f21d
showed that companies with higher assets have a greater distribution of dividends, while more indebted companies distribute fewer dividends since they use their profits to pay their debts (Chu, 2018Chu, Y. (2018). Shareholder-creditor conflict and payout policy: Evidence from mergers between lenders and shareholders. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(8), 3098–3121.
; Martucheli et al., 2021Martucheli, C. T., Ribeiro, J. E., Silva, E. A., de Souza, A. A., & Pinheiro, J. L. (2021). Política de dividendos e períodos de recessão: Evidencias no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 24(1), 37–54.⁢=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=19843925&p=IFME&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eabb5f21d
). As for the variable growth opportunity, a contrary movement is expected compared to dividend yields because companies with higher growth opportunities tend to retain more profits to invest in projects and consequently have lower levels of dividend payments, so a negative sign is expected between the payout and growth opportunity variables (Esqueda, 2016Esqueda, O. A. (2016). Signaling, corporate governance, and the equilibrium dividend policy. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 59, 186–199.

Dividend payments are positively related to free cash flows, as companies with high uncertainty in cash flows tend to decrease dividend payouts and increase share buybacks (Kulchania, 2016Kulchania, M. (2016). Cost structure and payout policy. Financial Management, 45(4), 981–1009.
). Therefore, companies that run cash surpluses prefer to make dividend payments, reducing managerial discretionary funds and agency problems between managers and shareholders (Jensen, 1986Jensen, M. C. (1986). Agency costs of free cash flow, corporate finance, and takeovers. The American Economic Review, 76(2), 323–329.
; Al-Gharaibeh et al., 2013Al-Gharaibeh, M., Zurigat, Z., & Al-Harahsheh, K. (2013). The effect of ownership structure on dividends policy in Jordanian companies. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(9), 769–796.

As for the relationship between the variables market to book and Payout, Lintner (1956)Lintner, J. (1956). Distribution of incomes of corporations among dividends, retained earnings, and taxes. The American Economic Review, 46(2), 97–113.
identified the payment of premiums in the value of the shares of dividend-paying companies (Forti et al., 2015Forti, C. A. B., Peixoto, F. M., & Alves, D. L. (2015). Fatores determinantes do pagamento de dividendos no Brasil. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 26, 167–180.
). Therefore, the market is expected to increase the pricing of entities that present a better present and future cash flow for shareholders, increasing their market to book (Forti et al., 2015Forti, C. A. B., Peixoto, F. M., & Alves, D. L. (2015). Fatores determinantes do pagamento de dividendos no Brasil. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 26, 167–180.


Descriptive analysis

The sample’s descriptive statistics are presented in Table 3, segregated into a general sample in Panel A, and in the stages of recession and expansion according to the NBER (Panel B and C).

Table 3
Description of the general sample and segregated by stage according to the NBER method

When observing the mean of the variable Payout Panels A and B, we noted that the expansion period (0.7643) of the NBER model presents a higher level of dividend payment when compared to the recession stage (0.5875), that is, on average, in periods of expansion the companies pay more dividends to their net income than in the recession period, in line with the findings of Leite et al. (2020)Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.
. We highlight the results of growth opportunities that present a higher average in the recession stage than in the expansion stage (0.2196 and 0.1418), indicating that in this stage, there are greater positive variations in net operating revenue; the variable FCF presents a more negative value in the recession stage, indicating that this period is marked by less financial slack and the variable PtB that is also lower in the recession stage, indicating a decrease in the indicator probably caused by the reduction in the price of the shares in this period.

Table 4 shows the description of the data according to Schumpeter, dividing the stages of the business cycles into four.

Table 4
Description of the sample segregated by stage according to Schumpeter’s model

When comparing the stages according to Schumpeter, we noticed that the average dividend payments decrease in the stages of recession and contraction (0.6120 and 0.5646), returning to increase in the recovery and expansion stages (0.6498 and 0.9063). In addition, it shows that this behavior is also different between the high and low stages of GDP, which is one of the justifications for analyzing the economic stages segregated into four instead of two. Another highlight is the FCF variable, with the highest negative average in the recession stage (-2.3280), indicating a decrease in the company’s cash generation and improvement of this situation only in the recovery (0.8564).

Continuing the descriptive analysis, Table 5 presents the Spearman correlation matrix of the study variables.

Table 5
Spearman’s correlation matrix

Through panel A, the payout variable presents a positive correlation between the independent variables size, financial leverage, cash flow, and market-to-book. As we expected, the stage variables are strongly correlated with them since they are only dummies representing periods of the business cycles. When analyzing the relationship between the stages of the business cycles and payout, in the NBER model, a positive relationship is perceived between the expansion stage and a negative relationship in the recession stage, indicating that companies pay more (less) dividends in these stages, respectively. However, according to Schumpeter, recovery has a negative sign for payout and a positive sign for expansion when observing the stages of GDP growth. We also observed different signs for low GDP behavior, with a negative sign for contraction and a positive sign for recession, further reinforcing the justification of this study when the importance of segregating the stages of the business cycles into four. This analysis will be further explored in the next section.

Analysis of dividend payments in the stages of business cycles

We used unbalanced panel data regressions to test hypotheses 1 and 2 of this study. After performing the Breusch-Pagan, Hausman, and Chow F tests to verify which model best fits the research data, whether pooled, random, or fixed effects, we opted for the model with random effects for all models of the study. The Jarque-Bera normality tests indicated that the data were not standard; however, due to the large sample size, this assumption was relaxed according to the central limit theory (Wooldridge, 2014Wooldridge, J. M. (2014). Introdução à econometria: Uma abordagem moderna. Pioneira Thomson Learning.). The Wooldridge test indicated the absence of autocorrelation, and the Wald test showed heteroscedasticity in the data, so the models were estimated using White’s correction. The VIF test for multicollinearity resulted in an average of 1.27, indicating the absence of multicollinearity.

Table 6 presents the results of the regressions according to equations 3,4,5, used to test the first hypothesis.

Table 6
Relationship between payout and business cycles (low economic stages by NBER and Schumpeter)

According to Table 6, the variable N_Recession, which represents the low stage of GDP according to the NBER, presented a negative and significant relationship with payout only at the level of 10% (-0.112), and this relationship loses its significance when the stages of low GDP according to Schumpeter are analyzed, represented by variables S_Recession (-0.110) and S_Contraction (-0.041), separately, as seen in equations 3b and 3c. When analyzing the bearish stages together (Equation 4), only the variable S_Recession is significant, indicating that in the recession stage, the dividend payment is 13.9% lower than in the other stages. The variable S_Contraction is significant only at the level of 10% when analyzed according to Equation 5b, indicating that this characteristic of reduction in the payment of dividends is more robust in the recession. These findings highlight the importance of analyzing the stages of the cycles according to Schumpeter. Therefore, we cannot reject H1.

This reduction in dividend payments in recessionary periods may reflect cash retention managers’ decisions to mitigate the adverse financial effects of this period (Ntantamis & Zhou, 2022Ntantamis, C., & Zhou, J. (2022). Corporate payout, cash holdings, and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the G-7 countries. Finance Research Letters, 50.

In line with studies conducted in other countries, this research showed reduced shareholder remuneration during an economic downturn (Bliss et al., 2015Bliss, B. A., Cheng, Y., & Denis, D. J. (2015). Corporate payout, cash retention, and the supply of credit: Evidence from the 2008–2009 credit crisis. Journal of Financial Economics, 115(3), 521–540.
; Ntantamis & Zhou, 2022Ntantamis, C., & Zhou, J. (2022). Corporate payout, cash holdings, and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the G-7 countries. Finance Research Letters, 50.
). However, this research presented results contrary to those conducted in Brazil previously (Decourt & Procianoy, 2012Decourt, R. F., & Procianoy, J. L. (2012). O processo decisório sobre a distribuição de lucros das empresas listadas na BM & FBOVESPA: Survey com CFOs. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 10(4), 461–498.
; Leite et al., 2020Leite, M., Pamplona, E., da Silva, T. P., Brandt, E. T., & Schlotefeldt, J. O., (2020). Determinantes do pagamento de dividendos nos períodos de prosperidade e crise econômica em empresas brasileiras. Desafio Online, 8(1), 68–90.
; Martucheli et al., 2021Martucheli, C. T., Ribeiro, J. E., Silva, E. A., de Souza, A. A., & Pinheiro, J. L. (2021). Política de dividendos e períodos de recessão: Evidencias no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 24(1), 37–54.⁢=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=19843925&p=IFME&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eabb5f21d
). This divergence can be explained by analyzing the stages of the cycles or by a larger time frame instead of specific periods of crisis.

Of the control variables, growth presented statistical significance with a negative sign in all regressions, indicating that the firms that are considered investment opportunities, that is, those with more significant variation in the annual operating result, distribute a lower percentage of profit in the same direction as those found in Galvão et al. (2018)Galvão, K. S., Santos, J. F., & de Araújo, J. M. (2018). Dividendos, juros sobre capital próprio e níveis de payout: Um estudo investigativo sobre a política de distribuição de dividendos adotada pelas empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa. Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, 15(36), 3–30.
. The coefficients of the pandemic variable vary between the models, presenting values between -0.229 and -0.302, indicating that shareholder compensation is lower by 22.9% to 30.2% compared to the other stages in the pandemic period, corroborating Ntantamis and Zhou (2022)Ntantamis, C., & Zhou, J. (2022). Corporate payout, cash holdings, and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the G-7 countries. Finance Research Letters, 50.

Table 7 presents the results of the regressions according to equations 6,7,8, used to test the second hypothesis.

Table 7
Relationship between payout and business cycles (boom stages of the economy by NBER and Schumpeter)

The results of Table 7 showed the variables N_Expansion and S_Expansion significant and with positive signs in all models tested, indicating that the payout is higher in these stages; however, the variable S_Recovery did not present statistical significance, that is, there are indications that in this stage there is no increase in the distribution of profits by the companies. Therefore, according to the results presented, it cannot be said that there is more dividend payment in the whole stage of high GDP since this is valid only for the expansion stage, according to Schumpeter. The coefficients of the variable S_Expansion range from 0.207 to 0.243, indicating a 20.7% to 24.3% higher payout in this stage than the others.

The higher payment of dividends in periods of prosperity is in line with the signaling theory, in which managers try to send positive signals to investors about the financial health of the firm, or even, concerning the asymmetry of information, there is a reduction in the number of financial resources under the control of the agent (Miller & Rock, 1985Miller, M. H., & Rock, K. (1985). Dividend policy under asymmetric information. The Journal of Finance, 40(4), 1031–1051.
; Bhattacharya, 1979Bhattacharya, S. (1979). Imperfect information, dividend policy, and “the bird in the hand” fallacy. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 259–270.

Therefore, H2 of this study cannot be rejected. This outcome can be elucidated by the fact that these stages of GDP growth present differing characteristics when analyzed in more detail, as when using the four stages of the business cycles (Kuznets, 1940Kuznets, S. (1940). Schumpeter’s Business Cycles. The American Economic Review, 30(2) 257–271.

Therefore, according to the results presented, we related that there is a difference in the relationship between payout and the stages of the cycles of the NBER and Schumpeter models. According to Schumpeter, the classification of the cycles stages of the cycles can be used in a complementary way and even more informative when it is necessary to analyze stages of growth and fall of GDP.


The present study aimed to analyze the behavior of the dividend distribution of Brazilian publicly traded companies according to the effects of business cycles, comparing the stages defined by Schumpeter (1935)Schumpeter, J. A. (1935). The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 17(4), 2–10.
to the NBER model. Thus, we collected from the Refinitiv database of 243 publicly held companies with shares traded on B3, totaling 2,006 observations, and analyzed the sample using a panel data regression with random effects.

This research analyzed the payment of dividends through the payout index as an analysis strategy. Two hypotheses were defined to better direct the discussions of the present research. The first hypothesis states that the dividend payment in the recession stage measured according to the NBER metric differs from the recession and contraction stages measured according to Schumpeter. According to the NBER, the results of the regressions used to test this hypothesis showed a negative and significant relationship only at 10% between the payout and the recession stage. In comparison, the variables of the stages of the business cycles, according to Schumpeter, presented a negative and significant relationship at the level of 5% for the recession when the recession and contraction stages were included in the model. That is, it was found that companies pay 13.9% to 24.3% less dividends in the recession stage compared to the others.

In addition, it was possible to observe that this reduction in the payment of dividends is even more significant in the contraction stage, corroborating the results of Lim (2016)Lim, K. (2016). The shift of a dividend policy and a leverage policy during the 2008 financial crisis. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 5(6), 9–14.
that justify this reduction in the payment of dividends as an adjustment of the companies’ cash flow in periods of economic downturn. Thus, the results indicated the non-rejection of H1 and that the classification of the cycles by the four stages can capture more detailed information about the country’s economic activity and can be used in a complementary way by analysts, economists, investors, and others interested in the study of this relationship.

This research defined a second hypothesis: the dividend payment in the expansion stage measured according to the NBER metric differs from the expansion and recovery stages measured according to Schumpeter. After the results of the tests of the second hypothesis, it was possible to verify that the relationship between payout and the expansion stage, according to the NBER, was significant and positive only at 10%. In comparison, only the expansion stage, according to Schumpeter, presented statistical significance lower than 5%; that is, there are indications that the firms pay around 20% more dividends in this stage to the others; it is not possible to say that this payment is higher in every stage of GDP growth that is included in the expansion stage according to the NBER. Therefore, H2 was not rejected.

The results align with the research conducted in the Brazilian stock market and studies conducted in other countries, bringing relevant results to the literature. It is worth mentioning the importance of this study, especially for investors with a strategy focused on good dividend-paying companies because, during expansion stages, companies tend to pay more dividends. In contrast, there are indications of lower dividend payments in the recession stage.

Given the results, we highlight the importance of investigating the behavior of dividend payments according to Schumpeter’s model because the performance of dividends also varies according to minor oscillations such as recession and contraction.

As the limitation of the research, we mention the absence of a robustness test with lagged variables to mitigate endogeneity problems. This study also does not control the effects of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the financial statements of Brazilian firms. For future studies, we suggest controlling the entity’s life cycle and observing how these companies behave according to each life cycle stage, for example.

  • RAM does not have information about open data regarding this manuscript.
  • RAM does not have permission from the authors or evaluators to publish this article’s review.


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Edited by


Fellipe Silva Martins
Associated editor
Cintia de Oliveira
Technical support
Gabriel Henrique Carille


Publishing coordination
Jéssica Dametta
Editorial intern
Bruna Silva de Angelis
Copy editor
Bardo Editorial (Irina Migliari)
Layout designer
Graphic designer

Data availability

RAM does not have information about open data regarding this manuscript.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    28 July 2023
Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil