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Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in people with a crack cocaine use disorder


The use of cocaine and its main derivative, crack, can cause some systemic effects that may lead to the development of some oral disorders.


To assess the oral health of people with a crack cocaine use disorder and identify salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders.


A total of 40 volunteers hospitalized for rehabilitation for crack cocaine addiction were enrolled; nine were randomly selected for proteomic analysis. Intraoral examination, report of DMFT, gingival and plaque index, xerostomia, and non-stimulated saliva collection were performed. A list of proteins identified was generated from the UniProt database and manually revised.


The mean age (n=40) was 32 (±8.88; 18–51) years; the mean DMFT index was 16±7.70; the mean plaque and gingival index were 2.07±0.65 and 2.12±0.64, respectively; and 20 (50%) volunteers reported xerostomia. We identified 305 salivary proteins (n=9), of which 23 were classified as candidate for biomarkers associated with 14 oral disorders. The highest number of candidates for biomarkers was associated with carcinoma of head and neck (n=7) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n=7), followed by periodontitis (n=6).


People with a crack cocaine use disorder had an increased risk of dental caries and gingival inflammation; less than half had oral mucosal alterations, and half experienced xerostomia. As possible biomarkers for 14 oral disorders, 23 salivary proteins were identified. Oral cancer and periodontal disease were the most often associated disorders with biomarkers.

Salivary proteins and peptide; Proteomics; Biomarkers; Crack cocaine


The use of cocaine and its main derivative, crack, has become a huge public health concern worldwide due to the medical, psychological, and social issues associated with its abuse. The estimation of people using cocaine worldwide is 17 to 20 million.11 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. World Drug Report 2015 [internet]. New York: United Nations; 2015 [cited 2023 Apr 10]. Available from:

The systemic effects of crack cocaine addiction include cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal complications.22 - Butler AJ, Rehm J, Fischer B. Health outcomes associated with crack-cocaine use: systematic review and meta-analyses. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017;180:401-16. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.036. People with a cocaine use disorder have a high prevalence of anorexia and malnutrition, which may lead to the development of secondary lesions in the oral mucosa,33 - Schwartz RH, Luxenberg MG, Hoffmann NG. "Crack" use by American middle-class adolescent polydrug abusers. J Pediatr. 1991;118(1):150-5. doi: 10.1016/s0022-3476(05)81871-2
,44 - Cook JA, Burke-Miller JK, Cohen MH, Cook RL, Vlahov D, Wilson TE, et al. Crack cocaine, disease progression, and mortality in a multicenter cohort of HIV-1 positive women. AIDS. 2008;22(11):1355-63. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32830507f2 with glossalgia, angular cheilitis, and other forms of candidiasis being the most common.55 - Faruque S, Edlin BR, McCoy CB, Word CO, Larsen SA, Schmid DS, et al. Crack cocaine smoking and oral sores in three inner-city neighborhoods. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1996;13(1):87-92. doi: 10.1097/00042560-199609000-00012

6 - Paillaud E, Merlier I, Dupeyron C, Scherman E, Poupon J, Bories PN. Oral candidiasis and nutritional deficiencies in elderly hospitalised patients. Br J Nutr. 2004;92(5):861-7. doi: 10.1079/bjn20041264
-77 - Van Lancker A, Verhaeghe S, Van Hecke A, Vanderwee K, Goossens J, Beeckman D. The association between malnutrition and oral health status in elderly in long-term care facilities: a systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2012;49(12):1568-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.04.001 Several studies have reported alteration in taste perception in people with a crack cocaine use disorder.88 - Chaiben CL, Fernandes Â, Martins MC, Machado MÂ, Brancher JA, Lima AA. Disorders of taste function in crack cocaine addicts. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny. 2014(1):32-6. doi:10.1016/j.ppotor.2013.11.006
Cytological examinations have shown alterations in their mucosal cells, suggesting DNA damage, inflammation, enucleated cell enlargement, and in the number of nucleolar organizer regions. In addition to inflammation, these results suggest intense tissue proliferation and differentiation, disregarding drug aggression.99 - Oliveira MG, Santos JN, Cury PR, Silva VH, Oliveira NR, Padovani RC, et al. Cytogenetic biomonitoring of oral mucosa cells of crack cocaine users. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2014;21(8):5760-4. doi: 10.1007/s11356-013-2447-6

10 - Webber LP, Pellicioli AC, Magnusson AS, Danilevicz CK, Bueno CC, Sant'Ana Filho M, et al. Nuclear changes in oral mucosa of alcoholics and crack cocaine users. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2016;35(2):184-93. doi: 10.1177/0960327115579430

11 - Lima AA, Woyceichoski IE, Batista A, Grégio AM, Ignácio SA, Machado MÂ, et al .Cytopathological changes in oral epithelium induced by crack cocaine smoking. Pharmacologyonline 2007;1:31-40.
-1212 - Thiele MC, Bohn JC, Chaiben CL, Grégio AM, Machado MÂ, Lima AA. Nucleolar organizer regions of oral epithelial cells in crack cocaine users. Iran Biomed J. 2013;17(2):107-11. doi: 10.6091/ibj.11152.2013

Human tissues and biological fluids contain proteins and other molecules that can be used as biomarkers. The comparative and mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis of body fluids can be particularly instrumental for the targeted identification of novel protein biomarkers with pathological relevance.1313 - O'Sullivan EM, Dowling P, Swandulla D, Ohlendieck K. Proteomic identification of saliva proteins as noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2596:147-67. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2831-7_12
A biomarker can be defined as an indicator of physiological process, disease, or response to a therapeutic agent.1414 - Khurshid Z, Zohaib S, Najeeb S, Zafar MS, Rehman R, Rehman IU. Advances of proteomic sciences in dentistry. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(5):728. doi: 10.3390/ijms17050728,1515 - Aronson JK, Ferner RE. Biomarkers-a general review. Curr Protoc Pharmacol. 2017;76:9.23.1-9.23.17. doi: 10.1002/cpph.19Although the presence or change in concentration of a biomarker is detected during a disease process, it does not guarantee disease occurrence. Careful evaluation of clinical parameters in the patient should be considered.1616 - Al-Tarawneh SK, Border MB, Dibble CF, Bencharit S. Defining salivary biomarkers using mass spectrometry-based proteomics: a systematic review. OMICS. 2011;15(6):353-61. doi: 10.1089/omi.2010.0134

Saliva is an excellent diagnostic fluid due to its noninvasive method of collection;1717 - Dowling P, Wormald R, Meleady P, Henry M, Curran A, Clynes M. Analysis of the saliva proteome from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reveals differences in abundance levels of proteins associated with tumour progression and metastasis. J Proteomics. 2008;71(2):168-75. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2008.04.004,1818 - Khurshid Z, Warsi I, Moin SF, Slowey PD, Latif M, Zohaib S, et al. Biochemical analysis of oral fluids for disease detection. Adv Clin Chem. 2021;100:205-53. doi: 10.1016/bs.acc.2020.04.005 the proximity to tumors of the head and neck offers great potential for biomarker detection in saliva. Proteomic analysis of this fluid allows identification of proteins that function as early diagnostic tools or prognostic markers for diseases.1717 - Dowling P, Wormald R, Meleady P, Henry M, Curran A, Clynes M. Analysis of the saliva proteome from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reveals differences in abundance levels of proteins associated with tumour progression and metastasis. J Proteomics. 2008;71(2):168-75. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2008.04.004 Salivary proteomics research was used to characterize the proteome profile of alcoholics and smokers1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013and to identify possible biomarkers of oral disorders in this population.2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337 Nonetheless, there are only a few research on the protein profile on the saliva of people with a crack cocaine use disorder.2121 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952

Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the oral health condition of people with a crack cocaine use disorder and to identify salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders.


The local Institutional Review Board approved the experimental protocol of this study (approval No. 1825659).

Volunteers were recruited from the Instituto de Pesquisa e Tratamento do Álcool (IPTA - Campo Largo, Paraná, Brazil). Men above 18 years and who were undergoing treatment for crack cocaine addiction with a maximum of 15 days of abstinence88 - Chaiben CL, Fernandes Â, Martins MC, Machado MÂ, Brancher JA, Lima AA. Disorders of taste function in crack cocaine addicts. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny. 2014(1):32-6. doi:10.1016/j.ppotor.2013.11.006
were enrolled for the study. Participants with systemic disorders or acute infection symptoms, using antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs,1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013

20 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337
-2121 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952 and with oral mucosal injuries were excluded. An informed consent form was signed before any procedure by all participants.

The participants were questioned about their socioeconomic background, drug usage history (both licit and illicit), overall health, use of medications, and oral hygiene. Next, extraoral clinical examinations and intraoral assessments were conducted in both natural and artificial light.2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337 The presence or absence of xerostomia was assessed by the question “Do you have a dry mouth sensation?”; xerostomia was considered present if the participant answered “yes”. In cases of oral or gingival mucosal alterations or dental caries the subjects were referred to the dental clinic at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. The decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index, gingival index (GI), and plaque index (PI) were evaluated.2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

A total of 40 volunteers were included in the study. Among them, nine were randomly selected for salivary proteomics analysis.1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013

20 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

21 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952
-2222 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561

Proteomic Analysis

The collection of saliva was performed as described in previous studies.1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013

20 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

21 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952

22 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561
-2323 - UniProt Consortium T. (2018). UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase. Nucleic acids research. 2018;46(5):2699. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky092 Proteins were extracted separately from each sample and biological triplicates were prepared immediately after extraction. Peptide identification was performed on nanoACQUITY UPLC Xevo Q-TOF MS system (Waters, Milford, MA, USA), according to other studies.1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013

20 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

21 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952
-2222 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561

The ion count technique included in the ProteinLynx Global Server program (PLGS) version 3.03 (Waters, Milford, MA) was used to identify salivary proteins. The results were obtained by searching the Homo sapiens database in the UniProt catalogue (Universal Protein Resource), version August 2017 ( All pooled samples were analyzed in triplicate.1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013

20 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

21 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952
-2222 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561,2424 - Rhodus NL, Ho V, Miller CS, Myers S, Ondrey F. NF-kappaB dependent cytokine levels in saliva of patients with oral preneoplastic lesions and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Detect Prev. 2005;29(1):42-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cdp.2004.10.003

From the results generated by the mass spectrometer, a manual revision of the protein list was performed.2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337

21 - Chaiben CL, Batista TB, Penteado CA, Barbosa MC, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome analysis of crack cocaine dependents. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;121:104952. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104952

22 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561

23 - UniProt Consortium T. (2018). UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase. Nucleic acids research. 2018;46(5):2699. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky092

24 - Rhodus NL, Ho V, Miller CS, Myers S, Ondrey F. NF-kappaB dependent cytokine levels in saliva of patients with oral preneoplastic lesions and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Detect Prev. 2005;29(1):42-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cdp.2004.10.003
-2525 - Cho HR, Kim HS, Park JS, Park SC, Kim KP, Wood TD, et al. Construction and characterization of the Korean whole saliva proteome to determine ethnic differences in human saliva proteome. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181765 Subsequently, the genes of origin of each protein were identified and used to search for protein candidates for biomarkers in the search tool IBI-IMIM (Database of disease-related biomarkers).2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337,2525 - Cho HR, Kim HS, Park JS, Park SC, Kim KP, Wood TD, et al. Construction and characterization of the Korean whole saliva proteome to determine ethnic differences in human saliva proteome. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181765,2626 - Bravo À, Cases M, Queralt-Rosinach N, Sanz F, Furlong LI. A knowledge-driven approach to extract disease-related biomarkers from the literature. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:253128. doi: 10.1155/2014/253128

All study reports that investigated the possible association of proteins with oral disorders were manually reviewed to ensure that they effectively investigated the association between biomarkers and oral disorders cited in the IBI-IMIM search tool. To compile a final list of proteins that have been searched for putative association with oral disorders, articles in which the main protein, disorder, or both were not described were excluded.2020 - Penteado CA, Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Bonacin BG, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders in alcohol and tobacco dependents. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/odi.13337


The sample comprised 40 men with the mean age of 32 (±8.88; 18–51) years and mean DMFT of 16 (±7.70; 0–26). The most frequent clinical changes were leukoedema, actinic cheilitis, and smoker’s melanosis; 20 participants (50%) reported xerostomia. Table 1 shows all clinical changes along with the drug use profile, PI, and GI of the participants.

Table 1
Clinical changes, oral hygiene pattern, and drug use profile of all participants (n=40) and the participants selected for salivary proteomics analysis (n=9)

The nine individuals selected for salivary proteomics analysis had a mean age of 36.39 (±7.78; 28–51) years. A total of 305 salivary proteins were identified by proteomic analysis. From that, 32 proteins were found to be candidate for biomarkers of oral disorders; 19 different oral disorders were identified.

The most frequent oral disorders were “hereditary gingivitis fibromatosis” (11 biomarkers), “pleomorphic adenoma” (9 biomarkers), and “carcinoma of head and neck” (7 biomarkers), and “nasopharyngeal carcinoma” (7 biomarkers) (Table 2).

Table 2
Oral disorders, protein code (accession number), and number of candidates for biomarkers before manual revision

The most frequent terms related to changes in denture-supporting tissues were “periodontitis” (6 biomarkers), “periodontal disease” (5 biomarkers), “gingivitis” (2 biomarkers), “periodontal pocket” (1 biomarker), and “acquired absence of teeth” (1 biomarker). Alteration in three terms related to teeth were associated with one biomarker each: dental caries, root resorption, and dental disorder. Table 2 shows all oral disorders identified with their respective biomarkers.

After manual review, all articles related to “pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland,” which focused on other types of adenomas, were excluded since the biomarkers were not related to oral disorders indicated by the database. After exclusion, a total of 23 salivary protein as candidates for biomarkers associated with 14 oral disorders were identified (Table 3).

Table 3
Oral disorders, protein code (accession number), and number of candidates for biomarkers after manual revision


In Brazil, among illicit substances, the use of cocaine and crack by adults are ranked second and third, respectively.2727 - Ribeiro M, Duailibi S, Frajzinger R, Alonso AL, Marchetti L, Williams AV, et al. The Brazilian 'Cracolândia' open drug scene and the challenge of implementing a comprehensive and effective drug policy. Addiction. 2016;111(4):571-3. doi: 10.1111/add.13151
The use of crack cocaine is associated with a variety of systemic44 - Cook JA, Burke-Miller JK, Cohen MH, Cook RL, Vlahov D, Wilson TE, et al. Crack cocaine, disease progression, and mortality in a multicenter cohort of HIV-1 positive women. AIDS. 2008;22(11):1355-63. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32830507f2,2828 - Baldwin GC, Choi R, Roth MD, Shay AH, Kleerup EC, Simmons MS, et al. Evidence of chronic damage to the pulmonary microcirculation in habitual users of alkaloidal ("crack") cocaine. Chest. 2002;121(4):1231-8. doi: 10.1378/chest.121.4.1231
and oral diseases.2929 - Woyceichoski IE, Costa CH, Araújo CM, Brancher JA, Resende LG, Vieira I, et al. Salivary buffer capacity, pH, and stimulated flow rate of crack cocaine users. J Investig Clin Dent. 2013;4(3):160-3. doi: 10.1111/j.2041-1626.2012.00126.x-3030 - Lima RC, Ferraz P, Chaiben CL, Fernandes Â, Grégio AT, Machado MN, et al. Genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of smoke crack cocaine on the epithelium of the human oral mucosa. J Dent Indones. 2016;23(2):33-9. doi: 10.14693/jdi.v23i2.1001 Salivary proteomics analysis, along with the identification of protein candidates for biomarkers of these disorders, may assist in the early diagnosis and framing health policies for both people with a crack cocaine use disorder and those who previously used it in an unprecedent manner.

Regarding oral condition of people with a crack cocaine use disorder, this study reported high DMFT index, in addition to the presence of dental plaque and gingival inflammation, which agrees with other studies conducted on similar populations and age groups.3131 - Albini MB, Couto AC, Invernici MM, Martins MC, Lima AA, Gabardo MC. Sociodemographic profile and oral condition of drug users in two municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2015;44(4):244-9. doi: 10.1590/1807-2577.1068,3232 - Gaio DC, Bastos FI, Moysés SJ, Moysés ST, Corrêa da Mota J, Nicolau B, et al. Assessing oral health of crack users in Brazil: Perceptions and associated factors, findings from a mixed methods study. Glob Public Health. 2021;16(4):502-16. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1809693 The study sample presented a gingival index (score 2) indicating moderate inflammation (score 2) without a large accumulation of dental biofilm. These clinical findings may explain the presence of salivary protein biomarkers of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, and periodontal pocket in the tested sample.

In this study, a biomarker for hyposalivation (Spectrin alpha - A0A1B0GV13) was identified by salivary proteomics analysis, which agrees with a high percentage of the sample (50%) reporting xerostomia; however, a study that indicated similar correlation in the IBI-IMIM search tool was performed in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome.3333 - Witte T, Matthias T, Bierwirth J, Schmidt RE. Antibodies against alpha-fodrin are associated with sicca syndrome in the general population. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007;1108:414-7. doi: 10.1196/annals.1422.043 Other studies showed a significant reduction in salivary pH, but no changes in salivary flow and buffer capacity of the saliva collected from people with a crack cocaine use disorder.2929 - Woyceichoski IE, Costa CH, Araújo CM, Brancher JA, Resende LG, Vieira I, et al. Salivary buffer capacity, pH, and stimulated flow rate of crack cocaine users. J Investig Clin Dent. 2013;4(3):160-3. doi: 10.1111/j.2041-1626.2012.00126.x,3232 - Gaio DC, Bastos FI, Moysés SJ, Moysés ST, Corrêa da Mota J, Nicolau B, et al. Assessing oral health of crack users in Brazil: Perceptions and associated factors, findings from a mixed methods study. Glob Public Health. 2021;16(4):502-16. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1809693 The xerostomia reported by the volunteers in this study might be associated with the use of medications for the treatment of abstinence and not directly to the use of crack cocaine.

Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) was found to be associated with four biomarkers according to two previous studies.3434 - Almeida JP, Coletta RD, Silva SD, Agostini M, Vargas PA, Bozzo L, et al. Proliferation of fibroblasts cultured from normal gingiva and hereditary gingival fibromatosis is dependent on fatty acid synthase activity. J Periodontol. 2005;76(2):272-8. doi: 10.1902/jop.2005.76.2.272,3535 - Zhu Y, Zhang W, Huo Z, Zhang Y, Xia Y, Li B, et al. A novel locus for maternally inherited human gingival fibromatosis at chromosome 11p15. Hum Genet. 2007;121(1):113-23. doi: 10.1007/s00439-006-0283-1 According to Almeida et al.3434 - Almeida JP, Coletta RD, Silva SD, Agostini M, Vargas PA, Bozzo L, et al. Proliferation of fibroblasts cultured from normal gingiva and hereditary gingival fibromatosis is dependent on fatty acid synthase activity. J Periodontol. 2005;76(2):272-8. doi: 10.1902/jop.2005.76.2.272 (2005), the production of Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) activity was greater in patients with HGF than in others, and inhibition of FAS caused a significant reduction in the production of fibroblasts, even in healthy patients. Conversely, FAS was found to be related to the growth factor of several tumors and considered an indicator of prognosis in neoplasia.3636 - Takahiro T, Shinichi K, Toshimitsu S. Expression of fatty acid synthase as a prognostic indicator in soft tissue sarcomas. Clin Cancer Res. 2003;9(6):2204-12 This controversy may suggest that FAS is a biomarker related to tissue proliferation and may not be directly involved in the production of fibroblasts in HGF, as proposed by Almeida, et al.3434 - Almeida JP, Coletta RD, Silva SD, Agostini M, Vargas PA, Bozzo L, et al. Proliferation of fibroblasts cultured from normal gingiva and hereditary gingival fibromatosis is dependent on fatty acid synthase activity. J Periodontol. 2005;76(2):272-8. doi: 10.1902/jop.2005.76.2.272(2005).

The albumin biomarker (P02768) was related to leukoplakia, as reported in two previous studies.3737 - Nayyar AS, Khan M. In search of malignant transformation: a pilot study. J Cancer Res Ther. 2012;8(2):277-81. doi: 10.4103/0973-1482.98987,3838 - Nayyar AS. Novel biochemical markers: early detection and prevention of malignant transformation a pilot study. Acta Med Iran. 2012;50(9):597-602. Tobacco use is associated with a decrease in serum albumin concentration, as this protein is reduced in patients diagnosed with leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is one of the most common potentially malignant lesions, with a relatively high risk of transformation into squamous cell carcinoma.3838 - Nayyar AS. Novel biochemical markers: early detection and prevention of malignant transformation a pilot study. Acta Med Iran. 2012;50(9):597-602. Alcohol and tobacco are the main risk factors for this lesion,3939 - Rothman K, Keller A. The effect of joint exposure to alcohol and tobacco on risk of cancer of the mouth and pharynx. J Chronic Dis. 1972;25(12):711-6. doi: 10.1016/0021-9681(72)90006-9 and the use of both was frequent in our study sample. Furthermore, tobacco use was also associated with smoker’s melanosis and nicotine stomatitis in this study.

Actinic cheilitis, which is considered a potentially malignant lesion caused by excessive ultraviolet radiation exposure, was diagnosed in our sample. Moreover, carcinoma of head and neck was associated with seven biomarkers, and 10 articles have reported on diagnostic, prognostic, and new treatment targets for this disease. The salivary proteomics analysis of patients with carcinoma of head and neck showed high levels of proteins associated with tumor progression and metastasis, particularly cofilin-1 (P23528).1717 - Dowling P, Wormald R, Meleady P, Henry M, Curran A, Clynes M. Analysis of the saliva proteome from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reveals differences in abundance levels of proteins associated with tumour progression and metastasis. J Proteomics. 2008;71(2):168-75. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2008.04.004 This biomarker is increased in tissue areas surrounding the margin of safety from samples of oral carcinoma.1717 - Dowling P, Wormald R, Meleady P, Henry M, Curran A, Clynes M. Analysis of the saliva proteome from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reveals differences in abundance levels of proteins associated with tumour progression and metastasis. J Proteomics. 2008;71(2):168-75. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2008.04.004 The biomarker syndecan-1 (P18827), also found in our sample, was found to be associated with the degree of histological differentiation of carcinoma.1414 - Khurshid Z, Zohaib S, Najeeb S, Zafar MS, Rehman R, Rehman IU. Advances of proteomic sciences in dentistry. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(5):728. doi: 10.3390/ijms17050728Reduced syndecan-1 expression was linked to a low histologic grade of differentiation and a poor outcome in patients with head and neck neoplasms treated with surgery and postoperative radiation.4040 - Anttonen A, Kajanti M, Heikkilä P, Jalkanen M, Joensuu H. Syndecan-1 expression has prognostic significance in head and neck carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 1999;79(3-4):558-64. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690088 However, an analogy of these studies with our sample is difficult since the age of the population is either different or not mentioned. Moreover, people with a crack cocaine use disorder tend to have premature mortality due to other factors, such as complications of HIV/AIDS or other behaviors.2727 - Ribeiro M, Duailibi S, Frajzinger R, Alonso AL, Marchetti L, Williams AV, et al. The Brazilian 'Cracolândia' open drug scene and the challenge of implementing a comprehensive and effective drug policy. Addiction. 2016;111(4):571-3. doi: 10.1111/add.13151

Proteomic analysis allows for the identification of many biomarkers in a short time in complex biological matrices such as saliva. Thus, higher selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity could be obtained by using techniques to perform sequence analysis of the tryptic peptides, providing supplementary unique data on the mass and structure of the selected required component. Therefore, standardization is required in the preanalytical phase,2222 - Ventura TM, Ribeiro NR, Dionizio AS, Sabino IT, Buzalaf MA. Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018;26:e20170561. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0561 and a step of peptide separation based on size following total tryptic digestion can help isolate a large peptide population. Furthermore, search tools should be incorporated into databases by using programs, although some may have limitations. In this study, IBI-IMIM, despite being an excellent tool, presented several incorrect associations between biomarkers and pathological processes.

Upon manual review, we found that some biomarkers were associated with other diseases or were mentioned in the articles but not related to the target process of the study. This suggests that while researchers can use these search tools for pre-analysis, the results should be critically and manually checked before being included in their review. Another limitation of this study is its descriptive design, which does not allow for verification whether a patient will develop a disorder related to the identified biomarker; a larger sample size and a prospective study design would provide answers to these questions. Finally, the exclusion of women subjects is another limitation of this study. Since hormonal variations could affect salivary protein secretion in women1919 - Batista TB, Chaiben CL, Penteado CA, Nascimento JM, Ventura TM, Dionizio A, et al. Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;204:107510. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.013, and only male patients over 18 years are attended at IPTA, only men were included in this study.


People with a crack cocaine use disorder had an increased risk of dental caries and gingival inflammation. Less than half had alterations in their oral mucosa, while half experienced xerostomia. A total of 23 salivary proteins were identified as candidates for biomarkers of 14 oral disorders. Oral cancer and periodontal diseases were the most often associated disorders with biomarkers. Proteomic analysis may play a crucial role in understanding alterations in the salivary protein profile associated with crack cocaine use and may serve as a tool for accurate and early detection of disorders affecting the head and neck region.


This study was partially financed by the Coordination of Higher Education and Graduate Training - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.


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  • Data availability statement
    All data generated and analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

Edited by

Editor: Linda Wang

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 May 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    16 Dec 2022
  • Reviewed
    10 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    06 Apr 2023
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