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The role of the internal audit in the Armed Forces and its influence on organisational sustainability: a case study



This paper develops a case study focusing on the Portuguese Air Forces, first to identify the roles of the internal audit (IA) and then to analyse its influence on organisation sustainability, while also exploring the moderating effect of human resource management practices (HRMPs).

Theoretical framework

This research draws on empirical work on the roles and activities performed by IA in the private sector and human capital theory to assess the effect of HRMPs on performance.


The study uses the survey method and data were collected through a questionnaire made available on an online platform. The study applies an ordinary least squares regression model.


This study shows that IA provides assurance and advisory services and that IA is positively related to sustainability orientation, particularly in the governance and social dimensions. The moderating effect of HRMPs is felt only in the environmental dimension.

Practical & social implications of research

This study reinforces the literature on the relationship between IA effectiveness and sustainability, provides insights into the effectiveness of IA as reported by auditors themselves, identifies the portfolio of functions performed by IA, and points to improvements to be made in IA management.


The topics studied are explored for the first time in the context of the Armed Forces, and the analysis of the moderating effect of HMRPs on the relationship between IA and sustainability is pioneering.

Internal audit; sustainability; human resource management practices; Armed Forces

1 Introduction

The internal audit (IA) has changed and is no longer the same as it was a few decades ago. While IA may still evoke negative thoughts for some, it is now seen as an essential function for an organisation to survive and thrive (Anderson et al., 2017Anderson, U. L., Head, M. J., Ramamoorti, S., Riddle, C., Salamasick, M., & Sobel, P. J. (2017). Internal auditing: Assurance & advisory services (4th ed.). Canada: Internal Audit Foundation.). In addition to its traditional functions, IA is now responsible for advising and driving value on what really matters in the organisation (Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.). Indeed, the abrupt transformation that IA has undergone in recent years has led it to carry increased societal expectations (Pickett, 2010Pickett, K. S. (2010). The internal auditing handbook (3rd ed.). London: John Wiley & Sons.). In line with organisations’ sustainability goals, IA also plays a vital role in sustainability issues (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.).

Over the years, IA has attracted increasing interest from academics. However, despite the increasing number of studies in this field in both the private and public sectors, the literature on this topic remains scarce (Roussy & Brivot, 2016Roussy, M., & Brivot, M. (2016). Internal audit quality: A polysemous notion? Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 29(5), 714-738.
). This gap is even more structural in the public sector, as there are fewer studies concerning its reality on this topic (Hazaea et al., 2023Hazaea, S. A., Zhu, J., Khatib, S. F., & Elamer, A. A. (2023). Mapping the literature of internal auditing in Europe: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Meditari Accountancy Research, 31(6), 1675-1706.
; Roussy & Brivot, 2016Roussy, M., & Brivot, M. (2016). Internal audit quality: A polysemous notion? Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 29(5), 714-738.
). Moreover, this study focuses on the perspective of internal auditors, while the existing studies focus on the perspectives of other stakeholders (mainly external auditor). Little is known about internal auditors’ perceptions of IA effectiveness (IAE) (Roussy & Perron, 2018Roussy, M., & Perron, A. (2018). New perspectives in internal audit research: A structured literature review. Accounting Perspectives, 17(3), 345-385.
; Trotman & Duncan, 2018Trotman, A. J., & Duncan, K. R. (2018). Internal audit quality: Insights from audit committee members, senior management, and internal auditors. Auditing, 37(4), 235-259.
). Additionally, few studies have taken into consideration the relationship between IA and sustainability (Soh & Martinov-Bennie, 2015Soh, D. S. B., & Martinov-Bennie, N. (2015). Internal auditors’ perceptions of their role in environmental, social and governance assurance and consulting. Managerial Auditing Journal, 30(1), 80-111.
; Harasheh & Provasi, 2023Harasheh, M., & Provasi, R. (2023). A need for assurance: Do internal control systems integrate environmental, social, and governance factors? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(1), 384-401.
). Finally, no studies were found that examined the extent to which there should be no concern in the organisation to involve internal auditors in sustainability matters.

This gap in the literature also extends to the Armed Forces. Although there are organisational similarities between the Armed Forces and other public sector organisations (Felício et al., 2021Felício, T., Samagaio, A., & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124, 593-602.
), the characteristics of the former are found nowhere else. These organisations have unique command and control systems, serve as a crucial strategic component of a country under a strict, bureaucratic and hierarchical structure, and have top-down strategy making (Eisenberg et al., 2018Eisenberg, D. A., Alderson, D. L., Kitsak, M., Ganin, A., & Linkov, I. (2018). Network foundation for Command and Control (C2) systems: Literature review. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 6, 68782-68794.
; Godinho, 2023Godinho, L. M. M. (2023). Management control systems use in military defense organizations: A levers of control analysis of the Portuguese Armed Forces [Master’s thesis]. Universidade de Lisboa.). Moreover, compared to the private sector, the Armed Forces are often seen as traditionalist and resistant to change (Salvada, 2018Salvada, P. (2018). Melhoria contínua de processos das Forças Armadas. Lisboa: Instituto Universitário Militar.). This context raises the question of whether they are following the developments in IA, whether or not the role played by IA in military institutions is similar to other public or private organisations, and how this corporate governance (CG) mechanism contributes to organisational sustainability. Given that the defence sector has been subject to various reforms in the last few years (Eisenberg et al., 2018Eisenberg, D. A., Alderson, D. L., Kitsak, M., Ganin, A., & Linkov, I. (2018). Network foundation for Command and Control (C2) systems: Literature review. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 6, 68782-68794.
), and the highly specific nature of these organisations mentioned above, this study may provide new and highly valuable insights into how IA works in different contexts. This is all the more important as the Armed Forces, like the rest of the public administration, are under pressure to improve the way they operate (not only in economic, but also in social and environmental terms) in order to “do more with less” and have a greater impact on society.

The present study consists of a case study carried out in the Portuguese Air Force (PAF) and aims to address three main objectives: i) identify the roles/functions of the internal audit in the PAF; ii) assess the contribution of IA to the sustainability of the PAF; and iii) assess the possible moderating effect of human resource management practices (HRMPs) in the relationship between IA and sustainability. This last objective was analysed to see if any contextual factor could strengthen this relationship.

Based on data collected through questionnaires sent to the PAF’s internal auditors, the results show that IA is a value-added assurance and advisory service that covers a wide range of areas, such as auditing compliance with the regulatory requirements and auditing financial risks. Moreover, IA can contribute to the sustainability of the PAF. The results reveal that this contribution is focused on the social and governance dimension of ESG, and that this contribution can be extended to the environmental dimension with the help of HRMPs.

This paper is divided into five sections. After the introduction, the second section reviews the literature and presents the hypotheses to be tested. The third section describes the methodology used, and the fourth section presents the results and the statistical tests that give them validity. The fourth section also compares the results with the literature and discusses them. Finally, the fifth section presents the conclusions, implications and limitations.

2 Literature review and hypothesis development

2.1 Roles of the internal audit

The need for effective control processes gave rise to the concept of internal auditing (Moeller, 2016Moeller, R. (2016). Brink’s modern internal auditing: A common body of knowledge (8th ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons.) and many studies have investigated its roles (e.g., Roussy & Perron, 2018Roussy, M., & Perron, A. (2018). New perspectives in internal audit research: A structured literature review. Accounting Perspectives, 17(3), 345-385.
; Vadasi et al., 2019Vadasi, C., Bekiaris, M., & Andrikopoulos, A. (2019). Corporate governance and internal audit: An institutional theory perspective. Corporate Governance, 20(1), 175-190.
). Acting as an oversight governance mechanism was the first identified role of IA (Roussy & Perron, 2018Roussy, M., & Perron, A. (2018). New perspectives in internal audit research: A structured literature review. Accounting Perspectives, 17(3), 345-385.
). As such, IA enhances the quality and consequent reliability of financial information (Prawitt et al., 2009Prawitt, D. F., Smith, J. L., & Wood, D. A. (2009). Internal audit quality and earnings management. The Accounting Review, 84(4), 1255-1280.
) and mitigates both significant internal control weaknesses and financial fraud (Lin et al., 2011Lin, S., Pizzini, M., Vargus, M., & Bardhan, I. R. (2011). The role of the internal audit function in the disclosure of material weaknesses. The Accounting Review, 86(1), 287-323.
). The roles of IA are constantly evolving and go beyond governance oversight to supporting top management and the organisation (Roussy, 2013Roussy, M. (2013). Internal auditors’ roles: From watchdogs to helpers and protectors of the top manager. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 24(7-8), 550-571.
). IA can also be referred to as a trusted advisor and value driver. With the aim of improving the overall performance of the organisation, the advisory activity often focuses on governance, risk management and internal control. Already as a value driver, it contributes to what really matters in the organisation, thereby addressing the more unknown and complex issues (Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.). Thus, IA strengthens the quality of CG and contributes to the achievement of the organisation’s objectives (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2013The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2013). The three lines of defense in effective risk management and control. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.; Lenz et al., 2018Lenz, R., Sarens, G., & Jeppesen, K. K. (2018). In search of a measure of effectiveness for internal audit functions: An institutional perspective. Edpacs, 58(2), 1-36.

However, the added value of IA varies greatly between professionals and organisations, depending on the specific characteristics of the latter (Anderson et al., 2017Anderson, U. L., Head, M. J., Ramamoorti, S., Riddle, C., Salamasick, M., & Sobel, P. J. (2017). Internal auditing: Assurance & advisory services (4th ed.). Canada: Internal Audit Foundation.; Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.). In the public sector, organisations have different goals and, consequently, different CG (Cohen & Sayag, 2010Cohen, A., & Sayag, G. (2010). The effectiveness of internal auditing: An empirical examination of its determinants in Israeli organisations. Australian Accounting Review, 20(3), 296-307.
). It is noteworthy that these organisations operate in an environment where there are significantly greater external pressures from several different stakeholders, greater public scrutiny, and greater and more specific regulations (Tompkins, 2023Tompkins, J. R. (2023). Organization theory and public management. Illinois: Waveland Press.). Given this paradigm and the broader nature of public sector governance, it is expected that IA activities will be more extensive (Asare, 2009Asare, T. (2009). Internal auditing in the public sector: Promoting good governance and performance improvement. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 9(1), 15-28.). Indeed, IA in the public sector has shifted its attention to all organisational processes, primarily to ensure compliance, and subsequently to performance or value-for-money audits. In addition, IA also provides internal advising and adds value by minimising and managing the risks associated with the challenges that the public sector may face (Janse van Rensburg & Coetzee, 2016Janse van Rensburg, J. O., & Coetzee, P. (2016). Internal audit public sector capability: A case study. Journal of Public Affairs, 16(2), 181-191.
). IA can play a protector role, protecting management from possible obstacles, and a helper role, supporting organisational performance and providing guidance when needed (Roussy, 2013Roussy, M. (2013). Internal auditors’ roles: From watchdogs to helpers and protectors of the top manager. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 24(7-8), 550-571.

The specific characteristics of the public sector and, in this case, of the Armed Forces, can lead to different results regarding the activities of IA and how it operates in this environment. Thus, given the multiple roles documented, the lack of consensus in the literature (Roussy & Perron, 2018Roussy, M., & Perron, A. (2018). New perspectives in internal audit research: A structured literature review. Accounting Perspectives, 17(3), 345-385.
) and the continuous redefinition of the roles of IA today (Moeller, 2016Moeller, R. (2016). Brink’s modern internal auditing: A common body of knowledge (8th ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons.), the first objective of this paper is to identify the roles/functions of IA in the PAF.

2.2 Internal audit and sustainability

The term “effectiveness” or similar has often been used in the definition and roles of IA and refers to the degree of achievement of the objectives set (Turetken et al., 2019Turetken, O., Jethefer, S., & Ozkan, B. (2019). Internal audit effectiveness: Operationalization and influencing factors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 35(2), 238-271.
). The effectiveness of IA derives from general definitions as the level of achievement of what IA was designed for (Mihret & Yismaw, 2007Mihret, D. G., & Yismaw, A. W. (2007). Internal audit effectiveness: An Ethiopian public sector case study. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(5), 470-484.
). IA was designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2017The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2017). International standards for the professional practice of internal auditing. Make Lary, FL, USA: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). Since meeting these objectives depends on how effective an IA is (Mihret & Yismaw, 2007Mihret, D. G., & Yismaw, A. W. (2007). Internal audit effectiveness: An Ethiopian public sector case study. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(5), 470-484.
; Turetken et al., 2019Turetken, O., Jethefer, S., & Ozkan, B. (2019). Internal audit effectiveness: Operationalization and influencing factors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 35(2), 238-271.
), research in internal auditing is moving towards an understanding of IAE (e.g. Alzeban & Gwilliam, 2014Alzeban, A., & Gwilliam, D. (2014). Factors affecting the internal audit effectiveness: A survey of the Saudi public sector. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, 23(2), 74-86.

The responsibilities assigned to IA are constantly evolving (Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.). Indeed, there has been increased stakeholder interest in sustainability assurance and consequently in quality and reliable information (DeSimone et al., 2021DeSimone, S., D’Onza, G., & Sarens, G. (2021). Correlates of internal audit function involvement in sustainability audits. The Journal of Management and Governance, 25(2), 561-591.
; Hazaea et al., 2022Hazaea, S. A., Zhu, J., Khatib, S. F., Bazhair, A. H., & Elamer, A. A. (2022). Sustainability assurance practices: A systematic review and future research agenda. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 29(4), 4843-4864. PMid:34787810.
). However, rather than IA being expected to ensure sustainability, there is growing pressure to manage sustainability challenges and risks (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021bThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021b). On risk report: A guide to understanding, aligning, and optimizating risk 2022. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.).

Sustainability is “[…] the principle of ensuring that our actions today do not limit the range of economic, social, and environmental options open to future generations” (Elkington, 1997, pElkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with forks (1st ed.). London: Capstone Publishing Limited.. 20). The environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective brings in the concept of governance, which refers to variables such as business ethics, leadership, internal controls, intellectual property protection and shareholder rights (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). The challenges and complexities of ESG are considerable, and the results of poor management of it may be severe. In this respect, sustainability management is not something that can be taken for granted, and organisations should count on a governance structure that effectively pursues an ESG strategy (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). Broader questions related to social and environmental dimensions are among the most significant issues of the times and are increasingly taking place in CG (Naciti et al., 2022Naciti, V., Cesaroni, F., & Pulejo, L. (2022). Corporate governance and sustainability: A review of the existing literature. The Journal of Management and Governance, 26(1), 55-74.
). In public sector organisations, given the pressure from citizens, fulfilling stakeholders’ expectations has become more important and a greater degree of sustainability, accountability and transparency in the use of public resources is required (Piper, 2015Piper, A. (2015). Auditing the public sector: Managing expectations, delivering results. Lake Mary, FL: The Global Internal Audit Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK).). Thus, it is crucial to understand the direct relationship between IA and sustainability and whether it effectively creates value in this area.

It is increasingly recognised that the engagement of IA in the three dimensions of sustainability can add value to an organisation (DeSimone et al., 2021DeSimone, S., D’Onza, G., & Sarens, G. (2021). Correlates of internal audit function involvement in sustainability audits. The Journal of Management and Governance, 25(2), 561-591.
; Hazaea et al., 2022Hazaea, S. A., Zhu, J., Khatib, S. F., Bazhair, A. H., & Elamer, A. A. (2022). Sustainability assurance practices: A systematic review and future research agenda. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 29(4), 4843-4864. PMid:34787810.
; The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). The better the IA activity, the better the CG and, consequently, the higher the level of sustainability (Samagaio & Diogo, 2022Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. A. (2022). Effect of computer assisted audit tools on corporate sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705.
). By involving IA in this area, sustainability activities can be improved and associated risks reduced (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2001Stanwick, P. A., & Stanwick, S. D. (2001). Cut your risks with environmental auditing. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 12(4), 11-14.

IA thus plays a key role as a support instrument (DeSimone et al., 2021DeSimone, S., D’Onza, G., & Sarens, G. (2021). Correlates of internal audit function involvement in sustainability audits. The Journal of Management and Governance, 25(2), 561-591.
) and, similar to the value added by IA in its traditional activities, IA is a cornerstone of CG in relation to ESG matters. IA can well support management in clarifying and managing ESG risks, thereby assessing the organisation’s ESG culture and alignment with ESG initiatives, measuring ESG activities and ensuring reporting (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.).

In the same way that IA is effective and adds value in other areas of activity, it can do the same in sustainability matters. This leads us to our first hypothesis, which materialises the second objective of this paper:

  • H1: IAE is positively related to the PAF’s sustainability orientation (SO).

2.3 Moderator effect of human resource management practices

Several studies have linked IAE to the competence and proficiency of internal auditors (e.g., Alzeban & Gwilliam, 2014Alzeban, A., & Gwilliam, D. (2014). Factors affecting the internal audit effectiveness: A survey of the Saudi public sector. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, 23(2), 74-86.
; Turetken et al., 2019Turetken, O., Jethefer, S., & Ozkan, B. (2019). Internal audit effectiveness: Operationalization and influencing factors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 35(2), 238-271.
). Firstly, some suggest that an adequate level of competence in an IA team is positively related to the effectiveness of IA (Ahmad et al., 2009Ahmad, N., Othman, R., Othman, R., & Jusoff, K. (2009). The effectiveness of internal audit in Malaysian public sector. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 5(9), 53.; Al-Twaijry et al., 2003Al-Twaijry, A. A., Brierley, J. A., & Gwilliam, D. R. (2003). The development of internal audit in Saudi Arabia: An institutional theory perspective. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 14(5), 507-531.
). Secondly, in the other direction, some studies suggest that the lack of competence of the IA team is counterproductive to IAE (Mihret & Yismaw, 2007Mihret, D. G., & Yismaw, A. W. (2007). Internal audit effectiveness: An Ethiopian public sector case study. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(5), 470-484.
; Onumah & Krah, 2012Onumah, J. M., & Krah, R. Y. (2012). Barriers and catalysts to effective internal audit in the Ghanaian public sector. Accounting in Africa, 12, 177-207.
). The IIA Standards (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2017The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2017). International standards for the professional practice of internal auditing. Make Lary, FL, USA: The Institute of Internal Auditors.) highlight this idea. Considering current activities, trends and emerging issues, internal auditors must have the competencies needed to carry out their individual responsibilities (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2017The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2017). International standards for the professional practice of internal auditing. Make Lary, FL, USA: The Institute of Internal Auditors.).

The human capital of IA departments could be enhanced through human resource management practices (HRMPs). Human capital theory assumes that people’s capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences and motivation are capital too, and of value as other resources that organisations can use to achieve their goals (Becker, 2009Becker, G. S. (2009). Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.). First, it drives the marginal performance of labour, and then marginal performance drives profits. As employees are expected to have the right competencies to carry out their responsibilities, organisations must develop policies and practices that help them get better at what they do and perform well (Mathis et al., 2017Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., & Meglich, P. A. (2017). Human resource management (15th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.).

The environment that emerges together with HRMPs provides an important upstream context for both individual and organisational performance (Albrecht et al., 2015Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, 2(1), 7-35.
). Firstly, HRMPs influence the competencies and motivations of individual employees, their efforts and their opportunities in their work. Secondly, HRMPs help to build organisational capabilities, influence organisational culture and, finally, help to shape the climate in which individuals work (Evans & Davis, 2005Evans, R., & Davis, W. (2005). High-performance work systems and organizational performance: The mediating role of internal social structure. Journal of Management, 31(5), 758-775.
). Organisational performance is influenced by team performance and, before that, by individual performance. In a nutshell, HRMPs increase the human capital of organisations (Rauch et al., 2005Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Utsch, A. (2005). Effects of human capital and long–term human resources development and utilization on employment growth of small-scale businesses: A causal analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(6), 681-698.), leading to improvements in individual performance and therefore increasing organisational performance (Albrecht et al., 2015Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, 2(1), 7-35.

To conclude, the impact of IA effectiveness on SO should be enhanced in organisations that cultivate ESG-related issues in their HRMPs. As HRMPs enable improved individual, departmental and organisational performance, and thus the achievement of organisational objectives, the following hypothesis (the third and last objective) arises:

  • H2: HRMPs moderates the positive relationship between IA effectiveness and the PAF’s SO, such that the relationship is stronger in the presence of HRMPs.

3 Method

3.1 PAF internal audit framework

The PAF is a branch of the Armed Forces that involves the direct administration of the State through the National Ministry of Defence. Its main mission is to participate, in an integrated manner, in the military defence of the Portuguese Republic. Additionally, the PAF has other responsibilities, such as participating in international military missions, including humanitarian and peacekeeping missions, and ensuring the functioning of the air search and rescue service.

To fulfil its mission, the PAF may draw on IA. In the PAF, IA is not a single department. It is divided into three different departments, each located in different institutional bodies and with distinct responsibilities. They are the Financial and Patrimonial Inspection and Auditing Service (FPIAS), the Air Force Inspectorate (AFI) and the Cabinet of Quality, Airworthiness and Environment (CQAE) (which belongs to the Programs and Engineering Directorate). In relation to this last cabinet and its field of activity, the Air Force is complemented by the Environment and Quality Cabinets (EQCs), although they do not report directly to it but to the unit commanders.

The internal audit responsibilities of the FPIAS fall within the scope of activities related to the administration of financial resources available to the Air Force. The CQAE and EQCs work in the areas of quality and airworthiness management and environmental, health and safety at work management. Finally, the AFI’s audit function is much broader than the other departments. It ensures compliance with laws and regulations and the effectiveness, relevance and efficiency of the Air Force’s actions in all its activities (Portugal, 1999Portugal, Força Aérea. (1999). RFA 305-1 (B): Regulamento da organização das bases aéreas. Alfragide: Força Aérea., 2011Portugal, Força Aérea. (2011). RFA 303-3 (A): Organização e normas de funcionamento da Inspecção-Geral da Força Aérea. Alfragide: Força Aérea., 2012Portugal, Força Aérea. (2012). MCLAFA 305-4: Organização e normas de funcionamento da Direção de Engenharia e Programas. Alfragide: Força Aérea., 2013Portugal, Força Aérea. (2013). RFA 303-10 (A): Organização e normas de funcionamento da Direção de Finanças da Força Aérea. Alfragide: Força Aérea., 2015Portugal. (2015, 31 de julho). Aprova a orgânica da Força Aérea (Decreto-Regulamentar nº 12/2015, de 31 de julho). Diário da República.).

As far as the HRMPs most commonly used by the PAF are concerned, they are limited but varied. The Air Force, as it belongs to the public sector, cannot resort to monetary compensation. The PAF’s HRMPs tend to focus on, but are not limited to, what the military needs to carry out its activities. HRMPs may be related to cultural aspects of the organisation or other aspects considered important at the time.

3.2 Data collection

The data collection technique used was the questionnaire, and evidence was collected from all the IA departments in the PAF. The target population of the questionnaires was all internal auditors in the organisation. The unit of analysis was the individual. The auditors were all identified through the internal database and then contacted by e-mail.

The data collection was carried out in two phases. Firstly, the role of IA in the PAF was addressed. For certain matters, responses were sought from the heads of the three departments, and for other matters, other auditors were questioned to obtain a more in-depth view. This last group of respondents includes the auditors of the EQCs. Secondly, the study evaluated the contributions of IA to the SO of the PAF and the possible moderating effect of HRMPs on it. In this questionnaire, all respondents answered in the same way and all questions were closed.

The questionnaires were internet-based and both were developed through a literature review. To ensure the validity of the questionnaires on the Qualtrics platform, they were translated and back-translated to ensure equivalence of meaning. The Air Force Academy language department reviewed the translation and a native speaker carried out the back-translation. In addition, both questionnaires were pre-tested by three experts. Finally, the second questionnaire was reviewed by three accredited auditors. The questions for both questionnaires can be found in Appendices A APPENDIX A POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS Question: Which of the following internal audit documents or policies exist in your organization? (choose all that apply) Code Indicators Frequency PD_1 Internal audit charter 0 PD_2 Mission statement for the internal audit department 0 PD_3 Internal audit operating manual 1 PD_4 Internal audit strategy description 1 PD_5 Code of conduct/ethics 1 PD_6 Description of key performance indicators (KPIs) 1 PD_7 None 2 to I APPENDIX I SURVEY ITEMS USED FOR DEPENDENT VARIABLES Question: How important are the following issues in the management of the Portuguese Air Force? (1 = not important at all, 5 = extremely important) Dimension Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis ENV ESG_1 Procurement of environmentally friendly materials 3.46 3 0.886 0.003 -0.612 ESG_2 Energy usage 3.74 4 0.886 -0.530 -0.202 ESG_3 Materials usage 3.54 4 0.886 -0.272 -0.554 ESG_4 Greenhouse gas emissions 3.26 3 1.094 -0.119 -0.445 ESG_5 Hazardous waste management 4.00 4 0.907 -0.751 0.028 ESG_6 Water management 3.74 4 0.919 -0.172 -0.766 ESG_7 Impacts on biodiversity 3.40 3 1.006 0.199 -0.963 ESG_8 Climate risk 3.26 3 0.950 0.099 -0.964 SOC ESG_9 Occupational health and safety 3.94 4 1.259 -1.106 0.415 ESG_10 Military retention and turnover 3.57 4 1.378 -0.515 -1.099 ESG_11 Training and education of military 3.77 4 1.031 -0.193 -1.164 ESG_12 Supply chain issues 3.51 4 1.040 -0.540 0.360 ESG_13 Human rights issues 3.40 3 1.117 -0.473 0.060 ESG_14 Community impacts and relations 3.34 3 0.802 -0.358 1.307 ESG_15 Donations and other humanitarian actions 3.09 3 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 ESG_16 Mission management (national and international) 3.89 4 0.932 -0.917 1.401 ESG_17 Mission privacy 3.69 4 1.051 -0.767 0.704 ESG_18 Data privacy and security 4.09 4 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 GOV ESG_19 Governance structure 3.77 4 0.770 0.017 -0.511 ESG_20 Organisation culture 3.74 4 0.980 -0.238 -0.911 ESG_21 Ethics 3.94 4 1.110 -1.114 1.017 ESG_22 Conflicts of interest 3.57 4 1.092 -0.624 0.078 ESG_23 Remuneration structures and incentive systems 3.34 3 1.392 -0.245 -1.227 ESG_24 Diversity and equal opportunity 3.11 3 1.367 0.002 -1.125 ESG_25 Stakeholder dialogue 3.31 3 1.207 -0.227 -0.650 ESG_26 Risk management 3.80 4 0.964 -0.618 0.582 ESG_27 Strategic risks 3.69 4 1.105 -0.572 0.123 ESG_28 Corruption and bribery 3.86 4 1.033 -0.717 0.230 ESG_29 Anti-money laundering 3.77 4 1.003 -0.252 -1.000 ESG_30 Fraud 3.89 4 0.932 -0.455 -0.575 ESG_31 Whistleblower schemes 3.63 4 1.239 -0.805 -0.240 ESG_32 Intellectual property protection 3.54 4 1.146 -0.484 -0.365 .

As all variables were collected using the same method, common method variance may occur (Jordan & Troth, 2020Jordan, P. J., & Troth, A. C. (2020). Common method bias in applied settings: The dilemma of researching in organizations. Australian Journal of Management, 45(1), 3-14.
). To minimise it, the questionnaires contained an introductory note explaining the purpose of the research and that participation was voluntary, thus ensuring the anonymity of responses and encouraging honest answers. Also, contact details were provided in case of any questions. Finally, no logic was followed in the inclusion of the variables, and the measurement items were mixed to avoid illusory correlations. Acquiescence bias and the anchor effect were minimised by labelling the scale items and using nominal and five-point Likert scales, respectively (Jordan & Troth, 2020Jordan, P. J., & Troth, A. C. (2020). Common method bias in applied settings: The dilemma of researching in organizations. Australian Journal of Management, 45(1), 3-14.
; Podsakoff et al., 2003Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J.-Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioural research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879-903. PMid:14516251.
). To check whether common method variance was present, Harman’s single-factor test was conducted (Podsakoff et al., 2003Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J.-Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioural research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879-903. PMid:14516251.
). Exploratory factor analysis with an unrotated factor solution yielded seventeen factors with eigenvalues greater than 1, together explaining about 90.8% of the variance. As the first factor accounted for 34.3% of the total variance, less than the suggested threshold of 50% (Fuller et al., 2016Fuller, C. M., Simmering, M. J., Atinc, G., Atinc, Y., & Babin, B. J. (2016). Common methods variance detection in business research. Journal of Business Research, 69, 3192-3198.), common method variance was not present.

Out of a population of 53 auditors, 45 responses were received in the first survey and 49 in the second. However, 10 and 14 responses, respectively, had to be discarded due to excessive missing data and straight-line responses. This resulted in 35 usable responses for both the first and second surveys. The 35 responses do not correspond to the same internal auditors, as the questionnaire was developed at two different moments. Business reasons, holidays and paternity leave were the main reasons for this outcome. Finally, early and late responses were compared for all items using the Mann-Whitney test. Overall, the results suggested that there was probably no non-response bias (Armstrong & Overton, 1977Armstrong, J. S., & Overton, T. S. (1977). Estimating nonresponse bias in mail surveys. Journal of Marketing Research, 14(3), 396-402.

3.3 Measurement

To obtain information to address the first objective, six different questions were asked (see Appendices A APPENDIX A POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS Question: Which of the following internal audit documents or policies exist in your organization? (choose all that apply) Code Indicators Frequency PD_1 Internal audit charter 0 PD_2 Mission statement for the internal audit department 0 PD_3 Internal audit operating manual 1 PD_4 Internal audit strategy description 1 PD_5 Code of conduct/ethics 1 PD_6 Description of key performance indicators (KPIs) 1 PD_7 None 2 to F APPENDIX F INTERNAL AUDIT DEFINITION Question: Considering the internal audit function in your organization, what is your view about the relevance of each of the following functions? (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) Code Indicators IAD_1 Internal audit is an independent objective assurance and consulting activity in my organisation IAD_2 Internal auditing adds value and improves the organisations operations IAD_3 Internal audit brings a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management IAD_4 Internal audit brings a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of control IAD_5 Internal audit brings an approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of corporate governance processes . Supplementary Data 1 – Questionnaire 1). The CAEs defined the role of IA in the PAF. They identified how resources were divided between assurance and advising, what IA policies or documents existed, and what IA activities were performed or were expected to be performed. All CAEs were then asked to identify the top five risks on which the PAF’s IA was focusing most attention in the current year, and their opinion on the extent to which IA was aligned with the PAF’s strategic plan. They then gave their opinion on five statements regarding the definition of IA in the IIA Standards (The Institute of Internal Auditors). All questions were based on selecting the available options, except for the last one, which was measured on a five-point Likert scale. All questions and their items were based on several studies (Alkafaji et al., 2011Alkafaji, Y., Hussain, S., Khallaf, A., & Majdalawieh, M. A. (2011). The IIA’s global internal audit survey: A component of the CBOK study. Characteristics of an Internal Audit Activity Report I. Altamonte Springs, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.; Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.; The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2015The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2015). CBOK 2015 global internal audit practitioner survey. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.
, 2021bThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021b). On risk report: A guide to understanding, aligning, and optimizating risk 2022. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.; Leung et al., 2003Leung, P., Cooper, B. J., & Robertson, P. T. (2003). The role of internal audit in corporate governance & management. Australia: School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University.).

The results for the first objective allowed us to adapt the questions for objectives two and three. As these results pointed to work on sustainability issues and that there was indeed concern with them, the following questions were developed with this outcome in mind. Three questions were asked to address objectives two and three.

The dependent variable is SO and is proxied by the importance given to 32 ESG issues in the management of the PAF (ESG construct). SO refers to management’s attitude and belief that the organisation should consider sustainability-related issues and act accordingly (Kautonen et al., 2020Kautonen, T., Schillebeeckx, S. J., Gartner, J., Hakala, H., Salmela-Aro, K., & Snellman, K. (2020). The dark side of sustainability orientation for SME performance. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14, e00198.
). The 32 issues presented to the auditors can be distributed across these three dimensions and then serve as the basis for three other different constructs: ENV, SOC and GOV. These constructs will be important to understand the contribution of IA to each ESG dimension, one by one. The importance of the 32 issues to the PAF’s management was rated on a five-point Likert scale. The list of ESG issues was based on two studies (Roberts et al., 2022Roberts, S., Ogunnaike, O., Uwasomba, M., Wong, S., & Anne, M. (2022). Prioritizing environmental, social, and governance: Exploring internal audit’s role as a critical collaborator. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.; Soh & Martinov-Bennie, 2015Soh, D. S. B., & Martinov-Bennie, N. (2015). Internal auditors’ perceptions of their role in environmental, social and governance assurance and consulting. Managerial Auditing Journal, 30(1), 80-111.

Most definitions of IAE provide freedom of interpretation with regard to measurement criteria (Barišić & Tušek, 2016Barišić, I., & Tušek, B. (2016). The importance of the supportive control environment for internal audit effectiveness: The case of Croatian companies. Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 29(1), 1021-1037.
). In this study, the measurement of IAE included 34 items (IAEG construct) covering a wide range of criteria (e.g., audit quality, added value, IA stakeholders’ evaluations, and processes). The internal auditors were asked to indicate their level of agreement with these items on a five-point Likert scale. These items were developed based on previous literature (Alzeban & Gwilliam, 2014Alzeban, A., & Gwilliam, D. (2014). Factors affecting the internal audit effectiveness: A survey of the Saudi public sector. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, 23(2), 74-86.
; Cohen & Sayag, 2010Cohen, A., & Sayag, G. (2010). The effectiveness of internal auditing: An empirical examination of its determinants in Israeli organisations. Australian Accounting Review, 20(3), 296-307.

The moderating variable was HRMPs. This variable consisted of 13 items from Tang et al.’s (2018)Tang, G., Chen, Y., Jiang, Y., Paillé, P., & Jia, J. (2018). Green human resource management practices: Scale development and validity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 31-55.
instrument to measure green HRM (encompassing its training, performance management and involvement constructs). The items were adapted to reflect HRMPs on ESG. Their effect was measured on a scale ranging from 1 to 5.

The measurement items and their codes (used for descriptive purposes) are shown in Appendices G APPENDIX G SURVEY ITEMS USED FOR INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Question: Please indicate the agreement degree with the following statements? Please answer according to your perception about the Internal Audit performance in the Portuguese Air Force. (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis IAE_1 IA is aware of and sensitive to the organisation’s needs and operates accordingly 3.80 4 0.964 -1.454 2.727 IAE_2 The evaluation of IA reports made by individuals in managerial positions who were audited is positive 3.80 4 0.833 -1.217 2.924 IAE_3 The evaluation of IA reports made by individuals in operative positions who were audited is positive 4.03 4 0.747 -0.496 0.285 IAE_4 The evaluation of IA reports made by external auditors and other external authorities is positive 3.89 4 0.718 -0.331 0.252 IAE_5 IA identifies risks and competently assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems 4.00 4 0.686 -0.580 1.153 IAE_6 IA gets the attention of top management and focuses it on issues audited by IA 3.37 4 1.031 -0.316 -0.590 IAE_7 The issues to be audited are decided after identifying risks, quantifying them and determining appropriate risk levels 3.66 4 0.838 -1.484 2.422 IAE_8 All control and auditing activities in the organisation are performed by IA or are coordinated with IA, including external auditing 3.49 4 1.147 -0.707 0.002 IAE_9 IA is an autonomous and independent organisational unit 3.83 4 0.985 -0.812 0.713 IAE_10 The IA department and its military are reliable and behave with integrity 4.31 4 0.796 -2.128 7.829 IAE_11 The IA department is valued by management and makes valuable contributions during meetings 3.63 4 0.910 -0.902 1.041 IAE_12 IA is a source of valuable data and information for the decision-makers in the organisation 4.17 4 0.747 -0.294 -1.106 IAE_13 The information provided by IA is vital to organisational operations 3.97 4 0.857 -0.836 0.551 IAE_14 The costs of IA to the organisation are higher than the benefits and savings that result from its work (Reverse scored.) 4.23 4 0.731 -0.869 1.158 IAE_15 All auditing functions that were approved in the auditing plans are performed completely 3.74 4 0.950 -0.754 0.824 IAE_16 In addition to the issues determined and approved for inclusion in the annual audit, there are requests to the IA department to audit other issues 3.83 4 0.822 -0.675 0.382 IAE_17 The number of complaints about the IA department is very low 3.89 4 0.758 -0.232 -0.206 IAE_18 Those who are audited demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with the work of the IA department 3.63 4 0.770 -1.279 3.078 IAE_19 The time that passes between completing the audit and submitting the final report is too long (Reverse scored.) 3.29 4 1.152 -0.112 -1.215 IAE_20 The findings of internal audits are very significant for the organisation 4.03 4 0.857 -0.651 -0.007 IAE_21 The findings of internal audits are always based on documents and reliable data 4.31 4 0.676 -0.479 -0.697 IAE_22 The recommendations of the IA department can be easily implemented 3.29 3 0.789 -0.569 -1.140 IAE_23 The recommendations of the IA department provide practical, cost-benefit solutions for correcting the problems that were found 3.57 4 0.778 -1.445 2.639 IAE_24 Only a small portion of the IA department’s recommendations is implemented (Reverse scored.) 3.00 3 0.907 -0.250 -1.214 IAE_25 The IA reports are rigorous and accurate 3.94 4 0.802 -0.256 -0.523 IAE_26 The IA reports are clear and well presented 4.20 4 0.584 -0.038 -0.163 IAE_27 The IA reports include an introduction, goals, subjects, conclusions and recommendations 4.06 4 0.802 -0.831 0.842 IAE_28 The IA reports are professional and of high quality 4.09 4 0.853 -1.376 3.693 IAE_29 The management’s decision-making process is strongly affected by the reports and findings of the IA department 3.14 3 0.810 0.079 1.248 IAE_30 The IA department contributes to the organisation above and beyond its operating costs 3.71 4 0.789 0.187 -0.673 IAE_31 IA improves organisational performance 4.17 4 0.618 -0.906 3.558 IAE_32 IA develops appropriate annual audit plans 4.09 4 0.612 -0.041 -0.151 IAE_33 Timely action is taken to implement the recommendations of the IA reports 3.51 4 0.612 -0.057 -0.237 IAE_34 IA provides adequate follow-up to ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken and that it is effective 3.83 4 0.707 -1.335 2.438 to I APPENDIX I SURVEY ITEMS USED FOR DEPENDENT VARIABLES Question: How important are the following issues in the management of the Portuguese Air Force? (1 = not important at all, 5 = extremely important) Dimension Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis ENV ESG_1 Procurement of environmentally friendly materials 3.46 3 0.886 0.003 -0.612 ESG_2 Energy usage 3.74 4 0.886 -0.530 -0.202 ESG_3 Materials usage 3.54 4 0.886 -0.272 -0.554 ESG_4 Greenhouse gas emissions 3.26 3 1.094 -0.119 -0.445 ESG_5 Hazardous waste management 4.00 4 0.907 -0.751 0.028 ESG_6 Water management 3.74 4 0.919 -0.172 -0.766 ESG_7 Impacts on biodiversity 3.40 3 1.006 0.199 -0.963 ESG_8 Climate risk 3.26 3 0.950 0.099 -0.964 SOC ESG_9 Occupational health and safety 3.94 4 1.259 -1.106 0.415 ESG_10 Military retention and turnover 3.57 4 1.378 -0.515 -1.099 ESG_11 Training and education of military 3.77 4 1.031 -0.193 -1.164 ESG_12 Supply chain issues 3.51 4 1.040 -0.540 0.360 ESG_13 Human rights issues 3.40 3 1.117 -0.473 0.060 ESG_14 Community impacts and relations 3.34 3 0.802 -0.358 1.307 ESG_15 Donations and other humanitarian actions 3.09 3 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 ESG_16 Mission management (national and international) 3.89 4 0.932 -0.917 1.401 ESG_17 Mission privacy 3.69 4 1.051 -0.767 0.704 ESG_18 Data privacy and security 4.09 4 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 GOV ESG_19 Governance structure 3.77 4 0.770 0.017 -0.511 ESG_20 Organisation culture 3.74 4 0.980 -0.238 -0.911 ESG_21 Ethics 3.94 4 1.110 -1.114 1.017 ESG_22 Conflicts of interest 3.57 4 1.092 -0.624 0.078 ESG_23 Remuneration structures and incentive systems 3.34 3 1.392 -0.245 -1.227 ESG_24 Diversity and equal opportunity 3.11 3 1.367 0.002 -1.125 ESG_25 Stakeholder dialogue 3.31 3 1.207 -0.227 -0.650 ESG_26 Risk management 3.80 4 0.964 -0.618 0.582 ESG_27 Strategic risks 3.69 4 1.105 -0.572 0.123 ESG_28 Corruption and bribery 3.86 4 1.033 -0.717 0.230 ESG_29 Anti-money laundering 3.77 4 1.003 -0.252 -1.000 ESG_30 Fraud 3.89 4 0.932 -0.455 -0.575 ESG_31 Whistleblower schemes 3.63 4 1.239 -0.805 -0.240 ESG_32 Intellectual property protection 3.54 4 1.146 -0.484 -0.365 (Supplementary Data 2 – Questionnaire 2). Table 1 illustrates the relationship between the research objectives and the questionnaire questions.

Table 1
Questions used to address research objectives

3.4 Baseline regression model

The IAE construct was measured by 34 items, which, through principal component analysis, led us to three factors – IAE1, IAE2 and IAE3 – explaining 50.5% of the total variance, following the procedures of Marôco (2021)Marôco, J. (2021). Análise estatística com o SPSS statistics (8ª ed.). Pêro Pinheiro: ReportNumber, Lda. (Appendix J). The majority of the IAE1 items dealt with the quality of the IA, and the majority of the IAE2 and IAE3 items dealt with the added value of the IA.

Our hypotheses were tested based on the results obtained in the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models. First, we ran the baseline model to analyse the effect of IAEG on ESG. Then, the same was done for IAE1, IAE2 and IAE3. Finally, to get a deeper insight into how IA might contribute to each ESG dimension, the analysis was performed individually. In all cases, the possible moderator effect of HRMPs was tested. The models testing the IAEG construct are called global IAE models (models 1 to 4), and the models testing IAE1, IAE2 and IAE3 are called split IAE models (models 5 to 8). This way, we used the following baseline regression models:

M o d e l 1 E S G i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E G i + β 2 * H R M P i + β 3 * M O D G i + ε i
M o d e l 2 E N V i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E G i + β 2 * H R M P i + β 3 * M O D G i + ε i
M o d e l 3 S O C i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E G i + β 2 * H R M P i + β 3 * M O D G i + ε i
M o d e l 4 G O V i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E G i + β 2 * H R M P i + β 3 * M O D G i + ε i
M o d e l 5 E S G i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E 1 i + β 2 * I A E 2 i + β 3 * I A E 3 i + β 4 * H R M P i + β 5 * M O D 1 i + β 6 * M O D 2 i + β 7 * M O D 3 i + ε i
M o d e l 6 E N V i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E 1 i + β 2 * I A E 2 i + β 3 * I A E 3 i + β 4 * H R M P i + β 5 * M O D 1 i + β 6 * M O D 2 i + β 7 * M O D 3 i + ε i
M o d e l 7 S O C i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E 1 i + β 2 * I A E 2 i + β 3 * I A E 3 i + β 4 * H R M P i + β 5 * M O D 1 i + β 6 * M O D 2 i + β 7 * M O D 3 i + ε i
M o d e l 8 G O V i = β 0 + β 1 * I A E 1 i + β 2 * I A E 2 i + β 3 * I A E 3 i + β 4 * H R M P i + β 5 * M O D 1 i + β 6 * M O D 2 i + β 7 * M O D 3 i + ε i

We used the standardised scores of the variables in the regression models. Previously, the indicator scores of all variables were summed to increase the reliability of the measurement (Supplementary Data 3 – Variable Scores). IBM SPSS Statistics 28.1.1 software was used to obtain descriptive statistics of the variables and to run the OLS regression models. SmartPLS 3.0 software was used to assess the measurement model of the dependent and independent variables.

4 Empirical results

4.1 Descriptive analysis

The results from the CAEs revealed that only one of the departments could rely on the IA operating manual, the IA strategy description, the code of conduct/ethics and the description of key performance indicators (Appendix A APPENDIX A POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS Question: Which of the following internal audit documents or policies exist in your organization? (choose all that apply) Code Indicators Frequency PD_1 Internal audit charter 0 PD_2 Mission statement for the internal audit department 0 PD_3 Internal audit operating manual 1 PD_4 Internal audit strategy description 1 PD_5 Code of conduct/ethics 1 PD_6 Description of key performance indicators (KPIs) 1 PD_7 None 2 ). The IA charter and mission statement for the IA were missing in all departments. Moreover, two out of three CAEs stated that resources were divided equally between assurance and advisory activities. The last one stated that almost all resources were spent on assurance and little on advisory (Appendix B APPENDIX B RESOURCES DIVISION BETWEEN ASSURANCE AND CONSULTING Question: How in your organization are internal audit resources allocated between assurance and consulting? Assurance refers to assessments of governance, risk management and control processes. Consulting refers to advice, counseling, facilitation, and training at the request of the client. Code Indicators Frequency RAC_1 All resources are spent on assurance 0 RAC_2 Almost all resources are spent on assurance, and few resources are spent on consulting 1 RAC_3 Resources are equally divided between assurance and consulting 2 RAC_4 Almost all resources are spent on consulting, and few resources are spent on assurance 0 RAC_5 All resources are spent on consulting 0 RAC_6 I don't know 0 ). The roles of the IA and the general perception of its activities are described in Appendix C APPENDIX C ACTIVITIES PERFORMED Question: Please indicate whether the Internal Audit Department performs (or is planning to perform in the short term) the following activities: (choose all that apply). Code Indicators Frequency ACTIVITY_1 Operational audits 1 ACTIVITY_2 Audits of compliance with regulatory code (including privacy) requirements 3 ACTIVITY_3 Auditing of financial risks 2 ACTIVITY_4 Investigations of fraud and irregularities 2 ACTIVITY_5 Evaluating effectiveness of control systems (using COSO, COBIT, etc., frameworks) 2 ACTIVITY_6 Auditing of IT/ICT risks 1 ACTIVITY_7 Auditing of information risks 1 ACTIVITY_8 Management audits 2 ACTIVITY_9 Audits of risk management processes 2 ACTIVITY_10 Provide advice and consulting on risk management activities 1 ACTIVITY_11 Project management assurance/audits of major projects 1 ACTIVITY_12 Security assessments and investigations 2 ACTIVITY_13 External audit assistance 3 ACTIVITY_14 Corporate governance reviews 1 ACTIVITY_15 Reviews of governance policies and procedures related to the organisation's use of information technology (IT) 0 ACTIVITY_16 Disaster recovery testing and support 0 ACTIVITY_17 Facilitating risk/control/compliance training and education for organisation personnel 1 ACTIVITY_18 Auditing of outsourced operations 0 ACTIVITY_19 Ethics audits 1 ACTIVITY_20 Budget execution assessments 0 ACTIVITY_21 Reviews addressing linkage of strategy and company performance (e.g., balanced scorecard) 0 ACTIVITY_22 Due diligence reviews for corporate acquisitions/mergers, etc. 0 ACTIVITY_23 Quality/ISO audits 1 ACTIVITY_24 Tasks related to sustainability matters (ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance) 1 ACTIVITY_25 Migration to Accounting Standardisation System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP) 1 ACTIVITY_26 Implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 0 ACTIVITY_27 Adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system assurance 2 ACTIVITY_28 Identifying emerging risks 2 ACTIVITY_29 Provide assurance on individual risks 0 ACTIVITY_30 Mining and analysing data for management 1 ACTIVITY_31 Recommending improvement 2 ACTIVITY_32 Informing and advising management 2 ACTIVITY_33 Informing and advising the audit committee 1 ACTIVITY_34 Informing key stakeholders 2 ACTIVITY_35 Assessing fraud risks and deterring fraud 2 Continued Conclusion Code Indicators Frequency ACTIVITY_36 Assuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s regulatory compliance processes 1 ACTIVITY_37 Testing the adequacy and effectiveness of management’s assessment of controls 2 ACTIVITY_38 Assuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s governance processes 1 . Out of a total of 38 foreseen activities, 30 were carried out by the PAF’s IA. These activities represent the whole bundle performed independently of the three departments, and some activities were performed in more than one department.

Regarding individual perspectives on the top five risks on which the PAF’s IA was focusing (Appendix D APPENDIX D FOCUSED RISKS Question: Please identify the five priority risks upon which your internal audit department is focusing the greatest level of attention this year. Code Indicators Frequency R_1 Strategic risks 8 R_2 Risk management assurance/effectiveness 18 R_3 Corporate governance 6 R_4 Operational 18 R_5 Compliance/regulatory 25 R_6 Information technology (IT), not covered in other audits 9 R_7 Third-party relationships 1 R_8 Crisis management 1 R_9 Fraud, not covered in other audits 9 R_10 Cost/expense reduction or containment 6 R_11 General financial 9 R_12 Cybersecurity 0 R_13 Talent management 0 R_14 Data privacy 1 R_15 Economic and political volatility 1 R_16 Culture 2 R_17 Supplier management 3 R_18 Disruptive innovation 0 R_19 Social sustainability 1 R_20 Supply chain disruption 1 R_21 Environmental sustainability 8 R_22 Other 3 R_23 I'm not sure 9 ), R_5 ranked first with 25 responses in favour. R_2 and R_4 came next with 18 responses each, followed by R_6, R_9 and R_11 with nine responses each.

Appendix K shows the descriptive statistics of the two questions related to internal audit alignment (IAA) and internal audit definition (IAD). IAA presented a mean of 3.93, showing that, in general, the internal auditors believe that IA is almost entirely aligned with the organisation’s strategy. IAD presented a mean of 4.17 on a scale of 1-5, with item means ranging from 3.83 (IAD_1) to 4.46 (IAD_2) and SDs ranging from 0.677 (IAD_4) to 1.098 (IAD_1).

Appendix L APPENDIX L VARIABLES DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis IAEG 3.95 3.89 0.514 -0.255 1.889 IAE1 4.10 4 0.582 -0.785 2.848 IAE2 3.63 3.83 0.711 -0.915 1.857 IAE3 4.10 4 0.639 -0.297 -0.643 HRMP 2.85 3 0.802 -0.301 -0.601 ESG 3.61 3.59 0.792 -0.265 -0.219 ENV 3.55 3.5 0.794 -0.119 -0.498 SOC 3.63 3.7 0.779 -0.485 0.212 GOV 3.64 3.86 0.911 -0.475 -0.321 shows the descriptive statistics of the latent variables used to test our two research hypotheses. The latent variables with the highest mean were IAE1 and IAE3, both with values of 4.1, while the variable with the lowest mean was HRMP with 2.85. Regarding the indicators (Appendices A APPENDIX A POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS Question: Which of the following internal audit documents or policies exist in your organization? (choose all that apply) Code Indicators Frequency PD_1 Internal audit charter 0 PD_2 Mission statement for the internal audit department 0 PD_3 Internal audit operating manual 1 PD_4 Internal audit strategy description 1 PD_5 Code of conduct/ethics 1 PD_6 Description of key performance indicators (KPIs) 1 PD_7 None 2 to I APPENDIX I SURVEY ITEMS USED FOR DEPENDENT VARIABLES Question: How important are the following issues in the management of the Portuguese Air Force? (1 = not important at all, 5 = extremely important) Dimension Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis ENV ESG_1 Procurement of environmentally friendly materials 3.46 3 0.886 0.003 -0.612 ESG_2 Energy usage 3.74 4 0.886 -0.530 -0.202 ESG_3 Materials usage 3.54 4 0.886 -0.272 -0.554 ESG_4 Greenhouse gas emissions 3.26 3 1.094 -0.119 -0.445 ESG_5 Hazardous waste management 4.00 4 0.907 -0.751 0.028 ESG_6 Water management 3.74 4 0.919 -0.172 -0.766 ESG_7 Impacts on biodiversity 3.40 3 1.006 0.199 -0.963 ESG_8 Climate risk 3.26 3 0.950 0.099 -0.964 SOC ESG_9 Occupational health and safety 3.94 4 1.259 -1.106 0.415 ESG_10 Military retention and turnover 3.57 4 1.378 -0.515 -1.099 ESG_11 Training and education of military 3.77 4 1.031 -0.193 -1.164 ESG_12 Supply chain issues 3.51 4 1.040 -0.540 0.360 ESG_13 Human rights issues 3.40 3 1.117 -0.473 0.060 ESG_14 Community impacts and relations 3.34 3 0.802 -0.358 1.307 ESG_15 Donations and other humanitarian actions 3.09 3 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 ESG_16 Mission management (national and international) 3.89 4 0.932 -0.917 1.401 ESG_17 Mission privacy 3.69 4 1.051 -0.767 0.704 ESG_18 Data privacy and security 4.09 4 0.887 -0.711 -0.149 GOV ESG_19 Governance structure 3.77 4 0.770 0.017 -0.511 ESG_20 Organisation culture 3.74 4 0.980 -0.238 -0.911 ESG_21 Ethics 3.94 4 1.110 -1.114 1.017 ESG_22 Conflicts of interest 3.57 4 1.092 -0.624 0.078 ESG_23 Remuneration structures and incentive systems 3.34 3 1.392 -0.245 -1.227 ESG_24 Diversity and equal opportunity 3.11 3 1.367 0.002 -1.125 ESG_25 Stakeholder dialogue 3.31 3 1.207 -0.227 -0.650 ESG_26 Risk management 3.80 4 0.964 -0.618 0.582 ESG_27 Strategic risks 3.69 4 1.105 -0.572 0.123 ESG_28 Corruption and bribery 3.86 4 1.033 -0.717 0.230 ESG_29 Anti-money laundering 3.77 4 1.003 -0.252 -1.000 ESG_30 Fraud 3.89 4 0.932 -0.455 -0.575 ESG_31 Whistleblower schemes 3.63 4 1.239 -0.805 -0.240 ESG_32 Intellectual property protection 3.54 4 1.146 -0.484 -0.365 ), those with the highest values were IAE_10 and IAE_21, each with a mean of 4.31. Those with the lowest values were HRMP_2 and HRMP_12, with a mean of 2.66 and 2.57, respectively. In general, there is a positive kurtosis and a negative skewness. Both measures have values within the acceptable range.

4.2 Multivariate analysis

4.2.1 Measurement model assessment

Before delving into the OLS regressions, the measurement model assessment was conducted by first calculating the Cronbach’s alpha (CA), composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) of the variables (Appendix M). The CA and CR were all greater than 0.7, indicating sufficient internal consistency reliability (Hair et al., 2019Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Cengage Learning.). To assess convergent validity, the AVE and item loadings were analysed, taking into account Hair et al. (2019)Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Cengage Learning.. The AVE values were all above the minimum required (0.5), and the generality of the item loadings was above the suggested threshold (0.7) (Appendix N). The final step was to assess discriminant validity. For that, we used the Fornell-Larcker criterion and heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio (Appendix O). According to the Fornell-Larcker criterion, the square root of the AVE of each construct must be higher than its correlation with the remaining constructs. The heterotrait-monotrait ratio should be lower than the minimum threshold value of 0.85 (Hair et al., 2019Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Cengage Learning.). Convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed.

4.2.2 Evaluation of the estimated model

The regression results are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Regarding the statistical significance of the regression coefficients on the set of global IAE models, IAEG is statistically significant at the 0.01 level in models 1, 3 and 4. In model 2, HRMP and MODG are statistically significant at the0.05 and 0.1 levels, respectively. However, in the set of split IAE models, MOD2 is statistically significant at the 0.1 level in model 6 and IAE1 at the 0.05 level in models 5, 7 and 8. All significant coefficients show a positive association with the dependent variables.

Table 2
Regression Results for Global IAE Models
Table 3
Regression Results for Split IAE Models

The coefficient of determination (R2) ranges from 0.337 to 0.429 for the global IAE models and from 0.435 to 0.516 for the split IAE models, indicating that our dependent variable effectively captures the independent variables. To assess the significance of the overall model, the coefficient of determination was tested. All models are jointly significant at the 0.01 level, except for models 6 and 8, which are jointly significant only at the 0.05 level (Hair et al., 2019Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Cengage Learning.).

4.3 Discussion

Looking at the information collected, it can be seen that the PAF’s IA performs, or is expected to perform, a wide range of activities (30 out of 38). It is important to note that among these activities, some are related to assurance and others to advising. This idea was confirmed when the CAEs were asked how IA allocates resources to these activities: two out of three departments divide their resources equally between assurance and advising. Other activities to highlight, in line with the first objective of this paper, are those related to sustainability matters. Accordingly, “Tasks related to sustainability matters (ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance)” appear with increased emphasis. Finally, regarding the exclusive questions asked of the CAEs, it was noted that while one department had some policies and documents, the other two did not.

Overall, the PAF’s IA is evolving and following the evolution of IA worldwide. It has changed into an independent, objective and value-added assurance and advisory service, as expected not only by the literature (Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.) but also by the IIA Standards (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2017The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2017). International standards for the professional practice of internal auditing. Make Lary, FL, USA: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). This is also reflected in the number of activities performed. However, there are some areas for improvement, as not all documents and policies required by the IIA Standards are present.

Regarding the top risks on which the PAF’s IA was focusing and comparing the results with the IIA’s “On Risk” report (2021), which defines the top risks likely to affect organisations in 2022, nine out of 12 were selected at least once. Finally, the IAA and IAD questions allowed us to understand various ideas. First, the IAA question showed that IA is almost fully aligned with the organisation’s strategy and therefore focuses on both operational and strategic dimensions. The literature, in turn, states that CG relates to decision-making processes (Naciti et al., 2022Naciti, V., Cesaroni, F., & Pulejo, L. (2022). Corporate governance and sustainability: A review of the existing literature. The Journal of Management and Governance, 26(1), 55-74.
) and, moreover, IA is one of the cornerstones of CG (Cohen et al., 2004Cohen, J. R., Krishnamoorthy, G., & Wright, A. (2004). The corporate governance mosaic and financial reporting quality. Journal of Accounting Literature, 23, 87-152.). Moreover, IA is seen as capable of contributing to the achievement of organisational goals (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2013The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2013). The three lines of defense in effective risk management and control. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.). Therefore, if that is the case, it would be expected that organisational strategy and IA, both intrinsically related to CG, would be aligned.

Secondly, the results for the last question, with regard to the first objective, are good overall. If this question is based on the definition of IA in the IIA Standards (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2017The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2017). International standards for the professional practice of internal auditing. Make Lary, FL, USA: The Institute of Internal Auditors.), in a preliminary attempt to understand internal auditors’ perceptions of it, the PAF’s IA is aligned with it. This means that IA is satisfactorily fulfilling the main functions assigned to it by the IIA Standards. Here, IAD_2 appears with greater emphasis and shows the highest score, indicating that IA is really adding value to the PAF. On the other hand, IAD_1 was underrated compared to the others. That might indicate that IA may be lacking independence in the PAF. In addition to the IIA Standards themselves, several studies have focused on the added value and usefulness of IA (e.g., Anderson et al., 2017Anderson, U. L., Head, M. J., Ramamoorti, S., Riddle, C., Salamasick, M., & Sobel, P. J. (2017). Internal auditing: Assurance & advisory services (4th ed.). Canada: Internal Audit Foundation.; Eulerich & Lenz, 2020Eulerich, M., & Lenz, R. (2020). Defining, measuring, and communicating the value of internal audit best: Practices for the profession. Dallas: Internal Audit Foundation.). This study confirms this idea and complements the literature on the topic of the added value of IA.

The first hypothesis (H1) theorises that IAE is positively related to the SO of the PAF. Overall, model 1 confirms this: IAEG is significant and can explain ESG. The same happens when IAEG is split into three different components (model 5), but only for IAE1. This supports the shared general view in the literature that IA can contribute to an organisation’s SO (ESG/sustainability). In fact, when the topic is taken to its generality, IA’s contribution to sustainability matters is a given. The literature points to an expanding role of IA in ESG issues, highlighting its improvement of sustainability levels (e.g., Samagaio & Diogo, 2022Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. A. (2022). Effect of computer assisted audit tools on corporate sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705.
; Soh & Martinov-Bennie, 2018Soh, D. S. B., & Martinov-Bennie, N. (2018). Factors associated with internal audit’s involvement in environmental and social assurance and consulting. International Journal of Auditing, 22(3), 404-421.
). This idea is also emphasised in studies related to IIA: IA is expected to be a catalyst for innovation and improvement in sustainability matters (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2021aThe Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2021a). Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting: Independent assurance is critical to effective sustainability reporting. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors.; World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2022World Business Council for Sustainable Development – WBCSD, The Institute of Internal Auditors – IIA. (2022). Embedding ESG and sustainability considerations into the Three Lines Model. Lake Mary, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.

However, when it comes to understanding the impact of IAE on each ESG dimension, the results differ from the environmental dimension. In models 2 and 6, IAEG and IAE1, IAE2 and IAE3 are not significant on their own and do not contribute to ENV. This is not consistent with what the literature suggests as the impact of IA on the environmental dimension. As if the literature highlighting the importance of IA in this dimension were not enough (e.g., DeSimone et al., 2021DeSimone, S., D’Onza, G., & Sarens, G. (2021). Correlates of internal audit function involvement in sustainability audits. The Journal of Management and Governance, 25(2), 561-591.
; Hazaea et al., 2022Hazaea, S. A., Zhu, J., Khatib, S. F., Bazhair, A. H., & Elamer, A. A. (2022). Sustainability assurance practices: A systematic review and future research agenda. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 29(4), 4843-4864. PMid:34787810.
), none of these audits would be carried out if they were expected to have no impact on sustainability. According to this stream of research, one would expect a positive contribution of IA to the environmental dimension of ESG. This was not verified.

The second hypothesis (H2) posits that HRMPs enhances the positive relationship between IAE and the PAF’s SO. Regarding this exact moderating effect of HRMPs on the relationship between IAE and SO, no studies were found that investigated it. However, concerning the environmental dimension, this is an expected result. Human resources are considered to be central to achieving successful environmental management, and HRMPs, when applied in this sense, may enhance environmental performance (Tang et al., 2018Tang, G., Chen, Y., Jiang, Y., Paillé, P., & Jia, J. (2018). Green human resource management practices: Scale development and validity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 31-55.
). Moreover, a look at the literature shows that a large part of it is based on environmental/green HRMPs, which gives more strength to this rationale.

5 Conclusion

Several conclusions can be drawn from this topic. First, the results confirm that the PAF’s IA is an added-value function that provides objective assurance and advisory services on a wide range of activities. These activities range from auditing compliance with regulatory requirements or auditing financial risks to tasks related to sustainability matters. With regard to the latter activity, the study shows that IA is positively related to SO overall. Indeed, when sustainability/ESG is addressed in its generality, the results point to a positive contribution of IA. When the analysis focuses on each of the ESG dimensions individually, IA contributes to the governance and social dimensions of ESG. This is not the case in the environmental dimension, except in the presence of HRMPs, which strengthen it. This moderating effect of HRMPs is only felt in the environmental dimension.

The findings have theoretical and practical implications. First, this paper contributes to a stream of research that examines the contribution of IA to sustainability. In this particular case, this topic is explored in a branch of the Armed Forces, a public sector organisation, and reflects its reality. This is a point to note as this study helps to fill the gap that existed in the public sector and defence. Second, the results showed that IA now has a well-defined strategic dimension other than assurance, which is an advisory-oriented activity that is worthy of study by the academic community. Additionally, IA can work in other strategic areas if needed and can thus enhance sustainability. This study reinforces the importance of IA for an organisation’s CG, both as an operational and strategic tool. In addition to the traditional focus on compliance and inspection, IA supports the organisation in achieving management goals. It is also important to note that IA is a flexible function that can operate and add value even in very specific environments, such as the public sector and defence. This may indicate that IA can evolve and adapt to the context in which it is deployed. Thus, our findings enrich the literature in a field where there is little work. Third, the study provides a more in-depth analysis, as it was conducted not only for the sustainability topic in its generality, but also for each of its dimensions. By broadening the focus of the analysis, this study draws attention to how IA may affect sustainability in organisations. Fourth, the contribution of IA to the environmental dimension, which only occurs under the effect of HRMP, brings other important information: the effect of IAE on SO is influenced by context, as was evident in the moderating effect of HRMPs.

This study also provides new data by focusing on a specific organisation. To fulfil its mission, the Air Force develops activities that, by their very nature, are likely to cause significant environmental impacts. In view of the rapidly changing global climate and its negative consequences, the PAF and all the Armed Forces should consider acting responsibly to mitigate its impacts.

Of course, the PAF has a lot of work to do to respond to the context in which it is embedded. The fact that IA does not contribute to the environmental dimension does not mean that the PAF is neglecting this dimension, but the PAF may be missing a great opportunity to further enhance this strategic goal. IA is well placed to take the PAF’s environmental sustainability a step further. It can help improve on what has been done and, additionally, look for further improvements while doing what is best. If the PAF does not take advantage of what IA has to offer in this area, it will be further away from achieving its objectives and others imposed by its context. Having an IA that contributes to environmental sustainability is a status that the PAF should pursue. Given that there is already work being done in this area, it is important to analyse how IA is working on these matters and how it can be improved. This analysis should focus not only on the way it works, but also on everything that surrounds it, so that the PAF can achieve the desired outcome: a positive impact on environmental sustainability.

Finally, the results of the effect of HRMPs on IAE are really important as they provide evidence that, in order to pursue environmental sustainability through IA activity, the PAF must now endeavour to implement these practices. In this way, the PAF can not only determine the contribution of IA to the environmental dimension, but also look for these HRMPs to intensify it. This is also something that the PAF can make more use of in the future. This can also be useful for the future organisational policies of the Portuguese Armed Forces.

This study has a major limitation. The sample size (related to the size of the study organisation) is not large and this alone limits the analysis. This could influence the items in the construction of the constructs themselves. If the sample were larger, PLS-SEM could be used.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Data 1 – Questionnaire 1

Supplementary Data 2 – Questionnaire 2

Supplementary Data 3 – Variable Scores

Supplementary Material can be found online at


Question: Which of the following internal audit documents or policies exist in your organization? (choose all that apply)

Code Indicators Frequency
PD_1 Internal audit charter 0
PD_2 Mission statement for the internal audit department 0
PD_3 Internal audit operating manual 1
PD_4 Internal audit strategy description 1
PD_5 Code of conduct/ethics 1
PD_6 Description of key performance indicators (KPIs) 1
PD_7 None 2


Question: How in your organization are internal audit resources allocated between assurance and consulting? Assurance refers to assessments of governance, risk management and control processes. Consulting refers to advice, counseling, facilitation, and training at the request of the client.

Code Indicators Frequency
RAC_1 All resources are spent on assurance 0
RAC_2 Almost all resources are spent on assurance, and few resources are spent on consulting 1
RAC_3 Resources are equally divided between assurance and consulting 2
RAC_4 Almost all resources are spent on consulting, and few resources are spent on assurance 0
RAC_5 All resources are spent on consulting 0
RAC_6 I don't know 0


Question: Please indicate whether the Internal Audit Department performs (or is planning to perform in the short term) the following activities: (choose all that apply).

Code Indicators Frequency
ACTIVITY_1 Operational audits 1
ACTIVITY_2 Audits of compliance with regulatory code (including privacy) requirements 3
ACTIVITY_3 Auditing of financial risks 2
ACTIVITY_4 Investigations of fraud and irregularities 2
ACTIVITY_5 Evaluating effectiveness of control systems (using COSO, COBIT, etc., frameworks) 2
ACTIVITY_6 Auditing of IT/ICT risks 1
ACTIVITY_7 Auditing of information risks 1
ACTIVITY_8 Management audits 2
ACTIVITY_9 Audits of risk management processes 2
ACTIVITY_10 Provide advice and consulting on risk management activities 1
ACTIVITY_11 Project management assurance/audits of major projects 1
ACTIVITY_12 Security assessments and investigations 2
ACTIVITY_13 External audit assistance 3
ACTIVITY_14 Corporate governance reviews 1
ACTIVITY_15 Reviews of governance policies and procedures related to the organisation's use of information technology (IT) 0
ACTIVITY_16 Disaster recovery testing and support 0
ACTIVITY_17 Facilitating risk/control/compliance training and education for organisation personnel 1
ACTIVITY_18 Auditing of outsourced operations 0
ACTIVITY_19 Ethics audits 1
ACTIVITY_20 Budget execution assessments 0
ACTIVITY_21 Reviews addressing linkage of strategy and company performance (e.g., balanced scorecard) 0
ACTIVITY_22 Due diligence reviews for corporate acquisitions/mergers, etc. 0
ACTIVITY_23 Quality/ISO audits 1
ACTIVITY_24 Tasks related to sustainability matters (ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance) 1
ACTIVITY_25 Migration to Accounting Standardisation System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP) 1
ACTIVITY_26 Implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 0
ACTIVITY_27 Adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system assurance 2
ACTIVITY_28 Identifying emerging risks 2
ACTIVITY_29 Provide assurance on individual risks 0
ACTIVITY_30 Mining and analysing data for management 1
ACTIVITY_31 Recommending improvement 2
ACTIVITY_32 Informing and advising management 2
ACTIVITY_33 Informing and advising the audit committee 1
ACTIVITY_34 Informing key stakeholders 2
ACTIVITY_35 Assessing fraud risks and deterring fraud 2



Code Indicators Frequency
ACTIVITY_36 Assuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s regulatory compliance processes 1
ACTIVITY_37 Testing the adequacy and effectiveness of management’s assessment of controls 2
ACTIVITY_38 Assuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s governance processes 1


Question: Please identify the five priority risks upon which your internal audit department is focusing the greatest level of attention this year.

Code Indicators Frequency
R_1 Strategic risks 8
R_2 Risk management assurance/effectiveness 18
R_3 Corporate governance 6
R_4 Operational 18
R_5 Compliance/regulatory 25
R_6 Information technology (IT), not covered in other audits 9
R_7 Third-party relationships 1
R_8 Crisis management 1
R_9 Fraud, not covered in other audits 9
R_10 Cost/expense reduction or containment 6
R_11 General financial 9
R_12 Cybersecurity 0
R_13 Talent management 0
R_14 Data privacy 1
R_15 Economic and political volatility 1
R_16 Culture 2
R_17 Supplier management 3
R_18 Disruptive innovation 0
R_19 Social sustainability 1
R_20 Supply chain disruption 1
R_21 Environmental sustainability 8
R_22 Other 3
R_23 I'm not sure 9


Question: How well do you believe your internal audit department is aligned with your organization's strategic plan?

Code Indicators
IAA_1 Not aligned
IAA_2 Minimally aligned
IAA_3 Somewhat aligned
IAA_4 Almost fully aligned
IAA_5 Fully aligned


Question: Considering the internal audit function in your organization, what is your view about the relevance of each of the following functions? (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree)

Code Indicators
IAD_1 Internal audit is an independent objective assurance and consulting activity in my organisation
IAD_2 Internal auditing adds value and improves the organisations operations
IAD_3 Internal audit brings a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management
IAD_4 Internal audit brings a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of control
IAD_5 Internal audit brings an approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of corporate governance processes


Question: Please indicate the agreement degree with the following statements? Please answer according to your perception about the Internal Audit performance in the Portuguese Air Force. (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree)

Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis
IAE_1 IA is aware of and sensitive to the organisation’s needs and operates accordingly 3.80 4 0.964 -1.454 2.727
IAE_2 The evaluation of IA reports made by individuals in managerial positions who were audited is positive 3.80 4 0.833 -1.217 2.924
IAE_3 The evaluation of IA reports made by individuals in operative positions who were audited is positive 4.03 4 0.747 -0.496 0.285
IAE_4 The evaluation of IA reports made by external auditors and other external authorities is positive 3.89 4 0.718 -0.331 0.252
IAE_5 IA identifies risks and competently assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems 4.00 4 0.686 -0.580 1.153
IAE_6 IA gets the attention of top management and focuses it on issues audited by IA 3.37 4 1.031 -0.316 -0.590
IAE_7 The issues to be audited are decided after identifying risks, quantifying them and determining appropriate risk levels 3.66 4 0.838 -1.484 2.422
IAE_8 All control and auditing activities in the organisation are performed by IA or are coordinated with IA, including external auditing 3.49 4 1.147 -0.707 0.002
IAE_9 IA is an autonomous and independent organisational unit 3.83 4 0.985 -0.812 0.713
IAE_10 The IA department and its military are reliable and behave with integrity 4.31 4 0.796 -2.128 7.829
IAE_11 The IA department is valued by management and makes valuable contributions during meetings 3.63 4 0.910 -0.902 1.041
IAE_12 IA is a source of valuable data and information for the decision-makers in the organisation 4.17 4 0.747 -0.294 -1.106
IAE_13 The information provided by IA is vital to organisational operations 3.97 4 0.857 -0.836 0.551
IAE_14 The costs of IA to the organisation are higher than the benefits and savings that result from its work (Reverse scored.) 4.23 4 0.731 -0.869 1.158
IAE_15 All auditing functions that were approved in the auditing plans are performed completely 3.74 4 0.950 -0.754 0.824
IAE_16 In addition to the issues determined and approved for inclusion in the annual audit, there are requests to the IA department to audit other issues 3.83 4 0.822 -0.675 0.382
IAE_17 The number of complaints about the IA department is very low 3.89 4 0.758 -0.232 -0.206
IAE_18 Those who are audited demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with the work of the IA department 3.63 4 0.770 -1.279 3.078
IAE_19 The time that passes between completing the audit and submitting the final report is too long (Reverse scored.) 3.29 4 1.152 -0.112 -1.215
IAE_20 The findings of internal audits are very significant for the organisation 4.03 4 0.857 -0.651 -0.007
IAE_21 The findings of internal audits are always based on documents and reliable data 4.31 4 0.676 -0.479 -0.697
IAE_22 The recommendations of the IA department can be easily implemented 3.29 3 0.789 -0.569 -1.140
IAE_23 The recommendations of the IA department provide practical, cost-benefit solutions for correcting the problems that were found 3.57 4 0.778 -1.445 2.639
IAE_24 Only a small portion of the IA department’s recommendations is implemented (Reverse scored.) 3.00 3 0.907 -0.250 -1.214
IAE_25 The IA reports are rigorous and accurate 3.94 4 0.802 -0.256 -0.523
IAE_26 The IA reports are clear and well presented 4.20 4 0.584 -0.038 -0.163
IAE_27 The IA reports include an introduction, goals, subjects, conclusions and recommendations 4.06 4 0.802 -0.831 0.842
IAE_28 The IA reports are professional and of high quality 4.09 4 0.853 -1.376 3.693
IAE_29 The management’s decision-making process is strongly affected by the reports and findings of the IA department 3.14 3 0.810 0.079 1.248
IAE_30 The IA department contributes to the organisation above and beyond its operating costs 3.71 4 0.789 0.187 -0.673
IAE_31 IA improves organisational performance 4.17 4 0.618 -0.906 3.558
IAE_32 IA develops appropriate annual audit plans 4.09 4 0.612 -0.041 -0.151
IAE_33 Timely action is taken to implement the recommendations of the IA reports 3.51 4 0.612 -0.057 -0.237
IAE_34 IA provides adequate follow-up to ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken and that it is effective 3.83 4 0.707 -1.335 2.438


Question: Please indicate the agreement degree with the following statements. Please answer according to your perception. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) refers to the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and governance. (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree)

Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis
HRMP_1 The organisation develops training programs in ESG management to increase ESG awareness, skills and expertise of military 2.77 3 0.973 -0.323 -0.810
HRMP_2 The organisation has integrated training to create the emotional involvement of military in ESG management 2.66 3 0.838 -0.531 -0.090
HRMP_3 The organisation has ESG knowledge management (link ESG education and knowledge to behaviours to develop preventative solutions) 2.74 3 0.919 -0.172 -0.766
HRMP_4 The organisation uses ESG performance indicators in the performance management system and appraisals 2.94 3 0.938 -0.109 -0.343
HRMP_5 The organisation sets ESG targets, goals and responsibilities for managers and other military 2.97 3 0.954 -0.371 0.001
HRMP_6 In the organisation, managers are set objectives on achieving ESG outcomes included in appraisals 2.94 3 1.056 -0.358 -0.622
HRMP_7 In the organisation, there are dis-benefits in the performance management system for non-compliance or not meeting ESG management goals 2.74 3 0.950 -0.536 -0.461
HRMP_8 The organisation has a clear developmental vision to guide the military’s actions in ESG management 2.89 3 0.932 -0.224 -1.006
HRMP_9 In the organisation, there is a mutual learning climate among military for ESG behaviour and awareness in Portuguese Air Force 3.09 3 1.011 -0.361 -0.812
HRMP_10 In the organisation, there are a number of formal or informal communication channels to spread ESG culture in Portuguese Air Force 2.91 3 0.981 -0.018 -0.735
HRMP_11 In the organisation, military are involved in quality improvement and problem-solving on ESG issues 3.03 3 1.124 -0.322 -0.725
HRMP_12 The organisation offers practices for military to participate in ESG management, such as newsletters, suggestion schemes, problem-solving groups, low-carbon champions and ESG action teams 2.57 3 0.979 -0.012 -0.940
HRMP_13 The organisation emphasises a culture of ESG protection 2.83 3 0.985 -0.420 -0.771


Question: How important are the following issues in the management of the Portuguese Air Force? (1 = not important at all, 5 = extremely important)

Dimension Code Indicators Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis
ENV ESG_1 Procurement of environmentally friendly materials 3.46 3 0.886 0.003 -0.612
ESG_2 Energy usage 3.74 4 0.886 -0.530 -0.202
ESG_3 Materials usage 3.54 4 0.886 -0.272 -0.554
ESG_4 Greenhouse gas emissions 3.26 3 1.094 -0.119 -0.445
ESG_5 Hazardous waste management 4.00 4 0.907 -0.751 0.028
ESG_6 Water management 3.74 4 0.919 -0.172 -0.766
ESG_7 Impacts on biodiversity 3.40 3 1.006 0.199 -0.963
ESG_8 Climate risk 3.26 3 0.950 0.099 -0.964
SOC ESG_9 Occupational health and safety 3.94 4 1.259 -1.106 0.415
ESG_10 Military retention and turnover 3.57 4 1.378 -0.515 -1.099
ESG_11 Training and education of military 3.77 4 1.031 -0.193 -1.164
ESG_12 Supply chain issues 3.51 4 1.040 -0.540 0.360
ESG_13 Human rights issues 3.40 3 1.117 -0.473 0.060
ESG_14 Community impacts and relations 3.34 3 0.802 -0.358 1.307
ESG_15 Donations and other humanitarian actions 3.09 3 0.887 -0.711 -0.149
ESG_16 Mission management (national and international) 3.89 4 0.932 -0.917 1.401
ESG_17 Mission privacy 3.69 4 1.051 -0.767 0.704
ESG_18 Data privacy and security 4.09 4 0.887 -0.711 -0.149
GOV ESG_19 Governance structure 3.77 4 0.770 0.017 -0.511
ESG_20 Organisation culture 3.74 4 0.980 -0.238 -0.911
ESG_21 Ethics 3.94 4 1.110 -1.114 1.017
ESG_22 Conflicts of interest 3.57 4 1.092 -0.624 0.078
ESG_23 Remuneration structures and incentive systems 3.34 3 1.392 -0.245 -1.227
ESG_24 Diversity and equal opportunity 3.11 3 1.367 0.002 -1.125
ESG_25 Stakeholder dialogue 3.31 3 1.207 -0.227 -0.650
ESG_26 Risk management 3.80 4 0.964 -0.618 0.582
ESG_27 Strategic risks 3.69 4 1.105 -0.572 0.123
ESG_28 Corruption and bribery 3.86 4 1.033 -0.717 0.230
ESG_29 Anti-money laundering 3.77 4 1.003 -0.252 -1.000
ESG_30 Fraud 3.89 4 0.932 -0.455 -0.575
ESG_31 Whistleblower schemes 3.63 4 1.239 -0.805 -0.240
ESG_32 Intellectual property protection 3.54 4 1.146 -0.484 -0.365


Code New construct % of variance explained Code New construct % of variance explained
IAE_2 IAE1 32.502 IAE_1 IAE2 9.323
IAE_10 IAE_11
IAE_21 IAE_33
IAE_25 IAE_34
IAE_26 IAE_12 IAE3 8.67
IAE_28 IAE_13
IAE_31 IAE_14


Code Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis Theoretical range Actual range
IAA – overall 3.93 4 0.923 -0.149 -1.249 1 – 5 1 − 5
IAD – overall 4.17 4,2 0.689 -1.392 3.267 1 − 5 1 − 5
IAD_1 3.83 4 1.098 -0.631 -0.858 1 − 5 2 − 5
IAD_2 4.46 5 0.817 -2.430 8.513 1 − 5 1 − 5
IAD_3 4.29 4 0.789 -1.332 2.283 1 − 5 2 − 5
IAD_4 4.20 4 0.677 -0.867 2.069 1 − 5 2 − 5
IAD_5 4.09 4 0.742 -0.598 0.511 1 − 5 2 − 5


Mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis
IAEG 3.95 3.89 0.514 -0.255 1.889
IAE1 4.10 4 0.582 -0.785 2.848
IAE2 3.63 3.83 0.711 -0.915 1.857
IAE3 4.10 4 0.639 -0.297 -0.643
HRMP 2.85 3 0.802 -0.301 -0.601
ESG 3.61 3.59 0.792 -0.265 -0.219
ENV 3.55 3.5 0.794 -0.119 -0.498
SOC 3.63 3.7 0.779 -0.485 0.212
GOV 3.64 3.86 0.911 -0.475 -0.321


Construct CA CR AVE
IAEG 0.703 0.831 0.624
IAE1 0.925 0.937 0.625
IAE2 0.917 0.933 0.701
IAE3 0.805 0.871 0.640
RHMP 0.960 0.965 0.682
ESG 0.927 0.953 0.873
ENV 0.941 0.950 0.705
SOC 0.912 0.927 0.563
GOV 0.964 0.967 0.684


Construct Item Loadings Construct Item Loadings
IAEG IAE1 0.892 ESG ENV 0.866
IAE2 0.760 SOC 0.979
IAE3 0.705 GOV 0.954
IAE1 IAE_2 0.777 ENV ESG_1 0.829
IAE_3 0.810 ESG_2 0.744
IAE_5 0.736 ESG_3 0.823
IAE_10 0.762 ESG_4 0.853
IAE_21 0.745 ESG_5 0.814
IAE_25 0.862 ESG_6 0.923
IAE_26 0.762 ESG_7 0.898
IAE_28 0.889 ESG_8 0.861
IAE_31 0..752 SOC ESG_9 0.829
IAE2 IAE_1 0.878 ESG_10 0.696
IAE_6 0.853 ESG_11 0.844
IAE_7 0.816 ESG_12 0.839
IAE_11 0.875 ESG_13 0.719
IAE_33 0.828 ESG_14 0.799
IAE_34 0.764 ESG_15 0.573
IAE3 IAE_12 0.761 ESG_16 0.717
IAE_13 0.931 ESG_17 0.707
IAE_14 0.491 ESG_18 0.736
IAE_20 0.932 GOV ESG_19 0.699
RHMP HRMP_1 0.856 ESG_20 0.827
HRMP_2 0.808 ESG_21 0.870
HRMP_3 0.883 ESG_22 0.898
HRMP_4 0.889 ESG_23 0.880
HRMP_5 0.738 ESG_24 0.801
HRMP_6 0.822 ESG_25 0.853
HRMP_7 0.543 ESG_26 0.823
HRMP_8 0.810 ESG_27 0.879
HRMP_9 0.835 ESG_28 0.805
HRMP_10 0.862 ESG_29 0.717
HRMP_11 0.857 ESG_30 0.779
HRMP_12 0.861 ESG_31 0.870
HRMP_13 0.902 ESG_32 0.848


ESG 0.935 0.685 0.427
IAEG 0.587 0.790 0.557
HRMP 0.424 0.475 0.825
ENV 0.8402 0.4791 0.4785
GOV 0.8271 0.6714 0.3532
SOC 0.7502 0.7698 0.3798
IAEG 0.4246 0.5988 0.6626 0.7906 0.5568
HRMP 0.5130 0.3683 0.3827 0.4742 0.8258
ESG 0.935 0.636 0.385 0.408 0.427
IAE1 0.619 0.790 0.565 0.517 0.485
IAE2 0.391 0.515 0.836 0.418 0.486
IAE3 0.385 0.477 0.376 0.801 0.305
HRMP 0.422 0.461 0.471 0.197 0.825
ENV 0.840 0.432 0.302 0.300 0.478
GOV 0.827 0.664 0.355 0.384 0.353
SOC 0.826 0.677 0.450 0.521 0.380
IAE1 0.436 0.657 0.660 0.790 0.565 0.517 0.485
IAE2 0.312 0.369 0.453 0.517 0.837 0.418 0.486
IAE3 0.270 0.364 0.461 0.478 0.379 0.800 0.521
HRMP 0.514 0.365 0.385 0.460 0.469 0.203 0.751

Notes: Panels presents the correlations between the constructs (Fornell-Larcker criterion) below the diagonal, and the Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio above the diagonal. The boldface scores on the diagonal are the square root of AVE. Panel A refers to model 1; panel B to models 2, 3 and 4; panel C to model 5; and panel D to models 6, 7 and 8.

  • This article is open data
  • Evaluation process: Double Blind Review
  • How to cite: Ferreira, P., Samagio, A., & Diogo, T. R. (2024). The role of the internal audit in the Armed Forces and its influence on organisational sustainability: a case study. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 26(2), e20230052.
  • Financial support:

    Antonio Samagaio acknowledges the financial support from FCT, I.P., the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology, under the project UIDB/04521/2020. We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for the many relevant contributions that enhanced the paper.
  • Open Science:

    Ferreira, Pedro; Samagaio, António; Diogo, Tiago Rodrigo, 2024, “Supplementary Data - The role of the internal audit in the Armed Forces and its influence on organisational sustainability: a case study”,, Harvard Dataverse, V1
  • Plagiarism analysis:

    RBGN performs plagiarism analysis on all its articles at the time of submission and after approval of the manuscript using the iThenticate tool.


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Responsible editor:

Prof. Dr. Ivam Ricardo Peleias


Daniela Penela; One of the reviewers preferred not to disclose his name

Data availability

Ferreira, Pedro; Samagaio, António; Diogo, Tiago Rodrigo, 2024, “Supplementary Data - The role of the internal audit in the Armed Forces and its influence on organisational sustainability: a case study”,, Harvard Dataverse, V1

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    16 June 2024
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