Acid-soluble phosphorus in leaves as a dignostic aid of the nutritional status of corn
J. Romano Gallo; A. Conagin
A study concerning the use of the acid-soluble phosphorus method as an aid in diagnosing the phosphorus requirement of corn, by means of leaf analysis, is reported.
Leaves from two 3x3x3 factorial experiments with corn showing response to phosphate fertilizers were selected and submitted to total phosphorus and soluble phosphorus analysis. One of these trials was carried out on a very poor Botucatu sandy soil, while the other was on a " terra-roxa-misturada" type of soil. Fertilizers were supplied to the plants at the rate of 0, 60, and 120 kg per hectare of each N, P205, and K2O.
The following results were noted: a correlation between corn yields and leaf phosphorus was significant at 5% level for total phosphorus and soluble phosphorus, in one experiment. Correlations between total phosphorus and soluble phosphorus were found to be highly significant in both locations (r1 = 0.898**; r2 = 0.986**). Data obtained in the present investigation indicate that acid-soluble phosphorus probably is slightly more sensitive than total phosphorus for indicating the nutritional status of the plant.
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Recebida para publicação em 23 de março da 1960.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
14 Abr 2010 -
Data do Fascículo