Correlações entre características agrobotânicas e tecnológicas de dez variedades de rami
Agro-botanical and technological characters in ramie
Guilherme Augusto de Paiva Castro* * Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
Agro-botanical and technological characteristics were correlated in the international ramie (Boehmeria nívea, Gaud.) varieties: Saikeiseishin-shun, London, Tatsutyama, Izu-kairyo, Chiayi, Tsuannan n° 2, Toakan, Kokuhi, E 49-63 and Tatsuka-kairyo. The correlated characteristics were: fiber content in green stalk against fiber content in dry stalk, diameter of stalk, length of stalk, leaves content, green weight stalk, dry weight stalk, length of fiber and fineness of fiber; fiber content in dry stalk against diameter of stalk, length of stalk, leaves content, green weight stalk, dry weight stalk, length of fiber and fineness of fiber; length of stalk against diameter of stalk, length of fiber and fineness of fiber; diameter of stalk against length of fiber and fineness of fiber and length of fiber against fineness of fiber. For all varieties, linear correlation coefficients between fiber content in green stalk and in dry stalk and between diameter and length of stalk were positive. No correlation was found between fiber content in green stalk and leaves content. Other tested correlation coefficients showed different behavior for varieties pointing out the importance of this type of study in genetic improvement work.
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Recebida para publicação em 5 de março de 1978.
Datas de Publicação
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21 Dez 2007 -
Data do Fascículo