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Explorando os espaços vazios: jazz e estrutura organizacional


Este artigo utiliza-se do jazz como um veículo metafórico para redescrever o conceito de estrutura organizacional de forma adequada ao vocabulário emergente dos estudos organizacionais. É apresentada uma descrição de alguns elementos básicos da performance do jazz - solo, acompanhamento, trading fours, pergunta e resposta, groove e sensibilidade -, sustentando a redescrição da estrutura organizacional como sendo ambígua, emocional e temporal. De maneira reflexiva, o artigo não somente demonstra os conceitos aos quais se refere, mas apresenta uma performance, a exemplo do jazz, do método de Rorty da redescrição por meio da metáfora.

Estrutura organizacional; estudos organizacionais; jazz; metáfora; criatividade

This paper uses jazz as a metaphoric vehicle for redescribing the concept of organizational structure in ways that fit within the emerging vocabulary of organization studies. The metaphoric comparison begins with a description of some basic elements of jazz performance - soloing, comping, trading fours, listening and responding, groove and feel - and builds on those to redescribe organizational structure as ambiguous, emotional, and temporal. In reflexive fashion, this concept is not only demonstrated, but a jazz-like performance of Rorty’s method of redescription via metaphor is presented.

Organizational structure; organization studies; jazz; metaphor; creativity


Explorando os espaços vazios: jazz e estrutura organizacional

Mary Jo Hatch

Professora da McIntire School of Commerce (University of Virginia). E-mail:


Este artigo utiliza-se do jazz como um veículo metafórico para redescrever o conceito de estrutura organizacional de forma adequada ao vocabulário emergente dos estudos organizacionais. É apresentada uma descrição de alguns elementos básicos da performance do jazz – solo, acompanhamento, trading fours, pergunta e resposta, groove e sensibilidade –, sustentando a redescrição da estrutura organizacional como sendo ambígua, emocional e temporal. De maneira reflexiva, o artigo não somente demonstra os conceitos aos quais se refere, mas apresenta uma performance, a exemplo do jazz, do método de Rorty da redescrição por meio da metáfora.

Palavras-chave: Estrutura organizacional, estudos organizacionais, jazz, metáfora, criatividade.


This paper uses jazz as a metaphoric vehicle for redescribing the concept of organizational structure in ways that fit within the emerging vocabulary of organization studies. The metaphoric comparison begins with a description of some basic elements of jazz performance – soloing, comping, trading fours, listening and responding, groove and feel – and builds on those to redescribe organizational structure as ambiguous, emotional, and temporal. In reflexive fashion, this concept is not only demonstrated, but a jazz-like performance of Rorty’s method of redescription via metaphor is presented.

Key words: Organizational structure, organization studies, jazz, metaphor, creativity.

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  • ADAMS, J. L. Conceptual blockbusting: a guide to better ideas. 3. ed. Reading, MA : Addison Wesley, 1990.
  • ALBROW, M. Sine ire et studio or: do organizations have feelings?. Organization Studies, v. 13, n. 3, p.313-330, 1992.
  • ALVESSON, M. Organization: from substance to image. Organization Studies, v. 11, n. 3, p. 373-394, 1990.
  • ASHFORTH, B. HUMPHREY, R. Emotion in the workplace: a reappraisal. Human Relations, v. 48, n. 2, p. 97-126, 1995.
  • BARRETT, F. Creativity and improvisation in jazz and organizations: implications for organizational learning. Organization Science, v. 9, n. 5, p. 605-622, s.d.
  • BASTIEN, D. T., HOSTAGER, T. J. Jazz as a process of organizational innovation. Communication Research, n. 15, p. 582-602, 1988.
  • BASTIEN, D. T., HOSTAGER, T. J. Cooperation as communicative accomplishment: a symbolic interaction analysis of an improvised jazz concert. Communication Studies, n. 43, p. 92-104, Summer, 1992.
  • BERLINER, P. F. Thinking in jazz: the infinite art of improvisation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
  • BODEN, D. The business of talk: organizations in action. Cambridge : Polity Press, 1994.
  • BOJE, D. M., GEPHART, R. P. Jr., THATCHENKERY, T. J. (Eds.) Postmodern management and organization theory Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1996.
  • BOURDIEU, P. Outline of a theory of practice Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1977.
  • BURRELL, G. Pandemonium: towards a retro organization theory. London : Sage, 1997.
  • COOPER, R., BURRELL, G. Modernism, postmodernism, and organizational analysis: an introduction. Organization Studies, v. 9, n. 1, p. 91-112, 1988.
  • CROSSAN, M., SORRENTI, M. Making sense of improvisation. Advances in Strategic Management, v. 14, p. 155-180, 1997.
  • CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1990.
  • DAINTY, P., LUCAS, D. Clarifying the confusion: a practical framework for evaluating outdoor development programmes for managers. Management Education and Development, v. 22, n. 2, p. 106-122, 1992.
  • DAVIDSON, D. What metaphors mean. In: DAVIDSON, D. Inquiries into truth and interpretation Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. p. 245-264.
  • DUBINSKAS, F. A. (Ed.) Making time: ethnographies of high-technology organizations. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988.
  • EISENBERG, E. M. Ambiguity as strategy in organizational communication. Communication Monographs, n. 51, p. 237-242, 1984.
  • EISENBERG, E. M. Jamming: transcendence through organizing. Communication Research, v. 17, n. 2, p. 139-164, 1990.
  • FELDMAN, M. The meanings of ambiguity: learning from stories and metaphors. In: FROST, P. J. et al. (Eds.). Reframing organizational culture Newbury Park : Sage, 1991. p. 145-156.
  • FINEMAN, S. (Ed.) Emotion in organizations London : Sage, 1993.
  • GAGLIARDI, P. Artifacts and pathways and remains of organizational life. In: GAGLIARDI, (Ed.) Symbols and artifacts: views of the corporate landscape. New York : Aldine de Gruyter, 1990. p. 3-38.
  • GAGLIARDI, P. Exploring the aesthetic side of organizational life. In: CLEGG, S. R., HARDY, C., NORD, W. R. (Eds.) Handbook of organization studies London: Sage, 1996. p. 565-580.
  • GERGEN, K. Organization theory in the postmodern era. In: REED, M., HUGHES, M. (Eds.) Rethinking organizations: new directions in organization theory and analysis. London : Sage, 1992. p. 209-226.
  • GERSICK, C. Time and transition in work teams: toward a new model of group development. Academy of Management Journal, n. 31, p. 9-41, 1988.
  • GERSICK, C. Marking time: predictable transitions in task groups. Academy of Management Journal, n. 32, p. 274-309, 1989.
  • GERSICK, C. Pacing strategic change: the case of a new venture. Academy of Management Journal, n. 37, p. 9- 45, 1994.
  • GHERARDI, S., STRATI, A. The temporal dimension in organizational studies. Organization Studies, v. 9, n. 2, p. 149-164, 1988.
  • GIDDENS, A. Central problems in social theory: action, structure and contradictions in social analysis. London : Macmillan, 1979.
  • GIDDENS, A. The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration Berkeley : University of California Press, 1984.
  • HASSARD, J. Aspects of time in organization. Human Relations, v. 44, n. 2, p. 105-125, 1991.
  • HASSARD, J. Exploring the terrain of modernism and postmodernism in organization theory. In: BOJE, D. M., GEPHART, R. P. THATCHENKERY, T. J. (Eds.) Postmodern management and organization theory Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1996a. p. 45-59.
  • HASSARD, J. Images of time in work and organization. In: CLEGG, S. R., HARDY, C., NORD, W. R. (Eds.) Handbook of organization studies . London : Sage. 1996b. p. 581-598.
  • HASSARD, J., PARKER, M. Postmodernism and organizations London : Sage, 1993.
  • HATCH, M. J. The dynamics of organizational culture. Academy of Management Review, v. 18, n. 4, p. 657-693, 1993.
  • HATCH, M. J. Jazzing up the theory of organizational improvisation. Advances in Strategic Management, n. 14, v. 181-191, 1997.
  • HATCH, M. J., SCHULTZ, M. Relations between organizational culture, identity and image. European Journal of Marketing, n. 31, p. 356-365, 1997.
  • HESSE, M. The explanatory function of metaphor. In: HESSE, M. Revolutions and reconstructions in the philosophy of science Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1980.
  • HOCHSCHILD, A. R. The managed heart Berkeley : University of California Press, 1983.
  • HOPFL, H., LINSTEAD, S. Learning to feel and feeling to learn: emotion and learning in organizations. Management Learning, n. 28, p. 5-12, 1997.
  • IMAI, K., NONAKA, I., TAKEUCHI, H. Managing the new product development process: how Japanese companies learn and unlearn. In: TUSHMAN, M. L., MOORE, W. L. (Eds.) Readings in the management of innovation 2. ed. Cambridge : Ballinger, 1988. p. 337-381.
  • JACQUES, E. The form of time New York : Crane Russak, 1982.
  • MARCH, J. G. The technology of foolishness. In: MARCH, J. G., OLSEN, J. P. (Eds.) Ambiguity and choice in organizations. Bergen : Universitetsforlaget, 1976. p. 69-81.
  • MARCH, J. G., OLSEN, J. P. Organizational choice under ambiguity. In: MARCH, J. G., OLSEN, J. P. (Eds.) Ambiguity and choice in organizations Bergen : Universitetsforlaget, 1976. p. 10-23.
  • MINTZBERG, H., RAISINGHANI, D., THEORET, A. The structure of unstructured decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly, n. 21, p. 246-275, 1976.
  • MORGAN, G. Images of organization Newbury Park : Sage, 1986.
  • PETTIGREW, A. M. Context and action in the transformation of the firm. Journal of Management Studies, n. 24, p. 649-670, 1987.
  • PETTIGREW, A. M., WHIPP, R. Managing change for competitive success Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1991.
  • RAFAELI, A., SUTTON, R. The expression of emotion in organizational life. In: CUMMINGS, L. L., STAW, B. M. (Eds.) Research in organizational behavior v. 11. n. 142. Greenwich : JAI Press, 1989.
  • RANSON, S. HININGS, GREENWOOD, R. The structuring of organizational structures. Administrative Science Quarterly, n. 25, p. 1-17, 1980.
  • REED, M. I. In praise of duality and dualism: rethinking agency and structure in organizational analysis. Organization Studies, v. 18, n. 1, p. 21-42, 1997.
  • REED, M. I., HUGHES, M. (Eds.) Rethinking organizations: new directions in organization theory and analysis. London : Sage, 1992.
  • RICOEUR, P. Time and narrative . v. 1. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1984.
  • RORTY, R. Contingency, irony and solidarity New York : Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • SCHULTZ, M. Postmodern pictures of organizational culture International Studies of Management and Organization IS-35, Summer, 1992.
  • WEICK, K. E. Organized improvisation: 20 years of organizing. Communication Studies, n. 40, p. 241-248, 1989.
  • WEICK, K. E. Organizational redesign as improvisation. In: HUBER, G. P., GLICK, W. H. (Eds.) Organizational change and redesign: ideas and insights for improving performance. New York : Oxford University Press, 1993. p. 346-379.
  • WEICK, K. E. Sensemaking in organizations Newbury Park : Sage, 1995.
  • WEICK, K. E. Improvisation as a mindset for organizational analysis. Organization Science, v. 9, n. 5, p. 540-555, 1998.

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    15 Fev 2011
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    Set 2002
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