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¿Cómo impactó la satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal en la satisfacción laboral de los teletrabajadores? El papel de la concienciación sobre la tecnología de la información y el desempeño creativo


With COVID-19, a significant number of companies have started to work remotely, and communication has started to occur mainly through technological tools. This study investigates the relationship between teleworkers’ interpersonal communication and job satisfaction through the mediating role of information technology (IT) awareness and creative performance. Data were collected from 683 teleworkers and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and PROCESS Macro. The findings indicated that (1) teleworkers’ interpersonal communication satisfaction is positively associated with job satisfaction, and (2) IT awareness and creative performance mediate the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Finally, the study’s theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. The results emphasize the role of interpersonal communication satisfaction on job satisfaction and show that both employees and companies should receive the necessary training for a sufficient level of employee IT knowledge.

telework; interpersonal communication satisfaction; information technologies; creative performance; job satisfaction


Con la COVID-19, una parte importante de las empresas pasó a trabajar de forma remota, y a establecer comunicación a través de herramientas tecnológicas. Este estudio investiga la relación entre la satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal de los teletrabajadores y la satisfacción laboral a través del papel mediador de la concienciación sobre las tecnologías de la información (TI) y el desempeño creativo. Se recopilaron datos de 683 teletrabajadores y se analizaron mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) y PROCESS Macro. Los hallazgos indicaron que (1) la satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal de los teletrabajadores se asocia positivamente con la satisfacción laboral (2) la concienciación sobre la TI y el desempeño creativo median la relación entre la satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal y la satisfacción laboral. Finalmente, se discutieron las implicaciones teóricas y gerenciales. En los resultados de la investigación, además de enfatizar el papel de la satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal en la satisfacción laboral, también se mencionó que tanto los empleados como las empresas deben recibir la capacitación necesaria para tener un nivel suficiente de conocimiento de TI.

Palabras clave:
teletrabajo; satisfacción de la comunicación interpersonal; tecnologías de la información; desempeño creativo; satisfacción laboral


A pandemia de Covid-19 levou uma parte significativa das empresas a adotar o trabalho remoto e a estabelecer comunicação por meio de ferramentas tecnológicas. Este estudo investiga a relação entre a satisfação na comunicação interpessoal dos teletrabalhadores e a satisfação no trabalho por meio do papel mediador da conscientização em tecnologias da informação (TI) e do desempenho criativo. Os dados foram coletados de 683 teletrabalhadores e analisados usando modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) e a PROCESS Macro. Os resultados indicaram que (1) a satisfação na comunicação interpessoal dos teletrabalhadores está positivamente associada à satisfação no trabalho e (2) a conscientização em TI e o desempenho criativo são mediadores da relação entre a satisfação na comunicação interpessoal e a satisfação no trabalho. Finalmente, as implicações teóricas e gerenciais do estudo foram discutidas. Os resultados chamam a atenção para o papel da satisfação na comunicação interpessoal na satisfação no trabalho, apontando também que tanto os funcionários quanto as empresas devem receber o treinamento necessário de maneira que os colaboradores alcancem um nível adequado de conhecimento de TI.

teletrabalho; satisfação com a comunicação interpessoal; tecnologias da informação; desempenho criativo; satisfação no trabalho


During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of technology in the workplace. With the development of communication technologies, employees can perform their duties within the team while outside the workplace (Franklin & Gkiouleka, 2021Franklin, P., & Gkiouleka, A. (2021). A scoping review of psychosocial risks to health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2453.
). One of the most common working models emerging in this context was teleworking (Moens et al., 2022Moens, E., Lippens, L., Sterkens, P., Weytjens, J., & Baert, S. (2022). The COVID-19 crisis and telework: A research survey on experiences, expectations and hopes. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(4), 729-753.
), or the ability of employees to perform their workplace duties and responsibilities one or more days a week outside the office environment.

Compared to “traditional teleworking,” COVID-19 telework became a new norm, presenting differences that require adaptation to the context (Blahopoulos et al., 2022; Moens et al., 2022Moens, E., Lippens, L., Sterkens, P., Weytjens, J., & Baert, S. (2022). The COVID-19 crisis and telework: A research survey on experiences, expectations and hopes. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(4), 729-753.
). Firstly, traditional telework was often a choice made by individuals seeking flexibility or work-life balance (Nakrošienė et al., 2019Nakrošienė, A., Bučiūnienè, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2019). Working from home: Characteristics and outcomes of telework. International Journal of Manpower, 40(1), 87-101.
), whereas COVID-19 telework was imposed upon organizations and employees abruptly (Blahopoulou et al., 2022Blahopoulou, J., Ortiz-Bonnin, S., Montañez-Juan, M., Espinosa, G. T., & García-Buades, M. E. (2022). Telework satisfaction, wellbeing and performance in the digital era: Lessons learned during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. Current Psychology, 41, 2507-2520.
). This sudden shift resulted in many employees lacking preparation and time to adjust. Also, traditional telework often allows employees to choose their work location, whether at home or a coffee shop (Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.
). In contrast, due to lockdown and social distancing measures, COVID-19 telework restricts employees to their homes (Franklin & Gkiouleka, 2021Franklin, P., & Gkiouleka, A. (2021). A scoping review of psychosocial risks to health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2453.
). These striking and sudden changes in organizational structures have also brought about radical changes in communication methods (Hill et al., 2023Hill, E. J., McClanahan, K. J., & Driggs, T. (2023). Telework. In Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 1-3). Springer International Publishing.).

The COVID-19 pandemic was a critical period with many uncertainties (Blahopoulou et al., 2022Blahopoulou, J., Ortiz-Bonnin, S., Montañez-Juan, M., Espinosa, G. T., & García-Buades, M. E. (2022). Telework satisfaction, wellbeing and performance in the digital era: Lessons learned during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. Current Psychology, 41, 2507-2520.
), where effective interpersonal communication was vital for teleworkers (Tunk & Kumar, 2022Tunk, N., & Kumar, A. A. (2022). Work from home: A new virtual reality. Curr Psychol, 42, 30665-30677.
). Based on social penetration theory, interpersonal communication is the interaction between two people who use verbal or nonverbal communication tools and can provide immediate feedback (Dainton & Zelley, 2022Dainton, M., & Zelley, E. D. (2022). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage Publications.; Taylor et al., 1973Taylor, D. A., Wheeler, L., & Altman, I. (1973). Self-disclosure in isolated groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 26(1), 39-47.
). The theory explains how interpersonal communication improves over time as individuals gradually reveal their true selves, increasing understanding and satisfaction in a relationship. In traditional working methods, employees engage with their coworkers in face-to-face conversations that facilitate easier information exchange through nonverbal cues such as gestures, body language, and eye contact (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.
). However, with the increase in teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic, interpersonal communication has become mediated and complex (Moens et al., 2022Moens, E., Lippens, L., Sterkens, P., Weytjens, J., & Baert, S. (2022). The COVID-19 crisis and telework: A research survey on experiences, expectations and hopes. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(4), 729-753.
). Since teleworkers have limited face-to-face communication opportunities, they complete their work using technological tools and software (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.

Teleworking models have forced employees to use various technological tools, which means that IT awareness can affect employees’ attitudes (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
). IT awareness refers to employees’ recognition and understanding of a company’s technical knowledge, especially in the field of computer-based systems. It is concerned with employees’ perceptions of their company’s competency and experience in utilizing and managing IT resources (Ukpabi & Karjaluoto, 2017Ukpabi, D. C., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review. Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644.
). Employees with high levels of IT awareness may experience higher job satisfaction because they feel more confident and competent in their roles (Hill et al., 2023Hill, E. J., McClanahan, K. J., & Driggs, T. (2023). Telework. In Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 1-3). Springer International Publishing.). In addition, communication with team members can positively affect their IT knowledge and enable them to do their jobs (Gubins et al., 2019Gubins, S., Ommeren, J. van, & Graaff, T. de. (2019). Does new information technology change commuting behavior? The Annals of Regional Science, 62(1), 187-210.
). In studies on teleworking, where knowledge of technology has become one of the most fundamental factors, IT awareness is a valuable research variable (Dainton & Zelley, 2022Dainton, M., & Zelley, E. D. (2022). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage Publications.).

Creative performance includes many cognitive processes, such as employees’ abilities to produce different and fast solutions (Dong et al., 2017Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual-focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 439-458.
; Serrat, 2017Serrat, O. (2017). Harnessing creativity and innovation in workplace. In Knowledge solutions, 903–910. Springer, Singapore.
), and previous studies have comprehensively discussed it combined with personal experiences. As a variable, it refers to how much an employee’s creative performance is affected by interpersonal communication and levels of IT awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic (Naotunna & Zhou, 2021Naotunna, N. P. G. S. I., & Zhou, E. (2021). Telework and creativity of professional employees: The mediating roles of autonomy and time pressure. Journal of Creativity & Business Innovation, 7, 62-73.
). Furthermore, when employees are encouraged to be creative, and their ideas are valued, this can increase their sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction (VanLaar et al., 2020VanLaar, E., VanDeursen, A. J., VanDijk, J. A., & DeHaan, J. (2020). Determinants of 21st-century skills and 21st-century digital skills for workers: A systematic literature review. Sage Open, 10(1), 1-14.

This study fills a gap in the literature by investigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic transition to telework on employees’ communication, creative performance, IT awareness, and job satisfaction. Previous research concentrating on traditional workplaces is no longer totally valid, as telework models have mainly supplanted traditional work environments during the pandemic (Mukhtar et al., 2020Mukhtar, M., Risnita, R., & Prasetyo, M. A. M. (2020). The influence of transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, and organizational conflict on organizational effectiveness. International Journal of Educational Review, 2(1), 1-17.
; Tunk & Kumar, 2022Tunk, N., & Kumar, A. A. (2022). Work from home: A new virtual reality. Curr Psychol, 42, 30665-30677.
). Similarly, the literature on interpersonal communication suggests that a significant number of studies on job satisfaction examine employees in a traditional work environment (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
; Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.

Furthermore, unlike earlier studies, this one was conducted in architectural offices. This is because designers gain success in creative performance by addressing user needs and expectations in organizations through ongoing communication (Beeftink et al., 2012Beeftink, F., Eerde, W. Van, Rutte, C. G., & Bertrand, J. W. M. (2012). Being successful in creative profession: The role of innovative cognitive style, self-regulation, and self-efficacy. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(1), 71-81.
; Meneely & Portillo, 2005Meneely, J., & Portillo, M. (2005). The adaptable mind in design: Relating personality, cognitive style, and creative performance. Creativity Research Journal, 17(2/3), 155-166.
). There have been few investigations on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in commercial areas where architectural creativity is expected to perform well (He et al., 2021He, W., Zhang, Z. J., & Li, W. (2021). Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19. International Journal of İnformation Management, 57, 102287.
; Mikalef & Gupta, 2021Mikalef, P., & Gupta, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence capability: Conceptualization, measurement calibration, and empirical study on its impact on organizational creativity and firm performance. Information & Management, 58(3), 103434.

The research addresses the following research questions:

  1. How has the shift from traditional to COVID-19 telework influenced creative performance, IT awareness, and job satisfaction in the context of interpersonal communication?

  2. How can organizations increase job satisfaction by understanding the experiences of teleworkers during the pandemic, and what targeted interventions and policies can be implemented to achieve this?

As an emergency strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking has deviated from the standard working model, revealing a new working group that academics must investigate (Tunk & Kumar, 2022Tunk, N., & Kumar, A. A. (2022). Work from home: A new virtual reality. Curr Psychol, 42, 30665-30677.
). This study adds to our understanding of telework communication, creative performance, IT awareness, and job satisfaction, highlighting practical implications (Blahopoulou et al., 2022Blahopoulou, J., Ortiz-Bonnin, S., Montañez-Juan, M., Espinosa, G. T., & García-Buades, M. E. (2022). Telework satisfaction, wellbeing and performance in the digital era: Lessons learned during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. Current Psychology, 41, 2507-2520.
). It investigates the difficulties that shifting business models cause for employees’ cognitive processes and problem-solving abilities, focusing on the critical role interpersonal communication plays in teleworking, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.
). Furthermore, the analysis focuses on increasing job satisfaction in order to create a better working environment and promote employee well-being. The study also emphasizes the impact of IT awareness on job satisfaction and creative performance in cases where businesses are compelled to swiftly embrace new business models (He et al., 2021He, W., Zhang, Z. J., & Li, W. (2021). Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19. International Journal of İnformation Management, 57, 102287.
). Finally, it concentrates on teleworkers’ creative talents in these exceptional circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Teleworking in the pandemic and non-pandemic contexts

Before the pandemic, several studies explored the relationship between telework and job satisfaction. For example, Smith et al. (2018)Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.
showed that teleworkers often experience increased job satisfaction due to flexible work arrangements and less time spent on commuting. Additionally, Vermeir et al. (2018)Vermeir, P., Blot, S., Degroote, S., Vandijck, D., Mariman, A., Vanacker, T., Peleman, R., Verhaege, R., & Vogelaers, D. (2018). Communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among critical care nurses and their impact on burnout and intention to leave: A questionnaire study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 48, 21-27.
found that telework can have a positive effect on employee communication, which contributes to overall job satisfaction.

Although these studies did not focus explicitly on IT awareness or interpersonal communication satisfaction among teleworkers, they highlight how various aspects of telework can influence job satisfaction in different contexts (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
; Nakrošienė et al., 2019Nakrošienė, A., Bučiūnienè, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2019). Working from home: Characteristics and outcomes of telework. International Journal of Manpower, 40(1), 87-101.

Telework gained relevance worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic as organizations and employees had to adapt to new ways of working. Investigating the connection between teleworking and job satisfaction during this period, Ninaus et al. (2021)Ninaus, K., Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2021). Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance. Journal of Business Research, 136, 652-666.
revealed that, despite the difficulties brought by the pandemic, employees who started to telework more frequently increased job satisfaction and reduced stress. Similarly, a study by Morilla-Luchena et al. (2021)Morilla-Luchena, A., Muñoz-Moreno, R., Chaves-Montero, A., & Vázquez-Aguado, O. (2021). Telework and social services in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 725.
reported that telework during the COVID-19 pandemic positively and negatively impacted job satisfaction and productivity.

In conclusion, both COVID-19-related studies and research conducted in non-pandemic environments reveal the importance of telework and its implications on job satisfaction (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
; Moens et al., 2022Moens, E., Lippens, L., Sterkens, P., Weytjens, J., & Baert, S. (2022). The COVID-19 crisis and telework: A research survey on experiences, expectations and hopes. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(4), 729-753.
; Morilla-Luchena et al., 2021Morilla-Luchena, A., Muñoz-Moreno, R., Chaves-Montero, A., & Vázquez-Aguado, O. (2021). Telework and social services in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 725.
). While similarities exist across these contexts, studies conducted during the pandemic emphasize the role of IT awareness, virtual communication, and adaptation mechanisms in enhancing job satisfaction among teleworkers.

The relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and IT awareness

This study asserts that interpersonal communication satisfaction positively influences IT awareness. IT awareness is grounded in information theory, first proposed by Claude Shannon in 1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
. This seminal theory focuses on storing, processing, and transmitting digital information, playing a pivotal role in shaping the modern IT ecosystem (Shannon, 1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
). Specifically, IT knowledge is conceptualized as employees’ beliefs that the firm has sufficient technical knowledge about objects such as computer-based systems (Ukpabi & Karjaluoto, 2017Ukpabi, D. C., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review. Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644.
). The correct use of IT by workers leads to effective work planning, decision tracking, and results prediction. Moreover, organizations rely on their IT competency to carry out many business processes, including planning, implementation, and control. Although the firm may have command over the software and hardware required for operations, employees’ IT awareness is crucial to ensure the optimal use of these tools (Ravichandran, 2018Ravichandran, T (2018). Exploring the relationships between IT competence, innovation capacity and organizational agility. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27(1), 22-42.

The literature indicates three main elements to increase IT awareness: in-company training, support from colleagues, and information obtained during communication with external stakeholders. First, employees with high interpersonal communication satisfaction exhibit high performance during training on technological developments in their companies and are highly aware of these developments by establishing communication channels (Dainton & Zelley, 2022Dainton, M., & Zelley, E. D. (2022). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage Publications.). Second, the quality of the employees’ communication with their colleagues is critical. Employees with high interpersonal communication naturally share high-level information with their colleagues (Mitić et al., 2017Mitić, S., Nikolić, M., Jankov, J., Vukonjanski, J., & Terek, E. (2017). The impact of information technologies on communication satisfaction and organizational learning companies in Serbia. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 87-101.
). Employees will share their ways of doing business, and during this communication, information will also be shared in the field of IT.

Finally, employees’ communication with internal and external stakeholders significantly contributes to their awareness and knowledge of the company’s IT systems. Employees can better understand the value of technology in the workplace through such encounters (Areed et al., 2020Areed, S., Salloum, S. A., & Shaalan, K. (2020). The role of knowledge management processes for enhancing and supporting innovative organizations: a systematic review. Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications, 295, 143-161.
). Moreover, by supporting open communication channels, employees are more likely to feel comfortable asking for help or clarifying IT processes and systems (Yu & Wu, 2021Yu, J., & Wu, Y. (2021). The impact of enforced working from home on employee job satisfaction during COVID-19: An event system perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13207-1326.
). Employees can be comprehensively aware of using the organization’s IT infrastructure to increase productivity by keeping information flowing. Employees gain sufficient awareness about the IT used by the company during this communication (Ukpabi & Karjaluoto, 2017Ukpabi, D. C., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review. Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644.
). Therefore, the following hypothesis is offered:

H1: There is a positive relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and IT awareness.

The relationship between IT awareness and job satisfaction

Increasing IT awareness significantly affects job satisfaction. As mentioned in information theory, every firm has a set of IT capabilities to gain a competitive advantage and manage resources in the most efficient way (Shannon, 1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
). In recent years, many investments have been made in IT, especially in teleworking companies (Ninaus et al., 2021Ninaus, K., Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2021). Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance. Journal of Business Research, 136, 652-666.

IT awareness in business life creates an environment that affects job satisfaction. First, employees with a high IT awareness have better knowledge of the company’s possibilities. Thus, employees understand the problems experienced by companies and contribute to the solutions (Ninaus et al., 2021Ninaus, K., Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2021). Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance. Journal of Business Research, 136, 652-666.
), which positively affects the affirmative feelings of the employees toward the work and influences job satisfaction (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
). In addition, employees with high IT awareness manage market and customer relations in a more controlled way (Ravichandran, 2018Ravichandran, T (2018). Exploring the relationships between IT competence, innovation capacity and organizational agility. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27(1), 22-42.
). IT awareness helps to respond quickly to customers’ expectations and requests, and positive feedback increases employees’ job satisfaction (Ninaus et al., 2021Ninaus, K., Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2021). Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance. Journal of Business Research, 136, 652-666.

Employees’ IT awareness is helpful when making strategic or operational decisions (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
). Studies have shown that employees using their IT skills in decision-making have high job satisfaction levels (Baghdarnia et al., 2018Baghdarnia, M., Ahghar, G., & Ahmade, A. (2018). Designing and validating the training pattern of information and communication technology (ICT) for employees. Technology of Education Journal (TEJ), 12(3), 203-218.
). As a result, the high IT awareness of the employees enables them to easily control the technological devices they use. Many technical and environmental disruptions (unexpected conversations, phone calls, e-mails, and background noise) may cause the employee’s positive feelings toward work life to decrease (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
). However, the development of the features of the technologies used has made it easier to overcome these problems. Teleworkers often have to use their own skills to overcome the setbacks they experience (Baghdarnia et al., 2018Baghdarnia, M., Ahghar, G., & Ahmade, A. (2018). Designing and validating the training pattern of information and communication technology (ICT) for employees. Technology of Education Journal (TEJ), 12(3), 203-218.
). Studies have emphasized that high IT awareness helps employees minimize the impact of these negative experiences. At the same time, there is an increase in positive feelings toward work (Rusdi et al., 2017Rusdi, S. D., Hassan, R., Munir, Z. A., & Mohamad, S. S. (2017). Information and communication technology (ICT) adoption factors and its influence on employees’ performance in SMEs. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8), 7841-7844.
). Therefore:

H2: There is a positive relationship between IT awareness and job satisfaction.

The relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and creative performance

This article contends that interpersonal communication satisfaction is related to creative performance. Based on the componential theory of creativity proposed by Amabile (1988)Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 10(1), 123-167. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press., creative performance is the production of new products, ideas, or courses of action for organizations (Amabile, 1988Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 10(1), 123-167. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.; Beeftink et al., 2012Beeftink, F., Eerde, W. Van, Rutte, C. G., & Bertrand, J. W. M. (2012). Being successful in creative profession: The role of innovative cognitive style, self-regulation, and self-efficacy. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(1), 71-81.
). In other words, creativity in its simplest form can be defined as the ability to create original and valuable products or ideas for organizations. Recent studies emphasized the importance of the interaction between the individual and the environment, pointing out that environmental factors were crucial for individuals to show creative performance (Ahmad et al., 2022Ahmad, N., Ullah, Z., AlDhaen, E., Han, H., & Scholz, M. (2022). A CSR perspective to foster employee creativity in the banking sector: The role of work engagement and psychological safety. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 67, 102968.
). Therefore, almost all employees exhibit adequate creative performance when the organization offers appropriate conditions and environment (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.

Interpersonal communication satisfaction is one of the essential factors in fulfilling duties and responsibilities in the organization and sharing formal and informal information (Marlow et al., 2018Marlow, S. L., Lacerenza, C. N., Paoletti, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. (2018). Does team communication represent a one-size-fits-all approach? A meta-analysis of team communication and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144, 145-170.
). Studies have found that increased interpersonal communication in organizations makes employees feel involved in internal communication and part of the team, leading to better performance (Naotunna & Zhou, 2021Naotunna, N. P. G. S. I., & Zhou, E. (2021). Telework and creativity of professional employees: The mediating roles of autonomy and time pressure. Journal of Creativity & Business Innovation, 7, 62-73.
). In addition, research works have shown that providing and acquiring information in interpersonal communication positively affects employees’ creative performance (Marlow et al., 2018Marlow, S. L., Lacerenza, C. N., Paoletti, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. (2018). Does team communication represent a one-size-fits-all approach? A meta-analysis of team communication and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144, 145-170.
). Having employees in a team where information sharing is intense provides a sense of creativity that leads to exploring new and valuable ideas. Information shared during interpersonal communication increases employees’ generation of new ideas (Naotunna & Zhou, 2021Naotunna, N. P. G. S. I., & Zhou, E. (2021). Telework and creativity of professional employees: The mediating roles of autonomy and time pressure. Journal of Creativity & Business Innovation, 7, 62-73.
), enhancing their creative performance. Therefore:

H3: There is a positive relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and creative performance.

The relationship between creative performance and job satisfaction

This article supports that high creative performance levels of employees positively affect job satisfaction. Creative performance represents the flow of new and useful actions and thoughts (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
). Employees offer some practical ideas for both the company and themselves (Ye, 2020Ye, J. (2020). The role of health technology and informatics in a global public health emergency: Practices and implications from the COVID-19 pandemic. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(7), e19866.
). Creativity-related processes, one of the important components of the componential theory of creativity, indicate that employees are more productive in their jobs when completing the work quickly and eliminating time loss (Shannon,1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
). Naturally, employees with increased productivity are self-confident and have positive feelings toward their work (Marlow et al., 2018Marlow, S. L., Lacerenza, C. N., Paoletti, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. (2018). Does team communication represent a one-size-fits-all approach? A meta-analysis of team communication and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144, 145-170.

Fixed thought patterns negatively affect the employees’ work relations and attitudes toward their jobs (Rusdi et al., 2017Rusdi, S. D., Hassan, R., Munir, Z. A., & Mohamad, S. S. (2017). Information and communication technology (ICT) adoption factors and its influence on employees’ performance in SMEs. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8), 7841-7844.
). These patterns and behaviors in the workplace cause them to resist changes that should happen over time. Creative employees will not feel this resistance and will adapt faster in situations involving innovation and change (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.

At the same time, when necessary, employees with high creative performance tend to look at problems from different perspectives, take risks, and bring their own thoughts to the fore (Ikhide et al., 2022Ikhide, J. E., Timur, A. T., & Ogunmokun, O. A. (2022). The potential and constraint of work gamification for employees’ creative performance. The Service Industries Journal, 42(5/6), 360-382.
). Creative performance increases employees’ abilities to overcome problems and develop long-term solutions. Thus, the employee has the potential to reconsider the work environment and working order and advocate for new regulations to increase job satisfaction (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
). Therefore, we emphasize that creative performance has an increasing effect on job and job satisfaction, which means that:

H4: There is a positive relationship between creative performance and job satisfaction.

The relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction

This work understands that interpersonal communication satisfaction is related to job satisfaction to influence individuals’ beliefs about the organization. Based on motivation theory, job satisfaction was formally developed by Hoppock (1935)Hoppock, R. (1935). Job satisfaction. Harper & Row. to explain employee-organization relationships. Job satisfaction is the individual’s perception of satisfaction with the work environment (Vermeir et al., 2018Vermeir, P., Blot, S., Degroote, S., Vandijck, D., Mariman, A., Vanacker, T., Peleman, R., Verhaege, R., & Vogelaers, D. (2018). Communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among critical care nurses and their impact on burnout and intention to leave: A questionnaire study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 48, 21-27.

As the three basic combinations of job satisfaction, we can point to satisfactory formal and informal friendships in the business environment, easy access to information within the company, and good relationships with managers. Interpersonal communication is generally defined as communication between people who know little about each other (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
). It has been argued that employees with high interpersonal communication in the organization have successful formal and informal relationships with their colleagues. Organizations are places where people who know little about each other work toward common goals. However, thanks to the established formal/informal relationships, employees begin to learn about both the company and each other. Studies show that the relationships established in the work environment increase employees’ positive emotions, especially the sense of belonging (Yıldırım et al., 2021Yıldırım, M., Çiçek, İ. & Şanlı, M. E. (2021). Coronavirus stress and COVID-19 burnout among healthcare staffs: The mediating role of optimism and social connectedness. Curr Psychol, 40, 5763-5771.

Employees with high communication satisfaction have an open and transparent dialogue with their managers. These employees can express themselves more comfortably and voice their complaints. Thus, we suggest that similar results will be obtained in the sample of teleworkers:

H5: There is a positive relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction.

Role of IT awareness and creative performance

This article supports that employees’ IT awareness positively affects creative performance. As the world becomes increasingly digital and interconnected, individuals with a strong understanding of IT have the potential to unlock their creative abilities and innovative thinking (Serrat, 2017Serrat, O. (2017). Harnessing creativity and innovation in workplace. In Knowledge solutions, 903–910. Springer, Singapore.
). IT awareness allows individuals to access vast information and resources, which can greatly enhance their creative performance (Dong et al., 2017Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual-focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 439-458.
). This wealth of knowledge can inspire new ideas, fuel creativity, and lead to innovative solutions (Mikalef & Gupta, 2021Mikalef, P., & Gupta, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence capability: Conceptualization, measurement calibration, and empirical study on its impact on organizational creativity and firm performance. Information & Management, 58(3), 103434.

IT awareness also facilitates seamless collaboration and communication among individuals, regardless of their geographical location. Through digital platforms, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management tools, teams can work together in real-time, exchange ideas, provide feedback, and brainstorm creatively (VanLaar et al., 2020VanLaar, E., VanDeursen, A. J., VanDijk, J. A., & DeHaan, J. (2020). Determinants of 21st-century skills and 21st-century digital skills for workers: A systematic literature review. Sage Open, 10(1), 1-14.
). Furthermore, IT awareness enables individuals to automate repetitive tasks through various software applications and tools. By automating mundane activities like data entry or file organization, individuals can free up valuable time and mental energy for more creative endeavors. As information theory states, this automation increases efficiency and allows individuals to focus on generating innovative ideas and solutions (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
; Shannon, 1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
). Also, IT awareness provides individuals with access to a wide range of creative software tools that can enhance their artistic abilities and creative performance (He et al., 2021He, W., Zhang, Z. J., & Li, W. (2021). Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19. International Journal of İnformation Management, 57, 102287.

Knowledge sharing within the organization is the transfer of information by employees to each other (Mukhtar et al., 2020Mukhtar, M., Risnita, R., & Prasetyo, M. A. M. (2020). The influence of transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, and organizational conflict on organizational effectiveness. International Journal of Educational Review, 2(1), 1-17.
). Having a high level of knowledge sharing within the business increases employees’ productivity while positively affecting the success of the business.

With increased interpersonal communication satisfaction, employees find opportunities to learn new things. Knowledge and experiences that will be useful in their work are shared among employees (Ahmad et al., 2022Ahmad, N., Ullah, Z., AlDhaen, E., Han, H., & Scholz, M. (2022). A CSR perspective to foster employee creativity in the banking sector: The role of work engagement and psychological safety. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 67, 102968.
). In an environment where information sharing is intense, a productive environment is created for the emergence of new ideas while employees learn about new developments in the business environment (Yıldırım et al., 2021Yıldırım, M., Çiçek, İ. & Şanlı, M. E. (2021). Coronavirus stress and COVID-19 burnout among healthcare staffs: The mediating role of optimism and social connectedness. Curr Psychol, 40, 5763-5771.

On the other hand, high interpersonal communication satisfaction increases employee cooperation. Based on social penetration theory, interpersonal communication satisfaction supports the idea that trust and bonds between people increase as they provide more information about themselves (Taylor et al., 1973Taylor, D. A., Wheeler, L., & Altman, I. (1973). Self-disclosure in isolated groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 26(1), 39-47.
). Thus, employees help each other and find the opportunity to benefit from each other (Naotunna & Zhou, 2021Naotunna, N. P. G. S. I., & Zhou, E. (2021). Telework and creativity of professional employees: The mediating roles of autonomy and time pressure. Journal of Creativity & Business Innovation, 7, 62-73.
). In addition, different opinions arise during the information sharing of the employees. The different opinions that emerge encourage employees to think and develop new things. Therefore, a positive contribution is made to the development of the employee (Vermeir et al., 2018Vermeir, P., Blot, S., Degroote, S., Vandijck, D., Mariman, A., Vanacker, T., Peleman, R., Verhaege, R., & Vogelaers, D. (2018). Communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among critical care nurses and their impact on burnout and intention to leave: A questionnaire study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 48, 21-27.

In light of the knowledge and experiences gained through interpersonal communication, there is an increase in both employee awareness and creative performance. This increase in employees’ awareness and creative performance will naturally affect their positive attitudes toward work (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
). Therefore, this study contends that IT awareness and creative performance mediate the relationship between interpersonal communication and job satisfaction.

H6: There is a positive relationship between IT awareness and creative performance.

H7: IT awareness mediates the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction.

H8: Creative performance mediates the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction.

Figure 1
Research model



Based on prior literature, multi-item scales were adopted to explore the proposed research model. All items were rated using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). The Likert scale was used to investigate interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, creative performance, and job satisfaction.

Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction was measured with the 5-item scale developed by Smith et al. (2018)Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.
. The scale was developed to assess employees’ job satisfaction concerning the use of communication channels. We measured overall communication channel satisfaction and adopted scale items in the study. Some items explored were “The conversation with coworkers flows smoothly via the communication channel” and “I am satisfied with conversations I have via the communication channel with coworkers.”

Creative performance was measured with the 13-item scale developed by Zhou (1998)Zhou, J. (1998). Feedback valence, feedback style, task autonomy, and achievement orientation: Interactive effects on creative performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(2), 261.
. This scale was adopted to measure respondents’ perceptions of creative performance. Sample items are “Suggests new ways to achieve goals or objectives” and “Comes up with new and practical ideas to improve performance.”

IT awareness was measured with the 4-item scale developed by Tippins and Sohi (2003)Tippins, M. J., & Sohi, R. S. (2003). IT competency and firm performance: Is organizational learning a missing link? Strategic Management Journal, 24(8), 745-761.
. Sample items are “Overall, our technical support staff is knowledgeable when it comes to computer-based systems” and “Our fiirm possesses a high degree of computer-based technical expertise.”

Job Satisfaction was measured with the 5-item scale developed by Pond and Geyer (1991)Pond, S. B., III, & Geyer, P. D. (1991). Differences in the relation between job satisfaction and perceived work alternatives among older and younger blue-collar workers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39(2), 251-262.
. Sample items are “If you had to decide all over again whether to take the job you now have, what would you decide?” and “If a friend asked if he/she should apply for a job like yours with your employer, what would you recommend?”

Translation and back-translation procedures (Brislin, 1980Brislin, R. W. (1980). Translation and content analysis of oral and written materials. In H. C. Triandis & J. W. Berry (Eds.), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology: Methodology (pp. 89-102). Allyn and Bacon.) were used after determining the scales. In this context, the questionnaire was translated into Turkish by one researcher and then retranslated into English by another researcher using the parallel translation method. The draft questionnaire took its final form as a result of the conciliation of translators on the differences. Academics in management and organizational behavior evaluated the draft questionnaire, which was revised in line with their suggestions and feedback. A pilot study was then conducted with 30 full-time employees. The respondents demonstrated the clarity of question items and the final version of the questionnaire was considered adequate.


Designers are professionals who deliver high creative performance, creating products to meet the needs, expectations, and lifestyles of end users and customers (Beeftink et al., 2012Beeftink, F., Eerde, W. Van, Rutte, C. G., & Bertrand, J. W. M. (2012). Being successful in creative profession: The role of innovative cognitive style, self-regulation, and self-efficacy. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(1), 71-81.
). These professionals must establish constant communication with other actors in order to generate new ideas to solve a problem that may arise during or after production. Architectural offices, which are responsible for managing relations with customers inside and outside the company and adding creativity to their work, constitute one of the most appropriate occupational groups for this study (Meneely & Portillo, 2005Meneely, J., & Portillo, M. (2005). The adaptable mind in design: Relating personality, cognitive style, and creative performance. Creativity Research Journal, 17(2/3), 155-166.

Data collection was collected from April to May 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. In this period, the dissemination of the virus had rapidly increased in the country, which was the 5th country with the highest number of cases in the world. The social distancing measures implemented restricted social and educational activities, whereas businesses operated by adopting teleworking and other solutions to increase employees’ safety. Hence, respondents worked from home as teleworkers during the data collection period.

The non-probability-based convenience sampling technique (Krathwohl, 1993Krathwohl, D. R. (1993). Methods of educational and social science research: An integrated approach. Longman/Addison Wesley.) was employed due to time, availability, convenience, and accessibility constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected from designers employed in different positions in various architectural offices in Ankara and Istanbul. This sampling procedure is consistent with previous studies (Feist, 1998Feist, G. J. (1998). A meta-analysis of personality in scientific and artistic creativity. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2(4), 290-309. https://10.1207/s15327957pspr0204_5
; Kirton, 1994Kirton, M. (Ed.). (1994). Adaptors and innovators: Styles of creativity and problem solving. Routledge.).

Also aligned with practices described in the literature, participants were approached online or via phone calls and office visits (Golden & Veiga, 2005Golden, T. D., & Veiga, J. F. (2005). The impact of extent of telecommuting on job satisfaction: Resolving inconsistent findings. Journal of Management, 31(2), 301-318.
). Potential participants were selected using the following criteria defined after the literature review: they were working in the architecture department of an organization (Beeftink et al., 2012Beeftink, F., Eerde, W. Van, Rutte, C. G., & Bertrand, J. W. M. (2012). Being successful in creative profession: The role of innovative cognitive style, self-regulation, and self-efficacy. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(1), 71-81.
); working full-time (Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.
); and teleworking after COVID-19 (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.

Following the explanation of the research’s purpose, participants were asked to indicate that they agreed to participate in the study by ticking the phrase “I agree to participate in the research” at the beginning of the survey. Participants were informed that all information shared would be confidential and used only for academic purposes. A total of 750 participants responded to the online questionnaire. After eliminating incomplete and careless responses, the final sample comprised 683 respondents.

The survey also collected demographic data from respondents, identifying that 60.5% were male, 66.5% of respondents were married, and %33.5 were unmarried. The average age of the respondents was 36.88 years (SD=9.27), and the average tenure with the current organization was 2.99 years (SD=1.04). Respondents working in the public and private sectors were 24.2% and 75.8% respectively. The average time respondents were teleworking at the time of the survey due to social distancing measures was 8.1 weeks (SD=2.43).


Measure validity and reliability

Following the data collection, the adequacy of the measurement model was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (Fornell & Larcker, 1981Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural model with unobserved variables and measurement errors. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.

We compared the baseline four-factor model with alternative one, two, and three-factor nested models (see Table 1). The results showed that the four-factor model encompassing interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, creative performance, and job satisfaction demonstrated a superior fit to the data compared to the other nested models (χ2(314)=1265.12, CFI=.94 IFI=.94, TLI=.93, χ2/df=4.03, RMSEA=.067, PNFI=.82, SRMR=.037), supporting discriminant validity. Additionally, all indicators loaded onto their respective constructs, with factor loadings ranging between .63 and .90, thus supporting convergent validity.

Table 1
Comparison of measurement models

Table 2 presents the reliability estimates for the study variables. Results show that Cronbach’s alphas and composite reliability for each variable are well beyond the threshold value suggested by Fornell and Larcker (1981)Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural model with unobserved variables and measurement errors. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
. Besides, the average variance extracted (AVE) for each variable is also greater than .50, demonstrating convergent validity as proposed by Fornell and Larcker (1981)Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural model with unobserved variables and measurement errors. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.

Table 2
Confirmatory factor analysis

Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics and correlations among interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, creative performance, and job satisfaction. Interpersonal communication satisfaction was significantly correlated with creative performance (r=.54, p<.01), IT awareness (r=.58, p<.01), and job satisfaction (r=.50, p<.01). Creative performance was significantly correlated with IT awareness (r=.57, p<.01), job satisfaction (r=47, p<.01), and IT awareness was significantly correlated with job satisfaction (r=.48, p<.01). As a result, moderate correlations among each variable also confirmed the discriminant validity. Also, the square root of AVE for each variable is greater than the correlations between the pairs of variables, confirming discriminant validity.

Table 3
Discriminant validity

Common method variance assessment

We tested common method bias due to collecting self-reported data. Hence, we performed a common latent factor method and compared models with and without a common latent factor. Results showed that the change in the fit index was not significant (model with common latent factor CFI=.94, IFI=.94, TLI=.93, χ2/df=3.90, RMSEA=.065, SRMR=.041; model without common latent factor CFI=.94 IFI=.94, TLI=.93, χ2/df=4.03, RMSEA=.067, SRMR=.037), confirming that common method bias is a non-issue in the study.

Hypotheses testing

The evaluation of a model’s overall fit with a saturated structural model, or confirmatory factor/composite analysis, should be the initial step in a comprehensive assessment (Benitez et al., 2020Benitez, J., Henseler, J., Castillo, A., & Schuberth, F. (2020). How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research. Information & Management, 57(2), 103168.
). According to Henseler et al. (2013)Henseler, J., Dijkstra, T. K., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Diamantopoulos, A., Straub, D. W., Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., & Calantone, R. J. (2013). Common beliefs and reality about PLS: Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann. Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 182-209.
, an SRMR value less than 0.080 denotes a good model fit. The goodness of fit indicated that our model was acceptable: χ2(351)=1265,118, CFI=.94, IFI=.94, TLI=.93, χ2/df=4.03, RMSEA=.067, PNFI=.82, SRMR=.037) (Benitez et al., 2020Benitez, J., Henseler, J., Castillo, A., & Schuberth, F. (2020). How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research. Information & Management, 57(2), 103168.
; Hu & Bentler, 1999Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55.

As shown in Table 4, interpersonal communication satisfaction was positively related to IT awareness (β=.64, p<.001), thus supporting H1. IT awareness was positively related to job satisfaction (β=.23, p<.001), supporting H2. Also, interpersonal communication satisfaction was positively related to creative performance (β=.30, p<.001), thereby supporting H3. Creative performance was positively related to job satisfaction (β=.19, p<.001), thus supporting H4. interpersonal communication satisfaction was positively related to job satisfaction, hence supporting H5. Finally, IT awareness was positively related to creative performance (β=.45, p<.001), hence supporting H6. Additionally, results show that interpersonal communication satisfaction explains 41% of the variance in IT awareness and 46% of the variance in creative performance. Finally, interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, and creative performance explain 37% of the variance in job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed research model. Important pathways are shown in Figure 2.

Table 4
Model results

Figure 2
SEM model

Mediating effects were further examined using the procedure of Preacher and Hayes (2008)Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008). Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models. Behavior Research Methods, 40(3), 879-891.
and using PROCESS macro for SPSS (Model 4 with 5000 bootstrap resamples). The bootstrapping method is a statistical resampling technique used to estimate the accuracy and stability of sample estimates by taking a large number of subsamples with replacement from the original sample (Benitez et al., 2020Benitez, J., Henseler, J., Castillo, A., & Schuberth, F. (2020). How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research. Information & Management, 57(2), 103168.
; Preacher & Hayes, 2008Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008). Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models. Behavior Research Methods, 40(3), 879-891.

When calculating the mediating effect, the importance of indirect, direct, and total effects lies in their ability to explain how one variable influences another through a mediator variable. The indirect effect measures the relationship between the independent and dependent variables through the mediator variable. The direct effect reflects the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable without considering the mediator. Finally, the total effect is the combined influence of both direct and indirect effects on the dependent variable (Benitez et al., 2020Benitez, J., Henseler, J., Castillo, A., & Schuberth, F. (2020). How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research. Information & Management, 57(2), 103168.
; Preacher & Hayes, 2008Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008). Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models. Behavior Research Methods, 40(3), 879-891.
). As shown in Table 5, interpersonal communication satisfaction is positively associated with IT awareness (β=.58, p<.001; 95% CI:.52– .64) and job satisfaction (β=.61, p<.001; 95% CI:.53–.69). IT awareness is also positively associated with job satisfaction (β=.58, p<.001; 95% CI:.50–.66). Also, IT awareness mediates the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction (β=.20, p<.001; 95% CI:.14–.28), thus supporting H7.

Table 5
Results of mediating analysis

As shown in Table 6, interpersonal communication satisfaction is positively associated with creative performance (β=.52, p<.001; 95% CI:.46–.58) and job satisfaction (β=.61, p<.001; 95% CI:.53–.69). Creative performance is also positively associated with job satisfaction (β=.59, p<.001; 95% CI:.51–.67). Also, creative performance mediates the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction (β=.18, p<.001; 95% CI:.12–.25), thus supporting H8.

Table 6
Results of mediating analysis


This study contributes to the teleworking literature by investigating the interrelations among interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, creative performance, and job satisfaction during COVID-19. Firstly, this study demonstrates that interpersonal communication satisfaction is positively related to IT awareness. Specifically, we observe that interpersonal communication is vital for creating IT awareness through the high flow of information in these communication activities. In addition, employees share and transfer information and ideas about work life in the communication process. As supported by social penetration theory, in this mutual interaction and communication process, new information is learned, and employees are satisfied with this communication process (Taylor et al., 1973Taylor, D. A., Wheeler, L., & Altman, I. (1973). Self-disclosure in isolated groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 26(1), 39-47.
). Considering that there is a variety of IT knowledge in this shared information, it is undeniable that employees improve each other’s IT competencies and awareness. This finding is in line with the study conducted by Ukpabi and Karjaluoto (2017)Ukpabi, D. C., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review. Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644.

This study empirically shows that creative performance is positively associated with job satisfaction. Specifically, consistent with the study of Goh et al. (2020)Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
, it seems that jobs improving the creative performance of employees enhance their job satisfaction. In addition, as supported by motivation theory, employees feel higher satisfaction when they use their creativity (Hoppock, 1935Hoppock, R. (1935). Job satisfaction. Harper & Row.). This study also demonstrates that interpersonal communication satisfaction is associated with job satisfaction, which aligns with the extant literature. Specifically, teleworkers’ interpersonal communication differs from traditional channels (Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.
). Within interpersonal communications, people share their knowledge, learn new information, create meaning, and develop relations (Marlow et al., 2018Marlow, S. L., Lacerenza, C. N., Paoletti, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. (2018). Does team communication represent a one-size-fits-all approach? A meta-analysis of team communication and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144, 145-170.
). Hence, satisfaction with interpersonal communication enhances positive attitudes towards work as job satisfaction.

This study reveals that IT awareness is positively related to job satisfaction, supporting information theory (Shannon, 1948Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379-423.
). Similarly, Pérez-López and Alegre (2012)Pérez-López, S., & Alegre, J. (2012). Information technology competency, knowledge processes and firm performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 112(4), 644-662.
demonstrated that employees with high IT competency have a broad IT knowledge and the ability to use IT-related methods and techniques. Similarly, Kucharska and Erickson (2019)Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
demonstrated that high IT competency leads employees to perform their tasks better and successfully, increasing their job satisfaction. Here, we specifically showed that employees’ IT awareness heightens their job satisfaction by improving their work performance and contributing to the competencies required in their jobs.

This study also shows that interpersonal communication satisfaction influences creative performance. As stated in the componential theory of creativity, the creative performance of employees depends on the communication style in the work environment (Amabile, 1988Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 10(1), 123-167. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.). For example, previous studies examined the effect of psychological capital (Peng and Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.
), creative process engagement and psychological safety (Ahmad et al., 2022Ahmad, N., Ullah, Z., AlDhaen, E., Han, H., & Scholz, M. (2022). A CSR perspective to foster employee creativity in the banking sector: The role of work engagement and psychological safety. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 67, 102968.
) on creative performance. Here, we demonstrated that acquiring and sharing information in interpersonal communication enhance employees’ creative performance by facilitating the generation of new and valuable ideas (Naotunna & Zhou, 2021Naotunna, N. P. G. S. I., & Zhou, E. (2021). Telework and creativity of professional employees: The mediating roles of autonomy and time pressure. Journal of Creativity & Business Innovation, 7, 62-73.

This study empirically shows that awareness of IT is positively associated with creative performance. Similarly, VanLaar, et al. (2020)VanLaar, E., VanDeursen, A. J., VanDijk, J. A., & DeHaan, J. (2020). Determinants of 21st-century skills and 21st-century digital skills for workers: A systematic literature review. Sage Open, 10(1), 1-14.
found that individuals who possessed a higher level of IT knowledge were more likely to engage in creative thinking processes, such as idea generation and idea evaluation. Additionally, He, et al. (2021)He, W., Zhang, Z. J., & Li, W. (2021). Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19. International Journal of İnformation Management, 57, 102287.
found in their study on the COVID-19 pandemic that IT knowledge facilitates the integration of various information sources, allowing individuals to develop unique and innovative solutions to complex problems. Here we show that awareness of IT enhances employees’ creative performance by increasing access to information resources and encouraging creative thinking.

Finally, we observed that IT awareness and creative performance mediate the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Specifically, this finding demonstrates that information sharing, learning, and developing relationships through interpersonal communication enhances employees’ IT awareness by providing necessary information for creating IT awareness. Besides, interpersonal communication satisfaction also increases creative performance by facilitating the generation of novel and unique ideas. Hence, employees tend to feel high job satisfaction.

Practical implications

This study has several practical implications. First, the results indicate that interpersonal communication satisfaction might be described as a critical factor for teleworkers. In this context, managers should enhance interpersonal communication among the organization’s members through different communication channels (Okoro et al., 2017Okoro, E., Washington, M. C, & Thomas, O. (2017). The impact of interpersonal communication skills on organizational effectiveness and social self-efficacy: A synthesis. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 4(3), 28-32.
). Specifically, considering that teleworkers are far from face-to-face communication, using video-based communication channels will increase communication satisfaction because of being closer to face-to-face communication.

Besides, teleworkers work in a virtual environment socially isolated from their organizations. Informal communication within the organizations also contributes to information sharing and allows interaction among members (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
). In this regard, managers should spread the use of informal communication channels and consider developing social networks within the organization to increase employee communication satisfaction.

Management should recognize the importance of jobs that foster creative performance, as it directly relates to employee job satisfaction. Implementing policies and offering resources to support creative development could lead to a more satisfied and motivated workforce.

To further support the teleworking experience, organizations may consider integrating tools in their telework policies that facilitate team collaboration and knowledge sharing. Such tools can help bridge the gap between traditional communication channels and the virtual environment (Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.

Managerial implications

Managers should focus on fostering interpersonal communication satisfaction among teleworkers, as it is a critical factor for their job satisfaction and IT awareness (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
). Effective communication can support information sharing, learning, and relationship development, which ultimately enhances employees’ overall work performance.

Also, managers should develop strategies to stimulate creative performance among teleworkers, such as providing opportunities for brainstorming, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and supportive feedback (Goh et al., 2020Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
). They should also consider offering IT-related workshops or courses to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge. Implementing training and development programs aimed at increasing employees’ IT awareness can lead to higher job satisfaction and improved task performance (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
; Pérez-López & Alegre, 2012Pérez-López, S., & Alegre, J. (2012). Information technology competency, knowledge processes and firm performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 112(4), 644-662.

These recommendations can be carried out by creating an open and inclusive virtual work culture where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas without fear of judgment or retaliation. Promoting psychological safety, creative process engagement, and psychological capital among teleworkers can positively impact their creative performance (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.

In summary, managers play an essential role in enhancing teleworkers’ job satisfaction by promoting effective interpersonal communication, nurturing creativity, increasing IT awareness, supporting psychological well-being in the virtual environment, and cultivating informal communication channels in the organization.

Theoretical implications

This study extends the existing teleworking literature by examining the interrelated variables of interpersonal communication satisfaction, IT awareness, creative performance, and job satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. It supports the idea that effective interpersonal communication plays a crucial role in shaping teleworkers’ experiences (Smith et al., 2018Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.

By demonstrating a positive relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and IT awareness, the importance of technological competencies in telework is highlighted, corroborating the findings by Pérez-López and Alegre (2012)Pérez-López, S., & Alegre, J. (2012). Information technology competency, knowledge processes and firm performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 112(4), 644-662.
regarding IT competency and job satisfaction.

The positive association between creative performance and job satisfaction discovered in this study adds to previous research by Goh et al. (2020)Goh, S. K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M. I., & Leow, Y. M. (2020). The effect of organisational climate on employees’ creative performance through knowledge sharing behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-14.
, suggesting that promoting creativity among teleworkers can lead to heightened job satisfaction.

The study’s finding that interpersonal communication satisfaction influences creative performance contributes to the growing literature on factors affecting creativity in the workplace, such as psychological capital (Peng & Chen, 2022Peng, J. C, & Chen, S. W. (2022). Learning climate and innovative creative performance: Exploring the multi-level mediating mechanism of team psychological capital and work engagement. Curr Psychol, 42, 13114-13132.
; Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
), creative process engagement, and psychological safety (Ahmad et al., 2022Ahmad, N., Ullah, Z., AlDhaen, E., Han, H., & Scholz, M. (2022). A CSR perspective to foster employee creativity in the banking sector: The role of work engagement and psychological safety. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 67, 102968.

By empirically establishing that IT awareness and creative performance mediate the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction, this study further emphasizes the need for effective communication and IT proficiency in teleworking (Kucharska & Erickson, 2019Kucharska, W., & Erickson, G. S. (2019). The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(3), 387-407.
; Ninaus et al., 2021Ninaus, K., Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2021). Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance. Journal of Business Research, 136, 652-666.

Limitations and direction for future studies

Among the study’s limitations, it is worth highlighting that its cross-sectional design does not allow for attribute causality. In this vein, the longitudinal approach can be beneficial for future research. Using self-report data is another limitation of the study due to creating the potential for common method bias. Besides, the study sample consisted of a specific national context, teleworkers in Turkey. Considering that communication styles and processes differ according to cultures (Ma, 2021Ma, J. (2021). Telework triggered by epidemic: Effective communication improvement of telecommuting in workgroups during COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11(2), 202-214.
), future research could investigate the proposed research model in different cultural contexts for the generalizability of the results.

In this study, we investigated job satisfaction as a consequence of employees’ interpersonal communication satisfaction. In this context, future studies can investigate potential consequences such as employee engagement, organizational identification, and employee well-being. Additionally, we did not focus on the antecedents of interpersonal communication satisfaction of teleworkers. In this vein, future studies can also investigate the impact of organizational trust, leadership styles, personality, and communication channels on interpersonal communication satisfaction.

The study also focused on IT awareness and creative performance as mediating mechanisms in the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. The mediating role of job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and job involvement should be considered in future studies.

Finally, the study did not focus on the moderating mechanism in the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Future studies can consider leader-member exchange, perceived insider status, psychological capital, and telecommuting intensity as moderating variables.


In conclusion, this study highlights the significance of interpersonal communication satisfaction, creative performance, job satisfaction, and IT awareness within the teleworking environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ability to communicate efficiently with colleagues and achieve a sound understanding of information technology have been crucial elements that influence job satisfaction in teleworking.

Furthermore, the research shows that IT awareness and creative performance both mediate the association between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. This demonstrates that job satisfaction does not depend on communicating well with coworkers. Rather, it depends on the capacity to comprehend and effectively apply IT, as well as inventiveness.

By emphasizing the importance of interpersonal communication and IT awareness, it is possible to create an environment and workforce suitable for encouraging creativity and productivity. Focusing on these areas helps companies cultivate a productive and creative workforce with high job satisfaction and contentment with the working environment.

Finally, managers should prioritize developing their employees’ IT capabilities. This is because a direct relationship has been observed between IT skills, work outcomes, and job satisfaction in the remote work environment. Implementing these strategic measures may significantly increase job satisfaction among teleworkers.

  • Evaluated through a double-anonymized peer review


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Edited by

Associate Editor: Irene Huertas-Valdivia

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Jan 2023
  • Accepted
    01 Aug 2023
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil