
Platelet Concentrates (PCs) are the blood components with the highest rate of bacterial contamination, and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are the most frequently isolated contaminants. This study investigated the biofilm formation of 16 contaminated units out of 691 PCs tested by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Adhesion in Borosilicate Tube (ABT) and Congo Red Agar (CRA) tests were used to assess the presence of biofilm. The presence of icaADC genes was assessed by means of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. With Vitek(r)2, Staphylococcus haemolyticus was considered the most prevalent CoNS (31.25%). The CRA characterized 43.8% as probable biofilm producers, and for the ABT test, 37.5%. The icaADC genes were identified in seven samples by the PCR. The ABT technique showed 85.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity when compared to the reference method (PCR), and presented strong agreement (k = 0.8). This study shows that species identified as PCs contaminants are considered inhabitants of the normal skin flora and they might become important pathogens. The results also lead to the recommendation of ABT use in laboratory routine for detecting biofilm in CoNS contaminants of PCs.

Biofilm; Staphylococci; Platelet Concentrates; Transfusion; Microbiology


Platelet Concentrates (PCs) are blood components widely used in patients with neoplastic diseases, who are undergoing chemotherapy, as a way to reduce the risk of bleeding1. However, such components are the ones with the highest rate of bacterial contamination, being considered responsible for almost all of the septic transfusion reactions 2.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, approximately 3.5 million blood donations are made3 per year in Brazil. The Brazilian Hemotherapy Service consists of a vast network that offers about 2,332 units providing services4. This scenario reveals the great national physical infrastructure necessary to meet the demand for blood components in the country.While Gram-positive bacteria (GP) are responsible for the highest rates of contamination in PCs (60%), the less frequent Gram-negative (GN) may present the greatest number of fatal septic reactions5. Among GP, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) stand out, and Staphylococcus epidermidis is the most frequently involved species6,7; and their capacity to adhere to polymer surfaces and consequent biofilm production are virulence factors of this species8.

In recent years, CoNS have emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen, especially in immunocompromised patients, due to their ease in incorporating different resistant to antimicrobial genes, favored by the biofilm environment in the exchange of genetic material. This virulence factor has been considered one of the most significant risks to patients. The difficulty of a clinical treatment for infections associated with biofilms has direct and indirect consequences (longer hospitalization, cost of antibiotics and complementary medicines, and diagnostic procedures) on the patient's outcome and quality of life9-11.

Biofilm is defined as a sessile microbial community surrounded by a polymeric extracellular matrix produced by the bacteria12. An important component in biofilm accumulation of S. epidermidis is the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) and its production is mediated by the gene ica (intercellular gene cluster adhesion), an operon that contains the icaRADBC13-16, four biosynthetic genes (icaADBC), and one regulation gene (icaR). The PIA is a linear homopolymer composed by approximately 130 residues of N-acetylglucosamine connected by b-1, 6 links, of which 15 to 20% are deacetylated14.

The enzymes IcaA and IcaD, when co-expressed, will show better activity for the assemblage of b(1-6)-linked glucosaminoglycans that comprise PIA. The absence of IcaD is associated with a decrease in PIA production17, the likely IcaC functions in the extrusion of PIA from the bacterial cell18, whereas the IcaB appears to function as a deacetylase19. Although the expression of the icaA gene might promote a low production of PIA, the expression of icaAD or icaADC genes stimulates an increased production of biofilm17,20-22. Many factors influence the biofilm formation under physiological conditions. It is known that biofilm formation is subject to environmental conditions such as sub-inhibitory concentrations of antimicrobials, temperature rise, anaerobiosis, osmolarity, thus leading to the changing between positive and negative phenotypes of biofilm13.

Some studies have reported that several genes are directly or indirectly involved in the molecular mechanisms of biofilm formation in S. epidermidis, and the most outstanding are the atlE gene which encodes the AtlE autolysin that is responsible for the ability to directly connect to the polymeric surface23; the agr gene, which controls biofilm formation, whose non-functionality facilitates the primary attachment of the pathogen to the surface24; the luxS gene, with a significant impact on biofilm formation, and whose deletion leads to an increase in the transcription regulation oficaADBC, resulting in an increase in the PIA synthesis25,26; and the icaR gene, which is very important for biofilm formation, as it is considered a negative transcription regulator oficaADBC, essential for the production of PIA21. Besides these genes, the proteinsAap (accumulation-associated protein)10 and Bap (biofilm-associated protein)27 are directly associated with biofilm formation. Therefore, it becomes increasingly clear that the potential virulence of a bacterium does not depend exclusively on a single factor.

Biofilms are highly hydrated structures containing channels that allow the internal diffusion of nutrients and oxygen, and their formation protects against the innate defense mechanisms of the host and the influx of antimicrobials, hindering drug diffusion in tissues 28, thus facilitating the development of chronic infections29. It is a consensus in literature that icaA, C and D genes are responsible for encoding biofilm-forming enzymes, evidenced in most CoNS8,30.

This study assessed 16 bacteria isolated from 691 bags of PCs from the Blood Bank of the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State (HEMORGS/SM, RS), in order to detect biofilm formation in these contaminants, by means of phenotypic and genotypic methods.


Inclusion criteria for bacterial isolates: A total of 691 PCs were analyzed, considering that 665 were obtained by centrifugation of whole blood and 26 by apheresis. All samples were collected at HEMORGS between 2009 and 2010, and the cultures were prepared from the tubular portion of the bags of platelets. After collection, the samples were sent to the Laboratory of Bacteriology, Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis of the Health Sciences Center of theUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). The tests for detection of bacterial contamination in PCs were performed in a type II biosafety cabinet, totally exhausted. Sterilization of the tubular portion of the bags of PCs was performed with 70% alcohol for approximately one minute. Bacterial investigation of these PCs bags is described in detail by MARTINI et al.31.

Since the opening of HEMORGS - Santa Maria in May 2008, bacteriological control has been conducted in whole blood-derived platelets (10 monthly samples) and apheresis platelets (10 monthly samples)32. The technique used for routine bacteriological screening at HEMORGS is described by CUNHA et al.33: approximately 300 microliters (µL) are removed from the platelet bag tubing, cultured in 2 milliliters (mL) of Mueller Hinton broth (MHB), and incubated at 35 ± 2 °C. After five days of incubation, 10 µL of the broth containing the PC sample were sub-cultured in sheep blood agar 5% (BA), and the plates were incubated in the same conditions. The samples that showed bacterial growth within 24-48 hours (h) were subcultured from initial MHB to new plates of BA, and incubated in the same conditions, in order to exclude false positives. The samples were considered "true positives" after the culture repetition and confirmation with the isolation of bacteria obtained from the first culture31. This quality control follows the standards recommended by the legislation, which does not propose the culture of all samples as pre-transfusion screening, but of at least 1% of the monthly production or 10 units per month34,35.

Currently, the Ordinance No. 2.712 of November 12, 2013, redefines the technical regulation for hemotherapeutic procedures. It describes that the bacteriological control of PCs remains the same as reported by the current Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors (RDC) No. 57 of December 16, 2010, as well as the previous RDC No. 153 of June 14, 200434,35. Nevertheless, with the inclusion of the paragraph 8 (§ 8) of Article 116, which describes that "Pelo alto risco de contaminação microbiológica dos concentrados de plaquetas pela sua condição de armazenamento, recomenda-se realização de avaliação de contaminação microbiológica em 100% desta produção", or "Due to the high risk of microbiological contamination of platelet concentrates regarding their storage conditions, it is recommended to perform the microbiological contamination assessment on 100% of this production"36.

Assays for bacterial detection in PCs(31): The qualitative assay was performed on 612 samples, according to CUNHA et al.33. Samples that did not show any bacterial growth on BA in 48 hours were considered negative. The ones that showed development of Colony-Forming Units (CFU) were considered positive, and a new subculture was performed to exclude any possible contamination.

The quantitative assay was performed on 292 samples, as described by YOMTOVIANet al.37. The samples that showed bacterial growth regardless of the number of colonies developed were considered positive; the multiplication factor ten was used to obtain the number of CFU/mL.

Both the qualitative33 and the quantitative37 techniques were used in 79 samples, with some modifications, and named Teste do Crescimento Diário (Daily Growth Test). At every 24 h of incubation in MHB, 10 µL of the broth containing the sample were subcultured in BA, with an automatic pipette, and plates were incubated in a bacteriological incubator (35 ± 2 °C with 5% of CO2 for 24 - 48 h). Subsequent sowings were performed, at 24 h intervals for each analysis. Four sowings were performed altogether, and readings taken at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the first incubation. The samples that showed no colony growth in 48 h were considered negative, and the ones with growth were considered positive. All cultures were performed in duplicate tests, with the purpose of excluding any possible contamination during treatment.

Bacterial isolates of the 691 PCs: A total of 16 isolates of CoNS were obtained through an investigation of bacterial contamination in 691 bags of PCs, which constituted the research sample of this study. The following international reference standard strains (American Type Culture Collection-ATCC) were used as controls in the genotypic and phenotypic tests: Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 negative control biofilm andStaphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 35984 positive control.

Phenotypic identification: The isolates were tested for phenotypic identification through automation, with Vitek(r) 2 (bioMérieux, Marcy L'Étoile, France), and the technique was performed in duplicate.

Sample preparation: In order to perform the phenotypic tests, the strains stored in Trypticase Soy Broth plus 15% of glycerol were subcultured in petri dishes containing Mueller Hinton agar, and incubated at 35 ± 2 ºC for 24 h. For the genotypic test, the process of extraction of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was performed by a thermal analysis procedure38-41. Besides, it should be noted that the subsequent tests were performed in duplicate.

Amplification of the gene 16S of ribosomal RNA (RNAr): After extraction, each sample was submitted to electrophoresis in 1.0% agarose gel to verify the presence of DNA in the extracted material. The 16S rRNA was amplified by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

Phenotypic methods for the research of biofilm production

Adhesion in borosilicate tube (ABT): This assay was performed as according to CHRISTENSEN et al42. Positivity was indicated by the presence of a layer of stained material adhered to the inner wall of the tubes.

Congo red agar (CRA): The test was carried out according to FREEMANet al.43. The plates of CRA were inoculated and incubated at ambient temperature for 24 h, at 35 ± 2 ºC. It was positive (biofilm-producing) when black colonies were observed, with shiny or dry/opaque aspect. On the other hand, non-biofilm producers formed pink (P), red (R) or burgundy (B) colonies.

Genotypic method for the research of biofilm production: In order to determine the genes icaA, icaC andicaD, the following pairs of primers were used:icaA_F-ACAGTCGCTACGAAAAGA AA andicaA_R-GGAAATGCCATAATGAGAAC;icaC_F-TAACTTTAGGCGCATATGTTT and icaC_R-TTCCAG TTAGGCTGGTATTG; icaD_FATGGTCAAGCCCAGACAGAG andicaD_RCGTGTTTTCAACATTTAATGCAA (Ludwig Biotec(r)). The sequence of primers and the technique followed the instructions of ARCIOLAet al.44. A sample was considered biofilm-producing when the presence of genesicaAD or icaADC was detected. When only one of these genes was found, the sample was considered negative for the production of biofilm8.

Statistical analysis: The assessment of sensitivity and specificity was based on the comparison between the phenotypic methods tested with the PCR technique, which was considered a standard. The Kappa index (k) was also calculated in order to verify the agreement between the results obtained by the different methods8,44,45.

Ethical considerations: This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of UFSM, under the number 0285.0.243.000-09.


A total of 16 isolates of CoNS were obtained through an investigation of bacterial contamination in 691 PCs from HEMORGS: 5 Staphylococcus haemolyticus (31.25%), 4 Staphylococcus epidermidis (25%), 4 Staphylococcus warneri (25%) and 3 Staphylococcus saprophyticus(18.75%). The bacterial species isolated from contaminated PCs bags were identified by the automated system Vitek(r) 2, described in Figure 1.

Fig. 1
- Distribution of the 16 species of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from 691 Platelet Concentrate bags.

Through research for the gene 16S of ribosomal RNA (rRNA-) in the samples of this study, we found that they all had great quality of extracted DNA, thus allowing the investigation of single genes. The research of the biofilm, performed with CRA, was positive in seven (43.75%) out of the 16 samples of CoNS, with the black color of the colonies evidencing probable biofilm-producing bacteria. The other strains showed other colors (B and R), indicating the absence of biofilm production. With the ABT technique, six samples (37.5%) were characterized as adherent, in other words, probable biofilm producers (Table 1).

Table 1
Results regarding the research of genes icaA, C and D in the 16 samples of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolates from Platelet Concentrates, by the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique and the phenotypic tests for biofilm production.

The genotypic analysis, carried out by PCR, investigated the presence of genesicaA, C, and D, so we considered probable biofilm-forming the samples in which the genes icaAD or icaADC8 were found. The result of this analysis is detailed in Table 1. Seven out of the 16 samples (43.75%) presented the genes icaAD and/oricaADC, concomitantly.

Comparing the results of this study, the phenotypic method of ABT and the genotypic method in biofilm production, 85.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity were obtained, showing high agreement (k = 0.87). When CRA and PCR techniques were compared, 71% of sensitivity and 78% of specificity were obtained. We also verified an agreement index k = 0.49, considering the PCR as the standard method.


In our study, all organisms isolated in the samples of contaminated PCs were also CoNS, similar to the results found by other authors46-48. However, no contamination was identified by GN bacteria, different from the findings of CUNHAet al.33, in which 62.5% of the PCs were contaminated by GN bacteria and 37.5% by GP. Regarding bacterial species, there was a predominance of Staphylococcus haemolyticus (31.25%), followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcuswarneri at a rate of 25.0% each.

A study by GRECO49 reported that 13 contaminant CoNS strains were isolated during a routine screening of PCs by Canadian Blood Services, between January 2006 and May 2007, being S. epidermidis (53.8%) the predominant species, followed by S. capitis and S. hominis, 15.4% each. Moreover, ROODet al.50 described that 35.8% of contamination in PCs was caused by S. epidermidis, 17.9% by S. capitis and 14.9% by S. saccharolyticus. The species S. haemolyticus was not reported in these two recent studies, however, the only Brazilian study regarding bacterial contamination of PCs demonstrated that S. haemolyticus and S. hominishave been responsible for an individual rate of 12.5% of bacterial contamination33.

CoNS are natural colonizers of human skin and mucosa. However, they have recently been acknowledged as important nosocomial pathogens due to their ability to form biofilm 18. Currently, the increase of antibiotic resistance in some clinical isolates may be related to their ability to form biofilm, because the acquisition of some resistance traits is possible within biofilm, through gene transfer51.

S. epidermidis are the most isolated52 from blood cultures among CoNS, S. haemolyticusbeing the second most, and S. haemolyticus have the highest rates of resistance to antimicrobials53. This species can cause septicemia, peritonitis, otitis and urinary tract infections.S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus are opportunistic human pathogens, and difficult to be eradicated because of their resistance to antibiotics52. In contrast toS. epidermidis, the molecular basis of virulence of S. haemolyticus is in general largely unknown; however, biofilm formation is a common clinical phenotype54. Furthermore, S. haemolyticus have the highest level of antimicrobial resistance of all CoNS and their heteroresistance to glycopeptides53 is very common. Thus, it limits the therapeutic options and makes an S. haemolyticusinfection a serious threat54. Therefore, the presence of bacterial contaminants in PCs such as S. epidermidisand S. haemolyticus, considered potentially resistant, generates a major concern due to the virulence of these strains, being directly linked to their ability to cause septic transfusion reactions and influence the clinical outcome of the receiver.

Regarding the detection values obtained in this study for the CRA method, results similar to ours have been reported by ARCIOLA et al., CAFISOet al. and LAZZARATTO et al.; GRECO found 57.5%, 57%, 37.5%, 54% and 30.8%, respectively13,44,49,55,56. RÚZICKAet al. detected 43.5% of biofilm production in S. epidermidis isolated from blood cultures and 21.1% of isolates of skin. However, another research performed by OLIVEIRA & CUNHA, in another Brazilian state, demonstrated that 73% of the CoNS were producers of biofilm when subcultured in CRA. For the ABT test, RÚZICKA et al. found 53.7% and 22.4% in blood cultures and skin, respectively. OLIVEIRA & CUNHA also reported a higher rate for ABT, 82%8,57.

The results obtained by PCR are similar to the ones found by CAFISO et al., who detected the genes icaAD andicaADC in 45% of the isolates. ARCIOLA et al.reported the presence of the same genes in 59% of the samples. OLIVEIRA & CUNHA found 82% of genes icaAD and icaADC and GRECO, 23.1% of icaD8,13,44,49.

In a recent study, ALI et al.30, while studying S. epidermidis isolated from contaminated PCs bags, reported its ability to convert to a positive phenotype of biofilm when cultured under similar conditions to the PCs bags, with or without the presence of the ica genes. It happens because S. epidermidis are able to form biofilms that adhere to the plastic of platelet storage bags and platelet aggregates,as already reported by GRECO-STEWART et al. in strains of Serratia marcescens58. Bacteria with slower growth create a larger amount of biofilm, which makes their detection more difficult in automated culture media30.

According to the literature, the rates of 100% sensitivity and specificity are found with ABT, and 89% sensitivity and 100% specificity with CRA, when comparing to PCR8. For the CRA test, GRECO reports 100% of sensitivity and 90% of specificity49. In our study, the ABT method was the phenotypic test with a better performance than CRA in biofilm detection, a result in agreement with OLIVEIRA & CUNHA8.

Positive samples found in the genotypic and phenotypic tests were discussed in this study, and the presence of icaADC genes was observed in seven samples: six showed biofilm formation through the ABT technique and five through CRA. One sample showed biofilm formation only via the CRA method and did not present the icaADC genes. Samples were considered biofilm-producing only when icaAD or icaADC genes were detected8. We believe that tested samples were negative to CRA and positive to ABT and PCR (Table 1) due to the low specificity of the CRA technique. Research tests of biofilm formation reported in the literature have shown that between the ABT and CRA techniques, the latter is considered to be less specific when compared with the standard PCR methodology. We know that the role of the icaR gene is to regulate biofilm formation and that it may influence when present. The presence of only one of theicaABDC genes does not exclude the possibility of biofilm formation, perhaps to a lesser extent. Moreover, we must point out that phenotypic tests do not show 100% specificity and sensitivity.

The results have shown that the origin of the isolated bacterial species in PCs bags of this study is probably the skin. The phenotypic tests for the detection of biofilm production indicated good sensitivity and specificity when compared to the reference technique, particularly with the method of ABT that have shown high agreement. Thus, these results allow us to suggest this technique for the routine detection of CoNS strains able to produce biofilm in clinical microbiology laboratories. This is due to its easy application, low cost, high sensitivity and specificity, which ensure reliable results.


The authors would like to thank the Blood Bank team of the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State (HEMORGS - SM, RS), especially the chemists Zanoni Segala and Viviane Ratzlaff. The authors would also like to express their gratitude to chemists of the Microbiology Laboratory at the University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    02 Dec 2014
  • Accepted
    07 July 2015
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