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N2O emissions from soils under different uses in the Brazilian Cerrado - A review


The Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) is a biome of great socio-economic and environmental importance to Brazil. The rapid agricultural expansion in the Cerrado biome areas promoted biogeochemical cycles that affect nitrogen and carbon dynamics, leading to increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Brazil, nitrous oxide (N2O) is the main gas in agriculture, and agricultural practices increase emissions into the atmosphere. This review aimed to assess the influence of agriculture on N2O emissions in the Cerrado region, based on existing data in the literature, and extract patterns of direct N2O emissions in different agricultural systems in the Cerrado from existing data. A systematic review of data from 36 scientific publications in the Cerrado region with several crop systems revealed that N2O emissions varied from 0.15 kg ha-1 in native cerrado to 4.84 kg ha-1 in conventional tillage. Agricultural systems, nitrogen fertilizer application, and crop residues influence N2O emissions. One of the strategies to mitigate emissions is the sustainable intensification of farming systems. Cumulative N2O emissions in the Cerrado range from 0.001 to 4.84 kg ha-1 in different land-use scenarios. Soil under the conventional tillage system (CT) had the highest emissions, with an overall average of 1.58 kg ha-1 of N2O, compared to no-till system (NT) (0.82 kg ha-1) and native Cerrado 0.15 kg ha-1. Integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems in the Cerrado had emissions with an overall average of 1.68 kg ha-1, integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (ICLF) had 1.20 ha-1, and eucalyptus plantations had 0.48 kg ha-1.

Brazilian savannah; agricultural systems; greenhouse gases; nitrogen dioxide


On a global scale, the main changes in the Earth’s climate are due to global warming and are associated with a greater frequency of extreme weather phenomena ( Galaz et al., 2018Galaz V, Crona B, Dauriach A, Scholtens B, Steffen W. Finance and the Earth system - exploring the links between financial actors and non-linear changes in the climate system. Glob Environ Change. 2018;53:296-302.
). Since the Industrial Revolution, there has been a significant increase in the planet’s temperature, amplified by agricultural and industrial production, and consequently an increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) ( Ren et al., 2017Ren FX, Zhang J, Liu N, Sun L, Wu Z, Li M. A synthetic analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from manure amended agricultural soils in China. Sci Rep. 2017;7:8123.
). The warming of the Earth’s surface occurs due to the reception of energy in short and long waves, GHGs absorb in wavelength and, the greater the concentration of these GHGs, the greater the effect of absorption of long-wave energy and emission to the surface, increasing global temperature ( NOAA, 2020National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA. Teacher background: the greenhouse effect [internet]. Estados Unidos: U.S Departament of Commerce; 2020 [cited 2019 Dec 14] Available from:

Average temperature of planet Earth is rising, and since the last century, global temperatures have risen more than 1 °C above their pre-industrial levels, affecting weather patterns ( Shukla et al., 2019Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC. Climate Change and Land: an IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Summary for Policymakers. In: Shukla J, Skea E, Calvo Buendia V, Masson-Delmotte HO, Pörtner DC, Roberts P, Zhai R, Slade S, Connors R, van Diemen M, Ferrat E, Haughey S, Luz S, Neogi M, Pathak J, Petzold J, editors. Press, 2019 [cited 2017 Nov 18]. Available from:
). Furthermore, the acceleration of economic growth has encouraged the exploitation of natural resources, particularly minerals and fossil fuels, in addition to increasing food production. The United Nations (NU) predicts that the world’s population will exceed 9 billion by 2050, which poses the challenge of increasing agricultural production sustainably ( WWAP, 2015United Nations World Water Assesment Programme – WWAP. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015: Water for a Sustainable World. Paris, UNESCO. 2015 [cited 2016 Aug 20]. Available from:

Greenhouse effect was first described by the French mathematician Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier in 1824; he observed that the atmosphere warms the planet and compared it to the glass shell of a greenhouse, which absorbs solar radiation and retains thermal radiation. This is a natural phenomenon caused by certain greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which causes infrared radiation to be retained, which is responsible for maintaining heat from the sun and keeping the planet warm ( Fourier, 1827Fourier J. Mémoire sur les températures du globe terrestre et des espaces planétaires. Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences de l’Institut de France. 1827;7:569-604. ). However, the problem is not the greenhouse effect per se , but the excessive and rapid increase in GHG emissions, especially in the last 200 years with the acceleration of fossil fuel consumption, waste generation, deforestation and fire. If GHG emissions are not mitigated by 2100, the sea level will likely rise between 0.61 and 1.10 m ( Shukla et al., 2019Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC. Climate Change and Land: an IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Summary for Policymakers. In: Shukla J, Skea E, Calvo Buendia V, Masson-Delmotte HO, Pörtner DC, Roberts P, Zhai R, Slade S, Connors R, van Diemen M, Ferrat E, Haughey S, Luz S, Neogi M, Pathak J, Petzold J, editors. Press, 2019 [cited 2017 Nov 18]. Available from:

Climate change is one of the most relevant issues of recent decades. Despite the natural changes in the climate throughout history, environmental changes are increasingly considered due to human activities. In 2020, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere reached 413 ppm ( NOAA, 2020National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA. Teacher background: the greenhouse effect [internet]. Estados Unidos: U.S Departament of Commerce; 2020 [cited 2019 Dec 14] Available from:
), and recent studies show that this concentration will exceed 427 ppm CO2 by 2025 ( De La Vega et al., 2020De La Vega E, Chalk TB, Wilson P, Bysani RP, Foster GL. Atmospheric CO2during the mid piacenzian warm period and the M2 glaciation. Sci Rep-UK. 2020;10:11002.

Global concern about climate change associated with anthropic activities and natural events necessitates expanding research in these areas. These changes related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are increasing, as are advanced in research and debates on the topic ( Almeida et al., 2015Almeida RF, Naves ER, Silveira CH, Wendling B. Emissão de óxido nitroso em solos com diferentes usos e manejos: Uma revisão. Rev Agroneg Meio Ambient. 2015;8:441-61.

The leading cause of global warming is the amplification of the greenhouse effect, which has been enhanced mainly by agricultural and industrial activities ( Seeg-Brasil, 2019Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões e Remoções de Gases de Efeito Estufa-Seeg-Brasil. Análise das emissões brasileiras de gases de efeito estufa e suas implicações para as metas de clima do Brasil 1970-2018. São Paulo. Observatório do Clima; 2019 [cited 10 May 2021]. Available from:
). The increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which include CO2, CH4 (methane) and N2O (nitrous oxide), promotes climate changes, and these have been the primary gasses contributing to global warming due to the increase in infrared radiation in the atmosphere ( Oertel et al., 2016Oertel C, Matschullat J, Zurbaa K, Zimmermanna F, Erasmi S. Greenhouse gas emissions from soil - A review. Geochemistry. 2016;76:327-52.
; Ren et al., 2017Ren FX, Zhang J, Liu N, Sun L, Wu Z, Li M. A synthetic analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from manure amended agricultural soils in China. Sci Rep. 2017;7:8123.

Three GHGs most affected by agriculture are CO2, CH4, and N2O, which are essential for the Earth’s radioactive balance ( Gardi et al., 2014Gardi C, Angelini M, Barceló S, Comerma J, Cruz Gaistardo C, Jones A, Krasilnikov P, Mendonça SBML, Montanarella L, Muniz UO, Schad P, Vara RMI, Vargas R. Atlas de suelos de América Latina y el Caribe, Comision Europea. Luxemburgo: Oficina de publicaciones de la Union Europea; 2014. ). Agriculture plays a significant role in the variation of GHG concentrations and contributes 10-14 % of total global emissions, of which 50-60 % come from N2O and CH4. These gases (N2O and CH4) are directly linked to agricultural soils and their inputs ( Shakoor et al., 2020Shakoor A, Ashraf F, Shakoor S, Mustafa A, Rehman A, Altaf MM. Biogeochemical transformation of greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial to atmospheric environment and potential feedback to climate forcing. Environ Sci Pollut R. 2020;27:38513-36.
). Nitrogen dioxide is one of the most critical greenhouse gasses and has a lower concentration in the atmosphere, as it has 265 times greater heating power than CO2 ( IPCC, 2014Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC. Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva, Switzerland, 2014 [cited 2016 Fev 18]. Available from:
). Moreover, it remains in the atmosphere for more than 130 years ( Myhre et al., 2013Myhre G, Shindell D, Bréon FM, Collins W, Fuglestvedt J, Huang J, Koch D, Lamarque JF, Lee D, Mendoza B, Nakajima T, Robock A, Stephens G, Takemura T, Zhang H. Anthropogenic and natural radiative forcing. In: Climate Change 2013 - The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013;659–740.
; Beuchle et al., 2015Beuchle R, Grecchi RC, Shimabukuro YE, Sellinger R, Eva HD, Sano E, Achard F. Land cover changes in the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga biomes from 1990 to 2010 based on a systematic remote sensing sampling approach. Appl Geophys. 2015;58:116-27.

The main share of GHG emissions in Brazil is related to CO2 due to the change in land use caused by the exploitation of agricultural activities, which will significantly increase the concentration of this gas by 2100 ( Goldman et al., 2017Goldman JAL, Bender ML, Morel FMM. The effects of pH and p CO2on photosynthesis and respiration in the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii . Photosyn Res. 2017;132:83-93.
). Among GHGs, N2O is the most important for agricultural systems since 70 % of their global emissions come from nitrogen dynamics in the soil ( Ussiri and Lal, 2013Ussiri D, Lal R. Formation and release of nitrous oxide from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In: Ussiri D, Lal R, editors. Soil emission of nitrous oxide and its mitigation. Dordrecht: Springer; 2013. p. 63-89.

One of the most biodiverse savannas globally, the Brazilian Cerrado occupies 2 million km², about 24 % of the national territory, and is a biome of great importance for food production, agro-energy and its biodiversity ( Bonanomi et al., 2019Bonanomi J, Tortato FR, Gomes RSR, Penha JM, Bueno AS, Peres CA. Protecting forests at the expense of native grasslands: Land-use policy encourages open habitat loss in the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Perspect Ecol Conserv. 2019;17:26-31.
). In Brazil, 85.4 % of total N2O emissions come from agriculture ( Seeg-Brasil, 2020Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões e Remoções de Gases de Efeito Estufa- Seeg-Brasil. Análise das emissões brasileiras de gases de efeito estufa e suas implicações para as metas de clima do Brasil 1970-2019. São Paulo. Observatório do Clima; 2020 [cited 15 Jun 2021]. Available from:
), of which 17 % are due to fertilizer use and crop residue management ( Seeg-Brasil, 2019Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões e Remoções de Gases de Efeito Estufa-Seeg-Brasil. Análise das emissões brasileiras de gases de efeito estufa e suas implicações para as metas de clima do Brasil 1970-2018. São Paulo. Observatório do Clima; 2019 [cited 10 May 2021]. Available from:
). In 2019, approximately 598.7 million tons of CO2-eq were emitted from land-use change and cattle grazing, accounting for more than half of all GHG emissions ( Seeg-Brasil, 2020Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões e Remoções de Gases de Efeito Estufa- Seeg-Brasil. Análise das emissões brasileiras de gases de efeito estufa e suas implicações para as metas de clima do Brasil 1970-2019. São Paulo. Observatório do Clima; 2020 [cited 15 Jun 2021]. Available from:

Among the different factors affecting N2O emissions in agricultural soils, the conversion of native Cerrado vegetation to agroecosystems favors the emission of N2O to the atmosphere, under sugarcane cropping systems ( Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.
), integrated cropping-livestock production, no-till and conventional tillage ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
). In addition, N2O emissions are usually associated with soil moisture ( Carvalho et al., 2013Carvalho MTM, Madari BE, Leal WGO, Costa ARM, Machado PLOA, Silveira PMS, Moreira JAA, Heinemann AB. Nitrogen fluxes from irrigated common-bean as affected by mulching and mineral fertilization. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2013;48:478-86.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
) and nitrogen fertilizer application ( Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Marchão RL, Malaquias JV. Nitrogen oxides and CO2from an Oxisol cultivated with corn in succession to cover crops. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1213-22.
; Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.

The first studies published in Brazil on N2O emissions were developed in the Amazon region by Davidson et al. (2001)Davidson EA, Bustamante MMC, Pinto AS. Emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from soils of native and exotic ecosystems of the Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil. Thescientificworldjo. 2001;1:312-9.
. They presented annual N2O values ranging from 1.4 to 2.4 kg ha-1 yr-1, while in the Cerrado areas, annual average flows were close to zero (0.4 kg ha-1 yr-1). These low annual N2O flows were attributed to the conditions of aeration and drainage of the Cerrado Oxisols, a predominant soil under natural vegetation that favors soil aggregation ( Bronick and Lal, 2005Bronick CJ, Lal R. Soil structure and management: A review. Geoderma. 2005;124:3-22.
). Among the factors favoring higher N2O fluxes in the Brazilian Cerrado, soil moisture had the highest association with N2O emissions, followed by mineral N in the soil (NO3- and NH4+) and sources of mineral nitrogen ( Carvalho et al., 2021Carvalho AM, Oliveira AD, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Lima CA, Ramos MLG, Malaquias JV, Gonçalves ADMA, Ribeiro Júnior WQ. N2O emissions from sugarcane fields under contrasting watering regimes in the Brazilian Savannah. Environ Technol Innov. 2021;22:101470.

The N2O emissions in field conditions have been performed systematically since 2001. Published papers in indexed journals generated from these studies changed the average direct emission factor of N2O from Brazil, published in IPCC reports (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), from 1 % (0.3-3 %) to 0.30 % (0.20-0.47 %). Specifically, concerning mineral fertilizers, organic and N mineralization of crop residues, the methodology for assessing N2O emissions proposes that 1 % of the amount of N applied is lost in the form of N2O ( IPCC, 2006Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, Eggleston HS, Buendia L, Miwa K, Ngara T, Tanabe K, editors. Japan: IPCC/IGES; 2006 [cited 2015 Dec 12]. Available from:
). This was a result of great relevance for Brazil before the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, which until then had its emissions based on data collected in a temperate climate region that overestimated the emission factors calculated for Brazil. These results should subsidize the government in complying with international global climate change agreements, such as at COP26 (UN’s 26th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change), to achieve the GHG emission reduction target. They can also contribute to formulating public policies on climate change mitigation and adaptation, where the Low Carbon Agriculture Programme represents a government policy in this area ( Norse, 2012Norse D. Low carbon agriculture: Objectives and policy pathways. Environ Dev. 2012;1:25-39.
). Therefore, it is necessary to obtain more data on N2O emissions in the Cerrado region and Brazil. One of the limitations for research on N2O emissions is the need for more investments in infrastructure, training of new research groups in Brazil. In addition, several evaluations are required throughout the crop cycle and agricultural systems. The covariable evaluations for the interpretation of the data, such as soil moisture, doses and sources of nitrogen fertilizer applied, NH4+ and NO3- in the soil, can lead to high analysis costs. Despite this, it is essential to have more information on N2O emissions in the different Brazilian biomes and agroecosystems. It is possible to have the whole panorama of emissions of this gas to feed the database generated in the country.

Considering the importance of agricultural expansion in the Cerrado and the adoption of agricultural systems with the potential to mitigate N2O emissions from soil, the objective of this review was to assess the influence of agriculture on N2O emissions in the Cerrado region. The review is based on existing data in the literature, and we aim to extract patterns of direct N2O emissions in different agricultural systems.


Systematic literature searches were conducted in four databases for articles published between 1988 and April 2021: Web of Science: Main Collection (Clarivate Analytics), ScienceDirect (Elsevier), Scopus (Elsevier), and Brazilian Agricultural Research (PAB) Journal (Scielo). Duplicate references were excluded at the end of the search in each database.

The following criteria were used to select the articles for the literature review: (a) greenhouse gases in agriculture; (b) N2O fluxes in agricultural systems in the Brazilian Cerrado; (c) agricultural systems and N2O; (d) climate change in the Brazilian Cerrado. Studies that did not contain this information were excluded. Articles under the global aspect that included information on the following topics were also used: (a) climate change; (b) factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions; and (c) soil organic matter.

When indexing the terms, the search in “title”, “abstracts”, and “keyword” was selected in the Web of Science and PAB databases. In the other databases (Science Direct and Scopus), the fields “title”, “abstracts”, and “keywords” also were adopted. The strategy used aimed to find a more extensive set of papers within the set criteria. Thus, it was possible to select articles written in English and Portuguese.

In the Web of Science database, to find the terms of interest, the following keywords were used in the first search: nitrous oxide AND soil AND organic matter. A total of 1.490 papers were detected. To refine this search and exclude documents that did not address the Brazilian Cerrado, a different set of terms was used: nitrous oxide AND soil AND organic matter AND Cerrado. Here the database returned seven results. When using the keywords: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, specifying the titles, the database generated only one result. The arrangement used in the final indexing was: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, in all search fields, which identified 27 published articles.

The search performed on Science Direct used the same keywords on Web of Science from 1995 to 2021, where 18.921 results were obtained. This search was refined with the following arrangement of terms: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, which yielded 174 results. In review articles and articles, 126 articles were found. Another attempt at the arrangement: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado AND organic matter, yielded 130 results, but the data was not concentrated in the Brazilian Cerrado. The final index words used were: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, search field “titles”, “abstracts” and “keywords”, which generated 26 published articles.

In the Scopus database, the words used in the initial search were: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, which generated 789 results. The arrangement used in the final indexing was: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, search field: “title”, “abstract” and “keyword”, which generated 23 published articles. In the PAB database, the terms used were: nitrous oxide AND soil AND Cerrado, all fields, which generated seven published articles. From these results, within the context, a selection step was necessary that considered the association of the generated papers, removed the duplicate documents and selected according to the research. After the selection, 36 different published articles were obtained ( Figure 1 ).

Figure 1
Schematic showing the procedures used to select the articles in the different databases (PAB – Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira )

Research with soil N2O assessments in the Brazilian Cerrado intensified after 2006, with further studies from 2011 ( Figure 2 ). The GHG emission factor until 2006 in Brazil was calculated with data from other countries. In 2010, Brazil made a voluntary commitment to reduce its GHG emissions ( Brasil, 2012Brasil. Plano setorial de mitigação e de adaptação às mudanças climáticas para a consolidação de uma economia de baixa emissão de carbono na agricultura: plano ABC (Agricultura de Baixa Emissão de Carbono). Brasília, DF: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento / Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, coordenação da Casa Civil da Presidência da República; 2012 [cited 2017 Out 18]. Available from:
), which allowed for a more significant number of local studies in Brazil.

Figure 2
The number of articles published on N2O emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado.


Cerrado is the second largest Brazilian biome, known for its phytophysiognomic diversity and for having a rich flora among the world’s savannas ( Bustamante et al., 2012Bustamante MMC, Nardoto GB, Pinto AS, Resende JCF, Takahashi FSC, Vieira LCG. Potential impacts of climate change on biogeochemical functioning of Cerrado ecosystems. Braz J Biol. 2012;72:655-71.
), with about 200 million hectares, in the mid-west of Brazil ( Silva and Bates, 2002Silva JMC, Bates JM. Biogeographic patterns and conservation in the South American Cerrado: a tropical savanna hotspot. Bio Sci. 2002;52:225-34.[0225:BPACIT]2.0.CO;2
). The conversion of native areas to agriculture exceeds 30 % in most regions and more than 50 % in three regions, namely Central Highlands (50.2 %), Paraná-Guimarães (61.9 %) and Pará Basalts (71.5 %) ( Sano et al., 2019Sano EE, Rodrigues AA, Martins ES, Bettiol GM, Bustamante MMC, Bezerra AS. Cerrado ecorregions: A spatial framework to assess and prioritize Brazilian savana environmental diversity for conservation. J Environ Manage. 2019;232:818-28.

Cerrado climate is considered seasonal, with rainfall events from October to March and drought from April to September. Temperatures are usually between 22 and 27 °C, and the average annual precipitation is about 1,500 mm ( Silva et al., 2014Silva MA, Arantes MT, Rhein AFL, Gava GJC, Kolln OT. Potencial produtivo da cana-de-açúcar sob irrigação por gotejamento em função de variedades e ciclos. Rev Bras Eng Agr Amb. 2014;18:241-9.
). Due to intense changes in land use over the years, only 20 % of the Cerrado biome is still preserved without human intervention ( Strassburg et al., 2017Strassburg BBN, Brooks T, Feltran-Barbieri R, Iribarrem A, Crouzeilles R, Loyola R, Latawiec AE, Oliveira Filho FJB, Scaramuzza CAM, Scarano FR, Soares-Filho B, Balmford A. Moment of truth for the Cerrado hotspot. Nat Ecol Evol. 2017;1:0099.

Brazil has become a significant exporter of agricultural commodities in recent decades thanks to the expansion and consolidation of agriculture in the Cerrado ( Rada, 2013Rada N. Assessing Brazil’s Cerrado agricultural miracle. Food Policy. 2013;38:146-55.
). It is expected that agriculture will continue to grow in the Cerrado. The change in land use ( Soterroni et al., 2019Soterroni AC, Ramos FM, Mosnier A, Fargione J, Andrade PR, Baumgarten L, Pirker J, Obersteiner M, Kraxner F, Câmara G, Carvalho AXY, Polasky S. Expanding the soy moratorium to Brazil’s Cerrado. Sci Adv. 2019;5:eaav7336.
) leads to environmental problems and likely regional climate changes ( Beuchle et al., 2015Beuchle R, Grecchi RC, Shimabukuro YE, Sellinger R, Eva HD, Sano E, Achard F. Land cover changes in the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga biomes from 1990 to 2010 based on a systematic remote sensing sampling approach. Appl Geophys. 2015;58:116-27.
). Besides impacting chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil ( Carneiro et al., 2009Carneiro MAC, Souza ED, Reis EF, Pereira HS, Azevedo WR. Atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo de cerrado sob diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2009;33:147-57.
; Ferreira et al., 2016Ferreira EAB, Bustamante MMC, Resck DVS, Figueiredo CC, Pinto AS, Malaquias JV. Carbon stocks in compartments of soil organic matter 31 years after substitution of native cerrado vegetation by agroecosystems. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2016;40:e0150059.
), altering N2O fluxes from the soil to the atmosphere.

Rapid agricultural expansion of the Cerrado has caused substantial changes in biogeochemical cycles ( Cruvinel et al., 2011Cruvinel EBF, Bustamante MMC, Kozovitsc AR, Zeppd RG. Soil emissions of NO, N2O and CO2from croplands in the savanna region of central Brazil. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;144:29-40.
), especially in the dynamics of N and P ( Bustamante et al., 2012Bustamante MMC, Nardoto GB, Pinto AS, Resende JCF, Takahashi FSC, Vieira LCG. Potential impacts of climate change on biogeochemical functioning of Cerrado ecosystems. Braz J Biol. 2012;72:655-71.
) and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly of N2O, contributing to climate change ( Strassburg et al., 2014Strassburg BB, Latawiec AE, Barioni LG, Nobre CA, Silva VP, Valentim JF, Vianna M, Assad ED. When enough should be enough: Improving the use of current agricultural lands could meet production demands and spare natural habitats in Brazil. Glob Environ Change, 2014;28:84-97.

Results of research in the Cerrado ( Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
; Figueiredo et al., 2018Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.
; Sato et al., 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
) showed reductions in N2O emissions, with the use of agricultural practices as crop rotation, including rotation between legumes and some grasses, such as Brachiaria spp, which promote lower dependence on external sources of N ( Hungria et al., 2016Hungria M, Nogueira MA, Araujo RS. Inoculation of Brachiaria spp. with the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense: An environment-friendly component in the reclamation of degraded pastures in the tropics. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;221:125-31.

Dynamics of nitrogen in soil

Most of the N2O emitted by soil comes from two biological processes: Nitrification and Denitrification. In agricultural soils, denitrification and nitrification are the main microbial processes responsible for the production of N2O, even if they are not the principal end product of these processes ( Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.
). Nitrogen (N) in the biosphere is in the form of organic compounds synthesized by plants and microorganisms. For plant uptake, the organic forms of N are converted to ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) through the processes of ammonification and nitrification ( Hirsch and Mauchline, 2015Hirsch PR, Mauchline TH. The importance of the microbial N cycle in soil for crop plant nutrition. Adv Appl Microbiol. 2015;93:45-71.
). The N available in the soil depends on the C/N and lignin/N ratio of the residues ( Carvalho et al., 2012Carvalho AM, Coelho MC, Dantas RA, Fonseca OP, Guimarães Júnior R, Figueiredo CC. Chemical composition of cover plants and its effect on maize yield in no-tillage systems in the Brazilian savana. Crop Pasture Sci. 2012;63:1075-81.
). A high ratio promotes the immobilization of N in the soil and residues with a low C/N ratio (between 10 and 20), causing the mineralization process.

In the conceptual model that incorporates several soil variables, the emission of N2O and nitric oxide (NO) is regulated by the amount of fluid flowing through the “tube”, which is similar to the oxidation rates of NH4+ by nitrifying bacteria and a reduction of NO3- by denitrifying bacteria, as well as by the amount of N circulating outside the “tube”, such as NO and N2O and determined by various soil properties ( Davidson et al., 2000Davidson EA, Keller M, Erickson HE, Verchot LV, Veldkamp E. Testing a conceptual model of soil emissions of nitrous and nitric oxides: using two functions based on soil nitrogen availability and soil water content, the hole-in-the-pipe model characterizes a large fraction of the observed variation of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from soils. Bioscience. 2000;50:667-80.[0667:TACMOS]2.0.CO;2
). The N2O is formed by nitrification under aerobic conditions and denitrification under anaerobic conditions ( Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.
). The NO3- is formed by the oxidation of NH4+ by the action of aerobic bacteria, while ammonification converts NH4+ by mineralization of organic matter ( Thomson et al., 2012Thomson AJ, Giannopoulos G, Pretty J, Baggs EM, Richardson DJ. Biological sources and sinks of nitrous oxide and strategies to mitigate emissions. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B. 2012;367:1157-68.
). The main soil and aquatic bacteria that oxidize NH4+ to nitrite are Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira , while Nitrobacter is the primary bacteria genus that oxidizes nitrite to NO3- ( Mosier et al., 2006Mosier AR, Halvorson AD, Reule CA, Liu XJJ. Net global warming potencial and greenhouse gas intensity in irrigated cropping systems in northastern Colorado. J Environ Qual. 2006;35:1584-98.

Denitrification is the microbiological reduction of NO3- or nitrite to N-gas carried out by anaerobic and heterotrophic bacteria ( Cameron et al., 2013Cameron KC, Di HJ, Moir JL. Nitrogen losses from the soil/plant system: A review. Ann Appl Biol. 2013;162:145-73.
; Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.
), with N2O produced and released to the atmosphere during the processes ( Baggs and Philippot, 2010Baggs EM, Philippot L. Microbial terrestrial pathways to nitrous oxide. In: Smith K, editor. Nitrous oxide and climate change. London: Routledge; 2010. p. 4-35. ). Pinto et al. (2002)Pinto AS, Bustamante MC, Kisselle K, Burke R, Zepp R, Viana LT, Varella RF, Molina M. Soil emissions of N2O, NO, and CO2in Brazilian Savannas: effects of vegetation type, seasonality, and prescribed fires. J Geophys Res. 2002;107:8089.
hypothesized that low nitrification rates and low levels of NO3- in soil lead to lower fluxes of N2O and that soils under native vegetation have efficient cycling and little N is lost through leaching and denitrification ( Bustamante et al., 2006Bustamante MMC, Medina E, Asner GP, Nardoto GB, Garcia-Montiel DC. Nitrogen cycling in tropical and temperate savannas. Biogeochemistry. 2006;79:209-37.


The N2O emissions to the atmosphere are influenced by several factors, such as: soil moisture ( Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
), N availability, pH ( Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
), application of nitrogen fertilizers ( Campanha et al., 2019Campanha MM, Oliveira AD, Marriel IE, Neto MMG, Malaquias JV, Landau EC, Carvalho AM. Effect of soil tillage and N fertilization on N2O mitigation in corn in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2019;692:1165-74.
), in addition to tillage practices that accelerate the oxidation process of organic matter and contribute to the increase in N2O emissions ( Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.

Among the factors favoring higher N2O fluxes in the Brazilian Cerrado, soil moisture had the highest association with emissions, followed by mineral N in the soil in the form of NO3- and NH4+ and sources of mineral nitrogen ( Table 1 ). Of the eighteen studies conducted in the Cerrado, seventeen were related to water-filled pore space (WFPS), twelve to mineral N, two to N sources, and four to soil temperature.

Table 1
Relation of variables associated with soil N2O emissions in the Cerrado

Some soil and climate variables are essential to explain the N2O flows of the soil and are very important for future modeling exercises. Therefore, there is a protocol for measuring N2O flows from the soil in air sampling ( Zanatta et al., 2014Zanatta JA, Alves BJR, Bayer C, Tomazi M, Fernandes AHBM, Costa FS, Carvalho AM. Protocolo para medição de gases de efeito estufa do solo. Colombo, PR: Embrapa Florestas; 2014 [cited 2021 May 20]. Available from:
), and other data called covariables are also collected. Some variables are listed below, but the GHG modeling teams must confirm whether they are sufficient and at what frequency these evaluations will be required. The recommended meteorological variables are precipitation and average air temperature, both obtained from meteorological stations. The following analyses are suggested among the soil variables: mineral N (NH4+ and NO3-), soil humidity and temperature ( Zanatta et al., 2014Zanatta JA, Alves BJR, Bayer C, Tomazi M, Fernandes AHBM, Costa FS, Carvalho AM. Protocolo para medição de gases de efeito estufa do solo. Colombo, PR: Embrapa Florestas; 2014 [cited 2021 May 20]. Available from:

Availability of N, humidity and temperature

One of the main sources of N2O emissions is applying N fertilizer in agricultural systems ( Zanatta et al., 2014Zanatta JA, Alves BJR, Bayer C, Tomazi M, Fernandes AHBM, Costa FS, Carvalho AM. Protocolo para medição de gases de efeito estufa do solo. Colombo, PR: Embrapa Florestas; 2014 [cited 2021 May 20]. Available from:
), and crops with high N demand have the potential to N2O emissions. The N2O fluxes are increased after the application of N fertilizers ( Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
), and the combination of fertilizers with irrigation ( Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.
; Carvalho et al., 2021Carvalho AM, Oliveira AD, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Lima CA, Ramos MLG, Malaquias JV, Gonçalves ADMA, Ribeiro Júnior WQ. N2O emissions from sugarcane fields under contrasting watering regimes in the Brazilian Savannah. Environ Technol Innov. 2021;22:101470.
) is one of the indicators with the most significant influence on N2O emissions.

Soil moisture is a crucial variable for N2O emissions. Aerated soils with water-filled pore space (WFPS) between 35 and 60 % promote the formation of N2O as a by-product of nitrification. The WFPS above 60 % favors denitrification reactions with greater emission of this gas, and anaerobiosis favors losses in the form of N2 or N2O ( Davidson et al., 2000Davidson EA, Keller M, Erickson HE, Verchot LV, Veldkamp E. Testing a conceptual model of soil emissions of nitrous and nitric oxides: using two functions based on soil nitrogen availability and soil water content, the hole-in-the-pipe model characterizes a large fraction of the observed variation of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from soils. Bioscience. 2000;50:667-80.[0667:TACMOS]2.0.CO;2
; Jantalia et al., 2007Jantalia CP, Resck DVS, Alves NJR, Zotarelli L, Urquiaga S, Boddey RM. Tillage effect on C stocks of a clayey Oxisol under a soybean-based crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado region. Soil Till Res. 2007;95:97-109.
). Soil water content is essential in this process as it controls the transport of oxygen and the escape of gases such as NO, N2O and N2 to the atmosphere ( Baggs and Philippot, 2010Baggs EM, Philippot L. Microbial terrestrial pathways to nitrous oxide. In: Smith K, editor. Nitrous oxide and climate change. London: Routledge; 2010. p. 4-35. ). In addition, the presence of water and fertilizers increases the productivity of the production system, which also leads to a greater potential for N2O emissions ( Liu et al., 2011Liu C, Wang K, Meng S, Zheng X, Zhou Z, Han S, Chen D, Yang Z. Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation field in northern China. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;140:226-33.
). However, the adaptation, duration, and quantity of water in these systems can mitigate N2O emissions ( Scheer et al., 2008Scheer C, Wassmann R, Kienzler K, Ibragimov N, Eschanov R. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilized, irrigated cotton. ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Aral Sea Basin, Uzbekistan: Influence of nitrogen applications and irrigation practices. Soil Biol Biochem. 2008;40:290-301.

Another important factor is soil temperature. Its increase causes an increase in the metabolic rates of denitrifying bacteria, producing more N2O up to an optimal soil temperature ( Braker et al., 2010Braker G, Schwarz J, Conrad R. Influence of temperature on the composition and activity of denitrifying soil communities. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2010;73:134-48.
). The temperature in conjunction with soil moisture affects N2O fluxes, and N conversion rates are low at mild temperatures (around 14 °C) and increase with increasing temperature (23-30 °C) ( Liu et al., 2011Liu C, Wang K, Meng S, Zheng X, Zhou Z, Han S, Chen D, Yang Z. Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation field in northern China. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;140:226-33.

Agricultural systems

Adoption of practices that enhance soil conservation is essential for the development of sustainable agriculture. Agricultural systems such as no-till (NT), Integrated Crop-Livestock (ICL), Integrated Crop-Livestock Forestry (ICLF), consortium, crop succession and crop rotation are sustainable alternatives that are increasingly used in the Cerrado region. Studies show their benefits in reducing N2O ( Cruvinel et al., 2011Cruvinel EBF, Bustamante MMC, Kozovitsc AR, Zeppd RG. Soil emissions of NO, N2O and CO2from croplands in the savanna region of central Brazil. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;144:29-40.
; Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Marchão RL, Malaquias JV. Nitrogen oxides and CO2from an Oxisol cultivated with corn in succession to cover crops. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1213-22.
, 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.

No-tillage system does not disturb the soil and form straw, promoting land cover and depends on rotation and/or intercropping for straw production ( Santos et al., 2014Santos IL, Caixeta CF, Sousa AATC, Figueiredo CC, Ramos MLG, Carvalho AM. Cover plants and mineral nitrogen: effects on organic matter fractions in an Oxisol under no tillage in the Cerrado. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2014;38:1874-81.
; Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Marchão RL, Malaquias JV. Nitrogen oxides and CO2from an Oxisol cultivated with corn in succession to cover crops. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1213-22.
). In the Cerrado, soil losses under this production system are minimal, between 0.01 and 1.15 Mg ha-1 yr-1 ( Anache et al., 2018Anache JAA, Flanagan DC, Srivastava A, Wendland EC. Land use and climate change impacts on runoff and soil erosion at the hillslope scale in the Brazilian Cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;622:140-51.
). As a result, there is an increase in the production capacity of farming systems ( Soares et al., 2019Soares DS, Ramos MLG, Marchão RL, Maciel GA, Oliveira AD, Malaquias JV, Carvalho AM. How diversity of crop residues in long-term no-tillage systems affect chemical and microbiological soil properties. Soil Till Res. 2019;194:104316.
). The increase in N2O emissions in CT can be associated with plowing the soil, as the decomposition of crop residues is accelerated and anaerobic sites are created, causing peaks in N2O emissions ( Ussiri and Lal, 2013Ussiri D, Lal R. Formation and release of nitrous oxide from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In: Ussiri D, Lal R, editors. Soil emission of nitrous oxide and its mitigation. Dordrecht: Springer; 2013. p. 63-89.
). Some studies in Cerrado reported lower N2O emissions in NT than in CT ( Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
, 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
), while others observed higher NT emissions ( Liu et al., 2007Liu XJ, Mosier AR, Halvorson AD, Reule CA, Zhang FS. Dinitrogen and N2O emissions in arable soils: effect of tillage, N source and soil moisture. Soil Biol Biochem. 2007;39:2362-70.

Abdalla et al. (2014)Abdalla M, Hastings A, Helmyc M, Prescher A, Osbor NB, Lanigane G, Forristal D, Killi D, Maratha P, Williams M, Rueangritsarakul K, Smith P, Nolan P, Jones MB. Assessing the combined use of reduced tillage and cover crops for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from arable ecosystem. Geoderma. 2014;223:9-20.
compared reduced cropping in conjunction with cover crops under NT. They concluded that the efficiency of the minimum cropping system in mitigating GHG depends mainly on the carbon sequestration by the cover crop species used in the system, through higher carbon input and increases in carbon dioxide uptake by the cover crop. Furthermore, Silva (2020)Silva VG. Fluxos de óxido nitroso, N mineral e frações de carbono no solo cultivado com milho em sucessão a plantas de cobertura [tese]. Brasília, DF: Universidade de Brasília; 2020. observed that during corn crop season cultivated in succession to Cajanus cajan , N2O emissions were higher (0.985 kg ha-1) than with Crotalaria juncea (0.772 kg ha-1), indicating that N2O emissions also depend on plant species.

One strategy to mitigate GHG emissions is the sustainable intensification of agricultural systems. The ICLF is one of the technologies included in Brazil’s voluntary commitments to reduce GHG emissions at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP-15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris ( Brasil, 2010Brasil. Plano agrícola e pecuário 2010-2011. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento / Secretaria de Política Agrícola; 2010 [cited 2016 May 10]. Available from:
). Its use was highlighted as a sustainable agricultural system that avoids deforestation and considers the growing demand for food and energy ( Smith, 2015Smith P. Malthus is still wrong: we can feed a world of 9-10 billion, but only by reducing food demand. Proc Nutri Soc. 2015;74:187-90.
). In addition, these systems optimize the biological cycles of plants and animals and inputs and cultural residues. They offer significant benefits to the land, such as water conservation, wood production and animal welfare ( Cordeiro et al., 2015Cordeiro LAM, Vilela L, Marchão RL, Kluthcouski J, Martha Junior GB. Integração lavoura-pecuária e integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta: estratégias para intensificação sustentável do uso do solo. Cad Cienc Tecnol. 2015;32:15-43. ). However, it is necessary to assess the impact of this system on N2O emissions ( Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
) as all ICLF components compete for resources, water, light and nutrients ( Franchini et al., 2014Franchini JC, Balbinot Junior AA, Sichieri FR, Debiasi H, Conte O. Yield of soybean, pasture and wood in integrated crop-livestock-forest system in Northwestern Paraná state, Brazil. Rev Cienc Agron. 2014;46:1006-13.

In the Cerrado, ICL is an alternative to reverse pasture degradation and improve soil quality and organic matter content ( Vilela et al., 2012Vilela L, Martha Jr GB, Marchão RL. Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta: Alternativa para intensificação do uso da terra. Rev UFG. 2012;13:92-9. ), depending on the profile and objectives of each agricultural plot, alternating crop species with livestock and making the system more diversified and complex ( Cordeiro et al., 2015Cordeiro LAM, Vilela L, Marchão RL, Kluthcouski J, Martha Junior GB. Integração lavoura-pecuária e integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta: estratégias para intensificação sustentável do uso do solo. Cad Cienc Tecnol. 2015;32:15-43. ). They are efficient systems for recycling nutrients, improving soil quality ( Salton et al., 2014Salton JC, Mercante FM, Tomazi M, Zanatta JA, Concenço G, Silva WM, Retore M. Integrated crop-livestock system in tropical Brazil: Toward a sustainable production system. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2014;190:70-9.
) and reducing N2O emissions ( Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
, 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.


Different agricultural systems affect soil N2O emissions. Obtaining direct standards for N2O emissions from soils in different agrosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado is necessary for GHG mitigation in this region. Of the 36 studies evaluated in the Cerrado, the average cumulative N2O emissions from agroecosystems were less than 5 kg ha-1 for changes in land use, agricultural system, fertilizer use, and soil properties ( Figure 3 ). In the results obtained, emissions differed mainly with the cropping system, soil preparation, differences in crop rotation, and fertilization strategies ( Table 2 ).

Figure 3
Cumulative N2O emissions in different agricultural systems in the Brazilian Cerrado. Equal colours refer to data collected in the same study. CER: Native Cerrado; NT: no-tillage; CT: conventional tillage; B(I)+MU+NPK: Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), with mulching ( Urochloa ruziziensis ) and mineral fertilization (400 kg ha-1 N-P-K), applied at planting, and 200 kg ha-1 of urea was applied via fertigation; PS(NT): Pig Slurry application (40 m3ha-1) on soil with oat straw (3.6 Mg ha-1); S(NT): Soybean exclusive, crop succession soybean- Pennisetum glaucum with 1 year old; PS(MT): Pig Slurry application (40 m3ha-1) on soil with oat straw (3.6 Mg ha-1); E: Eucalyptus urograndis , 3 years of planting; C-B(NT): Corn crop rotation (corn-soybean) with succession corn-common bean with 19 y old; C-CJ(NT): Corn succession cover plants (succession with Crotalaria juncea ) with 6 years old; SCN75: Sugarcane with applied nitrogen under 75 % of crop evapotranspiration replacement; C-CJ/MP(CT): corn in succession to cover crops ( Crotalaria juncea and Mucuna pruriens ) with 6 years; R+32Bi: Rice + 32 Mg ha-1 of biochar 5 years after application biochar to the soil; UR: rice under rainfed; S-SO(NT): soybean crop rotation corn, (sucession soybean-sorghum) with 19 y old; C-MP(NT): corn succession cover plants (corn succession Mucuna pruriens ) with 6 years old no-tillage; SCR%: Sugarcane with rescue irrigation; SC17 %, SC46 %: Sugarcane, 17 % and 46 % of crop evapotranspiration replacement, respectively; ICL+Fe: Integrated crop-livestock with fertigation (swine-crop-pasture, with cultivated pasture in rotation with crops), 2 years integrated system; SC75 %: Sugarcane, 75 % of crop evapotranspiration replacement; ICLF+Fe: Integrated crop-livestock-forest with fertigation (swine-crop-pasture-eucalyptus, with cultivated pasture in rotation with crops and rows of eucalyptus with no-tillage management), 2 years integrated system; ICLF+NPK+Fe: Integrated crop-livestock-forest with mineral fertilizer (NPK) and fertigation (swine-crop-pasture-eucalyptus, with pasture in rotation with crops and rows of eucalyptus with no-tillage management), 2 years integrated system; CC(NT)+10 years: Continuous crop, crop rotation and succession of leguminous and grasses and fallow with +10 years; ICLF: Integrated crop-livestock-forest ( Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã, planting of an annual crop with no-tillage- Eucalyptus urograndis , 3 years integrated system); SCNVR: Sugarcane with nitrogen plus vinasse with rescue irrigation; P: Pasture (Marandu’ grass ( Urochloa brizantha) with 3 years; CC(CT)+10 years: Continuous crop, crop rotation and succession of leguminous, grasses and fallow with +10 years; ICL: Integrated crop-livestock (planting of an annual crop with no-tillage , Brachiaria brizantha cv. with 3 years integrated system); SCNV75: sugarcane with nitrogen plus vinasse with 75 % of crop evapotranspiration replacement; C(NT) (Monoculture, UR), and C(CT) (Monoculture, UR): corn under rainfed, 2 years of planting).
Table 2
Cumulative N2O fluxes from soils under different systems in the Brazilian Cerrado

The N2O emissions ranged from 0.001 to 4.84 kg ha-1 in different agricultural systems ( Figure 3 ), with the lowest values in the native Cerrado, which is not a natural source of N2O (Metay et al., 2007; Cruvinel et al., 2011; Carvalho et al., 2017). These results show that N2O emissions in agroecosystems are related to different combinations, such as soil tillage, water regime, crop rotation and fertilizer use. It is important to note that all articles published on N2O emissions were performed on clay soils. Therefore, studies in soils with medium and sandy textures are also relevant and should be a direction for future researches.

The highest N2O emissions were obtained from dry corn cultivation at CT (4.84 kg ha-1), and N fertilizer application of 32 kg ha-1 at planting and 112.5 kg N ha-1 in topdressing as urea, followed by corn at NT (3.36 kg ha-1) with the same N fertilizer application on CT ( Campanha et al., 2019Campanha MM, Oliveira AD, Marriel IE, Neto MMG, Malaquias JV, Landau EC, Carvalho AM. Effect of soil tillage and N fertilization on N2O mitigation in corn in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2019;692:1165-74.
). These authors associated N2O fluxes with mineral N in the soil, with a dominance of NH4+, together with WFPS (about 66 %); total accumulated N2O (cropping cycle + fallow) was 10 times higher in upland corn with fertilizer at CT and NT than in upland corn treatments without fertilizer use. Nitrous oxide emissions were 30 % lower under NT than CT ( Campanha et al., 2019Campanha MM, Oliveira AD, Marriel IE, Neto MMG, Malaquias JV, Landau EC, Carvalho AM. Effect of soil tillage and N fertilization on N2O mitigation in corn in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2019;692:1165-74.

Several studies presented an increase in N2O emissions after using N fertilizers ( Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.
; Piva et al., 2014Piva JT, Dieckow J, Bayer C, Zanatta JA, Moraes A, Tomazi M, Pauletti V, Barthe G, Piccolo MC. Soil gaseous N2O and CH4emissions and carbon pool due to integrated crop-livestock in a subtropical Ferralsol. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2014;190:87-93.
; Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
). Santos et al. (2016)Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
determined higher peak N2O fluxes (260 µg m-2 h-1) after nitrogen fertilization as urea and in soils with higher moisture content, with WFPS with maximum values of 90 %. The authors also related these fluxes to changes in soil NO3- contents; in the rainy season, NO3- contents varied from 0 to 18.70 mg kg-1 and 14.71 mg kg-1 in CT and NT, respectively.

Lower N2O emissions in NT have been identified in several studies ( Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
, 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
; Figueiredo et al., 2018Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.
), highlighting the differences between cropping systems. Sato et al. (2019)Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
, in a continuous cropping system (CC) with pronounced soil preparation, presented 1.80 and 0.90 kg ha-1 in 146 days when intercropping sorghum with Brachiaria brizantha at CT and NT, respectively, and 0.79 kg ha-1 under ICL. The same plot presented 2.55 kg ha-1 in 375 days in CC at CT and 1.90 kg ha-1 in CC at NT, and 1.52 kg ha-1 under ICL ( Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
). In long-term systems, cumulative N2O emissions are greater under CT than under NT, and ICL is an alternative to low-carbon agriculture in GHG mitigation. However, other studies showed no differences in N2O emissions between different cropping systems ( Metay et al., 2007Metay A, Oliver R, Scopel E, Douzet JM, Moreira JAA, Maraux F, Feigl BJ, Feller C. N2O and CH4emissions from soils under conventional and no-till management practices in Goiânia ( Cerrados , Brazil). Geoderma. 2007;141:78-88.
; Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Marchão RL, Malaquias JV. Nitrogen oxides and CO2from an Oxisol cultivated with corn in succession to cover crops. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1213-22.
), with values below the detection limit of 0.6 ng cm-2 h-1 ( Carvalho et al., 2006Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Kozovits AR, Vivaldi L, Souza DM. Emissão de óxidos de nitrogênio associada à aplicação de uréia sob plantio convencional e direto. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2006;41:679-85.
; Jantalia et al., 2008Jantalia CP, Santos HP, Urquiaga S, Boddey RM, Alves BJR. Fluxes of nitrous oxide from soil under different crop rotations and tillage systems in the south of Brazil. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2008;82:161-73.

In sugarcane cultivation in the Cerrado, the combination of vinasse (V) and mineral N (N) promoted higher values of N2O emissions (2.1 kg ha-1) compared to the use of separately applied fertilizers: nitrogen fertilization only (0.78 kg ha-1) or vinasse application only (0.50 kg ha-1) ( Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.
). Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at a dose of 100 kg ha-1 as ammonium nitrate, and fresh vinasse was applied at 150 m3 ha-1 immediately after the ammonium nitrate application. The authors found that the combination NV promoted emissions on average three times higher than when V or N applied separately. Vinasse used as the main fertilizer may benefit GHG mitigation. Regarding water regimes in sugarcane, no relationship was found between N2O emissions and water regimes: Rescue irrigation - R (1.05 kg ha-1), 17 % (1.10 kg ha-1), 46 % (1.22 kg ha-1) and 75 % (1.33 kg ha-1) of the crop water requirement, but the water regime with 75 % replacement of crop evapotranspiration showed higher yields compared to the other water regimes ( Carvalho et al., 2021Carvalho AM, Oliveira AD, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Lima CA, Ramos MLG, Malaquias JV, Gonçalves ADMA, Ribeiro Júnior WQ. N2O emissions from sugarcane fields under contrasting watering regimes in the Brazilian Savannah. Environ Technol Innov. 2021;22:101470.

Although native Cerrado is not a naturally emitting source of N2O ( Metay et al., 2007Metay A, Oliver R, Scopel E, Douzet JM, Moreira JAA, Maraux F, Feigl BJ, Feller C. N2O and CH4emissions from soils under conventional and no-till management practices in Goiânia ( Cerrados , Brazil). Geoderma. 2007;141:78-88.
; Cruvinel et al., 2011Cruvinel EBF, Bustamante MMC, Kozovitsc AR, Zeppd RG. Soil emissions of NO, N2O and CO2from croplands in the savanna region of central Brazil. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;144:29-40.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
), studies have shown that conversion of native vegetation to agricultural systems ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
; Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Campanha et al., 2019Campanha MM, Oliveira AD, Marriel IE, Neto MMG, Malaquias JV, Landau EC, Carvalho AM. Effect of soil tillage and N fertilization on N2O mitigation in corn in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2019;692:1165-74.
) can emit up to 4.84 kg ha-1 ( Campanha et al., 2019Campanha MM, Oliveira AD, Marriel IE, Neto MMG, Malaquias JV, Landau EC, Carvalho AM. Effect of soil tillage and N fertilization on N2O mitigation in corn in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2019;692:1165-74.
). Cerrado soils are characterized by acidity and high drainage, which, along with acid pH (5.2), is one of the reasons for the low N2O emissions in soils from the native areas ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.

In general, the higher the soil moisture, the higher the N2O emissions due to the influence of soil water content stimulating microbial activity ( Luo et al., 2010Luo J, De Klein CAM, Ledgard SF, Saggar S. Management options to reduce nitrous oxide from intensively grazed pasture: A review. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2010;136:282-91.
; Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.
). The increase in N2O emissions after rainy periods is reported in studies due to the rise in WFPS, favoring denitrifying activity induced by reducing O2 diffusion in the soil ( Jantalia et al., 2008Jantalia CP, Santos HP, Urquiaga S, Boddey RM, Alves BJR. Fluxes of nitrous oxide from soil under different crop rotations and tillage systems in the south of Brazil. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2008;82:161-73.
; Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.

Varella et al. (2004)Varella RF, Bustamante MMC, Pinto AS, Kisselle KW, Santos RV, Burke RA, Zepp RG, Viana LT. Soil fluxes of CO2, CO, NO, and N2O from an old pasture and from native savanna in Brazil. Ecol Appl. 2004;14:221-31.
compared degraded Brachiaria brizanta pastures with areas of native Cerrado, and N2O emissions were below the detection limit in both cases (0.6 µg m-2 h-1). Low levels (0.44 kg ha-1) were also observed in a study with permanent pasture in NT ( Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
), conditions possibly related to good drainage and aeration of the soils, which limit denitrification ( Signor and Cerri, 2013Signor D, Cerri CEP. Nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils: a review. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2013;43:322-38.

As with ICL systems, N2O emissions may increase with animals in the environment, as feces and urine increase N2O emissions. Lessa et al. (2014)Lessa ACR, Madari BE, Paredes DS, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S, Jantalia CP, Alves BJR. Bovine urine and dung deposited on Brazilian savannah pastures contribute differently to direct and indirect soil nitrous oxide emissions. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2014;190:104-11.
evaluated the effect of urine and cattle feces application on a pasture; the addition of urine promoted significantly higher N2O emissions (0.026 g g-1) than those found with fecal application treatments (0.0011 g g-1) over 37 days. Giacomini et al. (2006)Giacomini SJ, Jantalia CS, Aita C, Urquiaga SS, Alves BJR. Emissão de óxido nitroso com a aplicação de dejetos líquidos de suínos em solo sob plantio direto. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2006;41:1653-61.
observed an increase in N2O fluxes with pig manure in NT and minimum tillage (MT), 40.6 and 50.9 mg m-2, respectively, compared to the treatment without application of 9.5 and 13.2 mg m-2.

In ICLF systems, N2O emissions were low (0.36 kg ha-1), showing the promising potential to mitigate N2O emissions compared to the crop, the rotation soybean-corn with Brachiaria (1.401 kg ha-1), pasture (0.298 kg ha-1) and eucalypt plantation (0.165 kg ha-1); emissions were related to rainfall and N availability ( Nogueira et al., 2016Nogueira AKS, Rodrigues RAR, Silva JJN, Botin AA, Silveira JG, Mombach MA, Armacolo NM, Romeiro SO. Fluxos de óxido nitroso em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1156-62.

Biological nitrogen fixation contributes to the reduction of N2O emissions in soybean crop (NT), and low fluxes were observed (0.42 kg ha-1) compared to the systems with intercropping of corn and brachiaria (1.24 kg ha-1) and corn only (1.57 kg ha-1) ( Oliveira Filho et al., 2020Oliveira Filho EG, Medeiros JC, Rosa JD, Souza HA, Deon DS, Madari BE. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in Savanah agrosystems. Australian J Sci. 2020;14:1970-6. https://doi:10.21475/ajcs.
). The authors observed that the highest N2O emissions in the intercropping system of corn with brachiaria were due to nitrogen fertilizer application related to N availability and soil moisture. Siqueira-Neto et al. (2020)Siqueira-Neto M, Popin GV, Piccolo MC, Corbeels M, Scopel E, Camargo PB, Bernoux M. Impacts of land use and cropland management on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Sci. 2020;72:1431-46.
observed similar cumulative emissions in CT and NT with two crops grown in the same year: Soybean/Sorghum; Soybean/Millet; and Corn/Sorghum, with mean values of 0.13 g m-2 yr-1. However, Figueiredo et al. (2018)Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.
found that emissions were higher when soybean was grown at CT followed by fallow (1.36 kg ha-1) than when soybean was grown at NT followed by sorghum (0.99 kg ha-1).

In corn cultivation with different N sources, cumulative emissions were similar, and higher emissions were observed with the application of ammonium sulfate (171 g of N2O per Mg of grain) compared to the control treatment (108 g of N2O per Mg of grain) ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
). In corn and cover crop succession, N2O emissions were higher in legumes (1.0 kg ha-1) than in fallow (0.5 kg ha-1). Still, it is crucial to evaluate the changes of C and N from soil to obtain the emission factor when considering the effectiveness of GHG mitigation ( Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho AM, Bustamante MMC, Marchão RL, Malaquias JV. Nitrogen oxides and CO2from an Oxisol cultivated with corn in succession to cover crops. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2016;51:1213-22.

Eucalyptus plantations in the Cerrado showed cumulative emissions below 0.86 kg ha-1, which is close to the values of Native Cerrado (0.33 kg ha-1). During the dry season, N2O inflows were observed in association with low NO3- levels in the soil ( Oliveira et al., 2021Oliveira AD, Ribeiro FP, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Gatto A, Zuim DR, Pinheiro LA, Pulrolnilk K, Soares JPG, Carvalho AM. CH4and N2O fluxes from planted forests and native Cerrado ecosystems in Brazil. Sci Agric. 2021;78:e20180355.
). This influx into native vegetation may be associated with a predominantly ammonia mineral N content ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
). In addition, inhibition of soil microbial and enzymatic activity ( Chen et al., 2013Chen H, Li G, Hu F, Shi W. Soil nitrous oxide emissions following crop residue addition: A meta-analysis. Glob Chang Biol. 2013;19:2956-64.
) may contribute to low soil N2O fluxes under Eucalyptus in the Cerrado ( Oliveira et al., 2021Oliveira AD, Ribeiro FP, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Gatto A, Zuim DR, Pinheiro LA, Pulrolnilk K, Soares JPG, Carvalho AM. CH4and N2O fluxes from planted forests and native Cerrado ecosystems in Brazil. Sci Agric. 2021;78:e20180355.

In contrast to the Amazon and Atlantic forests, where N2O emissions range from 0.38 to 16 kg ha-1, with the highest value in the Amazon forest, and the maximum emission of the Atlantic forest is below 3.42 kg ha-1 ( Meurer et al., 2016Meurer KHE, Franko U, Stange CF, Rosa JD, Madari BE, Jungkunst H. Direct nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soils under diferent land use in Brazil- a critical review. Environ Res Lett. 2016;11:023001.
). Soils under natural Cerrado vegetation showed very low and even negative values, with a median emission of 0.14 kg ha-1 and often below the detection limit, as shown in several studies ( Metay et al., 2007Metay A, Oliver R, Scopel E, Douzet JM, Moreira JAA, Maraux F, Feigl BJ, Feller C. N2O and CH4emissions from soils under conventional and no-till management practices in Goiânia ( Cerrados , Brazil). Geoderma. 2007;141:78-88.
; Cruvinel et al., 2011Cruvinel EBF, Bustamante MMC, Kozovitsc AR, Zeppd RG. Soil emissions of NO, N2O and CO2from croplands in the savanna region of central Brazil. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2011;144:29-40.
; Bustamante et al., 2012Bustamante MMC, Nardoto GB, Pinto AS, Resende JCF, Takahashi FSC, Vieira LCG. Potential impacts of climate change on biogeochemical functioning of Cerrado ecosystems. Braz J Biol. 2012;72:655-71.
; Carvalho et al., 2013Carvalho MTM, Madari BE, Leal WGO, Costa ARM, Machado PLOA, Silveira PMS, Moreira JAA, Heinemann AB. Nitrogen fluxes from irrigated common-bean as affected by mulching and mineral fertilization. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2013;48:478-86.
; Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
; Silva et al., 2017Silva JF, Carvalho AM, Rein TA, Coser TR, Ribeiro-Júnior WQ, Vieira DL, Coomes DA. Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2017;246:55-65.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
; Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
; Oliveira Filho et al., 2020Oliveira Filho EG, Medeiros JC, Rosa JD, Souza HA, Deon DS, Madari BE. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in Savanah agrosystems. Australian J Sci. 2020;14:1970-6. https://doi:10.21475/ajcs.

In general, the average N2O emissions in Brazilian Cerrado soils at CT showed the highest cumulative N2O emissions (1.58 kg ha-1) compared to NT (0.82 kg ha-1) and Native Cerrado (0.15 kg ha-1) ( Figure 4 ). These data show the importance of NT, its benefits in soil, production system, and GHG mitigation.

Figure 4
Overall average of cumulative N2O fluxes in no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT) and Native Cerrado (CER).

As for ICL and ICLF in Brazilian Cerrado, among the cumulative averages of N2O, ICL had the highest overall average of N2O emissions (1.68 kg ha-1), compared to ICLF (1.20 kg ha-1) and eucalypt forests (0.48 kg ha-1) ( Figure 5 ). Studies have shown lower soil N2O emissions in conservation systems than monoculture systems ( Carvalho et al., 2014Carvalho JLN, Raucci GS, Frazão LA, Cerri CEP, Bernoux M, Cerri CC. Crop-pasture rotation: a strategy to reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2014;183:167-75.
; Abdalla et al., 2014Abdalla M, Hastings A, Helmyc M, Prescher A, Osbor NB, Lanigane G, Forristal D, Killi D, Maratha P, Williams M, Rueangritsarakul K, Smith P, Nolan P, Jones MB. Assessing the combined use of reduced tillage and cover crops for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from arable ecosystem. Geoderma. 2014;223:9-20.

Figure 5
Averages of the cumulative N2O fluxes in forests of Eucalyptus (E) with 1-4 years planting, compared to continuous crop with +10 years, crop/pasture rotation, successions of leguminous, grasses and natural fallow, under no-tillage CC +10 y (NT); integrated crop-livestock forest, crop/pasture rotation and Eucalyptus with 1-3 years planting (ICLF); the integrated crop-livestock, crop/pasture rotation 1-3 years planting (ICL), and Continuous crop with +10 years, crop/pasture rotation natural fallow conventional tillage CC+10 y (CT) in the Brazilian Cerrado.

In general, wastes from agricultural livestock systems are directly applied to pastures and may behave as pollutants in the atmosphere due to higher N2O emissions ( Giacomini et al., 2006Giacomini SJ, Jantalia CS, Aita C, Urquiaga SS, Alves BJR. Emissão de óxido nitroso com a aplicação de dejetos líquidos de suínos em solo sob plantio direto. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2006;41:1653-61.
). However, Carvalho et al. (2017)Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
observed lower N2O emissions in ICLF (2.05 kg ha-1) compared to ICL (2.84 kg ha-1) under NT.

N2O emissions and soil organic matter in Cerrado

Global data analysis on N2O emissions suggests that increases in organic C content in cropping systems are associated with N2O emissions ( Stehfest and Bouwman, 2006Stehfest E, Bouwman L. N2O and NO emission from agricultural fields and soils under natural vegetation: summarizing available measurement data and modeling of global annual emission. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2006;74:207-28.
). Table 3 shows soil organic matter (SOM) content in the Cerrado in different tillage systems and native vegetation. The results show the variation from the lowest to the highest value in the soil layers, 0.00-0.05 m (33-38 g kg-1), 0.00-0.10 m (4.6-35.48 g kg-1) and 0.00-0.20 m (10-41.2 g kg-1) ( Table 3 ). Soil organic matter rates were not directly related to N2O emissions ( Wu et al., 2016Wu Y, Lin S, Liu T, Wan T, Hu R. Effect of crop residue returns on N2O emissions from red soil in China. Soil Use Manag. 2016;32:80-8.
). In general, fractionation of SOM makes it possible to understand the dynamics of N in the soil ( Sá et al., 2015Sá JCM, Séguy L, Tivet F, Lal R, Bouzinac S, Borszowskei PR, Briedis C, Santos JB, Hartman DC, Bertoloni CG, Rosa J, Friedrich T. Carbon depletion by plowing and its restoration by no-till cropping systems in Oxisols of subtropical and tropical agro-ecoregions in Brazil. Land Degrad Dev. 2015;26:531-43.
), usually due to a higher proportion of fractions in the SOM combined with a high N supply ( Wu et al., 2016Wu Y, Lin S, Liu T, Wan T, Hu R. Effect of crop residue returns on N2O emissions from red soil in China. Soil Use Manag. 2016;32:80-8.
). In a single study in the Cerrado, NT was more efficient in accumulating stable and labile C fractions and was directly related to lower N2O emissions ( Figueiredo et al., 2018Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.

Table 3
Literature review of organic matter contents in soils under different management systems in Brazilian Cerrado

In the context of climate change, soils represent the largest C reservoir on the Earth’s surface and can reduce GHG emissions ( Chenu et al., 2019Chenu C, Angers D, Barré P, Derrien D, Arrouays D, Balesdent J. Increasing organic stocks in agricultural soils: Knowledge gaps and potential innovations. Soil Till Res. 2019;188:41-52.
). Conservation systems in Brazilian Cerrado, including crop rotations ( Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.
), cover crops ( Carvalho et al., 2014Carvalho JLN, Raucci GS, Frazão LA, Cerri CEP, Bernoux M, Cerri CC. Crop-pasture rotation: a strategy to reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2014;183:167-75.
), and ICL ( Sato et al., 2017Sato JH, Carvalho AM, Figueiredo CC, Coser TR, Sousa TR, Vilela L, Marchão LR. Nitrous oxide fluxes in a Brazilian clayey Oxisol after 24 years of integrated crop-livestock management. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:55-68.
; Carvalho et al., 2017Carvalho AM, Oliveira WRD, Ramos MLG, Coser TR, Oliveira AD, Pulronik K, Marchão RL. Soil N2O fluxes in integrated production systems, continuous pasture and Cerrado. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;108:69-83.
), have shown a greater potential to mitigate N2O emissions from agriculture. However, the relationship between the farming system and N2O emissions is complex, and results are often contradictory ( Smith et al., 2008Smith P, Martino D, Cai Z, Gwary D, Janzen H, Kumar P, Mccarl B, Ogle S, O’mara F, Rice C, Scholes B, Sirotenko O, Howden M, Mcallister T, Pan G, Romanenkov V, Schneider U, Towprayoon S, Wattenbach M, Smith J. Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B, Biol Sci. 2008;363:789-813.
). The relationship between soils under natural vegetation and conservation tillage systems with high C contents and low N2O emissions is not fully understood in Brazilian Cerrado ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.

Natural ecosystems in the Cerrado are conservative in regards to N and limit the supply of this nutrient ( Bustamante et al., 2006Bustamante MMC, Medina E, Asner GP, Nardoto GB, Garcia-Montiel DC. Nitrogen cycling in tropical and temperate savannas. Biogeochemistry. 2006;79:209-37.
) and the high C/N ratio of plant residues ( Soares et al., 2019Soares DS, Ramos MLG, Marchão RL, Maciel GA, Oliveira AD, Malaquias JV, Carvalho AM. How diversity of crop residues in long-term no-tillage systems affect chemical and microbiological soil properties. Soil Till Res. 2019;194:104316.
) and the predominance of NH4+ relative to NO3- are factors that contribute to the maintenance of low soil N levels ( Bustamante et al., 2012Bustamante MMC, Nardoto GB, Pinto AS, Resende JCF, Takahashi FSC, Vieira LCG. Potential impacts of climate change on biogeochemical functioning of Cerrado ecosystems. Braz J Biol. 2012;72:655-71.

Conservation practices contribute to the conservation and formation of SOM and consequently reduce GHG emissions ( Lal, 2004Lal R. Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Geoderma. 2004;123:1-22.
; Buller et al., 2015Buller LS, Bergier I, Ortega E, Moraes A, Bayma-Silva G, Zanetti MR. Soil improvement and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions for integrated crop-livestock systems: Case study assessment in the Pantanal savanna highland, Brazil. Agr Syst. 2015;137:206-19.
). Considering that 98 % of the total N in soil is in organic form ( Stevenson, 1994Stevenson FJ. Humus Chemistry: genesis, composition, reactions. 2nd ed. New York. John Wiley & Sons; 1994. ), N availability and dynamics are influenced by the C/N ratio of crop residues ( Kong et al., 2009Kong AYY, Fonte SJ, Van Kessel C, Six J. Transitioning from standard to minimum tillage: trade-offs between soil organic matter stabilization, nitrous oxide 114. Emissions, and n availability in irrigated cropping systems. Soil Till Res. 2009;104:256-62.
; Carvalho et al., 2012Carvalho AM, Coelho MC, Dantas RA, Fonseca OP, Guimarães Júnior R, Figueiredo CC. Chemical composition of cover plants and its effect on maize yield in no-tillage systems in the Brazilian savana. Crop Pasture Sci. 2012;63:1075-81.
). Carbon availability in the soil from less complex sources (e.g., glucose) favors the production of N2O ( Miller et al., 2008Miller MN, Zebarth BJ, Dandie CE, Burton DL, Goyer C, Trevors JT. Crop residue influence on denitrification, N2O emissions and denitrifier community abundance in soil. Soil Biol Biochem. 2008;40:2553-62.
). The ability to protect and stabilize C depends on soil management (plowing, use of cover crops, crop succession, crop rotation, etc.) and soil properties ( Bayer et al., 2011Bayer C, Amado TJC, Tornquist CG, Cerri CEC, Dieckow J, Zanatta JA, Nicolos RS. Estabilização do carbono no solo e mitigação das emissões de gases de efeito estufa na agricultura conservacionista. In: Klauberg Filho O, Mafra AL, Gatiboni LC, editores. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2011. v. 7. p. 55-118. ). The accumulation of C in its more stable forms is related to the greater degree of stabilization of SOM ( Plaza-Bonilla et al., 2014Plaza-Bonilla D, Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C. Identifying soil organic carbon fractions sensitive to agricultural management practices. Soil Till Res. 2014;139:19-22.
). The more protected SOM, the less it is exposed to mineralization, the lower the loss of SOM in the form of GHG to the atmosphere, such as N2O ( Lal, 2004Lal R. Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Geoderma. 2004;123:1-22.
; Sato et al., 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.

Soil fertility improvement depends on the quantity and quality of SOM ( Sheehy et al., 2015Sheehy J, Regina K, Alakukku L, Six J. Impact of no-till and reduced tillage on aggregation and aggregate-associated carbon in Northern European agroecosystems. Soil Till Res. 2015;150:107-13.
). Soil organic matter is one crucial component in characterizing agricultural systems, and its efficient management can contribute to GHG mitigation ( Lal, 2004Lal R. Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Geoderma. 2004;123:1-22.
; Figueiredo et al., 2018Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.
; Sato et al., 2019Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
). In tropical regions, soils are predominantly weathered, and the strong organic-mineral interaction can contribute to SOM stabilization and consequently reduce N2O emissions from soils under native vegetation ( Martins et al., 2015Martins MR, Jantalaia CP, Polidoro JC, Batista JN, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Urquiaga S. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil. Soil Till Res. 2015;151:75-81.
; Santos et al., 2016Santos IL, Oliveira AD, Figueiredo CC, Malaquias JV, Santos Junior JDG, Ferreira EAB, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM. Soil N2O emissions from long-term agroecosystems: interactive effects of rainfall seasonality and crop rotation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2016;233:111-20.

Differences among agricultural systems and their interaction with cumulative N2O fluxes cannot be explained based on SOM contents alone ( Table 3 ). Studies relating soil N2O emissions to fractions of SOM are needed, especially in Brazilian Cerrado, to understand better the dynamics of SOM associated with N2O emissions. An integrated effect of management systems (crop rotation, crop succession, and no-tillage system), cultural residues, and SOM fractions can contribute to understanding N2O emissions in the soil, as reported by Figueiredo et al. (2018)Figueiredo CC, Oliveira AD, Santos IL, Ferreira EAB, Malaquias JV, Sá MAC, Carvalho AM, Santos Júnior JDG. Relationships between soil organic matter pools and nitrous oxide emissions of agroecosystems in the Brazilian cerrado. Sci Total Environ. 2018;618:1572-82.
and Sato et al. (2019)Sato JH, Figueiredo CC, Marchão RL, Oliveira AD, Vilela L, Delvico FM, Alves BJR, Carvalho AM. Understanding the relations between soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions in a long-term integrated crop-livestock system. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019;70:1183-96.
in agroecosystems in the Cerrado.


In the Cerrado, cumulative N2O emissions in cropping systems are less than 5 kg ha-1, and the introduction of conservation systems, such as integrated crop-livestock (ICL), is essential to mitigate N2O emissions. In general, N2O emissions were higher in conventional cropping systems than in the no-till system. The ICL had the highest average of N2O emissions among the integrated systems compared to ICLF and eucalypt plantations.

The relationship between soil organic matter and N2O fluxes to the atmosphere is not fully elucidated in the Brazilian Cerrado, and further studies are needed. In the present study, it was not possible to obtain a direct relationship between the total content of SOM and N2O emissions. Thus, further studies should consider the different SOM fractions.


To Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), for the scientific productitvity fellowships granted to Maria Lucrecia Gerosa Ramos, Cícero Célio de Figueiredo and Arminda Moreira de Carvalho. Furthermore, to Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior for the Masters scholarship to Thais Rodrigues de Sousa. We also acknowledge to Professor Concepta McManus Pimentel for revising the paper.


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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert and Etelvino Henrique Novotny

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Dec 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Aug 2021
  • Accepted
    29 Sept 2021
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil