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Soil properties changing and carbon losses by anthropic drainage in savanna palm swamp (vereda), central Brazil


In the Cerrado, the palm swamps ( veredas ) are characterized by being humid and stable environments that lead to the formation of Histosols ( Organossolos ). and soils with surface horizons of organic constitution, which are fragile and sensitive to anthropic action. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of anthropization (recurrent forest fires and livestock farming) on the chemical, physical and morphological properties of soils in two palm swamps in the Environmental Preservation Area (EPA) of Pandeiros River, Minas Gerais, namely: Água Doce, in preserved condition, and Taboa, in anthropized condition. Four soil profiles were morphologically described, two profiles in each palm swamp, with subsequent chemical and physical analyses, calculations of organic carbon stock and identification of the origin of organic matter. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Soil morphological properties were influenced by vegetation cover, drainage and anthropization conditions. As for the physical and chemical properties, adequate values were observed in the preserved palm swamp, including lower bulk density values and higher cation contents. Anthropic actions in the anthropized palm swamp caused degradation of soils, revealed by subsidence, reduction in organic carbon content, increase in bulk density and decrease in fertility. Changes promoted in the soils of the palm swamps compromise ecosystem services, indicating that actions at either local or governmental level should be stimulated for the preservation and conservation of these environments.

organic matter; conservation unit; organic soils; Cerrado; Pandeiros River


Environmental Preservation Area (EPA) of the Pandeiros River has as main function to protect the Pandeiros River Basin, as the river has been subjected in recent decades to intense siltation, which is directly linked to anthropic actions: deforestation, forest fires, agriculture and livestock farming ( Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ).

Within the diversity of environments that compose the Pandeiros River EPA, the palm swamps are humid and stable environments that keep the water table high, ensuring water availability for vegetation and the main watercourses, even in dry seasons in the Cerrado ( Antunes and Caminhas, 2020Antunes SSF, Caminhas FG. Análise da paisagem do ambiente de vereda em Ermidinha, Montes Claros (MG). Rev Humboldt. 2020;1:e53896. ). Palm swamp makes up the phytophysiognomies of the Cerrado biome. Which, is identified by the presence of endemic plant species such as Mauritia flexuosa and Maurittiela armata ( Augustin et al., 2009Augustin CHRR, Melo DR, Aranha PRA. Aspectos geomorfológicos de veredas: Um ecossistema do bioma do cerrado, Brasil. Rev Bras Geomor. 2009;10:103-14.

Carbon storage (carbon stock in the soil) and regulation and availability of water are environmental services provided by the palm swamps ( Tonks et al., 2017Tonks AJ, Aplin P, Beriro DJ, Cooper H, Evers S, Vane CH, Sjögersten S. Impacts of conversion of tropical peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation on peat organic chemistry, physical properties and carbon stocks. Geoderma. 2017;289:36-45.
). They also play an important social and economic role, depending on the supply of food resources. Other roles played by the palm swamps are climate regulation and biodiversity maintenance ( Brasil et al., 2021Brasil MCO, Magalhães Filho R, Espírito-Santo MM, Leite ME, Veloso MDM, Falcão LAD. Land-cover changes and drivers of palm swamp degradation in southeastern Brazil from 1984 to 2018. Appl Geogr. 2021;137:102604.
), besides being important archives of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes (Horák-Terra et al., 2022a). Despite their multiple functions, the palm swamps have been affected by various activities related to the anthropization of vegetation cover and soil, as well as temperature increase in these environments ( Brasil et al., 2021Brasil MCO, Magalhães Filho R, Espírito-Santo MM, Leite ME, Veloso MDM, Falcão LAD. Land-cover changes and drivers of palm swamp degradation in southeastern Brazil from 1984 to 2018. Appl Geogr. 2021;137:102604.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022b).

Anthropic actions may favor fires in the palm swamp areas, which are less frequent compared to those in Cerrado areas, but with the same destructive potential ( Maillard et al., 2009Maillard P, Pereira DB, Souza, GC. Incêndios florestais em veredas: Conceitos e estudo de caso no Peruaçu. Rev Bras Cartogr. 2009;61:321-30. ). These authors observed that unlike Cerrado vegetation, plant formations in the palm swamp do not have mechanisms of protection against fire, and this impact can permanently compromise the regeneration of vegetation.

For Veloso et al. (2018)Veloso MDM, Fernandes LA, Ávila MA, Nunes YRF, Frazão LA. Soil attributes in anthropized hygrophilous forest in northern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. J Agric Sci Technol B. 2018;8:311-9.
, factors such as the replacement of typical vegetation, anthropic drainage of the environment, and livestock farming on the edges and with access to the internal environment are some of the prerogatives contrary to the legislation in force (Law No. 12,651, of May 25, 2012) that should ensure the preservation of the palm swamp environments. It is possible to observe with some frequency changes in the soil caused by inadequate use of livestock farming, opening of roads and other anthropic actions, generating serious environmental problems in palm swamp areas located in the North ( Antunes and Caminhas, 2020Antunes SSF, Caminhas FG. Análise da paisagem do ambiente de vereda em Ermidinha, Montes Claros (MG). Rev Humboldt. 2020;1:e53896. ) and Northwest (Horák-Terra et al., 2022b) of Minas Gerais.

In the palm swamps, due to the specific conditions of relief, drainage and vegetation cover, the accumulation of organic matter in the areas of depression, within the drainage channels, is favored, leading to the formation of soils that have histic H horizon, sometimes with the occurrence of Histosols ( Organossolos Háplicos ) ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ). On a global scale, the palm swamp can be considered a type of peatland ( Maillard et al., 2009Maillard P, Pereira DB, Souza, GC. Incêndios florestais em veredas: Conceitos e estudo de caso no Peruaçu. Rev Bras Cartogr. 2009;61:321-30. ; Sales et al., 2020Sales GB, Lessa TAM, Freitas DA, Veloso MDDM, Silva MLDS, Fernandes LA, Frazão LA. Litterfall dynamics and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Brazilian palm swamp ecosystems. For Ecosyst. 2020;7:39.
; Tonks et al., 2017Tonks AJ, Aplin P, Beriro DJ, Cooper H, Evers S, Vane CH, Sjögersten S. Impacts of conversion of tropical peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation on peat organic chemistry, physical properties and carbon stocks. Geoderma. 2017;289:36-45.
) and, more specifically, treated as a swamp ( National Wetlands Working Group, 1988National Wetlands Working Group. Wetlands of Canada (Ecological land classification series, No. 24). Ottawa: Sustainable Development Branch, Environment Canada / Montreal: Polyscience Publications Inc.; 1988.

Organic soils or soil with organic horizons are fragile when subjected to anthropic actions. Studies such as Horák-Terra et al. (2022b), in which the authors evaluated the effects of drainage in a palm swamp environment of an agricultural area of Central Brazil, demonstrate that the anthropization process contributed to the decline in carbon stock (~14 kg m-2); in addition, impacts on other ecological functions were also observed, such as the soil’s ability to retain water.

On the other hand, Sales et al. (2020)Sales GB, Lessa TAM, Freitas DA, Veloso MDDM, Silva MLDS, Fernandes LA, Frazão LA. Litterfall dynamics and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Brazilian palm swamp ecosystems. For Ecosyst. 2020;7:39.
studied litterfall dynamics and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks in areas of palm swamps with different degrees of anthropization and concluded that their dynamics in the Cerrado around the palm swamps were affected by climatic conditions than by land-use and that litterfall decomposition was more accelerated in areas with a lower degree of anthropization than in degraded areas. The authors suggest that anthropic interventions in the areas where there was management with the addition of organic matter increased soil C and N stocks in the palm swamp.

The hypothesis of this study is that the anthropic action (forest fires and intense agricultural activities and/or the presence of domestic animals without stocking control) leads to the modification of soils in palm swamps and that this degradation occurs differently according to the drainage condition and the type of vegetation cover. This study aimed to evaluate the modification provided by anthropization (recurrent forest fires and livestock farming) on the chemical, physical and morphological properties of the soils of palm swamps in EPA of the Pandeiros River, MG, Brazil.


Study area

The conservation unit Environmental Preservation Area (EPA) of the Pandeiros River, was created in 1995 by State Law No. 11.901 (IEF, 2022), with the objective of combining nature conservation with the use of water, and protecting biodiversity, palm swamps (veredas), marginal lagoons, swamps and tributary of the Pandeiros River, which integrates the São Francisco river basin. The area of the conservation unit is 396,060.407 hectares covering the entire Pandeiros River basin (IEF, 2022).

The study was conducted in two palm swamps within the Environmental Preservation Area (EPA) of the Pandeiros River, called Água Doce (508845.99 and 8316866.39 UTM coordinates, 648 m altitude) and Taboa (507087.22 and 8314503.10 UTM coordinates, 629 m altitude), both in the municipality of Bonito de Minas, northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil ( Figure 1 ). The Água Doce palm swamp (Preserved) is in a preserved condition, while the Taboa palm swamp (Anthropized) is in an anthropized condition. In this study, anthropic environments are understood as areas of palm swamps that had their vegetation cover removed by recurrent anthropic forest fires and livestock farming.

Figure 1
Location of the study areas in the Pandeiros River APA, North of Minas Gerais – Brazil.

Pandeiros River EPA is within a geological context of Proterozoic age that composes the São Francisco Craton, located in the sandy rocks of the Upper Cretaceous of the Urucuia Group ( Oliveira, 2013Oliveira FM. Relações solo-vegetação em áreas desenvolvidas sobre o Arenito Urucuia na APA do rio Pandeiros [dissertation]. Viçosa, MG: Universidade Federal de Viçosa; 2013. ). Soils of the Pandeiros River EPA are sandy, chemically poor and have high acidity ( Bethonico, 2009Bethonico MBM. Área de proteção ambiental estadual do Rio Pandeiros-MG: espaço território e atores [thesis]. Niterói: Universidade Federal Fluminense; 2009. ; Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ). As for the palm swamps present in the Pandeiros River EPA, these are classified according to Ferreira (2006)Ferreira IM. Modelos geomorfológicos das Veredas no ambiente de Cerrado. Espaço Rev - Geogr. 2006;7:7-16. as Tabular Surface Palm Swamp - palm swamps that develop in plateau areas, originated from the extravasation of surface aquifers. These are usually the oldest palm swamps.

The climate of the region is savanna - Aw, according to Köppen’s classification system, with dry winters between the months of April and September and rains concentrated in the months from October to March (rainy season of the region). The average annual rainfall is 1,057.4 mm and the average annual temperature is 25.5 °C ( Alvares et al., 2013Alvares CA, Stape JL, Sentelhas PC, Gonçalves JLM, Sparovek G. Koppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorol Z. 2013;22:711-28.

In the Pandeiros River EPA, the original and predominant vegetation is the Cerrado, with phytophysiognomies ranging from Thin Cerrado, Typical Cerrado, Dense Cerrado and Grassland ( Bethonico, 2009Bethonico MBM. Área de proteção ambiental estadual do Rio Pandeiros-MG: espaço território e atores [thesis]. Niterói: Universidade Federal Fluminense; 2009. ; IEF, 2022). Also, deciduous and semideciduous forest ( Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Astronium fraxinifolium Schott ex Spreng, Dilodendron bipinnatum Radlk, and Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) and palm trees ( Mauritia flexuosa L. and Mauritiella armata (Mart.) Burret) are frequent in the area, which leads to the formation of riparian vegetation of mixed floristic constitution ( Bethonico, 2009Bethonico MBM. Área de proteção ambiental estadual do Rio Pandeiros-MG: espaço território e atores [thesis]. Niterói: Universidade Federal Fluminense; 2009. ; Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ).

Soil profiles and samples collection

After the recognition of the area by satellite images (Google Earth) and in loco , two soil pits were opened in September 2019 (dry season) in each palm swamp for analysis of soil profiles and collection of samples, P1 and P2 in the preserved palm swamp and P3 and P4 in the Anthropized palm swamp ( Figure 2 ). We selected representative areas in each environment where trenches were open for soil description and collection. The profiles are under different conditions of relief, drainage and vegetation cover. Profiles P1 and P3 are located in an edge environment of the palm swamp with 3 % slope and in a poorly drained environment. Profiles P2 and P4 are located in an internal environment of the palm swamps with 1 % slope and in a very poorly drained environment.

Figure 2
Studied soil profiles in the palm swamp environments. Profiles P1 and P2 collected respectively, on the edge and inside the preserved path (Água Doce Palm Swamp). Profiles P3 and P4 collected respectively on the edge and inside the anthropized path (Taboa Palm Swamp).

In the Preserved palm swamp, the vegetation cover in the P1 profile area is composed of grasses of the families Poaceae and Cyperaceae, with the occurrence of shrubby thickets composed of the species Macairea radula (Bonpl.) DC., typical of formations adjacent to the palm swamps ( Figure 2 ). In the area of P2, the soil cover is composed of gallery forest, with predominant presence of the species Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess, Eugenia sp., Mauritia flexuosa L.f. and Xylopia emarginata Mar. ( Teixeira and Assis, 2011Teixeira AP, Assis MA. Floristic relationships among inland swamp forests of Southeastern and Central-Western Brazil. Braz J Bot. 2011;34:91-101.
), and these species are endemic to the palm swamp environments.

In the anthropized palm swamp, the area of profile P3 is exposed due to the removal of the vegetation cover by anthropic actions (occurrence of recurrent forest fires and livestock farming). The P4 profile area is exposed, because all the vegetation was suppressed by anthropic actions, with the presence of some individuals of the species Mauritia flexuosa L.f. which have resisted the anthropization processes.

The profiles were described and collected according to Santos et al. (2015)Santos RD, Santos HG, Ker JC, Anjos LHC, Shimizu SH. Manual de descrição e coleta de solo no campo. 7. ed. rev. ampl. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2015. and classified according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) and World Reference Base (WRB) (IUSS Working Group, 2015). Samples were collected by horizons and/or layers for chemical and physical analyses and in subsurface for isotopic analyses (δ13C). Disturbed samples were collected in each horizon, air dried, pounded to break up clods and passed through 2-mm-mesh sieve to obtain the Air-Dried Fine Earth (ADFE). As for the undrained samples (5 × 5 cm), one sample per horizon was collected for the determination of bulk density. The samples were dried in an oven at 105 °C for 24 h.

Edaphic properties

In each horizon or layer, soil fertility analyses were carried out to know the pH values and nutrient contents (Ca2, Mg2, Al3, P, K+, Na+, H+Al) ( Teixeira et al., 2017Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. ). Physical analyses involved the evaluation of the particle size distribution and bulk density (Bd). In the horizons of organic constitution, the following analyses were also performed: % of plant fibers and von Post degree of decomposition ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ).

Soil organic carbon stocks

Soil organic carbon (SOC) was determined by wet oxidation with potassium dichromate in acidic medium, subsequently titrated with ammoniacal ferrous sulfate solution ( Yeomans and Bremner, 1988Yeomans JC, Bremner JM. A rapid and precise method for routine determination of organic carbon in soil. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal. 1988;19:1467-76.
). Soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) were calculated for each horizon, according to Wang and Dalal (2006)Wang WJ, Dalal RC. Carbon inventory for a cereal cropping system under contrasting tillage, nitrogen fertilisation and stubble management practices. Soil Till Res. 2006;91:68-74.
and Penman et al. (2003)Penman J, Gytarsky M, Hiraishi T, Krug T, Kruger D, Pipatti R, Buendia L, Miwa K, Ngara T, Tanabe K, Wagner F. Good practice guidance for land Use, land use change and forestry. Hayama, Kanagawa: Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); 2003. ( Equation 1 ):

SOCS M g h a 1 = SOC × B d × d × 0.1 Eq. 1

in which: SOC is the organic carbon content in the soil horizon; d is the thickness of the soil horizon (cm); and Bd is the bulk density (Mg m-3).

Total soil organic carbon stock (T-SOCS) was calculated for each soil profile, according to Penman et al. (2003)Penman J, Gytarsky M, Hiraishi T, Krug T, Kruger D, Pipatti R, Buendia L, Miwa K, Ngara T, Tanabe K, Wagner F. Good practice guidance for land Use, land use change and forestry. Hayama, Kanagawa: Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); 2003. , using the following mathematical expression ( Equation 2 ):

T-SOCS = soil horizons...n SOCS soli horizons Eq. 2

Isotopic analysis of δ13C

To understand the mechanisms of accumulation and stabilization of organic carbon in the area of each palm swamp, samples with no preserved structure were collected at the intervals of 0.00–0.05, 0.05–0.10, 0.10–0.20, 0.20–0.30, 0.30–0.40, 0.40–0.50, 0.50–0.60, 0.60–0.80 and 0.80–1.00 m. Samples were air-dried, pounded to break up clods and passed through a 2.0-mm-mesh sieve. Carbon contents of the soil samples and their isotopic compositions were determined using the Finnigan Mat Delta Plus mass spectrometer, located at the Technology and Science Support Foundation in Santa Maria, RS. Values of13C of the samples were estimated according to equation 3 , having as standard the reference PDB ( Pee Dee Belemnite – limestone from North Carolina, USA).

Δ 13 C ( % ) = 10 3 × R sample R standard / R standard Eq. 3

in which: Rsample: 13C\12C is the isotopic ratio of the sample; Rstandard: 13C\12C is the isotopic ratio of the standard.

Statistical analysis

To evaluate the impact of anthropic changes on the soil profiles of the palm swamps, descriptive statistics were calculated for each evaluated property using SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was also used to assess the correlations between soil properties using R software version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) (R Core Team, 2021), and the corrplot library version 0.90 ( Wei and Simko, 2021Wei T, Simko V. R package ‘corrplot’: Visualization of a correlation matrix (Version 0.90) [internet]. 2021. Available from:


Soil morphology and classification

In the soil profiles collected in the edge areas of the palm swamps, histic horizons (H) (organic carbon content ≥80 g kg-1, resulting from accumulations of plant residues, in varying degrees of decomposition, deposited on the surface) ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) were observed, with thicknesses ranging from 0.29 (P1) to 0.34 m (P3), with P3 (Anthropized palm swamp) formed by highly decomposed organic material (sapric) and P1 (Preserved palm swamp) formed by a material with higher content of plant fibers (hemic) ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) ( Table 1 ). Below these horizons, layers (C) with texture ranging from sandy to sandy loam, with variations in color and structure, were observed. Groundwater table was observed only in profile P1, approximately 0.90 m from the surface, in the collection period of September 2019 (dry season). Both profiles were classified as Neossolos Quartzarênicos Hidromórficos organossólicos ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) (Histic Arenosol - WRB, IUSS Working Group, 2015).

Table 1
Main morphological soil properties in palm swamp of the Pandeiros River APA

Soil profiles collected inside the palm swamp also have horizons of organic constitution (H), having thicknesses greater than 1.15 m (P2 - Preserved palm swamp) and 0.82 m (P4 - Anthropized palm swamp). These horizons have dark colors and massive structure.

Both in the internal environment of the anthropized palm swamp (P4) and its edge area (P2), the histic horizons showed sapric organic material, while in the preserved palm swamp in any of the positions, the organic material was classified as hemic, due to the intermediate degree of decomposition, verified by the presence of plant fibers in the composition of the horizons. Profile P2 was classified as Organossolo Háplico Hêmico típico ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) and profile P4 as Organossolo Háplico Sáprico típico ( Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018. ) (Haplic Histosol - WRB, IUSS Working Group, 2015).

Chemical and physical soil properties

The main physical and chemical properties of the profiles are presented in table 2 . In the preserved palm swamp area, the profiles showed lower bulk density (Bd), with average values of 0.28 ± 0.12 Mg m-3 in the histic horizons and 1.30 ± 0.32 Mg m-3 in the mineral layers. In the anthropized palm swamp area, the average values of Bd were 0.43 ± 0.08 Mg m-3 in the histic horizons and 1.63 ± 0.22 Mg m-3 in the mineral layers ( Table 2 ). Active acidity [pH(H2O)] also differed between the areas, with higher average values in the preserved palm swamp area (pH = 6.25 ± 0.13 in P1 and pH = 6.73 ± 0.21 in P2). In the anthropized palm swamp area, the values were lower and, unlike the preserved area, in the histic horizons, pH values were lower than those observed in the mineral layers (pH = 4.88 ± 0.45 in P3 and pH= 5.26 ± 0.39 in P4) ( Table 2 ). Regarding the values of potential acidity (H+Al), a wide variation was observed between and within the profiles. In the preserved palm swamp, the average values were H+Al = 7.28 ± 2.98 cmolc kg-1 in the histic horizons and H+Al = 9.57 ± 5.58 cmolc kg-1 in the mineral horizons. In anthropized palm swamp, the average values were H+Al = 21.28 ± 12.22 cmolc kg-1 in the histic horizons and H+Al = 2.16 ± 1.64 cmolc kg-1 in the mineral horizons ( Table 2 ).

Table 2
Physical and chemical properties of soils in palm swamp of the Pandeiros River APA

Contents of basic cations (Ca2, Mg2, Na+, K+) and available P were higher in the profiles of Organossolos (P2 and P4), close to the drainage channels of the palm swamps ( Table 2 ). The average values of the sum of bases (SB) were 0.58 ± 0.18 cmolc kg-1 (P1), 19.36 ± 6.11 cmolc kg-1 (P2), 0.71 ± 0.30 cmolc kg-1 (P3) and 8.17 ± 1.93 cmolc kg-1 (P4) ( Table 2 ). The same pattern was observed in base saturation (V%), with average values of 8.6 ± 6.0 (P1), 75.5 ± 10.2 (P2), 29.2 ± 15.4 (P3) and 50.6 ± 7.9 (P4) ( Table 2 ). For available P, the average values were 0.23 ± 0.04 mg kg-1 (P1), 1.33 ± 0.94 mg kg-1 (P2), 0.30 ± 0.23 mg kg-1 (P3) and 0.60 ± 0.16 mg kg-1 (P4) ( Table 2 ). Contents of Al3 were predominantly lower than 0.3 cmolc kg-1 (with the exception of horizons H1 = 4.0 cmolc kg-1, H2 and C2 = 0.5 cmolc kg-1, in P3) ( Table 2 ).

Soil organic carbon – concentration and stocks

The average soil organic carbon (SOC) contents in the profiles of the preserved palm swamp (P1 and P2) were 251.44 ± 125.93 g kg-1 in the histic horizons and 29.13 ± 12.96 g kg-1 in the mineral layers. In the anthropized palm swamp, the average values were 156.86 ± 49.59 g kg-1 in the histic horizons and 9.81 ± 8.75 g kg-1 in the mineral layers. The average values per profile were 54.73 ± 38.39 g kg-1 (P1), 281.43 ± 127.43 g kg-1 (P2), 46.06 ± 16.99 g kg-1 (P3) and 97.16 ± 61.09 g kg-1 (P4).

The average values of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS), in the histic horizons, were 153.37 ± 72.43 Mg ha-1 in the preserved palm swamp and 145.28 ± 51.53 Mg ha-1 in the anthropized palm swamp. Although P2 had the highest SOC values in the surface horizons, it also had the lowest SOCS values due to the lower bulk density (Bd) of these horizons. The total soil organic carbon stocks (T-SOCS) were around 305.9 ± 50.3 Mg ha-1 (P3), 404.6 ± 46.5 Mg ha-1 (P1), 522.8 ± 55.7 Mg ha-1 (P4), and 576.2 ± 67.6 Mg ha-1 (P2) ( Table 3 ).

Table 3
Soil organic carbon (SOC), organic carbon stock (SOCS) and total organic carbon stock (T-SOCS) of soils in palm swamp of the Pandeiros River APA

Carbon stocks were more related to horizon thickness than to organic carbon contents, probably due to the lower bulk density (Bd) in horizons with high organic matter content. In Pearson’s correlation analysis (point biserial model), carbon concentrations were positively correlated with the contents of basic cations (Ca2, Mg2, Na+, K+) and available P, indicating the close relationship between the fertility of the palm swamp soils and the organic matter contents ( Figure 3 ).

Figure 3
Correlation between the properties of the studied soils, collected in the Água Doce and Taboa palm swamp.

Isotopic composition (δ13C)

Greater amplitude of variation of the isotopic composition (δ13C) was observed in the profiles of Neossolos collected in the edge areas of the palm swamps ( Figure 4 ). In profile P1, the values of δ13C ranged from -23.49‰ at the base of the profile (0.80-1-00 m) to -15.78 ‰ (0.60-0.80 m). From 0.60 m, a trend of impoverishment of the δ13C signal was observed, reaching -18.51 ‰ (0.20-0.30 m) and -17.58 ‰ in the surface layer (0.00-0.05 m). In P3, at the base of the profile the values were -18.29 ‰ (0.80-1.00 m) and -17.39 ‰ (0.60-0.80 m). The most impoverished value was observed in 0.50–0.60 m (-22.56 ‰). From this depth, there is a trend of enrichment in the δ13C values toward the top, reaching the most enriched value in 0.05–0.10 m (-16.29 ‰). It is assumed that the composition of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) of plant species with the photosynthetic cycle C3 ranges from -22.0 ‰ to -32.0 ‰, with an average of -27.0 ‰, while the δ13C values of plant species with the photosynthetic cycle C4 range from -9.0 to -17.0 ‰, with an average of – 13 ‰ ( Figure 4 ) ( Boutton, 1996Boutton TW. Stable carbon isotope ratios of soil organic matter and their use as indicators of vegetation and climate change. In: Boutton TW, Yamazaki SI, editors. Mass spectrometry of soils. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1996. p. 47-82. ; Boutton et al., 1998Boutton TW, Archer SR, Midwood AJ, Zitzer SF, Bol R. δ13C values of soil organic carbon and their use in documenting vegetation change in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Geoderma. 1998;82:5-41.
). Values between -17.0 and -22 ‰ indicate a mixture of C3 and C4 plants.

Figure 4
Natural abundance of 13C in soils in a palm swamp environment in the Pandeiros River APA.

In the profiles of Organossolos (P2 and P4) ( Figure 4 ), the variations of δ13C were lower, with values between -24.93 and -29.47 ‰. In P2, at the base of the profile, the values ranged from -26.87 (0.80-1.00 m) to -27.51 ‰ (0.30-0.40 m). In the 0.20-0.30 m layer, there was an enrichment of the δ13C values (24.93 ‰) and, from this depth, they become more impoverished in δ13C, reaching -29.47 ‰ in the surface layer (0.00-0.05 m). In profile P4, less variation was observed, with values between -26.10 (0.00-0.05 m) and -27.39 ‰ (0.50-0.60 m), but with a general, though subtle, trend of enrichment in δ13C values.


Soil properties

In the Pandeiros River EPA, most of the relief is composed of flattened surfaces of the peripheral depression of the San Francisco, whose evolution is related to the denudation processes carried out by the drainage of the São Francisco River ( Augustin et al., 2009Augustin CHRR, Melo DR, Aranha PRA. Aspectos geomorfológicos de veredas: Um ecossistema do bioma do cerrado, Brasil. Rev Bras Geomor. 2009;10:103-14.
; Almeida, 2021Almeida MIS. Unidades de paisagem na bacia hidrográfica do rio Pacuí no Norte de Minas Gerais. Geo UERJ. 2021;39:e42701.
). The properties of the studied soils are closely linked to the total or partial saturation by water conditioned by the flattened surfaces that characterize the relief of the region. Groundwater fluctuation is governed by river flow and precipitation periods. Palm swamp environments, in general, are characterized by the occurrence of hydromorphic soils such as Gleissolos and Organossolos associated with relatively shallow groundwater, due to variations in topography (these usually occur in valley bottoms) and alternation of soil layers with different levels of permeability ( Ramos et al., 2006Ramos MVV, Curi N, Motta PEF, Vitorino ACT, Ferreira MM, Silva MLN. Veredas do Triângulo Mineiro: Solos, água e uso. Cienc Agrotec. 2006;30:283-93.
; Oliveira et al., 2009Oliveira GC, Araújo GM, Barbosa AAA. Florística e zonação de espécies vegetais em veredas no Triângulo Mineiro, Brasil. Rodriguésia. 2009;60:1077-85.
; Bijos et al., 2017Bijos NR, Eugênio CUO, Mello TDRB, Souza GF, Munhoz CBR. Plant species composition, richness, and diversity in the palm swamps ( veredas ) of Central Brazil. Flora. 2017;236:94-9.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022a,b).

The formation of histic horizons (H) in the studied soils is related to the conditions of excess water, where the low availability of oxygen reduces the decomposition of organic matter ( Pereira et al., 2005Pereira MG, Anjos LHC, Valladares GS. Organossolos: Ocorrência, gênese, classificação, alterações pelo uso agrícola e manejo. In: Vidal-Torrado P, Alleoni LRF, Cooper M, Silva AP, Cardoso EJ, editors. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2005. v. 4. p. 233-76. ). The properties of the Organossolos observed in this study are similar to those described in the literature in the study of Histosols in Brazil (e.g., Ebeling et al., 2013Ebeling AG, Anjos LHC, Pérez DV, Pereira MG, Novotny EH. Atributos físicos e matéria orgânica de Organossolos Háplicos em distintos ambientes no Brasil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2013;37:763-74.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2014Horák-Terra I, Cortizas AM, Camargo PB, Silva AC, Vidal-Torrado P. Characterization of properties and main processes related to the genesis and evolution of tropical mountain mires from Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Geoderma. 2014;232:183-97.
, 2020Horák-Terra I, Martínez Cortizas A, Luz CFP, Silva AC, Mighall T, Camargo PB, Vidal-Torrado P. Late Quaternary vegetation and climate dynamics in central‐eastern Brazil: Insights from a ~35k cal a BP peat record in the Cerrado biome. J Quaternary Sci. 2020;35:664-76.
). Several authors report the occurrence of soils with organic horizons in palm swamps in the region of central Brazil (e.g., Barberi et al., 2000Barberi M, Salgado-Labouriau ML, Suguio K. Paleovegetation and paleoclimate of “Vereda de Águas Emendadas”, central Brazil. J S Am Earth Sci. 2000;13:241-54.
; Guimarães et al., 2002Guimarães AJM, Araújo GM, Corrêa GF. Estrutura fitossociológica em área natural e antropizada de uma vereda em Uberlândia, MG. Acta Bot Bras. 2002;16:317-29.
; Ramos et al., 2006Ramos MVV, Curi N, Motta PEF, Vitorino ACT, Ferreira MM, Silva MLN. Veredas do Triângulo Mineiro: Solos, água e uso. Cienc Agrotec. 2006;30:283-93.
, 2014Ramos MVV, Haridasan M, Araújo GM. Caracterização dos solos e da estrutura fitossociológica da vegetação de veredas da Chapada no Triângulo Mineiro. Fronteiras: J Soc Technol Environ Sci. 2014;3:180-210.
; Resende et al., 2013Resende ILM, Chaves LJ, Rizzo JA. Floristic and phytosociological analysis of palm swamps in the central part of the Brazilian savanna. Acta Bot Bras. 2013;27:205-25.
; Soares et al., 2021Soares DM, Nascimento ART, Alves GS, Oliveira CHE. The importance of palm swamps for carbon storage in a multifunctional landscape in the Brazilian savanna. Reg Environ Change. 2021;21:116.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022a,b).

Variations in groundwater level, and consequently in the conditions of anoxia in the soil, can lead to the decomposition of organic matter and degradation of these horizons through the subsidence process (Horák-Terra et al., 2022b). This may explain the morphological differences observed between the histic horizons of the preserved palm swamp area (P1 and P2) compared to anthropized palm swamp (P3 and P4). In the preserved palm swamp, the groundwater was observed at a depth of approximately 0.90 m in the collection period of September 2019 (dry season), which was not observed in the anthropized palm swamp (except in P4). In the profiles of the preserved palm swamp, a higher fiber content was also observed, even in the subsurface horizons, indicating greater preservation of the plant material deposited in the soil. Another difference is the thickness of the histic horizons, which was lower in the anthropized palm swamp, probably due to the subsidence process and/or soil erosion. Palm swamps are extremely sensitive to erosion and, with the removal of vegetation, the occurrence of grooves and gullies is common ( Wantzen et al., 2006Wantzen KM, Siqueira A, Cunha CD, Sá MDP. Stream-valley systems of the Brazilian Cerrado: impact assessment and conservation scheme. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2006;16:713-32.

The layers of mineral constitution observed at the base of the profiles are formed by sandy sediments deposited in a fluvial environment, with quartz as the most abundant mineral. In the northern part of the Minas Gerais State, most soils have sandy texture, resulting from geological formations of metasedimentary origin of the north of Minas Gerais, especially the formations of the Bambuí Group ( Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ; Horák-Terra et al., 2022a,b). The sandy texture of the material reduces the water holding capacity, which may have contributed to the gleization process (reduction and solubilization of iron, expressing neutral colors resulting from clay minerals or even precipitation of iron, leading to the formation of mottles) to have been observed with low significance, even under water accumulation conditions.

Regarding the physical and chemical properties, the results show the effect of deforestation, fire and the action of animals on the soils of the palm swamps. However, the high values observed for the chemical properties (pH, Ca2, Mg2 and SB) of the Organossolos ( Table 3 ) differ from the values commonly observed for most Brazilian Organossolos , which are dystrophic or alic ( Valladares, 2003Valladares GS. Caracterização de Organossolos, auxílio à sua classificação [thesis]. Seropédica: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; 2003. ). This fact is attributed to the presence of limestone rocks upstream of the Pandeiros River EPA, which contribute to the increased availability of basic cations and neutralization of acidity ( Veloso et al., 2018Veloso MDM, Fernandes LA, Ávila MA, Nunes YRF, Frazão LA. Soil attributes in anthropized hygrophilous forest in northern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. J Agric Sci Technol B. 2018;8:311-9.

The higher Bd values observed in the anthropized area reflect soil compaction caused by vegetation removal and inadequate use of the areas with pasture with a high number of animals. Soils from savannah palm swamp are very fragile due to weak grade of development of soil structure, especially in this case with animal trampling. This practice results in soil compaction caused by cattle trampling and contributes to the degradation of soil and natural vegetation ( Guimarães et al., 2002Guimarães AJM, Araújo GM, Corrêa GF. Estrutura fitossociológica em área natural e antropizada de uma vereda em Uberlândia, MG. Acta Bot Bras. 2002;16:317-29.
; Rezende et al., 2016Rezende RS, Graça MAS, Santos AM, Medeiros AO, Santos PF, Nunes YR, Gonçalves Júnior JF. Organic matter dynamics in a tropical gallery forest in a grassland landscape. Biotropica. 2016;48:301-10.
). Both soil classes observed in the palm swamps ( Neossolos and Organossolos ) can be considered high structural fragility and susceptibility to compaction, erosion and/or reduction of soil carbon content ( Lal, 1997Lal R. Degradation and resilience of soils. Phil Trans R Soc Lond B. 1997;352:997-1010.
; Castro and Hernani, 2015Castro SS, Hernani LC. Solos frágeis: Caracterização, manejo e sustentabilidade. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2015. ). Although the soils do not have a structure with aggregation, the maintenance of structural quality depends on the permanence of the vegetation of the palm swamps.

Chemical properties evaluated also reflect the impact of anthropic changes on the soils of the palm swamps. Comparatively, in the anthropized palm swamp, the soils became more acidic (lower pH values and higher potential acidity) and with lower concentrations of basic cations (lower SB and V%). These changes indicate losses of nutrients (Ca2, Mg2, K+, Na+) by leaching, associated to the soil characteristics (sandy), and also caused by the removal of vegetation and absence of soil cover, in addition to the reduction in the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil due to the decrease in SOC contents. Especially in sandy soils, most of the CEC is associated with the quantity and quality of the organic matter present. Additionally, there may be losses of nutrients due to volatilization caused by fires, which mainly affect the surface peat horizons. The concentration and type of organic matter cause a faster spread of fire, leading to the destruction of flora and fauna of these environments ( Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ). Fires and the removal of native vegetation to use the areas for pasture, construction of dams, and the opening of roads are the main factors responsible for disfiguring the palm swamp in the Pandeiros River EPA ( Nunes et al., 2009Nunes YRF, Azevedo IFP, Neves WV, Veloso MDDM, Souza R, Fernandes GW. Pandeiros: O pantanal mineiro. MG Biota. 2009;2:4-17. ; Bethonico, 2010Bethonico MBM. Rio Pandeiros: Território e história de uma área de proteção ambiental no Norte de Minas Gerais. Acta Geogr. 2010;3:23-38.
; Fagundes and Ferreira, 2016Fagundes NCA, Ferreira EJ. Veredas ( Mauritia Flexuosa palm swamps) in the southeast Brazilian savanna: Floristic and structural peculiarities and conservation status. Neotrop Biol Conserv. 2016;11:178-83.

Soil organic carbon stocks

The analysis of the results showed that anthropization processes are reducing organic carbon in soils of the palm swamps, corroborating results found in previous studies, indicating reductions in carbon content in soils of the palm swamps in the Cerrado when subjected to anthropic action (e.g., Wantzen et al., 2012Wantzen KM, Couto EG, Mund EE, Amorim RSS, Siqueira A, Tielbörger K, Seifan M. Soil carbon stocks in stream-valley-ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado agroscape. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2012;151:70-9.
; Sousa et al., 2015Sousa RF, Brasil EPF, Figueiredo CC, Leandro WM. Soil organic matter fractions in preserved and disturbed wetlands of the Cerrado biome. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2015;39:222-31.
; Soares et al., 2021Soares DM, Nascimento ART, Alves GS, Oliveira CHE. The importance of palm swamps for carbon storage in a multifunctional landscape in the Brazilian savanna. Reg Environ Change. 2021;21:116.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022b). Commonly, the literature reports the effects of changes in land-use in tropical ecosystems caused by deforestation, as well as cattle grazing and trampling, leading to drastic reductions in carbon stocks in vegetation and soils ( Sy et al., 2015Sy V, Herold M, Achard F, Beuchle R, Clevers JGPW, Lindquist E, Verchot L. Land use patterns and related carbon losses following deforestation in South America. Environ Res Lett. 2015;10:124004.
, 2019Sy V, Herold M, Achard F, Avitabile V, Baccini A, Carter S, Verchot L. Tropical deforestation drivers and associated carbon emission factors derived from remote sensing data. Environ Res Lett. 2019;14:094022.
; Neill et al., 2018Neill C, Cerri CC, Melillo JM, Feigl BJ, Steudler PA, Moraes JF, Piccolo MC. Stocks and dynamics of soil carbon following deforestation for pasture in Rondonia. In: Lal R, Kimble JM, Follett RF, Stewart BA, editors. Soil processes and the carbon cycle. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2018. p. 9-28. ; Cerri et al., 2018Cerri CEP, Cerri CC, Maia SMF, Cherubin MR, Feigl BJ, Lal R. Reducing Amazon deforestation through agricultural intensification in the Cerrado for advancing food security and mitigating climate change. Sustainability. 2018;10:989.
; Veldkamp et al., 2020Veldkamp E, Schmidt M, Powers JS, Corre MD. Deforestation and reforestation impacts on soils in the tropics. Nat Rev Earth Environ. 2020;1:590-605.

Considering the SOCS, the highest reductions were observed in the soils collected at the edge of the palm swamps ( Neossolos ), under grass vegetation, with SOCS losses of ~25 % (98.7 Mg ha-1). In Organossolos , SOCS losses were ~10 % (53.4 Mg ha-1). Reductions in carbon concentrations can be attributed to both soil losses due to erosion and decomposition of organic matter due to the subsidence process. Vegetation removal and soil surface exposure increase water losses by evaporation, contributing to the lowering of the groundwater. With the reduction in groundwater depth and increase in soil aeration, the decomposition of organic matter occurs, especially in the surface histic horizons, favoring the subsidence process ( Figure 5 ). The presence of the groundwater, observed in the profiles of the preserved area, and the higher values of soil moisture (Gm) in the preserved palm swamp ( Table 1 ) support this interpretation.

Figure 5
Schematic representation of the effects of deforestation on the soils in a palm swamp Água Doce (reference) and Taboa (degraded).

In the palm swamp areas, SOC accumulates in wetlands due to reduced oxygen availability. Disturbances caused by the removal of native vegetation, soil drainage, fires, construction of roads and conversion to agricultural use change the soil conditions of paths from anoxic to aerobic ( Xu et al., 2018Xu J, Morris PJ, Liu J, Holden J. PEATMAP: Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based on a meta-analysis. Catena. 2018;160:134-40.
; Moreira et al., 2021Moreira CP, Bertini SCB, Ferreira AS, Azevedo LCB. Biochemical activity and microbial biomass in wetlands (Vereda) and well-drained soils under native vegetation types in Brazilian Cerrado. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;160:103840.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022b). Hydrological conditions of the palm swamp soils increase carbon cycling ( Moreira et al., 2021Moreira CP, Bertini SCB, Ferreira AS, Azevedo LCB. Biochemical activity and microbial biomass in wetlands (Vereda) and well-drained soils under native vegetation types in Brazilian Cerrado. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;160:103840.
), which results in the loss of organic carbon, the emission of gases and the reduction of available water ( Wantzen et al., 2006Wantzen KM, Siqueira A, Cunha CD, Sá MDP. Stream-valley systems of the Brazilian Cerrado: impact assessment and conservation scheme. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2006;16:713-32.
, 2012Wantzen KM, Couto EG, Mund EE, Amorim RSS, Siqueira A, Tielbörger K, Seifan M. Soil carbon stocks in stream-valley-ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado agroscape. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2012;151:70-9.
; Sousa et al., 2015Sousa RF, Brasil EPF, Figueiredo CC, Leandro WM. Soil organic matter fractions in preserved and disturbed wetlands of the Cerrado biome. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2015;39:222-31.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022b). Thus, palm swamps should be considered carbon reservoirs very sensitive to environmental changes and, therefore, prioritized in environmental conservation projects.

C stable isotopes (δ13C) and sources of organic matter

The composition of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) indicates different sources of organic matter in the soils of the palm swamps, which is determined by floristic diversity, litter characteristics and occurrence of forest fires ( Araújo et al., 2002Araújo GM, Barbosa AA, Arantes AA, Amaral AF. Composição florística de veredas no Município de Uberlândia, MG. Braz J Bot. 2002;25:475-93.
; Rezende et al., 2017Rezende RS, Sales MA, Hurbath F, Roque N, Goncalves Jr JF, Medeiros AO. Effect of plant richness on the dynamics of coarse particulate organic matter in a Brazilian Savannah stream. Limnologica. 2017;63:57-64.
). Palm swamp vegetation is adapted to soils with seasonal or permanent flooding. Variation in relief conditions and soil water availability create different environmental conditions directly associated with floristic composition, depending on the species’ tolerance to flooding ( Santos and Munhoz, 2012Santos FF, Munhoz CBR. Diversidade de espécies herbáceo-arbustivas e zonação florística em uma vereda no Distrito Federal. Heringeriana. 2012;6:21-7.
). Specifically, the profiles located in the edge areas of the palm swamps (P1 and P3) are formed by alluvial deposits accumulated in the drainage channels of the Pandeiros River Basin. This explains the largest variations in the δ13C values of these profiles. The differences in morphological, physical and chemical properties also indicate different sedimentation phases in the formation of these soils.

A recent study in the Grande Sertão Veredas National Park, in the northern Minas Gerais state - Brazil (Horák-Terra et al., 2022a), indicated different phases of paleoenvironmental changes recorded in the witness area of the Pau Grande palm swamp. Through a multiproxy study (stratigraphy and morphological, chemical, physical and isotopic properties) with a multivariate approach, the authors identified four main genesis processes/drivers in the Histosol in the palm swamp area: (1) the relative accumulation of organic matter × mineral matter; (2) hydromorphism conditions; (3) the incorporation of inorganic material through the deposition of dust from regional sources; and (4) sources of organic matter. As reported in other studies, Horák-Terra et al. (2022a) observed that the palm swamp began its formation during the end of the Pleistocene. Thus, palm swamps should be valued as stable carbon reservoirs, accumulated about 30,000 years ago ( Barberi et al., 2000Barberi M, Salgado-Labouriau ML, Suguio K. Paleovegetation and paleoclimate of “Vereda de Águas Emendadas”, central Brazil. J S Am Earth Sci. 2000;13:241-54.
; Pires et al., 2016Pires GLP, Meyer KEB, Gomes MOS. Palinologia da Vereda Juquinha/Cuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Rev Bras Paleontolog. 2016;19:95-110.
; Horák-Terra et al., 2022a).

When evaluating the late Holocene in central Brazil, considering vegetation changes and humidity variability in a tropical wetland, Sabino et al. (2021)Sabino SML, Cassino RF, Gomes MOS, Sant’Anna EM, Augustin CHRR, Oliveira DA. Late Holocene in central Brazil: Vegetation changes and humidity variability in a tropical wetland. J Quaternary Sci. 2021;36:1028-39.
observed that changes in the swampy environment of the Pandeiros river ecosystem occurred during the Late Holocene. Regarding the Pandeiros River Basin vegetation, Sabino et al. (2021)Sabino SML, Cassino RF, Gomes MOS, Sant’Anna EM, Augustin CHRR, Oliveira DA. Late Holocene in central Brazil: Vegetation changes and humidity variability in a tropical wetland. J Quaternary Sci. 2021;36:1028-39.
observed that since the beginning of the Late Holocene, there has been a reduction in the floristic cover. According to the authors, this pattern agrees with pollen records carried out in the north region of Minas Gerais in transition environments between the Cerrado and the Caatinga.


Anthropic actions in the palm swamps cause soil degradation due to subsidence, contributing to reduction in organic carbon content, increase in bulk density and reduction in fertility. Degradation of the palm swamps considerably reduces soil carbon storage, with a greater decrease in the areas of Neossolos Quartzarênicos Hidromórficos organossólicos , which are located at the edge of the palm swamps. Changes caused in this environment compromise the ecosystem services performed by these soils, especially organic carbon stock and water storage, indicating that actions at either local or governmental level should be stimulated for the preservation and conservation of these environments.


We thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq for providing financial support to the study and the State Forestry Institute of Minas Gerais - IEF-MG for supporting the research and providing the area.


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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert 0000-0001-9943-2898 and João Tavares Filho 0000-0002-6005-6335.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 May 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 Nov 2022
  • Accepted
    17 Jan 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil