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Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in water: analytical method evaluation and the determination of δ18O and δ2H on a control sample


Evaluation studies contribute to the identification of parameters that can affect the accuracy and precision of analytical methods. This study describes the analysis of δ18O and δ2H in water samples by the equilibrium method at the Isotope Geology Laboratory (LGI), Center for studies in Petrology and Geochemistry (CPGq) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). For that, six batches of analyzes were carried out under different ambient temperature conditions. For the reproducibility tests, four aliquots of the control sample were analyzed at the Polar Climate Center (CPC). Results showed that ambient temperature did not significantly affect the accuracy of the oxygen analysis. However, the mean result at 20 °C showed greater accuracy and acceptable precision. Hydrogen analyzes at a room temperature of 18 °C showed an external standard deviation and an internal precision exceeding the recommended, while at 20 and 22 °C the results were statistically acceptable, being the first more accurate. From that, it is possible to conclude that the determination of δ18O and δ2H in water at the LGI, employing the equilibrium method at an ambient temperature of 20 °C, showed satisfactory repeatability and reproducibility.

stable isotopes; H and O; analytical method; water


There are three stable isotopes of oxygen and two stable isotopes of hydrogen in nature, 16O, 17O, 18O, 1H and 2H, so that there will be nine possible combinations for the formation of water molecules, called isotopologues.11 Mcnaught, A. D.; Wilkinson, A.; Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed.; Blackwell Science: Oxford, 1997. The mass variation of the isotopologues will be from 18 amu for 1H216O to 22 amu for 2H218O.22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010. The water species that are relevant to O and H stable isotope studies are: 1H216O, 1H217O, 1H218O and 1H2H16O (Table 1). The double or triple labeled water species (2H216O, 1H2H17O, 1H2H18O, 2H217O and 2H218O) are not relevant due to their low abundance in nature (Table 1).

Table 1
Isotope species of waters and their relative abundances (adapted from reference 19)

Stable isotopes of oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) in water are important tools with different applications in Earth Sciences. The isotope composition of water does not change as a result of rock/water interactions at low temperatures.33 Sidle, W. C.; Environ. Monit. Assess.1998, 52, 389. [Crossref]
On the other hand, the water isotope composition is affected by the natural hydrological cycle, climatological parameters such as precipitation and temperature, and geological parameters such as altitude, latitude and continentality.44 Bowen, G. J.; Winter, D. A.; Spero, H. J.; Zierenberg, R. A.; Reeder, M. D.; Cerling, T. E.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Rapid Commum. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19, 3442. [Crossref]
In environmental studies, these isotopes can help to understand the origin and movement of water throughout the hydrological cycle, sources of precipitation, aquifer recharge, seasonal variations in hydrological processes, contaminant tracking and associated hydroclimatic processes.22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.

3 Sidle, W. C.; Environ. Monit. Assess.1998, 52, 389. [Crossref]

4 Bowen, G. J.; Winter, D. A.; Spero, H. J.; Zierenberg, R. A.; Reeder, M. D.; Cerling, T. E.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Rapid Commum. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19, 3442. [Crossref]

5 Negrel, P.; Olivier, P.; Flehoc, C.; Hube, D.; Sci. Total Environ. 2017, 578, 495. [Crossref]

6 Cherry, M.; Gilmore, T.; Mittelstet, A.; Gastmans, D.; Santos, V.; Gates, J. B.; Hydrol. Processes 2019, 34, 1575. [Crossref]

7 Hatvani, I. G.; Erdélui, D.; Vreca, P.; Kern, Z.; Water 2020, 12, 481. [Crossref]
-88 Santarosa, L. V.; Gastmans, D.; Sánchez-Murilo, R.; Santos, V.; Batista, L. V.; Betancur, S. B.; Isot. Environ. Health Stud. 2021, 23, 1. [Crossref]
In addition, the isotope composition of a sample can be altered by different physical, chemical and/or biological phenomena, since lighter isotopes are more susceptible to certain physical variations and chemically react more easily, causing compositional variation.99 Faure, G.; Mensing, T. M.; Isotopes Principles and Applications, 3rd ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New Jersey, 2005.

The application of O and H isotope data in water is also used as markers of geographic origin since, in general, groundwater has an isotope composition similar to the annual average precipitation of a given area, which, in turn, depends on geographic factors such as altitude, latitude, distance from the oceans or continentality.1010 Ferreira, A. I. A. J. V.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. [Link] accessed in February 2023
This has recently become important also in forensic studies, because the application of O and H isotopes can also be used as markers of geographic origin for unknown human samples (e.g., bones, teeth, hair and nails); residence patterns of unidentified humans, or to determine the origin and provenance of food.1111 Boner, M.; Forstel, H.; Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2003, 378, 301. [Crossref]

12 Ehleringer, J. R.; Thompson, A. H.; Podlesak, D. W.; Bowen, G. J.; Chesson, L. A.; Cerling, T. E.; Park, T.; Dostie, P.; Schwarcz, H. A.; Isoscapes 2009, 1, 357. [Crossref]
-1313 Dotsika, E.; Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 15439. [Crossref]

Isotope analyses are possible using different mass spectrometry techniques. Thus, due to the importance that the use of these isotopes assume in scientific research, it is important for laboratories to guarantee the quality of the data acquired and the understanding of the different stages of this process.1414 Pauwels, J.; Van der Veen, A.; Lamberty, A.; Schimmel, H.; Accredit. Qual. Assur. 2000, 5, 95. [Crossref]

15 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling: A Guide to Method and Approaches, 2nd ed.; Ramsey, M. H.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Rostron, P., eds.; Eurachem, 2019.

16 Kane, J. S.; Potts, P. J.; Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 2007, 31, 361. [Crossref]

17 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, 3rd ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2012.
-1818 Magnusson, B.; Näykki, T.; Hovind, H.; Krysell, M.; Sahlin, E.; Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories, 4th ed.; Nordtest: Oslo, 2017. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the analytical methods applied to acquiring O and H isotope data in water samples at the Isotope Geology Laboratory (LGI), Center for studies in Petrology and Geochemistry (CPGq) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). In addition, we describe the analytical method of these analyses, as well as the definition of δ18O and δ2H values on a control sample, used as one of the quality controls of the method.

Stable isotopes of O and H in water and the delta notation

The ratio between the amount of the rare isotope and the amount of the most abundant isotope in a given water sample is defined as the isotopic composition (R). For oxygen and hydrogen, R is given by 18O/16O and 2H/1H (or D/H), respectively.

Thus, in a substrate-product reaction, Rsubstrate and Rproducts are, respectively, the isotope ratios of the substrate and the product. Because the isotopes have slightly different reaction rates, due to their mass differences, at the end of the reaction, Rsubstrate tends to be different from the value of Rproducts. From this, it is possible to define the fractionation factor (α):

(1) α = ( R substrate / R products )

The interpretation of the isotope ratio of a given sample is represented by its deviation from the R ratio of a standard.1919 Sharp, Z.; Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd ed.; Prentice Hall: New York, 2017. The use of standard reference materials, in the analytical context, allows minimizing systematic errors during the analysis. From this the δ (delta) notation is given by:1919 Sharp, Z.; Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd ed.; Prentice Hall: New York, 2017.

(2) δ = ( ( R sample R standard ) / R standard ) ) × 1000

where R is the isotope ratio between the rare (heavy) isotope and the most abundant (light) isotope of the sample and/or standard. For oxygen and hydrogen, delta is represented by δ18O and δ2H, respectively. Numerical values of δ are reported in permil (‰). Positive delta values mean that the isotope ratio between the rare isotope and the most abundant isotope of the sample is greater than the isotope ratio between the rare isotope and the most abundant isotope of the standard reference material. Likewise, negative delta values mean that the isotope ratio between the rare isotope and the most abundant isotope of the sample is less than the isotope ratio between the rare isotope and the most abundant isotope of the standard reference material.22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.,1919 Sharp, Z.; Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd ed.; Prentice Hall: New York, 2017.

Isotope ratio mass spectrometry - IRMS

Mass spectrometry is an important analytical technique used for the determination of element concentration, especially in the trace (ppm) and ultra-trace (ppb) range, isotope ratio measurements and structural analysis of organic and bioorganic compounds. This analytical technique exhibits low detection limits and results with high precision and reproducibility.2020 Hoefs, J.; Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 7th ed.; Springer: Berlin, 2015.

A spectrometer separates charged atoms and molecules based on their mass to charge ratio and their movements in magnetic and/or electric fields.2020 Hoefs, J.; Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 7th ed.; Springer: Berlin, 2015. Generally, a mass spectrometer can be separated into five fundamental parts: an input system; an ion source; the mass analyzer; the ion detector and a registry system. In an IRMS applied to O and H isotope measurements, the input system is continuous or dual flow. In the continuous flow system, a carrier gas (He - ultrapure) is employed, which will lead, to the ion source, the CO2 or H2 that has reached isotope equilibrium with the sample or standard reference material. The dual input system allows the isotope ratio of two gases - the reference and the sample - to be measured progressively, providing more accurate results.2121 Hilkert A. W.; Avac, H.; Finnigan GasBench II: 18O-Equilibration on Water, Fruit Juice and Wine, Thermo Electron Corporation: Bremen, 2004. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

From the inlet system, the gas, after equilibrated, or the reference standard gas is introduced directly into the electron ionization source. The ion source is applied for the formation of gas ions or volatile samples that readily form gases before or during the introduction into the mass spectrometer.2222 Becker, J. S.; Inorganic Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications, 1st ed.; Research Center: Jülich, 2007. Electrons are emitted from a heated rhenium (Re) or tungsten (W) filament (cathode), with temperatures ranging between 1500 - 2000 K. The emitted electrons are accelerated towards the anode, which is in opposite position to the cathode, forming an electron beam. The atoms or gas molecules, as they pass through the ion source, are ionized and fragmented by collisions with electrons.

After ionization, the gas is focused into a beam and accelerated through the flight tube (analyzer). Afterwards, the beam is exposed to a magnetic field of specific intensity, according to the masses to be analyzed, where the ions will undergo a deviation according to their mass/charge ratio. Lighter ions are deflected more strongly than heavier ions of the same charge.2323 Sharp, Z.; Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 1st ed.; Pearson Prentice Hall: New York, 2006. After separation, ions corresponding to different masses are conducted to collectors (Faraday cups) where they will be detected. The intensity of each detected beam, in the different Faraday cups, is proportional to the concentration of each isotope in the sample or in the reference gas. Due to the low signal intensity generated and the difference in concentration of each isotope in a sample, these different signals are amplified with different steps of signal enhancement. In summary, the electric current that comes from each collector is amplified differently and transformed into voltage in the amplifier, after which this analog signal is transformed into a digital signal and then passes through the integrator that will integrate the signal in certain variations of time (according to methodology). The signal originated from the integration step is directed to the equipment acquisition software.2222 Becker, J. S.; Inorganic Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications, 1st ed.; Research Center: Jülich, 2007.

Analyses in the spectrometer are performed in batches. A batch is prepared and all samples from that batch are exposed to the same conditions during all stages of the process and are analyzed sequentially. Among the samples of a given batch, analytical reference standards must be included, which are necessary for the calibration and subsequent normalization of the results. In addition to the standards, it is suggested to place one reference (control) sample for every six unknown samples.

Measurements of δ18O and δ2H in water are reported by comparing the obtained data to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) reference material which, by definition, has δ18O = 0‰ and δ2H = 0‰. Because of the relatively large range of isotope ratios in the hydrological cycle, which often exceeds the linearity, a number of standards were prepared and are reported, such as GISP (δ18O = -24.79‰VSMOW and δ2H = -189.7‰ VSMOW) and SLAP (δ18O = -55.5‰VSMOW and δ2H = -428.0‰ VSMOW).22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.

Furthermore, for operational reasons, different laboratories and/or research centers prepare their own standards calibrating them with the VSMOW standard. An example of this are the ULW working standards (δ18O = -4.33‰VSMOW and δ2H = -25.37‰ VSMOW), Deplat (δ18O = -12.37‰VSMOW and δ2H = -91.94‰ VSMOW) and Brasília (δ18O = -3.37‰VSMOW and δ2H = -13.92‰ VSMOW), which were prepared and calibrated by the Polar Climate Center (CPC) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and available for this study.


Determination of δ18O in waters at the LGI

For the δ18O determination in water samples, the method applied in this study involves the CO2 - H2O equilibrium and the equipment used is the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) - Delta V Advantage - GasBench II, from Thermo Fisher Scientific®. Table 2 shows the specifications of purity, working pressure and gas flows used for the δ18O determination in water.

Table 2
Gases used and specifications for determination of δ18O in water

To carry out the δ18O analysis in waters, the following steps are performed:

  1. Add 500 µL of sample to a 10 mL borosilicate vial tube (Labco®). The tube is then closed with the cap containing a silicone septum. This step is performed on all samples and standards;

  2. Afterwards, the samples and standards are placed in the autosampler tray. To obtain greater precision, it is necessary to control the temperature of the sampler, keeping it at 25 °C ± 0.1 °C. The fractionation factor α of the equilibrium 18O/16OCO2(g)/18O/16OH20(l) is 1.0412 at 25 °C,2424 Hut, G.; Consultants’ Group Meeting on Stable Isotope Reference Samples for Geochemical and Hydrological Investigations, IAEA Internal Reports, Vienna, 1987. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
    and the temperature dependence is 0.2‰/°C, so the temperature control of 0.1 °C is suitable for more precise measurements. According to the equipment manufacturer, the recommendation is that the room temperature is 5 °C lower than the temperature of the sampler;2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

  3. The next step is to flush the system to replace the atmospheric air inside the tubes with a special gas mixture of CO2/He (0.5% of CO2 4.5 in He 4.6). This step is performed with a gas flow between 100 and 150 mL min-1 for 5 minutes, per tube;

  4. Afterwards, it is necessary to wait 18 hours to reach equilibrium. The equilibrium is given according to the following reaction:22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.

    (3)H218O(l)+C16O2( g)H216O(l)+C16O18O(g)

  5. After the equilibration time, the control parameters of the equipment are reviewed, which are given in Table 3;

    Table 3
    Equipment control parameters evaluated before performing the determination of δ18O in water

  6. After validating the equipment control parameters, the automatic sequence of analyzes in the spectrometer is performed. The results are stored in the registry system and evaluated through statistical treatments (mean and standard deviation). The raw data are normalized to the VSMOW scale through calibration curves that are constructed from analytical standards analyzed together with the samples.

Determination of δ2H in waters at LGI

The method applied in this study involves the H2 - H2O equilibrium and the equipment used is the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) - Delta V Advantage - GasBench II, from Thermo Fisher Scientific®. Table 4 shows the specifications of purity, working pressure and gas flows used for the determination of δ2H analysis in water.

Table 4
Gases used and specifications for determination of δ2H in water

To carry out the determination of δ2H in water, the following steps are used:

  1. Add 200 µL of sample to a 10 mL borosilicate tube (Labco®). Afterwards, the platinum catalyst is added to prevent the formation of H2S and to remove the water molecules adsorbed on the dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Then, the tube is closed with the cap containing a silicone septum;

  2. Afterwards, the samples and standards are placed in the autosampler tray. To obtain greater measurement precision, it is necessary to have the temperature control of the sampler fixed at 25 ± 0.1 °C, since the temperature dependence is 6‰/°C for hydrogen analysis;2626 Avak, H.; Brand, W. A.; Application News 1995, 11, 1. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

  3. The next step is to flush the system. This procedure is carried out by replacing the atmospheric air inside the sample tubes with the special gas mixture H2/He (2% H2 5.0 in He 4.6). This step is performed in a gas flow between 100 and 110 mL min-1 for 5 minutes, per tube;

  4. After, it is necessary to wait 40 minutes for reaching equilibrium. The equilibrium reaction occurs according to the reaction below:22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.

    (4)1H2( g)+1H2HO(l)1H2H(g)+1H2O(l)

  5. After the equilibration period, the equipment control parameters are reviewed, given in Table 5;

    Table 5
    Equipment control parameters evaluated before performing the determination of δ2H in water

  6. After validating the equipment control parameters, the automatic sequence of analyzes in the spectrometer is performed. The results are stored in the registry system, evaluated through statistical treatments (mean and standard deviation), and normalized through calibration curves using the VSMOW scale.

Isotope analysis of H2 by mass spectrometry is based on measuring the current of ions with mass 2 and 3, simultaneously. The mass 2 ion current is related to the 1H2+ species, while the mass 3 ion current is related to the 1H2H+ e 1H3+ species.22 Gat, J. R.; Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle, 1st ed.; Imperial College Press: London, 2010.

The 1H3+ ion is also produced at the source through collisions between 1H2 and the 1H2+ ion according to the reaction below:

(5) 1 H 2 + 1 H 2 + 1 H 3 + + H

The formation of 1H3+ is a consequence of the use of H2 (as reference gas) to carry out these measurements. In this case, the differentiation between the 1H3+ and 1H2H+ ions, both of mass 3, is not achieved, transforming the 1H3+ ion into an isobaric interference, requiring additional correction, since the signal of mass 3 m/z can be enriched by up to 30% (30 ppm mV-1) of 1H3+ produced at source.

In conventional isotope ratio measurements, both the sample and the reference gas enter the ion source as H2. Ion source pressures are typically 10-6 mbar or less during these measurements and H2 is the only neutral species present in significant amounts. Under these conditions, collisions between 1H2 and the 1H2+ ion are the main source of 1H3+ ion production. Therefore, the concentration of 1H3+ is proportional to the product of the concentrations between 1H2+ and 1H2, according to the equation below:2727 Sessions, A. L.; Burgoyne, T. W.; Hayes, J. M.; Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 200. [Crossref]

(6) [ 1 H 3 + ] [ 1 H 2 + ] [ 1 H 2 ] [ 1 H 3 + ] = K [ 1 H 2 + ] [ 1 H 2 ]

The proportionality constant (K) is commonly known as the 3H Factor.2727 Sessions, A. L.; Burgoyne, T. W.; Hayes, J. M.; Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 200. [Crossref]
The K is determined by measuring the ratio of (mass 3)/(mass 2) ions in the reference gas in a given pressure range. After carrying out these measurements, at different pressures, and as the number of 1H3+ and 1H2+ ions are proportional to the pressure of H2 inside the ion source, the 3H Factor can be calculated. In practice, the procedure to calculate the 3H Factor is the acquisition of the hydrogen reference gas with pulses of different intensities generating the graph shown in Figure 1. From the resulting 3H2/2H2 ratio (mass area 3/mass area 2) for each pulse versus the 2H2+ signal intensity (mV), a linear regression can be performed (Figure 2) and the slope of the line is the 3H Factor.

Figure 1
Typical values for 3H Factor determination. The graphic on top (A) shows the isotope ratio of masses 2 and 3 (3/2) over time; bottom graphic (B) shows the intensity (mV) of mass 2 and 3 signals over time varying the pressure of the reference gas H2, with the upper plateau being mass 2 and bottom plateau mass 3

Figure 2
Graphic of 3H2/2H2 isotope ratio versus mass 2 signal amplitude for 3H Factor determination

Thermo Scientific® isotope ratio mass spectrometers such as the Delta V Advantage generally operate with a 3H Factor < 10 ppm mV 11 Mcnaught, A. D.; Wilkinson, A.; Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed.; Blackwell Science: Oxford, 1997..2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
To reach this value it is necessary to follow some procedures:

  1. Keep the extraction lens at extraction voltage values greater than 90%. This reduces the residence time of hydrogen ions inside the ionization chamber, repelling them before interacting with other neutral elements;2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

  2. Adjust the ionization energy (electron energy), since values greater than 100 eV can generate double charged He ions (He2+). As these ions have a mass difference (∆m = 0.5%) in relation to 2H2+, this can lead to distortion of the hydrogen peak plateau.2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

From the evaluation of the 3H2/2H2 versus mass 2 signal amplitude (Figure 2), coupled to the data in Table 6, it is possible to observe the increase in the precision of the analysis after using the 3H Factor. The black line in Figure 2 is a linear regression through the 3H2/2H2 data of the reference gas acquired at different pressures, used for calculating the 3H Factor. In Table 6, the R3H2/2H2 values corrected for isobaric interferences (1H3+) are shown, which represent more precise δ2H (d2H/1H) values. The red line in Figure 2 shows the same data points, but after applying the 3H Factor.

Table 6
Results obtained applying the 3H Factor in an analysis. In bold are the adjusted results after correcting for isobaric interference

With a 3H Factor of 4.97 ppm mV-1, it was possible to reduce the standard deviation from 17.31 to 0.86 in the d2H/1H, showing the sensitivity and interference of 1H3+ (Table 6).

The effect of ambient temperature

Considering the importance of identifying parameters that affect the analysis of stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in water, a ruggedness test was carried out with the objective of validating the methods of analysis assessing the stability of the IRMS, and the repeatability and reproducibility, as a function of ambient temperature.

For that, an amount of Milli-Q water was separated and fractionated in 12 mL borosilicate tubes with a lid and silicone septum, labeled as LGI control sample. The tubes were completely filled (free from atmospheric air). Repeated determination of δ18O and δ2H of this sample were performed, with a total of six batches, labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

The equipment manufacturer recommends that the ambient temperature where the analyzes are carried out should be 5 °C below the temperature of the autosampler tray (25 °C for O and H analysis). In order to verify the stability of the equipment and the ability of the autosampler tray to maintain a stable temperature during the analyses, the different batches were analyzed under different ambient temperature conditions. Batch 1 was set to 18 °C, 2 to 20 °C and 3 to 22 °C for oxygen analysis, and batch 4 to 18 °C, 5 to 20 °C and 6 to 22 °C, for hydrogen analysis. All batches of analyses were performed on the same equipment, same method and with the same operator. The ambient temperature was stabilized for a period of 24 hours before running the different batches.

With the objective of evaluating the reproducibility of the analyses, four aliquots of the sample were also sent to the Laboratory of Stable Isotopes of the Polar Climate Center (CPC), so that different conditions of laboratory, equipment, operator, procedures, method, observer, instruments, conditions of use, location and time were analyzed. At the Polar Climate Center, located in Porto Alegre, data was also acquired by IRMS.

The standards used in the experiment were ULW (δ18O = -4.33‰VSMOW and δ2H = -25.37‰ VSMOW), Deplat (δ18O = -12.37‰VSMOW and δ2H = -91.94‰ VSMOW), Brasília (δ18O = -3.37‰VSMOW and δ2H = -13.92‰ VSMOW) and VSMOW (δ18O = 0.00‰, δ2H = 0.00‰). The delta values of the ULW, Deplat and Brasília standards were determined by the CPC and made available for this study.


The results for oxygen and hydrogen isotope determination in this study are presented in Appendix A and B (Supplementary Material), respectively. The average results for the determination of δ18O of the LGI control sample from different batches and the results of the CPC analysis, for reproducibility tests, are compiled in Table 7. Figure 3 shows the control chart of the δ18O analysis using data of this study.

Table 7
Results of the determination of δ18O for different batches performed at the LGI, and the results at the CPC

Figure 3
Diagram of δ18O values versus the number of analyses in the control sample - control chart

Batch 1 showed a slightly more negative mean value of δ18O compared to subsequent batches (δ18O = -4.43‰). The external standard deviation (1 sigma) of the measurements was 0.10‰ and the internal precision among the 10 pulses analyzed per run ranged from 0.05-0.12‰. The results of batch 2 showed a mean value of δ18O 0.12‰ more positive than the mean value of batch 1. In addition, it has an external standard deviation similar to batch 1 (0.11‰). The internal precision among the 10 pulses analyzed per run also varied between 0.05-0.12‰.

The δ18O determination of batch 3 showed an average result 0.11‰ more positive than the average value of batch 2. In addition, the external standard deviation of the analysis of this batch was the smallest compared to the previously analyzed (0.07‰). The internal precision among the 10 pulses per run varies between 0.04-0.10‰. The samples analyzed in the CPC showed mean value and an external standard deviation of -4.27‰ and 0.02‰, respectively.

From these data, a control chart for the determination of δ18O was created (Figure 3). Therefore, it was established that the δ18O value of the control sample is the representative mean values of batch 2 (4.31‰) and a confidence range of acceptable δ18O values for the control sample (Figure 3), since this is the value that matches more closely the reported value. This range was established from the external precision data calculated for the batch 2 analyses performed at a 95% confidence interval (δ18Obat. 2 average ± 2 sigma).1818 Magnusson, B.; Näykki, T.; Hovind, H.; Krysell, M.; Sahlin, E.; Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories, 4th ed.; Nordtest: Oslo, 2017. Therefore, the reference value of the sample plus the confidence interval are δ18O = -4.31‰ ± 0.22‰ (Figure 4).

Figure 4
Diagram of δ2H values versus the number of analyses in the LGI control sample - control chart

The averages results for the determination of δ2H for batches 4, 5 and 6 of the control sample and the results of the CPC analysis, for reproducibility tests, are compiled in Table 8. Figure 4 shows the control chart of the determination of δ2H from the data of this study.

Table 8
Results of the determination of δ2H of the different batches on the control sample at the LGI and at the CPC

According to the results of this study, the average value of the analysis of batch 4 is close to the average value between the subsequent batches (5 and 6). However, it showed the highest external standard deviation (2.95‰) compared to the other batches. The internal precision among the 10 pulses analyzed per run ranged from 0.30-1.18‰.

The values for δ2H of batch 5 showed an average of 1.01‰ more positive than the average value of batch 4, the smallest external standard deviation between batches (1.04‰) and the average value closest to the average value of the batches aliquots analyzed by the CPC (δ2H = -19.26‰ ± 0.27‰). The internal precision among the 10 pulses analyzed per run ranged between 0.12-0.38‰. Results for the δ2H of batch 6 showed the most negative mean result among all batches (-21.61‰) and an external standard deviation of 2.04‰. The internal precision among the 10 pulses analyzed per run ranged from 0.17-0.52‰.

In a similar fashion to the δ18O, a control chart using the δ2H data of the control sample was drawn (Figure 4). Therefore, it was established that the δ2H value of the control sample is the representative value of the average batch 5 analysis, with the associated acceptable range of δ2H values. This range was established from the external precision data calculated from this batch at a 95% confidence interval (δ2Hbat. 5 average ± 2 sigma).1818 Magnusson, B.; Näykki, T.; Hovind, H.; Krysell, M.; Sahlin, E.; Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories, 4th ed.; Nordtest: Oslo, 2017. Therefore, the reference value of the sample plus the confidence interval are δ2H = -19.8‰ ± 2.1‰ (Figure 4).


The implementation of analytical methods is important in the search for reliable analytical results. Effectiveness of methods produces standard operating procedures that incorporate a set of instructions for performing a measurement and defines parameter values that must remain stable during the analysis process and that can be used for interlaboratory studies.2828 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Traceability in Chemical Measurement: A Guide to Achieving Comparable Results in Chemical Measurement, 1st ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; King, B.; Rösslein, M.; Salit, M.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2003. Precision measures (repeatability and reproducibility) and linearity are important parameters for a method evaluation. Linearity is an important factor for measurements over a concentration range and is generally not quantified but verified, and can be corrected by using calibration functions or by choosing a narrower concentration range.1717 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, 3rd ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2012. The main measures of accuracy estimated within a laboratory or by interlaboratory studies include: the standard deviation of repeatability and reproducibility.1414 Pauwels, J.; Van der Veen, A.; Lamberty, A.; Schimmel, H.; Accredit. Qual. Assur. 2000, 5, 95. [Crossref]

15 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling: A Guide to Method and Approaches, 2nd ed.; Ramsey, M. H.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Rostron, P., eds.; Eurachem, 2019.

16 Kane, J. S.; Potts, P. J.; Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 2007, 31, 361. [Crossref]

17 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, 3rd ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2012.
-1818 Magnusson, B.; Näykki, T.; Hovind, H.; Krysell, M.; Sahlin, E.; Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories, 4th ed.; Nordtest: Oslo, 2017.,2828 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Traceability in Chemical Measurement: A Guide to Achieving Comparable Results in Chemical Measurement, 1st ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; King, B.; Rösslein, M.; Salit, M.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2003.,2929 Pauwels, J.; Lamberty A.; Schimmel, H.; Accredit. Qual. Assur. 1998, 3, 180. [Crossref]
These are important parameters, as they identify counter effects that need to be eliminated before the analysis, either by modifying the method, or by reducing the variation caused by the effect. For example, the minimization of these effects is done by establishing a control range, specifying a certain operating temperature or temperature range that reduces the variation.2828 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Traceability in Chemical Measurement: A Guide to Achieving Comparable Results in Chemical Measurement, 1st ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; King, B.; Rösslein, M.; Salit, M.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2003.

Temperature is one of the critical factors for isotope analysis of oxygen and hydrogen by the equilibrium method. Temperature variations influence the stability and linearity of the IRMS, impairing the focus of the beams, causing ion deviations in the collectors.1010 Ferreira, A. I. A. J. V.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. [Link] accessed in February 2023
Furthermore, the stability temperature for determination of δ18O and δ2H by the equilibrium method is ± 0.1 °C, since the fractionation resulting from the temperature oscillation is approximately 0.2‰/°C for oxygen and 6.0‰/°C for hydrogen.2121 Hilkert A. W.; Avac, H.; Finnigan GasBench II: 18O-Equilibration on Water, Fruit Juice and Wine, Thermo Electron Corporation: Bremen, 2004. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
,2424 Hut, G.; Consultants’ Group Meeting on Stable Isotope Reference Samples for Geochemical and Hydrological Investigations, IAEA Internal Reports, Vienna, 1987. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
,2626 Avak, H.; Brand, W. A.; Application News 1995, 11, 1. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
Thus, maintaining the laboratory’s ambient temperature constant is required.1010 Ferreira, A. I. A. J. V.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. [Link] accessed in February 2023

Considering the results obtained under three different conditions (18 °C, 20 °C and 22 °C) of laboratory ambient temperature, no significant variation was observed in the external standard deviation for the oxygen data (Table 7 and Figure 3). Therefore, regardless of the ambient temperatures used in this study, the three batches analyzed, in general, met the external deviations of the manufacturer’s specification (≤ 0.10‰). The fractionation was far below what would be expected for a temperature variation of 4° C (18 °C-22 °C). If the autosampler tray did not remain with a stable temperature during the analyses the oxygen results would tend to fractionate 0.8‰. Thus, the ambient temperature variation did not interfere significantly for the oxygen analyses.

Furthermore, the average δ18O results of all analyses (-4.31‰), at different temperatures, reproduces the results obtained by the Polar Climate Center (average δ18O at 20 °C = -4.27‰) (Table 7), with a slightly difference of only 0.04‰ among these mean values. Thus, the method used in the LGI, in addition to presenting repeatability, proved to be reproducible, since the analyses performed presented results statistically consistent with those performed under different conditions, such as laboratory, equipment, operator, procedures, method, observer, instrument, conditions of use, location and time.1515 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling: A Guide to Method and Approaches, 2nd ed.; Ramsey, M. H.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Rostron, P., eds.; Eurachem, 2019.,2828 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Traceability in Chemical Measurement: A Guide to Achieving Comparable Results in Chemical Measurement, 1st ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; King, B.; Rösslein, M.; Salit, M.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2003.

It is important to highlight also that results were satisfactory at the different ambient temperatures analyzed and the average result of batch 2 was the closest to the average result analyzed by the CPC (Table 7). Although the results of batch 3 were statistically more accurate, the average result was less accurate (Table 7). From these data, we can consider that the optimal working ambient temperature (the best balance between repeatability and reproducibility) was 20 °C, in agreement with the manufacturer’s guidelines.2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

Considering the results obtained under three different conditions (18 °C, 20 °C and 22 °C) of ambient laboratory temperature, a significant variation was observed in the results of the hydrogen analysis of batch 4 (Table 8, Figure 4). This variation resulted in an external standard deviation of 2.95‰, a value higher than that recommended by the equipment manufacturer (external SD ≤ 2‰ for hydrogen isotopic analysis), and internal deviations, for some analyses, above 1‰, values also higher than recommended by the manufacturer (internal SD ≤ 0.4‰).2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
However, the average value of δ2H of batch 4 was the closest to the average value of all analyses performed at different temperatures (average δ2H of batches = -20.75‰) (Table 8).

The average δ2H value of batch 6 (-21.61‰) is the most negative among the batches and the external standard deviation showed a satisfactory result (2.04‰), considering the manufacturer’s recommendation. The internal standard deviation of the individual analyzes presented, in general, satisfactory results, despite presenting values greater than 0.4‰ for some samples.

The average δ2H result from batch 5 was the most positive among batches (-19.82‰). In addition, it presented the lowest external standard deviation (1.04‰) and the lowest internal standard deviations considering the individual analyses (≤ 0.4‰). Also, the average result of batch 5 was the closest to the average result analyzed by the CPC (Table 8, Figure 4) with a difference of 0.56‰. Thus, the optimal working ambient temperature, that is, the one that resulted in the best balance between repeatability and reproducibility of the data, was also 20 °C, in agreement with the manufacturer’s determination.2525 Thermo Fisher Scientific; DELTA V Advantage Operating Manual, P/N 1174000, Revision B., 2011. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023

Even though the results of batch 4 were discrepant in relation to the other batches, the fractionation was far below what would be expected for a temperature change of 4 °C (18 °C-22 °C). For this temperature variation, the hydrogen results would tend to fractionate 24‰ if the autosampler temperature did not remained stable, since the expected fractionation is 6.0‰/°C for hydrogen.2626 Avak, H.; Brand, W. A.; Application News 1995, 11, 1. [Link] accessed on January 25, 2023
Thus, the results showed that the method used in the LGI for determining δ2H, in addition to presenting repeatability, is also reproducible, since the analyses performed in the LGI presented results statistically similar to those performed under different conditions.1515 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling: A Guide to Method and Approaches, 2nd ed.; Ramsey, M. H.; Ellison, S. L. R.; Rostron, P., eds.; Eurachem, 2019.,2828 Eurachem/CITAC Guide; Traceability in Chemical Measurement: A Guide to Achieving Comparable Results in Chemical Measurement, 1st ed.; Ellison, S. L. R.; King, B.; Rösslein, M.; Salit, M.; Williams, A., eds.; Eurachem, 2003.

Although temperature controls and analytical parameters (gas flows, control of isobaric interferences, stability and linearity) are essential to obtain reliable and reproducible results, the use of standards correctly calibrated by laboratories and data normalization also play an important role.3030 Nelson, S. T.; Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2000, 12, 1044. [Crossref]
For this study, calibration curves obtained from the analysis of standards (VSMOW, ULW, Deplat and Brasília) were used together with unknown samples for later normalization of the raw data, by linear regression, for the VSMOW scale. This feature is important, as it reduces associated sources of errors and make calibrating the reference gases unnecessary, since small changes in the gas composition, over time, do not affect the analytical results.1010 Ferreira, A. I. A. J. V.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. [Link] accessed in February 2023
,3030 Nelson, S. T.; Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2000, 12, 1044. [Crossref]


Obtaining reliable and quality analytical results poses different challenges for analysis laboratories. Thus, method evaluation studies, such as the one presented in this article, contribute to the identification of effects that can affect the accuracy of methods, which are removed and/or modified to produce accurate and precise results (repeatable and reproducible). Different factors can contribute to obtaining quality data, including systematic control of analytical parameters such as stability and linearity of the equipment, determination of the 3H Factor for hydrogen analysis, monitoring of interfering mass signals, background monitoring of masses of interest, vacuum control, temperature control (extraction column, autosampler tray and environment). In addition, the use of calibrated analytical standard reference materials, as well as raw data normalized to VSMOW scale is also important to obtain quality data.

This study contributed to the definition of the optimal ambient temperature of 20 °C for carrying out the isotope analyses of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in water, using the equilibrium method. Under different conditions, the analyses performed at 18 °C and 22 °C were influenced by the ambient temperature, presenting average values that were either less accurate or less precise, when compared with the results of the CPC analyses.

Thus, at an ambient temperature of 20 °C, analyses performed at the LGI control sample presented satisfactory repeatability and reproducibility results. From this, we can conclude that the methods of δ18O and δ2H determination in water, by the equilibrium method, performed in the LGI, are valid analytical techniques.


The data for δ18O and δ2H obtained for each batch of analysis is available in the supplementary material at in pdf format, with free access.


We acknowledge the staff at the LGI-UFRGS for assistance and the Polar Climate Center for providing the standard reference materials.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 May 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Aug 2022
  • Accepted
    23 Nov 2022
  • Published
    10 Feb 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil