Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) has become a major source of medical knowledge. It handles complexities of virtually every method or technique used in research. The knowledge on how the EBM researcher retrieves information, judges for relevance and analyzes derived data is invaluable for the skillful reader of medical scientific reports.
Weight of evidence
A importância da evidência
Alexandre Santos AguiarI; Carlos Alberto de Bragança PereiraII
IMD, SCT, Surgeon at Pirajussara General Hospital (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), consultant for Medical Research and Informatics
IIProfessor at Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo
Correspondence Correspondence: Alexandre Santos Aguiar email: asaguiar@spsconsultoria.com R Botucatú, 591 cj 81 04023-062 - São Paulo SP
Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) has become a major source of medical knowledge. It handles complexities of virtually every method or technique used in research. The knowledge on how the EBM researcher retrieves information, judges for relevance and analyzes derived data is invaluable for the skillful reader of medical scientific reports.
Recording medical information seems to have started just after development of writing around 3100BC1,2,3,4. These ancient records were purely descriptive. Although the oldest report of an experiment in humans has taken place around 600BC according to the Old Testament and some key concepts like placebo were known since XIX Century5, the first clinical trial as we currently conceive it, was published in 19486. The main feature of this modern approach is the respect to the experimentation subject, a need widely obviated by World War II7.
Getting the most out of a medical scientific report is not a trivial task. A number of skills are required from the reader. Acquisition and development of those skills should start during undergraduate years and continue through one's professional life since methods have evolved closely as fast as Medicine itself.
Massive production of medical literature imposes a first challenge: selecting what is relevant or useless for a given reader has no rule-of-thumb. Also, quality can vary widely between reviews and within the same review. Furthermore, the mainstay of editors credibility, peer review, has been reported not to assure quality8,9.
Quality and Bias
The very core of medical practice is decision making. What tests to order, building a list of differential diagnoses, figuring out the next question to ask, selecting the most appropriate therapy, which patient to care for with the highest priority are just some among the most remarkable. Real life situations situations are much different from the didactically organized theory of textbooks. Medical research articles are born in real daily practice. We read papers to make better decisions in the clinical setting, probably. And we should write papers in order to spread knowledge we produce.
The relevance of a research report is a function of how it influences clinical practice. Of course, this is a highly subjective definition in a general sense but certainly will make sense every time one uses or consider using a conclusion drawn from a research.
The randomized clinical trial (RCT), although seldom feasible in surgical investigation, is currently the gold standard in medical research when judging for quality. The reason is that RCTs are believed to provide means to control bias from several known sources, and perhaps some we are not aware of. Thus, the less undesired tendencies the more quality; the more of such tendencies the less quality.
Evidence-based Medicine
Although we can not assess quality or bias by the numbers, we can create a hierarchy based on the research methods that will most likely produce better or worse quality conclusions. This is the core of the Evidence-based Medicine (EBM).
There are many of such hierarchies. They vary among institutions10 and, extremely important, if research regards treatment, prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or harm11. The choice of classification criteria is up to the reader and the institutions. Table 1 illustrates one possible hierarchy applicable to therapy research.
EBM emerged naturally from the availability of a reasonable amount of research, especially RCTs, the need for progressively better decisions and the need for standard institutional policies. The basic idea is to merge similar samples from several studies in the attempt to reach stronger conclusions by analyzing the pooled samples, the meta-analysis.
Although EBM has the reputation of highest reliability, it has some limitations12. Extrapolating to populations different from those from which samples were taken is usually considered a lower level of evidence13. Failure to publish negative trials is a major problem that has been addressed by registers of clinical trials14,15. Treatment effectiveness in the trial set tends to be higher due the closer follow up that enhances compliance rates16-18.
At the individual decision level, EBM seems weaker19 but there is growing evidence that it improves health care when applied at the institutional level as guidelines20.
The reader must be aware that a lower quality report does not mean a bad article at all. It expresses only how directly one can apply its conclusions to daily practice. Actually, the trend of rejecting cases and series reports, both by editors and by readers, means that EBM's concept of quality has been widely misunderstood21. In EBM, only those studies ruled as well designed are taken into account. Thus, well designed and well analyzed studies of any kind will be considered of better quality than a poorly designed RCT. Cases and series reports are still good sources of information and discoveries that may guide future research and make the practitioner aware of previously unknown facts21.
Evidence derived from meta-analysis must be stratified according to its strength represented by categories of recommendation. A sensible and widely used categorization is the one proposed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force22.
Producing Evidence
The steps towards evidences are straightforward but arduous and tricky in the details. The work starts with a thorough review of the literature. All known sources of references must be included. Search criteria must be wide. This results in extensive lists but there is a smaller risk of missing some relevant piece of information. Lists are then scrutinized and possibly relevant articles are retrieved. All of them are read and the ones eligible to the study by previously defined inclusion criteria are selected for analysis23. This set of procedures is known as systematic review.
Initial lists may include thousands of references. Frequently more than a hundred papers need to be retrieved. A few of them will actually be relevant according to criteria like those in Table 1.
To avoid selection bias, the whole search and selection work is performed by a team of not less than three reviewers and usually all of them must agree that a given paper meets the inclusion criteria so it is actually included in the analysis23.
The samples extracted from each article are then evaluated for homogeneity. They must be similar so they can be compared or merged. Homogenous samples are then merged when possible and analyzed according to the questions the study intends to answer.23 Some tools are typically used in EBM.
Likelihood Ratios
Derived from 2x2 contingency tables, the Likelihood Ratios (LRs) values may look strange to the reader since they do not lie in the unit interval like probabilities do. However, they are powerful tools for different sets. Using Bayesian statistical approaches, one can multiply the so-called "a priori" (or pre-test) probability by the likelihood ratio and derive directly the probability of disease (or non-disease),24 the so-called "a posteriori" (or post-test) probability. Likewise, LRs can be multiplied by odds to produce the posterior odds. Odds and probabilities can easily be converted one to the other.
Suppose a surgeon works in a reference center for patients that are supposed to need emergency surgeries. This surgeon knows that about 60% of all abdominal pain cases will be operated on for appendicitis. He uses this number as his "a priori" probability (0.6) or odds (3/2) and multiplies by LR (disease/non-disease) of signs and symptoms previously determined relevant by EBM analysis and gets the "a posteriori" probabilities or posterior odds of disease/non-disease. Another surgeon in an emergency department is likely to have a smaller "a priori" probability, say 0.2 (20%) or odds 1/4. Despite the wide difference in the "a priori" probability in these examples it is so unlikely that it will impact the "a posteriori" probability or odds to the point of missing a significant proportion of diagnoses. Actually, chaining several LRs of several signs and symptoms as real situations demand has the reputation of overestimating the "a posteriori" probability.24 In Surgery this feature may be highly desirable. This kind of decision rule has been efficient in the delivery of better health care even in critical situations25-29.
There is a proposed fully Bayesian meta-analysis method that besides the probability of disease provides the strength of the evidence of each sign, symptom or test and the average strength of evidence, called diagnosability. This method has not been widely applied but has been shown to be a potentially powerful tool to produce desirable decision rules30.
Area under the ROC Curve
A tool widely used in EBM is the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve. It represents the relationship between specificity and sensitivity. The area under the ROC curve expresses the power of a given test, sign or symptom to differentiate disease and non-disease states. The higher the values of sensitivity and specificity, the larger the area under the ROC curve, consequently, the better the test. The ideal test should produce an area equal to 1.
Another desirable product of the ROC curve is the cut-off value, the point of the curve that is closer to the upper left corner of the graph (Figure 1)31 and expresses the best combination of sensitivity and specificity.
High quality reports about tests or signs should provide information about the areas under the ROC curves as well as cut-off values for positive and negative tests or signs.
Number Needed to Treat
The number needed to treat (NNT) is expression of the intervention effectiveness. It can be applied to any treatment modality or diagnostic test. The proper way to reason with NNT is how many patients should be treated to have one positive response or, in the case of a test, how many tests should be performed to produce one diagnosis32,33.
Many reports provide NNTs. From those that do not, the reader can easily calculate them from reported proportions33.
The ideal NNT equals 1, i.e., every treatment will produce a positive response and every test will produce a diagnosis. NNTs of 2 or 3 represent a quite high effectiveness of an intervention or test. Most NNTs seen in clinical setting with effective interventions will range between 5 and 2032,34-36. The range from 20 to 40 may still represent clinical usefulness.33 One must be aware that different NNTs, obtained in different clinical situations, should never be compared36.
Number Needed to Harm
The number needed to harm (NNH) describes the number of patients we should treat to produce one more undesirable effect comparing to the alternative treatment,37 ideally placebo.
It is intuitively apparent that the lesser the NNH, the worse the treatment. Besides drugs side effects, NNH can be used in cost analysis, for instance, but this kind of use deserve more sophisticated statistical methods33.
There are no fixed limits to NNH. The risk of the clinical use of a treatment can only be properly assessed when we know the benefit this treatment produces in relation to the severity of illness.
Quality and Relevance
The primary purpose of medical practice is the delivery of good heath care. This is true for both the administrator and the physician. Although the latest method of research, powerful enough to produce wide and positive institutional influence and invaluable as a source of knowledge, EBM is not the definitive solution to questions the arise from clinical reasoning. For the daily work of the practitioner it is once more source of clues, as relevant as RCTs, and reports of lower strength from the EBM stand point. The concept of quality applies only for the EBM methods. For surgeons, physicians, practitioners, all sources of knowledge may have their relevance.
Final Remarks
After the first challenge, selecting good sources of knowledge, our second hard task regarding the vast literature is to define which acquired knowledge should change or influence our practice. This decision is private to each physician. It depends primarily of reader's background knowledge and experience. Sometimes this background is not enough for one to learn all a report can deliver.
This is the third hard task related to reading medical scientific reports: recognizing the need for and acquiring an adequate background.
Reading a paper has become a highly specialized skill. The ability to criticize and assess the relevance of any piece of medical information, always with a moderate dose of skepticism, is nowadays critical for any practitioner to be up to date.
odds: probable number of times an event is likely to occur, expressed as the ratio of number of probable occurrences to the number of probable non-occurrences (source: Business Dictionary).
unit interval: the numeric interval between zero and one.
Bayesian: paradigm used to produce strictly probabilistic inferences, opposed to classical statistics that is based upon repetition of ideal experiments.
Conversion Rules and Calculations
P(d) probability of disease
P(nd) probability of non-disease
LR(d) likelihood ratio of disease
LR(nd) likelihood ratio of non-disease
O odds
Op posterior odds
P(d) = LR(d) * ["a priori" probability]
P(nd) = 1 P(d)
Op = LR(d) * O
P = O / (1+O)
Take the odds 1/4 used as illustration above. The "a priori" probability of disease is given by
P(d) = O / (1+O) = 1 / (1+4) = 0.2 (20%)
and of non-disease is given by
P(nd) = 1 P(d) = 0.8 (80%).
After processing a hypothetical decision rule for the diagnosis of appendicitis in patients with abdominal pain, the surgeon obtained, for a given patient, LR(d) = 4.5 and LR(nd) = 0.125. Thus,
P(d) = 4.5 * 0.2 = 0.9 (90%) (this is the "a posteriori" probability of disease)
P(nd) = 0.125 * 0.8 = 1 P(d) = 0.1 (10%) (this is the "a posteriori" probability of non-disease)
Op1 = 4.5 * 1 = 4.5 (posterior odds of disease)
Op2 = 0.125 * 4 = 0.5 (posterior odds of non-disease)
Op = 4.5/0.5 = 9/1 (posterior odds)
Suggested Reading
Trisha Greenhalgh. How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-based Medicine. BMJ Books. London, UK, 2001. ISBN 0-7279-1578-9.
The authors are indebted to Dr. Lisieux Eyer de Jesus who provided insightful thoughts and invaluable suggestions to the text.
Recebido em 03/01/2008
Aceito para publicação em 15/02/2008
Conflito de interesses: nenhum
Fonte de financiamento: nenhuma
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Publication Dates
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Apr 2008
03 Jan 2008 -
15 Feb 2008