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Proposal of a framework for product-service systems characterization


Product-service systems (PSS) design raises new issues, among which the need of encompassing a life cycle perspective. The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for PSS characterization through its life cycle. The purpose is to understand the structure, the sequence, and the main characteristics of PSS life cycle phases, characterizing a PSS process model. A systematic literature review was carried out to identify the PSS life cycle phases and the conceptual elements that characterize each phase. The PSS life cycle was structured based on service life cycle from the customer perspective. Afterwards, the conceptual framework was built for PSS characterization considering business model, engineering and design aspects that may be useful to guide PSS solutions development. The paper aims to make a theoretical contribution by understanding what should be done and how to perform the activities during PSS life cycle at a systemic level.

Product-service systems; PSS; Design; Life cycle management; Conceptual framework

1. Introduction

Product-Service Systems (PSS) have been widely discussed as a promising approach to improve the competitiveness of industrial manufacturers and to reorient the consumption and production patterns (Van Ostaeyen et al., 2013Van Ostaeyen, J., Van Horenbeek, A., Pintelon, L., & Duflou, J. R. (2013). A refined typology of product–service systems based on functional hierarchy modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 51, 261-276.
). A PSS is an integrated product and service offering that delivers value in use (Roy & Baxter, 2009Roy, R., & Baxter, D. (2009). Product-service systems. Journal of Engineering Design, 20(4), 327-328.
). The concept of a PSS emphasizes that consumers can be satisfied by the service that the products support and the results they obtain (Salazar et al., 2015Salazar, C., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2015). Eco-designing product service systems by degrading functions while maintaining user satisfaction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87, 452-462.
). A number of sustainable PSS solutions has been discussed in the literature, including bike-sharing systems as a convenient and ‘green’ transportation mode that plays an important and complementary role in the comprehensive transportation system (Zhang et al., 2015Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Duan, Z., & Bryde, D. (2015). Sustainable bike-sharing systems: characteristics and commonalities across cases in urban China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97, 124-133.
) as well as car-sharing systems (United Nations Environment Programme, 2002United Nations Environment Programme (2002). Product-service systems and sustainability: opportunities for sustainable solutions. Milan: INDACO Department/Politecnico di Milano. Retrieved in 2017, June 26, from
), which has been widely discussed for showing positive environmental effects.

The number of publications on PSS as strategies to increase competitiveness and to tackle sustainability issues has been increasing in recent years. However, some research gaps concerning PSS design and implementation remain. The development of a product-service integrated solution raises new issues since the service component introduces further requirements, among which the need of encompassing a life cycle perspective (Cavalieri & Pezzotta, 2012Cavalieri, S., & Pezzotta, G. (2012). Product–Service Systems engineering: state of the art and research challenges. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 278-288.
). PSS is systemic and should be planned considering all stages of its life cycle (Sundin, 2009Sundin, E. (2009). Life-cycle perspectives of product/service-systems. In T. Sakao & M. Lindahl (Eds.), Introduction to product/service-system design (pp. 31-49). London: Springer.; Alix & Zacharewicz, 2012Alix, T., & Zacharewicz, G. (2012). Product-service systems scenarios simulation based on G-DEVS/HLA: Generalized discrete event specification/high level architecture. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 370-378.
). Moreover, PSS represents a system that embraces products, services a network of actors as well as an infrastructure so that all PSS elements should be considered in an integrated life cycle to satisfy consumersʼ requirements (Geng et al., 2010Geng, X., Chu, X., Xue, D., & Zhang, Z. (2010). An integrated approach for rating engineering characteristics’ final importance in product-service system development. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 59(4), 585-594.
). Designing a PSS to enhance the customer experience and satisfaction remains a complex task (Carreira et al., 2013Carreira, R., Patrício, L., Jorge, R. N., & Magee, C. L. (2013). Development of an extended Kansei engineering method to incorporate experience requirements in product–service system design. Journal of Engineering Design, 24(10), 738-764.

Nevertheless, although approaches for designing PSS through its life cycle are relevant (Tran & Park, 2016Tran, T., & Park, J. Y. (2016). Development of a novel set of criteria to select methodology for designing product service systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering,3(2), 112-120.
), the PSS life cycle has not been comprehensively discussed in the existing literature (Kim et al., 2016Kim, K. J., Lim, C. H., Heo, J. Y., Lee, D. H., Hong, Y. S., & Park, K. (2016). An evaluation scheme for product–service system models: development of evaluation criteria and case studies. Service Business, 10(3), 507-530.
). In fact, few authors (e.g. Aurich et al., 2006Aurich, J. C., Fuchs, C., & Wagenknecht, C. (2006). Life cycle oriented design of technical Product-Service Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14(17), 1480-1494.
; Yang et al., 2010aYang, L., Xing, K., & Lee, S. (2010a, March 17-19). Framework for PSS from Service’ perspective. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (pp. 1656-1661) Hong Kong: IMECS., bYang, L., Xing, K., & Lee, S. (2010b, July 15-17). A new conceptual life cycle model for Result-Oriented Product-Service System development. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (pp. 23-28). QingDao, China: IEEE.
; Wiesner et al., 2015Wiesner, S., Freitag, M., Westphal, I., & Thoben, K. D. (2015). Interactions between service and product lifecycle management. Procedia CIRP, 30, 36-41.
) have been addressing the integrated life cycle of PSS, considering both the life cycle of the physical artifact and the service life cycle. However, one of the dimensions required to develop effective PSS solutions is the full life cycle consideration and representation (Vasantha et al., 2012Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.
). Both product life cycle (PLC) and customer activity cycle (CAC) should be considered in PSS design (Nemoto et al., 2015Nemoto, Y., Akasaka, F., & Shimomura, Y. (2015). A framework for managing and utilizing product-service system design knowledge. Production Planning and Control, 26(14-15), 1278-1289.
). In this sense, a real integration of the life cycle remains necessary as well as a progressive life-cycles specification process.

Thus, this paper proposes a framework for PSS characterization based on its life cycle. The PSS life cycle was structured based on the literature to provide the basis for the identification of PSS conceptual elements at each life cycle phase. This proposal aims to contribute to the understanding of which are the main characteristics (‘hows’), the structure, and the sequence of life cycle phases, characterizing a PSS engineering process model. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the research design to structure PSS life cycle and to build the conceptual framework. Section 3 describes the results of the conceptual model development, by firstly addressing PSS life cycle and afterwards that the conceptual elements involved in each life cycle stage. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn in addition to some insights for future work.

2. Research design

This exploratory research is composed of three main phases. Firstly, a theoretical review was carried out (phase 1). This type of review is appropriate to tackle emerging issues that would benefit from the development of new theoretical foundations (Paré et al., 2015Paré, G., Trudel, M., Jaana, M., & Kitsiou, S. (2015). Synthesizing information systems knowledge: a typology of literature reviews. Information & Management, 52(2), 183-199.
), which is the case of PSS design field that lacks a full life cycle representation and consideration (Vasantha et al., 2012Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.
). Thus, a literature review was conducted to identify the main relevant papers that address the PSS life cycle phases and the main research gaps concerning the integrated PSS life cycle, which was the basis to structure the PSS life cycle proposed in this work (phase 2). In addition, the literature review was also the basis for the identification of the conceptual elements from the input and output stages of the PSS life cycle to propose a conceptual framework for PSS characterization (phase 3). The paper highlights what it is necessary to take into consideration in each life cycle phase for a business model to be considered a PSS and how it can be analyzed and compared to other PSS solutions.

The literature analysis aimed publications in peer-reviewed journals, covering all subject areas. Papers published between 1999 and 2015 were selected from the following databases: Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, Science Direct and Springer Link. A keyword collection was divided into three groups. The first group contains keywords with PSS synonymous and related terms. The papers in the second group had the purpose of recognizing PSS life cycle phases. The third group of publications aimed to spot conceptual elements for PSS characterization. The search was also structured by combining PSS terms, similar to the strings adopted by Baines et al. (2007)Baines, T. S., Lightfoot, H. W., Evans, S., Neely, A., Greenough, R., Peppard, J., Roy, R., Shehab, E., Braganza, A., Tiwari, A., Alcock, J. R., Angus, J. P., Bastl, M., Cousens, A., Irving, P., Johnson, M., Kingston, J., Lockett, H., Martinez, V., Michele, P., Tranfield, D., Walton, I. M., & Wilson, H. (2007). State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 221(10), 1543-1552.
. The terms were searched in titles, abstracts, and keywords. Table 1 summarizes the results.

Table 1
Initial search results according to the search terms.

The articles were selected according to the following criteria as defined in the systematic review protocol: (i) addresses PSS life cycle stages both in modeling frameworks and life cycle assessment studies; (ii) discusses PSS business model structure; (iii) proposes PSS design methodologies, frameworks and tools for PSS development, and (iv) focuses on case studies of different PSS categories, since those papers probably address elements that should be considered in a specific PSS offer. Moreover, as a value proposition model with an emphasis on consumer satisfaction by providing functions, PSS has four key elements (Mont, 2002Mont, O. (2002). Drivers and barriers for shifting towards more service-oriented businesses: analysis of the PSS field and contributions from Sweden. The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 2(3), 89-103.
): (i) products; (ii) services; (iii) actors network, and (iv) infrastructure. These elements were also considered for conceptual elements identification in each stage of PSS life cycle, especially concerning the development phase. The literature was analyzed by two authors to increase the research reliability.

The knowledge gained during phase 1 (literature analysis) was applied to structure phases 2 and 3. For the second phase, 124 papers were selected. After reading the titles and abstracts, 19 papers were considered for analysis. The PSS life cycle phases were identified and from the main phases of integrated product-service life cycles discussed in the literature as well as the service and product life cycles, a PSS life cycle was proposed by considering three main life cycle stages: (i) beginning of life (BoL), (ii) middle of life (MoL), and (iii) end of life (EoL).

Based on the inputs and outputs of each life cycle phase, the selected papers in phase 1 were analyzed to identify ‘how’ to meet the requirements of each life cycle stage, thus obtaining a list of the conceptual elements of each life cycle stage for PSS characterization. The search identified 729 publications. After applying the screening criteria described earlier, 435 papers were taken into account for further analysis. The following questions, based on the PSS life cycle proposed, guided the conceptual elements identification in the content analysis: (i) what are the requirements for a specific PSS type to meet consumers' needs? (ii) how to develop each PSS element to meet the specific requirements of different PSS solutions? (iii) what is necessary to do during the use phase for a PSS be available to consumers use? (iv) what is necessary to be monitored during PSS use phase to improve the system? (v) what are the possible products destination option in the PSS end of life? Next sections present the results of the content analysis carried out. From that analysis, a framework was then proposed, which is described next.

3. Proposing a conceptual model for PSS characterization

The construction of the conceptual model is presented in two parts: (i) PSS life cycle development and (ii) conceptual elements identification, which is outlined in next sections.

3.1. Development of the PSS life cycle

The literature was analyzed to identify how the PSS life cycle has been addressed in the past research. Table 2 presents the main papers and the life cycle phases discussed in the literature.

Table 2
PSS life cycle phases addressed in previous publications.

The PSS life cycle has been discussed in many publications, but the focus is predominantly in product-oriented solutions. PSS life cycle modeling for the other PSS categories is scarcely addressed. PSS business models can be classified into three main categories (Tukker, 2004Tukker, A. (2004). Eight types of product-service system: eight ways to sustainability? Experiences from suspronet. Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(4), 246-260.
): (i) product-oriented, (ii) use-oriented, and (iii) result-oriented. In the product-oriented category, the business focus is on the sale of products with some extra services. An example of this category is the Allegrini company, an Italian producer of detergents and cosmetics. It is a service that provides added value to the product life-cycle based on a home-delivery distribution of biodegradable and phosphorus-free detergents (United Nations Environment Programme, 2002United Nations Environment Programme (2002). Product-service systems and sustainability: opportunities for sustainable solutions. Milan: INDACO Department/Politecnico di Milano. Retrieved in 2017, June 26, from
). The consumers receive a kit of plastic flasks that can be filled up even if not completely empty. In the use-oriented category the traditional product still plays a central role, but it stays in ownership with the provider. Car-sharing system is one example of this type of PSS (Sundin et al., 2009Sundin, E., Lindahl, M., & Ijomah, W. (2009). Product design for product/service systems: design experiences from Swedish industry. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 723-753.
). In the last category the consumer and the provider agree on a result; there is no pre-determined product involved. An example of this kind of PSS is ‘selling’ washed clothes (a result) instead of washing machines (Fan & Zhang, 2010Fan, X., & Zhang, H. (2010, May 13-14). Aligning product-service systems with market forces: a theoretical framework. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Service Sciences (pp. 110-114). Shanghai, China: ICSS.
). Tukker (2004)Tukker, A. (2004). Eight types of product-service system: eight ways to sustainability? Experiences from suspronet. Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(4), 246-260.
also proposed subcategories for each main category.

In the use-oriented and result-oriented categories the service component is considered as the core part whilst physical products are only carriers for service delivery (Yang et al., 2010bYang, L., Xing, K., & Lee, S. (2010b, July 15-17). A new conceptual life cycle model for Result-Oriented Product-Service System development. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (pp. 23-28). QingDao, China: IEEE.
; Zhu et al., 2012Zhu, H., Gao, J., Li, D., & Tang, D. (2012). A web-based product service system for aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul services. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 338-348.
). Each category has a general life cycle of planning, development, implementation, operation and closure, which is determined by the phases of the established product/service phases (Song et al., 2013Song, W., Ming, X., Han, Y., & Wu, Z. (2013). A rough set approach for evaluating vague customer requirement of industrial product-service system. International Journal of Production Research, 51(22), 6681-6701.
). Nevertheless, previous research has not provided the basis for each PSS category modeling and the differences in PSS development for each PSS category are scarcely discussed in the literature (Vasantha et al., 2012Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.
). In addition, PSS models must represent stakeholders, products, services, support systems, business elements and processes and interactions among them (Vasantha et al., 2012Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.
), but most of the existing approaches neglect to consider the system characteristics (Aurich et al., 2009Aurich, J. C., Wolf, N., Siener, M., & Schweitzer, E. (2009). Configuration of product-service systems. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 591-605.

From the existing publications, five life cycle phases were identified as essential for PSS categories. The life cycle proposed in this work was built taking into consideration the service life cycle from consumersʼ perspective (Yang et al., 2010aYang, L., Xing, K., & Lee, S. (2010a, March 17-19). Framework for PSS from Service’ perspective. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (pp. 1656-1661) Hong Kong: IMECS.). This is important because most of the past research have not considered consumer and service providers' behavior in PSS modeling (Zhu et al., 2012Zhu, H., Gao, J., Li, D., & Tang, D. (2012). A web-based product service system for aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul services. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 338-348.

The PSS life cycle should consider the BoL, MoL and EoL phases (Pezzotta et al., 2012Pezzotta, G., Cavalieri, S., & Gaiardelli, P. (2012). A spiral process model to engineer a product service system: an explorative analysis through case studies. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(3), 214-225.
). First, the PSS business opportunity is identified and the PSS idea is proposed. The consumersʼ needs and consumers requirements are identified and the system requirements should be identified in the context of each PSS, instead of isolated product or service (Marques et al., 2013Marques, P., Cunha, P. F., Valente, F., & Leitão, A. (2013). A methodology for product-service systems development. Procedia CIRP, 7, 371-376.
). The PSS life cycle proposed starts with the systems requirements definition for the new PSS solution. From the requirements identification, the PSS can be developed, considering all the elements involved in the offer that are specific for each PSS type. Once the PSS is developed, the product-service can be produced or performed and made available to consumers (Marques et al., 2013Marques, P., Cunha, P. F., Valente, F., & Leitão, A. (2013). A methodology for product-service systems development. Procedia CIRP, 7, 371-376.
). The implementation phase of PSS life cycle includes the operative realization of the PSS concept. The middle of life also includes the monitoring phase of PSS operation. PSS has to be supported to retain its functionality, availability, and results (Wiesner et al., 2015Wiesner, S., Freitag, M., Westphal, I., & Thoben, K. D. (2015). Interactions between service and product lifecycle management. Procedia CIRP, 30, 36-41.
). The end of life addresses the PSS after it is used by consumers, including for instance documentation, replacement, recycling and product take-back (Zhu et al., 2012Zhu, H., Gao, J., Li, D., & Tang, D. (2012). A web-based product service system for aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul services. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 338-348.
). According to the previous authors, some parts will be re-used in new products or kept as spare parts and the unusable parts will be recycled. If the PSS is not able to fulfill its intended application anymore, it enters the evolution stage (Wiesner et al., 2015Wiesner, S., Freitag, M., Westphal, I., & Thoben, K. D. (2015). Interactions between service and product lifecycle management. Procedia CIRP, 30, 36-41.

Since PSS is systemic, it is necessary to check all stages of the life cycle continually. Feedback loops between phases should be taken into account but it is, most often, vaguely defined in the literature (Vasantha et al., 2012Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.
). Figure 1 illustrates the PSS life cycle proposed. The flow of materials returns as well as information and knowledge, allowing a continuous business improvement.

Figure 1
Proposed PSS life cycle.

Tran & Park (2016)Tran, T., & Park, J. Y. (2016). Development of a novel set of criteria to select methodology for designing product service systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering,3(2), 112-120.
pointed out that PSS life cycle approaches need to consider phases such as idea development, planning, requirements analysis, concept development, design integration, testing and refinement, implementation and support, retirement and recycling and feedback loops. All these aspects were covered in the proposed life cycle phases and they are better described by the conceptual elements for each PSS life cycle phase presented next.

3.2. Identification of the conceptual elements in each life cycle phase

Research in the engineering field is grounded in contributions whose main purpose is to define ‘what’ needs to be performed, and those elaborating ‘how’ to support each single activity (Cavalieri & Pezzotta, 2012Cavalieri, S., & Pezzotta, G. (2012). Product–Service Systems engineering: state of the art and research challenges. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 278-288.
). In this research, the conceptual elements for PSS characterization (the ʻhowsʼ) were identified from the PSS life cycle phases (the ʻwhatsʼ). Specific characteristics for each PSS category were identified in the literature for each phase as well as by considering all PSS elements. Those characteristics were then transformed into information for PSS development. Many design methodologies have been discussed in the literature concerning what needs to be performed (e.g. Zhu et al., 2012Zhu, H., Gao, J., Li, D., & Tang, D. (2012). A web-based product service system for aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul services. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 338-348.
; Tran & Park, 2014Tran, T. A., & Park, J. Y. (2014). Development of integrated design methodology for various types of product - service systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 1(1), 37-47.
; Moser et al., 2015Moser, U., Maisenbacher, S., Kasperek, D., & Maurer, M. (2015). Definition of an approach for the development of Product-Service Systems. Procedia CIRP, 30, 18-23.
; Wiesner et al., 2015Wiesner, S., Freitag, M., Westphal, I., & Thoben, K. D. (2015). Interactions between service and product lifecycle management. Procedia CIRP, 30, 36-41.
), but they do not describe in details how to support each activity during the life cycle. Figure 2 shows the PSS life cycle proposed, and the basis adopted for the conceptual elements identification to support each life cycle phase, as already discussed in the research methods section.

Figure 2
Basis for the identification of the conceptual elements from the input and output stages of the PSS life cycle.

Firstly, to create a new PSS, it is necessary to identify new opportunities. Consumersʼ needs become consumersʼ requirements (Alix & Zacharewicz, 2012Alix, T., & Zacharewicz, G. (2012). Product-service systems scenarios simulation based on G-DEVS/HLA: Generalized discrete event specification/high level architecture. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 370-378.
) and they provide opportunities to develop a new PSS. These opportunities for PSS idea creation can be different PSS business models. Depending on the identified opportunity, what will be offered should be planned and the system requirements that characterize each PSS solution may vary. In addition, to fulfill the needs of the consumers who will use a specific PSS it is necessary to identify the requirements of the system as a whole.

Indeed, how to develop a specific PSS is still scarce in the past research (Song et al., 2013Song, W., Ming, X., Han, Y., & Wu, Z. (2013). A rough set approach for evaluating vague customer requirement of industrial product-service system. International Journal of Production Research, 51(22), 6681-6701.
). The publications, in general, do not discuss the PSS requirements in detail as they only mention it as one important life cycle activity. However, PSS requirements identification is crucial, it implies the definition of the requirements of the PSS solution to be developed according to the target market, and the definition of the best processes to support PSS development (Peruzzini et al., 2015Peruzzini, M., Marilungo, E., & Germani, M. (2015). Structured requirements elicitation for product-service system. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 8(3-4), 189-218.
). In this sense, the requirements for each PSS category considering all elements were identified, and they were transformed into conceptual elements for PSS characterization. These elements are shown in Table 3 and arranged according to each PSS category in Figure 3.

Table 3
Conceptual elements for PSS requirements definition life cycle phase.
Figure 3
Organization of the conceptual elements in the first life cycle phase.

The requirements identification provides information for the development phase. To develop a PSS, it is necessary to plan the development of the products, services, actor's network and infrastructure as well as the relationship among them. The conceptual elements aim to specify what is necessary for the development of products, services, actors' network and infrastructure. The products should be developed to undergo changes in ownership as the provider becomes the owner of the product and responsible for the product during its life cycle. In addition, products must be planned to reduce the environmental impact at all stages of the PSS life cycle, in order to be a sustainable offer. Indeed, environmental aspects must be included as early as possible during the design process (Maussang et al., 2009Maussang, N., Zwolinski, P., & Brissaud, D. (2009). Product-service system design methodology: from the PSS architecture design to the products specifications. Journal of Engineering Design, 20(4), 349-366.

In service development, service characteristics must be described, the processes for the conduction of the services should be defined as well as the resources use must be planned (Moser et al., 2015Moser, U., Maisenbacher, S., Kasperek, D., & Maurer, M. (2015). Definition of an approach for the development of Product-Service Systems. Procedia CIRP, 30, 18-23.
). The construction of an actor network plays an important role in the PSS design (Kimita & Shimomura, 2014Kimita, K., & Shimomura, Y. (2014). Development of the design guideline for product-service systems. Procedia CIRP, 16, 344-349.
). The infrastructures are referred to as dedicated infrastructures to PSS operation and need to be developed. Infrastructures and provider network are important components of PSS that affect consumer needs fulfillment (Lim et al., 2012Lim, C. H., Kim, K. J., Hong, Y. S., & Park, K. (2012). PSS board: a structured tool for product-service system process visualization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 37, 42-53.
). The conceptual elements for PSS development are shown in Table 4.

Table 4
Conceptual elements for PSS development phase.

After information on the development of a PSS and sales are consolidated, the PSS is then implemented. The conceptual elements for PSS implementation are important because the existing design methodologies have been facing challenges in providing guidelines for implementation (Tran & Park, 2014Tran, T. A., & Park, J. Y. (2014). Development of integrated design methodology for various types of product - service systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 1(1), 37-47.
). This phase involves PSS installation, tests, delivery and use, and successful implementation of PSS cases is important to encourage PSS adoption. The conceptual elements considered as essential in this phase are presented in Table 5, and they are suitable for all PSS categories.

Table 5
Conceptual elements for PSS implementation phase.

In order to evaluate the solution after its implementation and during delivery to the consumers, it is fundamental monitoring the system (Pezzotta et al., 2015Pezzotta, G., Pirola, F., Pinto, R., Akasaka, F., & Shimomura, Y. (2015). A service engineering framework to design and assess an integrated product-service. Mechatronics, 31, 169-179.
). The continuous monitoring of the system will allow a range of system improvements over the life cycle phases. Table 6 presents the conceptual elements for the PSS monitoring life cycle phase.

Table 6
Conceptual elements for PSS monitoring phase.

If a PSS is not able to fulfill its intended application anymore, it enters on the end of life cycle stage. This stage includes replacement, recycling, and/or product take-back (Zhu et al., 2012Zhu, H., Gao, J., Li, D., & Tang, D. (2012). A web-based product service system for aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul services. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 338-348.
) and the product returns to the other PSS life cycles. The conceptual elements that characterize this phase of PSS life cycle are presented in Table 7. Next section outlines the main contributions of the paper.

Table 7
Conceptual elements for PSS destination after the use phase.

4. Conclusions

This paper introduces a framework to support PSS design by proposing a range of conceptual elements that need to be taken into consideration in each PSS life cycle stage. Since support frameworks are required to transfer information and knowledge from PSS life cycle to PSS conceptual design, this work aims to contribute to the body of knowledge. The proposed framework may allow to understand what should be done and how to perform the activities in PSS design considering different PSS types at a systemic level, meaning that the PSS design process takes into account all PSS elements: products, services, stakeholders, and infrastructure.

Many design approaches have been discussed in the literature considering the PSS life cycle, but in general, those approaches do not detail the life cycle stages at the level of different PSS categories. The PSS life cycle discussed in the literature is mainly focused on the development of product-oriented solutions, with few approaches discussing the life cycle for all PSS types and also considering the service life cycle from the consumer perspective.

In order to facilitate PSS transition and design process for practitioners, maximize PSS performance as well as to promote the implementation of PSS in practice, the proposed conceptual model can be taken as a promising starting point. For future work, the conceptual framework proposed will be applied to real PSS design process to evaluate if the conceptual elements are well aligned and to acquire practical insights for future improvements concerning the activities of each life cycle phase.

  • How to cite this article: Beuren, F. H., Sousa-Zomer, T. T., & Cauchick-Miguel, P. A (2017). Proposal of a framework for product-service systems characterization. Production, v27, e20170052.


  • Alix, T., & Zacharewicz, G. (2012). Product-service systems scenarios simulation based on G-DEVS/HLA: Generalized discrete event specification/high level architecture. Computers in Industry, 63(4), 370-378.
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  • Aurich, J. C., Fuchs, C., & Wagenknecht, C. (2006). Life cycle oriented design of technical Product-Service Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14(17), 1480-1494.
  • Aurich, J. C., Mannweiler, C., & Schweitzer, E. (2010). How to design and offer services successfully. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2(3), 136-143.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    26 June 2017
  • Accepted
    20 Oct 2017
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção CNPJ: 30.115.422/0001-73, Avenida Cassiano Ricardo, Nº 601, Residencial Aquarius, CEP: 12.246-870, São José dos Campos – SP – Brazil, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil