The management of municipal solid waste represents a significant challenge for the future of society. The technologies of composting and anaerobic digestion process organic waste, providing material, and energy recovery, respectively. This study evaluated the most suitable locations for installing treatment plants for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in two Brazilian cities, João Pessoa and Florianópolis, considering environmental, social, and geographical criteria. Furthermore, the main legislation on organic waste management in these cities was discussed, highlighting advances in relation to national regulations. In Florianópolis, the suitable areas represent 0.5% of the total area, totaling 3.10 km2. In João Pessoa, the final suitable area covers 16.76 km2 or 8% of the territory. Environmental aspects and residential areas were identified as the most relevant restrictive criteria for selecting suitable sites. In terms of existing public policies, Florianópolis stands out in terms of organic waste management, with clearer and more effective rules, while João Pessoa still needs a more consistent and integrated policy.
Keywords: organic waste; GIS; site selection; municipal solid waste management; waste recovery; spatial analysis
O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos municipais representa um desafio significativo para o futuro da sociedade. As tecnologias de compostagem e digestão anaeróbica processam resíduos orgânicos, fornecendo material e recuperação de energia, respectivamente. Este estudo avaliou os locais mais adequados para a instalação de estações de tratamento da fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos em duas cidades brasileiras, João Pessoa (PB) e Florianópolis (SC), considerando critérios ambientais, sociais e geográficos. Além disso, foram discutidas as principais legislações sobre o gerenciamento de resíduos orgânicos nessas cidades, destacando os avanços em relação às normas nacionais. Em Florianópolis, as áreas adequadas representam 0,5% da área total, totalizando 3,10 km2. Em João Pessoa, a área final adequada abrange 16,76 km2, ou 8% do território. Os aspectos ambientais e as áreas residenciais foram identificados como os critérios restritivos mais relevantes para a seleção de locais adequados. Em termos de políticas públicas existentes, Florianópolis destaca-se em termos de gestão de resíduos orgânicos, com regras mais claras e eficazes, enquanto João Pessoa ainda precisa de uma política mais consistente e integrada.
Palavras-chave: resíduos orgânicos; SIG; seleção de locais; gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos municipais; recuperação de resíduos; análise espacial
Population growth, rapid urbanization, and industrialization are contributing to the increase in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation. By 2050, it is expected that 3.40 billion tons of MSW will be generated worldwide (Kaza et al., 2018). Thus, it can be predicted that in many regions where there is mismanagement, MSW will be one of the biggest urban problems. Specifically, in Brazil, the mass of MSW collected between 2010 and 2020 increased by approximately 26%, with the organic fraction accounting for 45.3% of the MSW collected, and less than 1% was recovered as energy or biofertilizer (Brasil, 2021; 2022b). Landfills are the most common method of final disposal (Siddiqua; Hahladakis; Al-Attiya, 2022), although they are designed to receive only waste that no longer has any possibility of treatment or recovery (Brasil, 2010). However, landfills represent a challenge for waste management, as they can present negative effects on soil, air, water, and natural life, which can remain even after they are closed (Iravanian; Ravari, 2020).
The valorization and management of the organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW) requires the use of appropriate technologies to harness the potential products, whether as a source of energy or as a raw material (Bayard; Gourdon, 2010). The OFMSW management and valorization must include selective collection, treatment, and recovery of the product. Selective collection aims to avoid mixing OFMSW with other types of waste and optimize the treatment and recovery of this fraction. If the collection is conducted correctly, the costs of the subsequent stages will be reduced (ADEME, 2020).
For treatment, the technologies indicated are composting and/or anaerobic digestion. Composting decomposes fermentable materials in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic digestion degrades organic matter under strict methanization conditions (Yaser et al., 2022; Cucina, 2023). Thus, the organic fraction is diverted from landfills, increasing their useful life and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and operational and post-operational costs (Keng et al., 2020).
Implementing technologies to treat and recover OFMSW requires the assessment of suitable and available areas. The geographic information system (GIS) tool has been widely applied in land use and occupation analysis, given its easiness in processing different types of data in a single system. Specifically, in the context of MSW management, GIS is used to identify transfer centers (Cobos-Mora; Guamán-Aucapiña; Zúñiga-Ruiz, 2023), optimize waste collection (Mati Asefa; Bayu Barasa; Adare Mengistu, 2022), determine suitable landfill sites (Doboch Wanore; Abera Angello; Menberu Fetanu, 2023), anaerobic digestion plants (Babalola, 2018), and composting installations (Yalcinkaya et al., 2021), as well as to evaluate territorial spaces for the recovery of urban waste (Tanguy et al., 2017).
Commonly, there are two types of studies using GIS to assist MSW management: to identify suitable sites (location) for facilities based on land feasibility analysis and to determine plant capacity (sizing) based on the allocation of raw material sources (Yalcinkaya, 2020). For instance, the location of waste treatment plants near public places is an important factor that decision-makers should consider. However, environmental, economic, social, and geographical criteria should be assessed before starting the construction of new facilities to reduce social opposition and optimize their effectiveness (Kamdar et al., 2019).
In this context, this research aimed to determine optimal locations for the installation of organic waste processing units using the GIS tool in two Brazilian state capitals (Florianópolis and João Pessoa) from two very different regions in terms of waste management (SNIS, 2022). The sites can use composting or anaerobic digestion as treatment processes, but there was no distinction between them in this study. This study also recognizes the importance of legislation as an essential legal instrument that needs to be adopted to improve waste management. However, this study does not establish a comparative relationship between the legislation of the two municipalities on the selection of areas for the installation of organic waste treatment systems. The main legislation on organic waste management was examined only to understand the progress of the two cities in terms of compliance with national guidelines.
It is noteworthy that the use of this tool in the national context has already proved efficient in several applications, such as optimizing urban waste flows in the city of Curitiba (Devendran et al., 2023), mapping sources of health service waste in the city of Pelotas (Gonçalves et al., 2020) and solid waste generation in the Rocinha slum (Vila et al., 2020), and identifying potential landfill sites in Goiás state (Colvero et al., 2018). Accordingly, this work intends to contribute relevant information to researchers, managers, and decision-makers who deal with similar challenges in urban environments and are looking for viable solutions in the management of OFMSW.
Study area: characterization and management of organic solid waste
Florianópolis is the capital of the state of Santa Catarina, located in the south of Brazil (Figure 1), with a resident population of 537,211 inhabitants in an area of 674.844 km2 (IBGE, 2022b). Most residents live in the insular part, which constitutes the largest part of the municipal territory and has a population density of 796.05 persons/km2 (IBGE, 2022a). The OFMSW is transported to the landfill in the neighboring municipality via conventional collection (waste that is not segregated at source). However, selective collection of the organic fraction is being implemented in some of the neighborhoods in the city. A pick-up vehicle is then responsible for collecting all the organic waste generated. The OFMSW represents 35% of all waste collected in the city, comprising 24% of food waste and 11% of green waste (Florianópolis, 2016). In 2021, the total MSW collected was 223,850 tons, of which 53,724 tons were food waste and 24,623 tons were green waste (Florianópolis, 2022).
The city of João Pessoa (Figure 1), the capital of the state of Paraíba, is in the northeast of Brazil; its population is 833,932 inhabitants, covering an area of 210.044 km2 (IBGE, 2022a). There is no selective collection of OFMSW in the municipality. The collection process mixes all types of MSW, depositing them in the landfill in the neighboring town of Santa Rita. The OFMSW accounts for 49% of the composition, including food waste (33%) and green waste (16%) (Pimentel et al., 2020). Accordingly, 129,125 tons of OFMSW were generated in 2013, out of which 86,961 tons were food waste and 42,163 tons were green waste (João Pessoa, 2014b).
Literature search and review results to identify criteria
A simplified literature review was conducted to identify the criteria most commonly used in studies that applied GIS to select sites for this purpose. The sources used were the Science Direct and Google Scholar databases. No time frame was defined, and only papers in English were included. For repeated studies on both platforms, only one was selected. Boolean operators AND and OR were used to combine the following search terms: “GIS” AND “site selection” AND “organic waste” OR “organic waste management.” Thus, papers that were not related to the application of GIS in organic waste management were excluded.
A total of 32 papers were selected by checking keywords and reading the abstracts on the search platforms. The main criteria used to identify the most suitable areas are related to distances from roads, residential areas, rivers, and protected areas (Figure 2). Other criteria, such as tourist areas, schools, hospitals, industries, commercial areas, groundwater, soil permeability, land slope, water supply, and religious sites, are also used, but to a lesser extent.
Percentage of the main criteria used to identify the most suitable areas with the GIS tool.
One of the main difficulties in waste management is transportation, which represents a high and constant cost in the project, and the plant should be located as close as possible to the main roads (Fard et al., 2023). Residential areas were classified into two groups according to population density: high and low. This distinction was made because low-density areas can have more flexible restrictions than high-density areas. The installations can cause nuisances such as bad odors, noise, and insect generation (Chukwuma et al., 2021).
The sites of biological importance are referred to as protected areas. These areas must be preserved to conserve the habitats of species and are characterized as parks or forests (Zareei, 2018). Surface waters or rivers can suffer direct degradation due to precipitation, which carries pollutants from the ground, and wastewater leaks, introducing harmful substances into rivers (Mussa; Suryabhagavan, 2021). Groundwater is one of the sources of water supply, and its quality directly affects water treatment costs and human health (Fard et al., 2023).
Therefore, this study considered the four main criteria that are often used in the literature (roads, residential areas, rivers, and protected areas), as well as the location of artesian wells. The inclusion of artesian wells was aimed at preventing possible impacts on coastal groundwater since both cities are located on the coast and use artesian wells to supply water for the population.
Identification of available and restricted areas
Through the five specific criteria (roads, residential areas, rivers, protected areas, and artesian wells), laws and regulations were analyzed to determine the limiting factors to be considered during the initial selection of suitable sites for the installation of future organic waste processing plants in the municipalities of Florianópolis and João Pessoa. The restrictions identified, based on the distances required for installation without damaging the surrounding environment, are summarized in Table 1.
Normative Instruction No. 75 of the Santa Catarina Environment Institute sets out the technical criteria for installing composting facilities (IMA, 2020). It lists CONSEMA Resolution No. 98/2017 to indicate the distances from protected areas concerning these facilities and the minimum distance provided for in current legislation regarding water resources in the area (Brasil, 2012; CONSEMA, 2017). For the state of Paraíba, there are no regulations relating to the installation of composting centers. Therefore, the landfill implementation requirements of the Brazilian Technical Norm NBR 13,896 were also included (ABNT, 1997). Although it is not considered the ideal approach, as landfills have significantly greater environmental impacts compared with composting and biogas plants, it was necessary to consult national and state regulations pertaining to landfills.
In addition, French Decree Nos. 2780 and 2781, despite being international regulations, were referenced due to their relevance to the implementation of composting and anaerobic digestion facilities (France, 2009a; 2009b). Consulting these decrees is justified by the lack of specific information in Brazil, which highlights the importance of looking for examples and successful practices in other regulatory contexts to improve local standards, as indicated in Table 1.
Considering the proximity of the facilities to roads, it became essential to adopt landfill regulations from other states since the specific guidelines for Santa Catarina and Paraíba do not mention this criterion. Thus, CPRH Normative Instruction No. 8/2021 of the state of Pernambuco was considered (CPRH, 2021). It is important to highlight that the minimum distance to residential areas was more than 100 and 200 m for low-density and high-density areas, respectively, even though NBR 13896/1997 recommends that this distance should be more than 500 m. This approach was assumed because composting or anaerobic digestion plants present fewer environmental risks than landfills (Gao et al., 2017; Yaser et al., 2022).
A database is a collection of information that must be accessible to support a quick and effective decision (Figueiredo; Pereira, 2017; Jiao; Li; Fang, 2023). Thus, updated data were obtained from various online sources and government institutions. In João Pessoa, data in raster format, such as land use and occupation, were extracted from the MapaBiomas project database—collection 6 (MapaBiomas, 2023). Vector data on the city infrastructure (roads, rivers, high- and low-density areas, artesian wells, and protected areas) were used from the FilipeiaMapas (João Pessoa city administration) (Filipeia, 2023), the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM, 2023), and the Brazilian National Registry of Protected Areas (CNUC, 2023).
In Florianópolis, the city council makes vector cartographic files of the spatial database available on its Geoportal (Florianópolis, 2023). It provides data on the hydrography, roads, and socio-economic information of the municipality. To create the GIS database, QGIS software version 3.22 was used for geoprocessing and spatial modeling of the information collected.
Application of the GIS tool
Once the data had been collected, the geographical elements of the study areas were digitized, such as the city limits, the road network, rivers, and protected areas. Spatial modeling was then conducted by applying GIS functions to this data, using the special buffer extension tool to identify suitable waste disposal sites at a certain distance from a reference point (Doboch Wanore; Abera Angello; Menberu Fetanu, 2023). The buffer can be used with other data layers to show more details of the study area (Chukwuma et al., 2021). The suitable locations and limited access zones were associated with the minimum and maximum distances required from the facilities with the main criteria adopted, as shown in Table 1.
The maps were generated using the topo raster and classification tool (Fard et al., 2023) and divided into three classes (unsuitable, low suitable, and suitable). The reclassification tool was used to assign the scores of the classes with the lowest relevance from 1 (unsuitable) to the highest relevance of 3 (suitable). The criteria weights were applied using the raster calculator tool, and the suitability maps were produced using the “And” operator.
Legal aspects of organic waste management
The analysis of organic waste management policies focused on understanding how both cities advanced in terms of adherence to national guidelines. The present research does not seek to compare the municipal legislation of the two locations regarding the choice of sites to establish organic waste processing infrastructures. For this purpose, local decrees, regulations, and plans about organic waste management were consulted through the official websites of the municipalities of Florianópolis (e.g.; https://www.cmf.sc.gov.br/) and João Pessoa (e.g.; https://joaopessoa.pb.leg.br/). In addition, important works in the field of organic waste management were also used to support this study, such as Quaresma et al. (2022), Lino, Ismail and Castañeda-Ayarza (2023), and Zago and Barros (2019).
Suitable areas for implementation of organic solid waste treatment centers
The city of Florianópolis has, in a limited space, a huge variety of natural environments that make up its different ecosystems. The criteria used for the city are contained in Figure 3. Being an island, the defined limitations are noticeable, as can be observed in Figures 3B and 3E. In terms of environmental restrictions, only 26.82% of the territory is considered suitable according to the criteria established for protected areas (Figure 3E), while 50% of the territory is unsuitable for a possible treatment plant. As far as rivers are concerned, the study area is strongly affected by the sheer quantity of them since their sources are in the same territory. As a result, only 22% of the territory is considered suitable for this criterion. Rivers are present in some of the main urban areas and “compete” for space with the major roads in the city. According to the established restrictions, the latter represent 38% of the territory as suitable and 28% as unsuitable, as can be observed in Figure 3A.
Result of the criteria and distances established in Florianópolis: (A) roads, (B) rivers, (C) high-density residential area, (D) low-density residential area, (E) protected areas, and (F) artesian wells.
According to Figure 3C, the unsuitable areas, that is, those with the highest population density, represent 28.65% of the territory, with the Central, Northern, and Eastern regions being the most affected. The favorable zones, which account for 63.23% of the total area, are found in the South and North Central regions. Figure 3D, which represents low-density residential areas, demonstrates that suitable areas represent 79.72% of the territory, while unsuitable areas represent 16.63% of the available space.
The localization of organic waste treatment facilities requires considering the various challenges involved. Babalola (2018) identified a suitable area of 13.36 km2 in Oita, Japan, for installing anaerobic digesters. The author points out that the location should be based on an assessment of criteria and impacts while respecting local laws. Waste managers, politicians, and residents must recognize the importance of achieving goals and objectives regarding the management of organic waste. In the metropolis of Lyon, France, Thiriet, Bioteau and Tremier (2020) reported around 6,529 available sites, ranging from 76 to 254,000 m2. Suitable sites were mainly located around commercial and industrial zones and on the outskirts of residential neighborhoods. However, as in the present study, densely populated areas (urban areas) proved disadvantageous, mainly due to concerns about generating possible environmental problems and low social acceptance.
The analysis for the areas of João Pessoa is illustrated in Figure 4. Residential areas had a major influence in determining the appropriate zones (Figures 4C and 4D) since the city is predominantly urbanized. The high-density areas (Figure 4C) with the established restrictions correspond to 72.85% of the total area. The unsuitable and less suitable areas are generally in the eastern and central parts of the city, while the suitable areas are mainly in the south, mainly due to the presence of agricultural land. Figure 4D indicates that 53.15 km2 of territory is considered unsuitable or less suitable for a possible centralized organic waste treatment facility.
Result of the criteria and distances established in João Pessoa: (A) roads, (B) rivers, (C) high-density residential area, (D) low-density residential area, (E) protected areas, and (F) artesian wells.
The restrictions established by the rivers for environmental criteria indicate that 64.56 km2 or 30.73% of the territory of João Pessoa is in unsuitable or less suitable areas. However, for protected areas, these same zones represent 56.41 km2 or 26.85%. The environmental criteria exert a strong limiting influence on the territorial analysis since 57.58% of the territory is characterized by unfavorable areas for the implementation of treatment centers. After defining all the criteria and restrictions, the six layers were combined, resulting in Figures 5A and 5B.
An analysis in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, revealed that only one area was the most suitable, once again highlighting the influence of residential areas. Vacant land served as a criterion for selecting the best areas because of its size and connection to sewage systems. The results also indicated that the site could generate 26–40 MW of electricity per year. Thus, the amount of organic waste sent to landfills and the cost of managing it in the city could be reduced (Akther et al., 2019). Colvero et al. (2018) pointed out the need for a differentiated focus on metropolitan areas. The importance of these regions is because, although they may only represent 2% of a state’s territorial extension, there are projections that they could be responsible for up to 40% of the total generation of MSW by the year 2040.
An analysis of the map in Figure 5A reveals that a large part of Florianópolis is unsuitable for implementing centralized organic solid waste treatment centers, according to the criteria and restrictions defined in this study. The criteria rivers, protected areas, and roads were the ones that most restricted the territory. The unsuitable areas correspond to 98% of the territory, while the areas considered less suitable are equivalent to 2% of the area of Florianópolis. In total, the suitable areas represent 0.5% of the total area, amounting to 3.10 km2 of suitable zone.
The city of Izmir in Turkey, like Florianópolis and João Pessoa, also has a challenge finding areas to recover organic waste, as only 3% of its territory is considered suitable for installing treatment plants. The most economically viable facilities are in areas where organic waste can be collected in greater quantities and over shorter distances. Therefore, there is an inversely proportional relationship between the total transportation distance and the number of plants (Yalcinkaya, 2020). In Tiassalé, a region in the south of Ivory Coast, the most suitable class for installing composting covered only 2.6% or 1.67 km2 of the territory (Yeo et al., 2022), which is between the percentage of available territories in this study.
In João Pessoa, according to Figure 5B, the high-density regions had the greatest influence among the selected criteria. The final suitable area for a possible centralized organic solid waste treatment center represents 16.76 km2 or 8% of the territory of João Pessoa. However, these areas could increase to 27.08 km2 or 13% of the territory, if less suitable areas are considered. For a better understanding of the territory, the suitable areas were divided into seven zones. Zones 01 and 02 correspond to the largest areas, with 7.49 and 6.22 km2, respectively. These areas are considered suitable for installing organic waste treatment technology because they are within the industrial district of João Pessoa. This is because they are regions already affected by other industrial activities and are located at a favorable distance that minimizes impacts on urban areas. Thus, environmental authorization for the installation of activities with a significant impact can be facilitated. Conversely, these zones are far from the major waste-generating centers of João Pessoa, which may influence the viability of possible operations.
Overall, environmental aspects and residential areas are the most relevant restrictive criteria for selecting waste treatment sites. However, the suitability of an area is not limited to its availability; it involves analyzing the long-term impacts and benefits for the community and the environment. Therefore, a multidimensional approach is essential to determining the suitability of a site for installing organic waste treatment centers.
This study is considered a preliminary analysis to select suitable areas for organic waste processing facilities. As such, the areas identified are considered small compared to the size of the two cities but may be sufficient to supply the demand. To confirm that these areas can effectively satisfy the requirements of the cities concerned, additional aspects need to be considered, such as the amount of waste treated, operating costs, available infrastructure, and the possibility of implementing the selected technology (composting or anaerobic digestion). However, the more aspects that are included, the more difficult it will be to apply in low- and middle-income countries due to the lack of necessary data.
Legal aspects of organic fraction of municipal solid waste management
The legal regulatory framework for solid waste management in Brazil, Federal Law No. 12305/2010, defines the National Solid Waste Policy and guides the integrated management of waste, including collection, transportation, segregation, treatment (composting or anaerobic digestion), and final disposal (Brasil, 2010). The public service provider, which can be either the municipality or state, is responsible for implementing the composting system. Federal Law No. 14026/2020 makes composting one of the public services for MSW management and public cleaning (Brasil, 2020).
Decree No. 10936/2022 determines that selective collection must separate at least dry (non-biodegradable) and organic waste from waste that cannot be recovered (Brasil, 2022a). National Environment Council Resolution No. 481/2017 establishes the criteria and procedures for the composting process and guarantees environmental control and quality. It defines OFMSW as the fraction of MSW capable of being composted, regardless of its origin (CONAMA, 2017). Composting is, therefore, an essential element in MSW management and public cleaning.
In addition, the National Solid Waste Plan established specific targets to approach this issue. By 2040, approximately 13.5% of the total mass of MSW generated should be recovered through the recovery of the organic fraction. The Plan stipulates that all Brazilian municipalities must implement some initiative to recover the OFMSW by 2040. These initiatives can include selective collection, composting, or anaerobic digestion. These measures are essential to ensure the proper management of OFMSW and to promote environmental sustainability (Brasil, 2022b).
The recovery of OFMSW is a practice that has been adopted in Florianópolis (Florianópolis, 2016). Following the Brazilian National Solid Waste Policy, Florianópolis developed its Municipal Plan for the Integrated Management of MSW, through Decree No. 17910/2017. The Plan defines the guidelines and targets for managing MSW in the city over the next 10 years, seeking to increase recycling and composting rates. One of the strategies is to encourage the separation of organics at source and invest in the implementation of biodigesters (Florianópolis, 2017).
In 2018, Florianópolis adopted the Zero Waste City Program, through Decree No. 18646, which aims to involve civil society, private initiatives, and public authorities in preventing or reducing the generation and recovery of MSW (Florianópolis, 2018). In addition, Municipal Law No. 10501/2019 establishes the obligation to gradually dispose of organic waste in an environmentally appropriate manner by 2030. Thus, the entire OFWSM must be diverted from landfills and destined for composting or other technologies (Florianópolis, 2019).
In João Pessoa, Law No. 12,957/2014 approved the Municipal Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management. This Plan, through goals and programs, promotes the reduction of the amount destined for landfills and encourages the implementation of organic waste treatment technologies, with composting as the main priority, followed by anaerobic digestion (João Pessoa, 2014a). The compost produced must be used in green spaces, squares, public gardens, and educational projects with the aim of raising public awareness. Decree No. 8886/2016 regulates the MSW Policy of João Pessoa. This Decree establishes the procedures and criteria for the generation, packaging, storage, collection, transportation, and final disposal of MSW generated in the municipality (João Pessoa, 2016). Regarding OFMSW, it must be segregated directly at the source of generation from other recyclable waste, so that it can be composted.
In addition to the municipalities analyzed here, other localities, such as the Federal District, the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the municipality of Manaus, have their own regulations for OFMSW management. The Federal District’s legislation, through Law 6,518/2020, requires OFMSW to be treated using biological methods and prohibits its allocation to landfills (Distrito Federal, 2020). In Manaus, Municipal Law 2,791/2021 instituted the Municipal Organic Waste Composting Program, requiring organic waste to be sent for composting and focusing on large generators of this waste as the main targets. This same law determines that by 2027, all OFMSW in Manaus must be processed by composting (Manaus, 2021). In the state of Rio de Janeiro, Law No. 9,735/2022 was responsible for creating the State Organic Waste Composting Program, reinforcing the trend towards sustainable management of these materials (Rio de Janeiro, 2022).
Brazil, therefore, has regulations in place to deal with OFMSW, defining targets and actions. There are guidelines to prevent these materials from being sent to landfills, as these sites should only be responsible for waste that can no longer be treated or recovered (Brasil, 2010). However, even with the Federal Law (No. 12,305/2010), the great deficiency of the country in the recovery of OFMSW is evident. Zago and Barros (2019) point out that this situation is alarming, given that millions of tons of organic waste are still buried, burned, or dumped in the open.
In Florianópolis, policymakers, combined with the population, demonstrate a clearer understanding of the importance of recovering organic waste, as the targets for composting and selective collection of the OFMSW are underway. However, in João Pessoa, there is no selective collection of OFMSW, and although the laws mentioned set targets for increasing the recovery of organic waste, they do not specify clearer deadlines or procedures, which hinders progress in the short and medium term. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that it is essential to integrate political willingness, the availability of resources, and the presence of qualified personnel to achieve the objectives effectively. Without these fundamental elements, legislation alone cannot guarantee the implementation and success of the proposed measures.
Brazil has an advanced legal system for managing MSW comparable to that of developed countries (Lino; Ismail; Castañeda-Ayarza, 2023). However, the development of basic sanitation faces obstacles, mainly due to the lack of regional and local public policies that do not prioritize this sector. The goals for OFMSW management in Brazil are seen as challenging. Even cities like Florianópolis and João Pessoa have faced difficulties in reaching them. Consistent investment in infrastructure, a clear definition of political priorities, and the launch of educational campaigns are essential to consolidating efforts towards the goals set by the National Solid Waste Plan. Furthermore, considering the vital role of composting and biogas technology in reducing organic waste destined for landfills, measures must be implemented to integrate these practices into public policies, including incentives, and tax benefits.
The location of areas for waste treatment plants needs to minimize the impact on environmental health and the degradation of land resources. According to the literature review conducted, roads, rivers, protected areas, and urban areas are the main criteria used to identify areas to improve MSW management. The GIS analyses showed that the areas suitable for installing a treatment plant are very limited in both cities, as they have very large urban areas and important environmental aspects. Florianópolis is influenced by its hydrography and protected areas. In total, the appropriate areas represent 0.5% of the total area (674.844 km2), totaling 3.10 km2 of the appropriate zone. João Pessoa is a densely urbanized city, which is the main restriction. The area suitable for an organic waste treatment center represents 8% of the total territory (210.044 km2), or 16.76 km2 of the appropriate zone.
The city of Florianópolis has recently adopted regulations establishing that OFMSW must be sent for composting, as this technique is a national legal obligation. In this way, the city is following the National Solid Waste Plan targets to recover the OFMSW. João Pessoa needs clearer and more effective rules for the recovery of organic waste, as it lacks a more consistent and integrated policy on this issue. However, both cities have major deficiencies and challenges in using the OFMSW, as landfill is still the most widely used form of final disposal. Initial environmental education programs aimed at non-generation and minimal waste should be prioritized, as well as the search for new investments to implement technologies aimed at treating and recovering the organic fraction of municipal solid waste.
Although this study did not establish a direct connection between the legislation of the two cities for the selection of areas for installing OFMSW treatment systems, it is believed that they are complementary. The results of this study have the potential to significantly contribute to achieving the objectives established by the National Solid Waste Plan, especially in terms of the treatment, recovery, and detour of organic fraction of municipal solid waste from landfills.
For further research, it is suggested to expand the analysis to include metropolitan regions, as well as the capacity of the plant to treat the OFMSW. It is also recommended that a sensitivity analysis be performed to understand the impact of each criterion selected. As the methodology is relatively simple and easy to apply, it can be used as an initial input for decision-makers in other cities.
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25 Oct 2024 -
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07 June 2024 -
10 Aug 2024