Materials Research - Ibero-american Journal of Materials
Judicious, fair and educative!
This issue of Materials Research contains 20 original articles. The rejected /accepted ratio fluctuates at around 40-50%. More than a hundred articles are under review at present.
The indexation of Materials Research in the Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), which includes the Web of Science, ISI Alerting Service and Materials Science Citation Index (MSCI) fostered an increased number of submissions. Mat. Res. is also indexed in the Chemical Abstracts, World Ceramic Abstracts, International Pool of Glass Abstracts, SCOPUS (www.scopus.com/scopus/home.url), and is published in electronic format at Scielo (www.scielo.br/mr).
A few weeks ago a colleague told me an interesting story related to one of his research projects, which I found worth repeating to Mat. Res. readers. Said research deals with a technique known as Severe Deformation Processing (SDP), consisting in the application of successive deformation steps or passes to a metal or alloy; mind that for high strength metals this is normally performed at medium - high homologous temperatures. My colleague was trying an SDP experiment at room temperature on one refractory metal. However, he only succeeded in performing one deformation pass, the second was left incomplete owing to equipment limitations. Recalling that SDP requires from four to ten passes to produce high strength and high ductility products, my colleague soon concluded that his experiment was a failure and decided to return to the conventional mode. A few months after his unsuccessful trial, a scientific paper came out, describing an identical experiment - room temperature, same metal, one pass - but presented as a great success. The authors emphasized how simple SDP processing has become, explained why a room temperature one pass deformation was equivalent to many passes at high temperature and ended by underlying the absolute originality of their approach. After recovering from the blow, my colleague rushed to compare the date of his experiment to that of the paper's submission - his preceded the latter by six months; also, final tensile properties were very similar. Hence, by knowing how fast the members of the "rival" group submit their findings, my colleague concluded that almost certainly he had been the first to perform a room temperature SPD experiment employing that metal. The difference - and such difference! - was that his experiment was confined within the walls of his lab while that of the other group was enjoying worldwide visibility. What of this story? That my colleague is too modest? Or with more attention he would have recognized the real value of his work? Within the specific case, questions of this sort perhaps make sense, but generalizing from it we may suggest that Brazilian and perhaps other researchers lack persistence or suffer of a kind of "scientific timidity", which make them hesitate too much before submitting their work to a journal or writing up a patent. Today this attitude is utterly unjustified, but it seems to survive from past times judging by our small participation in the production of knowledge and innovation.
We gratefully acknowledge the Brazilian funding agency CNPq for covering the editorial and printing costs of this issue of Mat. Res. The financial support from the Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos (DEMa/UFSCar) for mailing expenses; the Vitreous Materials Laboratory (LaMaV/UFSCar) for fax and telephone expenses are also acknowledged. Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais (ABM) and Associação Brasileira de Polímeros (ABPol) cover the editorial assistant's salary. Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica - ABC, ABPol, and ABM have also helped advertising Materials Research and managing its subscriptions and financial resources.
Edgar Dutra Zanotto
December 27, 2008
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
12 Feb 2009 -
Date of issue
Dec 2008