Purpose: to gather scientific evidence on the linguistic skill profile in developmental dyslexia and developmental language disorder to better understand possible comorbid or isolated conditions.
Methods: an integrative review of the literature. The search was conducted in SciELO, ERIC, LILACS, and PubMed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) studies published and available in open-access national and international journals in full text; 2) addressing the topic in the last 10 years; 3) in English and/or Portuguese.
Literature Review: the search retrieved 654 articles, the final sample comprising 10, 5 of which agreed with the hypothesis that dyslexia and developmental language disorder can be comorbid disorders, impairing reading, writing, and phonological awareness. The other studies described broader language deficits in children with developmental language disorder alone, affecting language decoding and comprehension, whereas deficits in dyslexia are more associated with phonological processing.
Conclusion: there is no consensus on whether dyslexia and developmental language disorders occur simultaneously in children. However, both pose risks to reading comprehension and school performance.
Keywords: Dyslexia; Specific Language Disorder; Reading; Child
Objetivo: integrar evidências científicas sobre o perfil de habilidades linguísticas na dislexia do desenvolvimento e no transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, para melhor compreensão de possíveis condições comórbidas ou quadros isolados.
Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca ocorreu nas bases de dados: Scielo, Eric e LILACS, bem como no buscador PubMed. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) estudos publicados nos periódicos nacionais e internacionais, gratuitos, com texto completo e disponível; 2) que abordem a temática nos últimos 10 anos; 3) em inglês e/ou português.
Revisão da Literatura: a busca contou com 654 artigos. A amostra final foi composta por dez artigos, nos quais cinco estudos são concordantes quanto à hipótese de que dislexia e transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, podem ser transtornos comórbidos, com prejuízos na leitura, na escrita e na consciência fonológica; os demais estudos descrevem déficits mais amplos de linguagem nas crianças somente com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, implicados na decodificação e compreensão da linguagem, enquanto na dislexia os déficits estão associados ao processamento fonológico.
Conclusão: não há consenso se a dislexia e o transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem ocorrem simultaneamente em crianças. No entanto, ambos conferem riscos à compreensão leitora e ao desempenho escolar.
Descritores: Dislexia; Transtorno Específico de Linguagem; Leitura; Criança
Learning to read and write depends on the development of certain linguistic and cognitive skills, such as phonological awareness, attention, and information manipulation, storage, and reflection1.
Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders may have various levels of impairment affecting language, memory, attention, executive functions, motor-perceptual skills, and so forth2.
Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder among other neurodevelopmental ones, which specifically impairs precise word reading, velocity or fluency, and comprehension3. These difficulties manifest in the early school years when children learn academic skills. Their manifestations are not due to intellectual development deficiencies, sensory deficiencies (sight or hearing), neurological or motor deficiencies, lack of access to education, lack of language proficiency, lack of academic instruction, or psychosocial adversities4.
Risk factors for dyslexia can be early identified in preschoolers regarding phonological awareness difficulties, especially in rhymes, word pronunciation, and difficulties learning and naming letters5, which culminate in inefficient reading and writing over time. Most people with this diagnosis have phonological deficits, characterized by a dysfunction in some aspects of speech sound emission or processing, which involves difficulties in phonological awareness skills, phonological working memory, and slow access to the phonological lexicon6-8.
Developmental language disorder (DLD)9 is characterized by language expression or comprehension difficulties, interfering with children’s and adults’ daily lives10. It is a considerable impairment in the capacity to comprehend and emit spoken language, independent from the supposedly typical development10. It is also known as Specific Language Disorder (SLD), in which “specific” refers to limited deficits, as such children do not have sensory, neurological, socioemotional, or cognitive deficiencies that would justify their language difficulties11.
The term DLD was proposed by a group of researchers12. However, the use of this terminology and the criteria for its diagnosis are still being discussed, especially by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)13. Therefore, the term DLD is not clearly described in the classificatory systems of DSM-53 or ICD 114, but it was used in this study because it has been widely approached in the current literature worldwide.
Children with DLD have uncommon and diverging language competency development and impaired linguistic processing14. A more recent study indicates that children with DLD may have other expressions superposing the linguistic deficits, with changes in attention, speech motor processing, intellect, and differentiation between verbal and nonverbal skills. Hence, children whose nonverbal IQ is below average but above 70 should be screened for DLD10.
Therefore, early diagnosis, by 18 to 24 months old, is important, as long as parents/guardians are attentive to their children’s linguistic development - the earlier the diagnosis and intervention, the better these patients’ prognoses15. To confirm the DLD diagnosis, individuals must not have other developmental disorders or hearing loss, which are excluding factors16. Nevertheless, children with DLD have reading and writing difficulties when they start going to school, like those with dyslexia.
Diagnosing these children is a tough task because it is difficult to find instruments that analyze cognitive-intellectual skills as early as preschool and that can be applied by speech-language-hearing therapists17,18.
Thus, this article aimed at gathering scientific evidence on the linguistic skill profile in developmental dyslexia and DLD to better understand possible comorbid or isolated conditions, considering that some studies address DLD and dyslexia as different disorders, but with possible comorbidities19-21.
This is an integrative review of the literature, guided by the following research question: “What are the linguistic skill profiles in cases of dyslexia and DLD that can be identified as comorbidities or isolated conditions?”.
This study was constructed through the following stages: establishing the research question, defining the keywords and inclusion and exclusion criteria, selecting studies, and analyzing and interpreting data.
Articles were selected through a search in national and international databases, namely: SciELO, MEDLINE, ERIC, LILACS, as well as PubMed search engine, using the following combined Portuguese terms regarding the topic of interest: ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Diagnóstico"), ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Criança"), ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Leitura"), ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Avaliação"). Combined English terms were also used: ("Dyslexia") AND ("Specific language impairment" OR "Specific Language Disorder") AND ("Diagnosis"), ("Dyslexia") AND ("Specific language impairment" OR "Specific Language Disorder") AND ("Children"), ("Dyslexia") AND ("Specific language impairment" OR "Specific Language Disorder") AND ("Reading"), ("Dyslexia") AND ("Specific language impairment" OR "Specific Language Disorder") AND ("Assessment").
The article inclusion criteria for the review were as follows: 1) studies published in open-access national and international journals in full text and available in the selected databases; 2) addressing this topic in the last 10 years; 3) in English and/or Portuguese. The sample was selected by title reading, abstract reading, and then full-text reading. The exclusion criteria were opinion articles, reviews or communications, congress studies, reviews, and duplicates.
The analysis was made with an Excel spreadsheet with the following data: year of publication, name of the authors, country of publication, study objective, sample, method, main results, and conclusion.
The flowchart (Figure 1) shows that only articles with the terms ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Leitura") e ("Dislexia") AND ("Transtorno específico de linguagem" OR "Prejuízo específico de linguagem") AND ("Avaliação") were found in LILACS. In PubMed, SciELO, and ERIC, in their turn, only articles with English descriptors were found.
Literature Review
The initial search identified 654 articles from January 2012 to June 2021. It was decided to use articles indexed in these databases in the last 10 years because of the growing discussion about both conditions in Brazil and the world. Also, the greater variety in the sampling process increases the potential for more in-depth and broad results in this review22.
In subsequent stages, 644 articles were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria. Hence, 10 studies were selected from PubMed and ERIC.
Five studies in the review agreed with the hypothesis that dyslexia and DLD can be comorbid disorders (i.e., they can coexist in an individual)21,23,25,26,31. The studies obtained this result by assessing their language - e.g., phonological awareness21,26,31, word and pseudoword reading21,23,25,31, vocabulary21,24,25,31, working memory21,24,26,28, mental lexicon access24,25, reading comprehension21,24,26, and writing23,24.
Language measures and other cognitive skills were also assessed in preschoolers. For instance, three studies assessed working memory21,26,27, three assessed short-term memory21,26-30, one assessed superior linguistic skills26, two assessed psychomotor skills21-26, and one assessed academic performance and cognitive variables in verbal comprehension27.
A 2019 study conducted in England compared three groups: children with both DLD and dyslexia, children with only DLD or dyslexia, and a control group whose children had no deficits. Phonological impairments were more severe in the comorbid cases25. Another study presented similar results regarding the hypothesis of dyslexia and DLD as comorbid disorders. However, children with dyslexia alone had more indications of deficient phonological connections than those with DLD alone and dyslexia and DLD combined23.
A study conducted in the United States31 on word learning skills compared children with DLD alone, dyslexia alone, and combined DLD/dyslexia with a group of children with no deficits. Its results indicated that children with dyslexia alone and DLD/dyslexia combined had significantly impaired performance in tasks that assess semantic and phonological aspects in word learning.
Contrarily, studies conducted in China and the United States27,28 concluded that children with dyslexia performed worse than their peers with DLD alone or comorbid DLD in language skills involving phonological processing. Consequently, they had further impaired reading and writing, due to the etiological factor of the phonological deficit.
Other researchers29,30 diverged from these and found better performance in children with dyslexia. Those diagnosed with DLD had more evidence of deficits in phonological skills than their peers. Nonetheless, a study from the University of Cyprus24 observed that children with dyslexia and DLD have similarly impaired phonological processing, though with different manifestations.
Phonological processing impairments are directly related to the children’s potential to learn to read and write because they are predictors that allow future reading decoding and comprehension27. Therefore, children with these two conditions start learning to read and write with such a developmental gap - which makes it essential that teachers be familiar with these disorders.
Phonological deficits observed in dyslexia may contribute to a different impairment profile from that of children with DLD regarding reading and spelling processing24. Moreover, short-term verbal memory impairments map more severe problems in word reading and spelling processing in the dyslexia group than in the DLD group.
Additionally, children diagnosed with dyslexia performed worse than their peers with DLD in reading comprehension. They had greater difficulty in phonological awareness, working memory, and mental lexicon access tasks, which are relevantly predictive skills of reading acquisition21-29.
Concerning writing skills, participants in a study from England diagnosed with comorbid dyslexia and DLD had greater spelling difficulties than children diagnosed with DLD alone. These difficulties were mainly characterized by misspellings and phonological and semantic errors25.
Furthermore, children with DLD, with or without dyslexia, had a wider range of deficiencies, including significant problems with executive and motor tasks and primary cognitive deficits, which pose a risk of reading difficulties26.
Given the above, there is no consensus in the literature about the nature of these disorders, whether they are comorbid or not, and what linguistic characteristics may distinguish dyslexia from DLD.
Important findings pointed to phonological skills, explaining the similarities and differences in dyslexia and DLD, with a broad basis of linguistic skills especially involved in learning to read and write.
Even though the studies described aspects of cognitive-linguistic functioning in these conditions, understanding methodological evidence that ensures differential diagnoses between them contributes to scientific advancements. Hence, the role of professionals in interdisciplinary teams - particularly speech-language-hearing therapists and psychologists/neuropsychologists - helps to identify clinical characteristics that can still be misdiagnosed.
Regardless of characteristics manifested differently or in common, in either developmental dyslexia or DLD, scientific evidence also indicates that cognitive functioning impairments, especially in language and its reading and writing specificities, hinder these schoolchildren’s academic performance17,18. Therefore, interdisciplinary assessment, especially involving psychologists and speech-language-hearing therapists, is necessary for more precise diagnosis and therapeutic procedures established according to each person’s profile.
There is no consensus yet about whether developmental dyslexia and DLD occur simultaneously. Nevertheless, phonological skills importantly explained the reading difficulties in the two disorders, particularly impaired in dyslexia. These findings support the principle that both dyslexia and DLD need comprehensive diagnostic assessments by interdisciplinary teams to characterize the linguistic skill profiles and better define the therapeutic practice. Moreover, when children begin to learn to read and write, teachers must pay careful attention to signs suggestive of difficulties inherent to these conditions.
- 1 Silva C, Capellini SA. Correlação entre habilidades cognitivo-linguísticas em escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Rev. psicopedag.2012;29(89):183-93.
- 2 Borges JL, Federal U, Grande R, Trentini CM, Federal U, Grande R et al. Avaliação neuropsicológica dos transtornos psicológicos na infância: um estudo de revisão. Psico-USF. 2008;13(1):125-33.
- 3 American Psychiatric Association - APA. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
- 4 World Health Organization. ICD-11 implementation or transition guide. Geneva: WHO; 2022.
- 5 Carroll JM, Snowling MJ. Language and phonological skills in children at high risk of reading difficulties. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2004;45(3):631-40.
- 6 Van Bergen E, Jong PF, Regtvoort A, Oort F, van Otterloo S, van der Leij A. Dutch children at family risk of dyslexia: precursors, reading development, and parental effects. Dyslexia. 2011;17:2-18.
- 7 Landerl K, Ramus F, Moll K, Lyytinen H, Leppänen PHT, Lohvansuu K et al. Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013;54(6):686-94.
- 8 Ramus F. Neuroimaging sheds new light on the phonological deficit in dyslexia. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2014;18(6):274-5.
- 9 Crestani AH, Vendruscolo JF, Ramos-souza AP. Specific language impairment: the relevance of the initial diagnosis. Rev. CEFAC. 2013;15(1):228-37.
- 10 Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA, Greenhalgh T. Phase 2 pf CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinar Delphi Consensus study of problems with language development: terminology. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2017;58(10):1068-80.
- 11 Miller C, Gilbert E. Comparison of performance on two nonverbal intelligence tests by adolescents with and without language impairment. J Commun Disord. 2008;41(4):358-71.
- 12 Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA, Greenhalgh T. CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLoS One. 2016;11(7):e0158753.
- 13 Green L. The specific language impairment/developmental language disorders forum: fostering a discussion of terminology. Perspect ASHA Spec Interest Groups. 2020;5(1):3-5.
- 14 Weisberg DS, Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM. Embracing complexity: rethinking the relation between play and learning. Psychol Bull. 2013;139(1):35-9.
- 15 Crestani AH, Oliveira LD, Vasconcelos JF, Ramos-Souza AP. Specific language impairment: the relevance of the initial diagnosis. Rev. CEFAC. 2013;15(1):228-36.
- 16 Tomblin BJ, Records NL, Buckwalter P, Zhang X, Smith E, O'Brien M. Prevalence of specific language impairment in kindergarten children. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 1997;40(6):1245-60.
- 17 Fortunato-Tavares T, Rocha CN, Andrade CR, Befi-Lopes DM, Schochat E, Hestvik A et al. Linguistic and auditory temporal processing in children with specific language impairment. Pro-Fono R. Atualiz. Cientif. 2009;21(4):279-84.
- 18 Ferreira JM, Makinen M, Amorim KS. Intellectual disability in kindergarten: possibilities of development through pretend play. Procedia Soc Behav Sci. 2016;2017:487-500.
- 19 Adlof SM, Hogan TP. Understanding dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 2018;49(4):762-73.
- 20 Bishop DV, McDonald D, Bird S, Hayiou-Thomas ME. Children who read words accurately despite language impairment: who are they and how do they do it? Child Development. 2018;80(2):593-605.
- 21 Ramus F, Marshall CR, Rosen S, Lely HK. van der. Phonological deficits in specific language impairment and developmental dyslexia: towards a multidimensional model. Brain: A Journal of Neurology. 2013;136(2):630-45.
- 22 Whittemore R. Combining evidence in nursing research: methods and implications. Nurs Res. 2005;54(1):56-62.
- 23 McCarthy Jillian H. Is weak oral language associated with poor spelling in school-age children with specific language impairment, dyslexia or both? Clin Linguist Phon. 2014;26(9):1-19.
- 24 Spanoudis GC, Papadopoulos TC, Spyrou S. Specific language impairment and reading disability: categorical distinction or continuum? J Learn Disabil. 2019;52(1):3-14.
- 25 Snowling MJ, Nash HM, Gooch DC, Hayiou-Thomas ME, Hulme C. Developmental outcomes for children at high risk of dyslexia and children with developmental language disorder. Child Dev. 2019;90(5):e548-64.
- 26 Wong AMY, Ho CSH, Au TKF. Reading comprehension, working memory and higher-level language skills in children with SLI and/or dyslexia. Read Writ. 2017;30(2):337-61.
- 27 Schuchardt K, Bockmann AK, Bornemann G, Maehler C. Working memory functioning in children with learning disorders and specific language impairment. Topics in Language Disorders. 2013;33(4):298-312.
- 28 Lauterbach AA, Park Y, Lombardino LJ. The roles of cognitive and language abilities in predicting decoding and reading comprehension: comparisons of dyslexia and specific language impairment. Ann. of Dyslexia. 2017;67(3):201-18.
- 29 Farquharson K, Centanni TM, Franzluebbers CE, Hogan TP. Phonological and lexical influences on phonological awareness in children with specific language impairment and dyslexia. Front Psychol. 2014;5(838):1-10.
- 30 Talli I, Sprenger-Charolles L, Stavrakaki S. Specific language impairment and developmental dyslexia: what are the boundaries? Data from Greek children. Res Dev Disabil. 2016;49-50:339-53.
- 31 Adlof SM, Baron Bell AB, Scoggins J. Learning spoken words in children with developmental language disorder or dyslexia. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2021;64(7):2734-49.