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Effects of In-Ovo Rutin Injection to Fertile Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Egg on Hatchability, Embryonic Death, Hatchling Weight, and Hatchling Liver Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress


This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effects of the antioxidant rutin injected in fertilized quail eggs on incubation parameters and some hatchling liver biochemical parameters. The study was carried out with 6 groups including a control group and 5 different doses of rutin, and it involved 720 fresh Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs. It was observed that rutin dose did not affect the early embryo mortality, whereas intermediate and late embryo mortality rates were higher in all groups given rutin in comparison to the control group. The mean hatchability of fertile eggs and total eggs for the control, 0.25 mg, 0.50 mg, 0.75 mg, 1 mg and 1.5 mg groups were calculated as 82.06, 82.23, 64.43, 68.84, 44.08, 22.95 % and 48.10, 55.49, 34.33, 33.00, 18.03, 8.45% respectively. Compared with the control group, hatchling mortality rate was higher only in the 0.25 rutin group, and lower in all other groups receiving rutin in-ovo. The highest hatchling weight was found in the 0.25 mg rutin group, and hatchling weight decreased as rutin dose increased. Consequently, considering the mortality rates, hatchling weights, and liver antioxidant/oxidant capacities of the hatchlings, it is believed that the in-ovo injection of 0.25 mg rutin may be useful for Japanese quail production.

Hatchability; in-ovo injection; oxidative stress; nitrosative stress; rutin


The poultry industry is becoming highly and increasingly significant to overcome the protein deficit in developing countries. Reaching the desired success in this sector is dependent on daily chick production [28King'Ori A. Review of the factors that influence egg fertility and hatchability in poultry. International Journal Poultry Science, 2011, 10, 483-492.]. Due to the high metabolic rate of embryos as a result of intensive selection applied on commercial poultry, their nutritional requirements have also increased. Failing to meet these requirements nutrition has negative effects on parameters such as embryonic development, hatchability, hatchling quality, and post-hatch performance [24Karageçili M.R., Karadas F.: The Importance of Maternal and/or In ovo Antioxidant Feeding for Gene Expression and Performance in Poultry. YYU Journal Agricultural Science 2017;27:276-284.]. This situation has led to an increase in the number of studies aiming at increasing incubation yield and reducing post-hatch disease and mortality rates. In this context, in-egg (in-ovo) feeding has attracted attention of researchers [9Bhanja S, Mandal A, Goswami T. Effect of in ovo injection of amino acids on growth, immune response, development of digestive organs and carcass yields of broiler. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 2004;39:212-218.], and most of the studies have evaluated the injection of nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, trace minerals, essential fatty acids and vitamins into the amnion and yolk sac of poultry embryos [5Beiglou RE. The effect of In-ovo feeding on intestinal Development And Performance Of Avian Species. Journal Applied Poultry Resource 2010;9:34-40., 6Bello A, Zhai W, Gerard P, Peebles E. Effects of the commercial in ovo injection of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the hatchability and hatching chick quality of broilers. Poultry Science 2013; 92:2551-2559., 16Ebrahimnezhad Y, Salmanzadeh M, Aghdamshahryar H, Beheshti R, Rahimi H. The effects of in ovo injection of glucose on characters of hatching and parameters of blood in broiler chickens. Annual Biology Research 2011;2:347-351., 26Keralapurath M, Corzo A, Pulikanti R, Zhai W, Peebles E. Effects of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability and subsequent broiler performance and slaughter yield. Poultry Science 2010;89:1497-1501., 32Nowaczewski S, Kontecka H, Krystianiak S. Effect of in ovo injection of vitamin C during incubation on hatchability of chickens and ducks. Folia Biologica 2012;60:93-97., 33Ohta Y, Tsushima N, Koide K, Kidd M, Ishibashi T.Effect of amino acid injection in broiler breeder eggs on embryonic growth and hatchability of chicks. Poulry Science 1999;78:1493-1498., 35Salmanzadeh M. The effects of in-ovo injection of glucose on hatchability, hatching weight and subsequent performance of newly-hatched chicks. Revista Brasileira Ciencia Avicicola 2012;14:137-140., 43Uni Z, Ferket P, Tako E, Kedar O. In ovo feeding improves energy status of late-term chicken embryos. Poultry Science 2005;84:764-770., 46Zhai W, Neuman S, Latour MA, Hester PY. The effect of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability of white leghorns. Poultry Science 2008;87:569-572.].

In addition to well-known antioxidant vitamins (vitamins A and C), foods contain some compounds have equally effective antioxidant properties, such as flavonoids. These compounds have anticancer and other useful properties are also known as dietary antioxidants. Over 4000 flavonoids have been evaluated as dietary antioxidants, including rutin [21Kahraman A, Serteser M, Koken T. Flavonoidler. The Medical Journal of Kocatepe 2002; 3:1-8.]. Rutin, which is found in fruits, vegetables and herbal teas, is a non-toxic substance that consists of the flavonol quercetin and the disaccharide rutinose, and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic activities [3Ansar S, Hamed S, AlGhosoon H, AlSaedan R, Iqbal M. The protective effect of rutin against renal toxicity induced by lead acetate. Toxin Reviews 2016;35:58-62., 14Çimen MBY. Flavonoidler ve antioksidan özellikleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Medicine Sciences 1999:19:296-304., 37Sharma S, Ali A, Ali J, Sahni JK, Baboota S. rutin: therapeutic potential and recent advances in drug delivery. Expert Opinion Investigational Drugs 2013;22:1063-1079., 44Winter J, Moore L, Dowell V, Bokkenheuser V. C-ring cleavage of flavonoids by human intestinal bacteria. Applied Environmental Microbiology 1989;55:1203-1208.]. In the light of this information, this study was carried out with the purpose of investigating the effects of the in-ovo injection of fertilized quail eggs with rutin on embryonic death, chick death, hatchability, hatchling weight, and some biochemical parameters.



The experiment was conducted at the Poultry Unit of the Department of Husbandry Research and Application of the School of Veterinary Medicine, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical rules and procedures, and was approved by Atatürk University

Local Ethics Council of Animal Experiments (19.04.2016/2).


The rutin and other chemicals used in this study were of analytical purity and were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA).

Experimental procedures

A total of 778 eggs were obtained from 16- to 20-wk-old 240 (120 male and 120 female) Japanese quail breeders (Coturnix coturnix japonica) in a total of 7 days. The eggs were stored in a room at 18-20°C and 55-60% relative humidity until incubation. Quails housed in 120 multi-story breeding cages (one male and one female per cage), and fed with a diet containing 20% crude protein and 2900 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. Birds were randomly distributed into six groups, with three replicates of 40 eggs each. The following in-ovo injection treatments were applied: T1 (Control): 0.1 mL of physiological saline solution; T2: 0.25 mg rutin/10 g egg; t3: 0.50 mg rutin/10 g egg; t4: 0.75 mg rutin/10 g egg; t5: 1.00 mg rutin/10 g egg; and T6: 1.50 mg rutin/10 g egg.

Rutin doses was adjusted per 10 g of egg weight and dissolved in physiological saline solution to a final volume of 1 mL. It is understood from the literature reviews that in-ovo injection into quail eggs is made into the air sac. Eggs were disinfected with ethanol at 70% and pierced on the flatter end (air cell) of the eggs. The solutions were manually injected using a 26 G syringe at an approximate 5-mm depth before incubation. After injection, the holes were covered by nail polish, and again disinfected with ethanol at 70%. After completion of the injection process, a total of 720 Japanese quail eggs were set in a single-stage incubator. The relative humidity and temperature in the setter (0-14 days) were 68% and 37.8 °C, respectively, and in the hatcher (15-17 days), 78% and 36.8 °C, respectively. At hatch, after the down was dried, hatchlings were individually weighed to calculate average body weight (BW). Ten hatchlings per treatment were decapitated after mild sevoflurane anesthesia. Hatchling liver samples were collected and frozen at -20ºC until biochemical analyses.

Unhatched eggs were broken, and the number of infertile eggs was counted. Embryo mortality was classified according to incubation stages as early (1 to 6 d), intermediate (7 to 14 d) or late mortality (15 to 18 d). In order to determine incubation results, hatchability of fertile eggs (number of hatchlings/number of fertile eggs), hatchability of total eggs (number of chicks/total of number eggs) and embryo death percentages (%) (early, middle, final) were calculated.

The healthy chicks were reared in separate brooders according to treatment for two weeks, and were checked daily. The number of birds that died during the two-week period were recorded daily and total mortality rate was calculated.

Liver biochemical analyses

Liver tissues were homogenized in a tissue lyser II (Qiagen) homogenizer with a buffer containing 1.15% potassiumchloride (KCl) to obtain 1:10 ratio (w/v) of whole homogenate. Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) was determined using TAC assay kit (Rel Assay Diagnostic, Turkey) and expressed in mmol trolox equiv./g tissue. Total Oxidant Capacity (TOC) was calculated by TOC assay kit (Rel Assay Diagnostic, Turkey) and expressed in mmol H2O2 equiv./g tissue. Nitric Oxide (NO) levels were determined out by the method of colorimetric determination of nitrite and expressed in nmol/g tissue, which is a colorful azo-dye product of Griess reaction that absorbs visible light at 540 nm after nitrate is enzymatically converted into nitrite by the enzyme nitrate reductase (NO detection kit, Enzo Life Science). Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the liver samples were measured spectrophotometrically based on the method modified by Placer et al. [34Placer ZA, Cushman LL, Johnson BC. Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical Biochemistry 1966;16:359-364.] and expressed in nmol/g tissue. The GSH (glutathione) levels were determined at 412 nm by the method of Sedlak and Lindsay [36Sedlak J, Lindsay RH. Estimation of total, protein-bound, and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in tissue with Ellman's reagent. Analytical Biochemistry 1968;25:192-205.] and expressed in nmol/g tissue.

Statistical analysis

Hatchling body weight results were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. The effects of rutin on early, intermediate, and late embryo mortality and 2-wk-old chick mortality rates were analyzed using the following logistic regression model:

P ( y ) = ( 1 + e ( b 0 + b 1 X 1 ) ) 1

Where: (P(z) is the probability of hatched (1) or embryonic death (0);, b0 = fixed regression coefficient; bz= Fixed regression coefficient); X1= rutin doses (control, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.5 mg)

Liver biochemical results were analyzed according to the Repeated Measures Analysis model:

Y i j = µ + A i + e i j

Where: Yij: TAC, TOC, NO, MDA, GSH; µ: overall population mean; Ai: fixed effect of control, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.5 mg rutin doses; eij: random error term assumed to be normally and independently distributed with mean of zero and variance s2 e. The SPSS package software was used for all statistical analyses [39SPSS. SPSS for windows release 13.0. SPSS; 2004.].


Incubation parameters

Mean hatchability of fertile eggs and total eggs of the control, 0.25 mg, 0.50 mg, 0.75 mg, 1 mg and 1.5 mg treatments were determined as 82.06, 82.23, 64.43, 68.84, 44.08, 22.95% and 48.10, 55.49, 34.33, 33.00, 18.03, 8.45% respectively, and hatchling weights of 7.89±0.065, 8.20±0.097, 7.83±0.084, 7.87±0.139, 7.68±0.141 and 7.75±0.242 g, respectively (Table 1). The heaviest hatchlings derived from eggs injected with 0.25 mg rutin, and the lightest with 1 and 1.5 mg rutin, while the control, 0.50 and 0.75 mg treatments presented statistically intermediate values. Additionally, it was observed that the hatching weight decreased as rutin dose increased.

Table 1
Hatchling weight as a function of treatments.

Eggs injected with 1.00 mg rutin showed the highest early embryo mortality rate, while the highest intermediate and late embryo mortality rates were obtained with the 1.50 mg rutin in-ovo injection. Additionally, early and late embryo mortality rates in the 0.25 mg rutin treatments were lower than that of the control group (Table 2).

Table 2
Early, intermediate, and late embryo mortality rates (%) as a function of treatment.

The logistic equation results show that rutin injection dose did not influence early embryo mortality rate, but it significantly affected intermediate and late embryo mortality rates (p<0.001) (Table 3). According to Table 3, the early embryo mortality in the eggs that were injected with 0.25 mg, 0.50 mg, 0.75 mg and 1.50 mg rutin were lower with comparison to the control group. Intermediate and late embryo mortality rates in all rutin-injected groups were higher in comparison with the control group, while in the 1.50 rutin group, intermediate embryo mortality rate increased by approximately 9.5 times and late embryo mortality rates increased by approximately 7 times.

Table 3
Logistic Regression results of embryo mortality rates according to treatment

Table 4 shows hatchling mortality rate results. Accordingly, only the mortality rates of hatchlings from eggs injected with 0.25 mg rutin were higher than the control group, while the rates in the other groups were all lower in comparison with the control group (p<0.05).

Table 4
Logistic Regression results of 2-wk-old chick mortality rates according to treatment.

Liver biochemical analysis results

Figures 1-5 show the TAC, TOC, NO, MDA and GSH values determined in the hatchlings’ liver. Accordingly, TAC value was higher in all rutin-injected groups in comparison with the control group and the highest mean value was obtained in the 0.25 mg treatment (quadratic p<0.0001 and cubic p<0.0001), whereas the TOC value in the control group was higher those obtained in the rutin-inject groups (quadratic p<0.0001 and cubic p<0.0001). The lowest NO value was obtained in the 0.25 mg rutin group and the highest values in the control group (quadratic p<0.0001 and cubic p<0.01). The lowest MDA value was detected in the 0.25 mg group and the highest in the control group (quadratic p<0.0001 and cubic p<0.0001), the lowest GSH value was analyzed in the dosage of 1 mg, while the values in the control group were lower than the other experiment groups (quadratic p<0.01 and cubic p<0.0001).

Figure 1
Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) levels in the liver tissue

Figure 2
Total Oxidant Capacity (TOC) levels in the liver tissue

Figure 3
Nitric Oxide (NO) levels in the liver tissue

Figure 4
Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the liver tissue

Figure 5
Glutathione (GSH) levels in the liver tissue

The mean least square results for TAC, TOC, NO, MDA and GSH levels are given in Table 5. Accordingly, all the measured parameters (p<0.001) presented a linear response to in-ovo rutin injection, but no significant cubic responses were detected (p>0.05).

Table 5
Mean least squares results of TAC, TOC, NO, MDA and GSH according to treatment.


As the success of the commercial poultry production depends of the breeding sector, incubation results are highly important [15Çopur G. Damizlik yetistiriciliginde kuluçka aksakliklari. Hayvansal Üretim 2004;45:31-35.]. Although modern incubation methods are applied, incubation yield losses are still experienced to a certain extent [30McDaniel G. Managing broiler breeders for maximum fertility. World Poultry 1995;9:25-27.]. Various studies have evaluated factors affecting both breeding flocks and eggs for incubation, such as in-ovo nutrition. Research has shown that the injection of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose), vitamins (B1, C, E) and hormone (insulin growth factor) in incubated eggs negatively affected hatchability [8Bhanja S, Mandal A, Agarwal S, Majumdar S, Bhattacharyya A. Effect of in ovo injection of vitamins on the chick weight and post-hatch growth performance in broiler chickens. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition; 2007 Aug 26-30; Strasbourg. France. p.143-146., 16Ebrahimnezhad Y, Salmanzadeh M, Aghdamshahryar H, Beheshti R, Rahimi H. The effects of in ovo injection of glucose on characters of hatching and parameters of blood in broiler chickens. Annual Biology Research 2011;2:347-351., 29Kocamis H., Kirkpatrick-Keller D, Klandorf H, Killefer J. In ovo administration of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I alters postnatal growth and development of the broiler chicken. Poultry Science 1998;77:1913-1919., 35Salmanzadeh M. The effects of in-ovo injection of glucose on hatchability, hatching weight and subsequent performance of newly-hatched chicks. Revista Brasileira Ciencia Avicicola 2012;14:137-140., 46Zhai W, Neuman S, Latour MA, Hester PY. The effect of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability of white leghorns. Poultry Science 2008;87:569-572.].

In the present study, although the hatchability of the fertilized eggs injected with 0.25 mg rutin was similar to that of the control group, it was reduced 20.6% at higher rutin doses. This result may be explained by the high intermediate and late embryo mortality in eggs injected with rutin. Differently from our findings, in-ovo injection of L-carnitine by Keralapurath et al. [26Keralapurath M, Corzo A, Pulikanti R, Zhai W, Peebles E. Effects of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability and subsequent broiler performance and slaughter yield. Poultry Science 2010;89:1497-1501.], of NaCl by Tangara et al. [40Tangara M, Chen W, Xu J, Huang F, Peng J. Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and arginine on hatchability, body weight, energy metabolism and perinatal growth in duck embryos and neonates. British Poultry Science 2010;51:602-608.], and vitamin C by Ipek et al. [20Ipek A, Sahan U, Yilmaz B. The effect of in ovo ascorbic acid and glucose injection in broiler breeder eggs on hatchability and chick weight. Arch Geflugelkd 2004;68:132-135.] had positive effects on incubation results, whereas no influence was detected with the in-ovo injection of L-carnitine by Zhai et al. [47Zhai W., Gerard P., Pulikanti R., Peebles E.: Effects of in ovo injection of carbohydrates on embryonic metabolism, hatchability, and subsequent somatic characteristics of broiler hatchlings. Poultry Science 2011;90:2134-2143.], vitamin D3 by Bello et al. [6Bello A, Zhai W, Gerard P, Peebles E. Effects of the commercial in ovo injection of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the hatchability and hatching chick quality of broilers. Poultry Science 2013; 92:2551-2559.], and vitamin C by Nowaczewski et al. [32Nowaczewski S, Kontecka H, Krystianiak S. Effect of in ovo injection of vitamin C during incubation on hatchability of chickens and ducks. Folia Biologica 2012;60:93-97.].

The heaviest hatchlings were obtained from eggs injected with 0.25 mg rutin, which, however, were not statistically different from those of the control group. Moreover, increasing rutin doses reduced hatchability (p<0.05). Studies on in-ovo injection of glucose [35Salmanzadeh M. The effects of in-ovo injection of glucose on hatchability, hatching weight and subsequent performance of newly-hatched chicks. Revista Brasileira Ciencia Avicicola 2012;14:137-140.] and NaCl [40Tangara M, Chen W, Xu J, Huang F, Peng J. Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and arginine on hatchability, body weight, energy metabolism and perinatal growth in duck embryos and neonates. British Poultry Science 2010;51:602-608.] obtained higher hatchling weight than the controls.

A study with mice reported positive effects of antioxidant administration in the early periods of embryonal development on fetal development [41Townsend DM, Tew KD, Tapiero H. The importance of glutathione in human disease. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2003;57:145-55.]. In humans, it was found that antioxidants did not have any negative effects on underdeveloped lungs, but they harmed these organs after the lungs started to develop [7Berkelhamer SK, Farrow KN. Developmental regulation of antioxidant enzymes and their impact on neonatal lung disease. Antioxidants Redox Signaling 2014;21:1837-1848.]. In poultry, lungs develop in the intermediate and final stages of the incubation period [4Balkan M, Karakas R. Bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Embriyo Metabolizmasi. D. Ü. Ziya Gökalp Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi 2006;7:57-66.]. In the present study, rutin injection dose did not have any significant effect on early embryo mortality rates, but resulted in higher intermediate and late embryo mortality rates at all rutin doses compared with the control group (p<0.001), which may have been a result of lung damage caused by antioxidant in-ovo injection. In addition, it is hypothesized that some air remained in the air cell after the in-ovo injection of rutin, particularly at higher doses, which may have negatively affected embryo mortality rates.

Only the 0.25 rutin group presented higher 2-wk-old chick mortality rate than the control group, while the rates of the other treatments were lower than that in the control group (p<0.05).

The biochemical parameter TAC is an indicator of the overall antioxidant status of the serum and body fluids resulting from antioxidant intake and/or production, and their utilization under normal or increased levels of ROS production. It assesses the capacity of known and unknown antioxidants and their synergistic interaction, giving an insight into the delicate balance between oxidants and antioxidants in vivo [18Ghiselli A, Serafini M, Natella F, Scaccini C. Total antioxidant capacity as a tool to assess redox status: critical view and experimental data. In: Pryor WA. Bio-assays for oxidative stress status. Elsevier; 2001. p. 219-227.]. The antioxidant capacity of tissues can be attributed to individual components of the defense system against free radicals, which can be measured and are used to calculate TAC [23Kankofer M, Lipko J, Zdunczyk S. Total antioxidant capacity of bovine spontaneously released and retained placenta. Pathophysiology 2005;11:215-219.]. The measurement of the total oxidant status (TOC) accurately reflects the oxidative status of the blood plasma or serum. Nitric oxide (NO) acts as a free radical and contributes to host defenses against oxidation. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a reliable and commonly used marker of overall lipid peroxidation levels and the presence of oxidative stress [25Kayar A., Dokuzeylul B, Kandemir F, Kirbas A, Bayrakal A, Or M. Total oxidant and antioxidant capacities, nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels in cats seropositive for the feline coronavirus. Veterinarni Medicina 2015;60:274-281.]. Glutathione (GSH), a water-soluble tripeptide composed of the amino acids glutamine and glycine [40Tangara M, Chen W, Xu J, Huang F, Peng J. Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and arginine on hatchability, body weight, energy metabolism and perinatal growth in duck embryos and neonates. British Poultry Science 2010;51:602-608.], and protects tissues and organs against the adverse effects of reactive oxygen species. GSH plays a role in the elimination of free radical species such as H2O2, superoxide radicals and membrane protein tails [10Bursal E, Gülçin I. Polyphenol contents and in vitro antioxidant activities of lyophilised aqueous extract of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Food Research International 2011;44:1482-1489., 11Bursal E, Köksal E, Gülçin I, Bilsel G, Gören A.C. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of cherry stem (Cerasus avium L.) determined by LC-MS/MS. Food Research International 2013;51:66-74.]. The effects of rutin on changes in oxidative stress levels were investigated in different species of animals exposed to viral diseases, bacterial diseases, parasitic infections, skin conditions, chemotherapeutic drugs, antibiotics, various chemical compounds, heavy metals, and temperature stresses. It was shown that rutin reduces oxidative stress and has detoxication, which render it useful for supportive treatment [1Abarikwu S, Olufemi P, Lawrence C, Wekere F, Ochulor A, Barikuma A. Rutin, an antioxidant flavonoid, induces glutathione and glutathione peroxidase activities to protect against ethanol effects in cadmium-induced oxidative stress in the testis of adult rats. Andrologia 2017;49:e12696., 2Ansar S, AlGhosoon HT, Hamed S. Evaluation of protective effect of rutin on lead acetate-induced testicular toxicity in Wistar rats. Toxin Reviews 2015;34:195-199., 12Capcarova M, Kolesarova A, Sirotkin A. Superoxide dismutase and antioxidant status of hens' granulosa cells exposed to lead and molybdenum. Eurasian Journal Veterinary Science 2012;28:209-213., 13Chéron N, Yu C, Kolawole AO, Shakhnovich EI, Wobus CE. Repurposing of rutin for the inhibition of norovirus replication. Archives of Virology 2015;160:2353-2358., 17Gegotek A, Bielawska K, Biernacki M, Dobrzynska I, Skrzydlewska E. Time-dependent effect of rutin on skin fibroblasts membrane disruption following UV radiation. Redox Biology 2017;12:733-744., 19Hanedan B, Kirbas A, Kandemir FM, Aktas, MS, Yildiz A. Evaluation of arginase activity, nitric oxide and oxidative stress status in sheep with contagious agalactia. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 2017;65:394-401., 22Kandemir FM., Ozkaraca M, Yildirim BA, Hanedan B, Kirbas A, Kilic K, Aktas E, Benzer F. Rutin attenuates gentamicin-induced renal damage by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy in rats. Renal Failure 2015;37:518-525., 25Kayar A., Dokuzeylul B, Kandemir F, Kirbas A, Bayrakal A, Or M. Total oxidant and antioxidant capacities, nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels in cats seropositive for the feline coronavirus. Veterinarni Medicina 2015;60:274-281., 31Mendhulkar VD, Kharat SN. HPTLC assay for quercetin and rutin flavonoids in Elephantopus scaber [Linn.] grown under induced heat stress condition. International Journal of Pharmacy Biological Sciences 2015;6:36-52., 38Shitlani D, Choudhary R, Pandey DP, Bodakhe SH.:Ameliorative antimalarial effects of the combination of rutin and swertiamarin on malarial parasites. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2016;6:453-459., 45Yang W., Xu X., Li Y., Wang Y., Li M., Wang Y., Ding X., Chu Z.: rutin-Mediated Priming of Plant Resistance to Three Bacterial Pathogens Initiating the Early SA Signal Pathway. PloS One, 2016;11:e0146910.]. This study determined that the in-ovo injection of rutin had a positive effect on the measure liver antioxidant parameters, reducing the harmful effects of the oxidative stress created by incubation.


During the incubation period of poultry, the only source of food for the embryo are the nutrients found in the egg. Therefore, it is believed that changing the nutrient composition of the egg using in-ovo applications may be have positive effects both on the embryo and on the resulting chicks. Considering that, compared with in-ovo injection of saline solution, the in-ovo injection of 0.25 mg rutin promoted lower early embryo mortality rate and similar intermediate and late mortality rates, higher hatchling weight and better antioxidant status. Therefore, the in-ovo injection of 0.25 mg rutin will be useful for Japanese quail production.


This study was supported by Ataturk University, Foundation of Scientific Researches Projects (Project number: BAP-2016/80).


  • Abarikwu S, Olufemi P, Lawrence C, Wekere F, Ochulor A, Barikuma A. Rutin, an antioxidant flavonoid, induces glutathione and glutathione peroxidase activities to protect against ethanol effects in cadmium-induced oxidative stress in the testis of adult rats. Andrologia 2017;49:e12696.
  • Ansar S, AlGhosoon HT, Hamed S. Evaluation of protective effect of rutin on lead acetate-induced testicular toxicity in Wistar rats. Toxin Reviews 2015;34:195-199.
  • Ansar S, Hamed S, AlGhosoon H, AlSaedan R, Iqbal M. The protective effect of rutin against renal toxicity induced by lead acetate. Toxin Reviews 2016;35:58-62.
  • Balkan M, Karakas R. Bildircinlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Embriyo Metabolizmasi. D. Ü. Ziya Gökalp Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi 2006;7:57-66.
  • Beiglou RE. The effect of In-ovo feeding on intestinal Development And Performance Of Avian Species. Journal Applied Poultry Resource 2010;9:34-40.
  • Bello A, Zhai W, Gerard P, Peebles E. Effects of the commercial in ovo injection of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the hatchability and hatching chick quality of broilers. Poultry Science 2013; 92:2551-2559.
  • Berkelhamer SK, Farrow KN. Developmental regulation of antioxidant enzymes and their impact on neonatal lung disease. Antioxidants Redox Signaling 2014;21:1837-1848.
  • Bhanja S, Mandal A, Agarwal S, Majumdar S, Bhattacharyya A. Effect of in ovo injection of vitamins on the chick weight and post-hatch growth performance in broiler chickens. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition; 2007 Aug 26-30; Strasbourg. France. p.143-146.
  • Bhanja S, Mandal A, Goswami T. Effect of in ovo injection of amino acids on growth, immune response, development of digestive organs and carcass yields of broiler. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 2004;39:212-218.
  • Bursal E, Gülçin I. Polyphenol contents and in vitro antioxidant activities of lyophilised aqueous extract of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Food Research International 2011;44:1482-1489.
  • Bursal E, Köksal E, Gülçin I, Bilsel G, Gören A.C. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of cherry stem (Cerasus avium L.) determined by LC-MS/MS. Food Research International 2013;51:66-74.
  • Capcarova M, Kolesarova A, Sirotkin A. Superoxide dismutase and antioxidant status of hens' granulosa cells exposed to lead and molybdenum. Eurasian Journal Veterinary Science 2012;28:209-213.
  • Chéron N, Yu C, Kolawole AO, Shakhnovich EI, Wobus CE. Repurposing of rutin for the inhibition of norovirus replication. Archives of Virology 2015;160:2353-2358.
  • Çimen MBY. Flavonoidler ve antioksidan özellikleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Medicine Sciences 1999:19:296-304.
  • Çopur G. Damizlik yetistiriciliginde kuluçka aksakliklari. Hayvansal Üretim 2004;45:31-35.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Mar 2018
  • Accepted
    10 Aug 2018
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