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Wild Birds as Reservoirs of Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteria in Mulungu, Brazil


Caatinga is a biome unique to Brazil, where degradation caused by anthropogenic actions has led to loss of biodiversity and put many species at risk of extinction. The Ceará state is located within the Caatinga and has a rich avifauna. It comprises 433 species, including 13 species that are in danger of extinction, which are found in the Baturité Massif. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and diversity of enterobacteria in wild birds and determine their susceptibility to antimicrobials. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 50 individuals of 28 different species, including the Ceara Gnatheter (Conopophaga cearae) and the Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala), which are classified as vulnerable (VU) by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. A total of 55 isolates belonging to 14 different species of Enterobacteriaceae were identified. Among them, Pantoea agglomerans and Escherichia coli were the most prevalent species with isolation rates of 36% and 26%, respectively. The highest rate of antimicrobial resistance found was to ampicillin (41.8%), followed by nalidixic acid (36.3%) and amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid (32.7%). Drugs that presented best efficacy were tobramycin (96.4%), ciprofloxacin (92.6%), and tetracycline (90.9%). Multidrug resistance was observed in 23.5% of the analyzed strains. This research provides important information about the composition of the cloacal microbiota of wild birds in Mulungu, Brazil, as well as their health status. Additionally, these results demonstrate that they harbor multidrug-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae.

Antibiotic resistance; Caatinga; Salmonella


The Caatinga biome is estimated to harbor 548 species of birds, which are distributed in 74 families and represent 28.6% of the total number of species recorded in Brazil, including 36 endangered species (ICMBio, 2018, 2018; Souza et al., 2020; Ferreira Fernandes et al., 2023). It is characterized by dry landscapes, but it also presents other remarkable phytophysiognomies, such as coastal forests (often associated with extensive mangroves), Cerrado fragments, and remnants of Atlantic Forest and Forest Amazon embedded in the semiarid zone (Bouimetarhan et al., 2018Bouimetarhan I, Chiessi CM, González-Arango C. Development of forest corridors in Northeast Brazil during the last deglaciation: climatic and ecological evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews 2018;86-96.
; Machado et al., 2019Machado MA; Almeida EB. Spatial structure, diversity, and built factors of an area of the Amazon coast in Brazil. The Torrey Botanical Society Journal 2019;146(1):58-68.
; Pagano et al., 2019Pagano MC, Silva DKA, Silva AS, et al. Tropical dry forest compared to rainforest and associated ecosystems in Brazil. In: Pagano MC, Lugo MA, editors. Mycorrhizal fungi in South America. New York: Springer International Publishing; 2019. p.177-92.). In mountain areas of the Ceará state, such as the Baturité Massif, typical Cerrado vegetation occurs in lower altitudes, while Atlantic and Amazon Forest characteristics appear in enclaves of humid forest in the more elevated areas (Quinet et al., 2007Quinet Y, Hites N, Biseau D'Hauteville JC, et al. Formigas (Hymenoptera formicidae) da serra de Baturité, Ceará. In: Oliveira TS, Araújo FS, editors. Biodiversidade e conservação da biota na serra de Baturité, Ceará. Fortaleza: Edições UFC; 2007. p.251-71.; Alencar et al., 2022). The Baturité Massif has been under strong anthropogenic pressure since its original occupation, having suffered severe environmental degradation caused by deforestation, fires, introduction of exotic species, landscape fragmentation, predatory hunting, and growth of urban centers, all of which which have been important factors for the alteration of the local biota (Cavalcante, 2005Cavalcante AMB. Serra de Baturité. Fortaleza: Edições Livro Técnico; 2005.). Moreover, it is home to 13 bird species that are classified as endangered in the Red List of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (Ceará, 2022). Therefore, the Baturité Massif is a priority area for avian conservation in Northeastern Brazil (Nunes et al., 2015Nunes FP, Lopes IT. Aves da Serra de Baturité: guia fotográfico. Ceará: Aquasis; 2015.).

Environmental degradation can cause notable negative consequences on wildlife (Biondo et al., 2019Biondo D, Pletsch JÁ, Guzzo GB. Impactos da ação antrópica em indivíduos da fauna silvestre de Caxias do Sul e região: uma abordagem ex situ. Revista Brasileira de Biociências 2019;17(1):14-24.). Environmental pollution poses a threat to the conservation of avifauna due to anthropogenic actions, particularly regarding the dissemination of significant pathogens for animal and public health, such as Salmonella and other enteropathogens (Batoye et al., 2020Batoye S, Singh K. Effects of Environmental Pollution on the ecosystem and practical prevention measures. In: Castanho RA, Gallardo JM. Handbook of environmental materials management. IGI Global; 2020. p.115-33. ISBN 13: 978-1799873914.; Buelow et al., 2021Buelow E, Ploy M, Dagot C. The role of pollution in the selection of antibiotic resistance and bacterial pathogens in the environment. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021;64:117-24.
). Moreover, free-ranging birds may be exposed to residues of antibiotics or resistant microorganisms when interacting with contaminants in their living environment (Carter et al., 2018Carter DL, Docherty KM, Gill SA, et al. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are widespread in songbirds across rural and urban environments. Science of the Total Environment 2018;627:1234-41.
; Machado et al., 2018Machado DN, Lopes ES, Albuquerque AH, et al. Isolation and antimicrobial resistance profiles of enterobacteria from nestling grey-breasted parakeets (Pyrrhura Griseipectus). Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2018;20(1):103-10.
). This can impact the health of birds, since factors such as antibiotic ingestion and infection by pathogenic organisms may alter the intestinal microbiota (Banerjee et al., 2018Banerjee S, Sar A, Misra A, et al. The increase in productivity in poultry through sublethal doses of antibiotics is mediated by the selective enrichment of the intestinal microbiota, particularly the producers of short-chain fatty acids. Microbiology 2018;164(2):142-53.
; Umar et al., 2018Umar S, Maiyah AT, Shareef M, et al. Susceptibility of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from Zoo birds in Indonesia to antibiotics and disinfectants. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018;31(2):593-9.).

Several studies with free-living birds have shown that they may carry strains of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family with resistance to multiple antimicrobials (Skarżyńska et al., 2021; Rybak et al., 2022Rybak B, Krawczyk B, Furmanek-Blaszk B. Antibiotic resistance, virulence, and phylogenetic analysis of Escherichia coli strains isolated from free-living birds in human habitats. PloS One 2022;17(1):e0262236.
). Antimicrobial resistance has emerged as a global clinical and public health threat over the course of several decades, posing a challenge to the effective treatment of common infections caused by resistant pathogens, which can lead to treatment failure and increased mortality (Haenssgen et al., 2021; Salam et al., 2023). The development of bacterial resistance may be explained by the natural evolution of microorganisms. However, the widespread use as well as the misuse of antibacterial agents in humans and animals has accelerated this process (Yin et al., 2020Yin H, Li G, Chen X, et al. Accelerated evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance through early emerged stress responses driven by photocatalytic oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020;269:118829.
; Sulaiman et al., 2021Sulaiman, JE, Lam, H. Evolution of bacterial tolerance under antibiotic treatment and its implications on the development of resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021;12:617412.
). In recent years, significant evidence has linked the high prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the environment to anthropogenic sources (Hashmiet al., 2023Hashmi HJ, Jamil N. high burden of multidrug-resistant bacteria detected in different water sources can spread the antibiotic resistance genes in the environment: environmental water & antibiotic resistance. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: B. Life and Environmental Sciences 2023;60(S):45-53.
; Scott et al., 2023Scott LC, Aubee A, Wilson MJ, et al. Leave no trace? Ecological and anthropogenic determinants of antibiotic resistant bacteria in a recreational alpine environment. Environmental Research 2023;216:114617.
). In this context, there is a growing interest in research involving the environment, including wildlife, to better understand the effects of pollution and antimicrobial resistance derived from anthropogenic impacts in ecosystems (Ramey et al., 2021Ramey AM, Hernandez J, Tyrlöv V, et al. Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in migratory birds inhabiting remote Alaska. EcoHealth 2021;15(1):72-81.

Anthropogenic effects on wildlife are not well understood, and the degree to which animal populations contribute to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance remains unclear. Therefore, given the limited number of studies examining the interaction between free-ranging birds and multidrug-resistant enterobacteria in Ceará State, which are typically restricted to a few species, further investigation is warranted (Beleza et al., 2021Beleza AJF, Maciel WC, Carreira AS, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of enterobacteria isolated from wild grey-breasted parakeets (Pyrrhura griseipectus). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 2021;41(1):e06696.
; Ramey et al., 2021Ramey AM, Hernandez J, Tyrlöv V, et al. Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in migratory birds inhabiting remote Alaska. EcoHealth 2021;15(1):72-81.

Hence, this study aimed to investigate the presence of enterobacteria in cloacal swab samples of wild birds captured in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil, and determine the phenotypic profile of antimicrobial sensitivity of the isolates.


Characterization of the Study Area

This research was authorized by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) with SISBIO protocol number 31847-6 and approved by the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals of the State University of Ceará (Protocol number 4832011/2014).

The study was carried out in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil (Figure 1). Records show that there has been a decline in vegetal cover in the region for the last two decades, indicating that rudimentary agricultural practices may be the cause of this deterioration process (Freire & Souza, 2007Freire LM, Souza MJN. Paisagens de exceção: problemas ambientais impactados pelo uso e ocupação da terra no município de Mulungu-CE. Cadernos de Cultura e Ciência 2007;2(2):2-10.). Within the region known as the Baturité Massif, there is an Environmental Protection Area (APA) located approximately 120 kilometers from the state capital, Fortaleza. This APA presents its highest peak at 1,115 m of altitude and is composed by tropical pluvial subdeciduous forest and pluvio-nebular subevergreen forest (average annual temperatures of 24°C to 26°C with average annual rainfall of 1,737.5 millimeters and with hot sub-humid and humid tropical conditions) with trees up to 30 m high, river springs and waterfalls. This region shows a marked contrast to the surrounding semiarid backwoods (sertão) in the middle of a hot, dry region. It has high anthropogenic activity, such as agriculture, livestock production and urban growth, and presents mostly altered vegetation (Oliveira et al., 2007Oliveira TS, Figueiredo MA, Nogueira RS, et al. Histórico dos impactos antrópicos e aspectos geoambientais da serra de Barturité, Ceará. In: Oliveira TS, Araújo FS, editors. Diversidade e conservação da biota da serra de Baturité, Ceará. Fortaleza: Edições UFC; 2007. p.17-70. ISBN: 8575643487; FUNCEME, 2015; IPECE, 2021).

Figure 1
Location (4°16’59.6”S 38°58’04.7”W) in which wild birds were captured in Mulungu (P), Ceará, Brazil.

Sample collection

Birds were captured during a period of 3 months (october, november and december 2019), using 4 mist nets (Ecotone Mist nets - 1030/12-nailon; length: 12 cm; height: 3.2 m; mesh: 30 x 30 cm; denier: 110/2; 4 bags, fixed with rods at the ends).

Nets were placed 20 cm above the ground in linear transects in the forest. These were opened at dawn and closed at dusk (7:00 am to 5:00 pm), and were checked every 20 min to remove the captured birds.

Species were identified according to the Avis Brasilis field guide (Sigrist et al., 2014Sigrist T. Guia de campo Avis Brasilis - avifauna brasileira. São Paulo: Avis Brasilis; 2014. ISBN: 8560120335) and by consulting the list of birds in Brazil provided by the Brazilian Committee for Ornithological Records - CBRO (Pacheco et al., 2021Pacheco JF, Silveira LF, Aleixo A, et al. Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee-second edition. Ornithology Research 2021:29(2):94-105.

Biological samples were obtained using sterile cloacal swabs, which were stored in Stuart medium at room temperature, transported and sent within 48 h to the Ornithological Studies Laboratory, State University of Ceará (LABEO/UECE) for further microbiological processing. After sampling, individuals were marked by clipping a secondary feather from the right wing before being released back to the wild.

Microbiological procedure

Once at the Ornithological Studies Laboratory (LABEO), samples were transferred from Stuart media to 5 mL of 1% Peptone Water (Kasvi®) and were cultured. The incubation conditions were standardized at 37°C/24h for all the steps of the microbiological procedure. Aliquots of 0.5mL were collected from the peptone water samples and transferred to tubes containing Brain-Heart Infusion (Kasvi®) (BHI) and Selenite-Cystine (Kasvi®) (SC) enrichment broths. Additionally, aliquots of 0.05mL were collected and transferred to Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (Kasvi®) (RP). After incubation, a loopful was collected from each broth and streaked on plates containing Brilliant Green agar (Himedia®), Salmonella-Shigella agar (Himedia®) and MacConkey agar (Kasvi®), following incubation. Different colonies were collected from each plate and were inoculated into tubes containing Triple Sugar Iron Agar (Kasvi®). To identify the enterobacteria, biochemical tests were used, including SIM Medium (Himedia®), lysine-decarboxylase (LIA) (Kasvi®), ornithine-decarboxylase (Himedia®), methyl red (VM), Voges-Proskauer (VP) (Himedia®), urea (Dynamic Formula®), Simmons citrate agar (Himedia®), arginine decarboxylase (Exodus Cientifica®), malonate broth (Himedia®), lactose (Merck®), sucrose (Dinâmica®), mannitol (Dinâmica®), arabinose (Dinâmica®), raffinose (Dinâmica®), rhamnose (Dinâmica®), dulcitol (Dynâmica® ®), adonitol (Dinâmica®), inositol (Sigma®), and sorbitol (Sigma®) (Koneman et al., 2018Koneman EW, Procop GW, Church DL, et al. Diagnóstico microbiológico: texto e atlas colorido. 7th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2018.).

Antimicrobial susceptibility profile

Isolates were submitted to an antimicrobial susceptibility test using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique (Bayer et al., 1966Bauer AW, Kirby WMM, Sherris JC, et al. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disc method. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 1966;45(4):493-6.
), and the inhibition zones were compared to the standards established by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute-CLSI (CLSI et al., 2019). Eleven antimicrobials of 7 pharmacological classes were tested: Quinolones (nalidixic acid, 30 μg); Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, 5 μg); Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, 10 μg and tobramycin, 10 μg); Tetracyclines (tetracycline, 30 µg); Macrolides (azithromycin, 15 µg); Sulfonamides (sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim, 25 µg); Beta-lactams (penicillin: ampicillin, 10 μg and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 10 μg, Cephalosporins: ceftriaxone, 30 μg and Carbapenems: meropenem 10 μg); (All antimicrobials from Oxoid Ltd., Cambridge, UK). Isolates expressing resistance or intermediate phenotypes were considered resistant. Bacteria were considered resistant to multiple drugs (RMD) when resistance occurred to at least three classes of antibiotics (Magiorakos et al., 2012Magiorakos AP, Srinivasan A, Carey RB, et al. Multidrug-resistant, extensively drug-resistant and pandrug-resistant bacteria: an international expert proposal for interim standard definitions for acquired resistance. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2012;18(3):268-81.
). The Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 strain was used as a control sample. To perform the test, isolates were cultured in tubes containing 5 mL of Brain-heart Infusion broth (BHI), and placed in a bacteriological incubator at 37°C for 24 h. Subsequently, aliquots of the broth were seeded onto MacConkey agar plates and incubated again. Afterwards, two to three colonies were selected and placed in 5mL tubes of saline solution. Then, a swab was moistened in the turbid saline solution (which contained a turbidity of 0.5 according to the Mcfarland Nephelometric scale) and streaked on the surface of a plate containing Mueller-Hinton agar (Kasvi®), upon which antimicrobial disks were placed. After the incubation of the plates at 37°C for 24h, the inhibition zones were measured, and results were interpreted as sensitive or resistant.


During the study, a total of 50 birds of 28 different species distributed in 13 families (Thraupidae, Tyrannidae, Columbidae, Trochilidae, Passerellidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Turdidae, Furnariidae, Picidae, Conopophagidae, Icteridae, Thamnophilida, and Hirundinidae) were captured. The most frequent species was Pectoral Sparrow (Arremon taciturnus), with a total of 5 individuals, followed by Yellow-bellied Elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster) and Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti), both with 4 individuals. Two rare species classified as endangered (EN) were also collected, which were the Ceara Gnateater (Conopophaga cearae) and the Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala) (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, 2018; Ceará; 2022).

A total of 55 strains distributed in 14 different bacterial species were detected in the analyzed samples. The prevalence of positive birds for at least one bacterial species was 52.0%. Pantoea agglomerans and Escherichia coli were the most prevalent ones, occurring in 36.0% (18/50) and 26% (13/50) of the investigated birds. Serratia rubidaea was the third most isolated bacterial species, followed by Hafnia alvei, which presented isolation rates of 14.0% (7/50) and 10.0% (5/50), respectively (Table 1).

Table 1
Absolute and relative frequencies of enterobacteria per bird family in cloacal samples of wild birds captured from October to December 2019 in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil

Negative samples were obtained from birds of the Hirundinidae family. On the other hand, all species of the Dendrocolaptidae, Turdidae, Picidae, Conopophagidae, Icteridae and Thamnophilidae family had at least one bacterial isolate. In the Trochilidae family, there was only one (1/6 species) bird that presented bacterial growth, which was a Rufous-breasted Hermit (Glaucis hirsutus) that was positive for Pantoea agglomerans. Another family with a low number of positive birds was Thraupidae, presenting only two birds positive for enterobacteria (2/10 species). An Orange-headed Tanager (Thlypopsis sordida) was positive for Hafnia alvei and Pantoea agglomerans, whereas a Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) was positive for Pantoea agglomerans and Escherichia coli. The Tyrannidae family had the same number of positive birds (2/8 species), two Yellow-bellied Elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster) individuals from which Pantoea agglomerans and Serratia rubidaea were isolated from one sample, and Escherichia coli was isolated from the other. Lafresnaye’s Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus guttatoides eytoni) was the species with the highest number of isolated enterobacteria (Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia rubidaea, Escherichia coli, Edward-siella tarda, Hafnia alvei and Arizona spp). The Red-necked Tanager species (Tangara cyanocephala), classified as endangered (EN), had no isolates, while the Ceara Gnateater (Conopophaga cearae), classified as vulnerable (VU), was positive for Proteus mirabilis and Pantoea agglomerans (Table 2).

Table 2
Bacterial species isolated from free-living wild birds captured in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil.

Considering the total of evaluated strains, the highest rate of antimicrobial resistance occurred to ampicillin 47.3% (26/55). Even after the exclusion of intrinsic resistance (Klebsiella pneumonia and Hafnia alvei), the rate of 41.8 % (23 strains) was still the highest result. After excluding cases of intrinsic resistance (Hafnia alvei), the second and third antimicrobials with the highest resistance rates were nalidixic acid with a rate of 36.3% (20/55) and amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid with 32.7% (18/55). Tobramycin, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline showed the best efficacy rates of 96.4%, 92.6%, and 90.9%, respectively. Meropenem and gentamicin also performed well (85.5% and 81.8% efficacy, respectively). Considering E. coli, the highest resistance rate was also detected to ampicillin, 53.8% (7/13). In contrast, all strains were sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Regarding strains of Cronobacter sakazakii and Enterobacter cloacae, both showed resistance only to nalidixic acid (Table 3).

Table 3
Absolute and relative frequencies of antimicrobial-resistant enterobacteria isolated from cloacal swab samples of wild birds captured from October to December 2019 in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil

Among birds classified as vulnerable (VU) by the list of the National Official List of Fauna Species Endangered with Extinction (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, 2018), it was not possible to detect resistance in samples collected from the Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala), since there was no bacterial isolation. However, the Proteus mirabilis strain that was isolated from a Ceara Gnateater (Conopophaga cearae) was resistant to azithromycin, ceftriaxone, and nalidixic acid. Moreover, the Pantoea agglomerans strain that was isolated from the same individual was resistant to eight out of twelve tested antibiotics (gentamicin, nalidixic acid, ceftriaxone, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, and meropenem), which correspond to five of the seven antimicrobial classes.

As expected, when considering the bacterial species that have intrinsic resistance mechanisms, resistance to at least one of the tested antimicrobials was observed in all the strains. However, when considering only acquired resistance, 10 isolates (18.2%) were sensitive to all of the investigated drugs. Multidrug resistance (acquired cases) was observed in 13 isolates (23.5%), and three strains were resistant to seven antibiotics. From the total of 13 Escherichia coli strains, 2/13 (7.7%) presented multidrug resistance and 4/13 (30.8%) of the strains were sensitive to all the studied antimicrobials (Table 4).

Table 4
Absolute and relative frequencies of resistance to multiple drugs of Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from cloacal swabs from free-living birds captured in the city of Mulungu, Ceará, Brazil

In this study, more than half of the samples were positive to some of the investigated enterobacteria. Despite the isolation of fourteen different species of bacteria, birds were not necessarily suffering from any pathological condition. In addition to the low frequency of isolation, some of these microorganisms may occur naturally in these birds, considering that these strains have been previously isolated from healthy birds, either in the wild or in cages (Santos et al., 2010Santos HF, Flôres ML, Lara VM, et al. Cloacal microbiota identification and evaluation of the antimicrobial resistance in captive cracids from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 2010;30(12):1077-82.
; Horn et al., 2015Horn RV, Cardoso WM, Lopes ES, et al. Identification and antimicrobial resistance of members from the Enterobacteriaceae family isolated from canaries (Serinus canaria). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 2015;35(6):552-6.
; Lopes et al., 2015Lopes ES, Maciel WC, Albuquerque ÁH, et al. Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of enterobacteria isolated from psittaciformes of illegal wildlife trade. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2015;43:1-9.; Murugaiyan et al., 2015Murugaiyan J, Krueger K, Roesler U, et al. Assessment of species and antimicrobial resistance among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from mallard duck faeces. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2015;187(3):1-11.
; Vaz et al., 2017Vaz FF, Serafini PP, Locatelli-Dittrich R, et al. Survey of pathogens in threatened wild red-tailed Amazon parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) nestlings in Rasa Island, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2017;48(8):747-53.
; Beleza et al., 2019Beleza AJF, Maciel WC, Carreira AS, et al. Detection of Enterobacteriaceae, antimicrobial susceptibility, and virulence genes of Escherichia coli in canaries (Serinus canaria) in northeastern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 2019;39(3):201-8.
). As a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, Escherichia coli do not belong to the intestinal microbiota of granivorous caged pet birds, since feeds composed exclusively of seeds have been shown to provoke an inhibitory effect of this bacterial species (Glünder et al., 2002Glünder G. Influence of diet on the occurrence of some bacteria in the intestinal flora of wild and pet birds. DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 2002;109(6):266-70.). Therefore, the detection of Enterobacteriaceae in cloacal samples of granivorous birds should be observed with caution, as it suggests favorable conditions for the development of potential pathologies (Di Francesco et al., 2018Di Francesco CE, Todisco G, Montani A, et al. Reproductive disorders in domestic canaries (Serinus canarius domesticus): A retrospective study on bacterial isolates and their antimicrobial resistance in Italy from 2009 to 2012. Veterinaria Italiana 2018;54(2): 169-174.
). However, it is important to note that the bird species that were captured in this study have an omnivorous diet. This may explain the natural presence of enterobacteria, since the occurrence of these microorganisms in the digestive tract is influenced by the composition of their nutrition (Glünder et al., 2002). Other factors may also have influenced the isolation of these bacteria, such as direct or indirect contact with domestic animals, as well as environmental contamination by human action. Several species of enterobacteria also occur in their natural environment, as they are ubiquitous in soil or water. Thus, Enterobacteriaceae have been isolated mainly from omnivorous, piscivorous, and healthy carnivore birds (Bangert et al., 1988Bangert RL, Ward ACS, Stauber EH, et al. A survey of the aerobic bacteria in the feces of captive raptors. Avian Diseases 1988;32(1):53-62.
; Glünder et al., 2002; Aruji et al., 2004Aruji Y, Tamura K, Sugita S, et al. Intestinal microflora in 45 crows in Ueno Zoo and the in vitro susceptibilities of 29 Escherichia coli isolates to 14 antimicrobial agents. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2004;66(10):1283-6.
; Dobbin et al., 2005Dobbin G, Hariharan H, Daoust P Y, et al. Bacterial flora of free-living double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) chicks on Prince Edward Island, Canada, with reference to enteric bacteria and antibiotic resistance. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2005;28(1):71-82.
; Gibbs et al., 2007Gibbs PS, Kasa R, Newbrey JL, et al. Identification, antimicrobial resistance profiles, and virulence of members from the family Enterobacteriaceae from the feces of yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) in North Dakota. Avian Diseases 2007;51(3):649-55.[649:IARPAV]2.0.CO;2

The most prevalent bacterial species isolated from birds in this study was Pantoea agglomerans. This microorganism can rarely cause infections, while it normally acts as a commensal species that colonizes the intestinal microbiota of birds. Biodiversity studies report the isolation of Pantoea agglomerans in the microbiota of several plants and insects (Segado-Arenas et al., 2012Segado-Arenas A, Alonso-Ojembarrena A, Lubián-López SP, et al. Pantoea agglomerans¿ un nuevo patógeno en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales? a new pathogen at the neonatal intensive care unit? Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría 2012;110(4):e77-e79.
; Walterson et al., 2015Walterson AM, Stavrinides J. Pantoea: insights into a highly versatile and diverse genus within the Enterobacteriaceae. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 2015;39(6):968-84.
), which serve as a food source for several of the captured bird species. Escherichia coli was also among the most isolated microorganisms (23.2%) and is likewise a ubiquitous organism, being found in soil, water and vegetation (Ewers et al., 2012Ewers C, Bethe A, Semmler T, et al. Extended-spectrum ?-lactamase-producing and AmpC-producing Escherichia coli from livestock and companion animals, and their putative impact on public health: a global perspective. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2012;18(7):646-655.
; Riley, 2014Riley LW. Pandemic lineages of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2014;20(5):380-90.
). Despite this bacterial species commonly being found in environmental samples, the low rate of isolation frequency in Passeriformes found in this study may be considered a normal occurrence. According to some studies, elevated rates of isolation of this microorganism in passerines may be related to stress conditions, such as those found in illegal wildlife trade, for example (Braconaro et al., 2015; Cunha et al., 2016). Although its presence is not necessarily a sign of illness, this bacterium can cause pathologies in humans, animals and birds on some occasions, such as when they acquire virulence genes (Lopes et al., 2015Lopes ES, Maciel WC, Albuquerque ÁH, et al. Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of enterobacteria isolated from psittaciformes of illegal wildlife trade. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2015;43:1-9.). The prevalence of E. coli in studies involving free-ranging birds is quite varied. Saviolli (2010Saviolli JY. Pesquisa e Caracterização de Escherichia coli patogênica (E. coli produtora de toxina Shiga-STEC; E. coli aviária patogênica-APEC) de fragatas (Fregata magnificens) da Costa do Estado de São Paulo [thesis]. São Paulo (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2010 [cited 2023 Mar 13]. Available from: describes the presence of the microorganism in 60.0% of the samples from Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) from the coast of the State of São Paulo. Vilela (2012Vilela SM, Pinheiro Júnior JW, Silva JS, et al. Research of Salmonella spp. and evaluation of pathogenicity, cytotoxicity of Escherichia coli isolates proceeding from sparrows (Passer domesticus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 2012;32(9):931-5.
), investigated this microorganism in fecal samples of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) that lived around farms in the State of Pernambuco and found lower percentages (13.2%). Callaway (2014Callaway TR, Edrington TS, Nisbet DJ. Isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella from migratory brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), and cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis). Foodborne pathogens and disease 2014;11(10):791-4.
) analyzed cloacal swab samples from 376 migratory birds, which included Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) and Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), and found even lower rates, 3.7% (14/376).

Serratia rubidea was the third most isolated species of bacteria. It is considered an important human pathogen, since it is a common agent of nosocomial infections, mostly in the urinary tract (Menezes et al., 2004Menezes EA, Cezafar FC, Andrade MSS, et al. Frequência de serratia sp em Infecções Urinárias de pacientes internados na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Fortaleza. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 2004;37(1):70-1.
). Diseases caused by Serratia in birds are uncommon but can occur, mostly in an opportunistic manner in immunocompromised birds due to stress in captivity, inappropriate weather conditions, parasitic diseases, among other causes (Fudge et al., 2001Fudge AM. Diagnosis and treatment of avian bacterial diseases. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 2001;10(1):3-11.
; Guimarães et al., 2006) Free-living birds can acquire this microorganism from the contaminated environment in which they live and may act as disseminators. Spena (2020Spena MT, Foti M, Fisichella V, et al. Physiological and potentially pathogenic microbial flora in stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), southeastern Sicily. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 2020;4(3):24-36.
) isolated Serratia rubidea from oral swab samples of Eurasian Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus) and associated this finding with a diet composed of invertebrates found in the feces of ruminants. This bacterial species has also been reported to be isolated from lakes in Poland that were occupied by Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). Researchers have associated this finding with the leaching of feces and excreta by rain leading this and other species of enterobacteria into the lake (Wiśniewska et al., 2007).

The other enterobacteria that occurred less frequently in the analyzed samples can also occasionally cause health damages, with previous reports in scientific literature involving free-range or domestic birds. In addition to sharing virulence factors with other enteropathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Hafnia alvei has been reported to cause serious infections in laying hens (Albert et al., 1992Albert MJ, Faruque SM, Ansaruzzaman M, et al. Sharing of virulence-associated properties at the phenotypic and genetic levels between enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Hafnia alvei. Journal of Medical Microbiology 1992;37(5):310-4.
; Real et al., 1997Real F, Fernández A, Acosta F, et al. Septicemia associated with Hafnia alvei in laying hens. Avian Diseases 1997;41(3):741-7.
). Miniero Davies (2018Miniero DY, Xavier OMG, Paulo VCM, et al. Edwardsiella tarda outbreak affecting fishes and aquatic birds in Brazil. Veterinary Quarterly 2018;38(1):99-105.
) described an outbreak of mortality associated with E. tarda affecting fish, domestic ducks, and a wild heron that shared a lake located on a farm in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Davies (2016) described Klebsiella pneumoniae expressing virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in psittacine and passerine birds from illegal trade. Cronobacter sakazakii has been reported in broilers with clinical signs, causing high mortality and decreased egg production (Amer & Mekky, 2019Amer MM, Mekky HM. Cronobacter sakazakii (Enterobacter sakazakii). International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences 2019;6(4):4-14.). Proteus sp. are also potentially pathogenic for birds, causing foot injuries and affecting the respiratory system, causing air sacculitis and caseous pneumonia in cases of immunosuppression (Godoy et al., 2009Godoy SN, Cubas ZS. Principais doenças bacterianas e fúngicas em Psittaciformes - revisão. Clínica Veterinária 2009;14(81):88-98.). Bacteria from the Arizona group have often been isolated from feces of adult chickens and turkeys, but have also been reported to occur in wild birds, such as the Canadian crane (Williams et al., 1968Williams JE, Dillard LH. Penetration of chicken eggshells by members of the Arizona group. Avian Diseases 1968;12(4):645-9.
; Windingstad et al., 1977Windingstad RM, Trainer DO, Duncan R. Salmonella enteritidis and Arizona hinshawii isolated from wild sandhill cranes. Avian Diseases 1977;21(4):704-7.
). However, more severe cases have been reported in industrial birds, such as mortality in turkeys, as well as clinical signs of salmonellosis and omphalitis in broiler chickens (Sato et al., 1966Sato G, Adler HE. Experimental infection of adult turkeys with Arizona group organisms. Avian Diseases 1966;10(3):329-36.

Antimicrobial-resistant strains are detected more frequently in birds raised in captivity than those that live in the wild. In addition to the possibility of inappropriate use of antibiotics, this may occur when birds have greater contact with other animals that possess and disseminate resistant strains (Machado et al., 2016Machado DN, Lopes ES, Albuquerque ÁH, et al. Detecção e avaliação do perfil de sensibilidade antimicrobiana de enterobactérias isoladas de periquitos cara-suja (Pyrrhura griseipectus) em cativeiro. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2016;68(6):1732-6.
; Gaio et al., 2019Gaio FC, Lopes ES, Lima BP, et al. Bactérias zoonóticas isoladas de passeriformes silvestres recuperados do tráfico de animais no estado do Ceará/Brasil. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2019;71(5):1488-96.
). However, our research isolated strains with relevant antimicrobial resistance rates from free-living birds, mainly involving ampicillin, nalidixic acid, and amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid. Some studies involving free-living birds have also reported varying rates of resistance to these three antibiotics in isolates of enterobacteria with. Carreira (2019Carreira AS. Avaliação da microbiota entérica acteriana de aves de vida livre capturadas no Campus do Itaperi da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE [dissertation]. Fortaleza (CE): Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2019 [cited 2023 Apr 20]. Available from: researched samples of cloacal swabs from free-living birds captured in the Metropolitan region of Fortaleza, Brazil, and observed that the acquired resistance rates to amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid, as well as to nalidixic acid, were lower than the results found in this study. Tsubokura (1995Tsubokura M, Matsumoto A, Otsuki K, et al. Drug resistance and conjugative R plasmids in Escherichia coli strains isolated from migratory waterfowl. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 1995;31(3):352-357.
) analyzed Escherichia coli isolates from the feces of several migratory bird species collected in the coastal region of Japan and found that less than 10% of the samples were resistant to ampicillin. These same researchers used the feces of 54-day-old Hyline chicks and found the resistance to ampicillin to be of approximately 39.0%. These variations can often be attributed to the conditions found in different habitats (Carter et al., 2018Carter DL, Docherty KM, Gill SA, et al. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are widespread in songbirds across rural and urban environments. Science of the Total Environment 2018;627:1234-41.
), as demonstrated by several studies that measure resistance levels in isolates from birds under different conditions or captured in different environments (Shobrak et al., 2014Shobrak MY, Abo-Amer AE. Role of wild birds as carriers of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli and Escherichia vulneris. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2014;45(4):1199-209.
; Atterby et al., 2016Atterby C, Ramey AM, Hall GG, et al. Increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant E. coli in gulls sampled in Southcentral Alaska is associated with urban environments. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2016;6(1):32334.
; Giacopello et al., 2016Giacopello C, Foti M, Mascetti A, et al. Antimicrobial resistance patterns of Enterobacteriaceae in European wild bird species admitted in a wildlife rescue centre. Veterinaria Italiana 2016;52(2):139-44. https://doi: 10.12834/VetIt.327.1374.2
; Ramey et al., 2018; Tormoehlen et al., 2019Tormoehlen K, Johnson-Walker YJ, Lankau EW, et al. Considerations for studying transmission of antimicrobial resistant enteric bacteria between wild birds and the environment on intensive dairy and beef cattle operations. PeerJ 2019;7:e6460

The rate of resistance to meropenem detected in free-living birds in this research should also be highlighted (14.5%). Several studies involving wild birds, free-living or not, as well as domestic birds, present lower rates of resistance to this drug or no resistance at all (Iroha et al., 2015Iroha I, Afiukwa F, Oji A, et al. Occurrence of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Escherichia coli from human clinical and wild birds (pigeons, bats, parrots and ducks) samples from Ebonyi state, Nigeria. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015;4(7):20-9.; Sousa et al., 2019Sousa ATHI, Makino H, Bruno VCM, et al. Perfil de resistência antimicrobiana de Klebsiella pneumoniae isoladas de animais domésticos e silvestres. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2019;71(2):584-93.
; Foti et al., 2020Foti M, Grasso R, Fisichella V, et al. Analysis of Eurasian Stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) microbial flora reveals the presence of multi-drug resistant pathogens in agro-pastoral areas of Sicily (Italy). Heliyon 2020;6(10):e05401.
; Ong et al., 2020Ong KH, Khor WC, Quek JY, et al. Occurrence, and antimicrobial resistance traits of Escherichia coli from wild birds and rodents in Singapore. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(15):5606.
; Beleza et al., 2021Beleza AJF, Maciel WC, Carreira AS, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of enterobacteria isolated from wild grey-breasted parakeets (Pyrrhura griseipectus). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 2021;41(1):e06696.
). Nevertheless, it is a more important to point out that this is a high-cost carbapenemic drug with use restricted to hospitals in Brazil. Moreover, it is a last resort for the treatment of infections and is widely prescribed to human patients with septic conditions in intensive care for severe infections caused by Gram-negative hospital pathogens, including Enterobacteriaceae (Khan et al., 2014Khan MU, Yousuf RI, Shoaib MH. Drug utilization evaluation of meropenem and correlation of side effects with renal status of patients in a teaching-based hospital. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;27(5):1503-8.; Blumentrath et al., 2019Blumentrath CG, Müller G, Teichmann D, et al. Relapse of typhoid fever following delayed response to meropenem: a case report and review of previously published cases indicating limited clinical efficacy of meropenem for the treatment of typhoid fever. GMS German Medical Science 2019;17:Doc01.
; De Carmargo et al., 2021). Although the recommendations for the use of this drug are restrictive, reservoirs of microorganisms resistant to it are increasing, not only in hospitals, but also in the community and the environment. An important new source of this type of resistance development is being observed in livestock, companion animals, and wildlife (Guerra et al., 2014Guerra B, Fischer J, Helmuth R. An emerging public health problem: acquired carbapenemase-producing microorganisms are present in food-producing animals, their environment, companion animals and wild birds. Veterinary microbiology 2014;171(3-4):290-7.

Concerning the total number of isolated enterobacterial strains (23.6%) and specifically Escherichia coli (15.4%), worrisome rates of multidrug resistance were observed, considering that these are Gram-negative bacteria from free-living animals. Other studies have also demonstrated the occurrence of multidrug resistance in bacteria isolated from cloacal swabs in free-living birds (Foti et al., 2020Foti M, Grasso R, Fisichella V, et al. Analysis of Eurasian Stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) microbial flora reveals the presence of multi-drug resistant pathogens in agro-pastoral areas of Sicily (Italy). Heliyon 2020;6(10):e05401.
; Nascimento et al., 2003Nascimento AM, Cursino L, Gonçalves-Dornelas H, et al. Antibiotic-resistant gram-negative bacteria in birds from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The Condor 2003;105(2):358-61.
). However, it is not so simple to obtain a proper comparison of data from other studies, since there are few published articles specifically involving free-living birds and isolates of enterobacteria in general from cloacal swabs. One of these studies involves Gray-breasted Parakeets (Pyrrhura griseipectus), in which total bacterial isolates presented a lower multidrug resistance rate (11.1%) (Nascimento et al., 2003). Concerning Escherichia coli, it is possible to observe that the results in relation to multidrug resistance are the most varied. However, it is possible to find similar rates (Machado et al., 2018Machado DN, Lopes ES, Albuquerque AH, et al. Isolation and antimicrobial resistance profiles of enterobacteria from nestling grey-breasted parakeets (Pyrrhura Griseipectus). Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2018;20(1):103-10.
), as well as percentages lower than 5.4% or higher than 23.1% (Carrol et al., 2015; Ong et al., 2020Ong KH, Khor WC, Quek JY, et al. Occurrence, and antimicrobial resistance traits of Escherichia coli from wild birds and rodents in Singapore. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(15):5606.

Densely populated urban areas are historically seen as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria (Ledeberg et al., 1997Ledeberg J. Infectious disease as an evolutionary paradigm. Emerging Infectious Diseases 1997;3(4):417.
; Singer et al., 2007Singer RS, Ward MP, Maldonado G. Erratum: Can landscape ecology untangle the complexity of antibiotic resistance? Nature Reviews Microbiology 2007;5(1):943-52.
), but microorganisms with these characteristics associated with humans have been described in non-clinical environments, such as in remote areas of the planet, far from direct anthropogenic pressure, apparently free from exposure to antibiotics, as in regions of the Amazon, Bolivia and Antarctica. It is suspected that this resistance may have been caused by the existence of military bases, domestic animals, water, fishing boats, scientific expeditions and/or on-board tourism in these regions (Gottdenker et al., 2005Gottdenker NL, Walsh T, Vargas H, et al. Assessing the risks of introduced chickens and their pathogens to native birds in the Galápagos Archipelago. Biological Conservation 2005;126(3):429-39.
; Pallecchi et al., 2007Pallecchi L, Lucchetti C, Bartoloni A, et al. Population structure and resistance genes in antibiotic-resistant bacteria from a remote community with minimal antibiotic exposure. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2007;51(4):1179-1184.
; Bartoloni et al., 2009Bartoloni A, Pallecchi L, Rodríguez H, et al. Antibiotic resistance in a very remote Amazonas community. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2009;33(2):125-9.
; Portugal et al., 2015Portugal DSG. Prevalência de bactérias resistentes a antimicrobianos em água natural. [dissertation]. Porto: Universidade do Porto; 2015 [cited 2023 Apr 16]. Available from:; Hernández et al., 2016Hernández J, González-Acuña, D. Anthropogenic antibiotic resistance genes mobilization to the polar regions. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2016;6(1):32112.
). It is important to emphasize that the cause of antibiotic resistance may not always be related to environmental pressures caused by man, as is the case of those that are naturally induced by microorganisms that produce natural antibiotics (Salyers et al., 1997Salyers AA, Amabile-Cuevas CF. Why are antibiotic resistance genes so resistant to elimination? Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1997;41(11):2321-5.

The considerable resistance rates detected in isolates from birds captured in Mulungu, particularly those tested with ampicillin, amoxicilin+clavulunate, meropenem, and nalidixic acid, may indicate that some contact with anthropogenic residues has occurred. Thus, we can consider that wild birds included in our study may be working as indicators of environmental contamination. In this context, we found that free-living birds may be affected by the environment they live in, acquiring multidrug-resistant bacteria. At some point, this condition can harm the conservation of species, or may cause these animals to act as reservoirs of resistant bacteria (Brinkmeyer et al., 2003Brinkmeyer R, Knittel K, Jürgens J, et al. Diversity and structure of bacterial communities in Arctic versus Antarctic pack ice. Applied and environmental microbiology 2003;69(11):6610-9.
; Benskin et al., 2009Benskin CMH, Wilson K, Jones K, et al. Bacterial pathogens in wild birds: a review of the frequency and effects of infection. Biological Reviews 2009;84(3):349-73.
; Bonnedahl et al., 2014Bonnedahl J, Järhult JD. Antibiotic resistance in wild birds. Upsala journal of medical sciences 2014;119(2):113-6.
; Hernández et al., 2016Hernández J, González-Acuña, D. Anthropogenic antibiotic resistance genes mobilization to the polar regions. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2016;6(1):32112.
). Thus, the emergence and evolution of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria represents a serious public health issue on a global scale (Allen et al., 2010Allen HK, Donato J, Wang HH, et al. Call of the wild: antibiotic resistance genes in natural environments. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2010;8(4):251-9.
; Martinez et al., 2009Martinez JL. The role of natural environments in the evolution of resistance traits in pathogenic bacteria. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2009;276(1667):2521-30.


This study revealed that the investigated wild free-living birds harbor a diverse cloacal microbiota regarding the Enterobaceriaceae family. The phenotypic analysis of the isolates revealed the occurrence of bacterial resistance to several of the tested antimicrobials. Among these, the resistance rates to ampicillin and nalidixic acid may be considered high, since these isolates originated from free-living animals, which naturally suffer low selective pressure by antibiotics. The percentage of resistance found to meropenem (14.5%) was also higher than normally expected, since it is a drug with use restricted to hospitals. A relevant multidrug resistance rate was also detected in this study (23.5%), and this shows that birds associated with local extinction risk, such as Ceara Gnateater (Conopophaga cearae), are also being affected.

Although this research did not investigate the direct or indirect relationship of wild birds in the Region of Mulungu-CE with sources of contamination, such as sewage water, dumps, crops, soil, and domestic or wild animals, it is possible to assume that they could have some contact with contaminating agents, which explains the multidrug resistance rates detected in the cloacal microbiota isolates. Furthermore, birds that have been infected by these microorganisms may also be carrying resistant bacteria to other wild birds or to domestic animals.


The authors would like to thank the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for the financial support. We are also grateful for the fundamental logistical support given by Mr. Saulo Rocha from Fazenda Haras Claro, who provided accommodation for the entire team of researchers responsible for the field activities.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Jan 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    06 Nov 2023
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