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Novelties from the herbaceous stratum in a key region for the conservation of the Southern Amazon

Novidades do estrato herbáceo em uma região chave para a conservação da Amazônia Meridional


The contribution of the herbaceous stratum to tropical plant diversity is considerable, however this component remains undersampled. We investigated floristic, structural, ecological and conservation issues concerning the herbaceous component of a seasonal deciduous forest associated with granitic rock outcrops in the Cristalino Region, a key area for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Amazon. We installed a permanent plot of 1 ha, allocating 10 transect-lines of 20 m each. We identified the sampled individuals, measured height and projection, and verified cover and frequency per species, genera and family. We recorded 86 species, 62 genera and 25 families, with Orchidaceae being the family with the highest species richness. Among the 26 new species added to Cristalino Flora, we included Philodendron deflexum Poepp. ex Schott and Griffinia nocturna Ravenna, the latter ‘Critically Endangered’. Furthermore, the occurrence of G. nocturna in an Amazonian forest matrix is a novelty in this study. The estimate of species diversity according to Shannon-Wiener (H’) was 2.43 nats.ind.-1 (equivalent to 11.37 ± 0.90 IC95% equally common species), and according to Simpson (1/D), 6.82 (± 0.648 IC95%). The rarefaction and extrapolation curves for the diversity estimates tended to stabilize. Although the vegetation on rock outcrops usually presents a high number of endemic species, this pattern was not found in our study area, which can be explained by its continuous occurrence in the forest matrix. The understory of our study area consists in a mixture of floras, being composed mainly of species from the Amazon and/or Cerrado biomes. In view of the current anthropic pressure faced by the southern Amazon, we reinforce the importance of carrying out inventories of its herbaceous communities, since the risk of species loss is even more alarming when considering present undersampling of this component.

Floristic Survey; Forest Understory; Line Intercept Method; Southern Amazon; Plant Diversity; Species Diversity


A contribuição do estrato herbáceo para a diversidade de plantas tropicais é considerável, mas esse componente permanece subamostrado. Investigamos questões florísticas, estruturais, ecológicas e de conservação relacionadas ao componente herbáceo de uma floresta estacional decidual associada a afloramentos rochosos graníticos na região do Cristalino, que é uma área chave para a conservação da biodiversidade na Amazônia brasileira. Instalamos um plot permanente de 1 ha, alocando 10 linhas de 20 m cada. Identificamos os indivíduos amostrados, medimos altura e projeção e verificamos cobertura e frequência por espécie, gênero e família. Registramos 86 espécies, 62 gêneros e 25 famílias, sendo Orchidaceae a família com maior riqueza de espécies. Entre as 26 novas espécies adicionadas à Flora do Cristalino, incluímos Philodendron deflexum Poepp ex Schott e Griffinia nocturna Ravenna, esta última ‘Criticamente Ameaçada’. Além disso, a ocorrência de G. nocturna em uma matriz florestal amazônica é uma novidade neste estudo. A estimativa da diversidade de espécies de acordo com Shannon-Wiener (H ‘) foi 2,43 nats / ind.-1 (equivalente a 11,37 ± 0,90 IC95% espécies igualmente comuns), e de acordo com Simpson (1/D), 6,82 (± 0,648 IC95%). As curvas de rarefação e extrapolação para as estimativas de diversidade tenderam à estabilização. Embora a vegetação associada a afloramentos rochosos em geral apresente um elevado número de espécies endêmicas, esse padrão não foi encontrado para a nossa área de estudo, o que pode ser explicado pela sua ocorrência contínua à matriz florestal. O sub-bosque da nossa área de estudo apresenta mistura de floras, sendo composto principalmente por espécies dos biomas Amazônia e/ou Cerrado. Diante das pressões antrópicas existentes no sul da Amazônia, reforçamos a importância da realização de inventários das comunidades herbáceas desse bioma, já que o risco de perda de espécies é ainda mais alarmante quando consideramos a subamostragem desse componente.

Região do Cristalino; Levantamento Florístico; Método de Intersecção de Linha; Sul da Amazônia; Diversidade de Espécies; Sub-bosque Florestal


Floristic and structural studies in tropical forests contemplating the woody component are common, being markedly different from the sampling effort for the herbaceous component (Linares-Palomino et al. 2009LINARES-PALOMINO, R., CARDONA, V., HENNIG, E.I., HENSEN, I., HOFFMANN, D., LENDZION, J., SOTO, D., HERZOG, S.K. & KESSLER, M. 2008. Non-woody life-form contribution to vascular plant species richness in a tropical American forest. Plant Ecol. 201(1): 87–99.
). The contribution of the herbaceous stratum to plant diversity is considerable (Gentry & Dodson 1987GENTRY, A.H. & DODSON, C. 1987. Contribution of nontrees to species richness of a tropical rain forest. Biotropica 19(2):149–156.
, Linares-Palomino et al. 2009, Pasion et al. 2018PASION, B.O., ROEDER, M., LIU, J., YASUDA, M., CORLETT, R.T., SLIK, J.F., & TOMLINSON, K.W. 2018. Trees represent community composition of other plant life-forms, but not their diversity, abundance or responses to fragmentation. Sci Rep 8(1): 1–14.
), as well as its ecological importance in the composition of vegetation strata, representing an important ecological filter as it alters environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, acting as a potential barrier to the emergence and establishment of tree species (Gilliam 1994GILLIAM, F.S., TURRILL, N.L., AULICK, S.D., EVANS, D.K., A. & ADAMS, M.B. 1994. Herbaceous layer and soil response to experimental acidification in a central Appalachian hardwood forest. J. Environ. Qual. 23: 835–844; Royo & Carson 2006ROYO, A.A., & CARSON, W.P. 2006. On the formation of dense understory layers in forests worldwide: consequences and implications for forest dynamics, biodiversity, and succession. Can J Forest Res 36(6): 1345–1362.
, George & Bazzaz 1999GEORGE, L.O. & BAZZAZ, F.A. 1999. The fern understory as an ecological filter: growth and survival of canopy-tree seedlings. Ecology 80(3): 846–856.[0846:TFUAAE]2.0.CO;2
). Additionally, the assembly mechanisms of herbaceous and woody communities seem to be contrasting, with herbaceous showing a stronger niche-derived structure (Murphy et al. 2019). Thus, the expansion of studies of the herbaceous stratum has direct implications for the different management and conservation strategies that may be necessary for different forms of plant growth within the same community (Murphy et al. 2019).

Rock outcrops are usually surrounded by a vegetation matrix on more developed soils, contributing to the formation of vegetation mosaics, with different soil types, vegetation and microclimate (Sarthou & Villiers 1998SARTHOU, C. & VILLIERS, J. F. 1998. Epilithic plant communities on inselbergs in French Guiana. J Veg Sci 9(6): 847–860.
). In addition, rock outcrops can constitute vegetation refuges, sheltering remnants of a relict flora more widely distributed in the past, presenting ecological peculiarities from their surroundings, and persisting in very particular environmental conditions (e.g. Colinvaux et al. 2000COLINVAUX, P.A., DE OLIVEIRA, P.E. & BUSH, M.B. 2000. Amazonian and neotropical plant communities on glacial time-scales: The failure of the aridity and refuge hypotheses. Quaternary Sci Rev 19(1–5): 141–169.
, Speziale & Ezcurra 2014SPEZIALE, K.L. & EZCURRA, C. 2014. Rock outcrops as potential biodiversity refugia under climate change in North Patagonia. Plant Ecol Divers 8(3): 353–361.
). Leaves capable of desiccating and rehydrating, water reserve organs and structures capable of absorbing atmospheric moisture represent some of the characteristics that allow herbaceous plant species to thrive in rock outcrops (Lüttge et al. 2007LÜTTGE, U., MEIRELLES, S.T. & DE MATTOS, E.A. 2008. Strong quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in the desiccated state in three poikilohydric and homoiochlorophyllous moss species indicates photo-oxidative protection on highly light-exposed rocks of a tropical inselberg. J Plant Physiol 165(2): 172–181.
). Thus, considering the environmental conditions in rock outcrops, such as water scarcity, nutrient deficiency, intense solar radiation, and high temperatures (Kluge & Brulfert 2000KLUGE, M. & BRULFERT, J. 2000. Ecophysiology of vascular plants on inselbergs. In Inselbergs: biotic diversity of isolated rock outcrops in tropical and temperate regions (S. Porembski & W. Barthlott, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, v.146, p.143–176.), the occurrence of species in these environments is not random, but conditioned by environmental factors, such as greater or lesser depth of soil (e.g. de Paula et al. 2015DE PAULA, L.F., NEGREIROS, D., AZEVEDO, L.O., FERNANDES, R.L., STEHMANN, J.R., & SILVEIRA, F. A. 2015. Functional ecology as a missing link for conservation of a resource-limited flora in the Atlantic forest. Biodivers. Conserv. 24(9): 2239–2253.
; Porembski et al. 2000POREMBSKI S, BECKER U, SEINE R. 2000. Islands on islands: habitats on inselbergs. In: Porembski S, Barthlott W (eds) Inselbergs – biotic diversity of isolated rock outcrops in tropical and temperate regions. Ecological studies. Springer, Berlin, pp 49–67). Thus, at a local scale, environmental filtering favors the presence of plant communities phylogenetically clustered in rock outcrops (Villa et al. 2018VILLA, P.M., GASTAUER, M., MARTINS, S.V., CARRION, J.F., CAMPOS, P.V., RODRIGUES, A.C., ... & MEIRA-NETO, J.A.A. (2018). Phylogenetic structure is determined by patch size in rock outcrop vegetation on an inselberg in the northern Amazon region. Acta Amaz. 48(3): 248–256.
; Parmentier & Hardy 2009PARMENTIER, I., & HARDY, O.J. 2009. The impact of ecological differentiation and dispersal limitation on species turnover and phylogenetic structure of inselberg’s plant communities. Ecography 32:(4), 613–622.

The southern Amazon border presents peculiar characteristics, arising from the mixture of rain forest, seasonal forest, and savannas, as well as the influence of well-defined precipitation seasonality (Kunz et al. 2009KUNZ, S. H., IVANAUSKAS, N. M., MARTINS, S. V., SILVA, E., & STEFANELLO, D. 2009. Análise da similaridade florística entre florestas do Alto Rio Xingu, da Bacia Amazônica e do Planalto Central. Braz J Bot 32(4): 725–736.
). The Southern Amazon encompasses the “arc of deforestation”, a region with intense anthropic pressure resulting from changes in land use for mining, logging, and agriculture (Fearnside et al. 2017FEARNSIDE, P. 2017. Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Retrieved 30 Oct. 2021, from
). In this sense, studies have highlighted the importance of expanding the sampling of vegetation in rock habitats in the south of the Amazon (Sasaki et al. 2010SASAKI, D., ZAPPI, D., MILLIKEN, W., HENICKA, G.S. & PIVA, J.H. 2010. Vegetação e Plantas do Cristalino: um manual. Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW/Fundação Ecológica Cristalino, Alta Floresta., Zappi et al. 2011ZAPPI, D.C., SASAKI, D., MILLIKEN, W., IVA, J., HENICKA, G.S., BIGGS, N., & FRISBY, S. 2011. Plantas vasculares da região do Parque Estadual Cristalino, norte de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Acta Amazon 41(1): 29–38.
, 2016ZAPPI, D.C., MILLIKEN, W., SOARES-LOPES, C.R.A., LUCAS, E., PIVA, J.H., FRISBY, S., BIGGS, N. & FORZZA, R.C. 2016. Xingu State Park vascular plant survey: filling the gaps. Braz. J. Bot. 39(2): 751–778.
). Based on this, samples of the woody component in Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with rock outcrops in the Cristalino Region – focus of our study – have brought important contributions, such as the addition of species to the regional flora, expansion of species distribution areas, as well as discussions related to conservation status and endemism (Silva et al. 2020SILVA, D. R. D., SOARES-LOPES, C. R. A., GRESSLER, E., & EISENLOHR, P. V. 2020. Woody vegetation associated with rocky outcrops in Southern Amazonia: a starting point to unveil a unique flora. Biota Neotrop 20(2): e20190874.
). The Cristalino Region shelters different types of vegetation and varied physiognomies that reflect its geological and geomorphological complexity, and constitutes a key area for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Amazon (Zappi et al. 2011, Maury et al. 2004MAURY C.M. (org.) 2004. Biodiversidade Brasileira: Avaliação e identificação de áreas e ações prioritárias para conservação, utilização sustentável e repartição dos benefícios da biodiversidade nos biomas brasileiros. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Secretaria de Biodiversidade e Florestas, PROBIO. Brasília, DF.).

We investigated the floristic, structure, ecology and conservation of the herbaceous component in a seasonal deciduous forest associated with rock outcrops in the Cristalino region, addressing the following questions: 1) What is the species composition of the herbaceous component? 2) What is the contribution of our survey to expanding the floristic list of the Cristalino Region? 3) Which and how many endemic and threatened herbaceous species occur there? 4) Which species, genera and families have the greatest frequency and cover? 5) How species-diverse is this stratum/vegetation? While answering these questions, we also addressed their implications for biodiversity conservation.

Material and Methods

1. Study area

The study area is located in the Cristalino region, more precisely in the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) (Sasaki et al. 2010, Zappi et al. 2011) (Figure 1). In addition to the RPPN Mirante da Serra, the Cristalino region comprises the Cristalino, Castanheira and Gavião Real RPPNs, and the Cristalino State Park (Sasaki et al. 2010; Zappi et al. 2011). The Cristalino region is located in the far north of the state of Mato Grosso and includes part of the Rio Cristalino basin, which rises in the Serra do Cachimbo, and also part of the Nhandu river basin, both tributaries of the Teles Pires river (Zappi et al. 2011). Eight vegetation types can be found in this region: Submontane Dense Ombrophilous Forest, Submontane Open Ombrophilous Forest, Alluvial Dense Ombrophilous Forest, Semideciduous Seasonal Forest, Deciduous Seasonal Forest, Campinarana, Amazon campo rupestre and Riverine Vegetation (Sasaki et al. 2010, Zappi et al. 2011). The relief has slightly convex tops on ancient rocks of the Beneficent Group (Middle Proterozoic) and is inserted in four geomorphological units I. Planalto do Cachimbo; II. Depressão do Norte de Mato Grosso; III. Depressão Interplanáltica dos Rios Juruena/Teles Pires e IV. Planaltos Residuais do Sul da Amazônia (IBGE 2006IBGE – Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. 2006. Mapa de unidades de relevo do Brasil. 2 ed. Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, 1 mapa. Escala 1: 5.000.000.). The main soil types of the Cristalino Region are Quartz Sands, Red-Yellow Argisols, Rock Outcrops, Litholic and Glazed Hydromorphic Neosols. The soils are generally sandy, acidic, of medium to low fertility and susceptible to erosion (SEMA 2010SEMA-MT. 2010. Plano de Manejo do Parque Estadual Cristalino. Portaria N° 031. Diário Oficial do Estado de Mato Grosso.). The climate is warm and humid, with a dry period of approximately four months – June to September (SEMA 2010SEMA-MT. 2010. Plano de Manejo do Parque Estadual Cristalino. Portaria N° 031. Diário Oficial do Estado de Mato Grosso.). Average annual rainfall can range between 2,000 mm and 2,500 mm, while average annual temperatures are around 26°C (SEMA 2010SEMA-MT. 2010. Plano de Manejo do Parque Estadual Cristalino. Portaria N° 031. Diário Oficial do Estado de Mato Grosso.). In the Cristalino region there are outcrops of arenitic and granitic rock that are scattered over sloping terrain or on top of the mountains. Granitic outcrops occur in the form of small areas associated with Seasonal Deciduous Forest, while arenitic outcrops are found in larger areas and have a distinct floristic composition (Sasaki et al. 2010). The vegetation type sampled in this study comprises Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with granitic rock outcrops (Figure 2). The sample area is located between the coordinates 9°35’12” S and 55°54’59” W, in the municipality of Novo Mundo, MT, with an altitude varying between 280 and 350 m a.s.l..

Figure 1.
Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) located in the Cristalino Region, Southern Amazon.
Figure 2.
Study area located in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. A and B = Study area during rainy season; C and D = Study area during dry season.

2. Installation of sampling units

To install the permanent plot, we followed the recommendations of the RAINFOR Network (Amazon Network of Forest Inventories; Phillips et al. 2016PHILLIPS, O., BAKER, T., FELDPAUSCH, T. & BRIENEN, R. 2016. RAINFOR: field manual for plot establishment and remeasurement. The Royal Society, Leeds, UK.), which develops a set of standardized actions to monitor forests in the Amazon, promoting an understanding of the dynamics of Amazon ecosystems (Phillips et al. 2016PHILLIPS, O., BAKER, T., FELDPAUSCH, T. & BRIENEN, R. 2016. RAINFOR: field manual for plot establishment and remeasurement. The Royal Society, Leeds, UK.). As the RAINFOR Network method is described for the woody component, we performed adaptations for the herbaceous component, associating the line intercept method (Canfield 1941CANFIELD, R.H. 1941. Application of the line intercept method in sampling range vegetation. J Forest 39(4):388–394.
; Figure 3) with the RAINFOR Network plot delineation method. As guided by the RAINFOR Network, we delineated a 100 x 100 m (= 1 ha) plot, divided into 25 contiguous subplots (S), each measuring 20 x 20 m. We affixed iron rebars 5 mm in diameter and 1 m in length at the four ends of the permanent plot, and carried out the same procedure for the subplots.

Figure 3.
Phytosociological survey according to line intersection method (Canfield 1941) in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop in the Southern Amazon. A = vegetation survey during rainy season; B = vegetation survey during dry season.

3. Vegetation sampling and botanical material processing

To carry out the phytosociological survey, we used the line intercept method (Canfield 1941; Figure 3). This method consists of drawing lines over the vegetation to determine the composition of herbaceous species in the area (Munhoz & Felfili 2006MUNHOZ, C. B. R. & FELFILI, J. M. 2006. Fitossociologia do estrato herbáceo subarbustivo de uma área de campo sujo no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Acta Bot Bras 20(3): 671–685.
; Figure 3). We traced 100 lines 100 m long perpendicular to the permanent plot, with 1 m intervals between them. We held a draw to define 10 subplots, and within each subplot we held another draw to mark a line (Sampling Unit – SU), totaling 10 sampled lines. Each SU was 20 m long. We then affixed iron bars, identified the lines with aluminum plates indicating the line number and subplot and georeferenced the center point of each line. We measured height, aerial part diameter and the horizontal projection of each individual that touched or came within 1 cm of the line.

We carried out 12 monthly incursions into the study area, between July 2016 and July 2017, covering all seasons. The botanical material was collected and herborized according to the methodology of Fidalgo & Bononi (1989)FIDALGO, O. & BONONI, V.L.R. 1989. Técnicas de coleta, preservação e herborização de material botânico. Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo.. During the expeditions, we collected individuals in the reproductive stage within the subplots, as well as in the 10 m surrounding the plot and on the access trails to it. The surrounding matrix is composed of forest vegetation; in addition, it presents differences in soils, relief and incident light when compared to the rock outcrop area on which the permanent plot was installed.

The species were identified through consultations to the specific literature, online databases, comparisons with the collection of the Herbarium of the Southern Amazon (HERBAM) and consultations with specialists. We followed APG IV (2016)APG IV. The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Bot J Linn Soc 181 (1): 1–20.
family classification. We checked the life forms and the spellings of the species names in the Flora do Brasil species list database (Flora do Brasil 2020FLORA DO BRASIL. 2020. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Retrieved 30 Oct. 2021, from
). We verified materials deposited at HERBAM from surveys carried out during the Cristalino Flora Program (Sasaki et al. 2010, Zappi et al. 2011), as well as online searches on Reflora platforms ( and speciesLink ( to update possible new records for the area. We also verified the threatened status of the species according to the Brazilian National Center for the Conservation of Flora (CNCFlora – Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora, The material collected was incorporated into the HERBAM collection.

4. Community structure

We characterized the community structure of the herbaceous stratum through the projection on the line of intercepted individuals. To obtain the absolute cover (AC), we calculated the projection occupied by each individual in the SU and made a sum for all the SUs (Munhoz & Araújo 2011MUNHOZ, C.B.R. & ARAãJO, G.M. 2011. Métodos de amostragem do estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo. (J.M. Felfili., P.V. Eisenlohr., M.M.R.F. Melo., L.A. Andrade., & J.A.A. Meira-Neto, eds). Fitossociologia no Brasil – Métodos e Estudos de caso. 1 ed. Editora UFV, Viçosa, p. 213–230.). We obtained the relative cover (CR) by dividing the absolute coverage (CA) of each species by the sum of the absolute coverage (CA) of all species, multiplying by 100. We also obtained the values of absolute and relative frequency (Munhoz & Araújo 2011MUNHOZ, C.B.R. & ARAãJO, G.M. 2011. Métodos de amostragem do estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo. (J.M. Felfili., P.V. Eisenlohr., M.M.R.F. Melo., L.A. Andrade., & J.A.A. Meira-Neto, eds). Fitossociologia no Brasil – Métodos e Estudos de caso. 1 ed. Editora UFV, Viçosa, p. 213–230.).

CAi = Absolute cover of the species “i”

C A i = i = 1 n P i A

I = 1nPi A = sum of the species (i) projection in all SUs.

CRi = Relative cover of the species “i”

C R i = ( C A i i = 1 n C A i ) 100

I = 1nCAi = sum of all species (i) projection in all SUs.

FAi = Absolute frequency of the species “i”

F A I = ( n i n ) 100

ni = number of SUs where species “i” occurred

n = total number of SUs sampled

FRi = Relative frequency of the species “i”

F R I = ( F A i i = 1 n F A i ) 100

I = 1nFAi= sum of the absolute frequency of all species.

5. Species diversity

We estimated species diversity through rarefaction and extrapolation curves (Chao et al. 2014CHAO, A., GOTELLI, N.J., HSIEH, T.C., SANDER, E.L., MA, K.H., COLWELL, R.K., Ellison, A.M. 2014. Rarefaction and extrapolation with Hill numbers: a framework for sampling and estimation in species diversity studies. Ecol Monogr 84(1): 45–67.
) with the “iNEXT” package (Hsieh et al. 2016HSIEH, T.C., MA, K.H. AND CHAO, A. 2016. iNEXT: an R package for rarefaction and extrapolation of species diversity (Hill numbers). Methods Ecol Evol 7(12):1451–1456.
). The confidence interval used was 95%, obtained from 1,000 bootstrap randomizations (Chao et al. 2014). The species diversity indices we obtained were numeric richness, Shannon index (H’), Shannon Exponential (H’ exp) – also known as effective number of species or number of equally common species (Peet 1974PEET, R.K. 1974. The measurement of species diversity. Ann Rev Ecol Syst 5(1): 285–307.
, Jost et al. 2006JOST, L. 2006. Entropy and diversity. Oikos 113(2): 363–375.
) – and Simpson index (1/D) (see, for example, Magurran 2013MAGURRAN, A. E. 2013. Measuring biological diversity. John Wiley & Sons.).


We recorded 86 species, 62 genera and 25 families for the herbaceous component of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve – RPPN Mirante da Serra (Table 1; Figure 4). The families with the highest number of genera were Orchidaceae (16 spp.), Poaceae (11 spp.), Marantaceae (10 spp.) and Cyperaceae (seven spp.) (Table 1). The genera with the highest number of species were Paspalum (five spp.), Cyperus and Goeppertia, with four species each, and Maranta, with three species (Table 1).

Figure 4.
Herbaceous species from the Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in Portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. A = Curculigo scorzonerifolia (Lam.) Baker; B = Bromelia balansae Mez; C = Pseudoernestia cordifolia (O.Berg. ex Triana) Krasser; D = Philodendron acutatum Schott; E = Nautilocalyx forgetii (Sprague) Sprague; F = Ancistrotropis peduncularis (Kunth) A. Delgado; G = Encyclia randii (Barb.Rodr.) Porto & Brade; H = Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) C.B.Clarke; I = Chamaecostus lanceolatus (Petersen) C.D.Specht & D.W. Stev.
Table 1.
Herbaceous species from the Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso. RPPN-MS: Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve; CRIST: Cristalino Region; SU: occurrence recorded from our sampling units; Random: occurrence recorded from random walk around RPPN-MS; Voucher: collector number; Occurrences in Brazilian biomes according to Flora do Brazil 2020: amz = Amazon, atl = Atlantic Forest; caa = Caatinga, cer = Cerrado, pam = Pampa, pan = Pantanal; * = new floristic occurrences for the Cristalino Region.

There was an increase of 26 new records of species for Flora in the Cristalino region, which comprises the Cristalino State Park and 4 RPPN (Table 1). Among the species added to the Cristalino Flora, we included Philodendron deflexum Poepp. ex Schott. This species had already been previously collected and listed in the Cristalino Region inventories (Henicka, G.S. 125), but it was not yet fully named. We also provided the complete identification for Griffinia nocturna Ravenna, and this was the first report of occurrence for this species in a forest matrix in the Amazon biome.

Only seven species present in our study area have already had their conservation status assessed by the CNCFlora. Among them, six species were found in the ‘Least Concern’ category, which is not a threatened status: Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker, Bromelia balansae Mez, Curculigo scorzonerifolia (Lam.) Baker, Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw., Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth and Pterolepis perpusilla (Naudin) Cogn.. The single species classified as threatened with extinction was Griffinia nocturna Ravenna, which was assigned to the ‘Critically Endangered’ category. However, as we are providing evidence on the increasing of its distribution area, the conservation status of this species should be recalculated. Thus, we performed an exercise with GEOCAT (Bachman et al. 2011BACHMAN S, MOAT J, HILL A.W, TORRE J & SCOTT B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: geospatial conservation assessment tool. In: Smith V, Penev L (eds.) e-Infrastructures for data publishing in biodiversity science. ZooKeys 150: 117–126. Available at Access on 01 June 2022.
) applying the default values of the IUCN – RLS (The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species) for Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) analyses of G. nocturna (see Supplementary Material 1 Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. for more details). According to this exercise, G. nocturna has an AOO of 92,000 km2 (Endangered) and EOO of 1,397,712,743 km2 (Least Concern). Thus, with the expansion of its geographic distribution area, G. nocturna would move from the ‘Critically Endangered’ to ‘Endangered’ category, thus remaining threatened with extinction.

Considering only the phytosociological survey carried out on the rock outcrop, we sampled 903 individuals of the herbaceous component, which were distributed into 31 species, 23 genera and 13 families (Table 2). The families with the highest number of species were Poaceae (eight species), Marantaceae (six species), Asteraceae and Bromeliaceae (three species each). The genera with the highest number of species were Paspalum (four species), Maranta and Goeppertia (three species each). Ananas (238), Riencourtia (212) and Goeppertia (118) were the genera with the highest number of individuals (Supplementary Material 2a Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. ), and Bromeliaceae (312), Asteraceae (244) and Marantaceae (134) were the families with the highest number of individuals (Supplementary Material 2b Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. ). The species with the highest number of individuals were Ananas ananassoides (238), Riencourtia pedunculosa (212), and Bromelia balansae and Goeppertia ovata (72 individuals each; Table 2).

Table 2.
Phytosociological parameters for species sampled in survey according to line intersection method (Canfield 1941) in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso.

Ananas, Bromelia, Goeppertia and Riencourtia were the genera with the highest cover value (Supplementary Material 2a Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. ), and Ananas and Goeppertia were the only genera that occurred in all SUs. Bromeliaceae, Marantaceae and Poaceae had the highest cover values and were the only families that occurred in all SUs (Supplementary Material 2b Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. ). Ananas ananassoides, Bromelia balansae, Goeppertia ovata and Riencourtia pedunculosa were the species with the highest cover values, with A. ananassoides being the only species that occurred in all 10 SUs (Table 2).

We found 31 (± 2.24 IC95%) species in the 10 sampled lines. We observed a trend towards stabilization in the rarefaction and extrapolation curves for species richness (Figure 5a; Supplementary Material 3 Supplementary Material The following online material is available for this article: Supplementary Material 1 – Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome. Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively. ). In this sense, if we sampled twice as many individuals, there would be an increase of 4.31% in the number of species. The species diversity was 2.43 nats.individual-1 (Shannon), which corresponds to 11.37 (± 0.90 IC95%) equally common species (Shannon exponential), while the Simpson index (1/D) was 6.82 (± 0.648 IC95%). The curves of the Shannon and Simpson indices also stabilized (Figure 5b and 5c).

Figure 5.
Interpolated and extrapolated species diversity considering twice the number of sampled species in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPP N) in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D).


Our study contributes to the knowledge of the herbaceous layer of the Cristalino Region, a key area for biodiversity conservation in the Amazon. Although the important project ‘Flora do Cristalino’ contributed to reducing the knowledge gaps about the herbaceous component of the Amazon forest in its southern limit, the sampling effort varied between the different vegetation types, being more concentrated in the Submontane Dense Ombrophilous Forest, as phytophysiognomies as the Seasonal Deciduous Forest were proportionally less sampled (Sasaki et al. 2010, Zappi et al. 2011). Thus, our study increases the sampling for the Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with rock outcrops in the Cristalino Region.

The Orchidaceae family had the largest number of species and was also the one that most contributed to the increase of new records for the Flora of the Cristalino Region, totaling eight new records: Aspasia variegata Lindl., Campylocentrum mattogrossense Hoehne., Catasetum telespirense Benelli & Soares-Lopes, Cyrtopodium andersonii (Lamb. ex Andrews) R.Br., Encyclia randii (Barb.Rodr.) Porto & Brade, Epidendrum stiliferum Dressler, Sobralia augusta Hoehne, and Trichocentrum sprucei (Lindl.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams. We believe that this increase in the Flora of the Cristalino Region may be related to the sampling effort, since the present study focused on a single area, with monthly visits, which facilitated the observation of different phenological phases of the species of this family, enabling collection and identification. A similar study found a similar increase in the species richness of Orchidaceae when the sampling effort was increased (Neto et al. 2007).

The low number of threatened species in our study area was likely due to the knowledge bias towards the herbaceous component. Such bias is well documented for the Amazon flora (BFG 2015BFG. The Brazil Flora Group. 2015. Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plant diversity in Brazil. Rodriguésia 66(4):1085–1113.
). However, Silva et al. (2020)SILVA, D. R. D., SOARES-LOPES, C. R. A., GRESSLER, E., & EISENLOHR, P. V. 2020. Woody vegetation associated with rocky outcrops in Southern Amazonia: a starting point to unveil a unique flora. Biota Neotrop 20(2): e20190874.
, investigating woody species in the same study area as ours, also found a small number of species already assessed for threat (16 species already assessed and 102 not assessed). Thus, this seems to be a general gap – not only for the herbaceous stratum – in the threatened species assessment for the RPPN Mirante da Serra, and perhaps for the Amazon as a whole. Considering the Amazon as a whole, the general perception is that its plants are more widely distributed (BGF 2015), but we are aware that there is a knowledge gap regarding plant distribution and therefore of the conservation status of Amazonian plants.

G. nocturna, Critically Endangered (CR) (CNCFlora 2022CNCFlora. Griffinia nocturna in Lista Vermelha da flora brasileira versão 2012. 2 Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora. Retrieved 1 Jun. 2022, from nocturna.
) and commonly found in Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with rock outcrops (Flora do Brasil 2020), had already been recorded for the Cerrado-Amazon transition and for the Amazon biome in savanna vegetation (voucher Sardelli, L. 920 and Engels, M.E. 3757). The occurrence of this species in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome is a novelty. G. nocturna is considered CR due to the fact that a number of subpopulations of this species have become extinct due to environmental disturbances. In addition, the species has a commercially collected bulb (CNCFlora 2021). Thus, by expanding knowledge about the distribution area of G. nocturna, we provide support for management measures and protection of its remaining subpopulations.

Vegetation on rock outcrops generally has a high number of endemic species (Gröger & Huber 2007, Porembski 2007POREMBSKI, S. 2007. Tropical inselbergs: habitat types, adaptives strategies and diversity strategies. Braz J Bot 30(4): 579–586.
), but this pattern was not supported in our study area. In this sense, endemisms in rock outcrops may be associated with their degree of isolation in relation to similar habitats and also with the intensity of the barrier that the ecological conditions on the rock surface represent for the establishment of plants from the surrounding vegetation (Burke 2002aBURKE, A. 2002a. Island-matrix relationships in Nama Karoo inselberg landscapes. Part I: Do inselbergs provide a refuge for matrix species? Plant Ecol. 160(1): 79–90.
and bBURKE, A. 2002b. Island-matrix relationships in Nama Karoo inselberg landscapes. Part II: Are some inselbergs better sources than others? Plant Ecol. 158(1):41–48.
). Thus, although we have not evaluated the floristic composition of the forest matrix, the absence of endemisms in our study area may be related to its continuous occurrence in the forest matrix. On the other hand, we recorded species widely distributed in vegetation associated with rock outcrops, such as Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker, Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K.Schum., Microstachys corniculata (Vahl) Griseb, Philodendron acutatum Schott, Pitcairnia burchellii Mez and Sida linifolia Cav. (Flora do Brasil 2020), as well as species widely distributed in rock outcrops and Seasonal Deciduous Forest, such as Chamaecrista trichopoda (Benth.) Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip, Commelina obliqua Vah, Curculigo scorzonerifolia (Lam.) Baker, Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) C.B.Clarke, Ichnanthus calvescens (Nees ex Trin.) Döll and Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & Sweet (Flora do Brasil 2020). The herbaceous layer of the Seasonal Deciduous Forest on a rock outcrop of the RPPN Mirante da Serra presents a mixture of floras, being composed mainly of species from the Amazon and/or Cerrado biomes, confirming the pattern found on the southern edge of the Amazon (IBGE 2004, Kunz et al. 2009).

The families with 100% frequency in the sampling units were Bromeliaceae, Marantaceae and Poaceae, and the greatest floristic richness was recorded for the Poaceae. In fact, Poaceae is among the most important families of rock outcrops worldwide, while Bromeliaceae is a typical component of South American rock outcrops (Porembski 2007POREMBSKI, S. (2007). Tropical inselbergs: habitat types, adaptive strategies and diversity patterns. Braz J Bot, 30(4): 579–586.
). In the Deciduous Seasonal Forest, the scarcity of soil makes water a limiting factor for vegetation in the dry season, leading to the loss of leaves and, consequently, to the opening of the canopy (Sazaki et al. 2010), which may favour herbaceous species by providing more sunlight for the understorey plants. In this regard, leaf fall in tropical deciduous forests contributes to the increase in the litter layer which, when decomposing influences the fertility of the understory substrate (e.g. Jaramillo & Sanford 1995JARAMILLO, V. J., & SANFORD, R. L. (1995). Nutrient cycling in tropical deciduous forests. Seasonally dry tropical forests (Bullock, S.H., Mooney, H.A., & Medina, E. eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.346–361.). In addition, the opening of the canopy contributes to the anemochoric dispersion (Howe & Smallwood 1982HOWE, H. F. & SMALLWOOD, J. 1982. Ecology of seed dispersal. Annu Rev Ecol Syst 13(1): 201–228.
), a common syndrome in representative families in the study area, such as Asteraceae, Bromeliaceae, Cyperaceae, Orchidaceae and Poaceae.

The largest number of individuals sampled belonged to the Bromeliaceae family, with Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B.Sm. as the most abundant. This species also had the highest frequency and the greatest coverage in our study area. In a savanna area in the Amazon-Cerrado transition, Elias et al. (2017)ELIAS, F., TEIXEIRA, N.D.A. & MARIMON-JUNIOR, B.H. 2017. Spatial relationships between Ananas ananassoides (Bromeliaceae) and Tachigali vulgaris (Fabaceae) influencing the structure of the Amazon/Cerrado transition in Brazil. Ecol Austral 27(2):290–295.
also found high abundance and frequency of A. ananassoides. This abundance may be related to the fact that the propagation of A. ananassoides occurs both vegetative and sexually (Paula & Silva 2004PAULA, C.C. & SILVA, H.M.P. 2004. Cultivo prático de bromélias. Editora UFV: Viçosa.). We found A. ananassoides both in places exposed to intense light and in shaded places, demonstrating its tolerance to different light conditions (Proença & Sajo 2007PROENÇA, S.L. & SAJO, M.D.G. 2007. Anatomia foliar de bromélias ocorrentes em áreas de cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Acta Bot Bras, 21(3):657–673.
). This fact may be related to the adaptation of the species in different environments of the seasonal forest understory. In addition, its leaf structure is rigid, succulent, and thick (Crayn et al. 2015CRAYN, D.M., WINTER, K., SCHULTE, K. & SMITH, J.A.C. 2015. Photosynthetic pathways in Bromeliaceae: phylogenetic and ecological significance of CAM and C3 based on carbon isotope ratios for 1893 species. Bot J Linn Soc 178(2): 169–221.
), which ensures greater resistance to water stress and high temperatures, favoring its occupation (Proença & Sajo 2007PROENÇA, S.L. & SAJO, M.D.G. 2007. Anatomia foliar de bromélias ocorrentes em áreas de cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Acta Bot Bras, 21(3):657–673.
) in rock outcrops.

Marantaceae had the second largest number of individuals and was represented by two genera in the sample units, Goeppertia and Ischnosiphon, with Goeppertia being one of the two genera in our quantitative survey with 100% frequency. Goeppertia is the most diverse genus of the Marantaceae (Borchsenius et al. 2012BORCHSENIUS, F., SUÁREZ, L.S.S. & PRINCE, L. 2012. Molecular Phylogeny and Redefined Generic Limits of Calathea (Marantaceae). Syst Bot 37(3): 620–635.
), preferentially inhabiting humid environments. When they occur in environments with pronounced seasonality, the leaves perish in response to water deficit and are renewed at the beginning of the rainy season, using the starch reserves present in their tubers (Kennedy 1978KENNEDY, H. 1978. Systematics and pollination of the “closed-flowered” species of Calathea (Marantaceae). vol. 71, University of California Publications of Botany, Berkeley.). Among the Goeppertia species, Goeppertia ovata (Nees & Mart.) Borchs. & S.Suárez was the one with the highest number of individuals, locally known as ariá, with nutritious tubers often used as a source of starch in the Amazon (Barros et al. 2021BARROS, D.R., CARVALHO, A.P.M.G., SILVA, E.O., SAMPAIO, U.M., SOUZA, S.M., SANCHES, E.A., SANT’ANA, A.S., CLERICI, M.T.P.S & CAMPELO, P.H. 2021. Aria (Goeppertia allouia) Brazilian Amazon tuber as a non-conventional starch source for foods. Int J Biol Macromol 168(1):187–194.

The cover of a species in a given environment can be influenced by its morphology or way of life (Munhoz & Felfili 2008MUNHOZ, C.B.R. & FELFILI, J.M. 2008. Fitossociologia do estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo em campo limpo úmido no Brasil Central. Acta Bot Bras 22(4): 905–913.
). For example, Bromelia balansae Mez, with leaves that can range between 89–187 x 2–2.9 cm (Araújo, 2016ARAãJO, C.C. 2016. Bromeliaceae Juss. no Distrito Federal (Brasil). Tese de doutorado, Instituto de Botânica de São Paulo, São Paulo.), and G. ovata, with leaves that can reach an average of 65.7–79.4 x 14.5−16.7 cm (Saka 2016SAKA, M.N. 2016. Revisão taxonômica e análises filogenéticas das espécies extra-amazônicas de Goeppertia Nees, clado Breviscapus (Marantaceae). Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro.), had the second and third highest relative cover (18.3 and 6.8%), respectively, although they had only 72 individuals each. In turn, Riencourtia pedunculosa (Rich.) Pruski, a delicate annual herb with linear and narrow leaves ranging from 1.2–7.5 x 0.1–1.6 cm, with width varying between 0.1–0.4 mm in rock outcrops (Bringel 2014BRINGEL, J.B.A-JR. 2014. Contribuição ao estudo de Heliantheae (Asteraceae): Revisão taxonômica e filogenia de Riencourtia Cass. Tese de doutorado, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília.), presented more than twice the number of individuals (212) in relation to the aforementioned species, but had only the fourth highest relative cover (6.4%). Thus, the size of the leaf blade seems to have been more important in determining the relative cover of these species in the study area, as species with fewer individuals, but larger leaves, had greater relative cover.

Our species diversity estimates were higher than those recorded for herbaceous communities in the Cerrado-Amazon transition (Ivanauskas et al. 2004IVANAUSKAS, N.M., MONTEIRO, R. & RODRIGUES, R.R. 2004. Composição florística de trechos florestais na borda sul-amazônica. Acta Amaz 34(3): 399–413.
, Melo-Santos et al. 2013MELO-SANTOS, K.S., MARIMON, B.S., OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, C., MORANDI, P. S., FORSTHOFER, M. & MARIMON-JUNIOR, B.H. 2013. Cobertura do dossel e composição florística do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo de uma floresta estacional semidecidual na transição cerrado-amazônia em Mato Grosso, Brasil. Heringeriana 7(1): 51–60.
). This fact seems to be related to the fact that these studies were carried out in semideciduous or evergreen forests, and in the deciduous forests the higher incidence of light contributes to the increase in the diversity of herbaceous species (e.g.Sagar et al. 2012SAGAR, R., PANDEY, A. & SINGH, J.S. 2012. Composition, species diversity, and biomass of the herbaceous community in dry tropical forest of northern India in relation to soil moisture and light intensity. Environmentalist 32(4): 485–493.
). However, in Central Amazonia, Costa et al. (2005)COSTA, F.R., MAGNUSSON, W.E. & LUIZÃO, R.C. 2005. Mesoscale distribution patterns of Amazonian understorey herbs in relation to topography, soil and watersheds. J Ecol 93(5):863–878.
recorded 87 species for an herbaceous community; in such a study, the higher number of species may be related to the method and sampling effort adopted, since the collections were carried out in 59 plots of 250 x 2 m, being superior to that carried out in the RPPN Mirante da Serra. When we compare our results with studies carried out in herbaceous communities located in rock outcrops of southern Amazonia, such as the Carajás National Forest (Nunes et al. 2009NUNES, J.A. 2009. Florística, estrutura e relações solo-vegetação em gradiente fitofisionômico sobre canga, na Serra Sul, FLONA de Carajás – Pará. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa.), the Shannon diversity values (H’) of these communities were higher than the values found at the RPPN Mirante da Serra (3.3 nats.individual-1 and 2.43 nats.individual-1, respectively). Here again, the method and sampling effort differed, and the Shannon index is strongly influenced by the variation in sampling effort (Magurran 2013). In this sense, more standardized studies in herbaceous communities in the Southern Amazon would allow a better understanding of their patterns of diversity. Herbaceous component inventory networks can be a strategy to fill this gap.

In view of the anthropic pressures faced by existing in the southern Amazon, we reinforce the importance of carrying out inventories of its herbaceous communities, since the risk of species loss is even more alarming once we consider the undersampling of this component. The increments to the Cristalino Flora, as well as the convergence of both Amazonian and Cerrado species in the study area, reinforce the need for conservation and expansion of investigations of rock outcrops.


This study was funded by the Foundation for Research Support in the State of Mato Grosso (FAPEMAT) as part of the Research Project “Distribuição e diversidade de espécies vegetais na transição Cerrado-Amazônia: o efeito das mudanças climáticas e suas consequências para o planejamento de Unidades de Conservação” – Edital Universal 005/2015 (Process #224333/2015). We are also grateful to the Department of Education of the State of Mato Grosso (SEDUC-MT) and the Municipality of Paranaíta, MT, which granted a license for professional qualification to the 1st author. We thank all fieldwork collaborators linked to the Ecology Laboratory (LabEc), Southern Amazon Herbarium (HERBAM) and the Cristalino Ecological Foundation (FEC). Our thanks are extended to the specialists: Ana Kelly Koch, Thiago E.C. Meneguzzo and Tiago L. Vieira (Orchidaceae), Thiago André (Costaceae), Pedro L. Viana (Poaceae) and Rafaela Forzza (Bromeliaceae).

Supplementary Material

The following online material is available for this article:

Supplementary Material 1Griffinia nocturna Ravenna had its first occurrence records in a matrix of forest vegetation within the Amazon biome.

Supplementary Material 2 – a: Phytosociological parameters for all genera sampled using the line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. b: Phytosociological parameters for families sampled in survey according to line intersection method in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon.

Supplementary material 3 – Diversity species estimates for the herbaceous component in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest associated with a granitic rock outcrop of the Mirante da Serra Private Natural Heritage Reserve (in portuguese, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, RPPN) in the Southern Amazon. a) Species Richness; b) Shannon Exponential Diversity; c) Simpson Diversity (1/D). qD: the diversity estimate of order q; qD.LCL and qD.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of diversity, respectively; SC: sample coverage estimate; SC.LCL and SC.UCL: the 95% lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage, respectively.

  • Ethics
    Authors have complied with the guidelines established by the ethics committees of their respective research institutions.
  • Data Availability
    All data used to run our numeric analysis are available at:
    Eisenlohr, Pedro, 2022, “Replication Data for paper “Floristics and structure of herbaceous component in a deciduous seasonal forest associated with rock outcrops in the Cristalino Region, a key area for Amazon conservation”,, SciELO Data, DRAFT VERSION, UNF:6:af7yaetZFTi7zKhGqnl2mA== [fileUNF]


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Edited by

Associate Editor
Carlos Joly

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Aug 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Sept 2021
  • Accepted
    12 July 2022
Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil