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Blockchain in Supply Chain Management: Characteristics and Benefits


The basis for application of new technologies in organizations is supported by the continuous analysis of data and information from multiple sources. Blockchain is one of the new technologies that, in association with the concepts and principles of Industry 4.0, could generate gains and improvements. Much has been said about the potential of blockchain technology, its benefits, and its disruptive impact in various areas, including supply chain management. In the academic field, however, the development of this topic is in full swing, as a growing number of scientific studies have been published without a theoretical convergence of their foundations, concepts, and authors being noted. Thus, considering the initial stage of the scientific debate of this object of analysis, this research aimed to understand the scenario of the adoption of blockchain in supply chain management based on academic publications evidencing its characteristics and benefits, through a systematic literature review. Due to profound analysis, characteristics and benefits of its application on supply chain management as transparency, confidence, information decentralization, and information security are disclosed in this study.

blockchain; supply chain management; systematic literature review; benefits; characteristics


The application of new technologies in organizations is based on the continuous analysis of data and information from multiple sources, which are intelligently interconnected, so that all internal and external experiences of the organization are coordinated, and their added value is maximized (Roblek, Meško, & Krapež, 2016Roblek, V., Meško, M., & Krapež, A. (2016). A complex view of industry 4.0. SAGE Open, 6(2).
). In this sense, Industry 4.0 and all associated transformations are continuously promoting the shift from the industrial focus on products to the focus on ‘data-driven’ products and services that require a strategic positioning of information technology, especially in the area of supply chain management (SCM) (Zhong, Klotz, & Newman, 2017Zhong, R. Y., Xu, X., Klotz, E., & Newman, S. T. (2017). Intelligent manufacturing in the context of industry 4.0: A review. Engineering, 3(5), 616-630.

Blockchain is one of the new technologies associated with the concepts and principles of Industry 4.0 that generate benefits in dealing with SCM uncertainties and difficulties. It is a transaction system (information exchange) with cryptographic evidence that enables direct interaction between actors involved in the digital network or the chain it refers to (Buterin, 2014Buterin, V. (2014). Community guides and resources. Ethereum. Retrieved from
; Nakamoto, 2008Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Bitcoin. Retrieved from

This technology has the function of creating a decentralized and distributed environment, in which digital information on transactions between the parties is accessible to all parties involved and is no longer centralized in a single agent. A simultaneous cryptographic check guarantees the information contained in its linear record with multiple reliable and complete sources (Biktimirov, Domashev, Cherkashin, & Shcherbakov, 2017Biktimirov, M. R., Domashev, A. V., Cherkashin, P. A., & Shcherbakov, A. Yu. (2017). Blockchain technology: Universal structure and requirements. Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics, 51(6), 235-238.
; Risius & Spohrer, 2017Risius, M., & Spohrer, K. (2017). A blockchain research framework: What we (don’t) know, where we go from here, and how we will get there. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59(6), 385-409.

Much has been said about the potential of blockchain technology and its benefits to improve a series of business process, providing a very secure chain of information and transactions, but also its effects that can cause disruption in several sectors, changing things to a new reality with the adoption of technology, as shown by a variety of recent systematic literature reviews (SLR), as example of: blockchain in agriculture (Yadav & Singh, 2019Yadav, V. S., & Singh, A. R. (2019, July). A systematic literature review of blockchain technology in agriculture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Pilsen, Czech Republic. Retrieved from
), analysis for blockchain solutions in IoT (Conoscenti, Vetrò, & Martin, 2016Conoscenti, M., Vetrò, A., & Martin, J. C. (2016, November). Blockchain for the Internet of Things: A systematic literature review. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Agadir, Morocco, 13.
; Lo et al., 2019Lo, S. K., Liu, Y., Chia, S. Y., Xu, X., Lu, Q., Zhu, L., & Ning, H. (2019). Analysis of blockchain solutions for IoT: A systematic literature review. IEEE Access, 7, 58822-58835.
), blockchain for cities (Shen & Pena-Mora, 2018Shen, C., & Pena-Mora, F. (2018). Blockchain for cities-a systematic literature review. IEEE Access, 6, 76787-76819.
), blockchain for big data (Karafiloski & Mishev, 2017Karafiloski, E., & Mishev, A. (2017). Blockchain solutions for big data challenges: A literature review. Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia, 17 (pp. 763-768).
), blockchain on service systems (Seebacher & Schüritz, 2017Seebacher, S., & Schüritz, R. (2017). Blockchain technology as an enabler of service systems: A structured literature review. In Za S., Drăgoicea M., Cavallari M. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Vol. 279). Cham: Springer.
), and multi-agent systems (Calvaresi, Dubovitskaya, Calbimonte, Taveter, & Schumacher, 2018Calvaresi, D., Dubovitskaya, A., Calbimonte, J. P., Taveter, K., & Schumacher, M. (2018). Multi-agent systems and blockchain: Results from a systematic literature review. In Y. Demazeau, B. An, J. Bajo, & A. Fernández-Caballero (Eds.), Advances in practical applications of agents, multi-agent systems, and complexity: The PAAMS collection (pp. 110-126). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
). Thus, considering the initial stage of the scientific debate of this object of analysis and the absence of a wide range of SLR on the issue SCM and blockchain, this research aimed to understand the scenario of the adoption of blockchain in SCM based on academic publications evidencing its characteristics and benefits, through a systematic literature review.


Supply chain management (SCM) has several approaches, either as a function, as a philosophy, or even as a discipline. However, fundamental principles permeate all these variants, including information transparency, supplier relationships, customer service, agility, quality, communication, segmentation, and others (Ellram & Cooper, 2014Ellram, L. M., & Cooper, M. C. (2014). Supply chain management: It’s all about the journey, not the destination. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(1), 8-20.

The organizations that use SCM adopt a systematic approach to the supply chain that includes a strategic alignment with internal and external synergies and value creation with a focus on customer satisfaction (Mentzer et al., 2001Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., & Zacharia, Z. G. (2001). Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), 1-25.

Supply chains are globally networked, connecting organizations and customers through a constant flow of information, materials, and capital (Seuring, 2013Seuring, S. (2013). A review of modeling approaches for the sustainable supply chain management. Decision Support Systems, 54(4), 1513-1520.
). In this sense, the SCM processes that permeate the entire corporate structure are supported, recorded, and integrated by an intensive internal flow of information and between the individual links in the chain, usually through information systems (Lambert, Cooper, & Pagh, 1998Lambert, D. M., Cooper, M. C., & Pagh, J. D. (1998). Supply chain management: Implementation issues and research opportunities. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 9(2), 1-20.
; Lambert & Enz, 2017).

Hence, the flow of information and relationships in SCM has its challenges and obstacles to overcome, including inaccuracies, distortions, delays, mistrust, and inefficiency. These conditions imply uncoordinated decisions, opportunities for whip effects, failure in information systems, and mistrust between related parties (Cao, Gan, & Thompson, 2013Cao, Q., Gan, Q., & Thompson, M. A. (2013). Organizational adoption of supply chain management system: A multi-theoretic investigation. Decision Support Systems, 55(3), 720-727.

In this sense, information technology is of growing importance to SCM. It represents an opportunity to improve competitiveness by implementing physical cyber connectivity between systems, processes, and people in SCM for Industry 4.0 (Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, 2016Hermann, M., Pentek, T., & Otto, B. (2016, Jan). Design principles for industrie 4.0 scenarios. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, HI, USA, 49 (pp. 3928-3937).
; Lee, Bagheri, & Kao, 2015Lee, J., Bagheri, B., & Kao, H.-A. (2015). A cyber-physical systems architecture for industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems. Manufacturing Letters, 3, 18-23.
; Waller & Fawcett, 2013Waller, M. A., & Fawcett, S. E. (2013). Data science, predictive analytics, and big data: A revolution that will transform supply chain design and management. Journal of Business Logistics, 34(2), 77-84.

In the pantheon of new technologies incorporated and powered by Industry 4.0, lies blockchain or blockchain technology, referred to as a distributed system of capture and encrypted storage, in a linear, immutable, and non-perishable record, of transactions between agents of a network (Risius & Spohrer, 2017Risius, M., & Spohrer, K. (2017). A blockchain research framework: What we (don’t) know, where we go from here, and how we will get there. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59(6), 385-409.

Its most famous applications are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which were created in 2008. Blockchain is configured as the basis for the application for these transaction systems. However, the focus of its application goes beyond these operations, and attracts interest from several other areas, as the disruptive potential of blockchain could lead to changes in the business world. Understanding the potential of blockchain and its various applications is still in its early stages (Buterin, 2014Buterin, V. (2014). Community guides and resources. Ethereum. Retrieved from
; Chen et al., 2017Chen, S., Shi, R., Ren, Z., Yan, J., Shi, Y., & Zhang, J. (2017, November). A blockchain-based supply chain quality management framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE), Shanghai, China (pp. 172-176).
; Nakamoto, 2008Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Bitcoin. Retrieved from

The exchange of information between two parties connected to the blockchain network is called a transaction, which in turn is recorded in a data set, called a block. This block connects to another already registered block, and all blocks that contain information about all executed transactions are stored simultaneously in the so-called node. The nodes contain the records of all transactions on the blockchain network and confirm the truthfulness of each new transaction with the help of algorithms and encryption. When all transactions are completed, there is a type of consensus between the nodes, and new blocks are connected in a continuous stream, the so-called blockchain, and aligned with the previous blocks. Blockchain concept is presented in Figure 1 to contribute to the comprehension of blockchain functionality.

Figure 1
Blockchain concept.

Blockchain networks can primarily be divided into two types, public and private, with two sub-targets, networks with or without authorization. This classification can be treated as a design option, as defined when setting up the network (Ølnes, Ubacht, & Janssen, 2017Ølnes, S., Ubacht, J., & Janssen, M. (2017). Blockchain in government: Benefits and implications of distributed ledger technology for information sharing. Government Information Quarterly, 34(3), 355-364.
). The classification is evidenced in Table 1.

Table 1
Classification of blockchain networks

Technical challenges should, however, be taken into account, as this is a new technology, the use of which is currently being expanded. In general, seven points can be highlighted: information transfer rate, processing latency, size and bandwidth, security if a hacker attack happens on 51% of the network, waste of resources, usability and infrastructure, the multiple chains, rigid forks, and versioning. All of this can create a complex environment to blockchain application in real world, but these are challenges to be overcome (Swan, 2015Swan, M. (2015). Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.).


The systematic literature review was carried out with integral participation of all authors in three complementary steps: input, process, and output. The applied method (Figure 2) is the result of the models presented by Webster and Watson (2002Webster, J., & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: writing a literature review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2). Retrieved from
), Levy and Ellis (2006Levy, Y., & Ellis, T. J. (2006). A systems approach to conduct an effective literature review in support of information systems research. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 9, 181-212.
), Biolchini, Mian, Natali, Conte and Travassos (2007Biolchini, J. C. A., Mian, P. G., Natali, A. C. C., Conte, T. U., & Travassos, G. H. (2007). Scientific research ontology to support systematic review in software engineering. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 21(2), 133-151.
), and Conforto, Amaral and Silva (2011Conforto, E. C., Amaral, D. C., & Silva, S. L. (2011, September). Roteiro para revisão bibliográfica sistemática: Aplicação no desenvolvimento de produtos e gerenciamento de projetos. Proceedings of the Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto (CNGPD), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 8.).

Figure 2
Process of systematic literature review.


In the input stage, the research report is drawn up, which describes the central points. Once evaluated, it is considered a guide to the researcher’s entire work execution. The protocol completes the research objective, the key questions, the keywords, the criteria for selecting research sources, the selection of databases, the languages considered, the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the types of study definition, and the key issues of extraction (Conforto et al., 2011Conforto, E. C., Amaral, D. C., & Silva, S. L. (2011, September). Roteiro para revisão bibliográfica sistemática: Aplicação no desenvolvimento de produtos e gerenciamento de projetos. Proceedings of the Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto (CNGPD), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 8.). The protocol established for this work is presented in Table 2. The steps and their respective descriptions are revealed in it.

Table 2
Research protocol

Some justifications are necessary to better understand the criteria set out in the previous chart. There have been selected articles, journals, and topics from conferences as sources, because it is understood that the subject being researched is not only relevant but also presents a great range of possibilities of study. To a broader understand and better qualification of the epistemological gap it is important to consider the overall information of the research materials, not focusing only on metrics of citation, review process, or others, but also on other relevant information, even from less formal publication venues as conferences (Vahdati et al., 2021Vahdati, S., Fathalla, S., Lange, C., Behrend, A., Say, A., Say, Z., & Auer, S. (2021). A comprehensive quality assessment framework for scientific events. Scientometrics, 126(1), 641-682.
). By that, a variety of topics to be studied relating SCM and blockchain is emerging and being displayed in numerous types of sources that must not be disregarded - as example, relevant publications in conferences during the researched period. To eliminate possible misinterpretations in the qualitative selection analysis, exclusion criteria were defined to complement the inclusion criteria, and to guide the relevance evaluation of the studies: (a) Blockchain in peripheric topics to supply chain management: Outlined in the premises, it will use studies on peripheral topics related to the supply chain and its business processes, with less relevance and causing a deviation from the focus of this study, for example, application in IT systems for industry, or proposals of new models of coding for application in industry; (b) Issues non-related to blockchain in SCM: The premise states that there are studies on blockchain that are applied to other fields of knowledge, specific and/or with too much technical depth, for example, studies that focus on information technology rather than network architecture, IT direct applications, IT information security applications, cryptocurrencies applications, and others; (c) Inability to access the full text: Texts presented in the search results that are not accessible or unavailable due to restrictions as: subscription to the journal, limitation of full access to conference information, or any unknown reason.


The processing aims to transform the collected data into information for the researcher’s analyses and later to support the establishment of a new epistemological layer (Levy & Ellis, 2006Levy, Y., & Ellis, T. J. (2006). A systems approach to conduct an effective literature review in support of information systems research. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 9, 181-212.
). This step is repeated cyclically until the data is saturated to obtain sound information (Conforto et al., 2011Conforto, E. C., Amaral, D. C., & Silva, S. L. (2011, September). Roteiro para revisão bibliográfica sistemática: Aplicação no desenvolvimento de produtos e gerenciamento de projetos. Proceedings of the Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto (CNGPD), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 8.). In this work, segregation processing is carried out in three stages - search, selection, and extraction. The result is a conjunction of information for the next step analysis.


In this sub-stage, a previous discussion with all authors’ involvement was conducted to construct the search strings. The keywords ‘blockchain’ and ‘supply chain management’ were used with the Boolean operator ‘AND.’ In addition, the search engine has parameterized the period from January 1, 2008 to April 4, 2019 as the initial filter, considering that in 2008 there was the first disclosure of the blockchain by the Satoshi Nakamoto manifesto, and that the end date of this research was 2019. As can be seen in Table 3, there were 182 search results represented by many types of documents.

Table 3
Stage 1: Search

New filters, which favor the construction of strings and consistent search criteria, have been added. In Filters 2 and 3, the criteria for the definition of the font were taken into account and in Filter 4 the original language of the publications was considered. According to Table 4, 127 works were obtained.

Table 4
Stage 2: Processing

The strings resultant from the search parametrizations are evidenced in Table 5. Changes in the parameters of the Boolean operators, and the abbreviations of the database categorization, affected the search results.

Table 5
Search strings

In this sense, the following representativeness of the databases is observed compared to the original results: Science Direct with 47.24% of the identified studies, followed by Scopus base with 40.16% and Web of Science with 12.6%, with the lowest representativeness.


This subsection is conducted with an integral discussion and analysis by all authors and begins with the analysis of the possible duplicated studies found in the various databases examined. Studies that appear more than once in the survey conducted in the databases are defined by duplicates. Nine studies were disregarded in this research.

The work considered valid for analysis therefore comprised a total of 118 studies. In Step 1 of the selection, the title, abstract, and keywords were read. The texts were reclassified, and 71 studies were rejected after the criteria: (a) blockchain on topics peripheral to supply chain management and (b) themes not related to blockchain in supply chain management.

From the first phase of selection, 47 studies were accepted. These studies showed identification with the basic inclusion criterion, the application of blockchain in supply chain management.

In addition, in this sub-step, in Step 2, the introduction and conclusions of the articles were read. Four studies were rejected according to criterion (a) blockchain on peripheral topics to supply chain management. Another 12 studies were excluded according to criterion (c) full text not available. Finally, 31 studies were approved for extraction.


In this sub-step, the 31 selected studies were analyzed, which are presented in Table 6.

Table 6
Studies selected for extraction

The studies selected in the extraction phase were published in 2017 (5), 2018 (21), and 2019 (5). When combined with information on work quantities, type of publication, and year of publication, there is a major presence of articles published in journals and conferences, evidencing a process of maturing the blockchain approach in supply chain management, migrating to an in-depth study, as observed in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Crossing information from the field of study.

Considering the publication scenario, the topic is sprayed across multiple publication sources, generating a low concentration of knowledge by specialty. Table 7 shows the number of articles per publication source with the respective impacting factors and the H index.

Table 7
Number of publications per vehicle, H index, and impact factor


In the last step, the information collected is analyzed. The correlation between information, its meaning and significance are presented, the current scenario outlined, and possible knowledge gaps identified (Levy & Ellis, 2006Levy, Y., & Ellis, T. J. (2006). A systems approach to conduct an effective literature review in support of information systems research. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 9, 181-212.
). A centralized approach is adopted on the studied concept, transposing the barriers established by the authors, and pointing out a new path to build knowledge (Webster & Watson, 2002Webster, J., & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: writing a literature review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2). Retrieved from
). The product of this step is presented in the Analysis and Discussion of Results.


Kshetri (2018Kshetri, N. (2018). 1 Blockchain’s roles in meeting key supply chain management objectives. International Journal of Information Management, 39, 80-89.
) has set goals related to the positive performance of the supply chain and listed six main dimensions: cost, speed, reliability, risk mitigation, sustainability, and flexibility. The author develops the analysis through a multi-case study of the blockchain application in the supply chain on secondary information sources. Meng and Qian (2018Meng, M. H., & Qian, Y. (2018, July). A blockchain aided metric for predictive delivery performance in supply chain management. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), Singapore (pp. 285-290).
) conducted an interdisciplinary study linking information science and business processes, proposing a model for analyzing supply chain management by introducing blockchain into SCM. Hughes et al. (2019Hughes, A., Park, A., Kietzmann, J., & Archer-Brown, C. (2019). Beyond bitcoin: What blockchain and distributed ledger technologies mean for firms. Business Horizons, 62(3), 273-281.
) discussed the application of blockchain in the context of using IoT and the establishment of smart contracts, thereby achieving increased transparency and reliability of end-to-end information in the chain. In this sense, for the authors blockchain is characterized as a technology that generally benefits the supply chain and reinforce the characteristic of reliability; however, both demarcate the early stages of research and application of the technology, which constitutes obstacles to its dissemination and feasibility.

Chen et al. (2017Chen, S., Shi, R., Ren, Z., Yan, J., Shi, Y., & Zhang, J. (2017, November). A blockchain-based supply chain quality management framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE), Shanghai, China (pp. 172-176).
) present, as a plausible question, the discussion of the application of blockchain as a solution to the problem of insufficient trust between the participants links in the supply chain and address issues including information asymmetry, the equal distribution of power between stakeholders, and their resulting impact on the quality of products and services throughout the supply chain. Following the same thought, Gausdal et al. (2018Gausdal, A., Czachorowski, K., & Solesvik, M. (2018). Applying blockchain technology: Evidence from Norwegian companies. Sustainability, 10(6), 1985.
) present a study on the application of blockchain in the SCM of the Norwegian maritime industry. The main drivers for the adoption of the technology are explained, among others: cost reduction, level of self-regulation, and a strong flow of information.

Supporting that, Naidu et al. (2018Naidu, V., Mudliar, K., Naik, A., & Bhavathankar, P. (2018, April). A fully observable supply chain management system using blockchain and IOT. Proceedings of the International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, India, 3.
) discuss a proposed decentralized model with continuity in the information chain between the parties involved, using the integration via blockchain and internet of things application (IoT). They highlight the benefits of blockchain application in SCM and its information systems: information decentralization and greater transparency, which can be aligned with Nakasumi (2017Nakasumi, M. (2017, July). Information sharing for supply chain management based on blockchain technology. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), Thessaloniki, Greece, 19 (pp. 140-149).
), who mentioned using blockchain in the supply chain as a possible solution to some problems, including double marginalization and information asymmetry, and with Van Engelenburg et al. (2018Van Engelenburg, S., Janssen, M., & Klievink, B. (2018). A blockchain architecture for reducing the bullwhip effect. In B. Shishkov (Ed.), Proceedings of Business Modeling and Software Design (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, (Vol. 319, pp. 69 - 82). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
), who presented the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain in the areas of information access and information protection, discussing the technology’s impact in reducing information asymmetry in SCM, and highlighting transparency as a positive and contributory feature of blockchain for all actors in the supply chain, regardless of their complexity. By that is possible to highlight the authors emphasizing blockchain benefit to increase transparency and information decentralization and its characteristic of high levels of information security.

The potential impact of the application of technology in supply chain management is due to its complexity in creating a physical cyber-system or large-scale fracture of the current model, which is inhibited by technological deficiencies that are not addressed or effectively addressed in the current scenario. In this sense, Gao et al. (2018Gao, Z., Xu, L., Chen, L., Zhao, X., Lu, Y., & Shi, W. (2018). CoC: A unified distributed ledger based supply chain management system. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 33(2), 237-248.
) discuss the complexity of SCM in large-scale use, proposing an information system for blockchain-based SCM, in accordance with Petroni et al. (2018Petroni, B. C. A., Moraes, E. M., & Gonçalves, R. F. (2018). Big data analytics for logistics and distributions using blockchain (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 536, pp. 363-369). Cham: Springer.
) and Queiroz and Wamba (2019Queiroz, M. M., & Wamba, S. F. (2019). Blockchain adoption challenges in the supply chain: An empirical investigation of the main drivers in India and the USA. International Journal of Information Management, 46, 70-82.
), who highlight the growing production of data, following the exchange of information and the deepening of their analyses, and propose using comprehensive data and analysis of the information generated in the blockchain network. The expected results are to be a gain in transparency and information security throughout the supply chain. However, it is factually proven that in-depth studies and applications are still at an early stage and do not provide elements for a critical analysis of their effective contribution to the practical dimension.

It is therefore assumed that the analyzed studies emphasize the benefits of blockchain in the face of supply chain problems, fueling expectations that this technology will improve process and mitigate risks. By that, Cui and Idota (2018Cui, Y., & Idota, H. (2018, July). Improving supply chain resilience with establishing a decentralized information sharing mechanism. Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference, Saint-Etienne, France, 5
) consider these as weaknesses of information systems for SCM: fragmentation, complexity, and geographical dispersion. To solve the pointed issue, it is proposed a reorganization that includes the integration and provision of real-time information to all those involved in the chain, the development of a reliable information system to strengthen the resilience of the supply chain, and the linking of data and information to a new digital SCM model. In consonance with that, Treiblmaier (2018Treiblmaier, H. (2018). The impact of the blockchain on the supply chain: A theory-based research framework and a call for action. Supply Chain Management, 23(6), 545-559.
) proposes a framework based on approach theories that are widely used in SCM and logistics, and that strengthens the characteristics and benefits of reliability and transparency.

However, expectations are created in industry. Leng et al. (2018Leng, K., Bi, Y., Jing, L., Fu, H.-C., & Van Nieuwenhuyse, I. (2018). Research on agricultural supply chain system with double chain architecture based on blockchain technology. Future Generation Computer Systems, 86, 641-649.
) developed a study on the agricultural supply chain, positioning blockchain as a support technology, and proposed a structure to meet the demands of agricultural businesses, solving problems including reconciling supply and demand, integrating information, and formalizing relationships and agreements through smart contracts. Tseng et al. (2018Tseng, J.-H., Liao, Y.-C., Chong, B., & Liao, S.-W. (2018). Governance on the drug supply chain via gcoin blockchain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1055.
) focus on the drug industry and refer to blockchain as an economic and mathematical way of establishing trust between the parts of the chain, reinforcing the need for transparency of the highly regulated product chains. Wang et al. (2019Wang, Y., Singgih, M., Wang, J., & Rit, M. (2019). Making sense of blockchain technology: How will it transform supply chains? International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 221-236.
) highlight the benefits of transparency in the supply chain, confidence-building and secure exchange of information, strengthening trust and elimination of chain intermediaries. Nevertheless, challenges have been also identified in blockchain implementation: issues related to trust in technology, people’s familiarization with technology, difficulties entering and exchanging data, network issues, and legal issues. But all of those could not surpass the benefits of high information security and transparency, gained after blockchain application in SCM.

In this scenario, it is perceived a prevalence of conceptual models that are mostly far from empirical studies and practical linkages with other technologies. As an example, Caro et al. (2018Caro, M. P., Ali, M. S., Vecchio, M., & Giaffreda, R. (2018, May). Blockchain-based traceability in Agri-Food supply chain management: A practical implementation. Proceedings of the IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture, Tuscany, Italy.
) propose a decentralized solution for the traceability of the blockchain-based agri-food supply chain, and the application of internet of things for generation and use of data throughout the chain, providing transparency, reliability, the immutability of data, and greater security in auditing, aligning with Marinello et al.’s (2017Marinello, F., Atzori, M., Lisi, L., Boscaro, D., & Pezzuolo, A. (2017, September). Development of a traceability system for the animal product supply chain based on blockchain technology. Proceedings of the European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), Nantes, France (pp. 258-268).) perspective. On the other hand, Galvez et al. (2018Galvez, J. F., Mejuto, J. C., & Simal-Gandara, J. (2018). Future challenges on the use of blockchain for food traceability analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 107, 222-232.
) analyze the upcoming challenges for blockchain application in food traceability. They propose to use the internet of things in chemical food analyzers as a source of food data for the traceability network and to guarantee the authenticity and safety of food throughout the supply chain. This corroborates the work of Westerkamp et al. (2019Westerkamp, M., Victor, F., & Kupper, A. (2019). Tracing manufacturing processes using blockchain-based token compositions. Digital Communications and Networks, 6(2), 167-176.
), who present a proposal for a traceability system for manufactured products using blockchain tokens, considering components and other elements of the manufacturing process. Its main advantage is the ability to track the product and the transparency of the whole chain, especially for the end consumer.

Considering the logistics and the reliabilities issues in supply chain management, Lanko et al. (2018Lanko, A., Vatin, N., & Kaklauskas, A. (2018). Application of RFID combined with blockchain technology in the logistics of construction materials. MATEC Web of Conferences, 170, 03032.
) discussed an information system with transparency and trust between the parties involved applying blockchain and RFID (radio frequency identification) technology associated with enabling control of many variables of the chain. This study aligns with Toyoda et al. (2017Toyoda, K., Mathiopoulos, P. T., Sasase, I., & Ohtsuki, T. (2017). A novel blockchain-based product ownership management system (POMS) for anti-counterfeits in the post supply chain. IEEE Access, 5, 17465-17477.
), whose radiofrequency tags are linked to a blockchain network. This approach aims to reduce counterfeiting and risks in the supply chain management, increasing transparency and reliability, which is reinforced by Madhwal and Panfilov’s (2017Madhwal, Y., & Panfilov, P. B. (2017). Blockchain and supply chain management: Aircrafts’ parts’ business case. Proceedings of the DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, Vienna, Austria (pp. 1051-1056).
) perspective studying the blockchain applied to the aircraft manufacturers’ supply chain management, with a focus on the traceability of spare parts.

In the matter of the reliability, transparency, and information decentralization, Xu et al. (2018Xu, L., Chen, L., Gao, Z., Chang, Y., Iakovou, E., & Shi, W. (2018, October). Binding the physical and cyber worlds: A blockchain approach for cargo supply chain security enhancement. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, Woburn, MA, USA.
) present a digital identity management model that enables effective tracking in supply chain management, ensures the security of cargo information, and generates efficiency gains in logistics handling. This perspective is corroborated by Yoo and Won (2018Yoo, M., & Won, Y. (2018). A study on the transparent price tracing system in supply chain management based on blockchain. Sustainability, 10(11), 4037.
), who proposed a supply chain price tracking and monitoring system through use of blockchain technology and smart contracts.

In terms of strengthening the logistics chain in supply chain management, Arumugam et al. (2018Arumugam, S. S., Umashankar, V., Narendra, N. C., Badrinath, R., Mujumdar, A. P., Holler, J., & Hernandez, A. (2018, August). IOT enabled smart logistics using smart contracts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada, 8.
) focused the application of blockchain in SCM on increasing efficiency in addressing key supply chain management challenges in terms of transparency, traceability, responsibility, and reliability through using logistics planning systems, the internet of things, automation, and relationships through blockchain contracts. That perspective is supported by Wang et al. (2018Wang, Z., Liffman, D. Y., Karunamoorthy, D., & Abebe, E. (2018, October). Distributed ledger technology for document and workflow management in trade and logistics. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Torino, Italy, 27 (pp. 1895-1898).
), and Kuhi et al. (2018Kuhi, K., Kaare, K., & Koppel, O. (2018, July). Ensuring performance measurement integrity in logistics using blockchain. Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), Singapore (pp. 256-261).
) discussed the application of blockchain in the logistics chain intending to control the flow of information and its granularity. Its approach strengthens the possibility of greater transparency in the chain and guarantees origin and information decentralization, as well as information security. Not distant, Imeri et al. (2018Imeri, A., Feltus, C., Khadraoui, D., Agoulmine, N., & Nicolas, D. (2018, September). Solving the trust issues in the process of transportation of dangerous goods by using blockchain technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 11.
) presented a study on the possible application of blockchain in the logistics chain of the transport of dangerous products, which considers insufficient trust and transparency in the chain and its potential risks.

Considering the nature of this study and its main problem to be solved, despite the importance of analyzing other relevant work, even with the small amount of publications relating RSL, blockchain, and SCM, it is possible to highlight the work of Tribis et al. (2018Tribis, Y., Bouchti, A. E., & Bouayad, H. (2018). Supply chain management based on blockchain: A systematic mapping study. MATEC Web of Conferences, 200, 00020.
), who conducted a systematic bibliographic review and presented a general classification of the status of publications related to blockchain applications in the supply chain. It focused on understanding the relationship between technological application and the perspective of publications divided into validation research, evaluation research, proposed solutions, philosophical work, opinion work, and experimentation. In general, technical and regulatory gaps in the adoption of technologies and the predominance of studies in theoretical areas were presented. It is also important to mention Casino et al. (2019Casino, F., Dasaklis, T. K., & Patsakis, C. (2019). A systematic literature review of blockchain-based applications: Current status, classification, and open issues. Telematics and Informatics, 36, 55-81.
), who conducted a systematic review of the literature on blockchain applications in different sectors. They highlight a section for blockchain applications in SCM. However, this study aims from a different perspective to understand blockchain in SCM characteristics and benefits through an SLR. Both demonstrate a scenario where the transparency and reliability are highlighted.

In short, according to the systematic literature review, it stands out as the main characteristics and benefits of blockchain application in supply chain management: transparency, reliability, information decentralization, and information security. In Table 8, the correlation between the characteristics and benefits and the authors is presented.

Table 8
Characteristics and benefits and author correlation

The discussion previously presented was the result of the effort of the authors to create from the working materials an epistemological scenario and identify the main characteristics and benefits that emerged. Following this line of thought, the process of construction of the discussion in this study was conducted as an interdisciplinary interpretation of the knowledge formed and the elaboration and identification of characteristics and benefits that could only be identified by and interdisciplinary approach in a SLR.

Despite recent research on the application of blockchain in SCM, its potential is yet to be profoundly debated and its practical application yet to be tested. In this matter, the efforts of research should find a fertile and vast field of study. However, the researchers have and additional responsibility to help society build the knowledge on blockchain application to improve entire chains of production and achieve a new level of integration, potentializing its characteristics and benefits, in behalf of the entire society, transforming well institutionalized and expensive services and relations into transparent and reliable ones.

Nevertheless, studying blockchain without reaching for practical tests and applications may create a slow response of the academia and overall society to the potential change provoked by blockchain in supply chain management. In this sense, promoting practical testing and studying in business with already produced models and knowledge on blockchain in SCM by the academia could bring fast track gains to society.


It is noteworthy that all analyzed studies show that the application of blockchain in supply chain management is still in its infancy. Therefore, as a limitation of this study, the researcher’s inability to access the full text of some studies during the selection phase and adopt it as an exclusion criteria may present an opportunity to expand the analysis in further studies.

Furthermore, it was impossible to find a clear approach to introducing blockchain into SCM. Points of convergence were explained that should be better analyzed, searching for the correlation of their concepts to establish a more universal analysis.

Considering all the previous exposure, an extent basis of opportunities for a major analysis of the blockchain adoption in SCM in its varied possibilities demands that researchers focus on each characteristic and benefit and conduct deeper studies that could amplify and bring new knowledge about the subject, eliminating possible epistemological gaps.


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Edited by


Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil); Ivan Lapuente Garrido (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil)

Guest Editors:

Jorge Renato Verschoore (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil); Eduardo Henrique Diniz (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, EAESP, Brazil); Ricardo Colomo-Palacios (Østfold University College, Norway)

Edited by

Editorial assistants:

Kler Godoy and Simone Rafael (ANPAD, Maringá, PR, Brazil)

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    29 June 2020
  • Accepted
    28 July 2021
  • Published
    20 Oct 2021
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil