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Outcomes of Endoscopic Stapedectomy: Systematic Review



Stapes surgery was traditionally performed with the use of microscopy either through postauricular, endaural or transcanal approaches. Endoscopic stapedectomy ushered a revolution as a new technique with less complications.


To review the outcomes of endoscopic stapes surgery with an emphasis on intraoperative and postoperative clinical and audiological results.

Data Synthesis

A literature review on the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and Embase databases was conducted. Endoscopic stapes surgery or stapedotomy were the main keywords used, and we searched for studies and research published from January 2015 to October 2021. Articles on endoscopic stapes surgery were included, and qualitative and descriptive analyses of the studies and outcomes data regarding audiometric changes and postoperative complications were conducted. Articles including patients with cholesteatoma were excluded. A total of 122 studies were retrieved for qualitative and descriptive analyses and to measure the outcomes of endoscopic stapedotomy; only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria, and the rest was excluded. The meta-analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in hearing improvement. The gain in air-bone gap ranged from 9 dB to 16 dB. A low rate of operative and postoperative complications was reported.


Endoscopic stapes surgery appears to be a reasonable alternative to microscopic stapes surgery, with shorter operative times, low complication rate, and significant hearing improvement. The endoscopic technique enabled a better visualization and less scutum drilling, which was confirmed by all included studies.

endoscopy; conductive hearing loss; otosclerosis; tinnitus


Stapes surgery was traditionally performed with the use of microscopy, either through postauricular, endaural or transcanal approaches. Anatomical variations in the external auditory canal, such as abnormal bony hump or narrow canal, are considered hindering factors for the transcanal or endaural approaches.11 Andrew CH, Mandavia R, Selvadurai D. Total Endoscopic Stapes Surgery: Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis of Audiological Outcomes. Laryngoscope 2019;130(05):1282–1286 Stapedotomy with a postauricular incision has many complications, such as bad cosmesis, pain, auricular numbness, and postoperative infection.22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196

Otologic microscopic surgery has many advantages, such as good magnification, visibility, and the perception of depth. Microscopic surgery enables otologists to use both hands (two-handed technique).22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196

Initially, rigid endoscopes were used in ear surgery as an adjunct to microscopes for diagnostic purposes, whereas the use of endoscopes in operative approaches was first described with Peo DSin 2000. To provide better outcomes for the patients, including audiological improvement and minimal postoperative morbidity, these approaches require more training on the apert of the surgeons. Endoscopic ear surgery enables a better visualization of middle ear mucosal folds and deep recesses of the middle ear to better detect any pathology, such as residual cholesteatoma, or variations in the ventilation system of the middle ear.33 Gulsen S, Cıkrıkcı S, Karatas E. Endoscopic stapes surgery: our clinical experience and learning curve. B-ENT 2019;15:281–288

Endoscopic otologic surgery has been increasingly applied in the surgical treatment of otosclerosis, with potential advantages over standard microscopic surgery. Several studies44 Kuo CW, Wu HM. Fully endoscopic laser stapedotomy: is it comparable with microscopic surgery? Acta Otolaryngol 2018; 138(10):871–876,55 Wu CC, Chen YH, Yang TH, et al. Endoscopic versus microscopic management of congenital ossicular chain anomalies: our experiences with 29 patients. Clin Otolaryngol 2017;42(04):944–950 have mentioned better visualization, lower chance of damaging periauricular structures, lower chance of chorda tympani injury, and minimal scutum drilling, with low postoperative complications, such as changes in the sense of taste, auricular numbness, pain, and short operative time.

The main objective of the present study is to compare the operative and postoperative clinical and audiological results and to review the outcomes and complications of endoscopic stapes surgery.

Review of the Literature

A systematic review of the literature on endoscopic stapes surgery was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement.66 Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DGPRISMA Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Med 2009;6(07):e1000097 We conducted a comprehensive search on the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and Embase databases. Endoscopic stapes surgery, or stapes fixation, or stapes prothesis, or stapedectomy, or stapedotomy were the main keywords used in the search for studies and research published from January 2015 to October 2021. Studies involving endoscopy stapes surgery, ossicular chain malformation or stapes malformation were included. The authors searched the literature independently and compared results at each stage of the PRISMA flow chart (►Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
PRISMA flow chart of the present study.

Studies evaluating operative techniques, audiometric changes, and postoperative complications of endoscopic stapes surgery in adult patients (aged between 18 and 45 years) were included. The exclusion criteria were articles not published in English, papers including patients with extreme of ages, conference proceedings, animal studies, uncompleted full-text papers, and articles on patients with associated pathologies, such as cholesteatoma.

All statistical analyses were performed with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI), and values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. For the analysis of the data, we used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, United States) software, version 15.0. In addition to the standard descriptive statistical calculations, such as mean, standard deviation (SD), the results of the categorical variables were presented as numbers and percentages.

Initially, 235 studies were identified (►Fig. 1); with the removal of similar articles, 122 studies remained. After the application of the exclusion criteria, 108 articles were excluded. After a full-text review, only 12 articles published between January 2015 and October 2021 were included in the present systematic review.

The mean age of the 371 patients who composed the total sample of the studies included was of 40.3 years old. The plastic prothesis was used in 5 studies (in a total of 95 patients), while the Teflon prothesis was used in 4 studies (in a total of 100 patients). Only 2 studies used the titanium prothesis (in a total of 168 patients), and in 1 study, the 8 patients involved received a hydroxyapatite prothesis (►Table 1).

Table 1
Data on the studies included in the systematic review

Closure of the air-bone gap (ABG) was less than 20 dB in 347 cases of 12 studies while only 281 patients had ABG closure less than 10 dB (►Table 2). In 6 studies, the mean operative time was of 45.5 minutes, ranging from 102 to 19 minutes (►Fig. 2).

Table 2
Air-bone gap closure to > 20 dB and > 10 dB

Fig. 2
Operative times of the included studies.

Among the included studies, there were: only 6 cases of postoperative hearing loss due to injury to the stapes footplate and underlying oval window; 31 cases of postoperative dizziness lasting more than 1 day after the operation; only 24 cases of injury to the chorda tympani that presented with postoperative dysgeusia; and only 2 cases of postoperative transient facial palsy (►Table 3).

Table 3
Complications reported by the studies included


The better intraoperative view of the middle ear anatomical structures, particularly the stapes footplate, represents an advantage of the endoscopic approach during stapes surgery.77 Daneshi A, Jahandideh H. Totally endoscopic stapes surgery without packing: novel technique bringing most comfort to the patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(03):631–634

There are many challenges for endoscopic stapes surgery. Studies mention loss of depth perception and potential difficulties in prosthesis manipulation associated with a single-handed insertion technique. The better audiological gain and closure of the ABG and the lower rate of complications are the main factors that motivate otologists to choose their preferred technique.88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357

In the studies included, the rate of ABG closure less than 20 dB for endoscopic stapedotomy was of 94.04%, and that of ABG closure less than 10 dB was of 76.2%. The ABG closure ranged from 100% to 90.63% less than 20 dB and from 100% to 78.67% less than 10 dB.88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357,99 Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206,1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729,1111 Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666,1212 Bhardwaj A, Anant A, Bharadwaj N, Gupta A, Gupta S. Stapedotomy using a 4 mm endoscope: any advantage over a microscope? J Laryngol Otol 2018;132(09):807–811,1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9,1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 This could be explained because, in some of the included studies in which the mean age of the patients was > 45 years, such as those by Sproat et al.1111 Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666 (2017) and Bianconi et al.1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 (2020), the rate of ABG closure less than 20 dB was 90.63% and 92.67% respectively, and the rate of ABG closure less than 10 dB was 84.38% and 78.67% respectively.

The mean operative time varied among the studies, which could be explained by the availability of the appropriate equipment or the experience of the surgeons. In the study by Iannella and Magliulo,88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357 the mean operative time was of 45 (range: 35 to 55) minutes; in Naik and Nemade,1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41 it was of 31 (range: 20 to 48) minutes; in Sproat et al.,1111 Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666 it was of 76 (range: 50 to 102) minutes; in Monier et al.,1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9 39 (range: 35 to 55) minutes; in Gulsen and Karatas,1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391 45 (range: 32 to 65) minutes; and in Bianconi et al.,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 it was of 34 (range: 19 to 76) minutes, for example. Considering these studies,88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357,1111 Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666,1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9,1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92,1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41 the overall mean operative time was of 45.5 (range: 102 to 19) minutes.

Postoperative complications after stapes surgery vary from sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and dizziness to dysgeusia due to injury to the chorda tympani. Postoperative SNHL was only observed in 1.66%(361 patients) of the cases of the present review. There were two cases of hearing impairment immediately after the operation, one each in the studies by Gulsen and Karatas1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391 and Bianconi et al.,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 representing rates of 3.125% and 0.67% respectively.

Regarding transient postoperative dizziness, the overall rate was of 8.4% (range: 2.63% to 66.67%) cases. Marchioni et al.1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729 reported the highest rate, of 66.67%, followed by Hosoya et al.1717 Hosoya M, Fujioka M, Ogawa K. Hydroxyapatite Prostheses in Endoscopic Transcanal Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis Cases. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;(15):145561321989143 (50%), while Gulsen and Karatas1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391 reported the lowest rate: 2.63%. Dursun et al.99 Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206 and Naik and Nemade1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41 did not report cases of postoperative dizziness. Poldpai et al.,22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196 Gulsen and Karatas1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391 and Monier et al.1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9 each observed only one case of postoperative dizziness (with rates of 5.56%, 7.14%, and 2.63% respectively), and Bianconi et al.1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 found a rate of 6%. The tip of the endoscope induces thermal injury to the inner ear; this is the main explanation for the postoperative dizziness and hearing affection observed in certain studies.22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196,99 Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206,1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729,1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9,1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92,1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41,1717 Hosoya M, Fujioka M, Ogawa K. Hydroxyapatite Prostheses in Endoscopic Transcanal Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis Cases. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;(15):145561321989143

Dysgeusia following stapes surgery can occur even with preservation of the chorda tympani, and the overall rate in the present systematic review was of 6.5% Marchioni et al.1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729 reported the highest rate (4 out of 6 cases), followed by Hosoya et al.1717 Hosoya M, Fujioka M, Ogawa K. Hydroxyapatite Prostheses in Endoscopic Transcanal Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis Cases. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;(15):145561321989143 There were no recorded cases in the studies by Daneshi and Jahandideh,77 Daneshi A, Jahandideh H. Totally endoscopic stapes surgery without packing: novel technique bringing most comfort to the patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(03):631–634 Ianella and Magliulo,88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357 Naik and Nemade,1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41 Bhardwaj et al.,1212 Bhardwaj A, Anant A, Bharadwaj N, Gupta A, Gupta S. Stapedotomy using a 4 mm endoscope: any advantage over a microscope? J Laryngol Otol 2018;132(09):807–811 and Plodpai et al.22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196 Monier et al.1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9 and Bianconi et al.1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92 found only one case each, and the ratesin the studies by Dursun et al.99 Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206 and Gulsen and Karatas1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391 were of 16.13% and 18.42% respectively. Marchioni et al.1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729 only included stapes malformation, which explains the high rate of complications observed in their study. But the other articles22 Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196,77 Daneshi A, Jahandideh H. Totally endoscopic stapes surgery without packing: novel technique bringing most comfort to the patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(03):631–634,88 Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357,99 Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206,1010 Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729,1111 Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666,1212 Bhardwaj A, Anant A, Bharadwaj N, Gupta A, Gupta S. Stapedotomy using a 4 mm endoscope: any advantage over a microscope? J Laryngol Otol 2018;132(09):807–811,1313 Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9,1414 Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391,1515 Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92,1616 Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41,1717 Hosoya M, Fujioka M, Ogawa K. Hydroxyapatite Prostheses in Endoscopic Transcanal Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis Cases. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;(15):145561321989143 reported far less complications in ears with normal anatomy.

Based on the analysis of the overall data, endoscopic stapedotomy seems to be safer than the microscopic technique. An important advantage of the endoscopic approach is the possibility of managing ossicular chain malformation, stapes malformation, and facial nerve dehiscence due to the better visualization. This is especially with experienced surgeon who had well trained for endoscopic manipulation of the middle ear structures and stapes prosthesis.


Endoscopic stapedotomy is a technique with many advantages, such as good magnification, visibility, and depth perception. Although requires more training to manipulate the delicate structures of the middle ear, there is a lower chance of complications such as injury to the inner ear or chorda tympani. A comparison of the pros and cons of the endoscopic and microscopic approaches was not performed in the present meta-analysis. Although microscopic ear surgery is still preferred to stapedectomy, endoscopies are being increasingly used worldwide.


  • 1
    Andrew CH, Mandavia R, Selvadurai D. Total Endoscopic Stapes Surgery: Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis of Audiological Outcomes. Laryngoscope 2019;130(05):1282–1286
  • 2
    Plodpai Y, Atchariyasathian V, Khaimook W. Endoscopeassisted stapedotomy with microdrill: comparison with a conventional technique. J Med Assoc Thai 2017;100(02):190–196
  • 3
    Gulsen S, Cıkrıkcı S, Karatas E. Endoscopic stapes surgery: our clinical experience and learning curve. B-ENT 2019;15:281–288
  • 4
    Kuo CW, Wu HM. Fully endoscopic laser stapedotomy: is it comparable with microscopic surgery? Acta Otolaryngol 2018; 138(10):871–876
  • 5
    Wu CC, Chen YH, Yang TH, et al. Endoscopic versus microscopic management of congenital ossicular chain anomalies: our experiences with 29 patients. Clin Otolaryngol 2017;42(04):944–950
  • 6
    Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DGPRISMA Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Med 2009;6(07):e1000097
  • 7
    Daneshi A, Jahandideh H. Totally endoscopic stapes surgery without packing: novel technique bringing most comfort to the patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(03):631–634
  • 8
    Iannella G, Magliulo G. Endoscopic versus microscopic approach in stapes surgery: are operative times and learning curve important for making the choice? Otol Neurotol 2016;37(09): 1350–1357
  • 9
    Dursun E, Özgür A, Terzi S, Oğurlu M, Coşkun ZÖ, Demirci M. Endoscopic transcanal stapes surgery: our technique and outcomes. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2016;26(04):201–206
  • 10
    Marchioni D, Soloperto D, Villari D, et al. Stapes malformations: the contribute of the endoscopy for diagnosis and surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(07):1723–1729
  • 11
    Sproat R, Yiannakis C, Iyer A. Endoscopic stapes surgery: a comparison with microscopic surgery. Otol Neurotol 2017;38 (05):662–666
  • 12
    Bhardwaj A, Anant A, Bharadwaj N, Gupta A, Gupta S. Stapedotomy using a 4 mm endoscope: any advantage over a microscope? J Laryngol Otol 2018;132(09):807–811
  • 13
    Moneir W, Abd El-Fattah AM, Mahmoud E, Elshaer M. Endoscopic stapedotomy: merits and demerits. J Otol 2017;11:2–9
  • 14
    Gulsen S, Karatas E. Comparison of surgical and audiological outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic approach in stapes surgery. Pak J Med Sci 2019;35(05):1387–1391
  • 15
    Bianconi L, Gazzini L, Laura E, De Rossi S, Conti A, Marchioni D. Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(01):85–92
  • 16
    Naik C, Nemade S. Endoscopic stapedotomy: our view point. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;273(01):37–41
  • 17
    Hosoya M, Fujioka M, Ogawa K. Hydroxyapatite Prostheses in Endoscopic Transcanal Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis Cases. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;(15):145561321989143

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 June 2022
  • Accepted
    09 Oct 2022
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