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Self-perception of aesthetic dental treatment: an integrative review

Autopercepção do tratamento estético odontológico: uma revisão integrativa



This study aimed to conduct a literature review on self-perception of oral aesthetics in individuals undergoing cosmetic dental treatment and its impact on quality of life.


834 articles were found, of these, 31 articles were selected and accessed from the scientific productions indexed in the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO electronic databases. To rescue the sample, the following descriptors were used in Portuguese: estética dentária, odontologia cosmética, autoimagem and autopercepção; and in English: dental esthetics, cosmetic dentistry, self-image and self-perception, from 2016 to 2021.


The articles highlighted the relationship between aesthetic self-perception and the need for treatment. It was found that the aesthetic and psychosocial self-perception had a positive impact, improving the self-esteem and quality of life of individuals after undergoing aesthetic dental treatments.


The research considered that new studies should be carried out on this theme, and that dentists should seek more knowledge related to oral and general health conditions, as well as on the self-perception of oral aesthetics, in order to prepare them for the performance. of interventions and planning of curative actions.

Indexing terms
Dental esthetics; Quality of life; Self-image



Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliográfico na literatura sobre a autopercepção da estética bucal em indivíduos submetidos a tratamentos estéticos dentários e o seu impacto sobre a qualidade de vida.


Foram encontrados 834 artigos, destes, 31 artigos foram selecionados e acessados a partir das produções científicas indexadas nas bases eletrônicas da PubMed, LILACS e SciELO. Para o resgate da amostra utilizaram-se os seguintes descritores em português: estética dentária, odontologia cosmética, autoimagem e autopercepção; e em inglês: esthetics dental, cosmetic dentistry, self image e self-perception, entre os anos de 2016 a 2021.


Os artigos evidenciaram a relação entre a autopercepção estética e a necessidade de tratamento. Verificou-se que a autopercepção estética e psicossocial teve impacto positivo, melhorando a autoestima e qualidade de vida dos indivíduos após serem submetidos à tratamentos estéticos odontológicos.


A pesquisa considerou que novos estudos devem ser realizados nesta temática, e que cirurgião-dentista deve buscar mais conhecimentos relacionados às condições de saúde oral e geral, bem como, sobre a autopercepção da estética bucal, a fim, de prepará-los para a realização de intervenções e planejamento de ações curativas.

Termos de indexação
Estética dentária; Qualidade de vida; Autoimagem


Self-perception health refers to the way the individual understands their health status, actions and beliefs, based on their subjective experiences, and mediated by aspects of their physical, mental and functional health [11 Albuquerque RMSL, Cavalcanti LRO, Sena MSNB, Omena ARAS, Santos RGA, Panjwani CMBRG. Autopercepção, hábitos e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida dos estudantes de um Instituto Federal do Nordeste. Divers J. 2019 Mai;4(2):600-611.
]. The insight into physical and emotional components can directly influence the individual’s behavior in relation to health care [22 Corrêa HW, Bitencourt FV, Nogueira AV, Toassi RFC. Saúde bucal em usuários da atenção primária: análise qualitativa da autopercepção relacionada ao uso e necessidade de prótese dentária. Physis. 2016 Jun;26(2):503-524.
,33 Santos BC, Dantas LF, Silva SC, Lima LHA, Agra DM, Fernandes DC. Odontologia estética e qualidade de vida: Revisão integrativa. Semin Cienc Biol Saude. 2016 Nov;3(3):91-100.].

Subjective indicators of dental health and aesthetics are very important tools to assess the individual’s functional and psychological aspects. Thus, it can be said that the issue of aesthetics is directly related to the quality of life, being an essential component in the individual’s social life [44 Soto KLZP, Ely HC, Mallmann FH, Abegg C. Necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes do Rio Grande do Sul: relação entre autopercepção e necessidade clínica. RFO UPF. 2018;23(2):186-172.

Oral disorders, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and other oral problems related to lack of hygiene and inadequate dental treatment, have a negative impact on the quality of life of individuals [11 Albuquerque RMSL, Cavalcanti LRO, Sena MSNB, Omena ARAS, Santos RGA, Panjwani CMBRG. Autopercepção, hábitos e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida dos estudantes de um Instituto Federal do Nordeste. Divers J. 2019 Mai;4(2):600-611.
,55 Martin J, Rivas V, Vildósola P, Moncada L, Junior OBO, Saad JRC, et al. Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction. Braz Dent J. 2016 Fev;27(1):60-65.
]. This impact is largely associated with their psychological and emotional state, with the individual’s personal and cultural principles and values, in addition to the issue of discomfort and physical discomfort [44 Soto KLZP, Ely HC, Mallmann FH, Abegg C. Necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes do Rio Grande do Sul: relação entre autopercepção e necessidade clínica. RFO UPF. 2018;23(2):186-172.
,66 Costa AC, Rodrigues FS, Heimer MV. A autopercepção da estética dental e seu impacto na vida do adolescente. Adolesc Saúde. 2017 Out;14(4):157-166.].

The interest in dental esthetics has grown a lot in recent years, as esthetic dental treatments, in addition to providing adequate oral health, also increase the patient’s psychological well-being through changes in body image in several aspects: cognitive, perceptive, emotional and behavioral [77 Rezende MCRA, Fajardo RS. Abordagem estética na Odontologia. Arch Heal Investig. 2016 Mar;5(1):50-55.

Since aesthetic procedures have become common and a priority in most dental appointments, it is necessary for the dentist to understand the patient’s perception of dental esthetics, in order to perform a more satisfactory esthetic dental treatment, restoring the smile and the patient’s self-esteem. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a literature review on the self-perception of oral aesthetics in individuals undergoing cosmetic dental treatments and its impact on quality of life. We also tried to identify the factors that influence the self-perception of aesthetic treatment and the importance attributed to their oral aesthetics, in addition to highlighting some subjective aspects related to the perception of dental appearance and expectations of patients who received aesthetic dental treatment.


An integrative literature review of an exploratory nature was carried out, from July 2020 to April 2021, based on the scientific productions indexed in the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO electronic databases. The search was limited to the period from 2016 to 2021, so that a more relevant, consistent and updated search could be carried out. 834 articles were found, of these, 31 articles were selected after careful analysis and filtering.

As inclusion criteria, the most relevant articles were adopted, in terms of information design, with the theme related to self-perception of dental esthetics; with patients of all ages, who have undergone cosmetic dental treatments; availability of the texts in the full version and in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and clarity in the methodological details used. Duplicate articles that did not show clinical relevance on the topic addressed were excluded from the sample; studies of theses, dissertations and/or monographs.

Studies were identified based on their titles and/or abstracts, recording the articles found in the databases, according to the descriptors. The search strategy for articles in the aforementioned databases used the following descriptors referenced in the Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), for the LILACS and SciELO databases, they are: estética dentária, odontologia cosmética, autoimagem and autopercepção; for the PubMed database, the following descriptors were used: dental esthetics; cosmetic dentistry, self-concept and self-perception, where the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” were used to combine the terms.

The research elaboration process comprised the following steps: (1) identification of the theme; (2) literature search strategy; (3) data collection; (4) analysis of included studies; (5) presentation of results and (6) discussion of results. From the results found, the articles were read in their entirety by the researchers independently, in order to verify if they fit the selection principles related to the chosen topic. Furthermore, the publications were analyzed according to a quantitative and qualitative approach.


The 31 selected articles were characterized according to the author, year of publication, journal of publication, design and results found. The succinct and central characteristics of the articles included in this review were presented in table 1. The search and selection process of the identified productions were presented in figure 1.

Table 1
Characteristics of included studies.
Figure 1
Flow of the selection process of articles for integrative review.


The aesthetic self-perception of the totally edentulous patient has a positive impact on the quality of life after rehabilitation with a complete denture. This is because the elderly usually attribute a greater negative impact on self-perception of oral health, especially with regard to the masticatory function [1010 Bersezio C, Martin J, Herrera A, Loguercio A, Fernandez E. The effects of at-home whitening on patients’ oral health, psychology, and aesthetic perception. BMC Oral Health. 2018 Dez;18(208):1-10.
]. However, other authors added that inadequate or poorly fitted prostheses are considered determinants of negative self-perception of the oral health condition, which may impact the quality of life of individuals. This is because they can cause damage to soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, compromising people’s general health by loss of masticatory efficiency, and impairing the nutritional quality of the diet [22 Corrêa HW, Bitencourt FV, Nogueira AV, Toassi RFC. Saúde bucal em usuários da atenção primária: análise qualitativa da autopercepção relacionada ao uso e necessidade de prótese dentária. Physis. 2016 Jun;26(2):503-524.

The impact of edentulism on people’s lives should not be underestimated, as many patients may have difficulty dealing with it, even if they accept their dentures well, due to feelings related to this oral condition, such as a feeling of incompleteness and shame [1111 Rodrigues FS, Silva SSS, Silva AC, Lyra MCA, Silveira MAC, Roseblatt A. Oral health-related quality of life and its association with malocclusion and self-perception of dental aesthetics in adolescents. Brazilian J Dev. 2020 Nov;6(11):84172-84185.

In some aspects, it can be said that there is a relationship between self-perception and the quality of life of individuals, as oral disorders can cause discomfort, physical and psychological discomfort and emotional decline in individuals [11 Albuquerque RMSL, Cavalcanti LRO, Sena MSNB, Omena ARAS, Santos RGA, Panjwani CMBRG. Autopercepção, hábitos e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida dos estudantes de um Instituto Federal do Nordeste. Divers J. 2019 Mai;4(2):600-611.
]. An alternative to increase patient’s self-esteem and well-being can be the use of tooth whiteners. This is because, studies reported that people who were dissatisfied with the color of their teeth, after bleaching, improved their aesthetic self-perception and psychosocial impact [2020 Santos LM, Noro LRA, Roncalli AG, Teixeira AKM. Autoper-cepção sobre saúde bucal e sua relação com utilização de serviços e prevalência de dor de dente. Rev Ciência Plur. 2016;2(2):14-27.

Oral disorders such as malocclusions can lead the patient to dissatisfaction with their appearance, which can impact their emotional well-being, decreasing their quality of life and self-esteem. The authors reported that it is very important to analyze all these aspects in the diagnosis of orthodontic treatments for malocclusion resolution, as the greater the degree of severity of the malocclusion, the greater the negative self-perception [66 Costa AC, Rodrigues FS, Heimer MV. A autopercepção da estética dental e seu impacto na vida do adolescente. Adolesc Saúde. 2017 Out;14(4):157-166.].

Studies have reported that some people do not realize the need for orthodontic treatment until they receive a dentist’s recommendation [44 Soto KLZP, Ely HC, Mallmann FH, Abegg C. Necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes do Rio Grande do Sul: relação entre autopercepção e necessidade clínica. RFO UPF. 2018;23(2):186-172.
]. Analyzing the results of the studies, the authors agreed that it is necessary to understand how individuals perceive their treatment needs and the impact of their day-to-day activities, because in this way, it is possible to establish priorities in orthodontic treatment [44 Soto KLZP, Ely HC, Mallmann FH, Abegg C. Necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes do Rio Grande do Sul: relação entre autopercepção e necessidade clínica. RFO UPF. 2018;23(2):186-172.
,3030 Mesquita VT, Vasques EL. Manejo clínico multidisciplinar da reabilitação estética utilizando cerâmicas puras: revisão de literatura. Rev Bahiana Odontol. 2016;7(2)172-179.

Health conditions and oral self-perception can be influenced by sociodemographic, socioeconomic factors and the individual’s level of education. This is because such factors are associated with the degree of knowledge of healthy lifestyle habits and the need for dental care. In addition, when the individual is not aware of proper oral hygiene habits, this can contribute to the emergence of dental changes, and when the smile is compromised, the consequence is loss of self-esteem and damage to physical, mental and emotional health [1515 Moreira GE, Silva LF, Oliveira MR, Maia LSR, Fernandes LA, Lima DC. Dental self-perception and clinical dental description of participants in the Open University programme for elderly people. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2018 Dez;66(4):297-304.

In general, most patients would like a moderate change in tooth color as they are not satisfied with the appearance of their esthetics [55 Martin J, Rivas V, Vildósola P, Moncada L, Junior OBO, Saad JRC, et al. Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction. Braz Dent J. 2016 Fev;27(1):60-65.
]. Some authors reported that about 85% of study participants would like to have tooth whitening, since 67.5% of the patients were dissatisfied with their dental appearance and 66.8% were dissatisfied with the color of their teeth [1313 Zavanelli AC, Sonego MV, Zavanelli RA, Mazaro JVQ, Antenucci RMF. Perception and expectation. What do patients really want from the dental treatment? RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2017 Set;65(3):243-248.
]. There is also a negative analysis of self-perception of oral and general health, as patients have reported experiencing a lot of difficulty in eating, due to tooth loss, negatively influencing the self-esteem of these individuals [2727 Martins JD, Lima CM, Miranda JS, Leite FPP, Tanaka R, Miyashita E. Digital smile designing, pressing and stratifying ceramic lithium disilicate veneers to rehabilitate dental agenesis: a clinical report. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2019;67:1-8.

The issue of tooth loss interferes a lot in patients’ self-esteem. In a cross-sectional epidemiological study, 106 individuals aged 50 years and over were asked about their oral health, where it was found that 19.8% of the participants were totally edentulous and 37.7% wore full upper or lower dentures or both. For the authors, the use of prostheses significantly improved the quality of life of the individuals who participated in the study, as it favored socialization, from the collective environment, to self-esteem and health care [2424 Bersezio C, Martin J, Mayer C, Rivera O, Estay J, Vernal R, et al. Quality of life and stability of tooth color change at three months after dental bleaching. Qual Life Res. 2018 Ago;27(12):3199-3207.

Aesthetic standards have a great influence in Dentistry, and for this reason, the demand for direct restorative composites and the development of new materials that seek not only to restore anatomy and function, but also dental esthetics has increased [1414 Bordin D, Fadel CB, Moimaz SAS, Santos CB, Garbin CAS, Saliba NA. Characterization of the self-perception of oral health in the Brazilian adult population. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2020 Set;25(9):3647-3656.
,2323 Silva MAF, Torres LMM, Souza DMB, Lima DAD, Cavalcanti RA, Ramos ATPR. Benefícios e malefícios durante o procedimento de clareamento dental: revisão integrativa. Rev Odontol Arac. 2021 Abr; 42(1):38-43.]. In addition, the aesthetic perception of the smile can be influenced by the amount of gingival exposure, as these dentogingival characteristics can alter the harmony and balance of the patients’ smile, thus decreasing self-esteem [2121 Santos PR, Maneghim MC, Ambrosano GMB, Filho MV, Vedovello SAS. Influence of quality of life, self-perception, and self-esteem on orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2017 Jan;151(1):143-147.
,2222 Estay J, Angel P, Bersezio C, Tonetto M, Jorquera G, Pena M, et al. The change of teeth color, whiteness variations and its psychosocial and self-perception effects when using low vs. high concentration bleaching gels: a one-year follow-up. BMC Oral Health. 2020 Sep;20(255):1-9.

Aesthetic treatment is a transforming agent, as it promotes the improvement of self-esteem, chewing, speaking and swallowing functions, and the individual’s well-being. Aesthetic dentistry goes beyond restorative techniques, as in addition to meeting functional needs, it also gives the patient back satisfaction and self-esteem, allowing them to enjoy the best form of social communication: the smile [33 Santos BC, Dantas LF, Silva SC, Lima LHA, Agra DM, Fernandes DC. Odontologia estética e qualidade de vida: Revisão integrativa. Semin Cienc Biol Saude. 2016 Nov;3(3):91-100.,1313 Zavanelli AC, Sonego MV, Zavanelli RA, Mazaro JVQ, Antenucci RMF. Perception and expectation. What do patients really want from the dental treatment? RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2017 Set;65(3):243-248.
,1616 Almeida L, Santin DC, Maran BM, Naufel FS, Schmitt VL. Avaliação do manchamento e da rugosidade superficial de materiais restauradores diretos após diferentes sistemas de polimento: estudo in vitro. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2019;48:1-10.
]. Other authors add that aesthetic procedures in dentistry restore shape and function to oral structures, harmonizing the smile and providing patients with emotional comfort [77 Rezende MCRA, Fajardo RS. Abordagem estética na Odontologia. Arch Heal Investig. 2016 Mar;5(1):50-55.

Procedures such as tooth whitening can have a positive psychosocial effect after treatment, improving self-esteem and social interaction [2828 Sallenave RF, Vicari CB, Borba M. Pilares cerâmicos na implantodontia: revisão de literatura. Cerâmica. 2016;62(363):305-308.
]. This procedure is one of the most sought after procedures in dental offices, however, care must be taken because, when not done correctly and/or properly indicated, some cases of hypersensitivity, roughness and dental morphological changes can happen [3131 Neto DRH, Campos DS, Freitas RHB, Batista AUD. Planejamento Digital do Sorriso. Rev Cubana Estomatol. 2020;57(3):1-20.].

In a study, 58 patients aged between 18 and 76 years were analyzed. After undergoing treatment with at-home bleaching, with only one month of treatment with 10% carbamide peroxide, patients reported improvement in quality of life and psychological aspects. and aesthetic perception [1919 Durigon M, Alessi BP, Neves M, Trentin MS. Perception of dentists, dental students, and patients on dentogingival aesthetics. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 Mar;47(2):92-97.

There are several dental procedures that promote aesthetic rehabilitation such as prostheses, implants, laminated veneers and resins, for example. When it comes to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients, the dentist needs to restore dental stability, comfort, health, well-being and aesthetics to the patient. In addition, there are several factors that can influence treatment results, compromising aesthetic rehabilitation. For this reason, imaging resources are essential for the diagnosis and elaboration of an adequate treatment plan, being essential for rehabilitation success [1818 Cavalcanti SM, Valentim FB, Guerra SMG, Rosetti EP. Aesthetic perception of gingival smiles. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 Fev;47(1):45-50.
,2525 Araújo LNM, Mendes DLV, Santos MT, Carvalho RD, Dantas EM, Calderon PS, et al. Caracterização tomográfica das áreas edêntulas previamente à reabilitação com implantes unitários. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 Ago;47(4):210-216.

In addition to a good treatment plan, ceramic veneers can be alternatives for conservative treatments and smile anatomization, in patients with tooth agenesis, for example, as they allow the re-creation of tooth color, restoring tooth shape and structure, reestablishing no only the patient’s smile, but also their self-esteem [2626 Ribeiro MGA, Sant’Ana LLP, Souza LTR, Prado JP. Uso de prótese e autopercepção de saúde bucal entre idosos. ID on line Rev Psicol. 2018;12(42):1203-1214.

Due to the great aesthetic demand in dentistry, many techniques and materials have emerged to try to meet the need to search for naturalness and similarity with dental elements. Thus, ceramic abutments were introduced, which, according to some authors, are considered an excellent alternative for treatment with dental implants [1212 Rebouças AG, Zanin L, Ambrosano GMB, Flório FM. Fatores individuais associados à má oclusão em adolescentes. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2017 Nov;22(11):3723-3732.

In dental clinics, there is a great demand for procedures that seek to restore functionality and especially dental aesthetics. For this reason, the number of researches and technical improvement in dentistry has increased a lot, including the use of resources such as the pre-visualization of the treatment and its aesthetic planning through diagnostic waxing and mock-up. Through this technique, it is possible to show and discuss with the patient the final result and possible limitations before their rehabilitation. It is very important that there is a good relationship between the dentist and the prosthetic, as well as a detailed description of the changes you want to make in the tooth structure and gingival tissue, if necessary [99 Probst LF, Ambrosano GMB, Cortellazzi KL, Guerra LM, Dasilva MR, Tomar S, et al. Fatores associados aos sentimentos decorrentes da perda dentária total e às expectativas de reposição protética em adultos e idosos. Cad Saúde Coletiva. 2016 Set;24(3):347-354. 10.1590/1414-462X201600030244,2929 Alves NV, Santana TAT, Landim AVF, Tavares GR. Reabilitação estética e funcional do sorriso: revisão de literatura. Rev Interfaces: Saúde Humanas e Tecnol. 2016;3(9):25-30.

Another indispensable resource that has evolved a lot is digital planning. Due to advances in information technology, digital photography and image processing, this feature provides a broad view of the diagnosis, in addition to improving communication between the patient and the entire professional team, facilitating understanding and making the patient have a more active participation in the planning, making the treatment more predictable [2929 Alves NV, Santana TAT, Landim AVF, Tavares GR. Reabilitação estética e funcional do sorriso: revisão de literatura. Rev Interfaces: Saúde Humanas e Tecnol. 2016;3(9):25-30.

The combination of a good diagnosis, integrated planning, and therapeutic procedures contribute to a multidisciplinary rehabilitation, allowing the restoration of a smile and solving the different problems found in clinical cases. For this reason, it is of fundamental importance that the dentist knows well, the material and the technique he will use, in order to achieve a satisfactory result [88 Ramirez CO, Fuentealba CM, Nunez CV, Munoz ZL, Daza NS. Percepción estética del paciente desdentado comparada con la opinión de expertos. Rev Clínica Periodoncia, Implantol y Rehabil Oral. 2016 Abr;9(1):54-58.
,99 Probst LF, Ambrosano GMB, Cortellazzi KL, Guerra LM, Dasilva MR, Tomar S, et al. Fatores associados aos sentimentos decorrentes da perda dentária total e às expectativas de reposição protética em adultos e idosos. Cad Saúde Coletiva. 2016 Set;24(3):347-354. 10.1590/1414-462X201600030244].


When oral esthetics is compromised, the individual’s psychological and social side can be harmed, since the face is always exposed, thus, self-confidence and self-perception are negatively affected. Given the above, the need for dental treatment and the search for patients, awakens the dentist to seek more knowledge related to general and oral health conditions, as well as on the self-perception of oral aesthetics, making it necessary to build new studies, in order to prepare them for interventions and planning of curative actions.

How to cite this article


  • 1
    Albuquerque RMSL, Cavalcanti LRO, Sena MSNB, Omena ARAS, Santos RGA, Panjwani CMBRG. Autopercepção, hábitos e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida dos estudantes de um Instituto Federal do Nordeste. Divers J. 2019 Mai;4(2):600-611.
  • 2
    Corrêa HW, Bitencourt FV, Nogueira AV, Toassi RFC. Saúde bucal em usuários da atenção primária: análise qualitativa da autopercepção relacionada ao uso e necessidade de prótese dentária. Physis. 2016 Jun;26(2):503-524.
  • 3
    Santos BC, Dantas LF, Silva SC, Lima LHA, Agra DM, Fernandes DC. Odontologia estética e qualidade de vida: Revisão integrativa. Semin Cienc Biol Saude. 2016 Nov;3(3):91-100.
  • 4
    Soto KLZP, Ely HC, Mallmann FH, Abegg C. Necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes do Rio Grande do Sul: relação entre autopercepção e necessidade clínica. RFO UPF. 2018;23(2):186-172.
  • 5
    Martin J, Rivas V, Vildósola P, Moncada L, Junior OBO, Saad JRC, et al. Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction. Braz Dent J. 2016 Fev;27(1):60-65.
  • 6
    Costa AC, Rodrigues FS, Heimer MV. A autopercepção da estética dental e seu impacto na vida do adolescente. Adolesc Saúde. 2017 Out;14(4):157-166.
  • 7
    Rezende MCRA, Fajardo RS. Abordagem estética na Odontologia. Arch Heal Investig. 2016 Mar;5(1):50-55.
  • 8
    Ramirez CO, Fuentealba CM, Nunez CV, Munoz ZL, Daza NS. Percepción estética del paciente desdentado comparada con la opinión de expertos. Rev Clínica Periodoncia, Implantol y Rehabil Oral. 2016 Abr;9(1):54-58.
  • 9
    Probst LF, Ambrosano GMB, Cortellazzi KL, Guerra LM, Dasilva MR, Tomar S, et al. Fatores associados aos sentimentos decorrentes da perda dentária total e às expectativas de reposição protética em adultos e idosos. Cad Saúde Coletiva. 2016 Set;24(3):347-354. 10.1590/1414-462X201600030244
  • 10
    Bersezio C, Martin J, Herrera A, Loguercio A, Fernandez E. The effects of at-home whitening on patients’ oral health, psychology, and aesthetic perception. BMC Oral Health. 2018 Dez;18(208):1-10.
  • 11
    Rodrigues FS, Silva SSS, Silva AC, Lyra MCA, Silveira MAC, Roseblatt A. Oral health-related quality of life and its association with malocclusion and self-perception of dental aesthetics in adolescents. Brazilian J Dev. 2020 Nov;6(11):84172-84185.
  • 12
    Rebouças AG, Zanin L, Ambrosano GMB, Flório FM. Fatores individuais associados à má oclusão em adolescentes. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2017 Nov;22(11):3723-3732.
  • 13
    Zavanelli AC, Sonego MV, Zavanelli RA, Mazaro JVQ, Antenucci RMF. Perception and expectation. What do patients really want from the dental treatment? RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2017 Set;65(3):243-248.
  • 14
    Bordin D, Fadel CB, Moimaz SAS, Santos CB, Garbin CAS, Saliba NA. Characterization of the self-perception of oral health in the Brazilian adult population. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2020 Set;25(9):3647-3656.
  • 15
    Moreira GE, Silva LF, Oliveira MR, Maia LSR, Fernandes LA, Lima DC. Dental self-perception and clinical dental description of participants in the Open University programme for elderly people. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2018 Dez;66(4):297-304.
  • 16
    Almeida L, Santin DC, Maran BM, Naufel FS, Schmitt VL. Avaliação do manchamento e da rugosidade superficial de materiais restauradores diretos após diferentes sistemas de polimento: estudo in vitro. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2019;48:1-10.
  • 17
    Moreira AP, Feiber M, Almeida L, Naufel FS, Schmitt VL. Avaliação do efeito cromático em resinas compostas nanopar-ticuladas submetidas a solução café. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 jun;47(3):137-142.
  • 18
    Cavalcanti SM, Valentim FB, Guerra SMG, Rosetti EP. Aesthetic perception of gingival smiles. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 Fev;47(1):45-50.
  • 19
    Durigon M, Alessi BP, Neves M, Trentin MS. Perception of dentists, dental students, and patients on dentogingival aesthetics. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2018 Mar;47(2):92-97.
  • 20
    Santos LM, Noro LRA, Roncalli AG, Teixeira AKM. Autoper-cepção sobre saúde bucal e sua relação com utilização de serviços e prevalência de dor de dente. Rev Ciência Plur. 2016;2(2):14-27.
  • 21
    Santos PR, Maneghim MC, Ambrosano GMB, Filho MV, Vedovello SAS. Influence of quality of life, self-perception, and self-esteem on orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2017 Jan;151(1):143-147.
  • 22
    Estay J, Angel P, Bersezio C, Tonetto M, Jorquera G, Pena M, et al. The change of teeth color, whiteness variations and its psychosocial and self-perception effects when using low vs. high concentration bleaching gels: a one-year follow-up. BMC Oral Health. 2020 Sep;20(255):1-9.
  • 23
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Edited by

Assistant editor: Luciana Butini Oliveira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    25 Jan 2022
Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil