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Expanding the taxonomic catalog of Brazilian meiofauna: diversity and distribution of the neglected phyla Tardigrada, Gastrotricha, and Kinorhyncha


Meiofauna is a guild of microscopic organisms (delimited by the mesh width of two sieves, upper 500 μm and lower 44 μm) that inhabit the sediment grains and periphyton of aquatic environments (both freshwater and marine). Despite the fact that this definition is based on size, all the environments inhabited by these microorganisms present similar ecological challenges, which suggests that the meiofauna is a biologically and ecologically independent entity. Currently, meiofaunal organisms are represented in 23 of the 34 known metazoan phyla, including Tardigrada, Gastrotricha, and Kinorhyncha. The goal of this study was to compile information on the diversity and distribution of these phyla in Brazil. Based on the taxonomic contributions published until July 2023, a total of 97 Tardigrada species, 88 Gastrotricha species, and five Kinorhyncha species have been recorded. They are distributed throughout five biomes, eight hydrographic regions, 10 terrestrial biogeographic provinces, three marine biogeographical provinces, and 15 political states in Brazil. The species accumulation curve suggests that there are still many Tardigrada and Gastrotricha species to be discovered with increasing sampling effort, as the rate of discovery of new species is linearly increasing. Unfortunately, knowledge of the biodiversity of these meiofaunal groups is still limited due to sparse information on identity and distribution. We recommend future studies dealing with meiofauna taxa to prioritize redescribing endemic species based on integrative taxonomy and increase the number of the type series deposited in Zoological Museums (e.g., specimen photos). Furthermore, the training of researchers specialized in these taxa is a priority, as some of these phyla do not have any Brazilian specialists.

Biodiversity; endemic species; less-known taxon; Linnean shortfall; microinvertebrate; taxonomy


Meiofauna is a guild of microscopic organisms, i.e., a set of phylogenetically independent lineages that exploits the same ecological niche, formally delimited by the mesh width of two sieves, upper of 500 μm and lower of 44 μm (Giere 2009Giere O (2009) Meiobenthology: the microscopic motile fauna of aquatic sediments. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, 2nd ed., 527 pp.). Meiofaunal organisms are omnipresent in sediments and vegetation of marine and freshwater habitats, but can also be found in mosses, wet soils, and semi-aquatic agricultural ecosystems around the world (Higgins and Thiel 1988Higgins RP, Thiel H (1988) Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press, London, 488 pp., Giere 2009Giere O (2009) Meiobenthology: the microscopic motile fauna of aquatic sediments. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, 2nd ed., 527 pp., Fonseca et al. 2018Fonseca G, Fontaneto D, Di Domenico M (2018) Addressing biodiversity shortfalls in meiofauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502: 26-38.

Despite being a size-based definition, including exceptions such as larger vermiform organisms that can pass through the upper sieve due to their small diameter, despite being millimeters in length, the environments inhabited by these microinvertebrates present similar ecological challenges that allow considering the meiofauna as a biologically and ecologically independent entity (Higgins and Thiel 1988Higgins RP, Thiel H (1988) Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press, London, 488 pp.). These challenges are a major force in selecting traits that result in the “meiofaunal syndrome”, that is, a series of morphological attributes, such as the reduction of body appendages, the elongation of the body to a worm-like shape, and the development of adhesive structures (Brenzinger et al. 2013Brenzinger B, Haszprunar G, Schrödl M (2013) At the limits of a successful body plan-3D microanatomy, histology and evolution of Helminthope (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Rhodopemorpha), the most worm-like gastropod. Frontiers in Zoology 10: 1-27.

Currently, the meiofaunal organisms are represented in 23 of the 34 known metazoan phyla, presenting diverse ecological interactions with distinct levels of trophic and energetic links with macrofauna and plankton communities (Giere 2009Giere O (2009) Meiobenthology: the microscopic motile fauna of aquatic sediments. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, 2nd ed., 527 pp., Cerca et al. 2018Cerca J, Purschke G, Struck TH (2018) Marine connectivity dynamics: clarifying cosmopolitan distributions of marine interstitial invertebrates and the meiofauna paradox. Marine Biology 165: 1-21.
). In an effort to compile information on the diversity and distribution of meiofauna in Brazil, several taxonomists with expertise in the meiofauna phyla Tardigrada, Gastrotricha, and Kinorhyncha have been continuously updating the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (in Portuguese: Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil - CTFB), an online catalog started in 2015.

Meiofaunal studies in Brazil had this early foundation in the 1930s with Dr. Eveline du Bois-Reymond Marcus and Dr. Ernest Gustav Gotthelf Marcus, as foreign researchers in Brazil fleeing from nazism in Germany; and posteriorly Brazilian researcher Dr. Veronica Fonseca-Genevois in the 1980s. The Marcus couple conducted a large number of studies in Brazil, mainly in the state of São Paulo, dealing with many distinct phyla (e.g., Tardigrada, Onychophora, Platyhelminthes, Oligochaeta, Bryozoa, Mollusca, and Nemertea) resulting in the publication of approximately 162 scientific papers (Mendes 1994Mendes EG (1994) Ernest Marcus. Estudos Avançados 8: 209-213.). Notably, Ernest Marcus described the first marine tardigrade from the South Hemisphere, Batillipes pennaki Marcus, 1946.

Veronica Fonseca-Genevois embarked on her doctoral studies in France and, during this time, Dr. Renaud-Mornant (MNHN Paris, specialist in marine tardigrades) proposed a collaborative effort, starting a new era in meiofaunal research in Brazil (dos Santos et al. 2014dos Santos GAP, Moens T, Valdes Y, Larrazabal MEL (2014) Verônica da Fonsêca-Genevois and the rise of meiofauna studies in Brazil. Life and contribution of a pioneer, in memoriam. Marine Biodiversity 44(3): 229-236.
). While Veronica Fonseca-Genevois primarily focused on marine nematodes, her contributions extended to various meiofauna taxa including Acari, Copepoda, Oligochaeta, and Tardigrada. In addition, she had a significant role in training over 200 students in meiobenthic studies (dos Santos et al. 2014dos Santos GAP, Moens T, Valdes Y, Larrazabal MEL (2014) Verônica da Fonsêca-Genevois and the rise of meiofauna studies in Brazil. Life and contribution of a pioneer, in memoriam. Marine Biodiversity 44(3): 229-236.
). Nowadays, some research groups are actively studying meiofauna in Brazil, with the majority of these researchers directly and indirectly related to Fonseca-Genevois.

The aim of the present contribution was threefold: first, present a historical background of the taxonomic knowledge of some meiofaunal taxa found in Brazil; second, estimate a first scenario of species richness extrapolation of Tardigrada and Gastrotricha based on the actual taxonomic knowledge of these phyla compiled directly from The Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna; third, compile all available information on the Brazilian tardigrade, gastrotrich and kinorhynch species in a single resource and point out some future perspectives regarding these phyla.


All data was gathered directly from the CTFB catalog, which has some of the authors of the present study responsible for feeding the taxonomic information in the database (ARS Garraffoni: Tardigrada, Gastrotricha, Kinorhyncha; E Santos and RC de Barros: Tardigrada). Geographic distribution data are organized in four datasets: i) biomes, as defined by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE 2004IBGE (2004) Mapa de Biomas e de Vegetação do Brasil. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Available online at:
); ii) hydrographic regions, as defined by the National Water Agency (ANA 2015ANA (2015) Conjuntura dos Recursos Hídricos no Brasil: regiões hidrográficas brasileiras. Agência Nacional de Águas, Brasília, 163 pp. Available online at
); iii) political division in states plus the Federal District; iv) terrestrial and marine biogeographic regionalization, as defined, respectively, by Morrone et al. (2022Morrone JJ, Escalante T, Rodríguez-Tapia G, Carmona A, Arana M, Mercado-Gómez JD (2022) Biogeographic Regionalization of the Neotropical Region: New Map and Shapefile. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciência 94(1): e20211167.
) and Spalding et al. (2007Spalding MD, Fox HE, Allen GR, Davidson N, Ferdaña ZA, Finlayson MAX, et al. (2007) Marine ecoregions of the world: a bioregionalization of coastal and shelf areas. BioScience 57(7): 573-583.
). All maps were made using ArcGIS Desktop software and detailed in Adobe Photoshop CC software.

We use the hypothesis that a description rate curve can be extrapolated to a larger time frame, producing an estimate of the number of expected species based on the actual rate of species discovery, which was considered as the sampling effort. We accumulate the species found in Brazil by the year of the description of that species, treating the year as a sampling unit. The extrapolation of the cumulative curve of species in and within (Family level) each Phylum (Tardigrada and Gastrotricha) was based on the Chao2 estimator (Chao and Colwell 2017Chao A, Colwell RK (2017) Thirty years of progeny from Chao’s inequality: estimating and comparing richness with incidence data and incomplete sampling (invited article). Statistics and Operation Research Transactions 41: 3-54.
). We used the R package iNEXT (Hsieh et al. 2022Hsieh TC, Ma KH, Chao A (2022) iNEXT: iNterpolation and EXTrapolation for species diversity. R package, v. 3.0.0.) to estimate richness.


Below we present information about the taxonomy, classification, and phylogeny of these groups, as well as the historical background of the studies of these taxa in Brazil.


Overview of Tardigrada

The phylum Tardigrada (from Latin, tardus, slow + gradus, step) comprises a group of hydrophilic micrometazoans, commonly known as tardigrades or “water bears”. They were first described at the end of the 18th century by the German naturalist Johann August Ephraim Goeze (Goeze 1773Goeze JAE (1773) 2. Beobachtung: Über den kleinen Wasserbären. In: Bonnet HK (Ed.) Abhandlungen aus der Insectologie, 355-367.) and named “il tardigrado” by Italian naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani (Spallanzani 1776Spallanzani L (1776) Il tardígrado, le anguilline delle tegole e quelle del grano rachitico. Opuscoli di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile 1(4): 524-556.).

Tardigrades have a bilaterally symmetrical body, covered by a chitinous cuticle, and divided into a head and four trunk segments. Each segment of the trunk bears a pair of lobopods legs, usually ending in claws, digits, or digits ending in claws or suckers (Nelson et al. 2015Nelson DR, Guidetti R, Rebecchi L (2015) Phylum Tardigrada. In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Eds) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 347-380.
, Schill 2019Schill RO (2019) Water Bears: The Biology of Tardigrades. Springer International Publishing, 419 pp.
). In the last segment, the lobopods are turned backward. They have a complete digestive tract and a body cavity filled with coelomocytes, cells responsible for gas exchange, circulation, and nutrient storage. The nervous system consists of a simple brain and a ventral nerve chain with four bilobed ganglia. Tardigrades can be herbivores and feed on algae and/or plant cells; carnivores, feeding mainly on rotifers and nematodes, or even on other tardigrades; and omnivores feeding on mosses, invertebrates, and bacteria. They can be dioecious, parthenogenetic, or monoecious (Nelson et al. 2015Nelson DR, Guidetti R, Rebecchi L (2015) Phylum Tardigrada. In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Eds) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 347-380.
, Schill 2019Schill RO (2019) Water Bears: The Biology of Tardigrades. Springer International Publishing, 419 pp.

Tardigrades are found on all continents of the planet, inhabiting a wide range of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats, from abyssal zones to the highest peaks (Ramazzotti and Maucci 1983Ramazzotti G, Maucci W (1983) Il Phylum Tardigrada. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza 41: 1-1012., Kinchin 1994Kinchin IM (1994) The Biology of Tardigrades. Portland Press, London, 186 pp., Bertolani et al. 2009Bertolani R, Altiero T, Nelson D (2009) Tardigrada (Water Bears). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters 2: 443-455.
). The phylum is divided into two classes, Heterotardigrada Marcus, 1927Marcus E (1927) Zur Anatomie und Ökologie mariner Tardigraden. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik 53: 487-558. and Eutardigrada Marcus, 1927Marcus E (1927) Zur Anatomie und Ökologie mariner Tardigraden. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik 53: 487-558.. The former class has both marine and limnoterrestrial/freshwater species and the latter contains mainly terrestrial and freshwater species but also few marine representatives. They are mainly found in substrates as sediments from beaches to deep-sea, but are also found associated with macroalgae (Santos et al. 2019aSantos É, Rubal M, Veiga P, Bartels PJ, da Rocha CM, Fontoura P (2019a) On the distribution of Batillipes tubernatis Pollock, 1971 (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) in the Atlantic Basin. Marine Biodiversity 49(2): 621-631.
). Marine tardigrade dispersal occurs - as many meiofaunal groups - mainly by marine currents, although is limited by their low mobility and absence of larval stage (Boeckner et al. 2009Boeckner MJ, Sharma J, Proctor HC (2009) Revisiting the meiofauna paradox: dispersal and colonization of nematodes and other meiofaunal organisms in low-and high-energy environments. Hydrobiologia 624: 91-106.
, Santos et al. 2018Santos É, Gomes Júnior EL, da Rocha CMC, Bartels PJ, Fontoura P (2018) A closer look at Batillipes dicrocercus and new records of Batillipes potiguarensis (Tardigrada: Arthrotardigrada) from the Brazilian coast with comments on intra- and interspecific variability. Iheringia, Série Zoologia 108: e2018041.
). Limnoterrestrial tardigrades can survive in both freshwater and terrestrial environments. They are usually found in different types of substrates, such as mosses, lichens, algae, and soil, in addition to varied types of sediments in aquatic environments (Nelson 2002Nelson DR (2002) Current status of the Tardigrada: evolution and ecology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42: 652-659.
, Nelson et al. 2015Nelson DR, Guidetti R, Rebecchi L (2015) Phylum Tardigrada. In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Eds) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 347-380.
). Active dispersal of terrestrial tardigrades is limited by body size, speed of movement, and the need for a constant film of water covering the body. Thus, dispersal occurs passively when eggs, cysts, and anhydrobiotic specimens are dispersed predominantly by wind. Other animals associated with terrestrial communities (e.g., birds) may also aid in the dispersal of terrestrial tardigrades (Nelson et al. 2015Nelson DR, Guidetti R, Rebecchi L (2015) Phylum Tardigrada. In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Eds) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 347-380.
, Mogle et al. 2018Mogle MJ, Kimball SA, Miller WR, McKown RD (2018) Evidence of avian-mediated long distance dispersal in American tardigrades. PeerJ 6: e5035.

They are probably the most famous cryptozoan due to their ability to survive in a wide spectrum of extreme environmental conditions, such as lack of water, temperature extremes, lack of food or oxygen, exposure to high levels of pollutants and ionizing radiation, or even the space vacuum (Ramazzotti and Maucci 1983Ramazzotti G, Maucci W (1983) Il Phylum Tardigrada. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza 41: 1-1012., Kinchin 1994Kinchin IM (1994) The Biology of Tardigrades. Portland Press, London, 186 pp., Schill 2019Schill RO (2019) Water Bears: The Biology of Tardigrades. Springer International Publishing, 419 pp.

Morphological and molecular studies have shown that Tardigrada is a monophyletic group within the molting animals belonging to the clade Ecdysozoa (Aguinaldo et al. 1997Aguinaldo AM, Turbeville JM, Linford LS, Rivera MC, Garey JR, Raff R, Lake JA (1997) Evidence for a clade of nematodes, arthropods, and other molting animals. Nature 387: 489-493.
) and closely related to Panarthropoda, composed of Onychophora and Arthropoda (Nielsen et al. 1996Nielsen C, Scharff N, Eibye-Jacobsen D (1996) Cladistic analyses of the animal kingdom. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 57: 385-410.
, Giribet et al. 1996Giribet G, Carranza S, Baguñà J, Riutort M, Ribera C (1996) First molecular evidence for the existence of a Tardigrada + Arthropoda clade. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 76-84.
, Campbell et al. 2011Campbell LI, Rota-Stabellia O, Edgecombeb GD, Marchioroc T, Longhorna SJ, Telfordd MJ, et al. (2011) MicroRNAs and phylogenomics resolve the relationships of Tardigrada and suggest that velvet worms are the sister group of Arthropoda. Proceedings of National Academy of Science 108(38): 15920-15924.
, Dunn et al. 2014Dunn CW, Giribet G, Edgecombe GD, Hejnol A (2014) Animal phylogeny and its evolutionary implications. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45: 371-395.
, Giribet and Edgecombe 2017Giribet G, Edgecombe GD (2017) Current understanding of Ecdysozoa and its internal phylogenetic relationships. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57: 455-466.
, 2019Giribet G, Edgecombe GD (2019) The phylogeny and evolutionary history of arthropods. Current Biology 29(12): R592-R602.

Currently, 1,464 species of tardigrades have been described, including three fossil species, split into 159 genera and 33 families (Degma and Guidetti 2023Degma P, Guidetti R (2023) Actual checklist of Tardigrada species. Available online at: Available online at: [Acessed: 28/07/2023]
). The description of new species is expected as new geographic regions are explored, possibly exceeding 2,000 (Bartels et al. 2016Bartels PJ, Apodaca JJ, Mora C, Nelson DR (2016) A global biodiversity estimate of a poorly known taxon: phylum Tardigrada. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 730-736.

Historical background of Tardigrada studies in Brazil

In Brazil, they have been episodically explored, with the first records being made in 1910 (Murray 1913Murray J (1913) Notes on the natural history of Bolivia and Peru: including a report on the Rhizopoda by G.H. Wailes. Edinburgh Oceanographic Laboratory, Edinburgh, 45 pp.) and the early 1930s (Rahm 1931Rahm G (1931) Tardigrada of the South of America (esp. Chile). Revista Chilena de História Natural 35: 118-141., 1932Rahm G (1932) Freilebende Nematoden, Rotatorien und Tardigraden aus Südamerika (besonders aus Chile). C. Tardigrada. Zoologischer Anzeiger 98: 113-128.). We can distinguish at least two periods in which tardigrades were more intensely researched in Brazil.

The first period begins in the late 30s and lasts until the mid-50s. During this period, the German couple Ernest Gustav Gotthelf Marcus and Eveline du Bois-Reymond Marcus, then residing in Brazil, and the Brazilian researcher Dr. Rosina de Barros made dozens of new records, as well as the description of new species, many of them still valid today (de Barros 1938de Barros R (1938) Macrobiotus evelinae, uma nova espécie de tardígrados. Boletim Biológico (Nova Série) 3: 52-54., 1939ade Barros R (1939a) Itaquascon umbellinae gen. nov. sp. nov. (Tardigrada, Macrobiotidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 128: 106-109., 1939bde Barros R (1939b) Pseudobiotus juanitae nova espécie de tardígrado. Boletim Biológico (Nova Série) 4: 367-368., 1942ade Barros R (1942a) Tardígrados do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. I. Introdução. Gêneros “Echiniscus” e “Pseudechiniscus”. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 2: 257-269., 1942bde Barros R (1942b) Tardígrados do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. II. Gênero Macrobiotus. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 2: 373-386., 1943de Barros R (1943) Tardígrados do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. III. Gêneros Hypsibius, Itaquascon e Milnesium. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 3: 1-10., Marcus 1937Marcus E (1937) Sôbre a anabiose dos Tardigrados, com descrição de uma nova espécie. Boletim Biologico 3(5): 7-13., 1946Marcus E (1946) Batillipes pennaki, a new marine tardigrade from the North and South American Atlantic coast. Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo 33(2): 1-3., du Bois-Reymond Marcus 1944du Bois-Reymond Marcus E (1944) Sobre Tardígrados Brasileiros. Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo 13: 1-28., 1952du Bois-Reymond Marcus E (1952) On South American Malacopoda. Boletins da Faculdade de Philosophia, Sciencias e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo, Zoologia 17: 189-209.
). The first marine tardigrade from Brazil, Batillipes pennaki Marcus, 1946, was described at this time. After this period, other studies were sporadically published by Brazilian and foreign researchers (Iharos 1969Iharos G (1969) The Scientific Results of the Hungarian Soil Zoological Expeditions to South America. Öpuscula Zoologica Budapest 9(2): 279-289., Höfling-Epiphanio 1972Höfling-Epiphanio E (1972) Ocorrência de Batillipes mirus Richters, 1909 e B. tubernatis Pollock, 1971 (Tardigrada) no litoral brasileiro. Ciência & Cultura 24: 358-359., Corrêa 1987Corrêa DC (1987) Tardigrada. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (Ed.) Manual de técnicas para preparações zoológicas. Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia, Campinas, 1-6., Renaud-Mornant 1980Renaud-Mornant J (1980) Description de trois espèces nouvelles du genre Tanarctus Renaud-Debyser, 1959 et création de la sous-famille des tanarctinae, subfam. nov. (Tardigrada, Heterotardigrada). Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 4: 129-141.
, 1984Renaud-Mornant J (1984) Halechiniscidae (Heterotardigrada) de la campagne Benthedi, canal du Mozambique. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 6: 67-88.
, 1989Renaud-Mornant J (1989) Opydorscus, un nouveau genre d’Orzeliscinae et as signification phylogénique (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada). Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 11(4): 763-771.
). Part of these studies were not executed in Brazilian universities, but biological samples were sent to European researchers who published those new species.

The second period marks the rebirth of Brazilian tardigradology and began at the end of the 90s. The seminal works are from the Brazilian researchers Dr. Claudia Maria Leite Assunção (Assunção 1999aAssunção CML (1999a) Tardigrada. In: Joly CA, Bicudo CEM (Eds) Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo: síntese do conhecimento ao final do século XX - Invertebrados Marinhos. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 185-189., 1999bAssunção CML (1999b) Tardigrada. In: Ismael D, Valenti WC, Matsumura TT (Eds) Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo: síntese do conhecimento ao final do século XX - Invertebrados de água doce. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 61-64., 2001Assunção CML (2001) Análise filogenética em Macrocephala (Tardigrada, Archeotardigrada). PhD Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 87 pp.
) and Dr. Clélia Márcia Cavalcanti da Rocha (da Rocha 1999da Rocha CMC, Castro FJV, Fonsêca-Genevois V (1999) Efeito da granulometria e da topografia sobre a distribuição de Batillipes pennaki (Marcus, 1946) em zona tropical típica - restinga do Paiva, Pernambuco, Brasil. Trabalhos Oceanográficos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 27(2): 89-102.
, 2001da Rocha CMC, Fonsêca-Genevois V, Castro FJV (2001) Distribuição espaço-temporal de Batillipes pennaki Marcus, 1946 (Tardigrada, Heterotardigrada) na margem Sul da ilha de Itamaracá (Pernambuco, Brasil). Trabalhos Oceanográficos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 28(1): 35-46.
), as well as the Italian Dr. Giovanni Pilato (Pilato 2000Pilato G (2000) Macrobiotus centesimus, new species of Eutardigrade from the South America. Bollettino dell’Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali di Catania 33: 97-101.). Since 2010, the number of studies on tardigrades in Brazil by Brazilian researchers has increased and was followed by an increase in publications, with new species described, new occurrences, and approaches (da Rocha et al. 2013da Rocha CMC, Santos ECL, Gomes Júniorr EL, Moura JR, Silva LGS, Barbosa DF (2013) New records of marine tardigrades from Brazil. Journal of Limnology 72(S1): 102-107.
, 2016da Rocha CMC, Gomes Júnior EL, Santos ECL (2016) Brazilian limnoterrestrial tardigrades (Bilateria, Tardigrada): new occurrences and species checklist updates. Revista Nordestina de Zoologia 10: 21-31., de Barros 2020de Barros RC (2020) Tardigrades Research in Brazil: an overview and updated checklist. Arquivos de Zoologia 51(1): 1-11.
, Gomes Júnior and da Rocha 2015Gomes Júnior EL, da Rocha CMC (2015) Microscopia eletrônica de varredura com tardígrados (Filo Tardigrada): sugestão de protocolos adaptados às peculiaridades do grupo. Revista Nordestina de Zoologia 9(2): 16-32., Gomes Júnior et al. 2017Gomes Júnior EL, Santos É, da Rocha CMC, Santos PJP, Fontoura P (2017) A new species of Ligiarctus (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada) from the Brazilian continental shelf, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity 48(1): 5-12.
, 2020Gomes Júnior EL, Santos É, da Rocha CMC, Santos PJP, Fontoura P (2020) The Deep-Sea Genus Coronarctus (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada) in Brazil, South-Western Atlantic Ocean, with the Description of Three New Species. Diversity 12(2): 63.
, Guidetti et al. 2021Guidetti EB, Campos A, Batistão AR, Silva AT, Bilatto CG, Salgado KA, Araújo TQ, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Gastrotrichs and tardigrades in a remnant of Atlantic Forest (Serra do Japi, SP, Brazil). Biota Neotropica 21(2): e20201165.
, Santos et al. 2017Santos É, da Rocha CMC, Gomes Júnior EL, Fontoura P (2017) Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast. Zootaxa 4243(3): 483-502.
, 2018Santos É, Gomes Júnior EL, da Rocha CMC, Bartels PJ, Fontoura P (2018) A closer look at Batillipes dicrocercus and new records of Batillipes potiguarensis (Tardigrada: Arthrotardigrada) from the Brazilian coast with comments on intra- and interspecific variability. Iheringia, Série Zoologia 108: e2018041.
, 2019bSantos É, Veiga P, Rubal M, Bartels PJ, da Rocha CMC, Fontoura P (2019b) Batillipes pennaki Marcus, 1946 (Tardigrada: Arthrotardigrada): deciphering a species complex. Zootaxa 4648 (3): 549-567.
, Ugarte et al. 2023Ugarte PDS, Suzuki LP, Cruvinel LG, Garraffoni ARS (2023) Georeferenced database and interactive online map of limnoterrestrial and freshwater Tardigrada from Central and South America. Biota Neotropica 23: e20231498.
, Brotto-Guidetti et al. 2024Brotto-Guidetti E, Morek W, Garraffoni ARS (2024) Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of the genus Milnesium Doyère, 1840 (Tardigrada: Apochela) from South America. Zoologischer Anzeiger 309: 55-65.
). Currently, there are about one hundred reports of species occurring in the Brazilian biomes (de Barros 2020de Barros RC (2020) Tardigrades Research in Brazil: an overview and updated checklist. Arquivos de Zoologia 51(1): 1-11.
, Santos et al. 2023Santos É, Gomes Júnior EL, Barros RC (2023) Tardigrada in Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil. PNUD, available online at: PNUD, available online at: [Acessed: 28/07/2023]


Overview of Gastrotricha

The phylum Gastrotricha (from Greek, gaster, stomach + thrix, hair) is composed of free-living acoelomate micrometazoans found in practically all aquatic environments worldwide, from freshwater psammon to periphyton or marine intertidal endobenthos to the deep sea (Balsamo et al. 2014Balsamo M, Grilli P, Guidi L, d’Hondt JL (2014) Gastrotricha: biology, ecology and systematics. Families Dasydytidae, Dichaeturidae, Neogosseidae, Proichthydiidae. Backhuys Publishers, Kerkwerve, 187 pp., 2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
, Garraffoni and Araújo 2020Garraffoni ARS, Araújo TQ (2020) Keys to Neotropical and Antarctic Fauna. In: Damborenea C, Rogers DC, Thorp JH (Eds) Phylum Gastrotricha. Academic Press, London, 125-143.
, Kånneby 2016Kånneby T (2016) Phylum Gastrotricha . In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Ed.) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 115-130.
). In these habitats, gastrotrichs can reach abundances that make them one of the top five most common taxa. Feasting on microbial biofilm and algae but also being prey to small active predators and macrofaunal sediment filters, they are an important component of the trophic web as a bridge between macro and microfauna (Hochberg 2000Hochberg R, Litvaitis MK (2000) Phylogeny of Gastrotricha: a morphology-based framework of gastrotrich relationships. The Biological Bulletin 198(2): 299-305.
, Balsamo et al. 2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
, Madji et al. 2020Majdi N, Schmid-Araya JM, Traunspurger W (2020) Preface: Patterns and processes of meiofauna in freshwater ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 847: 2587-2595.
). The majority of gastrotrichs have a body length around 300 to 400 μm, but there are extremes from 60 μm (in some representatives of Ichthydium) to macroscopic worms reaching 3,500 μm (Megadasys pacificusSchmidt, 1974Schmidt P (1974) Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. IV. Gastrotricha. Mikrofauna Meeresbodens 26: 1-76.) (Balsamo et al. 2014Balsamo M, Grilli P, Guidi L, d’Hondt JL (2014) Gastrotricha: biology, ecology and systematics. Families Dasydytidae, Dichaeturidae, Neogosseidae, Proichthydiidae. Backhuys Publishers, Kerkwerve, 187 pp., Kånneby 2016Kånneby T (2016) Phylum Gastrotricha . In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Ed.) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 115-130.
, Kieneke and Schmidt-Rhaesa 2015Kieneke A, Schmidt-Rhaesa A (2015) Gastrotricha. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (Ed.) Handbook of Zoology. Gastrotricha and Gnathifera. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 134 pp.

Currently, the taxa add up to 900 described species worldwide (Krizanova and Vd’ačný 2022Križanová FR, Vd’ačný P (2022) A huge undescribed diversity of the subgenus Hystricochaetonotus (Gastrotricha, Chaetonotidae, Chaetonotus) in Central Europe. European Journal of taxonomy 840: 1-93.
) that are classically divided into the morphologically distinct orders Macrodasyida Remane, 1925Remane A (1925) Organisation und systematische Stellung der aberranten Gastrotrichen. Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 30: 121-128. [Rao & Clausen, 1970Rao GC, Clausen C (1970) Planodasys marginalis gen. et sp. nov. and Planodasyidae fam. nov. (Gastrotricha Macrodasyoidea). Sarsia 42: 73-82.
], and Chaetonotida Remane, 1925 [Rao & Clausen, 1970] (Balsamo et al. 2014Balsamo M, Grilli P, Guidi L, d’Hondt JL (2014) Gastrotricha: biology, ecology and systematics. Families Dasydytidae, Dichaeturidae, Neogosseidae, Proichthydiidae. Backhuys Publishers, Kerkwerve, 187 pp., 2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
, Kånneby 2016Kånneby T (2016) Phylum Gastrotricha . In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Ed.) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 115-130.
). The former encompasses nine families and 38 genera of long, tape-shaped, worm-like animals bearing multiple adhesive tubes along the body length, with about 400 species of marine species and four exclusively freshwater species (e.g., Ruttner-Kolisko 1955Ruttner-Kolisko A (1955) Rheomorpha neiswestnovae und Marinellina flagellata, zwei phylogenetisch interessante Wurmtypen aus dem Süsswasserpsammon. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 6: 55-69., Kisielewski 1987Kisielewski J (1987) Two new interesting genera of Gastrotricha (Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida) from the Brazilian freshwater psammon. Hydrobiologia 153(1): 23-30.
, Garraffoni et al. 2010Garraffoni ARS, Araujo TQ, Lourenço AP, Balsamo M (2010) New data on freshwater psammic Gastrotricha from Brazil. Zookeys (60): 1.
, 2019aGarraffoni ARS, Araújo TQ, Lourenço AP, Guidi L, Balsamo M (2019a) Integrative taxonomy of a new Redudasys species (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) sheds light on the invasion of fresh water habitats by macrodasyids. Scientific Reports 9(1): 2067.
, Todaro et al. 2012Todaro MA, Dal Zotto M, Jondelius U, Hochberg R, Hummon WD, Kånneby T, Rocha CE (2012) Gastrotricha: a marine sister for a freshwater puzzle. Plos One 7(2): e31740.
). The latter taxa, Chaetonotida, is composed of smaller tenpin-shaped animals distributed into seven families and 31 genera adding up to 500 species, characterized by the reduction of adhesive tube number to a single pair on the posterior region, or even a total loss of the structure in some lineages of periphytic animals (Garraffoni and Araújo 2020Garraffoni ARS, Araújo TQ (2020) Keys to Neotropical and Antarctic Fauna. In: Damborenea C, Rogers DC, Thorp JH (Eds) Phylum Gastrotricha. Academic Press, London, 125-143.

The diversity of body plans within the phylum is grouped by several synapomorphic characters. The set of locomotory cilia arranged through the ventral region, from the anterior head to the posterior end of the body is the most recognizable feature of the phylum, and where the name is derived (Hochberg and Litvaitis 2000Hochberg R, Litvaitis MK (2000) Phylogeny of Gastrotricha: a morphology-based framework of gastrotrich relationships. The Biological Bulletin 198(2): 299-305.
, Kånneby 2016Kånneby T (2016) Phylum Gastrotricha . In: Thorp JH, Covich AP (Ed.) Freshwater Invertebrates. Elsevier, 115-130.
). Furthermore, the monophyly of the phylum is supported by the cuticle with two layers, frequently ornamented with a diversity of scales, spines, and plates, the motor and sensory cilia covered by epicuticle, adhesive tubes associated to a duo-glandular system that secrete adherent and releaser substances, the myoepithelial pharynx with triradiate lumen, and the intestinal tube partially enveloped by a set of duo-helicoidal muscle arrangements (Hochberg and Litvaitis 2000Hochberg R, Litvaitis MK (2000) Phylogeny of Gastrotricha: a morphology-based framework of gastrotrich relationships. The Biological Bulletin 198(2): 299-305.
, Todaro et al. 2003Todaro MA, Littlewood DTJ, Balsamo M, Herniou EA, Cassanelli S, Manicardi G, et al. (2003) The interrelationships of the Gastrotricha using nuclear small rRNA subunit sequence data, with an interpretation based on morphology. Zoologischer Anzeiger -A Journal of Comparative Zoology 242(2): 145-156.
, 2006Todaro MA, Telford MJ, Lockyer AE, Littlewood DTJ (2006) Interrelationships of the Gastrotricha and their place among the Metazoa inferred from 18S rRNA genes. Zoologica Scripta 35(3): 251-259.
, Petrov et al. 2007Petrov NB, Pegova AN, Manylov OG, Vladychenskaya NS, Mugue NS, Aleshin VV (2007) Molecular phylogeny of Gastrotricha on the basis of a comparison of the 18S rRNA genes: rejection of the hypothesis of a relationship between Gastrotricha and Nematoda. Molecular Biology 41: 445-452.
, Kieneke et al. 2008Kieneke A, Riemann O, Ahlrichs WH (2008) Novel implications for the basal internal relationships of Gastrotricha revealed by an analysis of morphological characters. Zoologica Scripta 37: 429-460.
, Balsamo et al. 2014Balsamo M, Grilli P, Guidi L, d’Hondt JL (2014) Gastrotricha: biology, ecology and systematics. Families Dasydytidae, Dichaeturidae, Neogosseidae, Proichthydiidae. Backhuys Publishers, Kerkwerve, 187 pp., 2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
, Kieneke and Schmidt-Rhaesa 2015Kieneke A, Schmidt-Rhaesa A (2015) Gastrotricha. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (Ed.) Handbook of Zoology. Gastrotricha and Gnathifera. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 134 pp.

Since the discovery and description of the first gastrotrich in the late 18th century, its taxonomic position has been drifting between different branches of the Tree of Life. Müller (1773Müller OF (1773) Vermivm terrestrium et fluviatilium: seu animalium infusoriorum, helminthicorum et testaceorum, non marinorum, succincta historia. Havniae et Lipsiae, apud Heineck et Faber, 1-214.
) grouped the first specimens in Infusorian, among small animals and protozoans, from where it was transferred to Rotataria by Ehrenberg (1830Ehrenberg CG (1830) Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhältniss der Infusionsthierchen. Königlichen akademie der wissenschaften, Berlin, 108 pp.
) until it was assigned the phylum rank Gastrotricha by Metschnikoff (1865Metschnikoff E (1865) Über einige wenig bekannte niedere Thierformen. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 15: 450-463.). Even with the advent of phylogenetic techniques, its precise position in Bilateria presented inconsistencies between analyses based on morphological and molecular data (Winnepenninckx et al. 1995Winnepenninckx B, Backelijau T, Mackey LY, Brooks JM, De Wachter R, Kumar S, Garey J (1995) 18S rRNA data indicate that aschelminthes are polyphyletic in origin and consist of at least three distinct clades. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12(6): 1132-1137.
, Wallace et al. 1996Wallace RL, Ricci C, Melone G (1996) A cladistic analysis of pseudocoelomate (aschelminth) morphology. Invertebrate Biology 115(2): 104-112.
, Littlewood et al. 1998Littlewood DTJ, Telford MJ, Clough KA, Rohde K (1998) Gnathostomulida: an enigmatic metazoan phylum from both morphological and molecular perspectives. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9(1): 72-79.
). It has even been considered close to rotifers (Hyman 1951Hyman LH (1951) The Invertebrates: Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes and Entoprocta: The Pseudocoelomate Bilateria. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York, Toronto, London, 550 pp.), or part of Cycloneuralia (Sørensen et al. 2000Sørensen MV, Funch P, Willerslev E, Hansen AJ, Olesen J (2000) On the phylogeny of the Metazoa in the light of Cycliophora and Micrognathozoa. Zoologischer Anzeiger 239: 297-318.); Neotrochozoa (Rieger 1976Rieger RM (1976) Monociliated epidermal cells in Gastrotricha: Significance for concepts of early metazoan evolution. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 14: 198-226.
, Zrzavý et al. 1998Zrzavý J, Mihulka S, Kepka P, Bezděk A, Tietz D (1998) Phylogeny of the Metazoa based on morphological and 18S ribosomal DNA evidence. Cladistics 14(3): 249-285.
); or even paraphyletic Platyzoa (Giribet et al. 2000Giribet G, Distel DL, Polz M, Sterrer W, Wheeler WC (2000) Triploblastic relationships with emphasis on the acoelomates and the position of Gnathostomulida, Cycliophora, Plathelminthes, and Chaetognatha: a combined approach of 18S rDNA sequences and morphology. Systematic Biology 49(3): 539-562.
, Garey 2002Garey JR (2002) The lesser-known protostome taxa: an introduction and a tribute to Robert P. Higgins. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42(3): 611-618.
, Todaro et al. 2006Todaro MA, Telford MJ, Lockyer AE, Littlewood DTJ (2006) Interrelationships of the Gastrotricha and their place among the Metazoa inferred from 18S rRNA genes. Zoologica Scripta 35(3): 251-259.

Only recently, phylogenetic studies using molecular data (e.g., mitochondrial and nuclear markers, transcriptome) brought to light the monophyletic clade Rouphozoa composed of Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes as a sister group to Lophotrochozoa (Struck et al. 2014Struck TH, Wey-Fabrizius AR, Golombek A, Hering L, Weigert A, Bleidorn C, et al. (2014) Platyzoan Paraphyly based on phylogenomic data supports a noncoelomate ancestry of Spiralia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31(7): 1833-1849.
, Egger et al. 2015Egger B, Lapraz F, Tomiczek B, Müller S, Dessimoz C, Girstmair J, et al. (2015) A transcriptomic-phylogenomic analysis of the evolutionary relationships of flatworms. Current Biology 25(10): 1347-1353.
, Laumer et al. 2015Laumer CE, Bekkouche N, Kerbl A, Goetz F, Neves RC, Sørensen MV, et al. (2015) Spiralian phylogeny informs the evolution of microscopic lineages. Current Biology 25(15): 2000-2006.
, Fromm et al. 2019Fromm B, Tosar JP, Aguilera F, Friedländer MR, Bachmann L, Hejnol A (2019) Evolutionary implications of the microRNA-and piRNA complement of Lepidodermella squamata (Gastrotricha). Non-coding RNA 5(1): 19.
). Despite that Giribet and Edgecombe (2019Giribet G, Edgecombe GD (2019) The phylogeny and evolutionary history of arthropods. Current Biology 29(12): R592-R602.
) proposed the duo-gland adhesive system as a possible synapomorphy for both taxa, Balsamo et al. (2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
) questioned this hypothesis. Balsamo et al. (2020Balsamo M, Artois T, Smith III JP, Todaro MA, Guidi L, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NW (2020) The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes). Hydrobiologia 847(12): 2613-2644.
) pointed out that these features were recently studied in detail only in Platyhelminthes (Wunderer et al. 2019Wunderer J, Lengerer B, Pjeta R, Bertemes P, Kremser L, Lindner H, et al. (2019) A mechanism for temporary bioadhesion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(10): 4297-4306.
) and the studies of the gastrotrich duo-gland system are much older and highlighted that this system is probably not homologous in both taxa (Tyler and Rieger 1980Tyler S, Rieger GE (1980) Adhesive organs of the gastrotricha: I. Duo-gland organs. Zoomorphologie 95(1): 1-15., Ruppert 1991Ruppert EE (1991) Gastrotricha. In: Harrison FW, Ruppert EE (Eds) Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates Aschelminthes. Wiley-Liss, New York, vol. 4, 41-109.). Thus, a reanalysis of the duo-gland system in Gastrotricha, using modern morphological and molecular techniques is urgently needed.

Historical background of Gastrotricha studies in Brazil

The first records of Brazilian gastrotrichs date back to the early 1900s when three freshwater species were reported in Rio de Janeiro city (Murray 1913Murray J (1913) Notes on the natural history of Bolivia and Peru: including a report on the Rhizopoda by G.H. Wailes. Edinburgh Oceanographic Laboratory, Edinburgh, 45 pp.). Subsequently, new records of unpublished marine gastrotrichs were mentioned by du Bois-Reymond Marcus (1952du Bois-Reymond Marcus E (1952) On South American Malacopoda. Boletins da Faculdade de Philosophia, Sciencias e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo, Zoologia 17: 189-209.
) and Forneris (1985Forneris L (1985) Gastrotricha. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (Ed.) Manual de técnicas para preparações zoológicas. Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia, Campinas, 11.1-11.14.).

Even with these previous records, the field of Brazilian gastrotrichology can be considered truly inaugurated by the outstanding studies done by the Polish Dr. Jacek Kisielewski in the late 80s and early 90s. Kisielewski (1987Kisielewski J (1987) Two new interesting genera of Gastrotricha (Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida) from the Brazilian freshwater psammon. Hydrobiologia 153(1): 23-30.
) described two new genera and two new species of freshwater animals endemic to Brazil, including the enigmatic macrodasyid Redudasys fornerise Kisielewski, 1987. Afterward, he sampled various freshwater habitats across different Brazilian states, reporting 59 species, including 33 species previously known from Europe, and discovering 26 new species native to Brazil (Kisielewski 1991Kisielewski J (1991) Inland-water Gastrotricha from Brazil. In: Bierzyńska B, Czechowski W, Głogowski S, Kierych E, Pokryszko B, Riedel A, Slipiński AS (Eds) Annales Zoologici . Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa, 1-168.). This study significantly expanded our understanding of freshwater gastrotrichs in the world, particularly with the description of several new endemic species within Chaetonotidae and the extraordinarily rare semiplanktonic representatives of Dasydytidae Daday, 1905von Daday E (1905) Süsswasser-Mikrofauna Paraguays. Untersuchungen über die Süsswasser Mikrofauna Paraguays. In: Chun C (Ed.) Zoologica. Vol. 44, 1-349. and Neogosseidae Remane, 1927Remane A (1927) Neue Gastrotricha Macrodasyoidea. Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung fuer Systematik Oekologie und Geographie der Tiere 54: 203-242..

In the marine environment, only a decade later, we can consider that the first true taxonomical studies with gastrotrichs were done by Todaro and Rocha (2004Todaro MA, Rocha CE (2004) Diversity and distribution of marine Gastrotricha along the northern beaches of the State of São Paulo (Brazil), with description of a new species of Macrodasys (Macrodasyida, Macrodasyidae). Journal of Natural History 38: 1605-1634.
, 2005Todaro MA, Rocha CE (2005) Further data on marine gastrotrichs from the State of São Paulo and the first records from the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Meiofauna Marina 14: 27-31.) along the Northern coasts of the state of São Paulo. The authors described one new species, Macrodasys fornerisae Todaro & Rocha, 2004, and reported almost 50 other species, most of them undescribed species from both orders within Gastrotricha (Campos and Garraffoni 2019Campos A, Garraffoni ARS (2019) A synopsis of knowledge, zoogeography and an online interactive map of Brazilian marine gastrotrichs. PeerJ 7: e7898.

The taxonomical research with this taxon gained a new boost only after 2010, with the establishment of the first laboratory with national researchers and students interested in unraveling the diversity of Brazilian gastrotrichs. Thus, in the last decade, the description of new species and new records of freshwater (e.g., Garraffoni et al. 2017Garraffoni ARS, Araújo TQ, Lourenço AP, Guidi L, Balsamo M (2017) A new genus and new species of freshwater Chaetonotidae (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) from Brazil with phylogenetic position inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Systematics and Biodiversity 15(1): 49-62.
, 2019aGarraffoni ARS, Araújo TQ, Lourenço AP, Guidi L, Balsamo M (2019a) Integrative taxonomy of a new Redudasys species (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) sheds light on the invasion of fresh water habitats by macrodasyids. Scientific Reports 9(1): 2067.
, Minowa and Garraffoni 2020Minowa AK, Garraffoni ARS (2020) Assessing biodiversity shortfalls of freshwater meiofauna from the Atlantic Forest: New species, distribution patterns and the first total-evidence phylogeny of semiplanktonic Gastrotricha. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 152: 106926.
, 2021Minowa AK, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Seek and you shall find: new species of the rare genus Ornamentula (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) and first record outside of type-locality. Zoologia 38: e56781.
, Magpali et al. 2021Magpali L, Machado DR, Araújo TQ, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Long distance dispersal and pseudo-cryptic species in Gastrotricha: first description of a new species (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae, Polymerurus) from an oceanic island with volcanic rocks. European Journal of taxonomy 746: 62-93.
) and marine (e.g., Todaro 2012Todaro MA (2012) A new marine gastrotrich from the State of São Paulo (Brazil), with a key to species of Pseudostomella (Gastrotricha, Thaumastodermatidae). ZooKeys 223: 39-51.
, Campos et al. 2020Campos A, Todaro MA, Garraffoni ARS (2020) A new species of Paraturbanella Remane, 1927 (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from the Brazilian coast, and the molecular phylogeny of Turbanellidae Remane, 1926. Diversity 12: 42.
, Araújo and Garraffoni 2021Araújo TQ, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Description of a New Scaled Species of Ptychostomella (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) from the Brazilian coast and a cladistics analysis of the genus. Taxonomy 1(4): 278-289.
, Araújo et al. 2022Araújo TQ, Wieloch AH, Hochberg R, Garraffoni ARS (2022) Description of Xenotrichula tropicalis sp. nov. (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) and new records of Xenotrichulidae species from Brazil and USA. Annales Zoologici 72(2): 167-185.
) gastrotrichs have been constantly updated by Brazilian and international researchers leading to a constant improvement of the knowledge of the gastrotrichofauna in both environments along the Brazilian territory (Araújo et al. 2024Araújo TQ, Minowa AK, Garraffoni ARS (2024) Trends on Gastrotricha research: a bibliometric analysis. Biologia.


Overview of Kinorhyncha

The phylum Kinorhyncha (from Greek, kinein, to move + rhynchos, beak) is composed exclusively of marine and free-living metazoans with less than 1 mm in length, inhabiting sand or muddy sediments, from the intertidal zone to abyssal depths throughout the world (Neuhaus and Higgins 2002Neuhaus B, Higgins RP (2002) Ultrastructure, biology and phylogenetic relationships of Kinorhyncha. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42: 619-632.
, Sørensen and Pardos 2008Sørensen MV, Pardos F (2008) Kinorhynch systematics and biology - an introduction to the study of kinorhynchs, inclusive identification keys to the genera. Meiofauna Marina 16: 21-73.). Currently, the taxon contains 342 accepted species distributed in 31 genera and 10 families (Herranz et al. 2022Herranz M, Stiller J, Worsaae K, Sørensen MV (2022) Phylogenomic analyses of mud dragons (Kinorhyncha). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 168: 1-10.
, Neuhaus 2023Neuhaus B (2023) World Kinorhyncha Database. Available online at: Available online at: [Acessed: 29/06/2023] Available online at: [Acessed: 29/06/2023]

The body of a kinorhynch can be divided into three regions: a) head: with a protrusible mouth cone surrounded by oral styles and an eversible introvert equipped with several circles of small scalids; b) neck: with small plates or placids, c) trunk: with eleven segments with spines or tubules bilaterally arranged (Higgins 1988Higgins RP (1988) Kinorhyncha. In: Higgins RP, Thiel H (Eds) Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC, 328-331., Sørensen and Pardos 2008Sørensen MV, Pardos F (2008) Kinorhynch systematics and biology - an introduction to the study of kinorhynchs, inclusive identification keys to the genera. Meiofauna Marina 16: 21-73.).

The name Kinorhyncha and the first subdivision of the taxon were introduced by Dujardin (1851Dujardin F (1851) Sur un petit animal marin, l’Echinodère, formant un type intermédiaire entre les Crustacés et les Vers. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 15: 158-173.). For a long time, kinorhynch diversity was grouped into two major orders: Cyclorhagida and Homalorhagida. This classification was based on systematic hierarchies proposed by Zelinka (1896Zelinka C (1896) Demonstration von Tafeln der Echinoderes- Monographie. Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 6: 197-199., 1907Zelinka C (1907) Zur Kenntnis der Echinoderen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 32: 130-136., 1928Zelinka C (1928) Monographie der Echinodera. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 369 pp.) and Higgins (1964Higgins RP (1964) Three new kinorhynchs from the North Carolina coast. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 14: 479-493.) and recently modified and updated by Higgins (1990Higgins RP (1990) Zelinkaderidae, a new family of cyclorhagid Kinorhyncha. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 500: 1-26.
) and Adrianov and Malakhov (1996Adrianov AV, Malakhov VV (1996) The phylogeny and classification of the class Kinorhyncha. Zoosystematica Rossica 4: 23-44., 1999Adrianov AV, Malakhov VV (1999) Cephalorhyncha of the World Ocean. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, 328 pp.). However, this traditional classification has been revisited by new studies using molecular and morphological data, as distinct studies obtained the taxon Cyclorhagida as non-monophyletic (Dal Zotto et al. 2013dal Zotto M, Di Domenico M, Garraffoni ARS, Sørensen MV (2013) Franciscideres gen. nov. - a new, highly aberrant kinorhynch genus from Brazil, with an analysis of its phylogenetic position. Systematics and Biodiversity 11: 303-321.
, Yamasaki et al. 2013Yamasaki H, Hiruta SF, Kajihara H (2013) Molecular phylogeny of kinorhynchs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 67: 303-310.
, Sørensen et al. 2015Sørensen MV, Dal Zotto M, Rho HS, Herranz M, Sanchez N, Pardos F, Yamasaki H (2015) Phylogeny of Kinorhyncha, based on morphology and two molecular loci. Plos One 10: e0133440.
). Sørensen et al. (2015Sørensen MV, Dal Zotto M, Rho HS, Herranz M, Sanchez N, Pardos F, Yamasaki H (2015) Phylogeny of Kinorhyncha, based on morphology and two molecular loci. Plos One 10: e0133440.
) established the first reconstruction based on morphology and molecular data and proposed a new systematization based on the phylogenetic analyses and assigned class rank to Cyclorhagida and Allomalorhagida, and consequently assigned order rank to the cyclorhagid groups (Echinorhagata, Kentrorhagata, and Xenosomata). This systematization was slightly modified by Herranz et al. (2022Herranz M, Stiller J, Worsaae K, Sørensen MV (2022) Phylogenomic analyses of mud dragons (Kinorhyncha). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 168: 1-10.
) due to new findings regarding the major clades within Kinorhyncha obtained as a result of the first phylogenomic analysis of the taxon including 21 species representing 15 genera: i) Cyclorhagida is composed of three subclades: Xenosomata, Kentrorhagata (now including the aberrant Zelinkaderes) and Echinorhagata, ii) Allomalorhagida is composed of two subclades: Pycnophyidae and Anomoirhaga (now accommodating the aberrant genera Cateria - previously nested within Cyclorhagida - and Franciscideres together with five additional genera).

For a long time, Kinorhyncha was considered a group of the Aschelminthes or Nemathelminthes; however, currently, they are grouped into Scalidophora, along with Priapulida and Loricifera, within the Ecdysozoa clade (Edgecombe et al. 2011Edgecombe GD, Giribet G, Dunn CW, Hejnol A, Kristensen RM, Neves RC, Rouse GW, Worsaae K, Sørensen MV (2011) Higher-level metazoan relationships: recent progress and remaining questions. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 11: 151-172.
, Nielsen 2012Nielsen C (2012) Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 3rd ed., 464 pp.
, Dunn et al. 2014Dunn CW, Giribet G, Edgecombe GD, Hejnol A (2014) Animal phylogeny and its evolutionary implications. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45: 371-395.

Historical background of Kinorhyncha studies in Brazil

The taxonomy of the Brazilian kinorhynchs is incompletely known and only five species have been published so far (Gerlach 1956Gerlach SA (1956) Über einen aberrantenVertreter der Kinorhynchen aus dem Küstengrundwasser. Kieler Meeresforsch 12: 120-124., Higgins 1968Higgins RP (1968) Taxonomy and postembryonic development of the Cryptorhagae, a new suborder for the mesopsammic kinorhynch genus Cateria. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 87: 21-39.
, Sørensen 2011Sørensen MV (2011) Kinorhyncha. In: Amaral ACZ, Nallin SAH (Eds) Biodiversidade e ecossistemas bentônicos marinhos do litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. Instituto de Biologia, São Paulo, 106-110., 2013Sørensen MV (2013) Phylum Kinorhyncha. In: Zhang ZQ (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3703: 63-66.
, 2014Sørensen MV (2014) First account of echinoderid kinorhynchs from Brazil, with the description of three new species. Marine Biodiversity 44: 251-274.
, Dal Zotto et al. 2013dal Zotto M, Di Domenico M, Garraffoni ARS, Sørensen MV (2013) Franciscideres gen. nov. - a new, highly aberrant kinorhynch genus from Brazil, with an analysis of its phylogenetic position. Systematics and Biodiversity 11: 303-321.
, Neuhaus and Kegel 2015Neuhaus B, Kegel A (2015) Redescription of Cateria gerlachi (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida) from Sri Lanka and of C. styx from Brazil, with notes on C. gerlachi from India and C. styx from Chile, and the ground pattern of the genus. Zootaxa 3965(1): 1-77.
). Until 2013, only one aberrant species, Cateria styx Gerlach, 1956, belonging to Cateriidae Gerlach, 1956 was described from intertidal sands in a high-energy beach in Macaé (state of Rio de Janeiro). The taxonomic status of Cateria was discussed by Higgins (1968Higgins RP (1968) Taxonomy and postembryonic development of the Cryptorhagae, a new suborder for the mesopsammic kinorhynch genus Cateria. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 87: 21-39.
) based on new material collected at Toninhas beach in Ubatuba (state of São Paulo) and from Cavaleiros beach in Macaé, near the type location. In this same study, the author also designated a new lectotype and paralectotypes. Recently, Neuhaus and Kegel (2015Neuhaus B, Kegel A (2015) Redescription of Cateria gerlachi (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida) from Sri Lanka and of C. styx from Brazil, with notes on C. gerlachi from India and C. styx from Chile, and the ground pattern of the genus. Zootaxa 3965(1): 1-77.
) conducted a taxonomic restudy of type and non-type specimens belonging to Cateria and for the first time redescribed C. styx using light microscopy techniques.

More than 30 years after Higgins’ study, Sørensen (2011Sørensen MV (2011) Kinorhyncha. In: Amaral ACZ, Nallin SAH (Eds) Biodiversidade e ecossistemas bentônicos marinhos do litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. Instituto de Biologia, São Paulo, 106-110.) published the first report of Echinoderes from Brazil from material collected at São Francisco Beach in São Sebastião and Martim de Sá Beach in Caraguatatuba (state of São Paulo). All specimens collected in São Francisco were juveniles, but the single specimen collected in Martim de Sá was an unidentified species. In 2013, Dal Zotto and co-authors described another aberrant kinorhynch, from Ilhabela and São Sebastião (state of São Paulo) and Guaratuba (state of Paraná), with morphological characters unknown for the entire taxon, called Franciscideres kalenesos Dal Zotto, Di Domenico, Garraffoni & Sørensen, 2013. However, due to uncertainties and conflicting findings between morphological and molecular data, the authors preferred to classify Franciscideres as incertae sedis. After, Sørensen et al. (2015Sørensen MV, Dal Zotto M, Rho HS, Herranz M, Sanchez N, Pardos F, Yamasaki H (2015) Phylogeny of Kinorhyncha, based on morphology and two molecular loci. Plos One 10: e0133440.
) designated the new family Franciscideridae to accommodate Franciscideres and an undescribed new genus based on a phylogenetic relationship obtained by molecular and morphological (with the presence of a neck region with a segment-like ring as an apomorphic feature) data.

Sørensen (2014Sørensen MV (2014) First account of echinoderid kinorhynchs from Brazil, with the description of three new species. Marine Biodiversity 44: 251-274.
) described three new species, Echinoderes ajax, E. marthae, and E. astridae from the Araçá Bay in São Sebastião (state of São Paulo) as part of the project “Biodiversity Inventory of Meiofauna at Araçá Bay”. It is important to point out that the study done by Sørensen (2014Sørensen MV (2014) First account of echinoderid kinorhynchs from Brazil, with the description of three new species. Marine Biodiversity 44: 251-274.
) was only the second contribution to the systematics of Echinoderes (the richest genus in Kinorhyncha) from the entire Atlantic South American coastline.

Quantitative results

A total of 190 species of the three taxa mentioned in the present study were recorded for Brazil until June 2023 (Tardigrada: 97 species; Gastrotricha: 88 species; Kinorhyncha: 5 species) (Fig. 1), from which 66 (35%) are endemic to the country (Tardigrada: 20 species; Gastrotricha: 41 species; Kinorhyncha: 5 species). Interesting to note that all Kinorhyncha species described from Brazil are endemic and respectively, 21% and 46% of Tardigrada and Gastrotricha species are endemic to this country. The average rate of description by year in each phylum is extremely low if we consider the period from the first Brazilian species described within each phylum until now (Tardigrada: 0,23 species/year; Gastrotricha: 1,13 species/year; Kinorhyncha: 0,07 species/year) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1
Number of Tardigrada, Kinorhyncha and Gastrotricha species described or reported to Brazil by year (from 1936 to July 2023).

Atlantic Forest is the biome with the highest number of known species reaching 88 species (Tardigrada: 45; Gastrotricha: 43), followed by 21 from Cerrado (Tardigrada: 5; Gastrotricha: 16), 11 from Amazon Forest (Tardigrada: 2; Gastrotricha: 9), 4 from Caatinga (Tardigrada: 4) and 4 from Pantanal (Gastrotricha: 4) (Figs 2C, 3C). Atlantic Forest also presents the highest proportion of endemic species, with 71 endemic species (Tardigrada: 40; Gastrotricha: 31), whereas Cerrado has 8 endemic species (Tardigrada: 4; Gastrotricha: 4).

Concerning the hydrographic regions, the Paraná Hydrographic Region has 102 species recorded (Tardigrada: 45; Gastrotricha: 57) and showed the highest number of species, followed by the Southeast Atlantic Hydrographic Region with 47 (Tardigrada: 15; Gastrotricha: 32) (Figs 2D, 3D). São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Southeastern Region) are the states with more species records, respectively with 121 (Tardigrada: 50; Gastrotricha: 71) and 22 (Tardigrada: 10; Gastrotricha: 12), whereas Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern Region) have 21 Tardigrada species in each state (Figs 2A, 3A).

Regarding the biogeographic regionalization, terrestrial meiofaunal species were more frequently sampled in the Atlantic province (146, Tardigrada: 90; Gastrotricha: 56), followed by Paraná Forest province (51, Tardigrada: 22; Gastrotricha: 29) and Cerrado province (20, Tardigrada: 5; Gastrotricha: 15) (Figs 2B, 3B), whereas marine meiofaunal species were more often sampled in the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic province (33, Tardigrada: 29; Gastrotricha: 3; Kinorhyncha 1) followed by Warm Temperate Southwestern Atlantic province (37, Tardigrada: 6; Gastrotricha: 27; Kinorhyncha 4) (Figs 2B, 3B).

Figure 2
Map of Brazil in South America showing sampling sites of Tardigrada, Kinorhyncha and Priapulida: (A) the 26 states plus the Federal District; (B) the terrestrial and marine bioregionalization; (C) the six continental biomes following IBGE (2004); (D) the twelve hydrographic regions in the country following ANA (2015).

Figure 3
Map of Brazil in South America showing sampling sites of Gastrotricha: (A) the 26 states plus the Federal District; (B) the terrestrial and marine bioregionalization; (C) the six continental biomes following IBGE (2004); (D) the twelve hydrographic regions in the country following ANA (2015).

The temporal accumulation curve of species of Tardigrada and Gastrotricha shows a linear pattern of increase, not indicating an asymptotic trajectory (Fig. 4A, 4B), which means that the rate of discovery of new species is linearly increasing. For Tardigrada, considering a constant rate of discovery of new species, an average of 194 species would be expected, ranging between 164 and 225 species. This scenario does not change when predicting expected richness based on Family rank. Half of the tardigrade families do not allow any extrapolation due to the low richness (Fig. 4A) and for those we did estimate richness (Hypsibiidae, Halechinis cidae, Macrobiotidae, and Echiniscidae, Fig. 5A) the pattern of temporal accumulation still holds, with a linear increase in species discovery. In Gastrotricha, the pattern is the same as in Tardigrada, a linear increase in species discovery with time leading to an extrapolated number of 167 species, ranging between 133 and 202 species, assuming the same rate of discovery we found till now (Fig. 4B). Estimating the richness of each Gastrotricha family shows a scenario of only four families (out of 10) with sufficient sampling to predict richness (Fig. 5B). Overall, we expect that the number of species of both phyla will double. However, there is a clear uncertainty in each estimation.

Figure 4
Temporal accumulation curve of species of (A) Tardigrada and (B) Gastrotricha and the number of endemic and not endemic species in Brazil. Solid lines depict the interpolated curves, representing the rate of species description over time, while dashed lines extend these curves to show extrapolated rates. The gray areas surrounding the curves signify the 95% upper and lower bound confidence intervals for the estimated species description rates. Actual counts of described species are denoted by dots.

Figure 5
Species richness estimation within (A) Tardigrada and (B) Gastrotricha families in Brazil. Dark dots represent the actual number of described species and gray dots the extrapolated number of species for families with a number of described species that allows extrapolation.


Even though the description of the diversity of meiofaunal taxa has been improved by new techniques and sampling protocols (Fonseca et al. 2018Fonseca G, Fontaneto D, Di Domenico M (2018) Addressing biodiversity shortfalls in meiofauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502: 26-38.
) and they represent an important component of biodiversity in various ecosystems, these taxa are often underestimated due to challenges posed by their extremely small size and the fragility of their bodies (Curini-Galletti et al. 2012Curini-Galletti M, Artois T, Delogu V, De Smet WH, Fontaneto D, Jondelius U, et al. (2012) Patterns of diversity in soft-bodied meiofauna: dispersal ability and body size matter. Plos One 7(3): e33801.
, Garraffoni and Freitas 2017Garraffoni ARS, Freitas AVL (2017) Photos belong in the taxonomic Code. Science 355(6327): 805-805.
, Garraffoni et al. 2019bGarraffoni ARS, Kieneke A, Kolicka M, Corgosinho PH, Prado J, Nihei SS, Freitas AV (2019b) ICZN Declaration 45: a remedy for the nomenclatural and typification dilemma regarding soft-bodied meiofaunal organisms? Marine Biodiversity 49: 2199-2207.
). It can be confidently stated that a significant portion of the research dealing with taxonomic, diversity, and distribution patterns regarding these marine, freshwater, and terrestrial organisms found in Brazil is still in its early stages. This worrisome panorama can be related to the modus operandi to study and identify these fragile organisms with tiny bodies (Garraffoni et al. 2019bGarraffoni ARS, Kieneke A, Kolicka M, Corgosinho PH, Prado J, Nihei SS, Freitas AV (2019b) ICZN Declaration 45: a remedy for the nomenclatural and typification dilemma regarding soft-bodied meiofaunal organisms? Marine Biodiversity 49: 2199-2207.
); the time-consuming activity and resources required to train a taxonomist, and the low number of Brazilian experts dedicated to the study of these taxa (see below). Thus, Brazilian meiofaunal taxa exemplify well the groups that are globally under pressure and have shortfalls in accessing biodiversity knowledge, two of which (among a total of seven) are known as the Linnean and Wallacean shortfalls (Hortal et al. 2015Hortal J, de Bello F, Diniz-Filho JAF, Lewinsohn TM, Lobo JM, Ladle RJ (2015) Seven Shortfalls that Beset Large-Scale Knowledge of Biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 46(1): 523-549.

The discrepancy between the number of described species and the number of existing species is referred to as the Linnean deficit (Hortal et al. 2015Hortal J, de Bello F, Diniz-Filho JAF, Lewinsohn TM, Lobo JM, Ladle RJ (2015) Seven Shortfalls that Beset Large-Scale Knowledge of Biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 46(1): 523-549.
). This deficiency can be particularly severe in meiofauna (Fonseca et al. 2018Fonseca G, Fontaneto D, Di Domenico M (2018) Addressing biodiversity shortfalls in meiofauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502: 26-38.
), as the number of studies aiming to discover new species is markedly lower compared to research on macrofauna (Fenchel and Finlay 2004Fenchel T, Finlay BJ (2004) The ubiquity of small species: patterns of local and global diversity. Bioscience 54(8): 777-784.[0777:TUOSSP]2.0.CO;2). The Wallacean deficit is related to the lack of information regarding the geographic distribution of species and low sampling effort due to geographical and accessibility constraints (Hortal et al. 2015Hortal J, de Bello F, Diniz-Filho JAF, Lewinsohn TM, Lobo JM, Ladle RJ (2015) Seven Shortfalls that Beset Large-Scale Knowledge of Biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 46(1): 523-549.
). It is worth noting that both deficiencies lead to a specific problem in meiofauna, known as the “paradox of meiofauna” (Giere 2009Giere O (2009) Meiobenthology: the microscopic motile fauna of aquatic sediments. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, 2nd ed., 527 pp.). The scarcity of taxonomic knowledge on the species level results in imprecise species delimitation and misidentification, leading these species to exhibit artificially ubiquitous distributions, which is paradoxical for small benthic meiofaunal organisms with limited dispersal capability, short life cycle, and no pelagic larval phase (Fenchel and Finlay 2004Fenchel T, Finlay BJ (2004) The ubiquity of small species: patterns of local and global diversity. Bioscience 54(8): 777-784.[0777:TUOSSP]2.0.CO;2, Fonseca et al. 2018Fonseca G, Fontaneto D, Di Domenico M (2018) Addressing biodiversity shortfalls in meiofauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502: 26-38.

In addition to the low number of known species, there are a limited number of experts specialized in the identification of these animals, which is reflected in the scarcity of biogeographic, ecological, and diversity studies. Furthermore, there is a lack of suitable type (series) material, limited descriptions, and few photographic or illustrative records (Garraffoni and Freitas 2017Garraffoni ARS, Freitas AVL (2017) Photos belong in the taxonomic Code. Science 355(6327): 805-805.
, Garraffoni et al. 2019bGarraffoni ARS, Kieneke A, Kolicka M, Corgosinho PH, Prado J, Nihei SS, Freitas AV (2019b) ICZN Declaration 45: a remedy for the nomenclatural and typification dilemma regarding soft-bodied meiofaunal organisms? Marine Biodiversity 49: 2199-2207.
). This issue affects a considerable portion of these taxa, leading to confusion in identifications and ‘false’ occurrence records, thereby hindering biogeographic, phylogenetic, and diversity studies and raising questions about the accuracy of this information, compromising future research efforts (Cerca et al. 2018Cerca J, Purschke G, Struck TH (2018) Marine connectivity dynamics: clarifying cosmopolitan distributions of marine interstitial invertebrates and the meiofauna paradox. Marine Biology 165: 1-21.
, Garraffoni et al. 2021Garraffoni ARS, Sørensen MV, Worsaae K, Di Domenico M, Sales LP, Santos J, Lourenço A (2021) Geographical sampling bias on the assessment of endemism areas for marine meiobenthic fauna. Cladistics 37(5): 571-585.
, Magpali et al. 2021Magpali L, Machado DR, Araújo TQ, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Long distance dispersal and pseudo-cryptic species in Gastrotricha: first description of a new species (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae, Polymerurus) from an oceanic island with volcanic rocks. European Journal of taxonomy 746: 62-93.

As pointed out by Garraffoni et al. (2021Garraffoni ARS, Sørensen MV, Worsaae K, Di Domenico M, Sales LP, Santos J, Lourenço A (2021) Geographical sampling bias on the assessment of endemism areas for marine meiobenthic fauna. Cladistics 37(5): 571-585.
), the available information on global meiofaunal diversity has a strong bias in favor of the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere. Tardigrades, gastrotrichs, and kinorhynchs were first described in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries, but in Brazil, new species were only discovered in the 20th and 21st centuries. Marcus (1937Marcus E (1937) Sôbre a anabiose dos Tardigrados, com descrição de uma nova espécie. Boletim Biologico 3(5): 7-13.) described the first Brazilian freshwater/limnoterrestrial tardigrade and successively brought to light a marine species - that came to be the first description for the Southern Hemisphere (Marcus 1946Marcus E (1946) Batillipes pennaki, a new marine tardigrade from the North and South American Atlantic coast. Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo 33(2): 1-3.). Kisielewski (1987Kisielewski J (1987) Two new interesting genera of Gastrotricha (Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida) from the Brazilian freshwater psammon. Hydrobiologia 153(1): 23-30.
) contributed with the first freshwater gastrotrichs followed by marine species of Todaro and Rocha (2004Todaro MA, Rocha CE (2004) Diversity and distribution of marine Gastrotricha along the northern beaches of the State of São Paulo (Brazil), with description of a new species of Macrodasys (Macrodasyida, Macrodasyidae). Journal of Natural History 38: 1605-1634.
). Kinorhyncha had its first description by Gerlach (1956Gerlach SA (1956) Über einen aberrantenVertreter der Kinorhynchen aus dem Küstengrundwasser. Kieler Meeresforsch 12: 120-124.). If we consider the first Brazilian researchers that participated in the description of new species of these taxa, the numbers are even worse: first on freshwater Tardigrada was done by de Barros (1938de Barros R (1938) Macrobiotus evelinae, uma nova espécie de tardígrados. Boletim Biológico (Nova Série) 3: 52-54.), and marine one by Santos et al. (2017Santos É, da Rocha CMC, Gomes Júnior EL, Fontoura P (2017) Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast. Zootaxa 4243(3): 483-502.
); freshwater Gastrotricha by Garraffoni and Melchior (2015Garraffoni ARS, Melchior MP (2015) New species and new records of freshwater Heterolepidoderma (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotidae) from Brazil with an identification key to the genus. Zootaxa 4057(4): 551-568.
); Kinorhyncha by Dal Zotto et al. (2013dal Zotto M, Di Domenico M, Garraffoni ARS, Sørensen MV (2013) Franciscideres gen. nov. - a new, highly aberrant kinorhynch genus from Brazil, with an analysis of its phylogenetic position. Systematics and Biodiversity 11: 303-321.

Interesting to note that the sampling bias can also be observed on a regional scale, as most of the meiofauna sampling sites in Brazil are concentrated in the state of São Paulo. This unequal distribution of the sampling effort is directly related to human and financial factors. São Paulo houses the first meiofaunal studies done in Brazil in the early XX century (see Introduction and Historical background of Tardigrada, Kinorhyncha and Gastrotricha studies in Brazil) and also has the financial support provided by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) through the Biota Program, which contributed to provide structural and logistical support that leverages the advancement of our knowledge about the fauna and plant biodiversity in this state (Joly et al. 2010Joly CA, Rodrigues RR, Metzger JP, Haddad CF, Verdade LM, Oliveira MC, Bolzani VS (2010) Biodiversity conservation research, training, and policy in São Paulo. Science 328: 1358-1359., Percequillo et al. 2022Percequillo AR, Barbosa MFC, Bockmann FA, Bogoni JA, Esguícero ALH, Lamas C, Moraes GJ, Pinto-da-Rocha R, Silveira LF (2022) Natural history museums and zoological collections of São Paulo State. Biota Neotropica 22(spe): e20221426.

There are several methods, with different degrees of complexity to estimate richness, ranging from expert opinion to extrapolation from samples and rates of species description (May 1988May RM (1988) How many species are there on earth? Science 241: 1441-1449.
, Costello and Wilson 2011Costello MJ, Wilson SP (2011) Predicting the number of known and unknown species in European seas using rates of description. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 319-330.
, Mora et al. 2011Mora C, Tittensor DP, Adl S, Simpson AGB, Worm B (2011) How many species are there on Earth and in the ocean? Plos Biology 9: e1001127.
, Bartels et al. 2016Bartels PJ, Apodaca JJ, Mora C, Nelson DR (2016) A global biodiversity estimate of a poorly known taxon: phylum Tardigrada. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 730-736.
). Nevertheless, regardless of the chosen method, it is still quite impossible to ascertain how many species there are of most zoological groups (Mora et al. 2011, Caley et al. 2014Caley MJ, Fisher R, Mengersen K (2014) Global species richness estimates have not converged. TREE 29: 187-188.
) mainly because research and funding in systematics/taxonomy lag behind the number of species to be discovered.

Our analysis showed that the cumulative richness, observed and extrapolated, of Tardigrada and Gastrotricha, are unsaturated, that is, did not reach an asymptote. Furthermore, the analysis among families within each Phylum showed an asymmetry in richness showing some taxa are sampled less frequently which could be just the evolutionary result of macroevolution between lineages and/or a sampling effect. Thus, we are aware that the explanatory power of our results from the species cumulative curve of both taxa is weaker than we would expect. This happened because there is a true hidden taxonomic diversity yet to be described due to inventory incompleteness, and, unfortunately, a pattern similar is observed for marine tardigrades and gastrotrichs (Costello and Wilson 2011Costello MJ, Wilson SP (2011) Predicting the number of known and unknown species in European seas using rates of description. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 319-330.
, Bartels et al. 2016Bartels PJ, Apodaca JJ, Mora C, Nelson DR (2016) A global biodiversity estimate of a poorly known taxon: phylum Tardigrada. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 730-736.

Currently, there are few groups of researchers in Brazil dedicated to studying the meiofaunal groups analyzed in the present contribution, such as Clélia Rocha, who focuses on marine tardigrades, at the “Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco”; André Rinaldo Senna Garraffoni, who focuses on limnoterrestrial tardigrades, freshwater and marine Gastrotricha, and Kinorhyncha at “Universidade Estadual de Campinas” and Maikon Di Domenico, who focuses on Kinorhyncha, at “Universidade Federal do Paraná”. Thus, the training of new researchers in the taxonomy/systematics of these meiofaunal groups and the consolidation of these research groups is crucial to continue their legacy. Nevertheless, despite the difficulties mentioned and discussed above regarding the study of these meiofaunal groups, some actions have been taken to change their current state of knowledge.

In the last years, Brazilian meiofaunal researchers have been trying to increase the students’ engagement and interest in meiofaunal taxa by organizing regular symposiums, such as the V International Scalidophora Workshop (2019), I Brazilian Symposium of Meiofauna (2020), II Brazilian Symposium of Meiofauna (2021) and I Brazilian Symposium of Tardigrada (2022). These kinds of events are great opportunities for senior researchers to share their knowledge in many fields with younger researchers. Furthermore, increasing the number of undergraduate lectures that aim to teach how to collect, sort, and identify these tiny animals, can also help to make them more visible and attractive to undergraduate and graduate students (Guidetti et al. 2021Guidetti EB, Campos A, Batistão AR, Silva AT, Bilatto CG, Salgado KA, Araújo TQ, Garraffoni ARS (2021) Gastrotrichs and tardigrades in a remnant of Atlantic Forest (Serra do Japi, SP, Brazil). Biota Neotropica 21(2): e20201165.

In conclusion, given the sporadic nature in which the gastrotrichs, tardigrades, and kinorhynchs fauna have been studied in Brazil, several shortfalls still need to be addressed, mainly Linnaean, Wallacean, and Darwinian shortfalls. Some goals are considered priorities for Brazilian meiofauna researchers, such as: a) a review of species that have Brazil as the type-site and indication of neotypes, since the original specimen has not been preserved or has been lost; b) an expansion of sample areas, since a significant part of the Brazilian territory remains unexplored; and c) training of new specialists in this taxon, especially in taxonomy and ecology.


ARSG thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq Protax, proc. 22/2020) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, proc. 2014/23856-0, 2018/10313-0, 2021/05612-0) for financial support. MM thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, proc. 307602/2022-2) for financial support. We also acknowledge Yasmina Shah Esmaeili for the English revision of the manuscript.


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  • ZooBank register
  • How to cite this article

    Garraffoni ARS, Campos A, Minowa AK, Santos É, Moura M, Barros RC, Araújo TQ (2024) Expanding the taxonomic catalog of Brazilian meiofauna: diversity and distribution of the neglected phyla Tardigrada, Gastrotricha, and Kinorhyncha. Zoologia 41: e23060.
  • Published by

    Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia at Scientific Electronic Library Online (

Edited by

Editorial responsibility

Walter A.P. Boeger

Data availability

Data citations

Neuhaus B (2023) World Kinorhyncha Database. Available online at: Available online at: [Acessed: 29/06/2023] Available online at: [Acessed: 29/06/2023]

Santos É, Gomes Júnior EL, Barros RC (2023) Tardigrada in Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil. PNUD, available online at: PNUD, available online at: [Acessed: 28/07/2023]

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    17 Sept 2023
  • Accepted
    10 Jan 2024
  • Corrected
    09 Aug 2024
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