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Effects of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on the metabolic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients



The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the control of diabetes mellitus in patients are largely unknown. In this study we aimed to analyze the impact of the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown on the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Subjects and methods:

A total of 7,321patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (4,501 from the pre-pandemic period, 2,820 from the post-pandemic period) were studied retrospectively.


The admission of patients with diabetes melitus (DM) decreased significantly during the pandemic (4,501 pre-pandemic vs. 2,820 post-pandemic; p < 0.001). The mean age of patients was statistically lower (51.5 ± 14.0 vs. 49.7 ± 14.5 years; p < 0.001), and the mean glycated hemoglobin (A1c) level was significantly higher (7.9% ± 2.4% vs. 7.3% ± 1.7%; p < 0.001) in the post-pandemic period than in the pre-pandemic. The female/male ratio was similar in both periods (59.9%/40.1% for pre-pandemic, 58.6%/41.4% for post-pandemic; p = 0.304). As calculated by month the pre-pandemic rate of women was higher only in January (53.1% vs. 60.6%, p = 0.02). Mean A1c levels were higher in the postpandemic period than in the same month of the previous year, excluding July and October (p = 0.001 for November, p < 0.001 for others). Postpandemic patients admitted to the outpatient clinic were significantly younger than prepandemic visits for July (p = 0.001), August (p < 0.001) and December (p < 0.001).


The lockdown had detrimental effects on blood sugar management in patients with DM. Hence, diet and exercise programs should be adapted to home conditions, and social and psychological support should be provided to patients with DM.

COVID-19; pandemic; lockdown; diabetes mellitus; glycated hemoglobin


COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO)has designated it the been named “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2) by the World Health Organization (WHO) ( 11 Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, Zhang L, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet. 2020;395(10223):497-506. , 22 World Health Organization (WHO). Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it. 2020. Available from:
). In December 2019, it was first diagnosed in China and subsequently spread to nearly every country in the world. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic ( 33 World Health Organization (WHO). Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). (Updated July 31, 2020). 2020. Available from:
). Soon after, several countries started to apply lockdown procedures ( 44 Wikipedia. COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Available from:
). Under the pandemic lockdown, to minimize visits to hospitals, patients with chronic diseases were allowed to continue their medications without a doctor's prescription ( 44 Wikipedia. COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Available from:

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder that has become a rapidly growing problem globally, with implications for social life, well-being, and the economic condition of patients ( 55 Kaul K, Tarr JM, Ahmad SI, Kohner EM, Chibber R. Introduction to diabetes mellitus. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;771:1-11. ). Moreover, DM is one of the most prevalent comorbidities among COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization ( 66 Azevedo RB, Botelho BG, Hollanda JVG, Ferreira LVL, Junqueira de Andrade LZ, Oei SSML, et al. Covid-19 and the cardiovascular system: a comprehensive review. J Hum Hypertens. 2021;35(1):4-11. ). As many other health services were shut down during the pandemic, there was a decrease in access to adequate medical help and hospitalization for patients with non-COVID-19 pathologies ( 77 Verhoeven V, Tsakitzidis G, Philips H, Royen PV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the core functions of primary care: will the cure be worse than the disease? A qualitative interview study in Flemish GPs. BMJ Open. 2020;10:e039674. ). Due to the lockdown, there have been reports of several problems in the management of chronic diseases such as DM.

In light of this information, we aim to analyze the effects of the lockdown on the control of type 2 DM in patients during the pandemic.


We scanned the hospital records of DM patients with DM from the pre-pandemic period (June 2019 to January 2020) and the post-pandemic period (June 2020 to January 2021) to collect information. We evaluated all patients over 18 with type 2 DM (n: 7,321) who applied to the endocrinology outpatient clinic of Harran University Hospital, and we noted their glycated hemoglobin (A1c) levels, age, and gender. Of these 7,321 cases, 4,501 were pre-pandemic, and 2,820 were post-pandemic. None of them were excluded from this study. We also compared pre and post-pandemic cases according to in a month. Harran University's ethics committee approved the study protocol on November 9, 2020 (protocol number: 19/25) according to the ethical principles for human research specified in the Declaration of Helsinki.

We analyzed the data collected for the study analyzed using SPSS version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). The data were shown as a mean ± SD. Continuous variables were analyzed using a t-test. We used the X2 test to compare categorical data with an A value of p < 0.05 considered to be statistically significant.


The number of patients who applied to the endocrinology outpatient clinic was significantly lower after the pandemic than in the pre-pandemic period (4,501 vs . 2,820; p < 0.001). The mean age of patients was statistically higher (p < 0.001) in the post-pandemic period (51.5 ± 14.0 years) as compared to the pre-pandemic period (49.7 ± 14.5 years). The mean A1c value was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the post-pandemic period (7.9% ± 2.4%) than in the pre-pandemic period (7.3% ± 1.7%). The proportion of women in both periods was comparable (59.9% for pre-pandemic, 58.6% for post-pandemic; p = 0.304).

In addition, we compared data from pre and post-pandemic periods on a monthly basis. The mean A1c levels in the post-pandemic period were higher compared with the pre-pandemic period in all months, except July and October (p = 0.001 for November, p < 0.001 for others; Figure 1 ). Patients visiting post-pandemic were significantly younger than those visiting pre-pandemic for July, August, and December (p = 0.001 for July, p < 0.001 for August, p < 0.001 for December; Figure 2 ). There were no differences in terms of gender between the groups except in January (p = 0.02). The comparisons for each month are shown in Table 1 .

Figure 1
Mean A1c levels of patients during each month.
Figure 2
Mean age of patients visiting each month.
Table 1
Month-wise comparison of gender, age and A1c levels of patients


In our study on the effects of the pandemic, we found the following: (I) The number of patients admitted to the endocrinology outpatient clinic due to type 2 DM decreased significantly post-pandemic; (II) the number of admissions to the outpatient clinic decreased among elderly patients during the pandemic period; (III) the mean A1c level increased as a result of the pandemic; and (IV) the detrimental effect of the lockdown on metabolic regulation in patients continued for months afterward.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is global and affects all populations, it had more adverse consequences for patients with chronic illnesses, including diabetes ( 88 Danhieux K, Buffel V, Pairon A, Benkheil A, Remmen R, Wouters E, et al. The impact of COVID-19 on chronic care according to providers: a qualitative study among primary care practices in Belgium. BMC Fam Pract. 2020;21:255. ). Routine health care for patients with chronic diseases suffered delays due to the fear of exposure to the coronavirus ( 77 Verhoeven V, Tsakitzidis G, Philips H, Royen PV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the core functions of primary care: will the cure be worse than the disease? A qualitative interview study in Flemish GPs. BMJ Open. 2020;10:e039674. , 88 Danhieux K, Buffel V, Pairon A, Benkheil A, Remmen R, Wouters E, et al. The impact of COVID-19 on chronic care according to providers: a qualitative study among primary care practices in Belgium. BMC Fam Pract. 2020;21:255. ). The nationwide lockdowns by governments to prevent its spread have drastically affected the patients with DM, leading to poor glycemic control as they lost their required comprehensive care ( 99 Banerjee M, Chakraborty S, Pal R. Diabetes self-management amid COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020;14(4):351-4. ). Although it is well known that patients with DM have a significantly higher risk of disease severity and associated mortality during SARS-CoV-2 infection, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on overall DM control is still largely unclear ( 1010 Varikasuvu SR, Dutt N, Thangappazham B, Varshney B. Diabetes and COVID-19: a pooled analysis related to disease severity and mortality. Prim Care Diabetes. 2021;15(1):24-7. ).

In one study, Ikesu and cols. found that the number of tests for A1c significantly decreased in Japanese acute care hospitals during weeks 9-17 of 2020, compared to weeks 2-8 of 2020 ( 1111 Ikesu R, Miyawaki A, Sugiyama T, Nakamura M, Ninomiya H, Kobayashi Y. Trends in diabetes care during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan: an observational study. J Gen Intern Med. 2021;19:1-3. ). However, they considered only the number of tests and not the result values obtained from the tests. Xue and cols. showed that the fasting plasma glucose levels in elderly patients with type 2 DM increased during the COVID-19 outbreak ( 1212 Xue T, Li Q, Zhang Q, Lin W, Wen J, Li L, et al. Blood glucose levels in elderly subjects with type 2 diabetes during COVID-19 outbreak: a retrospective study in a single center. medRxiv. 2020.03.31.20048579. ). In our study, we observed that A1c levels increased as a result of the pandemic.

Various factors can influence metabolic glucose control during the pandemic in patients with DM. Disasters such as wars, floods, earthquakes, and pandemics tend to affect the patient but also the patient's relatives, followed by the whole social environment ( 1313 Al-Sharafi BA, Al-Tahami B. The effect of war on the control of diabetes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Yemen: A cross-sectional study. Endocr Metab Syndr. 2017;6(4):1-5.1717 World Health Organization (WHO). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Accessed April 9, 2020. [Internet]. Available from:
). These situations lead to fear and anxiety in the population, disrupting the natural flow of life ( 1313 Al-Sharafi BA, Al-Tahami B. The effect of war on the control of diabetes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Yemen: A cross-sectional study. Endocr Metab Syndr. 2017;6(4):1-5.1818 Roy T, Lloyd CE. Epidemiology of depression and diabetes: a systematic review. J Affect Disord. 2012;142:S8-21. ). A pandemic will aggravate negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, which are already prevalent in people with diabetes ( 1919 Raval A, Dhanaraj E, Bhansali A, Grover S, Tiwari P. Prevalence and determinants of depression in type 2 diabetes patients in a tertiary care center. Indian J Med Res. 2010;132:195-200. , 2020 Domènech-Abella J, Mundó J, Haro JM, Rubio-Valera M. Anxiety, depression, loneliness and social network in the elderly: longitudinal associations from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). J Affect Disord. 2019;246:82-8. ). Furthermore, it has been seen that disrupted social communication leading to isolation and loneliness can cause anxiety and depression in elders and negatively affect their health in many ways ( 2121 Courtin E, Knapp M. Social isolation, loneliness and health in old age: a scoping review. Health Soc Care Commun. 2017;25:799-812. , 2222 American Diabetes Association. Facilitating behavior change and well-being to improve health outcomes: standards of medical care in diabetes 2020. Diabetes Care. 2020;43:S48-65. ). These unhealthy emotions and social isolation can affect glycemic control in people with DM ( 99 Banerjee M, Chakraborty S, Pal R. Diabetes self-management amid COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020;14(4):351-4. , 2121 Courtin E, Knapp M. Social isolation, loneliness and health in old age: a scoping review. Health Soc Care Commun. 2017;25:799-812. , 2323 Palmer K, Monaco A, Kivipelto M, Onder G, Maggi S, Michel JP, et al. The potential long-term impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on patients with non-communicable diseases in Europe: consequences for healthy ageing. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020;32(7):1189-94. ). A second factor contributing to aggravated diabetes is the limiting and delaying of outpatient visits for routine management of chronic illnesses to reduce the burden on hospitals and the risk of infection ( 2424 Monaco A, Palmer K, Marengoni A, Maggi S, Hassan TA, Donde S. Integrated care for the management of ageing-related non-communicable diseases: current gaps and future directions. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020;32:1353-8. ). Third, many people decreased their levels of physical activity because of strict quarantine measures and movement restrictions. The closure of gymnasiums, swimming pools, and exercise clubs, as well as restricted access to open spaces and free movement, reduced the opportunity for exercise ( 2323 Palmer K, Monaco A, Kivipelto M, Onder G, Maggi S, Michel JP, et al. The potential long-term impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on patients with non-communicable diseases in Europe: consequences for healthy ageing. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020;32(7):1189-94. ). It has been found that increased insulin resistance and worsening glucose control are significantly associated with uninterrupted sitting for prolonged periods ( 2525 Saunders TJ, Atkinson HF, Burr J, MacEwen B, Skeaff CM, Peddie MC. The acute metabolic and vascular impact of interrupting prolonged sitting: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med. 2018;48:2347-66. ). Fourth, quarantine has affected eating habits in different ways from society to society, leading to some negative consequences ( 2626 Özlem A, Mehmet N. Eating habits changes during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. ESTÜDAM Public Health J. 2020(COVID-19 Special Issue);5:169-77. ). Although homemade meals were preferred during the pandemic over fast foods, the unrestricted consumption of oily and high-calorie homemade food such as pastries, French fries, nuts, and dried fruits increased ( 2727 Kriaucioniene V, Bagdonaviciene L, Rodríguez-Pérez C, Petkeviciene J. Associations between changes in health behaviours and body weight during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Lithuania: The Lithuanian COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(10):3119.2929 Kaya S, Uzdil Z, Cakiroğlu FP. Evaluation of the effects of fear and anxiety on nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Public Health Nutr. 2021;24(2):282-9. ). At the same time, the frequency of meals also increased due to quarantine and stress ( 2727 Kriaucioniene V, Bagdonaviciene L, Rodríguez-Pérez C, Petkeviciene J. Associations between changes in health behaviours and body weight during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Lithuania: The Lithuanian COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(10):3119. ). The tendency to gain weight increased, especially in individuals who were already overweight, obese, or older ( 2727 Kriaucioniene V, Bagdonaviciene L, Rodríguez-Pérez C, Petkeviciene J. Associations between changes in health behaviours and body weight during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Lithuania: The Lithuanian COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(10):3119.

28 Sidor A, Rzymski P. Dietary choices and habits during COVID-19 lockdown: experience from Poland. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1657.

29 Kaya S, Uzdil Z, Cakiroğlu FP. Evaluation of the effects of fear and anxiety on nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Public Health Nutr. 2021;24(2):282-9.
- 3030 Di Renzo L, Gualtieri P, Pivari F, Soldati L, Attinà A, Cinelli G, et al. Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. J Transl Med. 2020;18(1):229. ). Fifth, the frequency of smoking increased significantly among smokers during the quarantine ( 3131 Tzu-Hsuan ChenD. The psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in smoking behavior: evidence from a nationwide survey in the UK. Tob Prev Cessat. 2020;6:59. , 3232 Vanderbruggen N, Matthys F, Van Laere S, Zeeuws D, Santermans L, Van den Ameele S, et al. Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during COVID-19 lockdown Measures: Results from a Web-Based Survey. Eur Addict Res 2020;26(6):309-15. ). The link between smoking and poor metabolic control of diabetes is already well established ( 3333 Molla GJ, Ismail-Beigi F, Larijani B, Khaloo P, Moosaie F, Alemi H, et al. Smoking and diabetes control in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: A nationwide study from the 2018 National Program for Prevention and Control of Diabetes of Iran. Can J Diabetes. 2020;44(3):246-52. ). Lastly, Kostoglou-Athanassiou and cols. have already shown that vitamin D deficiency contributes to poor glycemic control of diabetes ( 3434 Kostoglou-Athanassiou I, Athanassiou P, Gkountouvas A, Kaldrymides P, Vitamin D and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2013;4(4):122-8. ). Home isolation during the pandemic caused a drastic reduction in the hours spent outside in sunlight, leading to the prevalence of low vitamin D levels ( 3434 Kostoglou-Athanassiou I, Athanassiou P, Gkountouvas A, Kaldrymides P, Vitamin D and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2013;4(4):122-8. ).

On March 22, 2020, in Turkey, individuals over the age of 65 and those suffering from chronic diseases were restricted from leaving their homes within the scope of pandemic measures. Since the spread of the disease could not be controlled effectively even after these preliminary restrictions, on April 10, the government imposed the first curfew restriction. All citizens were asked to stay at home, except under certain essential circumstances. In June 2020, the measures were relaxed. However, due to the continuing increase in the number of cases, the government reinstated hard restrictions in November 2020. The fact that deterioration of glucose regulation in patients with DM coincided with the lockdown while improvement in glucose regulation coincided with the relaxation of lockdown suggests that lockdowns have a detrimental effect on diabetes control.

As this is study is a retrospective study based on hospital records, data on a diet, physical activity, income, number of births, household members, time of diabetes, and previous insulin use could not be presented. This is an important limitation in our study.

In conclusion, these data suggest that patients with DM need close monitoring during quarantine with several methods such as home care or tele-healthcare. Appropriate diet and exercise programs should also be organized for them to follow at home. It is also essential to provide them with ample social and psychological support to reduce the negative emotions of fear and anxiety arising from social isolation.

  • Sponsorship: preparation for publication of this article is supported by the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey




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    Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, Zhang L, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet. 2020;395(10223):497-506.
  • 2
    World Health Organization (WHO). Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it. 2020. Available from:
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    World Health Organization (WHO). Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). (Updated July 31, 2020). 2020. Available from:
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    Wikipedia. COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Available from:
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    Kaul K, Tarr JM, Ahmad SI, Kohner EM, Chibber R. Introduction to diabetes mellitus. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;771:1-11.
  • 6
    Azevedo RB, Botelho BG, Hollanda JVG, Ferreira LVL, Junqueira de Andrade LZ, Oei SSML, et al. Covid-19 and the cardiovascular system: a comprehensive review. J Hum Hypertens. 2021;35(1):4-11.
  • 7
    Verhoeven V, Tsakitzidis G, Philips H, Royen PV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the core functions of primary care: will the cure be worse than the disease? A qualitative interview study in Flemish GPs. BMJ Open. 2020;10:e039674.
  • 8
    Danhieux K, Buffel V, Pairon A, Benkheil A, Remmen R, Wouters E, et al. The impact of COVID-19 on chronic care according to providers: a qualitative study among primary care practices in Belgium. BMC Fam Pract. 2020;21:255.
  • 9
    Banerjee M, Chakraborty S, Pal R. Diabetes self-management amid COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020;14(4):351-4.
  • 10
    Varikasuvu SR, Dutt N, Thangappazham B, Varshney B. Diabetes and COVID-19: a pooled analysis related to disease severity and mortality. Prim Care Diabetes. 2021;15(1):24-7.
  • 11
    Ikesu R, Miyawaki A, Sugiyama T, Nakamura M, Ninomiya H, Kobayashi Y. Trends in diabetes care during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan: an observational study. J Gen Intern Med. 2021;19:1-3.
  • 12
    Xue T, Li Q, Zhang Q, Lin W, Wen J, Li L, et al. Blood glucose levels in elderly subjects with type 2 diabetes during COVID-19 outbreak: a retrospective study in a single center. medRxiv. 2020.03.31.20048579.
  • 13
    Al-Sharafi BA, Al-Tahami B. The effect of war on the control of diabetes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Yemen: A cross-sectional study. Endocr Metab Syndr. 2017;6(4):1-5.
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    World Health Organization (WHO). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Accessed April 9, 2020. [Internet]. Available from:
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    Roy T, Lloyd CE. Epidemiology of depression and diabetes: a systematic review. J Affect Disord. 2012;142:S8-21.
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    Raval A, Dhanaraj E, Bhansali A, Grover S, Tiwari P. Prevalence and determinants of depression in type 2 diabetes patients in a tertiary care center. Indian J Med Res. 2010;132:195-200.
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    Domènech-Abella J, Mundó J, Haro JM, Rubio-Valera M. Anxiety, depression, loneliness and social network in the elderly: longitudinal associations from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). J Affect Disord. 2019;246:82-8.
  • 21
    Courtin E, Knapp M. Social isolation, loneliness and health in old age: a scoping review. Health Soc Care Commun. 2017;25:799-812.
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    American Diabetes Association. Facilitating behavior change and well-being to improve health outcomes: standards of medical care in diabetes 2020. Diabetes Care. 2020;43:S48-65.
  • 23
    Palmer K, Monaco A, Kivipelto M, Onder G, Maggi S, Michel JP, et al. The potential long-term impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on patients with non-communicable diseases in Europe: consequences for healthy ageing. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020;32(7):1189-94.
  • 24
    Monaco A, Palmer K, Marengoni A, Maggi S, Hassan TA, Donde S. Integrated care for the management of ageing-related non-communicable diseases: current gaps and future directions. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020;32:1353-8.
  • 25
    Saunders TJ, Atkinson HF, Burr J, MacEwen B, Skeaff CM, Peddie MC. The acute metabolic and vascular impact of interrupting prolonged sitting: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med. 2018;48:2347-66.
  • 26
    Özlem A, Mehmet N. Eating habits changes during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. ESTÜDAM Public Health J. 2020(COVID-19 Special Issue);5:169-77.
  • 27
    Kriaucioniene V, Bagdonaviciene L, Rodríguez-Pérez C, Petkeviciene J. Associations between changes in health behaviours and body weight during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Lithuania: The Lithuanian COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(10):3119.
  • 28
    Sidor A, Rzymski P. Dietary choices and habits during COVID-19 lockdown: experience from Poland. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1657.
  • 29
    Kaya S, Uzdil Z, Cakiroğlu FP. Evaluation of the effects of fear and anxiety on nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Public Health Nutr. 2021;24(2):282-9.
  • 30
    Di Renzo L, Gualtieri P, Pivari F, Soldati L, Attinà A, Cinelli G, et al. Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. J Transl Med. 2020;18(1):229.
  • 31
    Tzu-Hsuan ChenD. The psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in smoking behavior: evidence from a nationwide survey in the UK. Tob Prev Cessat. 2020;6:59.
  • 32
    Vanderbruggen N, Matthys F, Van Laere S, Zeeuws D, Santermans L, Van den Ameele S, et al. Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during COVID-19 lockdown Measures: Results from a Web-Based Survey. Eur Addict Res 2020;26(6):309-15.
  • 33
    Molla GJ, Ismail-Beigi F, Larijani B, Khaloo P, Moosaie F, Alemi H, et al. Smoking and diabetes control in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: A nationwide study from the 2018 National Program for Prevention and Control of Diabetes of Iran. Can J Diabetes. 2020;44(3):246-52.
  • 34
    Kostoglou-Athanassiou I, Athanassiou P, Gkountouvas A, Kaldrymides P, Vitamin D and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2013;4(4):122-8.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 May 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Dec 2021
  • Accepted
    13 Nov 2022
Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia Rua Botucatu, 572 - Conjuntos 81/83, CEP: 04023-061 , Tel: +55 (11) 5575-0311 / +55 (11) 9 9768-6933 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil